
Simple delicious pickles. Pickled cucumbers for the winter: Recipes for salting delicious cucumbers for the winter

Pickles in Russia are self-snack a long time ago. They are an indispensable component of traditional holiday salads, for example, Olivier or herring under a fur coat.

In the article we will reveal all the secrets of pickling crispy, homemade cucumbers. And we will tell you a few proven recipes so that every housewife can surprise and please her family.

Secrets of delicious crunchy cucumbers

It is important to initially choose the right cucumbers for pickling. They should be of medium size, can be smaller, preferably the same size. This will help pack them tightly into the jar without leaving too much empty space.

The color of the cucumber should not be very dark, and the skin is dense. Also not suitable are overripe cucumbers, with yellow skin and developed seeds inside. One of the important points in choosing the right cucumbers is their taste. The most important thing is that the peel is not bitter, it is important to check this by tasting it before salting.

Another important point is water for conservation. Ideally, it should be from a spring or well, but you can also use an ordinary purified one. The main thing is not chlorinated. If it so happens that it is not possible to use non-chlorinated water, then at least tap water should be cleaned. Let it settle beforehand, or make it thawed.

Preparation for work

Usually, in addition to the cucumbers themselves, various herbs and spices are put in a jar, for example:

  • horseradish leaves and root;
  • stems and flowers of dill;
  • currant leaves;
  • bay leaves, oak leaves;
  • black and allspice;
  • garlic, carrots.

Everyone chooses a set of herbs and spices to their liking.

If you want the cucumbers to be crunchy, then before pickling, they should be placed in a container of water for long time but not more than 12 hours. Half a day is enough for the cucumbers to be saturated with moisture.

While the cucumbers are soaking, there is just time to prepare the jars. Select the jars in which you plan to close the cucumbers. They should be washed thoroughly detergent or regular soda. Rinse well and then sterilize. Lids also require sterilization, usually they are boiled for about five minutes in water.

Recipes and step-by-step instructions for them

General plan of action. At the beginning, in sterilized jars, you need to lay a layer of herbs and spices on the bottom. Cucumbers are stacked on top in a vertical position, tightly tamping. After the jar is filled, it is poured with brine.

You can prepare the brine as follows: you need to add salt to the water and dissolve. Given 70 grams of salt for every liter of water. You can also add spices to the brine. Boil it. After that, a jar of cucumbers is poured and left to ferment for several days.

cold pickled cucumber recipe

For a 3 liter jar, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 2 kilograms of cucumbers;
  • stems and inflorescences of dill - 2 sprigs;
  • oak, bay and cherry leaves, 3 pieces each;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • black pepper, allspice - 8 pieces;
  • salt - 100 grams.

Basically, everyone puts spices and their quantity to their liking, but if you are cooking for the first time, you can take it clearly according to the instructions.

Cooking method

The salting technology is quite simple:

  1. Herbs and spices are placed at the bottom of the jar, after which the already soaked cucumbers are rammed.
  2. Cold brine is prepared as follows. Dissolve salt in water. A 3 liter jar usually contains 1.5 liters of brine.
  3. Fill the jar with brine, leave to ferment at room temperature. Banks are better to cover with gauze.
  4. Then all this is removed in a cold place with a temperature of no more than +1 degree for 10 days.
  5. At the end of the term, try the cucumbers, if everything turned out well and you like their taste, then you can start rolling.
  6. If there is less brine, then you need to add it.
  7. After that, the cucumbers are rolled up with sterile lids.

Such preservation is stored in a cold place, cellar or refrigerator, the main thing is that the temperature should not exceed +5 degrees.

Salting is a popular way of harvesting vegetables for the winter, including crispy cucumbers that go well with any dish. Pickling cucumbers for the winter is dozens and even hundreds of the most different recipes, in which the amount of salt, seasonings used and salting methods differ.

In order for the harvesting of cucumbers for the winter to be successful, as always, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing vegetables. Cucumbers should be strong, without damage. Therefore, harvesting cucumbers on the day of harvest from the garden is considered optimal. It is also advisable to sort the cucumbers by size so that they are equally saturated with salt and seasonings.

You should be aware that chlorinated water is not a suitable option for salting. From spices experienced housewives currant, cherry and oak leaves are advised. You can also use grape leaves, Bay leaf, garlic, onion. Before pickling, it is recommended to soak cucumbers and change the water to get rid of bitterness.

The main type of preparation, except for, is salting in hot and cold ways.

A hot way to pickle cucumbers in jars.

Spice leaves are laid out at the bottom of the jars, then the cucumbers are tightly packed. Cherry, currant, etc. leaves can also be reported between cucumbers. Then the cucumbers are poured with boiling water and covered with sterilized lids, wait 3 minutes and drain the water. Then the cucumbers are poured again and wait 5 minutes. Next, the water is drained and poured with boiling brine with 30 g of salt per liter. Banks are rolled up and cooled.

There is another recipe. Cucumbers are poured with boiling brine and kept for a day, and then put in the basement for 7-8 days. When the cucumbers are ready, the brine will need to be drained into a saucepan, the jars washed and sterilized. Cucumbers will need to be laid again with a new portion of spices and pour boiling brine (drained). It remains to cork with lids and refrigerate. In both cases, it is recommended to cool quickly.

A cold way to pickle cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers with seasonings are placed in jars, poured with a cold solution - 50-60 g of salt per liter. To obtain a brine, the salt is dissolved in a small volume of water, and then poured into cold water. Then you should cover the jars with gauze and wait a couple of days to roam. Next, banks put in cool place for a week and a half at a temperature of 1-4 degrees or for a week at a temperature of 17 degrees. When the fermentation process is completed, you need to add the brine and cork the jars without sterilization (hermetically). Such cucumbers are stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter can be done according to other recipes. For example, cucumbers can be salted in barrels - not only oak, but also plastic. The method of pickling cucumbers in bags is also popular.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter are the most popular preservation of any housewife. There are many ways to pickle. Most recently, we analyzed cooking options. Today, I suggest that you pay your attention to pickles, which perfectly retain their qualities until winter.

Before you start the salting process, you need to decide which method to choose. After all, there are also quite a few of them, for example, cold and hot option. They are prepared quite differently, but the composition of the ingredients is almost the same. If you want to add something new, for example, mustard or vodka to the recipe, then here the cooking process will be different. Perhaps now you understand how important it is to initially know what you are striving for as a result.

Harvested cucumbers for the winter are considered great snack to anyone festive table. And mind you, they are in great demand among the guests of the celebration. I suggest that you do not stop at one recipe, but cook several by signing lids on them. Then you can definitely decide and find your favorite pickling method.

Cooking pickles for the winter in jars

Let's start with the classic recipe. According to which many are preparing, I promise you and we will learn. The whole secret is in this version of pickles, in the marinade. Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are in jars all winter. They turn out crispy and very tasty, try it, you will like it.

We will need:

Quantity necessary products may vary. Depending on the number of cans you will be using. That is why a set of ingredients will be indicated below without indicating the quantity.

  • fresh cucumbers - 3 kg. (may be more depending on the size of the fruit and jar)
  • currant, cherry and horseradish leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. for 750 gr. bank
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves per jar
  • peppercorns

Marinade per 1 liter:


1. Before starting, prepare the pickle jars. To do this, thoroughly rinse each of them. Then sterilize with steam.

Personal experience. For sterilization, I use a regular kettle. I pour into it enough water. Put on fire, bring to a boil. After we reduce the gas, and put a jar on the boiling spout.

All greens and leaves must be processed right before salting. Rinse under running water, then lay out on a cloth napkin. This way we will get rid of the remaining liquid and let the grass dry completely.

Now we get comfortable and start salting. At the bottom of a sterilized liter jar we put a sheet of horseradish, then sheets of currant and cherry, about 3 leaves, for each jar. Here we put dill umbrellas and garlic, cutting it into two or three parts.

Next, lay the bay leaf and peppercorns.

2. Now we take pre-washed cucumbers. We remove the stalks or leave them with them if they are not quite large. And densely spread in prepared jars.

Then pour boiling water into each jar. This must be done very carefully so as not to burn yourself. IN given water nothing needs to be reported, so we sterilize our cucumbers again.

Cover each jar with a lid. Let stand until the water in the jars has cooled completely. Then carefully pour all the liquid back into the pan. From the same water we will prepare the marinade. Add everything to it necessary ingredients. The recipe is detailed above.

Bring the prepared marinade to a boil, then boil for another 5 minutes. Then pour the finished marinade into prepared jars. On top we close the lids, which must be immediately rolled up. We turn the finished pickles upside down and leave the cucumbers in this form for 24 hours. It is advisable to cover the jars from above with something warm.

So we prepared delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter. Which by the way are subject long storage in a cool place. Below is a recipe for conservation, which is perfectly stored in the apartment throughout the year.

A proven recipe for crunchy fruits with vinegar for storage in the apartment

I bring to your attention a proven recipe. According to which we cook with the whole family from year to year. Cucumbers cooked according to this option are excellent and crispy. Such jars of pickles are perfectly stored in apartments. The main thing is to choose a place darker, where the rays of the sun will certainly not be able to penetrate.

We will need:

The calculation will be presented for 3 cans, each of which has a volume of 1 liter

  • cucumbers
  • water - 3 liters
  • granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • salt - 6 tablespoons with a slide
  • vinegar - 3 tablespoons (one in each jar)
  • herbs (horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, horseradish root, garlic, allspice)


1. First of all, let's deal with the processing of cucumbers. To do this, we select the most suitable fruits. We put them in a basin with cold water and rinse thoroughly. Then we drain the water and fill it with new (cold) one more time. We leave cucumbers in it for 1 hour.

At both sides washed vegetable remove the stems. And we leave them in the basin for now. And we ourselves at this time will be engaged in the sterilization of cans.

2. I described the process of sterilizing jars to you in previous recipe. You can also use your own method. But in no case do we miss this process. It's much easier with lids. We lay them in boiling water and continue to boil for 3-5 minutes.

Now we put the washed grass, garlic and black peppercorns in prepared jars. Lay the cucumbers on top, tamping them lightly against each other.

If as a result you plan to get pickles with big amount brine, then the cucumbers should not be tamped too much with each other.

3. Now let's prepare the marinade. Add all dry ingredients to boiling water. Such as salt and sugar, bring to a boil again. Then carefully pour the finished marinade into the prepared jars of cucumbers.

We cover the top with lids and leave in this state for 7-10 minutes. After that, pour the liquid back into the pan and bring to a boil. Then we fill the cucumbers again, but not to the top, but only to the shoulders of the jar.

It's time to pour in the vinegar. One tablespoon per jar will be enough.

When vinegar is added, you can add the remaining marinade to the jars to the very top.

Cover with sterilized metal lids and spin. Banks are turned over to flat surface. From above we cover with a warm blanket. We leave the resulting pickles for a day. After the time has passed, we put them in a comfortable position.

Such preservation should be stored in a dark place. But you can try it after one, and preferably two weeks. So that the cucumbers can be salted as best as possible.

We canned cucumbers under a nylon cover

Enough interesting way we will now consider salting with you. It's all about him distinctive features. For example, we will prepare such preservation without adding vinegar. We will fill the cucumbers with spring or raw water from the tap. And it is necessary to close the resulting pickles under a nylon cover. Well, what is interesting to you is the salting process, then get down to business ...

We will need:

The calculation is painted for one 3-liter jar

  • cucumbers
  • salt - 100 gr.
  • grass (currant and cherry leaves, dill umbrellas, bay leaf)
  • horseradish root
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • water - preferably spring water


1. First of all, we will prepare all the ingredients required from the list. Rinse jars with lids thoroughly under running water. Cucumbers before pickling, it is desirable to soak in cold water at least for half an hour.

Rinse and dry all prepared grass with a cloth towel.

We put the prepared jars with a volume of 3 liters on a flat surface. And carefully lay the washed grass in it. IN next amount: bay leaf - 2 pcs., peppercorns - 3 pcs., horseradish root - small cut pieces 1 cm long (2-3 pcs.). With the remaining grass, do as you wish, you can add less or more, it will not harm the pickles in any way.

We also add the required amount of salt here. Next lay out the washed cucumbers. Tamping them together as best you can.

2. Then we fill the resulting mass to the very top with spring water, which can be completely replaced with raw tap water. We close with capron lids.

Store the resulting pickles preferably in a cool place. As a result of your efforts, you will receive a wonderful preservation for the winter.

Since this option was cooked in a cold way, then the salting time will also increase. That is, if you decide to try cucumbers on the 3rd or 4th day after pickling, they definitely will not be ready. So hold on gentlemen.

Video on how to preserve cucumbers in a cold way

We are smoothly moving on to another recipe for making pickles for the winter. Don't worry, you can always go back to previous notes.

Delicious mustard pickles recipe

Mmm, I promise it will be delicious. This method preservation with mustard is suitable for lovers of spicy. So, as part of the marinade, we will use not small amount mustard and vinegar. Which will have a positive effect on ready-made pickles.

The calculation of products will be given below for four liter jars.

We will need:

  • fresh cucumbers
  • cold water - 6 cups
  • mustard - 6 tablespoons
  • table vinegar - 1 cup
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup
  • salt - 2 tablespoons


1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly and soak in cold water for 3-4 hours. Thus, we will get rid of the slight bitterness, if any, in the vegetable.

In prepared well-washed jars, lay out the cucumbers. Tamping them together. As you probably noticed, this recipe does not contain a single gram of greens. Which makes our work much easier. You can rest assured that this will not affect the taste of ready-made pickles.

2. While ready-made jars of vegetables, put aside and take care of the marinade.

To prepare the marinade, take a large deep saucepan. Pour the required amount of cold water into it. Add mustard, vinegar, sugar and salt here. We put the whole mixture on the fire and bring to a boil.

Boil the marinade for 5-7 minutes. Then carefully fill the jars with cucumbers to the very top.

3. Prepare a pan for sterilization of preservation. To do this, put a small towel in a volumetric container and fill it with water. Put on fire and bring to a boil.

Then carefully lower the jars of vegetables to the bottom of the pan. We cover with lids, each individually. And sterilize for 5-7 minutes.

At the end of time, carefully take out our pickles, hold with a towel so as not to scald. And wrap the lids as best we can. Then turn them upside down on a flat surface and leave in this state until completely cooled.

As soon as the preservation has cooled down, you can lower them into the cellar or store them in an apartment in a dark place.

An amazing variant of cucumber pickles with vodka

Our article is coming to an end. But I don't want to say goodbye. That is why I suggest that we, together with you, analyze one more option. canned cucumbers for the winter. And this recipe will not be simple, but with the addition of a familiar ingredient. We will add a little vodka to the composition of such a marinade. As a result, you will see how the taste of pickles differs from those presented above.

We will need:

For a 3 liter jar

  • cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg.
  • currant leaves, horseradish, dill umbrellas, amaranth (amaranth), marigolds - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • salt - 100 gr.
  • vodka - 50 gr.


1. Put the processed leaves into a steam-sterilized jar. We put them in turn, as presented above in the recipe, slightly pressing to the bottom.

Then here we lay pre-processed cucumbers.

Cucumbers had to be washed and removed from both sides of the stalk. And do not forget to soak the fruits in cold water.

We lightly tamp them, do not try to put pressure on them. Any force applied can break the vegetable.

2. Now let's cook not complex marinade. Pour water into the carafe and add the required amount of salt. Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture. And pour into prepared jars with cucumbers. IN this case no need to heat up yet.

We close the bank nylon cover and remove the pickles in a dark place for 4 days. After the time has elapsed, pour the brine from the cucumbers into the pan. Put on fire, bring to a boil, and boil for 5 minutes.

While the marinade is on fire, take a jar of cucumbers. Pour cold water into it. Cover the top with a lid and shake thoroughly. Thus, we get rid of the resulting white plaque. Then we drain this water.

Here we pour vodka into required quantity. After adding ready hot marinade to the very top. We hermetically cork pickles with sterilized iron lids. Turn upside down on a flat surface. Leave in this state until completely cooled.

Keep canned cucumbers preferably in a cool place. Under such conditions, they can be stored until spring. But I doubt that such a yummy will stand for a long time. Of course, when you taste it, you will not remain indifferent.

This concludes our selection. I hope that you have chosen one of the recipes for yourself, and perhaps even adopted several of them. Now I'm waiting for your feedback on what and how you got it. On which option we stopped, and which one we would like to try.

See you soon dear friends!

Pickled cucumbers in jars - the best recipes. How to pickle cucumbers in jars.
Every good housewife in the end summer season is preparing for the winter. Most often, this is lecho, winter salads, adjika, pickled tomatoes, berry jam and, of course, pickles. In fact, pickling cucumbers is a whole science. Surely many of us have family recipes, secrets passed down from generation to generation, how to pickle cucumbers so that they turn out crispy, dense, slightly tart or, conversely, sweetish in taste.
In the old days, cucumbers were salted exclusively in wooden barrels. Now, in the conditions of city apartments, housewives use ordinary enameled basins and glass jars. Banks must be intact, without visible defects, chips and cracks. In addition, before salting anything, jars must be sterilized. Only in this way can your blanks be stored for a long time. Banks should be rinsed first warm water with addition baking soda then rinse with boiling water and dry thoroughly. Now many housewives sterilize jars in the oven and even in microwave oven. So here you can choose any method that you like best.
For pickling, cucumbers of medium or small size are most often taken. They must be fresh, firm and free from defects. To give pickles a special flavor, most often use all kinds of additional ingredients, for example, blackcurrant or cherry leaves, dill umbels, oak bark, horseradish, garlic, allspice peas and much more. Sometimes cucumbers are salted with vodka or mustard. Very often cucumbers are salted with other vegetables: onions, bell pepper or tomatoes. In a word, recipes for making pickles have accumulated great amount. And all of them, of course, deserve attention. We will share with you some of the best, in our opinion, recipes for pickling cucumbers, and you choose the one that you like best. After all, you must admit, what could be better than a juicy crispy cucumber with boiled potatoes?
Pickles in jars - the best recipes

Recipe number 1. Salted cucumbers

First of all, we will introduce you to one of the most common, considered classic, recipe for pickling cucumbers. Pickled cucumbers this recipe, always turn out delicious, crispy and with an amazing tart flavor.
To prepare pickles, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers- 2 kg.
2. Garlic - 5 cloves.
3. Horseradish leaves - 2 pieces.
4. Blackcurrant leaves - 6 pieces.
5. cherry leaves- 5 items.
6. Black peppercorns - 7 peas.
7. Bay leaf - 3 pieces.
8. Dill umbrellas - 3 pieces.
9. Salt - 3 tablespoons.
How to pickle cucumbers:
1. We wash the cucumbers thoroughly and dry them. Pour a liter of water into a deep saucepan, dissolve the salt in it. In the resulting solution, put the prepared cucumbers and leave to soak for six hours. After the specified time, we take out the cucumbers, rinse thoroughly under running water and we discuss.
2. We thoroughly wash the leaves of blackcurrant, cherry and horseradish. We clean the garlic from the husk and rinse.
3. Banks are pre-sterilized. At the bottom of the prepared jars we lay dill umbrellas, cherry, horseradish and currant leaves, garlic, bay leaf and black peppercorns. Then we send cucumbers to jars, fill it all with brine and leave for two days.
4. After forty-eight hours, drain the brine from the cans back into the pan. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the brine to a boil. Fill the cucumbers with hot brine, roll up the jars with pre-sterilized lids. Then we turn the jars over and wait until they are completely cool.
Pickled cucumbers are ready! You can eat immediately, or you can put it in a dark, cool place and leave until better times. Bon appetit!

Recipe number 2. Pickled cucumbers with bell pepper

Quite interesting and original recipe pickling cucumbers with bell peppers. It turns out unusual, but very tasty.
To prepare pickled cucumbers with bell peppers, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers - 5 kg.
2. Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg.
3. fresh greens dill - 100 grams.
4. Oak leaves - 3 pieces.
5. Garlic - 5 cloves.
6. fresh mint- a few leaves.
7. Hot chili pepper - 1 pod.
8. Salt - 350 grams.
9. Water - 5 liters.
5. Blackcurrant or cherry leaves - 4 pieces.
How to cook pickled cucumbers with bell peppers:
1. Wash fresh cucumbers and bell peppers under running water. Remove the stalk from the pepper and cut out the core with seeds. Pour boiling water over vegetables and pat dry. It is best to take a small bell pepper. If the pepper is large, then it can be cut into quarters.
2. Rinse the leaves of thought and currant, dill and chili pepper. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into pieces. We clean the garlic from the husk and rinse. Banks are pre-sterilized. We put greens, chili peppers and garlic in prepared jars, then add cucumbers and bell peppers.
3. We dissolve the salt in water, pour the contents of the jars with the resulting solution, cover with a clean towel and leave for three days. After the specified time, pour the brine from the jars into the pan, bring to a boil and immediately pour back into the jars. Now we roll up the jars with pre-prepared sterilized lids, turn over and leave to cool completely.
Pickled cucumbers with bell peppers are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 3. Pickled cucumbers with red currants

We all know the recipes for pickling cucumbers with tomatoes, onions or peppers. Have you tried pickled cucumbers with berries? But it is very tasty!
To prepare pickled cucumbers with red currants, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg.
2. Redcurrant - 3 cups.
3. Currant leaves - 5 pieces.
4. Horseradish leaves - 3 pieces.
5. Cherry leaves - 10 pieces.
6. Dill umbrellas - 5 pieces.
7. Garlic - 5 cloves.
8. Black peppercorns - 20 pieces.
9. Salt - 50 grams.
10. Sugar - to taste.
How to cook pickled cucumbers with red currants:
1. We sort out fresh currants, remove twigs and debris, then gently rinse with cool water. We wash the cucumbers, put them in a deep saucepan, fill them with cold water and leave to soak for four hours.
2. Leaves of cherries, horseradish and currants, as well as dill, rinse. We clean the garlic from the husk. We put all the greens, garlic and peppercorns in sterilized jars. Then we send the soaked cucumbers to the jars. Now we pour out the currants, the berries should fill the voids between the cucumbers. Pour the contents of the jars with boiling water, cover and leave for twenty minutes.
3. After the specified time, carefully pour the water from the cans into the pan, add salt and granulated sugar to taste. We put the pan on the fire, bring the brine to a boil. Pour the boiling brine into jars and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Now turn the cans over and leave to cool. After cooling, put it in a cool dry place.
Pickled cucumbers with red currants are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 4. Pickled cucumbers with mustard

Pickled cucumbers according to this recipe will surely appeal to lovers of spicy snacks.
To make mustard pickles, you will need the following: Ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg.
2. Salt - 4 tablespoons.
3. Dry mustard - 3 tablespoons.
4. Horseradish leaves - 2 pieces.
5. Currant leaves - 3 pieces.
6. Cherry leaves - 3 pieces.
7. Garlic - 3 cloves.
How to cook pickles with mustard:
1. Fresh cucumbers, washed, doused with boiling water, then put in a deep saucepan and poured with cold water. Leave the cucumbers to soak for three hours. After the specified time, get the cucumbers and cut off the tails.
2. Rinse the leaves of cherries, currants and horseradish, peel the garlic. We distribute the greens with garlic in sterilized jars, send cucumbers there, pour salt on top and pour the contents of the jars with boiling water. We cover the necks with lids and leave the jars for forty-eight hours. If a film appears on the surface, it must be removed.
3. After the time has elapsed, pour the brine into a saucepan, bring to a boil. We add dry mustard to the jars, pour the contents with boiling brine and immediately roll them up with sterilized lids. After that, we turn the jars over, wrap them up and wait until they cool down.
Pickled cucumbers with mustard are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 5. Pickled cucumbers with vodka

It turns out that pickles can not only be served as an appetizer under the original Russian strong drink, but also salt with vodka. Try it, you will definitely like it!
To prepare pickles with vodka, you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg.
2. Salt - 3 tablespoons.
3. Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
4. Vodka - 150 ml.
5. Horseradish root - 1 piece.
6. Horseradish leaves - 3 pieces.
7. Garlic - 3 cloves.
8. Bay leaf - 2 pieces.
9. Dill umbrellas - 2 pieces.
How to cook pickles with vodka:
1. We wash the cucumbers under running water, pour boiling water over them, dry them and cut off the tails. Rinse horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas, peel the garlic. We put greens, cucumbers and garlic in sterilized jars.
2. Pour two liters of cold water into the pan, add salt and granulated sugar. Pour the contents of the jars with the resulting solution, pour vodka on top. We cover the jars with a towel and leave for three days. The foam formed during this time on the surface must be periodically removed.
3. After the time has elapsed, pour the brine from the cans into a saucepan and bring to a boil. The boiling brine is immediately poured into jars, rolled up with sterilized lids, turned over, wrapped and left to cool at room temperature.
Pickled cucumbers with vodka are ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe number 6. Pickled cucumbers with aspirin

And another common way to pickle cucumbers is with the addition of aspirin. A very simple recipe for making delicious pickles, which even a novice hostess can handle.
To make pickles with aspirin, you will need the following: Ingredients:
1. Fresh cucumbers - 2 kg.
2. Aspirin - 3 tablets.
3. Salt - 3 tablespoons.
4. Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
5. Black peppercorns - 7 pieces.
6. Garlic - 4 cloves.
7. Bay leaf - 3 pieces.
8. Citric acid - 1 tablespoon.
9. Leaves of horseradish, currant, cherry - 2 each.
10. Dill umbrellas - 2 pieces.
How to cook pickles with aspirin:
1. We wash the cucumbers and soak them in cold water for three hours, then we take them out, dry them and cut off the tails. Rinse all the greens, peel the garlic from the husk and chop.
2. Put salt, granulated sugar, aspirin, citric acid, peppercorns, greens and garlic in a sterilized jar. Then we send cucumbers to jars. Now fill the contents of the jars with boiling water, roll up with sterilized lids and shake vigorously so that the salt, lemon acid and the tablets dissolved. Banks are turned over, wrapped and left to cool completely.
Pickled cucumbers with aspirin are ready! Bon appetit!
How to cook pickles, said Ekaterina Novoselova.

15 best recipes cucumbers for the winter
(Keep it to yourself so you don't forget!)

1. Canned cucumbers with red currant
2. Spicy cucumbers tomato sauce
3. Cucumbers with apples (pickled and salted).
4. Pickles for the winter.
5. Pickled cucumbers with gooseberries
6. Pickled cucumbers for the winter.
7. Pickled cucumbers, sterilized without vinegar
8. Pickling cucumbers in jars is the easiest and most delicious recipe.
9. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (very simple and delicious recipe)
10. secret recipe awesome cucumbers"Real jam"
11. Pickled cucumber salad
12. Salted cucumbers with vodka
13. Lightly salted cucumbers "Sharp"
14. Summer salad for the winter
15. Assorted marinated granny Sonya

1. Canned cucumbers with red currants.
Ingredients: Cucumbers 600 grams; Garlic 2 cloves; One onion
thing; Red currant 1.5 cups; Black pepper, peas three pieces;
Carnation three pieces; Water 1 liter; Sugar - 1 tbsp; Salt 2.5 tbsp. ;
Wash cucumbers. Put the spices in the bottom of the jar. Arrange the cucumbers in jars vertically. Currants (0.5 cups) will be cleaned of twigs, sorted and washed. Distribute the berries between the cucumbers. Pour cucumbers with hot brine, immediately cover with lids and sterilize for 8-10 minutes. then we roll up the banks and wrap them up. Brine. Bring the water to a boil
add salt and sugar, add red currant berries (1 cup).

2. Cucumbers in spicy tomato sauce.
Wash cucumbers and soak for 1-2 hours in cold water. I have cucumbers
Prepare: Garlic - 180g, tomato paste- 150g (3 full tablespoons
spoons), Sunflower oil - 250ml, Sugar - 150g, Salt - 31 tbsp. IN
As you work, you can add salt to your taste. Vinegar 6% - 150ml, Paprika
spicy - 1 tsp, black pepper. they say - 1 tbsp
Cut off the ends of the cucumbers. big cucumbers cut into 4 pieces along.
Smaller cucumbers - only along. Press the garlic through a press.
Add all ingredients except vinegar. We put on a moderate fire.
After 0.5 hours, the cucumbers will already be floating in the sauce. Let's taste the sauce.
It should be spicy, not salty, but not too sweet either. Let's put out
cucumbers for another 15 minutes. Let's add vinegar. Total time extinguishing - 40-45 minutes.
Cover the pot with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. Let's put the cucumbers in
prepared sterilized 0.5-liter jars. Pour in the sauce and
sterilize for 25-30 minutes. We close the jars and turn them over to the full
cooling down.

3. Cucumbers with apples (pickled and salted).
Products: for a 3-liter jar, apples (sour) 1-2 pcs., Garlic 3-4
cloves, dill (umbrellas) cherry leaf, currant (handful), allspice peas 12 pcs., cloves 12 pcs., bay leaf 4 pcs., sugar 5 tsp, salt 4 tsp, vinegar essence 2 tsp. l. (almost), cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg (depending on size)
Cucumbers marinated with apples: Cut the garlic into slices, wash the greens.
IN clean jars put washed cucumbers, interspersing them with spices and
apple slices (do not peel). Fill the jar with boiling water
stand 20 min. and pour into a saucepan. Boil this water again, add
it has sugar and salt in it. Fill the cucumbers with syrup to the top, wait 10 minutes, again
pour the brine into a saucepan. We boil. At this time, pour 2 into the jar
incomplete teaspoons of vinegar, pour boiling syrup and roll up
boiled lids. Banks are turned over and wrapped until cool.
Cucumbers are stored at room temperature or in a cool place.
Salted cucumbers ( hot way): In a deep container we put cucumbers with spices and apple slices. IN hot water(per 1 liter) we breed 2 tbsp.
l. salt, pour cucumbers, cover with a plate so that they do not float.
Leave at room temperature until completely cooled, then remove from the refrigerator. The next day, the cucumbers are ready to eat.

4. Pickles for the winter.
Products: For a 1 liter jar: Cucumbers - how much will it take, Dill umbrella - 1
pcs., Horseradish leaf - 1 pc., Garlic - 5-6 cloves, Hot pepper - 3-4 rings, Bulgarian pepper - 2 rings, Currant leaves - 2 pcs., Coarse salt - 20 g, Acetyl (crush) - 1, 5 tablets.
Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave for 4-6 hours. Prepare the jars
Cover the lids with boiling water. Peel the garlic, wash the herbs, chop the pepper.
At the bottom of the jar put a leaf of horseradish, a sprig of dill, currant leaves.
Fill jar tightly with cucumbers. Throw in the garlic cloves and add the peppers.
Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and let cool enough to handle. Drain water into a saucepan. Add 100 ml boiled water. Let it boil. Pour salt and crushed acetyl into jars.
Pour cucumbers with boiling cucumber water one jar at a time. To the top. bank
spin immediately. (Reduce the fire to a minimum and do not remove the water, it
should keep boiling.) Ready banks turn upside down and
put in a pre-prepared "heat". Leave pickled cucumbers

5. Pickled cucumbers with gooseberries.
The recipe has been tested many times. There are never any misfires. Some years
I close cucumbers exactly according to this recipe - jars do not explode, do not
become cloudy.
For four liter and three 700-gram jars: Small cucumbers - 4 kg, Gooseberries - 0.5 kg, Garlic - 1 head, Cherry leaf - 10 pcs., Leaf
currants - 5 pcs., Large horseradish leaf - 1 pc., Dill - 1 branch-stem with
umbrella, Black pepper - 10 peas, Carnation - 10 flowers, Small horseradish root - 1 pc., Spring water - 3.5 liters,
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water): Salt - 2 tbsp. l. Sugar - 3 tbsp. l., Vinegar 9% - 80 g.
Wash cucumbers thoroughly. Pour cucumbers with cold water for 3-4 hours. Wash the greens, dry with napkins. Cut finely. garlic and
peel the horseradish root and chop finely. Put everything in a bowl and
mix well. Cut off the "bottoms" of the cucumbers. Sterilize jars.
In each jar, put a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and garlic with
fuck. Lay the cucumbers tightly, pour a handful of washed
gooseberry. Boil water, pour cucumbers, heat for 15 minutes. Repeat
again. Then, in the water drained from the cucumbers, add pepper, cloves,
sugar, salt, vinegar. Boil the marinade over low heat for 10-13 minutes. Pour
marinade jars to the top, so that even a little flows out. Boil lids for 5 minutes. Roll up the jars, put the lids down, wrap very well. After a couple of days, turn the cucumbers over, hold them under the covers for another two days.

6. Pickled cucumbers for the winter.
Products: For a 3-liter jar: Cucumbers - 2 kg, Dill (umbrellas) - 3-4 pcs., Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs. Garlic - 2-3 cloves, Horseradish root - 1 pc., Horseradish leaves - 2 pcs. ., Cherry leaves - 1-2 pcs. Or oak leaves (optional) - 1-2 pcs., Celery, parsley and tarragon - 3 sprigs each
capsicum and bell pepper (optional) - 1 each, black pepper
peas - 5 pcs.
For brine, for 1 liter of water: Salt - 80 gr.
Sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in a clean cold
water for 6-8 hours. After that, rinse the cucumbers clean water, wash
greens and put everything in a prepared jar. Lay layers of spices, cucumbers, spices and cucumbers on the bottom of the jar, lay dill on top. Prepare the brine (dissolve salt in cold water), pour cucumbers with brine to the very edge of the jar. Cover with cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After that, when a white foam appears on the surface, drain the brine, boil well and pour over the cucumbers in the jar again. Immediately cover with the prepared lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, on the lid, carefully wrap (cover with a warm blanket) and leave to cool.

7. Pickled cucumbers, sterilized without vinegar.
The recipe for pickles without vinegar allows you to make fragrant and
crispy cucumbers.
Products: Cucumbers - 1 kg, horseradish root - 50 g, garlic - 1-3 cloves, bay leaf - 1-2 pieces oak leaves - 1 piece, cherry leaves - 1 piece, black currant leaves - 1 piece, mustard (grains) - 1-3 pcs., dill - 30-40 gr, dill (seeds) - 2-3 pcs.,
For brine:, Water - 1 l, Salt - 2 tbsp.
Cucumbers are placed in jars, poured with brine, covered with lids and
incubated for 3-4 days at room temperature (for lactic
fermentation). Then the brine from the jars is drained and boiled. Cucumbers carefully
washed in cold water. They are placed in jars again, adding spices and spices for the aroma, density and fragility of cucumbers. Jars with cucumbers are poured with boiling brine and sterilized at a temperature of 80-90 ° C: liter jars - 20 minutes, three-liter jars - 40 minutes.

8. Pickling cucumbers in jars is the easiest and most delicious recipe.
Products: Water - 1 l, Salt - 50 g, Cucumbers - how much will it take, Spices for
A small amount of cucumbers can be salted without pasteurizing, in glass
banks. Fresh, preferably the same size cucumbers are thoroughly washed,
stacked in jars, layered with spices and poured with boiling water (but it can be cold - this cold way pickling cucumbers) with a 5% salt solution (i.e. 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The jars are closed with tin cans boiled in water, but they are not rolled up, but put at room temperature for several days (up to 7-10 days) for fermentation, after which they are topped up with brine and corked with a seaming machine. This recipe for pickling cucumbers in a jar is good because cucumbers are obtained High Quality and are well preserved even at room temperature.

9. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (very simple and delicious recipe)
This recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers and tomatoes is really very simple and requires a minimum of time and effort.
Products: On three-liter jar: Cucumbers - how much will it take, tomatoes - how much will it take, citric acid - 0.5 tsp, salt - 70 g, Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
.l., bay leaf - to taste, peppercorns - to taste onion - 2-3 pcs., garlic - 3-4 cloves, sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs., cherry, currant, oak leaves - 3-4 pcs. .,amaranth (amaranth) - 1 sprig
At the bottom of a dry steamed jar put dill, horseradish, 3-4 leaves each
cherries, currants, oak, a sprig of amaranth (so that the cucumbers crunch). Put cucumbers (tomatoes) in a jar or make a platter. Add spices, 3 aspirin tablets. Pour boiling water(1.5-2 l) - be careful not to crack the jar. Roll up immediately, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

10. The secret recipe for awesome cucumbers "You will lick your fingers"
Products: Cucumbers - 4 kg, Parsley - 1 bunch, Sunflower oil - 1
a glass (200 grams), Table vinegar 9% - 1 glass, Salt - 80 grams, Sugar - 1 glass, Black pepper - 1 dessert spoon, Garlic -1 head. 4 kg of small cucumbers. My. You can trim the ponytails and noses slightly. Cucumbers, which are larger, cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the smaller ones in half lengthwise. Place prepared cucumbers in a bowl. Finely chop a good bunch of parsley and send to the cucumbers. Add a glass to the pot sunflower oil, a glass of 9 percent table vinegar and 80 g of salt (do not fill the 100-gram glass to the top on your finger). Pour a glass of sugar into the resulting marinade for cucumbers, dessert spoon black ground pepper. Cut the head of garlic into slices and into the pan. We are waiting for 4-6 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will release juice - in this mixture, pickling will take place. We take sterilized 0.5 l jars and fill them with pieces of cucumbers: we put the cucumbers in the jar vertically. Fill the jars to the top with the marinade remaining in the pan, cover with prepared lids and sterilize for 20-25 minutes. We get it, roll it tightly. Put the jars upside down, wrap them in towels until they cool completely.

11. Pickled cucumber salad
Great recipe cucumbers for the winter

For a 0.5-liter jar: Cucumbers, Onions - 2-3 pcs., Carrots - 1 pc., Garlic - 1 clove, Dill seeds (dry) - 1 tsp, Bay leaf -
1-2 pcs., Allspice - 2 peas, For marinade (for 8 cans of
0.5 liters): Water - 1.5 liters, Salt - 75 grams, Sugar - 150 grams, Vinegar
table - 1 glass
0.5 l jars with lids must first be sterilized. cucumbers
wash. Cleansing onion, for each jar, 2-3 medium onions, 1 carrot are consumed. Cucumbers cut across centimeter
washers. We also cut the onion into thin rings, and rub the carrots on
coarse grater. In each prepared jar we put one good clove garlic slices, 1 tsp. dry dill seeds, 1-2 bay leaves, 2
mountains allspice pepper. Next, lay out a layer of onion rings (approx.
1 cm), then the same layer of carrots, followed by a layer of cucumber slices
(two centimeters). And so to the top of the jar we alternate layers. Next do
marinade for 8 cans: boil one and a half liters of water, dissolve 75 g in it
salt (about 3/4 of a 100-gram cup), 150 g of sugar and pour into
completion of a glass of table vinegar. Pour jars with boiling marinade,
cover with lids and sterilize for 35 minutes at a low boil. We get it
roll up tightly, you can turn it over, but if you want to keep a beautiful
appearance so that the layers do not mix, it is better not to turn over.
Cover the pickled salad - let it cool until the next day.

12. Lightly salted cucumbers with vodka.
Ingredients: cucumbers, horseradish leaves, cherry leaves, currant leaves, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, black peppercorns, 50 ml of vodka, 2 tbsp. salt.
Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends on both sides. Rinse all the greens and put it in a saucepan, add peppercorns and top
lay out the cucumbers. Prepare a brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and
50 ml of vodka per 1 liter of water. Pour cucumbers with cold brine, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for a day, after which your crispy cucumbers are ready.

13. Lightly salted cucumbers "Sharp"
Ingredients: 1 kg of small cucumbers, 4-5 cloves of garlic; spicy pod
pepper, a large bunch of dill, 6 tbsp. coarse salt
Take young and elastic cucumbers, rinse. Cut off their ends
both sides. Wash the pepper and cut it lengthwise, clean out the seeds and
cut across into thin strips. At the bottom of the jar, lay 2/3 of everything
amount of dill and chopped thin slices garlic. Then tight
lay out the cucumbers, sprinkle them with strips of pepper and garlic, put
next row cucumbers, which also sprinkle with pepper, garlic and
the remaining dill. Put salt on top of the dill, cover
lid and shake the jar. Boil water and pour over cucumbers. Through
drain the water for a few minutes, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers again
received saline solution. Cover the jar with a saucer
place a small weight, such as a small can of water. Leave
cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days.

14. Summer salad for the winter.
In a sterile jar (I have 1 liter), put 3-4 sprigs of dill on the bottom and
parsley (green), cut 1 clove of garlic, if desired, you can put a hot pepper ring, cut 1 medium-sized onion into rings, cut 1 sweet pepper into strips (I always take either yellow or orange pepper for a variety of colors), then cut the cucumbers, but not thinly , and tomatoes (it is advisable to take tomatoes strong, fleshy, well brown, so that they do not become sour and do not turn into porridge). When laying vegetables, tamp a little. Then put 4-5 pieces on top. allspice, 2 cloves, 2-3 bay leaves.
Prepare the brine: for 2 liters of water, 0.5 cups (250 g) of sugar, 3 tablespoons of topless salt, when it boils, pour 150 g of 9% vinegar and immediately pour the brine into jars (this brine is enough for 4-5 liter cans). Then sterilize the jars for 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling and immediately roll up.
In winter, when serving, drain the brine into a separate bowl, vegetables (without
spices) put in a salad bowl and pour vegetable oil taste.

15.Assorted marinated granny Sonya.
For 3 l. jar: Marinade: 2 tbsp salt, 6 tbsp sugar, 100 g vinegar 9%
At the bottom of the jar we put a leaf of grapes, 1 leaf cr. currants, 1 leaf black.
currants, a bunch of dill along with an inflorescence, 2 laurels. leaf, horseradish root
(index finger size), 1 hot pepper, 10 peas
black pepper, 2 cloves of garlic. We put vegetables in a jar (anything -
cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, sweet bell peppers, colored, white
Pour 1150 ml of boiling water (1 liter 150 ml) into each jar. Let them stand
half an hour. Then pour all the water from the jars into large saucepan(or two)
add salt, sugar, vinegar, boil for 2-3 minutes. Now the marinade
Pour back into jars, close with lids, turn upside down and
wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
