
Recipe for meatballs with potatoes in the oven. Potatoes with meatballs in the oven: several options for a hot dish

Take note of a simple recipe for cooking meatballs with potatoes in the oven. This recipe, which is not expensive in terms of ingredients and time, allows you to quickly prepare a tasty and satisfying full-fledged meal. Try it and judge for yourself.

To cook meatballs with potatoes in the oven, we will prepare the products according to the list.

Let's prepare the sauce. Put sour cream, ketchup in a container. Add garlic, passed through a press, and a mixture of peppers (or other seasonings to your taste). We mix.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large slices. If the potatoes are small, then it is enough to cut them into halves. Add 2/3 of the sour cream mixture and salt (to taste) to the chopped potatoes. Stir to coat each wedge with the mixture.

In a container with minced meat, add pre-boiled rice, salt, a mixture of peppers and chopped onions. Mix well and form meatballs. It is more convenient to make meatballs with your hands dipped in water.

The form in which we will cook is slightly greased with vegetable oil. We spread half the potatoes in it, lay the meatballs on top.

Put the remaining potatoes in between the meatballs.

Lubricate the meatballs with the remaining sour cream mixture. We seal the form with foil and put the meatballs with potatoes in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 50-60 minutes. After the time has passed, lift the foil and check the potatoes for readiness. If the potatoes are still damp, cover with foil and continue to bake until tender. Then remove the foil and put the form back in the oven so that the potatoes are beautifully browned.

We got such delicious meatballs with potatoes. Serve them with a fresh vegetable salad. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated


- boiled friable rice - 2/3 cup;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- minced meat (I have homemade) - 300 gr.;
- carrots - 1 pc.;
- onion - 2 pcs. (small);
- salt - add to taste;
- potatoes - 5-6 medium tubers;
- vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
- freshly ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
- ground paprika, hot pepper flakes - to taste;
- not spicy tomato sauce - 2-3 tablespoons;
- water (boiling water) - 1.5 cups;
- bay leaf - 1 pc.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For vegetable sauce, I grated carrots on a fine grater and finely chopped onions. In this recipe, carrots need to be grated and not cut into strips, so that when frying, they give a beautiful color to the oil.

Poured 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom, heated. Dropped the onion. A minute later, when it became soft, added carrots. Sauteed vegetables until soft.

Seasoned with black pepper, paprika and chili powder, ground in flakes. Spices do not have to be added the same and in the same quantity, choose them to your taste. It works well with basil, thyme, oregano - with any dried herbs.

For half a minute, the spices warmed up, put tomato sauce in oil with vegetables. I fried it over low heat for about two minutes so that the tomato had a sweet and sour taste.

I cut the potatoes into large pieces, the shape is not important: slices, cubes, slices. I made the slices large so that when stewing, the pieces of potatoes remained intact. You just have to learn how to cook these, the taste just breaks your head.

Filled with water almost to the top of the potatoes, salted. Covered and left to simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

To make minced meat, I took lean pork, cut into pieces and scrolled through a meat grinder along with a small onion. Beat the egg, add it to the minced meat. Salted. Mixed, seasoned with black pepper (2 pinches) and paprika (0.5 tsp).

My rice was boiled. If you need to cook cereals, then this is done before you begin to deal with vegetables. Rice is washed, poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2 - a glass of water for half a glass of rice. You can also put raw rice in meatballs (cereals), but then you need to cook them longer and in more liquid.

I mixed the added rice and minced meat, formed small balls with my hands, a little larger than a walnut.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, about two tablespoons. She laid out balls of minced meat with rice, fried over medium heat on one side and the other until browned.

While I was making meatballs, the potatoes became soft. Gently prying with a spatula, she shifted the meatballs into a pan with stewed potatoes. You don't need to mix. She covered it tightly again so that no steam escaped, and simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. Five minutes before the readiness, I put a small leaf of lavrushka in the potatoes.

Serve minced meatballs with rice and gravy in a frying pan with potatoes can be served with or without gravy - as you like. To make the gravy thicker, at the end of cooking it is thickened with toasted flour, sometimes sour cream, various vegetables are added - in general, there are enough options. I also often cook, try to cook them too.

Choose any and cook for health!
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

Potatoes with meatballs in the oven is a fragrant, satisfying and incredibly tasty dish. It can be prepared both on weekdays and on the occasion of some kind of celebration. From you the minimum expenses of time and products are required. We wish you success in your culinary endeavors!

Potatoes with meatballs in the oven: a step by step recipe

Grocery set:

  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • spices (pepper, salt);
  • 100 ml of tomato sauce;
  • meatballs - 15-20 pieces;
  • 1/5 cup vegetable oil.

Cooking instructions

Step #1. Remove skin from potatoes. We wash the fruits and cut into medium-sized pieces. Shredded potatoes are sent to a heated pan. Fry using oil. The fire must be big. This will speed up the frying and browning process.

Step #2. Take a glass baking dish. Lay out the fried potato pieces. We distribute them over the entire surface of the bottom.

Step #3. Now let's move on to meatballs. You can use ready-made stuffing, but it is better to make it yourself. We pass pork or beef through a meat grinder. In the resulting mass, add chopped onion, chopped herbs, one egg, spices, a little garlic and breadcrumbs. From minced meat we form medium-sized balls. Lay them on top of the potatoes.

Step number 4. Do you want the dish to be covered with a ruddy crust? Then sprinkle potatoes and meat balls with grated cheese.

Step number 5. Preheat the oven (180°C). Submit a form with content. Potatoes with meatballs in the oven will cook for about an hour. 10 minutes before the end of the process, sprinkle the dish with another layer of grated cheese.

Step number 6. We take out the potatoes with meatballs from the oven. We distribute the dish on plates, sprinkled with chopped herbs. You can invite family members to the table.

Potatoes with meatballs in the oven in sour cream sauce

Required Ingredients:

  • medium bulb;
  • 1 st. l tomato. pastes;
  • garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • favorite spices;
  • 60 g of rice;
  • 170 ml of sour cream;
  • minced meat - 450 g.

Practical part:

  1. In a bowl, combine chopped garlic, pasta and mayonnaise. Add your favorite spices and mix.
  2. Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into slices. If the tubers are small, then just cut in half. We add some salt. Put 2/3 of the previously prepared sour cream mixture into a cup with potatoes. What's next? You have to mix it all up.
  3. Add boiled rice to the bowl with minced meat. Put the chopped onion in there. Salt. You can sprinkle the stuffing with pepper. In this case, you do not need to use an egg - meatballs will keep their shape thanks to rice. With clean and wet hands, we begin to roll the meat balls. From the amount of products we have, we get 8-9 meatballs.
  4. We take a heat-resistant form. Its bottom is coated with oil. Lay out half of the potato wedges. Meatballs will be placed on top of them. The second half of the potato slices fill the space between the meat balls. Pour the remaining sour cream mixture over the dish. All this is sealed with foil.
  5. We put the form with the ingredients in it in a preheated oven. Close the door tightly. At 180 ° C, potatoes with meatballs in the oven will bake for 60 minutes. You can do household chores, but do not forget to remove the foil 20 minutes before the end of the frying process. We distribute the finished dish on portioned plates. We wish you all bon appetit!

One more recipe

Grocery list:

  • one egg;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • medium bulb;
  • bouillon cube with mushroom flavor;
  • spices;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • 0.5 kg pork (pulp).


1. We wash the mushrooms, removing sand and dirt from them. We remove the husk from the onion. Cut the meat into pieces. What are the next steps? We pass chopped onions, pork and mushrooms through a meat grinder. Add the egg and spices to the minced meat. Salt, knead by hand.

2. We clean and wash the potatoes. You don't need to cut anything. Place whole potatoes in a baking dish.

3. We proceed to the formation of minced meat balls. We spread the meatballs in a form, placing them between the potatoes.

4. Pour half a liter of water into the ladle. We put on fire, we wait for the moment of boiling. Now we remove the ladle from the stove. Put a bouillon cube in it. Stir until it dissolves. Add chopped greens and a few peppercorns. Pour potatoes and meatballs with this broth.

5. Put the form with the future dish into the preheated oven. Bake until the liquid is completely absorbed into the meatballs and potatoes. We take out the form from the oven. Sprinkle the dish with grated cheese and send it back to the oven. The appearance of a golden crust will indicate that the dish is ready to serve. This one with potatoes in the oven does not provide a side dish, because the dish turns out to be quite satisfying and high-calorie.


Now you know how to cook potatoes with meatballs in the oven. The article describes several variants of this dish with different ingredients. Choose any of the recipes and feel like a first-class chef!

When meatballs are cooked, the garnish for them is most often mashed or fried potatoes. And you can bake together meatballs with potatoes and cheese in the oven, convenient and very tasty. This dish is easy to prepare and doesn't take much time.


  • 400 g minced meat
  • 1 large onion
  • 600-700 g potatoes
  • 0.5 cup uncooked rice
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g sour cream
  • 1-2 tsp tomato paste
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • 100-120 g cheese
  • salt pepper
  • a pinch of suneli hops

Choose potatoes for this dish with a high starch content, that is, one that boils well. Such potatoes absorb well the sauce in which they are cooked. I added this remark after the comment left by my reader Marina. She came across, apparently, a salad variety of potatoes, with dense pulp and poorly boiled, and she suffered with it until it was ready.
If you are not sure about the quality of the potatoes, it is better to boil them until half cooked before baking, you can directly “in their uniforms”, and then peel, cut and continue according to the recipe.


Dip the rice in boiling salted water and boil it until tender. Then we drain the water through a colander and let the water drain properly so that the rice is almost dry.

If you have minced meat ready, then add finely chopped onion to it, you can also grate the onion on a coarse grater or crank it in a meat grinder.
I almost never buy ready-made minced meat, but for some reason I don’t trust manufacturers. It always surprises me why minced meat is cheaper than meat, what is added there? Therefore, I buy normal meat and make minced meat myself. It takes just nothing, and cutlets-hedgehogs-meatballs taste just great.
Usually, mixed minced meat is taken for cutlets and meatballs, but today I cook from one beef with a small addition of chicken fat, which was found in the freezer.
So, we scroll the meat along with the onion in a meat grinder.

Add a medium-sized egg and boiled rice. Salt, pepper, add a pinch of suneli hops or other seasonings for meat.

We knead well and get this minced meat for meatballs:

Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil. We form dense meatballs from the minced meat with a diameter of about 5 cm and put it in a mold. I got exactly 9 of them.

Now you can turn on the oven, it should heat up to 200 degrees.
Cut the peeled potatoes into fairly large pieces.

Let's prepare the sauce. To 150 g of low-fat sour cream, add 1-2 teaspoons of tomato paste and 1-2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press. Instead of sour cream, you can take natural yogurt. And if you like mayonnaise, you can mix it in half with sour cream. In general, act on your own.

Mix, salt to taste and get this sauce:

Pour about half of the sour cream sauce into a plate with chopped potatoes.

Mix the potatoes with the sauce and put it in a mold, distributing it among the meatballs. Top the meatballs with the sauce too.

If the sauce remains, add some warm water to it, stir and pour into a mold.
Close the form with meatballs and potatoes tightly with foil and put in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Then we take out and check the potatoes for readiness - a fork or knife should easily enter the slice. If the potatoes are damp, cover again with foil and put in the oven for 5-10 minutes.
When the potatoes are ready, remove the foil and fill the dish with cheese, grated on a fine grater.

A simple recipe for meatballs with potatoes step by step with photo.

Meatballs with potatoes are a simple hearty dish that any novice housewife or bachelor can cook. The fatter the minced meat, the tastier and more satisfying the dish. It's good to do it in winter.

I call meatballs with potatoes according to this recipe a worker-peasant dish. Men love it very much and often cook it that way. Meatballs with potatoes are a hearty dish for a hearty lunch, which immediately replaces both the first and second. I often practice it in nature when it is necessary to feed well the men who help with the housework. Good luck and bon appetit!

Servings: 4

  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Dish type: Hot dishes, Meatballs
  • Recipe Difficulty: simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 50 min
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Amount of calories: 21 kilocalories
  • Reason: For lunch

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Minced meat - 500 grams
  • Onion - 3 Pieces
  • Carrot - 1 Piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • Rice - 0.5 cups
  • Potatoes - 6 Pieces (medium)
  • Garlic - 2 Cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

step by step

  1. Minced meat mixed with rice, chopped onions, spices.
  2. Form meatballs and fry them in oil.
  3. We put the finished meatballs in a deep pan. Lay the chopped potatoes on top.
  4. Fill with water, add spices and bring to a boil.
  5. Cooking fried onions, carrots and tomatoes.
  6. When the potatoes are ready, pour the frying into the pan, bring to a boil and turn it off. Add garlic, herbs. Let it brew for five minutes. Bon appetit!
