
Juices for babies. Dangers of early introduction

Mother's milk is the healthiest food for a baby, because it contains all the necessary substances for health and development. It is often assumed that breast milk is sufficient, but this is not the case. Additionally, you can and should give your baby water: for example, in the heat, at elevated temperatures or problems with digestion, with artificial or mixed feeding. In addition to water, natural juice and homemade compote for babies are a great solution.

In 1989, the World Health Organization defined the principles of feeding, one of which is not to give the newborn to drink, except for mother's milk. Milk contains 87.5% water, but at the same time it has a high energy value, and for a child it is not a drink in full, but rather food, like mashed potatoes or porridge. As for the “newborn” period, according to WHO, this is the time from birth to 28 days. As soon as this period passes, it is worth thinking about new drinks to fill the baby's need for liquid.

In the first month of life, the child is the least protected, his body is not strong enough, so drink only water - previously filtered and boiled or bottled. By the beginning of the second month, try giving chamomile or fennel tea. Juices for children from 3 months - from pears or green apples, from peaches or apricots. From six months, you can already present your baby with homemade compote.

At what age should you start drinking juices and compotes

When can you give juice to a baby? The Russian Research Institute of Nutrition recommends starting at three months of age. But there are exceptions to every rule. Talk to your pediatrician and watch your baby's reaction with him.

For two weeks, give juices made from one fruit (for example, only pure apple). If the child's condition is normal - that is, no allergies, stable stools - for the next two weeks, drink juice from some new fruit or vegetable, again, without changing to others.

If you want to know exactly how many months you can give juice to a child, here are some general patterns depending on the age at which you plan to introduce your child to a new product. Whenever you start, everything should be done gradually.

Table - entering juices into nutrition by months

1 month The juice is introduced gradually (a few drops from a pipette) or dissolved in a large volume of water. Every day the number of drops doubles
3 months The baby can be given 5 drops of natural juice per day, half diluted with water. Every few days, while reducing the amount of water, increase the volume of the pure drink to 2 teaspoons. It is given undiluted twice - 1 spoon in the morning, 1 in the evening. By 4 months, you can drink up to 5-6 teaspoons per day
4-5 months At this age, a bottle-fed baby can begin to drink juices.
6-7 months You can give juice to a breastfed baby. Nectars - only occasionally (they contain sugar, and the nutritional value is lower than that of natural juices)
2nd year of life The diet includes ordinary juices of industrial production. However, they are considered too concentrated for a fragile digestive system, the first few times they need to be diluted with water in equal proportions, then add more juice

If you are against early complementary foods, try this drink from 4-6 months. Moreover, "artificial" can be started to drink earlier than infants.

When can I give compote to a baby? Compote is also useful, it contains both vitamins and microelements - perhaps in smaller quantities than in natural juices. Until the child is one year old, it is quite possible to do without it. An exception is if the baby does not like juice or tea too much, and you would like to diversify his diet.

  • After 6 months. Compote of fruits or berries.
  • 1-1.5 years. Dried fruit compotes are most relevant in winter, when there is no fresh food. Natural sweetness will save you from having to add sugar, and the child will not have cavities.

At first, just like juice, it is advisable to dilute compote with clean water, and later bring the concentration of the drink to normal.

The baby can drink during the feeding process, and in between them - from a bottle with a nipple or from a spoon.

Juices, their features and methods of preparation

You can prepare juice for a child with your own hands only when you are absolutely sure of the quality of the product. If you buy specially formulated baby drinks, you can rest easy: they pass quality control and do not contain synthetic substances, stabilizers, flavors, etc. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sugar in the composition.

Consider which juices are considered the most useful, and how to make some of them at home.

Useful for babies

If it is possible to cook at home, this is certainly a good alternative to store-bought options, even specialized ones. Juices from various berries, fruits, vegetables in moderation will never harm health (unless an individual allergic reaction appears). Specialists also provide clarification on when to start giving each of these drinks to a child.

JuicesOf whatBeneficial featuresAt what age to start
fruityGreen appleRegulates digestion and liver function, improves appetite, prevents constipation. It is rich in vitamin C, iodine and iron (and it is completely absorbed). Cleans tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries4 months
PearRegulates digestion, metabolism, quenches thirst well, strengthens teeth and bones
BerryCurrantProtects the immune system (currant has more vitamin C than lemon), strengthens blood vessels, heart6-7 months
CherryAnti-inflammatory action. Cleanses the intestines and regulates its microflora, strengthens the heart, nervous system
VegetableCarrotPromotes harmonious growth and development, strengthens vision, normalizes digestion. Contains vitamin C5-6 months

It is better to choose local products, from our latitudes, with the exception of grapes: it causes fermentation in the intestines. There should be no “exotics” in the nutrition of a baby under the age of one year (mango, passion fruit, pineapple, citrus fruits, etc.)

Babies need juice clarified (without pulp) and not mixed (that is, from one type of fruit / berry / vegetable).

homemade apple juice

An apple does not cause allergies, its benefits are undeniable, which is why doctors recommend it. Often, it is with apple juice for babies that acquaintance with new drinks begins.
What should be done:

  1. thoroughly washed fruit, peel;
  2. cut the apple into pieces, remove the seeds;
  3. grate;
  4. squeeze the gruel with a spoon into a clean bowl, through gauze folded into 4 additions (or you can skip the fruit through a juicer).

Dilute the resulting juice with clean drinking water. Give your child a drink at room temperature.

homemade carrot juice

Manual spin:

  1. wash the carrots thoroughly - it is better with a hard sponge or brush, peel it;
  2. rinse the carrots again, scald it with boiling water;
  3. grate the vegetable on the smallest grater;
  4. fold the cheesecloth in half, place the carrots in the cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice with a spoon.

Through the juicer:

  1. soak carrots in water for 20 minutes;
  2. wash the carrots well;
  3. clean, wash again and cut into pieces - you can put it in a juicer.

Compotes for babies: cooking methods

If you are cooking compote for a baby for the first time, it is better to take any one type of fruit or dried fruit. Mix different types of ingredients or add new ones only when the baby is already used to the ones he has already tried and he does not develop allergies or indigestion.

Boil the compote over low heat for 10 minutes if the ingredients are fresh, and 20-30 minutes if they are dry. It's better not to add sugar. If the drink seems sour, you can enter a little fructose (it is worth getting a pediatrician's recommendation on this).

From dried fruits

Before cooking dried fruits, pour them with cold water and hold until the specks swell and settle. A feature of dried fruit compote for babies is a pleasant taste even without sweetening.

  • Classic way. Sort and thoroughly rinse the dried apples 5-6 times in warm water. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, put dried apples, cook for 20 minutes.
  • Compote "from a thermos". Place a few large slices of dried apples in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water over it and insist all night. In the morning, pour another glass of water, boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Cool the drink to room temperature, dilute it with boiled water (2 parts of water to 1 part of compote) - and you can treat your baby.

It is better to buy not by weight, but packaged dried fruits. They should be a soft color (possibly adding dye!).

From fresh apples

When you use fresh fruits, you can experiment with their amount and volume of water by increasing or decreasing the concentration. Much depends on the natural taste of the products, and on the time of cooking and infusion. Apple compote for babies can be prepared in many ways - here is the easiest and fastest.

Peel a medium-sized green apple that has been thoroughly washed.

  1. Remove the middle, cut into slices.
  2. Boil one and a half glasses of water, lay out the apple slices.
  3. Boil the compote for 5 minutes.
  4. Let it brew, cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain the compote.

From prunes

You can give a drink based on prunes from five months. This healthy berry activates digestion and effectively cleanses the intestines, so it is useful for babies suffering from constipation. Before you start preparing prunes compote for babies, consult your doctor.

For compote you will need 200 g of dried fruit for a quarter cup of sugar.

  1. Soak the berries in hot water for 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse 3-4 times in warm water.
  3. Pour sugar into the pan, pour a liter of hot water, mix.
  4. Add prunes, boil.
  5. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until the berries soften.

Cool the compote to room temperature, strain and drink the baby.
Now you know when to give juices to an infant, and when compotes, why they are useful, and how they can be made at home. Introduce everything new into the diet in small quantities, and only when the child is in good health, follow his individual reactions and preferences. It’s very easy to introduce variety to your baby’s diet, introduce him to natural tasty drinks and improve his health with their help!


Natural fruit and vegetable juices should be introduced into the baby's diet no earlier than 4-5 months. Some pediatricians recommend pushing back acquaintance with this product up to six months. You should carefully follow the doctor's advice and introduce new products into the menu according to a special scheme. You should start with juices that are developed under brands of specialized baby food.

You will find a wide range of such products in the online store "Daughters and Sons".

When can I give juice to a baby?

Vitamin-rich fruit and vegetable juices were recommended several decades ago to be introduced into the diet of a child after the fifth week of life. At present, the approach to the question of which month you can give juice to babies has undergone significant changes. The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a lot of research and decided that the first juices for babies should be introduced into the diet no earlier than 4-5 months from birth.

Juices contribute a small part to the saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals, but they can cause allergies and disrupt the digestion process, so it is better to give them to older children. You need to start acquaintance with juices with a minimum dose - 5 ml.

The first complementary foods for a breastfed or formula-fed child should not be juices, but cereals, vegetables and meat.

How to introduce juice into the child's diet? There are many nuances that must be taken into account so that all changes in the diet of the baby are successful. Experienced mothers say that the type of juice, the time of complementary foods, and even dishes affect the child's body.

  • give juices after feeding, so as not to reduce appetite before taking the main meal;
  • use a bottle with a nipple, a teaspoon or a special drinker;
  • homemade juices should be diluted 1:1;
  • apple juice is usually given first.

Here you can find apple juices from Russian and foreign manufacturers: Babushkino Lukoshko, Agusha, Sady Pridonya, Spelenok (Russia), Hipp (Germany), Gerber (Poland), Bebivita (Switzerland), Fleur Alpine (Netherlands), Marmaluzi (Lithuania), Semper (Sweden). Green apple juices are characterized by low allergenic properties and good tolerance.

The daily volume of juice for a certain age is calculated using a simple formula - N * 10 ml. (N is the number showing the child's age in months). So, a baby who is already 7 months old can drink 70 ml of juice per day.

First, fruit juices are introduced into the diet, then vegetable juices. Do not immediately give juices with pulp. They should be offered after the child's body has coped with clarified drinks of various types. Combined juices (apple-pear, apple-peach, apple-raspberry and others) are introduced into the menu after the body gets used to apple juice.


From vegetable juices, it is better for children to give carrot and cabbage. Beetroot juice is offered to an infant when he has problems with stool. Pomegranate, cherry, apricot and currant juices are good choices. It is undesirable to give grape juice, it causes increased gas formation in babies. Citrus juice should not be included in the diet of children under one year old.

Scheme for entering juice in the menu

How and when they give juice to a baby, you decide after consulting a pediatrician. The choice of drink should also be made taking into account the recommendations of the doctor. It is better to start complementary foods with juices that belong to specialized baby food. On such jars, the age at which the baby can be given this juice is indicated.

Here you will find a large selection of special children's juices made from various fruits. Employees of the online store "Daughters-Sonochki" will tell you about the features of these products, explain how and how much they can be stored.

Homemade natural drinks can be introduced after 1.5 years. Ordinary juices bought in a store are given only from the age of three.


Older people have a strong belief that if you start giving apple juice from the age of three months, then the child's hemoglobin will increase. These are misconceptions. Iron from plant foods is poorly absorbed even in adults. For a three-month-old baby, juice will only upset digestion.


It is necessary to introduce juices into the diet of a child no earlier than 4-5 months. If the first feeding caused problems (a gastrointestinal disorder or an allergy), exclude juices from the menu for now. Come back to them later.

They begin their acquaintance with apple juice, which is made by baby food companies. Juice should be given according to the scheme, gradually increasing the dose.

Homemade juices are given to children for 1.5 years, while they need to be diluted with water. Do not rush to give juices that are sold in grocery stores. Up to three years, such drinks are not recommended to be introduced into the diet.

If your child is 4 to 6 months old, then you are already faced with an avalanche of feeding tips from loved ones and friends.

Some say that the most correct thing is to start complementary foods with juice, others advise introducing the baby to porridge first, and still others insist on vegetable puree. Which of them is right? When to start introducing new flavors to your baby and how to introduce juice into complementary foods? I propose to sort it out in order.

Juice in complementary foods - myth or reality?

Literally 20-30 years ago, pediatricians insisted that complementary foods with juice during breastfeeding should begin as early as 2 months. Formula-fed babies were encouraged to do so even earlier, at about 1 month. At the same time, our mothers prepared juices for the first feeding on their own from apples or carrots.

But today there is a different point of view on juice in complementary foods.

And all because, it turns out, juices contain acid, which negatively affects the baby's still fragile digestive system. Too early introduction of such drinks can result in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.) in adolescence.

Attention! My deep opinion, as a consultant on complementary foods and correction of the child's appetite, is that it is better not to introduce whole juices into complementary foods until the age of 3 years.

Juices too affect children's fragile kidneys and can lead to the development of inflammatory diseases.

When to start feeding

The average age is 6 months.

  1. The baby asks for food too often (breast milk or formula). This may indicate that he is not full and the usual portion is no longer enough for him;
  2. The baby's weight has doubled since birth;
  3. The child has learned to sit confidently;
  4. The kid is interested in what adults eat. He may demand that you give him what is on your plate;
  5. If a piece of solid food gets into the child's mouth, he does not seek to push it out with his tongue.

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you can start introducing complementary foods. At the same time, it is very important that the baby is absolutely healthy and that you have not done any preventive vaccinations in the past few weeks.

Where to start?

The introduction of complementary foods with juices is the worst option that you can choose.

  • To introduce the baby to adult food, it is better to use vegetable purees or cereals;
  • If the child is prone to constipation or is gaining weight too actively, then it is better to start with vegetables. And for those crumbs who, on the contrary, are not gaining weight well or have an unstable stool, it is better to start complementary foods with cereals;
  • Ideal vegetables for the first feeding are cauliflower, zucchini or broccoli. They are hypoallergenic products and gently affect the digestive tract of the baby (read the article on this topic: >>>).

It is necessary to start their introduction with any one vegetable.

To begin with, give a taste of the product on the tip of a teaspoon.

Important! Yes, I know that you want to feed your baby with complementary foods as quickly as possible, but you can’t do this. Rip off the digestive tract and earn an allergy.

We move smoothly, methodically and look at the reaction of the child.

  • When choosing porridge, preference should be given to one-component and hypoallergenic, in which there is no gluten and lactose. This is buckwheat, oatmeal, rice or corn grits. Read the useful article: >>>;
  • After 1-2 months, the child will be able to try meat puree and fermented milk products;
  • After 9-10 months, fish should be introduced into his diet;
  • And only after 1 year you can introduce carrot juice or juice from a green apple into complementary foods.

All of the above refers to the traditional complementary feeding scheme given by pediatricians. Usually there are still large volumes that the child must eat.

But let's be honest, in 10 years of work, I have never seen a baby who would eat 120-150 ml. vegetables or porridge for 1 feeding, and at the same time, after 1-2 weeks, he would not close his mouth and would not refuse complementary foods at all.

Therefore, I myself am with my children, and in teaching mothers who come to the course on complementary foods, I give a slightly different scheme for the introduction of complementary foods.

We successfully combine pediatric complementary foods, with its sequence of products, with pedagogical moments, in order to immediately accustom the child to clean and tidy behavior at the table.

You can learn this approach on the online course The ABC of Complementary Feeding: Safe Introduction of Complementary Feeding to Babies >>>

When can juices be given to children and in what volume?

Even if, for some reason, you started introducing complementary foods early, in no case should complementary foods with juices at 4 months become the norm.

Do not spoil the child's stomach and urgently cancel any juice.

The opinion about the benefits of juices for the child's body is greatly exaggerated. But indigestion and allergic reactions in crumbs after the early introduction of juices are very common.

Important! It is worth introducing juice into complementary foods no earlier than 1 year, and even later is better.

At the same time, it is desirable to dilute any juice with water, which will reduce the effect of acids on the delicate mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Fruits as an alternative to juices

  • If this thought does not leave you, then replace the juices with fruit purees. The amount of vitamins and other useful substances in them is much higher, besides, they are less aggressive for the still immature digestive system of the child;
  • You can do this from 6-7 months. For the first fruit food, it is better to use a baked green apple or pear. After heat treatment, the amount of allergens in them will significantly decrease, but useful pectin will appear;
  • A month later, you can introduce your baby to an apricot or plum that is grown in your area;
  • But with citruses and other exotic fruits, it is better to wait up to 1 year, as they often cause allergic reactions.

Know! Fruit purees are introduced in the same way as all other products. For the first time, the crumbs can eat no more than half a teaspoon of the product. If within 2-3 days no negative reactions followed, then the amount can be gradually increased.

The introduction of complementary foods is a very responsible and individual matter.

It is better to initially do everything right and not bite your elbows, which disrupted the child's gastrointestinal tract and now he does not eat anything or is covered with an allergic crust.

Ludmila Sharova, breastfeeding and complementary feeding consultant,

All parents are wondering how to introduce juice into their child's complementary foods. Vegetable and fruit are considered the most useful, due to the high content of vitamins and minerals. What kind of juices can be given to babies and what kind of complementary foods can be started with? How to give juice to a 4 month old baby? First you should learn about its benefits and harms, everything is not so simple.

When a baby is born, mother's milk serves as the source of all the necessary substances. But over time, the question arises of additional sources, which can be juices for complementary foods.

Useful properties for the baby's body are as follows:

  1. High content of vitamins.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action.
  3. Antibacterial action.
  4. Purification of the child's body from toxins and toxins, which is a very important factor, since the environment currently leaves much to be desired.

But despite the huge amount of benefits, it can also have a negative impact:

  1. A side effect of the introduction may be the appearance of an allergic reaction.. Perhaps it will not appear immediately, but after a few weeks. Then it is no longer possible to accurately determine the cause of the appearance. If a child has a rash, but you do not know what it is - an allergic manifestation or symptoms of a disease, read the material.
  2. The heavy digestibility of this product can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract, as it has an irritating effect. After some time, the baby may manifest such consequences as pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The purchased product contains a lot of sugar, which has a bad effect even on an adult body.
  4. Fresh juices are too concentrated. It is worth diluting them with water when taking.
  5. The introduction of the product into the diet of the crumbs can contribute to the thinning of the stool, dehydration of the body, as well as the imminent appearance of excess weight. What other causes of loose stools in infants with HB can be found out.

Dates when babies can be given juices

You should not start feeding babies with juice too early. Not earlier than six months after birth. This period is needed for those children who are breastfed.

Those babies who are not breastfed (on mixtures) can start complementary foods at an earlier date. Already in 3-4 months.

At present, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has found out that giving juices to a baby should not be earlier than 4-5 months of life. Early addition of a variety of drinks can contribute to undesirable effects. The volume to start should not exceed 5 ml.

Which one to start with and how to start

You need to start with carrot, apple or pumpkin. You have to dilute them with water first. Give your child a drop for the first time. Then gradually start increasing to two or more. After, you can try to give the baby mashed potatoes.

It is advisable to start the baby with apple juice first and give all kinds first clarified, since this type of it has less effect on the appearance of allergic reactions in the child's body.

After apple, followed by fairly light clarified products in accordance with the list specified in the paragraph "Norms of fruit and vegetable drinks in accordance with the age of the child." Also, many start with carrot juice for babies because it is less acidic than apple juice.

  1. It is important to pay special attention to the product already when buying it. It should not contain sugar, and must also be age appropriate.
  2. Storage must be carried out in accordance with the instructions.
  3. When can you give juice to a baby? It should be given immediately after feeding.
  4. The first time your child tries a drink, don't give more than a few drops.
  5. After the baby drank the drink for the first time, observe how his body reacts. In the presence of symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, severe regurgitation, complementary foods should not be continued.

Which is better to choose for the baby

There are various types: store-bought and freshly squeezed. What is better to give to the baby is decided by the parents. They differ from each other not only in their appearance and taste properties, but also in the presence of useful substances in them.


A product designed specifically for children is produced, as evidenced by the inscription on the package. Also, there is indicated the age of the start of complementary feeding with juice. Many consider store-bought drinks to be very harmful to children, but if you choose a specialized one, it will not have a negative effect on the baby's body.


Home-cooked foods should also be treated with great care. Fresh juices have a fairly strong concentration. In an undiluted state, this type will cause more harm to the baby's body than store-bought containing sugar.

When using a freshly squeezed product, it is worth diluting it with water. You should not introduce such fresh juices into the diet until the child reaches at least one year of age.

Permitted fruits and berries for cooking

If you decide to make a drink with your own hands at home, then do not choose exotic fruits on the store shelf, berries and vegetables - give preference to those growing in the nearby area where your child was born and grows. All fruits and berries are allowed for cooking, but you should be more careful about citrus fruits, sour berries, and potential allergens.

The sequence of introduction to the diet

We have already dealt with the varieties of berries and fruits that can be used in complementary foods. Now consider the main varieties that you can do yourself or buy ready-made.

clarified They contain the lowest concentration of acidity, due to this they are in the first place at the beginning of their introduction into the baby's diet.

Also, specialized children's drinks do not contain sugar.

But in terms of their characteristics, they are still inferior to products with pulp.

with pulp This type of product contains fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Drinks with pulp can be administered only if the clarified ones were accepted by the baby well and there were no adverse effects.

Vegetable They may also be the first to feed the baby, as the experience of the parents is that he can refuse vegetable drinks after he tries the sweeter - fruit.

Norms of fruit and vegetable juices according to age

An individual approach is important for each child. Many children should not be given juice for the first time before six months. Someone should try the drink for the first time in a year.

For all cases, start with an apple or carrot clarified product. If the baby has little problems with digestion, then you should not try it yet.

There is the following list of when to administer juices while breastfeeding.

  1. From 3-4 months clarified apple.
  2. From the age of 4-5 months clarified fruit: pear, apricot, peach, banana; vegetables: pumpkins, carrots.
  3. At the age of 6-12 months, drinks from the following berries and vegetables: cherries, cranberries, sweet cherries, black currants, plums, beets, cabbage. You can also try these combinations: apple and apricot, peach or pumpkin, orange and carrot.
  4. It is advisable, after the child reaches the age of one year, to introduce into his diet such products that most often cause allergies: from citrus fruits, tomato.
  5. For artificial feeding, the drink is introduced 2-3 months earlier.

Homemade recipes by age

The preparation of a drink for babies should be treated more carefully and carefully, since the baby's body is not yet fully formed and is more susceptible to the negative effects of the same products than an adult.


You will need a green apple that does not have any external defects, such as spots and dents. Rinse fruit under running water. Peel off the skin, cut out the tail and core. Squeeze out the juice by diluting it in a ratio of 1 to 1 with water. Start giving your baby in small amounts and no earlier than 5 months.


Peel the vegetable from the peel by rinsing under running water. Get rid of the bottom, tops and core. Leave in water for 2-3 hours. Squeeze the juice from the soaked carrots. As well as apple, start complementary foods with a carrot product no earlier than 4-5 months.

From a pear

In the first place among complementary foods, pear juice for babies is also worth it. Wash ripe soft fruit without defects under running water. Remove the unnecessary tail and core of the pear. Squeeze the fruit by diluting it with water in the same ratio as the apple.


If you decide to start introducing juice into your baby’s diet, and summing up the information given in the article, we highlight 3 main points that must be followed:

  1. Before introducing complementary foods, you should consult with the local pediatrician, who will tell you about the best options for your child, how to behave if an allergic reaction is detected.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to give such complementary foods if the baby has just suffered any illness or a routine vaccination has been made.
  3. Babies will be more interested in complementary foods if you give them from bright and beautiful children's dishes - spoons and bottles.

In addition, you can learn more about the timing of the first complementary foods for a child, as well as where to start from the video:

Everyone knows what to give juice to a child. But what kind of juice, how to give, from what age, in what quantity? Read the answers to all questions below.

How much juice can a child

Most mothers know that a child under 1 year old can take 60-100 ml of juice. And how much juice can a child older than a year. The more the better or not?

It turns out - no. Juices, especially freshly squeezed ones, increase the acidity of gastric juice, irritate the gastric mucosa, and if consumed excessively, can cause digestive disorders and allergic reactions in children.

Recommended daily intake of juices for children of different ages

Decided on the quantity.

At what age can you give different juices to a child?

We will not dwell on juices that children under 1 year old can, we have already considered them


Tomatoes appear in ready-made baby food from about 8-9 months as part of vegetable and meat-vegetable purees and soups to improve the taste of dishes. That is, they are there in minimal quantities and are subjected to thermal heat treatment.

There are no ready-made tomato juices for children under 1 year old and even up to 3 years old. For children over 3 years old, tomato juice is very useful.


  • It contains lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents cancer. Lycopene is not destroyed by heating and boiling.
  • Tomato juice contains a lot of fiber, helps with constipation and to reduce excess body weight.


It is recommended to give tomato juice to children from 3 years old because it often causes allergies, irritates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, and is consumed with salt. Tomato juice belongs to the group of foods high in histamine and can cause a pseudo-allergic reaction.

Children over 3 years old can use ready-made tomato juice of industrial production or home-made juice.

tomato juice recipe

Wash ripe tomatoes well, remove the stalks. Cut, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil. Rub through a sieve so that the seeds and skin remain in the sieve. Add a teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of juice and bring it to a boil. Cool down. Juice is ready. You can drink it.

For long-term storage, hot juice is poured into pre-sterilized jars and covered with sterile lids and liter jars are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes.

orange juice for a child

Orange juice is one of the most popular and easily obtained juices.


  • Orange juice - freshly squeezed, contains a large amount of vitamins C, folic acid, potassium.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Increases appetite, enhances the secretion of the stomach and pancreas, stimulates intestinal motility.


  • Has a high allergenicity.
  • Acidic, can irritate the delicate lining of the gastrointestinal tract in children and cause digestive upset.
  • Destroys tooth enamel.

Therefore, it is allowed for children after 1 year, and with a tendency to allergies from 3 years.

It is very easy for a child to get freshly squeezed orange juice - just squeeze the juice from an orange and strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth.

In the industrial production of juices, natural vitamins are partially destroyed, but juices are additionally enriched with them.

Pomegranate juice for a child

Many consider it the first remedy for anemia, and they try to start giving it to a child with anemia as early as possible. In fact, pomegranate, as well as other fruit juices, only promotes the absorption of iron from meat or liver by the body.

Pomegranate juice has a fixative effect, so it is not recommended for children prone to constipation.

It is also a highly allergenic product, therefore it is allowed for children over 1 year old. Read more about this juice.

Grape juice for a child


  • Sweet, kids love it.
  • It is easy to get at home with a juicer.
  • Grape juice contains a lot of sugars: glucose and fructose, this is the most high-calorie juice.
  • It easily and quickly satisfies hunger.
  • It contains many vitamins and microelements, improves liver function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and activates metabolism.


  • But it contains many simple sugars that cause putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, especially in babies whose diet is dominated by dairy food. Grape juice is not recommended to be combined with dairy products, even for adults. Simple sugars serve as a medium for the reproduction of harmful microflora in the intestines of a child.
  • They destroy tooth enamel.
  • Therefore, grape juice is recommended for children from 2 years of age.

Peach and apricot juice for a child

They do not happen without pulp, while their taste and nutritional properties are lost.


  • They contain beta-carotene (provitamin A) and a lot of potassium.
  • They contain a lot of delicate fiber, due to which they normalize intestinal motility.
  • They have a pleasant taste
  • Not very acidic, less than the previous juices irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.


Contains a lot of carotene (provitamin A) it is not recommended for daily use because of the possibility of carotene jaundice.

Pumpkin juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, due to this it has a calming effect on the child's nervous system. After heat treatment, the pumpkin is well absorbed, therefore it is allowed for children in the form of vegetable puree or ready-made juice 2-3 times a week from 6 months of age.

Ready-made pumpkin juices in their pure form are not produced due to the low moisture content in the pumpkin. There are mixed juices, such as apple-pumpkin or nectars, which contain pumpkin puree, water and sugar.

Raw homemade pumpkin juice can be used by children only after 1 year.


The main property of beet juice, which is used in children, is a laxative. It is preferable and safer to give the child boiled beets or beetroot decoction.

In baby food, beetroot juice is used as a "medicine" (as a laxative) for children suffering from constipation.

Ready-made juices from beets are not produced, and raw beet juice can be given to children of the first year of life very carefully from 9-10 months, starting with drops and bringing up to 2-5 teaspoons daily (until regular stools are achieved) children 1-3 years old can be given up to 50 ml raw beetroot juice. Children over 3 years old 70-80 ml. Beet juice for children is always half diluted with water and should always be given after meals.

Read more about beetroot and beetroot juice


Exotic, sour, low calorie & highly allergenic. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended. Therefore, pure pineapple juice for baby food does not exist. Pineapple juice is a part of multifruit juices for baby food recommended from 1 year old. Pineapple juices for children over 3 years old and adults are produced by many manufacturers.

Wild berry juice

Wild berries include blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries, chokeberries, strawberries.

Juice from wild berries differs in that it is very acidic and highly allergenic. Therefore, it is not recommended for children under 1 year old.

As for the vitamin composition, the natural vitamins of wild berries are found only in freshly squeezed juice, and in the restored, at best, there is only an artificially added mixture of vitamins.


Bananas have a very low water content, so there is no banana juice. There are only banana nectars containing banana puree, water and sugar or mixed juices, most often apple-banana. Banana juice (nectar) can be given to a child from the age of 6 months, after the baby has already tried and got used to apple juice.


Very sour, so there is no ready-made pure cherry juice, either mixed apple-cherry juice or cherry nectar. Allowed for children from 8-9 months.

I hope you successfully introduce juice into your child's diet. Stay healthy!
