
Is it possible to drink green tea with mint. Mint Properties: Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Green tea, according to many nutritionists and doctors, is considered one of the most healthy drinks. By adding a few mint leaves, we get a drink with a pleasant taste and healing properties. Both of these plants in terms of health contain a lot useful substances which have a healing effect on the body. Given that tea contains no calories, the health benefits of tea are clear.

Herbal teas have many benefits that we love not only for their taste, but also medicinal properties. Many of them contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing many chronic diseases, including heart disease and the development of malignant tumors. However, do not forget that in addition to benefits, they can also be harmful to health. Learn about the benefits and harms of green tea in this article.

Benefits of green tea with mint

As more and more people are interested in using healthy foods and beverages, there is a growing interest in herbal teas as more healthy alternative those drinks that contain a lot of not only sugar, but also other harmful substances. Both green tea and mint are rich in many nutrients. To answer the question of how useful such tea drink worth a look at chemical composition components.

Green tea and mint leaves contain:



Essential oils;



and other useful substances.

Antioxidants are nutrients, which inhibit the oxidative action of free radicals in the body, improving general state human health. They help fight diseases such as cancer, heart and vascular diseases, inflammatory diseases joints.

Flavonoids are also classified as antioxidants. Mint and green tea contain Various types flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on health. To increase their amount, you can add lemon, orange or other citrus fruits to tea.

Mint is considered a plant that can eliminate bad smell mouth and keep fresh for a long time.

Green tea is recommended for type 2 diabetes, especially when blood glucose levels are high. Scientists explain this effect of tea with a high content of polyphenols, which enhance the action of insulin. In addition, it increases fat burning, which can also indirectly help control blood sugar levels.

Green tea has many other health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels.

A few fresh or dried mint leaves will add flavor and additional healing properties to the tea. Mint, like other herbs in this family, such as lemon balm, contains menthol, the compound that gives it its well-recognized aroma.

It has a good calming effect. It is used for diseases of the stomach, relieving nausea, various digestive disorders.

It has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

If you suffer from frequent indigestion, mint green tea can be of great help. It soothes the abdominal muscles, relieving spasms, improves the outflow of bile, and improves digestion.

Green tea contains caffeine. But when mint or other herbs are added to it, its content is reduced, which can also be useful for the category of people who should not drink drinks with a high content of caffeine.

Green tea and more herbal teas considered safe during pregnancy. Mint can help reduce morning sickness, bloating, and flatulence. At night, it will help you fall asleep faster, relieve anxiety, stress and irritability. But you need to drink it at least three hours before bedtime. Green tea has tonic properties. Before using any herbal teas it is good to consult with your doctor.

Green tea with mint for weight loss

There is no herb, pill or other remedy that will miraculously help get rid of excess weight. A stable positive result can be achieved by adhering to healthy eating by doing regular exercise. Peppermint green tea can provide benefits and possibly help in weight loss efforts. It is important to know that this tea can interact with certain medications and weight loss supplements. Therefore, you need to consult a nutritionist and ask about possible side effects.

How can this tea for weight loss help? Metabolism is the rate at which calories are burned. The more of them burned compared to their consumption, the faster the weight is lost.

Caffeine and green tea catechins boost your metabolism, causing you to burn more calories in the same amount of time.

In addition, catechins and caffeine affect hunger by reducing appetite, resulting in fewer calories.

The beneficial properties of mint affect the level of quality of exercise. It improves breathing, increases the amount of oxygen passing through the lungs, which affects the quality of the workout. Scientists believe this is due to the ability of mint to relieve spasms and relax muscles.

As already noted, mint has an effect on the work gastrointestinal tract, relieving cramps and bloating, preventing gas and diarrhea.

How to make green tea with mint

Choosing green tea with mint, first of all, you need to focus on your personal taste. Mint tea, with a slightly cooling taste, goes well with other ingredients: honey, lemon, lemon balm, orange, vanilla, fruits, and more. You can experiment to create your own. unique taste and aroma.

For brewing, you can buy ready-made green tea with mint. But keep in mind that such tea can be flavored instead of mint leaves. mint oil. The taste of this drink is different from tea with mint leaves. You can make your own tea drink by buying green tea and mint.

Ready tea can be brewed following the instructions on the package. It must be remembered that the longer the tea is infused, the more caffeine it will contain.

As a rule, on teapot 1-2 tablespoons of tea leaves are taken, depending on the volume of the teapot. Mint can be added directly during brewing. Tea is brewed with water at a temperature of 85-90 degrees.

Cold green tea with mint

Now you can buy ready cold tea. But making it yourself is not difficult. Such a drink perfect solution for hot summer weather. As a sweetener, it is better to add natural honey to it.

For 2 liters of cold tea you will need:

2-3 tablespoons of green tea

2-4 sprigs of mint

50-70 grams of natural honey

2 liters hot water

Bring water to a boil and remove from stove.

Add green tea and mint to it. Cover and let steep for 10-15 minutes.

Strain and when the drink has cooled to room temperature add honey to taste. For a more pleasant cooling taste, you can add lemon, lime or orange juice.

Put to cool in the refrigerator.

Green tea with mint contraindications harm

Such a drink has no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance.

Since green tea contains caffeine, it can be harmful for people who need to limit their consumption for health reasons. To reduce the caffeine content, other ingredients can be added to the drink and less aged after brewing.

Side effects from great use caffeine may include:





Peppermint can exacerbate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Drinks with mint should be avoided and those who have a hernia of the esophagus.

Most experts are inclined to believe that drinking 2-3 cups a day of such tea cannot negative impact on health. But each of us is individual. Therefore, first of all, you need to focus on your body and health.


What are the benefits of mint tea?

For centuries, mint has been valued for its unique aroma, pleasant taste And healing properties. Undoubtedly, the most common form of mint consumption is mint tea. Mint is a caffeine-free herb of North American origin, making it an extremely popular substitute. traditional tea worldwide.

Mint is a very valuable and useful plant for humans. Since ancient times, mint has been used in folk medicine, being excellent tool from many diseases.

In total there are more than 25 varieties of mint. The most famous is peppermint, which is often used in medicinal purposes. This variety is a cultivated plant obtained by crossing garden and water mint. Value and beneficial features mints are high in essential oil - menthol. It is because of the essential oil that mint has such a rich and easily recognizable pleasant smell.

Mint leaves contain about 5% menthol, inflorescences - more than 6%. The content of menthol is unstable and may vary depending on the time of collection of the herb and its growing conditions.

In addition to menthol, the plant contains ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene, esters. The best time to harvest grass is from April to September, with the most high content useful substances are observed in mint, collected before flowering.

Mint is considered useful in the treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and runny nose. Peppermint is an analgesic and vasodilator.

It is used to eliminate nausea, improve digestion, flatulence, asthma, nervous disorders, inflammatory processes in the lungs and bronchi, gynecological, cardiovascular, colds, spasms, migraines, cholelithiasis.


  • With reduced pressure, you should not opt ​​for mint tea. If you neglect the contraindication, the pressure will drop to a critical point.
  • Experts are trying to protect nursing mothers from drinking the drink in order to avoid the loss of milk.
  • The calming effect of mint negatively affects male libido. Of course, it won’t come to impotence, but it’s still not worth it to abuse the drink. The benefits and harms of mint tea border on each other. It's all about the dosage. 1-2 cups per day - great benefit, more may jeopardize health.
  • In young children, mint causes drowsiness and reduced activity. Tea is prescribed only in case of hyperactivity of the baby. In this case, the dosage of the medicine will be 1/2 cup of tea at bedtime.
  • With individual intolerance to mint or allergies, from mint tea will have to refuse.

How to dry mint for tea?

This plant is harvested for storage only 2 months a year - from June to July. It is worth cutting at a time when the plant has already fully bloomed, otherwise its aromatic properties will not fully manifest. However, if buds appear on the young shoots of mint, then you can collect from them individual leaves. Dry both the whole stems and only the leaves.

Humidity at the time of collection is of great importance, therefore best time for harvesting mint, as well as others medicinal herbs, is dry weather. If you collect mint on a day when there is dew on the leaves even in the late morning, then after drying it will not turn green, but brown. Also, cut mint stalks should be immediately removed from direct sunlight.

Of course, you should be wary of the workpiece medicinal plants on abundantly fertilized territory, as well as on land located in the immediate vicinity of roads and livestock complexes.

Freshly cut mint stalks should be immediately removed from the sun, as under the influence of direct rays, valuable essential oils, thereby making the workpiece useless. Collected stems with leaves should be collected in large but rare bunches, tied up and hung in a ventilated indoor area, for example, on a veranda, attic or balcony. Such blanks dry faster and do not fade.

The leaves, harvested separately from the stems, are dried in a shaded place on paper or a clean rag, occasionally turning over.

Inflorescences and leaves are removed from completely dried stems, then they are rather finely ground into powder and packaged in tightly closed dry containers. Stored in a cool and dark place, mint does not lose its aroma all winter.

Not crushed mint can also be stored for storage, for this it is packed in cotton bags in which the plant can "breathe".

What is mint tea, the benefits and harms of mint tea are of great interest to people who lead healthy lifestyle life, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

Mint tea and:



  • Green tea - 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon - 1/4 pc.
  • Mint - a few sprigs
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Water (boiling water) - 1 l.

Throw green tea into the teapot, tear the washed mint leaves, squeeze the juice from the lemon (throw the lemon into the teapot), add sugar and pour boiling water over all this. Cover with a towel and let stand 1-2 minutes. Ready! Fans of cold ice tea can add ice.


This Herb tea contains an essential oil that has a pleasant lemon flavor. It lowers blood pressure, has a tonic effect when cold, and hot tea used as a diaphoretic for colds with chills.


  • Mint leaves
  • Melissa leaves

1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of lemon balm and mint (combine the components in equal proportions) pour boiling water (1.5-2 cups), leave for 1 hour, cover with a lid, then strain.

Green tea:


  • Green tea (brewing)
  • Mint (fresh or dried)

Pour 1 tsp into the teapot. Chinese green tea, put a few mint leaves. Or add half a teaspoon of dried herb. After that, add hot water, approximately - 70 degrees. Wait also 10 min. After that, the drink can be filtered and drunk. For taste, you can add lemon, put a little honey.

Black tea:

Mint will not spoil the taste even of the the best tea but only complement it.


  • Mint (fresh or dried)
  • Black tea (brewing)

To prepare a drink, add a sprig of fresh mint (or 1 teaspoon dried) to 1 teaspoon of black tea, brew with 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for a couple of minutes and strain. If desired, you can put honey or a slice of lemon.



  • Mint - 3 stalks
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Boiling water - 250 ml
  • Lemon - to taste

For the recipe, take a few stalks of mint. Tear off the leaves from them and place in a cup.

Pour boiling water over and add a slice of lemon. Cover with a saucer and leave to infuse, and then cool to 40 degrees. Add a teaspoon of honey and stir well.

Strain through a strainer and enjoy the pleasant taste.


This tea is the most excellent way to improve metabolism. Especially useful for those on a diet.


  • Ginger root - 2 cm
  • Lemon - 1/3 pc.
  • Mint - 4-5 sprigs
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon (to taste)

Ginger cut into slices. To fill with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Add honey to taste. Add sliced ​​lemon and mint. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat. Cover with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Serve hot or cold with ice.

What are the benefits of mint tea for men?

Mint tea is not contraindicated for healthy men. Properly selected herbal teas help the body cleanse itself in a timely manner and resist the destructive activity of free radicals. When using a maximum of 1 cup of weakly brewed infusion per day, there will be no harm.

Men are not immune from the so-called colds. Weakened body, in addition to medical preparations required medicinal herbs. IN this case mint tea is the best.

You can use a mint drink as a heartburn remedy, a drug to reduce too high stomach acid, or a safe choleretic agent.

Do not, however, abuse mint-based products. There may be a series side effects. For example, from too concentrated mint drinks in large quantities, deviations occur - a decrease in libido and negative changes in male potency.

What are the benefits of mint tea for women?

Now it is necessary to name a number of positive points that are important for the female. On difficult days of menstruation, women may experience various ailments, such as abdominal pain. In each case, there is a different intensity of pain. The good news is that peppermint tea helps reduce this discomfort.

Everyone knows that women different ages often suffer from migraines and muscle pain in different parts body. The drink helps to improve the condition with headaches associated with high blood pressure or having a psychogenic nature. And it also relieves muscle pain without fail.

Girls are characterized by mood swings, many suffer from depression for various reasons. This cannot be completely cured, since women's vulnerability and the tenderness of their character play a decisive role here. Fortunately, mint is available to us, when drinking drinks from this plant, work is normalized. nervous system and there is an immediate release of tension.

With regular use of mint tea in moderate amounts women notice signs of a decrease in unwanted male hormones in the body. This can be determined by a decrease in the amount of vegetation on the body and a decrease in rigidity in behavior.

Experienced women in adulthood should know how mint tea is useful and, if necessary, use the drink to improve well-being. Women in menopause are often recommended to brew mint, as it helps to more easily endure all the physiological changes in the hormonal system that inevitably occur at this time.

For weight loss:

American scientists testify that mint improves the outflow of bile into digestive system. It is bile that is involved in the breakdown of fats and helps pieces of food pass through faster. digestive tract. However, official medicine while there is no evidence that mint leaves contribute to weight loss.

This plant has long been used in various diets. An example is the "flat stomach diet" recommended by the American Dietetic Association. In addition to food restrictions, this meal plan advises drinking plenty of water with added ginger root, cucumber, lemon and mint leaves without sugar.

There is a diametrically opposite point of view. University of Minnesota professor emeritus Judith E. Brown, in her book Nutrition for Life, questions the effectiveness of mint tea in combating extra pounds and calls such claims unfounded.


Pour 1-2 teaspoons of dry mint with boiling water, leave in a glass for 10-20 minutes, strain and drink up to 5 times a day. For more flavor, you can add up to 5 fresh leaves to a cup.

To speed up weight loss mint leaves can be added to classic green tea. According to a 2006 publication in the journal Molecular Research in Food, green tea has a positive effect on body weight and fat absorption in the body. Dietary value due to the presence of a strong antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and caffeine in the composition of the drink.

Mint tea is incredibly tasty and flavored drink, which has many natural properties. Its benefits and harms have been studied for more than one generation, thanks to which it was possible to find out that it is suitable for almost all women and men in moderation.

Peppermint tea is very popular and even children like it, as it is very refreshing and has a pleasant taste. Peppermint is also medicinal plant often used for the treatment and prevention various diseases. This tea is good to drink in the heat, as it perfectly quenches thirst and cools. And in winter, mint tea will speed up recovery during SARS, strengthening the immune system and giving strength to a weakened body. It is often used by mothers to cure their child of a cold without resorting to medication.

Also, mint in tea calms the nervous system, allowing you to relax and forget about all the problems. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in the evening before going to bed with insomnia, adding a spoonful of natural honey to it.

The most important thing is that mint tea is considered a wonderful natural medicine from a cold.

A drink made from freshly brewed green leaves eases the course of the disease, relieves pain in the head and neck, soothes and normalizes breathing.

To prepare it, pour 5 tablespoons of mint with one liter of boiling water and cover the container, letting the broth brew for 15 minutes. Then the drink is filtered, poured into a mug and drunk. To give tea sweetness, you can add a spoonful of honey, which will make the drink even more beneficial for a sick body.

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If a boy or girl gets sick, he needs to dilute this infusion boiled water or immediately pour not one liter, but two and infuse tea for an hour.

Drinking tea with a cold should be warm, in no case hot, so as not to cause a sharp increase in temperature.

You can also wash your nose with this infusion to breathe easily and freely.

Mint contains menthol, which has antibacterial properties Therefore, it is often used to treat skin diseases. Lotions from mint tincture allow you to relieve inflammation, reduce rashes and irritation on the skin. mint drink used to treat gout, stomach and intestines. It also works great for gas and bloating.

Women's critical days do not always go smoothly and without problems. Premenstrual and menstrual pain torment more than half of the female population. Peppermint tea helps to calm down and reduce pain in the abdomen. It can also be used to relieve menopausal symptoms.

Pregnant women can drink this drink little by little. It is enough to limit yourself to two small circles per day to get rid of toxicosis and forget about nausea and nervousness.

But men should not lean on this fragrant gull, as it can provoke male body a decrease in testosterone, which in turn will lead to a weakening of potency. Since mint calms well, the excitability of a man will also be reduced significantly. But this is if you use it daily in large doses, then there will be no contraindications. 1-2 times a week treat yourself to this delicious and healing drink still worth it for men. Especially about him it is necessary to remember during a cold.

Mint Properties: Health Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Mint is unique plant which has many useful properties.

Most often, peppermint is used, which has a number of some contraindications:

  1. Allergic reaction or individual intolerance;
  2. Reduced blood pressure, as mint calms even more, but in a moderate dosage, time will not bring;
  3. Phlebeurysm;
  4. Children under three years old are not allowed to give mint.

However, this medicinal plant has not just gained popularity among people. Everyone knows its beneficial properties. In addition, it is included in the composition of many drugs.

Let's see what are the beneficial properties of mint in tea:

  • An excellent diuretic that allows you to remove excess water from the body. People who like salty foods should regularly drink mint tea to neutralize harmful action from an overdose of salt;
  • Excellent tool for weight loss. But you need to drink tea in the allowed amount so as not to remove excess water from the body and not lead to dehydration;
  • Choleretic action;
  • An antiemetic medicine is obtained by adding pomegranate juice to mint;
  • Natural sedative. One cup of mint tea can calm the nervous system even in the most stressful situations;
  • Anti-inflammatory agent. Mint contains menthol, which is added to almost all ointments for muscles and joints;
  • Pain-relieving and healing property allows you to cure colds, diseases of the throat and head.

Today, peppermint essential oils are also used in cosmetology, making masks and decoctions for hair growth based on them.

The decoction can be prepared at home. You just need to pour 300 grams of leaves with boiling water and boil them for half an hour. Then you need to let the broth brew and cool. Washed hair is rinsed with this tincture and dried.

Having learned the properties of mint tea and its positive action on the human body, mint began to be used in cooking. This plant produces pleasant aroma, and drinks with it refresh and invigorate, especially if you add a pinch of thyme to tea. Mint tea is brewed not only in winter, but also in summer. Mint is used in almost all refreshing drinks, as well as in everyone's favorite Mojito.

Lemonade is made from sugar and lemon. For one liter of water put 200 grams of sugar and squeeze the juice of two lemons. By adding a sprig of mint to the drink, it will turn out to be more fragrant and rich.

Mojito - favorite non-alcoholic cocktail with mint. In the summer it is not very convenient to drink alcohol, because the heat makes it immediately bad. For Mojito, you need to take mint, lime, ice, sugar and sprite. 4 tablespoons are put per liter of soda. sugar, cut lime into arbitrary slices and throw 4 sprigs of mint. Ice is added to this mixture and everything is thoroughly mixed. These drinks are perfectly refreshing in the heat and energize and energize.

Mint is also often combined with other mint useful herbs such as linden, thyme, chamomile. fragrant tea with thyme and mint is not only very tasty, but also useful, as it has antiseptic and analgesic properties.

Mint - medicinal herb, which is used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for the preparation of delicious teas and drinks. The main thing to remember is that it will be useful only if you do not use it in excess.

Green tea It is considered one of the most popular drinks of our time, but there are still disputes about its harm or benefit. Green tea with mint is especially popular. The article discusses two aspects of the influence of green tea with mint on the human body, its benefit and harm.

Pro benefits of green tea they say a lot, but in fact little is known. How to drink it? What to brew with? Will this ceremony be useful? Let's try to figure it out.

Green tea rich in and contains great amount nutrients and compounds, vitamins and antioxidants. But you should use it regularly.

As already mentioned, green tea is often consumed in Everyday life by brewing it with mint. What is mint? What is this plant? Since ancient times, mint has been considered a plant that is used in the fight against diseases of the nervous system, with problems in the gastrointestinal area. Together with green tea she is often treated for sore throats and colds.

In nature, there are about thirty kinds of mint and many are used in industry, proving their beneficial effects on human health.

Often with tea brewing It is garden mint that is used, which is available to everyone, it is called peppermint or lemon balm mint. Do you remember the aroma of this miracle plant? What kind of tea can be brewed? This is a miracle of nature in our cup.

Often green tea is used as the main drinking supplier for diets, it should be consumed every day, and if green tea is brewed with mint, then positive effects there will be even more. Let's give an example

  • Green tea with mint in the hot season is refreshing, cold winter warms.
  • Against colds and sore throats
  • The use of green tea helps to relieve nervous stress, nervous tension of the whole organism as a whole, peppermint essential oils help directly in this.
  • Mint contains a substance such as menthol, which is simply necessary for spasms.
  • Green tea with mint helps to cope with sleep disorders in both adults and children after 6 years
  • Very often, mint green tea (namely with peppermint) is drunk by women with breastfeeding when you want to increase your milk supply
  • This tea is more beneficial for women than for men, because it is this tea that promotes the production of female hormones.
  • Tea infusion can be used not only inside, but also to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin, relieving irritation and inflammation.

Now you can talk about the dangers of green tea with mint.

  • Peppermint green tea should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure.
  • It is contraindicated in children under six years of age, because it has the opposite effect, namely, exciting them.
  • Again, men do not need to drink such tea, it produces female hormones, namely, it affects potency.
  • Also, pregnant women should not get carried away due to increased pressure. But such tea helps with toxicosis, this is in the piggy bank of pluses.
  • You can not drink it with heartburn and infertility.

It is always worth remembering the measure, you can not brew too much strong green tea, it is bitter and changes its taste. There are many ways have a nice tea party and many recipes for brewing tea, but to this day, one of the best tea brewed with mint remains, namely green tea with mint. Drink more often, more and enjoy the taste while improving your health! Do not be ill!

Enjoying green tea with mint is one of the pleasant and simple ways add health to the body. It contains a large amount of polyphenols, which are the most powerful antioxidants. Mint leaves add medicinal properties and refreshing aroma to the drink, promote healthy digestion. It prevents skin aging and cancer if consumed regularly: 7 days a week.

Benefits of green tea with mint

The main advantages of mint tea:

  • protection against cancer cells;
  • blood purification;
  • reduction of minor pain and muscle spasms;
  • high content of thiamine;
  • contains minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium and manganese;
  • Relieve symptoms of colds and flu;
  • has a sedative and calming effect on the body.

Mint contains menthol, oil composition which gives a sharp minty taste and aroma. In addition to the calming effect and slight numbness, this tea can be used to treat nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and other diseases. It is a source of antibacterial and antifungal components.

A cup of mint tea after a meal eliminates harmful bacteria in the mouth, leaving a feeling of freshness. Modern researchers have found that it has antibacterial and bactericidal effects against many of the bacteria found on infected tooth roots. Peppermint green tea helps relieve post-operative pain.
Cigarette smoking is an unhealthy habit that has consequences: oxidative DNA damage to lung tissue. Regular use green tea with mint is indicated for smokers, as it reduces the oxidative process and soothes the throat.

This tea can be drunk before bedtime, the effect of caffeine, which is contained in green tea, is interrupted by the calming properties of mint.

Harm of green tea with mint (contraindications)

  • men. Mint green tea is not recommended for men to drink. large quantities. The fact is that the properties of such a drink act on the body of a man with a relaxing effect, greatly calm and reduce the level of testosterone in the blood. In addition, from mint there is an active production of female hormones. The result is a shift in the male libido towards the female;
  • pregnant women. Complete contraindication not for this category, but prolonged use of the drink can affect the formation of the fetus, especially on the boy;
  • nursing mothers. Mint has qualities that can slow down the production of milk in a woman, so green tea with mint, during lactation, can cause the loss of milk;
  • children under 6 years old. The use of such a drink by children will lead to drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, and exhaustion.
  • people with low blood pressure. It is better to completely abandon green tea with mint for people with reduced pressure, because mint will lead to an even greater decrease in blood pressure;
  • people suffering from diseases of the liver and kidneys. Mint has a negative effect on kidney stones and hepatic colic. It is better to completely abandon the drink with such complications.

mint green tea recipe

How to brew green tea with mint?

First of all, you need to prepare the dishes for brewing. Pour into the kettle for a couple of minutes boiling water. Then, of course, the water must be poured out. This action is necessary so that the kettle warms up properly and brewing takes place at higher temperatures.

1. The recipe is traditional.

Boil the water first so that it has time to cool slightly. Pour 2 teaspoons of green tea and about one mint leaf into the teapot. You can take dried mint, or fresh crushed leaves.

Wait 10 minutes and your mint green tea is ready to drink.

2. Recipe for mint lovers.

Pre-boil the mint leaves for 2-5 minutes. Then pour this water into a teapot with green tea (the water should have a temperature of about 70 degrees). With this method of brewing, the mint flavor in tea is felt more clearly, and it turns out to be soft.

We looked at ways to brew green tea with mint. Do not forget that tea is needed for brewing. High Quality, without additives. We will add everything you need. We wish you a delicious and healthy tea drinking!

Green tea with peppermint

The addition of fresh or dried leaves to the body will help to significantly increase the tonic properties of real Chinese green tea on the body. peppermint. The prepared chilled drink has a refreshing effect - in the heat it easily quenches thirst, and with regular use for 1.5 months, it removes accumulated toxins and toxins that clog the intestines. The harmonious mint taste of the drink discourages excessive appetite, and cleansing contributes to the gradual resorption subcutaneous fat. At the same time, a person does not experience any discomfort (for example, diarrhea) associated with the process of losing weight.

How to prepare and consume Chinese green tea with mint for weight loss.

You can take a large leaf. Chinese green tea without additives in packs, but it is better to buy tea by weight in special. shop, the quality of which is guaranteed. Peppermint can be fresh or dried, but keep in mind that fresh mint has more rich aroma and the taste of the finished drink.

Peppermint green tea recipe

Brew tea leaves with mint should be in a thermos, or in porcelain. dishes with a wall thickness of 0.3 cm.

Water should be taken max. filtered, if not available, then freeze the tap water in the freezer, and then remove it.
For 0.5 l. goth. tea use 2 tsp. with a slide of tea leaves and ext. 5 tsp dried mint(without a slide) or 15 fresh leaves. We put the mixture in a thermos or in a preheated porcelain container. Pour boiling water (not cool!), And brought to a temperature of about 90 gr.

We insist in tech. 10 minutes. For best effect drink in tech. a day at least 1 liter of drink. In the morning, 30 min. before breakfast, drink at least 150 ml, to taste, you can put a slice of lemon and tsp in tea. honey.
