
The gold of Russia is Koporye tea. All the healing properties of Koporye tea - a traditional Russian drink

In the last century, there lived such a doctor, Pyotr Badmaev. He studied Tibetan medicine and treated not only high-ranking officials of the Russian Empire. but also foreigners from Europe. Elixirs based on Ivan-tea were used in his clinic. Badmaev himself was going to set a record for longevity thanks to Kopor tea. But a revolution came to Russia. At the age of 109, he was arrested by the Petrograd Cheka. After the torture, his health deteriorated and he died.

If you take that into account. that longevity is affected by heart rate (pulse), body temperature, pressure, the number of breaths per minute, then the action of fireweed just contributes to a decrease in the values ​​of these indicators. That is, if you drink Koporye tea in the evening before going to bed, you can achieve an effect that resembles Indian yoga in action, which ultimately prolongs a person’s life. And in the morning, a rested body becomes vigorous and strong.
We don't need the caffeine of traditional tea, we don't need alcohol and tobacco, we don't need drugs... Ivan Chai will help restore the nation's health, overcome adversity and bring back the joy of life!

Ivan-chai (fireweed, Koporsky tea) is a very tasty, beautiful and healthiest tea on the entire globe! In terms of healing power, it has no equal on our planet. Ivan-tea grows throughout Russia from south to north. They call it Koporsky. Along the village of Koporye, which is located not far from the Gulf of Finland, to the north-west of Izhora. Since ancient times, Ivan-tea has been used in Rus' as a healing drink and treated with it for various ailments and ailments.

In Rus', it was believed that Koporye tea could prevent or cure 90% of all known diseases of that time. The remaining 10% were treated with other plants, honey, tar, mushrooms and roots. The constant intake of Koporye tea is the prevention of benign and malignant formations, prostatitis; effective remedy for problems with the genitourinary system.

In addition, this tea is used to improve blood composition and reduce body intoxication; removal of food and alcohol poisoning; recovery from exhaustion. Also, Koporye tea cicatrizes ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, increases immunity to various respiratory viral infections, strengthens hair roots, normalizes blood pressure, eliminates headaches and prevents early human aging.
Koporye tea was exported from Russia to Europe - in huge quantities. Ivan-tea contains up to 20% tannins, flavonoids, mucus, pectin and B vitamins. Vitamin "C" in Ivan-tea is 6.5 times more than in lemon. In addition, Ivan-tea contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, which allows you to quickly and easily get saturated with energy. The spectrum of trace elements is unique. In 100 gr. green mass of Ivan-tea contains: iron -2.3 mg; nickel - 1.3 mg; copper - 2.3 mg; manganese - 16 mg; titanium - 1.3 mg; molybdenum - 0.44 mg; boron - 6 mg and a significant amount - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, etc. But simply dried herb Ivan-tea is not Koporye tea. Here is a direct analogy between black and green tea. Koporye tea must be fermented before drying, that is, it is subjected to natural fermentation for 24-48 hours. The time of fermentation and the temperature at which it is carried out, just affect the color, taste and aroma of the final product. Tea can be made green, yellow or even black.

Koporye tea was exported from Russia to Europe - in huge quantities. Ivan-tea contains up to 20% tannins, flavonoids, mucus, pectin and B vitamins.

Vitamin "C" in Ivan-tea is 6.5 times more than in lemon.

In addition, Ivan-tea contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, which allows you to quickly and easily get saturated with energy.

The spectrum of trace elements is unique. In 100 gr. green mass of Ivan-tea contains:

iron -2.3 mg;

nickel - 1.3 mg;

copper - 2.3 mg;

manganese - 16 mg;

titanium - 1.3 mg;

molybdenum - 0.44 mg;

boron - 6 mg and in a significant amount - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, etc.

But simply dried herb Ivan-chai is not Koporye tea. Here is a direct analogy between black and green tea.

Koporye tea must be fermented before drying, that is, it is subjected to natural fermentation for 24-48 hours.

Simply dried green leaves of Ivan Chai can be used as a base for soothing herbal teas. An example of such tea is the Forest Aroma drink.


1. Methods of fermentation.

There are several fermentation methods. I know of six of them. And all six work great! Let's consider in detail a couple of the most simple, taking into account all the nuances ...

You need to start with the fact that it’s not easy to make good and high-quality Koporye tea ...

It was tea, and not its pathetic likeness!

Making excellent Koporye tea is an art and an experience. You can compare it with baking homemade bread or cutting glass. It would seem that in the age of technological progress - there is simply no impossible. But this is good for anything, but not for Kopor tea. Although it grows in Russia on its own, without much human participation and in huge quantities.

Everything is important in its production: manual collection of leaves, destruction of their cellular structure, fine fermentation technology and drying with specified parameters.

Let's start in order with the collection of leaves.

Moment one.

You need to collect them immediately after the morning dew dries up to the midday heat. Of course, in wet weather or immediately after rain, this cannot be done. When collecting, be sure to monitor the quality of the leaves. We do not take yellowed, sick with late blight or eaten by insect larvae. It is important that the insects themselves, their larvae and caterpillars do not get into the basket. Especially forest bugs. The stinky smell of even one individual can ruin the entire batch.

Second moment.

There is such a thing in nuclear physics as critical mass. It can be fully compared with the collection of Koporye tea. It is worth exceeding the mass of the collected leaves in the basket for 5-6 kg, as their spontaneous heating begins. In this case, the leaves will lose all their nutritional and medicinal value, become an incomprehensible gray color, and will emit a bad smell. Therefore, the collected leaves must be constantly mixed in the basket, and the collected leaves should be stored for no more than two hours, hidden in the shade or coolness. From time to time and it is desirable to "slow down" them.

If possible, the collected leaves can be immediately dried (withered) in the shade of trees or under a canopy. But here the "squiggle" appears again - insects can get on them! In another case, these leaves must be delivered to the room, where they will have to be slightly withered before the main fermentation.

Moment three.

The beginning of fermentation can be considered the destruction of the cellular structure of Ivan-tea leaves. We choose any method: manual, mechanical, ultrasonic or cryodestruction (quick freezing). The best of them is the manual twisting of the leaves until the secreted juice appears. The remaining methods are slightly worse, because they destroy the leaf and its fibers along with the cells, and slow freezing and subsequent thawing changes the structure of proteins.

Otherwise, self-heating of the mass may occur again, which will make the raw material unsuitable for further processing. The optimal volume of the jar is 3-4 liters. In the old days, a layer of leaves was rolled up on wet linen canvas, which made it possible to obtain a small mass per unit volume.

The fermented leaves should become sticky, brownish brown, and smell like fermented fruit juice.

Moment four.

Drying is carried out at an initial temperature of about 100 degrees. according to C. It is important to quickly stop the further fermentation of raw materials, otherwise the taste of tea will be close to dry broken hay ... Ideally, a cooling Russian red brick oven is suitable for this, in which Koporsky tea was dried.
The process can be simulated in convection dryers with the addition of ceramic or film IR heaters.

Moment five.

Dried tea should be packed in a sealed food container without foreign odors (linen bags were used in the old days) and allowed to age for at least a month at room temperature without access to light and moist air. During this time, the tea will undergo additional dry fermentation and will be ready for packaging and use for brewing.
The shelf life of dry tea is at least 3 years. Negative temperatures during storage increase this period and do not affect the taste of tea.

1. Easy way.

Collect leaves and top flowers (without seeds) of Ivan-chai herb.

Carefully knead the collected leaves and flowers with your hands, rolling them in your palms, fill them with a 3-liter jar as tightly as possible. Close with a damp cloth and place in a dark place at room temperature for 36 hours.

Then take out the fermented mass, loosen and dry at a temperature of about 95 - 110 degrees Celsius, in an electric or gas oven.

Optionally, flat slab tea can be formed. For example, round, like Chinese "Puer".

In some places in Rus' they made slab tea in the form of a large layer, the size of a baking sheet for a Russian oven. This layer was somewhat reminiscent of modern chipboard, only black-brown in color .. At the bazaar, such tea was sold by weight, chopping off the right piece from the layer - with an ax!

In modern home conditions of a city apartment, it is problematic to make and dry a huge tile. But a small one, with a dry weight of 250 - 300 grams, is quite realistic to make.

It can be formed in any plastic container from raw willow-tea grass with a low degree of fermentation under oppression.

During the molding, fermentation will be completed completely. You will have to dry the tiles in an electric oven, with upper and lower heating (preferably with infrared emitters), with the convection mode turned on.

The drying time will depend on the initial moisture content of the tile (which depends on the time of day, the date of the last rainfall and the month in which the raw material was collected) and its third dimension, the thickness.

To save electricity, it is better to dry several tiles at the same time. Roughly like this.

When drying, it is necessary to regularly stir the drying tea or turn over the flat tiles. At the same time, it will acquire the color we need. It can vary from light brown to almost black.

Drying time for loose tea is determined "by eye", and for round tea - by weighing dry tiles. The ratio of raw mass and finished dry tea should be 5:1.

It is better to store Koporye tea under a lid, in a glass or plastic container, in the absence of sunlight.

Shelf life - at least three years.

2. Forgotten way.

On a damp linen canvas or tablecloth, lay out a layer of Ivan-tea leaves up to 3 cm. roll into a "twist", like a big roll, as tightly as possible.

For a small amount of grass, it is better to take the canvas in a smaller size, while it is also not forgotten to slightly moisten it with clean water from a household spray bottle. Otherwise, he will take some of the valuable juice from the leaves.

We tighten the twist with a rope or a rubber band and carefully knead it with our hands, bending and unbending it in different directions for 20-30 minutes, thereby destroying the cellular structure (vacuoles) of Ivan-tea leaves. It is more convenient to do it together. Then we leave the twist alone and give the initial fermentation for 2 - 3 hours. Periodically check the temperature of the twist by touch. With a noticeable warm-up (more than 37 degrees), we finish the initial fermentation.

It turns out such crumpled grass with a pleasant smell of fermented pear compote.

We fold it, tamping it very tightly into plastic buckets or glass jars under the lid for complete fermentation. In order not to confuse them later, we will write the date of the bookmark on the lid. We finish fermentation after 36-40 hours. Its duration can be increased by putting the raw material in a cool place. This will give the tea a more subtle flavor.

Then we put the future tea on a baking sheet and dry it in the oven at a temperature of ~ 100 degrees Celsius.

Don't forget to stir often! You can sprinkle some water with honey for flavor. Keep the oven door slightly open. In order for the tea not to roast, it is advisable to put two bricks of red clay on the bottom of the oven. They will stabilize the temperature and emit infrared rays of the desired spectrum, in the likeness of a Russian stove. The healing qualities of Koporye tea depend on this.

After 1.5 - 2 hours, Koporye tea is ready! With little experience, 300 - 400 grams of dry product can be dried per day. It is better to store it under the lid, in a dark place. Shelf life is at least 3 years. The taste and aroma of tea only improves with time. Additional dry fermentation takes place.

2. Welding.

Most of all, the taste and aroma of Koporye tea depends on the quality of the water and the brew itself.
It would be foolish to say that tap water can be made "tasty" with the help of filters. Who at least once drank tea with lake or melt water from the glaciers of the mountains will understand me.
Dry tea leaves should be uniform in color and size. Its smell is also important, similar to honey with pear-apple dried fruit compote. From tea leaves, emitting a rotten smell of spoiled hay, good tea will not work.
Crockery (teapot) can be different: glass, porcelain, rock crystal or brass samovar. In the last tea leaves are lowered in a container or a linen bag (based on: 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of volume). From modern materials - cermet.
It is important to keep the brew time. It is at least 40 minutes. For an amateur, it can be increased to 4-6 hours. With a longer process, the drink begins to oxidize and loses its color and taste. Drink hot, warm and cold. When heating cooled tea, do not allow even the slightest boil of the drink. The subtle aroma will disappear immediately.
Usually Koporye tea is drunk without dilution with boiling water.

Drink with dried apricots, raisins, figs, dates, honey or jam.
But it is possible without everything. The taste is very pleasant too!
Cold Koporye tea is also used to take alcohol tinctures. For example, you can drip tincture of birch buds, propolis or red fly agaric into it.

3. The benefits of Kopor tea.

Let's start with the fact that this plant is a strong oxidant. It contains tannins and mucus. Ivan-tea has a complete set of trace elements. In terms of vitamins, this plant is not inferior to citrus fruits. The nutritional value of the plant is one of the highest. Thanks to this, Ivan-tea belongs to the category of "Food of the Gods".
Fireweed narrow-leaved (Ivan-tea) is recognized as medicinal by official medicine. It is used for many diseases and ailments, both internal and external.
Koporye tea, made from fireweed leaves, allows a person to keep his nervous system under control, not get sick and retains masculine strength until old age.

Kopor tea is useful for the female body no less than for the male.

Delicious homemade bread on yeast-free sourdough with the addition of bran, made from dried autumn Ivan-tea or flour from its roots - completely restores the intestinal microflora and makes the entire gastrointestinal tract work like clockwork.

The leaves of Ivan-tea contain everything necessary for the development and growth of a living organism. Caterpillars, forest bugs, bugs, snails feed on this grass ...

The presence of iron, copper, manganese in the plant makes it possible to consider it a means that can improve the process of hematopoiesis, increase the protective functions of the body, and have a pronounced calming effect. Ivan tea gently normalizes bowel activity. Due to the rich content of tannins, mucus and vitamin C, Ivan-tea has good anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties for gastric ulcers, gastritis, colitis.

And also with enterocolitis, dysentery diarrhea, flatulence and anemia. Drinking it regularly relieves migraines, helps with insomnia, anemia, delirium tremens, infections, colds and asthma.

In general, it raises immunity, being the most powerful natural purifier. In the old days, it was not for nothing that they said about him that he not only heals the body, but also enlightens the mind and uplifts the spirit.

Anyone who drinks Koporye tea will never have problems with the prostate gland and sexual impotence. The name of the plant speaks for itself. And one more of the remarkable advantages of Ivan-tea is that it alkalizes the blood and thereby restores strength in case of various kinds of exhaustion and after serious illnesses.

4. Bread from Ivan-chai grass.

Yeast-free bread, with a small addition of dry fireweed leaves or Koporye tea leaves, crushed into flour, becomes much tastier and healthier. In autumn, in September, when the Indian summer comes, you can collect dry light brown leaves and stems of Ivan-tea in any quantity. Grind them into a large fraction in a meat grinder and use instead of bran when baking homemade bread. Such bran is very useful to add to poultry and livestock feed.

5. Koporye tea for overweight and double chin.

There is a recipe for drinking Koporye tea with a pinch of salt. They drink it at 150 gr. before meals 30 minutes. This allows you to lose weight and get rid of a double chin. The reason for its appearance is the malfunction of the salivary glands. The salivary glands feel the lack of salt and are forced to increase the production of saliva to provide enough moisture for the process of chewing and swallowing. The blood flow to the salivary glands increases, and the blood vessels begin to "leak" to give the glands enough water to produce saliva. Sweating in this way, the lymphoid fluid spreads beyond the borders of the glands, accumulating under the skin of the chin, cheeks and neck.

When drinking salted tea, this process stops and the second chin gradually disappears. In general, salted Koporye tea is close in composition to seaweed. Therefore, steamed tea leaves can not be thrown away, but simply eaten as a side dish for meat or fish. Additionally, Bolotov B.V. advises putting a grain of coarse sea salt on the tongue 40 minutes after eating. So did the ancient Greeks, who were not inferior to us in learning ...

6. Koporye tea for alcohol addiction.

To reduce cravings for alcohol and rid the patient of a hangover psychosis, Koporye tea is mixed with dry herb thyme (thyme) in a ratio of 5:1 by weight.

Brewed and drunk with honey in cases of strong desire to drink alcohol. It is recommended to drink up to 5-7 cups of this tea per day.

7. Koporye tea in the fight against smoking.

After quitting cigarettes, a former smoker becomes irritable and suffers from insomnia. But this is no reason to return to a deadly habit. Prepare an infusion that will help relieve nervous tension.

Mix a dessert spoon each of Koporye tea and peppermint. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water and keep for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool, strain and take 100 grams five times a day. The medicine will speed up the removal of toxins from the body, help to improve sleep and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Within 2-3 weeks, all negative phenomena will pass.

8. Koporye tea for the treatment of chronic bronchitis.

Mix the brew of Koporye tea with powdered dry mandarin peels in a ratio of 5:1 by volume.

Brew and drink - as usual. Better with honey. In addition, such tea, due to its phytoncidal and antiseptic properties, will have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect, which means that it can be used to prevent acute respiratory infections and influenza.

9. Koporye tea for adenoma and prostatitis.

With these diseases, Koporye tea helps very well by itself. But the effect of the drink can be enhanced by mixing Koporye tea with crushed dry leaves of hazel (hazelnut).

The ratio of walnut leaves and Koporye tea is 1:3 by weight. Tea is drunk without sugar and honey. It is recommended to add a few grains of sea salt to the drink.

10. Koporye tea for diseases of the joints and spine.

In autumn, collect and dry about 300 yellow maple leaves. Grind the leaves with your hands or in a meat grinder and mix with 500 gr. Koporsky tea.

Brew a tablespoon of the mixture in a half-liter thermos overnight. Drink 150 gr. at the reception 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days. There are three such courses in total, with a break of 10 days between them. The recipe allows you to permanently get rid of pain in the joints of various origins.

11. Koporsky tea with weakening of vision.

Grind the dried herb of eyebright officinalis and mix with Koporye tea in a ratio of 1:2.

It is better to brew this tea in the evening in a thermos with a volume of 0.5 liters (daily dose). Drink during the day 150 gr. Preferably one hour after eating. Maybe with a teaspoon of honey.

12. Growing Ivan-chai tea in the garden.

Ivan tea, as a plant, is found quite often in nature. And yet, in many regions of Russia, it does not grow. The fact is that Ivan-chai prefers to settle in places where the soil has a strong mineralization and the absence of a fertile layer (for example, after forest or peat fires, mechanized deforestation). In such places, he most of all "likes" to settle. I had occasion to observe quite strong specimens of plants that grew on the roof of an abandoned factory, in the wall of an old brickwork of a peat boiler house.
How does the natural sowing of Ivan-tea seeds take place? The fact is that the achene of this wonderful plant is very small and each is attached to a fluff-parachute. We can say that it has practically no weight! Sowing this plant in the usual way will never work. You have to resort to some tricks when planting this "fluff".

After maturation, such a fluff on a hot day, leaving the parent bush, rises into the air in an ascending warm stream and can fly tens to hundreds. kilometers. From one plant, about 10 - 30 thousand of these seeds are obtained!

Having taken root, the plant begins to multiply not only by seeds, but also by roots. In this case, kilometer-long fields of Ivan-tea tea can be formed. This may take 5-10 years. Then, due to the dead upper parts of Ivan-tea, a fertile layer of soil begins to form. Other species settle on it and begin to "force out" the first settler.

It would be logical to assume that the entire planet Earth should be buried in Ivan-tea. But this does not come through. Plants of the first year grow from seed so weak that they cannot stand the slightest competition from other species. In addition, Ivan-chai is demanding of light. These two factors must be taken into account when breeding Ivan-tea in your dacha or garden.

The main growing conditions are strong mineralized soil and maximum sunlight during the day.

But first, we prepare the seeds for planting. Sowing them in the usual usual way will not work. They will simply scatter in space and land in a completely different place, perhaps hundreds of meters or even kilometers from our "field". Therefore, we do so. We cut from a newspaper (preferably from a roll of toilet paper) strips 1 - 2 cm wide. Their length may vary from the length of the desktop. The strip should be put on the table and applied to it, every 8-10 cm, droplets of flour or starch paste. Cut off a corner from the bag of seeds and carefully remove a small amount of fluff with seeds with tweezers or hair tweezers. We stick each portion of the seeds to our drop of glue. Let it dry completely and roll it up like a serpentine. Attach with rubber or glue. The more rolls you get, the better. This work can be done in advance, for example - in winter.

In spring or autumn, we choose a place for planting on the site. It should be well lit, not too dry, but not damp. The ideal option is a depleted piece of land where potatoes were planted for several years before. On a dry day, we lay a fire on the ground. The material can be an old fence, branches and branches of trees, a container board, etc. We burn all this "garbage" and level the hot coals with a rake. It is advisable to immediately pour dry peat, moss or sawdust on them. When burned, they will give an additional layer of ash. In addition, the seeds and roots of other plants will die. Young shoots of Ivan-tea should not have competitors for at least the first year. In windy weather, do not make a fire! The next day, on the burnt ground, make shallow grooves 2-3 cm deep, at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, put paper strips with seeds in them (preferably on edge), cover them with ash and sand in a ratio of 1: 1 to volume and pour abundantly several times with rain or melt water. It is important! Therefore, stock up on such water in advance. That's it, you don't need to do anything else. Nature will do the rest.
Another method of sowing is possible. Before planting, wet the seeds so that they do not fly away and mix with dry sand. Sow like a carrot. We prepare the soil for Ivan tea in the same way as with the first method of planting.

If planting was carried out at the end of April, then by mid-May smooth, tender shoots of Ivan-tea will appear. Ivan-tea will give root offspring and gain a foothold in the area allotted to it for about 5-7 years. The colony will then slowly "die". But during this time it will be possible to pick up a new place for the plant. Attention! Before collecting the leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea, be sure to water the plant abundantly a day before. Of course, if natural precipitation coincides with this event, nothing needs to be watered. In cloudy and rainy weather, Ivan-tea is not harvested. The optimal collection time is after morning dew, before lunch.

13. One of the ways to brew Koporye tea (see video)

Koporye tea is made from the narrow-leaved fireweed plant, which belongs to the fireweed family and is a profusely flowering perennial plant, reaching up to one and a half meters in height.

Fireweed grows throughout Russia and has long been popular as a raw material for creating a tasty and healthy drink.

Koporye tea got its name thanks to the inhabitants of the village of Koporye, who have long been famous for their ability to prepare tea based on fireweed. The people called fireweed "Ivan-tea", "plakun" And "creaky".

The benefits of Kopor tea

Useful substances in the composition of fireweed angustifolia

Tea has pronounced medicinal properties, which are explained by its biochemical composition. Consider what useful substances are contained in this amazing plant:

  1. Tannins;
  2. Alimentary fiber;
  3. Bioflavonoids;
  4. pectins;
  5. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  6. Minerals titanium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, copper, boron.

Medicinal properties of tea from willow tea

Medical studies show that Koporye tea has a beneficial effect on human health. We list its main useful properties and applications:

Such is the power stored in this amazing medicinal plant! Regular intake of Koporye tea allows you to get rid of many health problems.


Koporye tea has a number of contraindications that should be followed in order to avoid harm:

  1. Ivan tea should not be consumed, if you are taking sedatives.
  2. Koporye tea in some cases may be recommended for women during pregnancy and women who are breastfeeding. But in which ones - the doctor will decide. We advise you to familiarize yourself with - about the benefits of Ivan tea for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Children under 6 years old also do not use Ivan-tea.
  4. With prolonged use, Ivan tea can have a laxative effect. If such a side effect occurs, limit the use of Kopor tea.

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Pumpkin cinnamon casserole is juicy and incredibly tasty, a bit like pumpkin pie, but, unlike pie, it is more tender and just melts in your mouth! This is the perfect sweet pastry recipe for families with children. As a rule, kids do not like pumpkin very much, but they never mind eating sweets. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is prepared very simply and quickly. Try it! You'll like it!

A hedge is not only one of the most important elements of landscape design. It also performs various protective functions. If, for example, the garden borders on a road, or a highway passes nearby, then a hedge is a must. "Green walls" will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, we will consider the optimal plants for creating a hedge that can reliably protect the site from dust.

In the first weeks of development, many cultures need a pick (and not even one), while others need a transplant “contraindicated”. To "please" both of them, you can use not quite standard containers for seedlings. Another good reason to try them is to save money. In this article we will tell you how to do without the usual boxes, pots, cassettes and tablets. And let's pay attention to non-traditional, but very effective and interesting containers for seedlings.

The term "Koporsky tea" has 2 meanings: firstly, it is one of the popular names for narrow-leaved fireweed, and secondly, this is the name of the brew itself and the drink made from the leaves, stems and / or flowers of the same fireweed, better known as "blooming Sally".

Composition of Ivan tea herb

Koporye tea photo

So, narrow-leaved fireweed, aka Koporsky tea, aka Ivan-tea, aka plakun, aka skrypnik - a wild plant widespread in the northern hemisphere. Its medicinal effects are used in folk medicine on both continents: in Eurasia and North America. In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used from the root to the flowers.

The composition of Ivan tea is well researched. Koporye tea contains a large amount of carbohydrates, including polysaccharides and starch. It also contains tannin and pectins. The plant also contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements, in particular iron, copper and boron.

The biologically significant substances of this plant are flavonoids, vitamins, especially a lot of provitamin A and vitamin C, as well as a small amount of alkaloids.

In the process of research in the 70s, substances with an antitumor effect were isolated from willow tea.

The benefits of Kopor tea

Koporye tea has a pronounced sedative effect

The medical effects of the use of preparations from Ivan-tea have been carefully studied. Clinical studies have confirmed the following effects:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. sedative and reinforcing effect of sedative drugs;
  4. wound healing;
  5. to some extent antitumor.

In folk medicine, fireweed is used for a wide range of diseases.

  1. Inflammatory and infectious diseases, including the genitourinary system.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: from peptic ulcer and cholecystitis to pancreatitis and hepatitis.
  3. For skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).
  4. As a sedative.

In addition, the use of Ivan-tea is considered effective for helminthic invasions, blood diseases and tumors. It is believed that infusions of Kopor tea have a positive effect on potency.

Thus, it can be argued that the benefits of Kopor tea are beyond doubt. Although, like any effective drug, Koporye tea still has contraindications for use. A laxative effect was noted, especially with prolonged use. Pregnancy is also considered a contraindication to taking Ivan-tea preparations.

Rules for the collection of raw materials

flowers for Koporye tea are harvested in the morning, before the dew disappears

Leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used to make fireweed tea.

It is believed that the infusion of flowers is in many ways similar to hibiscus tea, but has a more delicate taste. Flowers are collected during the period of active flowering and bud formation. It is advisable to collect them in the morning, after the dew has disappeared. Inflorescences and individual flowers are dried in the air, preferably without access to light. They are laid out on a cloth or on a sieve with a layer of no more than 1-2 cm.

There are several opinions about the possibility and / or necessity of using fireweed pods. There is no doubt that it is not worth collecting mature pods and, of course, the seeds themselves. They are connected with fluffs, which spoils both the appearance and the quality of the finished tea. So, if the inflorescence already contains both flowers and pods, the latter should be broken to make sure that they do not ripen when dried and do not ruin the final product.

The main raw materials for the preparation of Koporye tea are the leaves and stems of willow-tea. They are harvested as early as possible in the morning, preferably by dew. If you plan to use the stems of the plant, they are cut off. If only leaves are used, carry out with a closed handful against the growth of leaves, separating them from the stem.

It is worth noting that, although the processing of the stems complicates the preparation of Koporye tea, there seems to be a point in collecting them. There are more starchy substances in the stems of the plant, so their presence in tea enhances the enveloping properties.

Processing and preparation

Koporye tea is dried, fermented and then prepared for storage

Koporye tea preparation has a special, consisting of several stages.

  1. Primary drying (drying).For this, the raw materials are laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm or hung in bundles. Drying is desirable without access to light. Drying is short-term, until the leaves and / or stems soften, most often no more than a day, the leaves can be dried separately for 4-5 hours.
  2. Fermentation. For successful fermentation of green mass, it can be crushed, for example, in a meat grinder or chopped. However, this is not required. Practicing and just kneading the leaves with your hands. The condition for fermentation is the presence of moisture and a stable temperature of 40-50 °C, possibly 60-100 °C.The following methods are usually used: heating in a Russian oven in earthenware, placing the leaves sprinkled with water in the oven at the appropriate temperature. You can simply stand the raw material under a damp cloth in a warm place. The duration of heating is recommended from several hours to a day. The criterion for fermentation to occur is the appearance of a specific “tea” smell and darkening of the tea mass. The duration and degree of heating determines the color and aroma of the future tea infusion.
  3. Final processing of raw materials. It is not only about the final drying, which is recommended in any case and determines the possibility of storing tea. It is also possible to manually twist individual leaves, grind, etc. Ready Koporye tea is recommended to be stored either in glass jars with tight lids or in foil bags. It is believed that with adequate storage, fermented Koporye tea enhances its healing properties for 2 years.

The first mention of Koporye tea, a traditional Russian drink, dates back to the 12th century. Since ancient times in Rus', it has been prepared from a plant - narrow-leaved fireweed.

A more common name is Ivan-chai. It acquired another name from the town of Koporye near St. Petersburg, where it was harvested in large volumes and distributed throughout the district. It was used not only on the territory of our country, but also in Europe, where until the 17th century there was no tea in its modern quality.

Already in those days, Koporye tea deservedly enjoyed the fame of a healing drink.

Fireweed narrow-leaved in its composition contains various useful elements:

  • Flavonoids including quercetin and kaempferol. These components have antispasmodic, choleretic and diuretic effects.
  • Tannins(up to 20%), they have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent properties.
  • Alkaloids. In large doses, these are poisonous substances, but in small doses they effectively improve blood circulation and metabolism, have an analgesic effect, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Chlorophyll- a green pigment of herbs that absorbs light energy. It promotes wound healing.
  • Carotene (provitamin A), vitamin C and other substances that have a positive effect on various diseases.
  • Its unique properties include the content in sufficient quantity and in an accessible form of beta-sitosterol, a substance effectively used in the treatment of prostate adenoma.

In our time, the healing qualities of willow tea in the treatment of prostate diseases have been confirmed by scientific research. But about a hundred years ago, the popularity of narrow-leaved fireweed tea dropped significantly. The famous healer from Austria, Maria Treben, announced a radical remedy for the treatment of the prostate - small-flowered fireweed.

Later, Austrian and German scientists published data that this type of plant cures prostatitis, actively promotes recovery from prostate adenoma. It has a positive effect in the treatment of a cancerous tumor in this area and helps restore health after removal of the prostate gland.

Further scientific research has shown that the anti-inflammatory effect of the narrow-leaved fireweed is much stronger than that of the small-flowered. The method of instrumental analysis confirmed the effectiveness of prostate treatment with Ivan-tea.

But purveyors of medicinal raw materials, due to past misconceptions, prefer the competitor of narrow-leaved fireweed. It is also argued that effective medicinal plants cannot be mass-produced.

The range of useful properties of Ivan tea is very wide. It is a powerful, non-addictive natural sleep aid for children and adults.

It systematically normalizes blood pressure, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the organs in case of intoxication and alcohol poisoning. With regular use, it relieves depression and increases efficiency.

Koporye tea has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and immune systems. The trace elements contained in it improve the protective functions of the body, stimulate hematopoiesis. An important property of narrow-leaved fireweed is the inhibition of any inflammatory processes.

Unhealed wounds are sprinkled with crushed tea. For general tone, rub the body with olive oil mixed with tea powder.

If you list all the useful properties of Kopor tea, you can get an impressive list:

  • effectiveness in diseases of the urogenital area, prevention of prostatitis;
  • cancer prevention;
  • improvement of blood composition;
  • increased immunity to acute respiratory infections;
  • increased potency;
  • scarring of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • caries prevention;
  • elimination of intoxication of the body, treatment of food and alcohol poisoning;
  • recovery from exhaustion of the body;
  • strengthening hair roots;
  • headache treatment, normalization of blood pressure;

Tea from fireweed leaves is produced using a technology similar to the method of making black tea. You can make your own tea from freshly picked willow-tea leaves. The leaves must be thoroughly kneaded until the juice appears and put in a glass container with a wide neck (not in a metal bowl).

We put oppression on the green mass so that the grass starts up the juice. Her cells will begin to ferment, as in ensiling. Keep raw materials under oppression for no more than a day, so that fermentation does not begin.

Then we spread the resulting material on a baking sheet and put it in the oven on the smallest fire. During drying, the second fermentation will take place. Dried Koporye tea is difficult to distinguish from black large-leaf tea. But its taste is original. Cold tea tastes even better.

You can drink Koporye tea mixed with natural black tea. They complement each other in the formation of the smell of tea leaves and in creating the color of the drink. Four parts of Ivan tea are brewed for one part of black tea. But Koporye tea should be brewed for 10-15 minutes. It has a slight sedative, calming effect and partially neutralizes the effect of caffeine, which is contained in black tea.
