
Becherovka how to drink with beer. Becherovka - a journey into the world of a miraculous drink from and to

Everyone at least once heard the name of the drink Becherovka. This is the real pride of the Czech Republic, it is jokingly called the 13th healing spring. Rumor has it that another deposit of healing water was later found in the Czech Republic, but the number 13 was firmly entrenched in the drink, so the source was assigned a different number in order. At Becherovka vodka unique taste and aroma. original recipe known only to technologists at the manufacturing plant, the drink is produced exclusively for export.

What is Becherovka

Becherovka is a Czech herbal liqueur produced in Karlovy Vary. The liquor is named after one enterprising person - Josef Becher. By occupation, he was a pharmacist and at the same time kept a hotel, which brought him the main profit. One of the guests had a particular passion for herbal tinctures. Leaving the hotel, he left Becher a piece of paper with hastily recipe for one of the tinctures.

To the pharmacist, he seemed profitable from the commercial side. Experimenting with the recipe, he developed a formula for bitter, which he began to sell as a remedy for nervous disorders and gastric diseases. The father's work was continued by Becher's son, instructing his brother-in-law to create a bottle for bitter. Since then, her form has remained unchanged, she is calling card Becherovka.

The liqueur recipe is strictly classified. It is only known that the number of herbs is about 20 pieces. They are placed in a canvas bag, then immersed in alcohol. Experts suggest that Becherovka contains: cloves, chamomile, coriander, wormwood, lemon and honey. Alcohol is obtained on the basis of water from healing springs located on the territory of the Czech Republic.

Herbs are infused in alcohol for about a week. After the workpiece is poured into oak barrels add sugar and water. The unique shape of the barrels allows the alcohol to interact with the oak walls as much as possible. The balm is infused for 2-3 months, after which it is poured into original bottles. Paradoxically, Becherovka has not received much popularity among the Czechs, nevertheless they are very proud of it. Despite this, most of products are made exclusively for export.

Medicinal properties

Initially, Becherovka liqueur was created as medicine. modern drink is not a drug in the usual sense of the word, but it certainly has a number of useful properties. Liquor drunk before meals awakens the appetite. The use of balm in small doses daily contributes to the normalization of digestion and overall work. gastrointestinal tract. Such a "treatment" normalizes the production of bile and gastric juice, maintains the tone of the stomach and intestines.

To "improve" health original liqueur are used in several ways. Firstly, they drink 20 ml of pure drink 1 time per day 10 minutes before the main (heaviest) meal. Or they resort to the second method, that is, add 3-4 teaspoons to hot drinks (tea or coffee). It is advisable to drink such drinks immediately after the main meals.

In addition to the classic Becherovka, the recipe of which has not changed since its inception, today you can buy other varieties of tincture. All of them differ in composition, strength and price:

  • Original - bitter by classic recipe, which has remained unchanged since 1807. The strength of the drink is 38%.
  • Aperitiv KV 14 is a liqueur with less sugar and red wine. The strength of this drink is 40%. The abbreviation in the name KV stands for the name of the manufacturing city - Karlovy Vary. Appeared on the market in 1966.
  • cordial- herbal tincture Becherovka with lime blossom and white wine. Produced since 2008, has a strength of 35%.
  • Lemond is a liqueur containing citrus fruits. Also produced since 2008. It has the lowest strength of the entire family - only 20%.

How to drink Becherovka

Herbal liqueur is used in pure form, diluted with others alcoholic drinks, prepared on its basis original cocktails. A few ways and tips on how to drink properly and what to eat Becherovka:

  1. True connoisseurs of herbal liquor say that it should be drunk chilled and always undiluted. A drink with a temperature of 6-7 degrees should be poured into small piles and drunk in small sips. Alcohol in this form is a good aperitif or digestif. It is not customary to eat it, the only thing that can be allowed in this case- a slice of orange sprinkled with cinnamon.
  2. Another traditional Czech drink is beer. You can often meet a Czech who drinks a stack of Becherovka with a sip light beer. Many people like this combination of flavors. But this method drinking liquor is fraught rapid intoxication.
  3. Often Becherovka is diluted with packaged or freshly squeezed juices. The taste of bitter goes well with cherry, apple, blackcurrant juice. classic proportions: 1:3 or 1:4, but everyone can dilute the tincture based on their taste preferences.

Becherovka recipe at home

Because the original recipe liquor is strictly classified, Becherovka at home may differ slightly in taste. For cooking you will need pure alcohol. It is better not to use store-bought vodka due to its low strength. Try to make Becherovka vodka at home and draw a conclusion for yourself how it is worse or even better than the original one.

  • Time: 14 days.
  • Number of servings: 30 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 228 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Cuisine: Czech.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Author's vodka Becherovka according to the classic recipe will bring no less benefit than the original Czech liquor. The drink is perfect for an aperitif, digestif, will decorate any festive table. It can also be used in small doses as a cold remedy. Most ingredients can be easily found on supermarket shelves. It is important to use high-quality alcohol and follow the dilution proportions.


  • alcohol 45% - 1 l;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • orange peel - 10 g
  • anise - 2 g;
  • cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • cardamom - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cardamom and cinnamon stick in a mortar.
  2. Add anise, cloves, black pepper and orange zest to the mixture, mix everything and pour into a container of a suitable volume.
  3. Pour the spices with diluted alcohol, mix, tightly cork.
  4. Clean in a dark place and insist for 1 week, shaking daily.
  5. Prepare after a week sugar syrup To do this, mix sugar with water, heat well, but do not bring to a boil.
  6. When the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, remove the syrup from the heat, cool and add to the tincture.
  7. Shake the mixture well and put it back in a dark place.
  8. After 3-4 days, you need to try the drink, if it is not strong enough, then leave it for another 1-2 days.
  9. Strain homemade Becherovka through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze.
  10. Ready drink pour over glass bottles and refrigerate for a couple of days.

  • Time: 34 days.
  • Servings: 40 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 201 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for aperitif, digestif.
  • Cuisine: Czech.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Homemade Lemon Becherovka has a pronounced taste and aroma of lemon, due to the large amount of zest. original drink has a characteristic yellowish tint. To achieve the desired color, you can add more zest or use a little food coloring. This homemade balm contains a large number of herbs. They can be purchased already in dried and ground form.


  • alcohol 25% - 1 l;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • lemon peel - 20 g
  • St. John's wort - 5 g;
  • chamomile - 5 g;
  • fennel - 5 g;
  • coriander - 5 g;
  • licorice - 2 g;
  • wormwood - 2 g;
  • anise - 2 g;
  • cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • cardamom - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • juniper - 1 fruit.

Cooking method:

  1. Put all the spices at the same time in glass container.
  2. Pour everything with diluted alcohol and leave for 20 days in a dark, warm place.
  3. After the allotted time, filter home Becherovka with gauze.
  4. Prepare sugar syrup, cool well and add to the tincture.
  5. Mix everything well and leave in a dark, warm place for another 14 days.
  6. Send moonshine for several hours on the shelf of the refrigerator, use Becherovka chilled.


Many people know Becherovka is a popular Czech liqueur.. And I am writing about him for the simple reason that there are only a couple of days left until February 23 - a holiday that is considered male.

I think that any man will gladly accept a gift in the form of a beautifully designed bottle of popular and quality drink. It's probably the same as flowers for a woman.

Becherovka, just applies to such drinks. Therefore, below I present information that may make it easier for women to choose a gift for this holiday, and for men it will give a reason to subtly hint what they would like to receive.

My regular readers Artem and Vlada from Minsk are now studying in Prague at the famous Charles University. They know quite a lot about life in the Czech Republic, its traditions and customs.

Therefore, I am pleased to introduce them as guests of my blog and quote their notes on the famous Czech herbal tincture. Becherovka.

This hard liquor(38%) is no less famous than Czech beer. Many people initially perceive Becherovka incorrectly and expect something pleasant from her. mild taste. In fact, this is a strong bitter liquor that was created as remedy. To taste and fall in love with its taste, you must first know how to drink becherovka.

Interesting history of Becherovka

The tincture first appeared in Karlovy Vary. The beginning of its origin is considered 1805 year. At that time to the house of the local pharmacist Joseph Becher An English doctor came to rest Frobrig. The men quickly became friends because of common interests: they were fond of medicine and mixing different herbs, oils and alcohol. During the entire stay, friends made a recipe for herbal tincture, and before leaving, Frobrig left some recommendations to Becher and wished that his friend would finish the job.

By 1807, Becher had finally created a fragrant, specific drink to stimulate digestion. Soon the pharmacist began to sell the tincture as stomach drops. "Carlsbad English Bitter". A little later, Josef decided to create such a name for the liquor in order to perpetuate his last name. And so the herbal tincture Becherovka appeared.

Business began to flourish. Josef kept the recipe for the liqueur a strict secret and only after many years decided to tell it to his son Johann. He turned out to be an even better businessman than his father.

It was Johann Becher who invented the flat green bottle and a yellow label: before that, Becherovka was sold in an unremarkable transparent flask. Then the family business was continued by the grandson Gustav Becher and his brother, thanks to whom the liquor became known in many other countries. Even the Austrian king appreciated unusual taste tinctures and each year ordered 53,000 liters for the royal court.

Now the Czechs call Becherovka "the thirteenth healing source» Karlovy Vary.

How is Becherovka liqueur made? (Becherovka composition)

Of course, the recipe for the tincture is still a secret. It is only known that it contains more than 20 types of Czech and imported herbs, which are infused with alcohol for about a week. Then the extract is poured into special oak barrels. oval shape where mixed with Karlovy Vary water and sugar. Barrels stay in cellars with a special temperature for another 2-3 months.

Becherovka how to drink?

There are many options for the use of Becherovka. Moreover, both in its pure form and cocktails with Becherovka. We list the most famous and popular variations.

Tincture manufacturers recommend this method, how to drink becherovka: in its pure form in brandy glasses before dinner or late in the evening during a conversation. Traditional snack in this case, an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon. Connoisseurs of the drink believe that this is the only way to fully enjoy original taste and grassy aroma of the drink. Drinking Becherovka is recommended even for fatigue after a working day.

In Slovakia this tincture is most often drunk with beer as follows: 40-50 g of becherovka is poured into a glass and cooled in the refrigerator. They drink it in one gulp, and then wash it down with a good light beer.

IN medicinal purposes a spoonful of Becherovka is added to coffee or tea. In this form, it can be used every day.

very popular and famous cocktail with becherovka - " Concrete"(Becherovka - tonic). Do cocktail with Becherovka very simple: mix tonic (schweppes) and becherovka in the desired proportions, add ice and lemon juice.

Also, Becherovka liqueur goes well with cherry or apple juice.

What is Becherovka tincture

In addition to pure traditional Becherovka, the manufacturer offers other interesting options with different flavors:

BECHEROVKA CORDIAL- a traditional herbal tincture with the addition of lime blossom flavor. The strength of this liquor is 35%.

- red wine is added to the main range. The strength of the drink is 39-40%.

BECHEROVKA LEMOND- tincture flavored with citrus and kumquat. The main taste is lemon with a touch of orange. This liquor has a lower alcohol content: its strength is only 20%.

There are many other options for how to drink Becherovka. You can invent own recipes cocktails and discover new facets of taste.


On my own behalf, I wish you a successful celebration of the upcoming holiday and try all these wonderful cocktails with Becherovka, a popular Czech liqueur

Yes, not quite on the topic, but it will be very useful for you - where to find an absolutely win-win birthday present for anyone. Find out now

Becherovka is a Czech herbal liqueur with a strength of 20 to 40 degrees, depending on the variety. Conceived as medicinal tincture for the stomach and digestion, the drink for 200 years has become one of the main alcohol brands Czech Republic. PragaTrips tells you how, when and with what it is better to drink Becherovka, as well as what it happens to be.

Types of "Becherovka"

The manufacturer has developed six varieties of the drink, which differ in alcohol content and additives.

"Becherovka Original" (Becherovka Original). A classic liquor - this is how Jan Becher came up with it at the beginning of the century before last. In addition to alcohol and water from Karlovy Vary springs, cardamom, anise, orange peel, allspice and cinnamon are used in the preparation of the original Becherovka. Fortress -38%

"Becherovka Cordial" (Becherovka Cordial). It differs from the classics in that they add Linden blossom. This variety is slightly weaker - 35%.

"Becherovka Lemond" (Becherovka Lemond).
The weakest version of the liquor is only 20%. As the name implies, citrus fruits are added to the drink.

“Becherovka KV 14” (Becherovka KV 14). Red wine is added to the original Becherovka. The strength of the drink is 39%.

“Becherovka KV 15” (Becherovka KV 15). The 40-degree variety was the strongest in the Becher line, but was later abandoned in favor of the KV 14. Now they don’t let them out anymore, but suddenly you are lucky enough to stumble somewhere on a bottle that was accidentally lying around.

"Becherovka Ice and Fire" (Becherovka Ice & Fire). The newest liquor in the Becherov line has been on sale since 2014. Designed to mix with soft drinks. Fortress -30%. First you feel the bitterness of herbs with a cool citrus-menthol flavor, and then a hot wave of spicy pepper rolls in.

How, when and with what they drink "Becherovka"

Classic way. The creators of the liquor are advised to drink it as it is, without anything from 50-gram cognac glasses. The ideal temperature for Becherovka is seven degrees. If the liquor is heated, then its taste will intensify, the herbal notes will become rough, the drink will smell like medicine - don't do it. The only plus of the warm Bekhkrovka is more bright aroma. Chilled up optimum temperature the drink will be sweetish with a touch of herbal bitterness.

It is best to drink late in the evening and after dinner. "Becherovka" is a digestif, and it helps the body to absorb the food received from food. useful material. Initially, liquor was a medicinal tincture for digestive system. Of the entire Becherovka series, only KV 14 is conceived as an aperitif - this variety is drunk before meals.

Manufacturers do not recommend snacking, and Becherovka does not need it: it tastes good, there is no point in interrupting it, and if you drink in right time then you are not hungry. The only snack that the creator of the drink allowed was an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon.

Later varieties of liquor allow exceptions. “Lemond” and “Cordial” are often drunk for dessert, and it’s good to have a sweet snack on them: soft cookies, a piece cream cake, chocolate, cake. These two drinks also go well with citrus fruits, apples and grapes.

in Slovak. In Slovakia, they believe that Becherovka without beer is money down the drain. Or maybe vice versa. Be that as it may, Slovaks like to wash down heavily chilled liquor with beer - cold and preferably light, but for some, dark is normal. Malt and hops harmonize well with Becherovka herbs - a pleasant aftertaste comes out. As you understand, “Becherovka” in Slovak is a sure way to get drunk quickly.

With juice. Strong varieties of "Becherovka" like "Original" are mixed with juices in a ratio of one to one. Cherry, pomegranate, apple, orange, blackcurrant, grape juices are often used - it is believed that they are well suited herbal liqueur. But this is already a matter of taste - experiment, select juices and ratio.

With hot drinks. IN small quantities liquor is poured into morning tea or coffee - usually one or two tablespoons of Becherovka per cup of hot drink. You will almost not feel the taste of alcohol - only aftertaste from herbs, smell and barely noticeable bitterness.

The meaning of this method is to cheer up the body a little. This mixture improves tone, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system. If you drink "Becherovka" with tea or coffee in winter, then the probability of catching a cold will be lower. To achieve a preventive effect, you need to drink daily. The main medical effect of Behkrovka herbs is that they relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, relieve spasms of the gallbladder and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

Cocktails with Becherovka

There are many of them, and we will talk about the most common ones, which are often prepared in bars.

Punch from Becherovka. 45 gr. liquor is mixed with 90 gr. filtered water and add 20 gr. sugar syrup, 10 gr. orange and lemon juice. All this is well mixed and heated. A cocktail is served in a bowl for hot drinks, and you can decorate the glass with a lime or orange slice.

"Oasis". cut into in small pieces lime and drop them into a glass. Sprinkle with sugar and press down to release lime juice. Top with ice, pour 50 gr. Becherovka and mix well.

"Becherovka" with cherries. Pour into a shaker 40 gr. grapefruit juice and Becherovka. Shake, pour into cocktail glasses and garnish with cocktail cherries.

B-Ocean. You need 40 gr. “Becherovki”, 20 gr. blue "Curaçao" and 150 gr. grape juice. All this is mixed in a blender, ice is added and poured into a glass. For decoration, an orange or mint leaf OK.

“200 years of Becherovka”. A cocktail invented for the anniversary of the liqueur. For 30 gr. drink need 100 gr. apple juice and quite a bit ginger ale. Decor - mint leaf and lime.

"Bianca". In a glass mix 30 gr. liqueur and vermouth - white dessert. After everything is mixed, pour into a glass filled with ice. There add 30 gr. champagne and decorate the glass with a lime or raspberry.

"Magical Sunset" Pour 40 gr. into a glass with ice. liqueur, 15 gr. orange juice and 10 gr. grenadine. No need to stir - just garnish with an orange slice or strawberry.

Bejito. For 40 gr. "Becherovki" take 50 gr. tonic or soda and 150 gr. blackcurrant juice. Everything is mixed in a blender, ice is added and poured into a glass. For decoration, orange or mint is suitable.

"Becherovka" with cola. There is nowhere easier: mix 150 gr. cola with 40 gr. liqueur and decorate the glass with lemon.

"Tears of Raquel". Two-layer cocktail: 50 gr. "Becherovka" pour the same amount of "Triple Sec" and do not mix. Set the top on fire before serving.

"Becherovka" - the famous Czech liquor with a strength of 38º, infused with fragrant medicinal herbs. It has been produced in Karlovy Vary according to an unchanged recipe since 1807, and over the past centuries, green flat bottles with a yellow label and the inscription Becherovka have become the same national symbol of the Czech Republic as the resilient soldier Schweik. What else is interesting about Becherovka, how to drink it and what to mix it with to make wonderful refreshing cocktails?

How to drink

The taste of "Becherovka" is peculiar, spicy, grassy, ​​and this is not surprising, since this liquor was originally created as a potion for indigestion. In this capacity, it is still used today, since it effectively copes with heartburn and has a beneficial effect on digestion. In addition, it strengthens the heart and blood vessels, relieves fatigue and headache, improves immunity, allowing you to forget about the flu, sore throats and colds once and for all.

How exactly is Becherovka drunk for medicinal purposes: in case of malaise or fatigue, it is enough to add 1-2 tables. l. liquor in a cup of coffee or tea. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the tincture is drunk 20 ml 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals, while Becherovka should be very chilled. In such small quantities, the tincture can be drunk every day.

"Becherovka" is not only a healing potion, but also an excellent aperitif that whets the appetite before a meal, or a digestif that is drunk "on the road" after a hearty dinner. In both cases, drink the liquor chilled to 5-7ºС from small glasses of 40-50 ml. The Czechs, as well as their former neighbors in the same country, the Slovaks, like to drink an icy glass of this tincture with an icy glass of light “beer” (beer is very affectionately called in Czech).

However, outside of the former Czechoslovakia, this sweetish liquor is more preferred to be consumed either in its pure form or diluted with other drinks. What do they drink Becherovka with? exquisite cocktails?

cocktail recipes

The simplest version of the cocktail - for 1 hour of Becherovka, 2 hours of tonic is taken, ice is added. It turns out a drink under the witty name "Concrete". You can dilute the tincture with cherry, lemon, apple or pomegranate juice in any proportion. What other recipes exist:

  1. "Blue Ocean": 40 ml of Becherovka, 100 ml of mineral water with gas, 50 ml of grape juice, 20 ml of Curacao liqueur, ice, orange slices and a sprig of mint.
  2. Cherry: 40 ml Becherovka, 40 ml grapefruit juice, ice, cherries for cocktails.
  3. Punch: 40 ml Becherovka, 10 ml lemon juice, 10 ml of orange juice, 20 ml of sugar syrup, 90 ml of water - mix and warm everything, decorate the glass with lemon or lime slices.

That's what else is so great "Becherovka" - cocktails based on this liquor will cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Do it yourself

It is not necessary to go to the waters in Karlovy Vary to taste Becherovka. Instead, you can go to the supermarket or market and buy the following:

  • 0.5 l 96% alcohol;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2-3 cinnamon sticks;
  • 15 sticks of cloves;
  • 5 grains of cardamom;
  • 1/2 tsp. l. anise;
  • 8-10 peas allspice;
  • 1 strip of lemon or orange zest.

All spices must be put in the usual glass jar and pour diluted alcohol. Put in a dark secluded corner for 10 days. Every day, the jar needs to be checked and shaken well, several times can be. Then you need to pass the drink through cheesecloth and add sugar syrup, cooked from 200 g of sugar (preferably cane) and 1 liter of water. Let stand for another 2 hours and you can drink.

"Becherovka" - noble drink from Karlovy Vary, a real pearl of the beautiful hospitable Czech Republic.

Good day to all. I would like to dedicate this review to one of the most famous liqueurs. We will talk about the Czech liqueur Becherovka.

I heard about Becherovka for the first time on TV, there was a program about Karlovy Vary (this is where this wonderful liquor is made). I realized the popularity of this drink only when I started working as a bartender. Initially, the liquor was made as a medicine for the stomach, and in our time it has become a "medicine for the soul"

Manufacturers keep the Becherovka recipe a secret. It is known about the production technology that 20 types of herbs and spices are mixed in strict proportions and put into bags. Then these bags are dipped in alcohol and kept for several days. After that, the resulting extract is mixed with sugar and Karlovy Vary water and poured into barrels. A few months later we get a wonderful liqueur, which is the hallmark of the Czech Republic.

Becherovka promotes digestion and improves appetite. So it can be used both as an aperitif and as a digestif. The strength of this liquor is 38%, the color is amber yellow. Herbal taste with pronounced bitterness. But at the same time, she is not as bitter as Jägermeister or Fernet Branca.

Well, now in detail about how to still drink this liquor.

Let's start with the use in its purest form: served chilled in 20-gram glasses (there are special, branded ones), they drink it and immediately have a snack with an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon. In many establishments, when ordering Becherovka, by default they bring a portion of oranges with cinnamon.

Concrete -- most popular cocktail with Becherovka. Tonic + Becherovka (200 ml tonic for 50 ml of liquor) + ice + lemon slice, and even better lime. I personally don’t like this cocktail, I don’t like soda and it turns out painfully bitter.

With juice. Most often they drink with apple, this is the second most popular cocktail with Becherovka. Also delicious with orange and blackcurrant juice. Naturally, with the addition of ice, grenadine (pomegranate syrup) can also be added. It turns out pretty tasty. But Becherovka with grapefruit, as for me, is pure disgusting, but many drink, they say that it invigorates. Brrr...

With coffee or rather in coffee. According to the rules, you need to add only one spoonful, but can our person drink only one spoonful of alcohol???? Increasingly, I come across at the bar with a request to pour 25 grams of Becherovka into coffee. This is probably so that the cold will surely recede. Can also be added to tea.

While these are the most famous recipes to date. If I learn something new, I will definitely update the review.

Thank you all for your attention.
