
How to keep cut flowers fresh. How to keep hair fresh on the second (third and even fourth) day

Very often in household there is a lack of information on how to keep fruits and vegetables fresh and tasty. When stored in the refrigerator, food can also deteriorate if you do not know special tricks to extend the shelf life of certain products. Worth learning some secrets proper storage so that only high-quality and fresh fruits and vegetables.

dry storage

If vegetables and fruits are purchased for the purpose long-term storage they should not be washed immediately. Stubborn dirt should be removed from the products exclusively in a dry way, they can be wiped with soft cloths or paper towels, but in no case should they be washed. Water can destroy the protective invisible film of fresh food, resulting in rotting and mold formation. Thus, you can keep the freshness of fruits or vegetables on long time.

If a person did not know this rule and washed the products, it is important to wipe vegetables and fruits very carefully until dry. Dryness prevents rotting. If the products have not been washed, but they tend to release liquid (for example, very ripe fruit can let in juice), before storing them, it is necessary to line the bottom of the container where fruits or vegetables will be placed with dry paper towels. The paper will absorb all the secreted juices and prevent subsequent rotting or mold.

Storage without refrigeration

How to keep fruit fresh longer? It is important to know the rules for storing each type in order to avoid wasting money and time on purchases that will be thrown away as a result. For example, unripe should not be kept in the refrigerator, the fruit is better stored and ripens in room temperature wrapped in paper. Only after the ripeness of the fruit reaches the required level, the avocado should be transferred to a bag and sent for storage in the refrigerator.

It is important to know that some types of food should not be stored in the refrigerator at all. Room temperature is the main secret of how long to keep certain types of vegetables intact and fresh. for a long time. For example, tomatoes or should not be kept in the refrigerator, so that the vegetables do not lose their aroma and elasticity, and also do not become sticky and soft.

When storing, it is important to take into account not only the basic principles of how to store vegetables, but also one nuance - the vegetable stalk and the place around it is the most vulnerable area of ​​​​a mature tomato, so all fruits should be laid out during storage with the stalk up so that they last as long as possible.

Preserving fruits and vegetables that have yet to ripen will also help to store them at room temperature. At low temperatures products are subject to rapid decay, which is why often vegetables or fruits, before they even ripen, end up in the trash can. However, keeping fruits and vegetables in closed boxes or bags at room temperature is not worth it; the products need air so that rot does not form. It would be optimal to store products in wooden or plastic boxes that have ventilation, placed in a pantry, where air constantly circulates.

Cold storage

But still, most products are best stored in the refrigerator and vegetables or fruits, in their total mass, are no exception. But even here there are secrets that will keep fruits fresh and vegetables full of vitamins. For example, for storage in the refrigerator, it is necessary to maintain moisture access to their cuttings, otherwise the fruits will become tasteless and turn black. To this end, you can wrap the base of the bunch in cling film, which will work as a small greenhouse and allow bananas to remain tasty for a long time.

If you want to make a preparation of vegetables in advance, but you don’t know how to keep peeled and chopped, or, you should try placing them in a container of water in which they can stay fresh for a very long time in the refrigerator.

If you are interested in how to keep vegetables and fruits fragrant, and not just fresh, you should place them in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe refrigerator where the temperature is highest. Most often, such areas in modern technology is a door or special containers for fruits and vegetables. At the same time, very important point is the observance of the commodity neighborhood. When ripe, many fruits or vegetables begin to release ethylene. Such products include bananas, tomatoes, and. But, carrots, cucumbers, and many other products are very sensitive to this substance and begin to deteriorate under its influence. Therefore, such groups of products must be laid out in the refrigerator on different shelves or boxes.

There is another secret, also based on the commodity neighborhood of vegetables. Putting onions and potatoes together in one box causes the potatoes to sprout too quickly. This is due to the fact that during storage, even in a cold place, onions emit a lot of heat and moisture and serve as a kind of greenhouse for potatoes lying nearby.

You also need to know that celery is perfectly preserved in the refrigerator, if you first wrap it in foil. But in cellophane, this product very quickly loses its elasticity and its unforgettable taste.

Some more tricks

In order to keep some vegetables for a long time, you need to know a few more secrets. Onions should not be stored in the light. Even previous generations knew about this, who always tried to keep onions in old stockings, and garlic in “braids”. There are now a variety of storage containers on the market that you can put in a dark, dry place and store garlic and onions there all winter. Also, these containers can be replaced paper bags with air holes.

Photophobia is different and potatoes. In the sun, it is not only impossible to store it, but it is even dangerous to health, since the decomposition products in this vegetable have carcinogenic properties. The most successful way to save potatoes is to pour them into wooden boxes and put in a dry dark place with air access. By the way, for even better preservation, you should put a couple of apples in boxes with potatoes. These fruits will help the root crop not only stay fresh, but also not lose any of its beneficial properties.

If asparagus lovers start storing it not in the refrigerator, but in a glass of water, putting it there like a bouquet, the juiciness and freshness of the product will remain for a long time. In the same way they store and, only in addition to a glass of water for the stems, they still need a damp towel to cover the inflorescences. Both the water in the glass and the towel need to be constantly changed, then the broccoli will retain not only its taste, but also vitamins.

It also keeps better when wrapped in a damp towel or cling film with several air holes. By the way, a film or a plastic bag will perfectly keep a solid one from rot. Juicy clusters, divided into small parts by weight, are wrapped in these materials and placed in the refrigerator in the fruit compartment for storage. Soft grapes are not subject to storage, it is better to eat them immediately so that the product does not have time to deteriorate.

Knowing all these simple tricks, every housewife can always please herself and her family only fresh vegetables and fruits, saving a lot of effort, time and money when buying a new batch of products.

Of course, this remedy will not be able to completely clean the hair roots of sebum, but it will create the effect of freshly washed hair, which will provide a neat look for the whole day. Dry shampoo also returns the volume characteristic of clean hair.

For owners oily skin heads, it’s better to always have this remedy at hand - you never know when the “same” moment will come.

Dry shampoo is very easy to use. Divide the hairstyle into partings and spray the root zone with an aerosol. Wait 5-7 minutes (unless otherwise indicated on the package) and carefully comb through the hair with a wide-toothed wooden comb, removing excess product. After the end of the procedure, tousle the hair with your hands over the sink and style it in your usual way (only without a hair dryer!)

Hot water and hair dryer

To keep your hair fresh for several days, wash them not with hot, but with warm - or even cool - water. The fact is that high temperatures stimulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands and reduce the effect of washing to "no".

Do not walk with a towel on your head - it deprives the hair of freshness. Just blot them with a clean terry cloth and let them dry naturally.


A dirty pillow is one of the main reasons why a hairstyle quickly loses volume and freshness. Of course, you won’t be able to change the bed every day, but try to do this at least once every 1-2 weeks.

If for some reason you had to sleep on a pillow with a dirty head, be sure: the pillowcase has already absorbed excess sebum, and sleeping in such a bed can be fraught with hair troubles for you.

habit of touching hair

We touch our hair hundreds of times during the day, tucking strands behind the ear or straightening curls, and we don’t even notice it. But just imagine how much everything settles on our hands - soap residue, dust, grease ... Do you really want all this to move to your hair?

Combs and brushes

If you look at the teeth of a comb under a microscope, you'll be shocked at just how much stuff accumulates on them. By styling hair with such a comb, we return dirt, dust, dandruff and residues cosmetics on hair. Sounds terrible, doesn't it?

What to do? Wash it as often as possible soapy water with addition citric acid. I also use a fine-tooth comb to clean the brush from hair.

Note: wooden combs absorb the secretions of the sebaceous glands, and plastic combs retain them on the surface.

We destroy odors

Stale hair not only looks untidy, but also smells bad. You can get rid of this problem with a special perfumed hair spray.

Natural remedies that are at hand in almost every home will also help. So, if you apply vodka to the hair roots, blot them and dry them with a hairdryer, they will look much fresher.

Of course, the smell of the product is very sharp and it may take a long time before it disappears - so the procedure should be carried out in advance.

Another effective remedy- salt spray It eliminates excess oil and neutralizes unpleasant odors. And sprays with a nozzle for washing the nose are also very easy to apply.

Give your hair a nice touch citrus aroma You can apply lemon juice to the roots. But keep in mind: it has a brightening effect, so this method is not suitable for brunettes.

Proper styling

If the hair has lost its freshness, and there is no time left to wash your hair, make a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. Spread the styling foam along the entire length, divide into sections and dry them with a hair dryer with a diffuser attachment. To add volume, dry your hair with your head tilted down. The result will surely please you.

Every day, humanity sends tons of fruits and vegetables to the trash due to the fact that they do not know how to properly store them. So that you always have at home only fresh food Read on to find out what needs to be done.

Berries: rinse with vinegar

Before sending the berries to the refrigerator, rinse them with water and vinegar (3:1). This will protect your strawberries, raspberries, blueberries from mold, which can ruin them in a matter of days. But do not forget to rinse the berries clean running water and dry thoroughly.

Salad: store with paper towel

If you have cooked too many leaves, put them in a bowl and cover paper towel. After that, everything can be wrapped with cling film. The towel will absorb excess moisture, which causes rotting. You can also sprinkle the leaves with salt for the same purpose - to eliminate excess moisture.

Avocado: Sprinkle with Lemon Juice

Avocados darken quickly after being cut. This looks extremely unappetizing. Therefore, water all its slices with lemon juice. This will prevent darkening. You can also put in a bowl next to the avocado big slice Luke. Substances that we cry for will keep the fruit beautiful and fresh. And so that it does not pick up an onion smell, try not to contact the vegetable pulp and the cut of the avocado.

Carrots: store with water

This vegetable dries out quickly. Therefore, first of all, if you bought it with herbs, be sure to cut the leaves. They draw water from the roots. Then put the carrots in a container of water, cover and refrigerate. This way it will stay with you much longer. You can also wrap it tightly with cling film if you do not want to leave the carrots in a humid environment. This will also keep it longer.

Lemons: don't cut

If you need a little lemon juice, do not cut the lemon to keep the fruit longer. Instead, pierce it with something sharp and take right amount juice. So the lemon will be preserved much better than with a large incision through the entire fruit.

Bow: store in nylon tights

It may seem strange, but the mesh material is perfect for storing this vegetable. It ensures perfect air circulation around each bulb. Pour onions into tights and separate each unit with a knot. But it is better to use a new pair for these purposes in order to avoid foreign odors in your dishes in the future.

Potatoes: add apples

Apples produce ethylene gas, which blocks the germination of tubers for more than eight weeks. Now you can say goodbye to sprouts that ruin potatoes in just 10-14 days.

Apples: soak the slices in salt water

It often happens that peeled apple slices remain. But storing them is problematic, because the flesh quickly begins to darken. To avoid this, soak them in salt water (0.5 tablespoons of salt per half liter of water). Dry after five minutes and store in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

Celery: Wrap in aluminum foil

It allows the vegetable to breathe, which will ensure the elimination harmful substances causing rotting of celery. A plastic bag cannot guarantee this.

Bananas: wrap in plastic wrap

Ethylene plays its fatal role here too. To stop it from spreading, separate bunches of bananas and wrap each fruit in cling film. If the fruits are overripe, it is better to peel them and freeze.

Tomatoes: keep away from the refrigerator and down with the stalk

Cold temperatures kill perfect taste and the type of this vegetable. Store it at room temperature. If the tomatoes are not quite ripe yet, place them upside down.

Asparagus: store upright in water

Imagine that this is a bouquet that constantly requires water. Place the asparagus in a glass with it, and cover the tops plastic bag. Put this "bouquet" in the refrigerator and do not worry that it will fade soon.

Smelling nice and feeling clean from the moment you wake up in the morning until you get home is easier said than done. If you have to run from place to place during the day or the weather is inclement, it can be difficult to stay fresh. But if you start sticking correct mode Carrying a few essential items with you and taking the time to freshen up at least once every few hours will keep you feeling like you just got out of the shower all day long.


Part 1

Fresh start to the day

    Jump in the shower. To stay fresh, start your day with a body cleanse. Your body's unique chemistry will determine how often you need to bathe. Many people shower every morning, but if you exercise or live in a humid climate, twice a day is enough to keep you fresh. If you live in a temperate zone and your skin is prone to dryness, it's best to shower every other day. Regardless of the situation, your goal is to bathe often enough to smell nice and feel fresh.

    • Being clean doesn't necessarily mean using the most aggressive cleansers. Use a soap that suits your skin type and doesn't dry it out too much. Choose a shower gel or bar soap that is suitable for daily use.
    • Although showering on most days is recommended, you should not wash your hair as often. Washing your hair every day can dry out your hair and ruin it by stripping it of its natural oils. To keep your hair fresh on days you don't feel like washing your hair, consider using some dry shampoo. It is a powder that absorbs oil and gives your hair fresh look and a sense of well-being.
  1. Use deodorant. Did you know that 2 percent of the population does not have the gene that causes body odor? These lucky ones may not use deodorant, but the rest of us use it to keep body odor from becoming too noticeable throughout the day. Apply deodorant after you get out of the shower.

    Use body powder to absorb moisture. If your skin gets a little oily or sweaty during the day, try applying body talc after you've dried yourself off from your morning shower. It will absorb excess moisture, while maintaining a feeling of freshness. You can take a small bottle of talc with you to apply throughout the day.

    • Apply it to the least fresh areas, such as feet, underarms, and so on.
    • You can use baby powder or make body powder by mixing corn starch and your favorite essential oils.
  2. Wear fabrics that allow air to pass through. Lucky for us, polyester went out of fashion decades ago. This synthetic fabric was notorious for being scratchy and uncomfortable to wear because it is not made from breathable natural fibers such as cotton or even wool. Although thick, heavy polyester is hard to find today, there are other synthetic fabrics that have a similar effect. When you wear fabrics that don't allow fresh air circulate, you may sweat and feel clammy.

    • Check your wardrobe for synthetic fabrics that don't allow your skin to breathe. Try to wear cotton and other natural fibers.
    • Another way to stay fresh is to layer your clothes so you can take your clothes off as the temperature changes. Instead of wearing a thick sweater to work and sweating later, try wearing a blouse with a cardigan that you can take off later.
  3. Take care of your feet. If you're worried about your feet sweating or smelling bad, pay extra attention to washing, drying, and powdering your feet in the morning. Wear shoes that suit the weather. If you wear rough boots in the summer, your feet will sweat, which leads to formation of bad smell and stale sensations. Whenever possible, wear socks that absorb excess moisture.

    • You should have a separate pair of training shoes. Don't wear the tennis shoes you use at the gym when you're out with friends because the sweat in your training shoes can cause foot odor.
  4. Also, keep your breath fresh. The best way To keep your breath fresh is to maintain oral hygiene. Floss once a day and brush your teeth morning and evening with a quality toothpaste. Make sure you visit your dentist every six months to clean your teeth of tartar that can cause bad breath and more serious dental problems.

    • Mouthwash is good way deal with bad breath. Rinse your mouth with antiseptic liquid several times a day to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
    • Drink water often. Other than brushing your teeth, there is no faster or effective way freshen up your mouth. A glass of water will wash away food particles that can accumulate in your mouth and cause bad breath.

    Part 2

    How to cool off on the run
    1. Change clothing frequently if necessary. If you are physically active during the day, you may want to bring spare clothes with you to change into. This way you don't have to deal with the uncomfortable feeling that comes with wearing the same clothes from 8am. You can even put in a bag with the things you can't do without when you leave the house. Think about these things:

      • Socks
      • Net jersey
      • Clean linen set
    2. Refresh your hair. Wind, rain, and general rush can ruin your hair and rob it of volume in the middle of the day. Take a brush or comb with you so you can always fix your hair when you need it. You can also bring a little hairspray or gel with you to keep your hair in place.

      • If your hair gets oily by mid-afternoon, try dry shampoo. You just put a little on the areas that seem dirty, leave the powder on your hair for a few minutes, and then brush your hair.
      • Another technique is to collect hair in a bun or ponytail to create a fresh new look.
    3. Use antibacterial wipes to freshen up quickly. This can be useful if you live in a humid climate and don't have time to take a second shower. Make sure you use unscented wipes as the others have a very strong smell. Wipe the areas you need and you're good to go.

      Brush your teeth after dinner. If you're not feeling fresh after dinner, start carrying a toothbrush and toothpaste with you to brush your teeth quickly and feel better instantly. A small bottle of mouthwash will also work. And if you don't have these items on hand, you can always eat mint candy or a piece of mint gum.

      Get ready for your period. There's nothing worse than when your period starts in the middle of the day when you don't have access to a pharmacy. Think ahead and add up everything you need to keep you fresh during your period. Take enough tampons or pads that you could change them every few hours.

How to keep food fresh

You can save money not only by running through sales and looking for discounts in supermarkets. Knowing how to keep food fresh with these simple yet extremely effective advice, you will be able to keep the products bought with your hard-earned money, fresh and appetizing much longer.

1. Wrapping the base of the banana bunch cling film, you will extend the life of the fruit by 3-5 days.
2. Onions in stockings will keep fresh for up to 8 months.
3. To keep the cheese from drying out, brush a fresh cut with butter.
4. In order for the potatoes not to sprout, store them mixed with apples.
5. It is better to store mushrooms in a paper bag than in a plastic bag.
6. Store milk in the main part of the refrigerator and not in the door where the temperature is lower.
7. If a product has become moldy and you have to throw it away, do not be too lazy to wash and disinfect the refrigerator. If this is not done, the mold can spread to other products.
8. Wrap the lettuce in foil to keep it crispy longer.
9. Cut necks plastic bottles with lids can be adapted to close bags with bulk products.
10. Pour the strawberries with a weak solution of vinegar (one part vinegar to ten parts water). Then drain the water, rinse with clean cold water and refrigerate. Voila! After such a procedure, the berries will be able to retain freshness for almost two weeks longer. The vinegar solution is weak enough that its taste is not felt.
11. Eggs should be stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. So they can remain usable for 3-4 weeks. longer term indicated on the package.
12. You can freeze much more products than we are accustomed to - meanwhile it is lovely way save them. Bread, pies, most fruits and vegetables all keep well frozen. Just before freezing, do not forget to pack the products in special bags or containers.
13. To freshen up stale bread, rub it with an ice cube and then put it in the preheated oven for 12 minutes.
14. Unopened popcorn grains will be less if, before cooking in the microwave, pour them into a bowl and cover with a plate.
15. Keep the least fresh food closer to the door so you can see what to eat first.
16. Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator.
17. Keep cheese in the least cold part of the refrigerator - in the vegetable compartment, for example.
18. And lastly, remember that the expiration date on the package has more to do with the quality of the product than with the safety for consumption. If an apple, for example, is stored correctly, it will keep fresh for a whole year.
