
Useful properties of tea with mint and honey. Mint tea: benefits and harms

Natural mint tea is a drink with a long history that saturates, refreshes, heals, has a fragrant aroma. Taste, smell medicinal herb determine menthol and numerous essential oils. Unique properties of mint tea were noted by respected healers of antiquity, who used mint to treat numerous diseases.

Peppermint tea: healing, cleansing, relaxation

For cooking fragrant tea fresh or dry mint leaves are brewed with boiling water, taken hot / chilled for overwork, nervous overexcitation, fatigue. Mint tea goes well with honey, lemon - this decoction is recommended for colds, SARS. simple, affordable, natural drink filled with useful substances such as:

  • tannins;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • phytoncides;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Mint tea useful for women: promoting the production of estrogen, the infusion stabilizes hormonal background, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves skin condition, helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

The impact of mint tea on children has not been fully studied, therefore it is advisable to give herbal infusions to a child starting from 4-5 years old (in a small amount). Pay attention to the reaction of the child's body (if there are any rashes, itching, allergies), consult a specialist.

The effect of mint tea on men is controversial and controversial. Occasionally, in small quantities, a cup of brewed mint can help the stronger sex cope with overexertion, depression, and neurosis. In large quantities, mint can reduce the level of male hormones (testosterone), leading to a decrease in potency.

Scope of fragrant herb

Due to its healing properties, mint tea is used as:

  • sedative and analgesic for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, migraines, hypertension;
  • antiseptic for a runny nose, cough, sore throat (helps relieve pain, clears mucus);
  • antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent for stomach cramps, intestinal disorders, nausea;
  • choleretic drug to improve the outflow of bile, reduce hyperacidity stomach.

Many women use peppermint tea effectively for weight loss, noting its remarkable ability to reduce hunger and cravings for sweets. Taking such a drink before meals, you can speed up metabolism, improve work digestive system. Peppermint tea is especially useful during times of stress.

The benefits of mint tea during pregnancy are controversial. Mint is known to:

  • helps to fight early toxicosis;
  • eliminates constipation, dizziness;
  • tones the muscles of the uterus;
  • relieves swelling, symptoms of heartburn.

However, mint tea is not only beneficial, but sometimes harmful. Obstetricians and gynecologists advise taking herbal infusion with caution, dosed, observing the measure. In large quantities, the female hormones contained in the plant can affect the course of pregnancy or provoke premature birth. Therefore, before using medicinal herbs expectant mother It is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Important: Using essential mint oil during pregnancy is strictly prohibited!

It is undesirable to consume mint tea excessively and breastfeeding, due to its pronounced hypotonic effect. The presence of menthol in the herb can lead to a decrease blood pressure, to interruptions in the heart rate, both in mother and baby. Peppermint is known to affect lactation by reducing the amount breast milk. Peppermint tea can be taken with hyperlactation problems and during weaning.

How to brew delicious refreshing mint tea?

The proportions and combination of ingredients indicated in the recipes are not critical, they can be varied depending on personal preferences.

Mint tea with ginger and honey

3 art. spoons of grated and mint are brewed in a liter hot water, added 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Can be mixed with regular black tea of ​​different varieties.

Soothing tea with mint and lemon balm

2 tbsp. spoons of mint leaves and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, leave for 5-10 minutes, take with the addition of sugar, honey to taste.

Moroccan classic tea

2 teaspoons are brewed with 200 g of water in a small teapot or a special glass. fresh leaves mint (1 bunch) are brewed separately in another container with the addition of sugar. After 5 minutes, infusion with green tea mixed with mint, poured into small glasses.

Mint tea with cranberries and honey

Mint leaves are brewed with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Cranberries are ground with honey, laid out on the bottom of the glasses, poured mint decoction, insist 5 minutes under a closed lid. In summer, you can serve a cooling drink with ice cubes.

Spiced tea with cinnamon and lime

At the bottom of the glass are laid out: a leaf of fresh mint, a little black tea, a pinch. The ingredients are poured with boiling water, covered with a lid, infused for several minutes, before drinking, the glass is decorated with a slice of lime.

Are there any contraindications for mint tea?

Mint leaves contain active substances, which can provide bad influence on human body. Therefore, it is undesirable to take mint tea:

  • persons with individual intolerance, allergies;
  • pregnant women, women during lactation;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • hypotension with low blood pressure;
  • men with problems in the intimate sphere;
  • with varicose veins.

Peppermint tea is a delicious and beloved drink by many. Modern research has shown that mint leaf tea is great for both adults and children. Moreover, flavored drink has many useful properties and positive influence on the human body. So what do we know about the benefits and harms of mint tea?

A little about mint

Mint is an herb with many health benefits. As part of this medicinal plant contains such components necessary for the human body as: menthol, carotene, glucose, arginine, ascorbic acid. Also, mint is rich in tannins, phytosterols, saponins, essential oil, resin, oleic and chlorogenic acids.

It has long been known that mint leaves in tea can alleviate a person's condition in the heat, strengthen the immune system, act as an excellent additional medicine for ARVI diseases, and also calm the nervous system, relieve tension, help fight insomnia and restless sleep.

In addition, mint leaves have been used in the treatment of skin diseases, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, helped to cope with headaches and menstrual pain, alleviate the course of toxicosis.

That is, we can say that mint different types, was used by our ancestors as a medicinal herb for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Beneficial features mints are still used today. The most striking example of this is mint tea.

Useful properties of mint in tea

Mint - treatment plant And for good reason, because it has at least three useful properties:

1. Pain reliever

2. Soothes

3. Tones

Thanks to such an additive in tea, the drink begins to positively affect the human body. Peppermint tea has the following health benefits:

Diuretic action

Promotes fat burning

biliary action

Eliminates nausea and vomiting

・Soothing action

Eliminates bad smell from mouth

・Pain relieving effect

· Strengthens the immune system

・Anti-inflammatory action

・Antibacterial action

Relieves seasickness

Eliminates constipation

From the foregoing, we can conclude that mint tea is an excellent assistant in huge number diseases and conditions, which, of course, disposes to its use.

Harm of mint tea for human health

Despite the fact that a tea drink with mint leaves, and the plant itself, have a large number of useful properties, this does not mean that there are no contraindications to drinking mint tea. Tea with mint leaves can be harmful, and this drink is not recommended for people with certain diseases and conditions. So who shouldn't drink mint tea?

Pregnant and lactating women

For pregnant women and mothers during lactation, mint tea is allowed in the diet, but in minimum quantities. Alcohol abuse is fraught with miscarriage early deadlines and lack of breast milk.

People who are allergic to mint or menthol

An allergy to menthol or the plant itself often manifests itself in childhood. If you know about the presence of an allergic reaction, then you should not tempt fate and it is better to find an alternative to fragrant mint tea. If an allergy appeared or was discovered in the process of drinking tea with mint leaves, then it is necessary to immediately exclude this drink from the diet and consult an allergist.

Hypotonic patients

Peppermint tea is one of the drinks that perfectly lowers blood pressure, and is recommended for hypertensive patients. However, people who suffer from chronic reduced pressure, tea with mint leaves can cause serious harm to health.

People prone to heartburn

In addition to the above, mint tea poses a threat to men, as a drink with the leaves of a medicinal plant lowers the level of testosterone hormone and reduces potency.

Also, uncontrolled use of mint tea can be fraught with many serious deviations. The optimal dosage is one cup of tea per day. Nothing can be as harmful as the consumption of a product in unlimited quantities.

How to brew mint tea?

Tea connoisseurs will say that the taste, aroma and, most importantly, the benefits of the drink depend on the correctness and literacy of the process of its preparation. Brewing tea has long been included in the traditional national rituals of many peoples, but how to brew tea with mint leaves at home, preserving the maximum benefit in it, without resorting to the methods of distant peoples and ancient ancestors?

Peppermint tea is not particularly difficult to brew. For the preparation of a refreshing drink, black and green tea.

The first step is to boil water to make tea. Water must be boiled for several minutes, and then allowed to cool to 90-100 degrees. By the way, a drink with mint leaves retains the maximum benefit in a ceramic or glass teapot. Before brewing tea, the teapot should be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to rinse the vessel with boiling water several times.

Mint must be prepared in advance by cutting it the size of tea leaves. In this form, mint juice will enrich the taste as much as possible. tea drink. When brewing components, you should pay attention that mint dust should be slightly less than tea leaves. Having determined the proportions, mix the ingredients and pour boiling water (90-100 degrees).

The last step is to let the tea brew. To do this, close the teapot with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel. Usually, 15 minutes is enough for a fragrant and healthy tea.

Having studied the rules for brewing mint tea, we can conclude that in order to preserve the beneficial properties of the drink, it is not necessary to apply special efforts. The process of making tea with mint leaves will not take much time, but it will give the whole spectrum of its positive effect on the human body.

The effect of mint tea on children

As for mint tea in the diet of children, here we can say for sure that children under 5 years old should not drink tea with mint leaves. But even after the fifth year of life, you should not give a child a tea drink containing mint as well as an adult. The dosage of mint in tea should be reduced by 2 or even 3 times so as not to harm the health of the child.

These complications include an allergic reaction to herbaceous plant or menthol, itching of the skin, redness and rash.

Moreover, scientists have not yet investigated the question of the effect of mint on children's body, therefore, it is impossible to boldly argue about the benefits or harms of tea with mint leaves for children. Before deciding to include peppermint tea in your child's diet, you should consult with your pediatrician.

In conclusion, we can say that, of course, both mint, as a plant, and tea containing mint leaves are a storehouse useful substances. But you should use such a drink with extreme caution, not exceeding the dosage norm and paying attention to contraindications.

Relax after labor day or spend a weekend in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, or just chat with friends and family, all this will perfectly complement your favorite dishes and drinks. Tea among them occupies a worthy and special place.

Some of its species are able to energize us and give us a "second wind", and there are those that perfectly contribute to relaxation. To achieve a similar effect, it is not necessary to spend big money on overseas novelties, you can use it for a long time known ways brewing it miracle drink with the addition of mint leaves.

2 in 1: benefit and pleasure

Peppermint tea is a wonderful refreshing drink that gives a feeling of coolness, refreshes and tones, while relieving accumulated tension. In addition to the fact that even when hot, it copes well with thirst, it also has a number of advantages and useful qualities.

  1. Peppermint tea is useful for those whose everyday life is very dynamic and stressful, just one cup of the drink will help you forget about worries, come to spiritual harmony and sleep peacefully.
  2. If you suffer from hypertension, then after the approval of the doctor, you can take tea as remedy to reduce pressure and relieve headaches. good addition will become Not a large number of honey to be eaten.
  3. If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, and you have a very busy day ahead and you need to be in shape, brew a mint drink and let it cool. When cold, it acquires the opposite qualities - it works like natural energy, invigorates and adds strength. You can enhance this effect by using green tea, with the addition of cinnamon or ginger root. But remember that you should not abuse it, the norm for a day is 2 small cups.
  4. If you or your children often get sick in the autumn-winter period, you can use mint drink as an immunostimulant. In addition, it perfectly helps with an existing cold, making it easier to breathe.
  5. Mint tea will bring special benefits to the fair sex. It helps to reduce male sex hormones, as a result of which the menstrual cycle normalizes, well-being improves during menopause, and the growth of unwanted hair significantly slows down.
  6. He will become a real lifesaver even after a fun holiday, helping to cope with hangover syndrome. Prepare the infusion peppermint, drink on an empty stomach, and nausea, headache and weakness will go away in a few minutes. The secret is that it is able to bind the breakdown products of alcohol, successfully removing them from the body.
  7. Mint infusions will also become great addition to a diet or system proper nutrition for weight loss. They dull the feeling of hunger and give extra energy, and overweight gradually go away.

There are restrictions!

Despite a number of advantages, menthol, which is part of mint, can also be harmful, so before you enjoy your drink on a daily basis, you should also be aware of the limitations:

  1. With extreme caution, you need to use it to the representatives of the stronger sex, because it is able to reduce male power.
  2. You should not drink such tea during pregnancy, it can have Negative influence to the formation of the fetus. During lactation, mint can help reduce the amount of milk. It is also necessary to refuse it for those who are unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, the action of menthol will increase the already existing problems with conception.
  3. People suffering from varicose veins are also not recommended to include mint infusions in their diet, because it tends to lower the tone of venous vessels, thereby exacerbating the problem.
  4. In patients with hypotension, the infusion can provoke a decrease in pressure and a deterioration in well-being.
  5. Do not give mint drink to small children, even if they are too active. You can include it in the baby's diet only with the permission of the doctor, in strictly indicated doses, otherwise you risk getting excessive drowsiness and apathy.

The secret to proper cooking

Mint itself is very aromatic and delicious plant, therefore, you can use the usual infusions on this plant. But you can also add it to tea, giving it a special smell. Mint does not lose its properties even when dried, so use it for cooking healing drinks Can all year round. And in order for them to really benefit, you need to know how to brew them correctly:

  1. Prepare a porcelain or glass teapot.
  2. Use water with a temperature of no more than 80 degrees.
  3. 1 tsp will be enough for 1 liter of water. mint.
  4. You need to drink only freshly brewed infusion.

To obtain maximum benefit from using this simple drink, it is worth remembering the recommendations of doctors about how many cups you can drink per day - for healthy person this rate is 1-2 cups.

Nature always gives us the opportunity to taste all the benefits created by it, so do not lose the opportunity to give your body additional strength.

Mint tea- This is a very fragrant, delicate and refreshing drink that gives coolness. It refreshes, gives strength, improves digestion. At the same time, mint tea relieves nervous tension, helps to relax and forget about problems.

Healing properties of mint tea

Peppermint is considered a medicinal plant, so peppermint tea has many healing properties. It quenches thirst, relaxes, restores strength.

Benefits of mint tea

Peppermint tea is a very good colds, facilitates breathing, effective for migraines. Such an effect on the body has menthol, the extracts of which are made from mint leaves. Mint tea is also useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, it normalizes blood pressure, contributes to the normal functioning of the heart.

Peppermint tea is considered a women's tea and many men do not like it because it tends to reduce the level of male hormones in the body. Due to this, women have reduced hair growth in unwanted places. It also helps with women's problems, mint helps relieve pain, regulates the menstrual cycle, improves the condition during menopause.

Harm of mint tea

It is also not advisable to drink peppermint tea during pregnancy, as it can affect the formation of the fetus, especially if it is a boy.

How to brew mint tea

Mint itself is very fragrant and tasty, so it can be brewed as an independent herbal infusion. But you can also add it to green and black tea or herbal preparations.

Green tea with mint - recipe

Take porcelain or glassware, pour 1 tsp. green tea and add a couple of sprigs of fresh mint (you can use dried mint), pour boiled slightly cooled water. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Lemon and honey can be added to taste.

Black tea with mint - recipe

For brewing black tea with mint, it is also advisable to use porcelain or glass.

Take black tea one part and mint leaves one part. Chop mint leaves and add to tea. Fill with boiled water at about 90 degrees. Let's insist.

Mint iced tea

Boil water and add mint to it, preferably fresh. Let it brew for 15 minutes. After that, cool and pour into glasses, add ice. You can garnish with mint leaves and lime.

There are many more recipes, both hot tea with mint and refreshing. You can always experiment and find new flavors.


Reading time: 4 minutes


Now, many people prefer natural products, these include green tea with mint. This wonderful refreshing infusion has many health benefits. Since ancient times, mint has been used to treat the digestive system, colds and as a sedative. Previously, it was believed that it has a positive effect on the human body and promotes longevity.

mint varieties

To date, scientists have proven the benefits of mint, it turns out that it can really help in the fight against various ailments. It is actively used as an additive in herbal medicine, aromatherapy and pharmacology.

There are many varieties of mint, each of which has healing properties. It can be consumed fresh and dried. Peppermint is the most common and contains menthol. This substance helps to get rid of heartburn, bloating, acts on the body as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent. Therefore, mint is part of various medical preparations.

Is there some more lemon mint, known to us as melissa. Its leaves contain a large amount of vitamin C, carotene, caffeic and rosmarinic acid. useful for diabetics, people suffering from insomnia, hypertensive patients, asthmatics. Now, let's determine the benefits and harms of the drink.

Such a fragrant drink is popular in the hot summer. It perfectly refreshes, invigorates, gives strength and energy.

  1. Thanks to high content menthol in the composition of tea, it is indicated for atherosclerosis and angina pectoris, as a vasodilator.
  2. It acts on the body as a sedative, therefore it is recommended for stress, depression, sleep disorders.
  3. Green tea with mint is also beneficial for urolithiasis, as it helps to remove stones from the kidneys.
  4. Mint tea is very effective for colds, especially for a runny nose and sore throat.
  5. Green tea brewed with mint is very popular among women with overweight. Because it contains polyphenol, which helps to remove fat from the body and reduce appetite. The properties of green tea with mint help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, improve metabolism.
  6. Mint tea has a positive effect on the heart, it is able to normalize blood pressure.
  7. It is indicated for women during menopause and to reduce pain during menstruation.

Green mint tea for children and women

The drink brings great benefit For female body. Mint infusion is used for both internal and external use. It has been successfully used as cosmetic product for skin, hair.

Menthol, which is found in mint tea, has positive action on the skin. Its properties help to get rid of inflammation, itching, skin rash. Regular intake of mint green tea helps smooth wrinkles, improve skin condition and color.

The healing properties of the infusion are useful for hair. If you regularly drink tea, you can quickly get rid of dandruff, strengthen hair roots, accelerate their growth, give shine and beauty.

The intake of such tea is indicated for weight loss as part of various diets. Due to its properties, green tea with the addition of mint dulls the feeling of hunger and speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

If you often complain of abdominal pain during menstruation, we advise you to include mint tea in your diet, it will help relieve cramps and normalize the cycle.

It is useful to drink such a drink during pregnancy, but no more than one cup a day, it will relieve heartburn, nervousness and relieve nausea.

Children under three years old should stop taking tea, because it can cause allergic reaction and cause heart failure. Do not give infusion to children with a disorder nervous system and kidney disease.

Mint drink for men

Men should be especially careful when taking tea, because mint is considered a female plant. It promotes the production of female hormones, and drinking tea reduces sexual desire. But, if you do not abuse tea, then drinking a cup of infusion once every two weeks will not harm.


Tea is noted not only for the benefits and harms, too, let's find out who is not recommended to drink it:

  • People with high blood pressure;
  • Mothers who are breastfeeding;
  • People suffering from kidney and liver diseases;
  • Children under three years of age;
  • If there is an individual intolerance to any component.

How to brew a flavored drink

Knowing all the benefits and harms of green mint tea, we offer such a recipe.

To prepare one serving, you need:

  • Pour one teaspoon of green tea leaves into a glass or porcelain teapot;
  • Add a few fresh or dried mint leaves;
  • Pour boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for ten minutes.

IN ready drink If desired, you can add a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey.
