
The most famous alcoholic cocktails. Unusual cocktails and original serving

An alcoholic cocktail is a drink in which alcoholic beverages are used as one or more ingredients. The cocktail itself is obtained by mixing several liquids, and sometimes with the addition of spices and fruits. What are the most popular cocktails?

What are cocktails? Cocktails are a mixture of several drinks (usually no more than 5 ingredients), plus additional ones used in very small quantities, such as salt, spices, bitters, etc. The composition of cocktails can be very different. Most cocktails are made with ice, so it should be given special attention. To make ice, it is better to use slightly mineralized or simply purified water. It should be completely transparent and without aftertaste.

History of the cocktail
The first legend, the most romantic, dates back to 1770. In those distant times, the owner of a bar located near New York lost his beloved rooster. The owner announced that whoever finds the loss will marry his daughter. After some time, one army officer brought his rooster to the owner of the bar, which by that time had managed to lose his tail. The owner had no choice but to announce to all the visitors of the bar about the upcoming wedding. His daughter, who worked in her father's establishment, was excited to mix different drinks, which they immediately began to call "cock tail" (cock tail) - a cock's tail.

The second legend says that in the 15th century in France, in the province of Charente, wines and spirits were already mixed, calling the mixture coquetelle (cocktail). From this subsequently came the cocktail itself.
The third legend tells that the first cocktail appeared in England. And the word "cocktail" itself is borrowed from the lexicon of racing enthusiasts, who called mixed-breed horses, that is, those with mixed blood, the nickname cock tail because of their tails sticking out like roosters.


  • 14 ml Triple Sec
  • 14 ml white rum
  • 14 ml gin
  • 14 ml vodka
  • 14 ml tequila
  • 28 ml tea
  • lemon wedge

Mix liquids in a Collins or Highball glass, add ice. Intervene. Add cola.

Cocktail "Sex on the beach"

This is a very popular alcoholic cocktail containing vodka, peach liqueur (schnapps), orange and cranberry juice. One of the official cocktails of the International Bartending Association (IBA).

  • 2 parts (40 ml) vodka
  • 1 part (20 ml) peach liqueur (Peach Schnapps)
  • 2 parts (40 ml) orange juice
  • 2 parts (40 ml) cranberry juice

Shake all ingredients in a shaker and pour into a highball glass filled with ice. The cocktail is garnished with an orange slice. Drink through a straw.
In some variations, pineapple juice is also added to the cocktail. Sometimes Hurricane Glass is used instead of a highball glass for cooking.
Also sometimes a cocktail is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry.

Cocktail "Cuba Libre"

Cuba Libre is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It appeared during the Spanish-American War. One fine day, a group of American soldiers who were on leave entered one of the bars in Havana, one of them, perhaps missing his homeland and bourbon, ordered a rum with cola, ice and a slice of lemon. Having received his cocktail, he drank it with such pleasure that he aroused genuine interest among his colleagues and they asked the bartender to prepare the same drink for them. The fun began, in the midst of which one of the soldiers made a toast “Por Cuba Libre!” in honor of Cuba's newfound freedom, "Cuba Libre!" the crowd took...

  • half a lime
  • 60 ml white rum
  • 120 ml cola

Squeeze lime juice into Collins glass, add lime to glass, add ice. Pour in rum and cola. Mix.

And of course the famous Cocktail "Bloody Mary", which takes the first line in the top parade of the most popular cocktails in the world

This legendary cocktail is surrounded by many secrets and myths. Such famous people as Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald beat the lover and admirer of the drink.
The cocktail received worldwide recognition in New York, when at the St. Regis, who works at the Petio bar, decided to experiment with adding Tabasco sauce to the drink. At the celebration of the anniversary of the cocktail, the honorable right to say the first toast in honor of the unique "Bloody Mary" fell to the granddaughter of the legendary bartender and the creator of this cocktail, Fernand Petiot.

In New York, December 1st was declared Bloody Mary Day. In honor of the anniversary, the cocktail was offered at the price of 1933 - 99 cents.
Bloody Mary owes its birth to Fernando Petiot, a bartender who worked in the New York bar in Paris at the beginning of the last century.
Legends of the appearance of the Bloody Mary cocktail:
Legend has it that Fernand came up with the name “Red Snapper” for his cocktail, which means “Red Snapper” (there is such a fish). But one of the regular visitors to the bar called the drink "Bloody Mary", after which this name was fixed behind the cocktail. Another legend tells, on the contrary, Fernand Petio himself called the drink "Bloody Mary", but the administration of the bar "King Col" tried to rename it to "Red Snapper". Another legend tells that in Chicago there was a bar called the "Blood Bucket" and a charming girl Mary frequented it, and the Bloody Mary cocktail was named after her.

Initially, this drink was primitive, consisting only of vodka and tomato juice. But 15 years after its invention, seasonings and spices began to be added to these simple ingredients.

  • 90 ml tomato juice
  • 45 ml vodka
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • 1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • Optionally, you can splash and Tabasco sauce
  • salt pepper

Pour all liquids into highball, add ice. Stir. Add salt and pepper to taste. For those who like it spicier, you can use nuclear red pepper.

There is also a Bloody Maria variant, based on tequila instead of vodka:

  • 60 ml tequila
  • 1 teaspoon horseradish
  • 3 dashes Tabasco
  • 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 dash of lemon juice
  • salt pepper
  • tomato juice

optionally add 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard, 1 dash of sherry or 30 ml clam juice
Put ice in a highball glass and pour in all the liquid ingredients. Top with tomato juice. Stir by pouring from one glass to another.
Especially for lovers of non-alcoholic - "Virgin Mary", a variation of a cocktail without vodka

Today, few parties can pass without a cocktail, but why is your New Year's party worse? Today in our rating are the ten most popular cocktails and, of course, recipes for their preparation.

10th place. Mojito

Mojito recipe appeared in Havana, the capital Cuba, in a small cafe-restaurant " Bodeguita del Medio founded by the family Martinez V 1942 year and to this day welcomes visitors in the same bar in the colonial style in the heart of the city; it was visited by famous personalities, among them Ernest Hemingway, Adrianis Rodriguez, photos of which are stored in the restaurant.

On the origin of the name mojito There are several legends. One says that the word mojito is a modified mojadito (Spanish. Mojadito, reduce from mojado), which means "slightly moist".


White rum - 50 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml
. Soda (mineral water with lemon or sprite) - 50 ml
. Mint - 15 grams
. Lime - 3 slices


1. Put lime and mint in a highball.
2. Muddle and top with crushed ice.
3. Pour in the rum, sugar syrup and club soda.
4. Stir with a bar spoon.
5. Add crushed ice.
6. Garnish with a sprig of mint.

9th place. Pina colada

The name of the cocktail translates as " filtered pineapple". Initially, this name meant fresh pineapple juice, which was served strained ( colado). Unstrained bore the name sin color. Then rum was included in the composition. IN mid-twentieth century in one of the Puerto Rican bars, the cocktail recipe " piña colada”, which gained immense popularity and became the pride of Puerto Ricopiña colada»is considered the official drink Puerto Rico.


White rum - 50 ml
. Coconut syrup - 30 ml
. Pineapple juice - 100 ml


1. Pour rum, coconut syrup and pineapple juice into a shaker.

3. Strain through a strainer into a hurricane glass with ice.
4. Garnish with a pineapple and cocktail cherry.

8th place. cosmopolitan

Initially, the cocktail was specially created for vodka. Absolute Citron which tasted like lemon. According to another version, cosmopolitan» created Cheryl Cook, a woman bartender from the shtetl South Beach, Florida. Another figure involved in the creation of the drink was Toby Cizzini With Manhattan. He made a cocktail based on the recipe Cook, while he made his own small changes. It was his recipe that became the standard of cooking " Cosmopolitan". For a long time, this cocktail has been popular among gay club goers. Only in 1998 year with the release of the series " Sex in the city", Where " cosmopolitan"became the favorite drink of the heroines, it gained wide popularity.


Orange liqueur - 10 ml
. Cranberry juice - 30 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Vodka - 30 ml
. Orange peel essential oil - 1 slice


1. Pour vodka, orange liqueur, lemon juice and cranberry juice into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.

4. Squeeze the orange peel essential oil onto the surface of the drink and plunge into the glass.

7th place. Tequila Sunrise

Cocktail " Tequila Sunrise'was invented in 30-40s years in a hotel Arizona Biltmore Hotel. The original recipe included blackcurrant liqueur and lime juice. Your name (English) sunrise - "sunrise") Cocktail received for appearance. Dense components (blackcurrant liqueur or pomegranate syrup), settling to the bottom of the glass through a mixture of juice and tequila, create a gradation of colors reminiscent of dawn.

There is a version that the cocktail became famous thanks to the group " The Rolling Stones", whose musicians preferred" Tequila Sunrise» to all other drinks during his American tour in 1972 year.


Tequila - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml
. Grenadine syrup (pomegranate syrup) - 10 ml


2. Pour tequila and orange juice
3. Top with grenadine syrup
4. Garnish with an orange slice

6th place. Daiquiri

Origin story related to patriotic Cuban motifs tells the story of a Cuban engineer Jennings Cox, which was heading for manganese development in the area Daiquiri. He had only rum at his disposal to quench the thirst of the workers. The engineer asked a peasant, whose estate bordered on mining, a basket of limes and granulated sugar, then extracting ice from the fittings that miners usually used, prepared a simple cocktail composition " Dairiki". The result was so successful that the workers spread the recipe all over the island.

Well, he brought worldwide fame to the cocktail Ernest Hemingway. He wrote about his favorite cocktails like this: My daiquiri en Floridita, my mojito en Bodeguita "(My daiquiri is in Floridita, my mojito is in Bodeguita") .


White rum - 40 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml
. Sugar syrup - 20 ml


1. Pour rum, lemon juice and sugar syrup into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a chilled cocktail glass.
4. Garnish with a circle of lemon.

5th place. margarita

A cocktail of Hispanic origin, the appearance dates back to about a period of 1936—1948 year, there are many versions about his appearance, in almost all of them a woman named Margarita appears. And although there are only three official versions of the origin of life on Earth, contenders for the title " creator of margarita» do not count!


Tequila - 40 ml
. Orange liqueur - 20 ml
. Lemon juice - 20 ml


1. Pour tequila, lemon juice and orange liqueur into a shaker.
2. Fill a shaker with ice cubes and shake.
3. Strain through a strainer into a margarita glass with a salty rim.
4. Garnish with a lime wedge.

4 methods. Martini Dry

Dry Martini was first presented to the public at the turn of the XX century. According to one version, it happened in a bar in a New York hotel. Knickerbocker: bartender Martini di Armadi Taggia combined in equal proportions gin and Noilly Prat and added a drop of orange bitter. According to another theory, "father" Dry Martini was from San Francisco and called him Jerry Thomas. He mixed a cocktail for a gold digger who went to seek his fortune in the city. Martinez. There is also a version according to which the cocktail got its name in honor of guns. Martini and Henry, which were in service with the British army at the beginning XX century: the allegedly stunning (in the literal sense of the word) cocktail was to the taste of the soldiers.
Cinematography brought worldwide fame to the cocktail. " Matrini Dry"appears in such cult films of American cinema as a series about the war in Vietnam M*A*S*H, where the main characters use only "dry martini".


Gin - 75 ml
. Dry vermouth - 15 ml
. Olive - 1


1. Chill the cocktail glass and mixing glass.
2. Drain the melted water from the mixing bowl.
3. Pour in the vermouth and gin and stir with a bar spoon.
4. While holding ice in a mixing glass, pour into a cocktail glass.
5. Dip an olive on a skewer to the bottom of the glass.

3rd place. Cuba Libre

First prepared in Havana V 1900 year. American soldiers mixed Cuban rum and cola while toasting a free Cuba: « Viva la Cuba libre» (« Long live free Cuba»).


White rum - 40 ml
. Cola - 120 ml
. Fresh lime - 1 wedge


1. Fill your highball glass to the top with ice cubes
2. Pour rum and cola
3. Garnish with a lime wedge

2nd place. Screwdriver

According to legend, the cocktail got its name from the habit of American oil engineers working in Iraq to mix vodka and orange juice with a screwdriver. But most likely the cocktail was invented John Martin, the man who taught me to drink all the vodka America. The first written mention of the Screwdriver cocktail (screwdriver) is found in the American magazine " Half» in the issue dated October 24, 1949.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Orange juice - 150 ml


1. Fill the highball to the top with ice cubes.
2. Pour in vodka and orange juice.
3. Garnish with an orange slice.

1 place. Bloody Mary

For the role of the inventor bloody mary Several people apply. Some sources claim that the cocktail was originally created George Jessel at about 1939 year. In the newspaper New York Herald Tribune December 2, 1939 what is believed to be the first reference to the drink was published, along with the original recipe attributed to George Jessel: « George Jessel's new anti-hangover drink, which attracted the attention of correspondents and called Bloody Mary: half tomato juice, half vodka»
The name is associated with the name of the English queen Mary I Tudor, nicknamed Bloody Mary for the massacre of Protestants.


Vodka - 50 ml
. Tomato juice - 100 ml
. Lemon juice - 10 ml
. Fresh celery - 10 g
. Wotchester sauce - 5 drops
. Tabasco - 3 drops
. Salt
. Ground pepper


1. Muddle the celery in a shaker
2. Pour in vodka, lemon juice, tomato juice, Wochester and Tabasco
3. Sprinkle salt, pepper to taste
4. Fill shaker with ice cubes and shake
5. Strain through a strainer into a highball
6. Garnish with a stalk of celery and a lemon

After a hard day or a whole week, everyone is looking for ways to relax. For some, this is a favorite hobby, for some it is an interesting film, and for some it is a rest for the soul and body with the help of alcohol.

It's no secret that any alcoholic product is quite harmful to the body. However, some of the drinks were turned into a kind of work of art, skillful hands and creative ideas.

And it is about unusual and tasty drinks that will be discussed in this article. I would like to note that almost every cocktail below has its own non-alcoholic counterpart, which allows absolutely anyone to enjoy their taste. So, the top 10 most famous alcoholic cocktails, enjoy reading!

One of the most popular and favorite drinks according to the site. Its history begins in the 16th century, and brave English pirates are considered to be the “authors”, who began to add lime and mint to their favorite strong alcohol (or simply moonshine). But it is difficult to establish the place of birth, because the pirates never sat in one place, but still, it is generally accepted that it was in Cuba that Mojito "began his dizzying career." By adding such components to a strong alcoholic drink, they made the drink not only palatable, but also useful (prevention of cholera). Mojito recipes that have come down to us are almost a hundred years old. There are different variations of this mix, but the classic recipe remains the most popular, where the main ingredient is Bacardi rum.

Where does this name come from? There are several versions… The name comes from words similar in pronunciation, which are translated from different languages ​​as “slightly wet”, “little witchcraft”, and there is also a similar name for Cuban sauce.

So, the composition of the cocktail includes:
Bacardi 50 ml
half a lime
Peppermint leaves (at least 5-6)
sugar syrup
Soda (carbonated water) 50 ml.
And, of course, crushed ice.

Mojito is served in a tall glass, garnished with mint leaves and drunk through a straw.

The favorite of the female half of all parties. Light and rich with tropical notes, it cheers up, gives a unique feeling and pleases with its unusual look. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic Pina Coladas. And what is very important, both options are equally tasty - this is a valuable property of a cocktail. A drink made in coconut or pineapple not only looks spectacular, but is also the most delicious. The name of this drink translates as “filtered pineapple” and it came to us from Puerto Rico, where it was originally called fresh strained pineapple juice, later rum was added to it, and even later Piña Colada appeared in one of the bars. He immediately gained a bunch of fans, became the pride of Puerto Ricans and the official drink of the country.

The classic pina colada cocktail is prepared in a blender and here are its ingredients:
Pineapple juice - 90 ml
Coconut cream - 30 ml
Light rum - 30 ml

Add ice and beat. The drink is served in a glass garnished with a "drunken cherry" or a piece of pineapple. There may be other cocktail options.

The unusual color distinguishes it from other alcoholic beverages. The unique color and pleasant taste will leave an unforgettable impression after getting to know this cocktail. It appeared in the middle of the last century, and was invented by the bartender of the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel. And the reason for the "invention" was the order of the alcohol company to promote the new Blue Curacao liquor. After several options, it was decided to stop on this lineup. And the name, probably, appeared thanks to a hit with the same name.

The taste of this cocktail is a tropical mix combined with rum and liquor. All these ingredients give an amazing heady taste, which is loved all over the world and glorified the exotic island.

The composition of the cocktail is:
Light rum - 20 ml
Coconut liqueur (Malibu) - 20 ml
Pineapple juice - 40 ml
Blue Curacao - 20 ml

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and crushed ice in a shaker, pour into a glass, decorate with an umbrella, an orange slice or a cherry and ... Enjoy! It can be drunk at any time of the day, it perfectly refreshes and tones.

Relatively young and very popular cocktail. He first appeared under the name "Sand in shorts" in the eighties of the last century, when there were hippies with crazy parties on the beaches.

Now it can be found in any self-respecting bar. It is always in the top, has a bright color and a pleasant taste and is quite easy to prepare. For its pleasant fruity taste, the fair sex simply adores it, and the name will leave few people indifferent, because it evokes pleasant thoughts. The characters of the series "Santa Barbara" brought incredible popularity to this cocktail all over the world, because in almost every series the characters enjoyed it.

“Sex on the Beach” gained such wild popularity in such a short time, but for various reasons: firstly, it is very tasty, secondly, alcohol is almost not felt in it, thanks to fruits and berries, and thirdly, it is easy to cooking, even at home.

So, to prepare this cocktail, you must follow the recipe:
Vodka - 60 ml
Peach liqueur - 30ml
Cranberry juice - 60ml
Orange juice - 60ml

Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice, shake well. Strain the drink, pour into a highball with ice, garnish with an orange slice - and here it is "Sex on the Beach"!


One of the most famous cocktails! It is impossible to imagine any club party without this drink, which conquered all continents. In the middle of the last century, this tricolor sweetish drink was created in one of the bars in Malibu. The name was given in honor of the American bomber-missile carrier Boeing B-52. There are other versions of the origin of this cocktail, but the version with a bomber is still considered the most real.

It is desirable to cook B-52 in the presence of the guest who ordered it, firstly, in order to impress with your knowledge and skills, and, secondly, you must definitely explain how you need to drink this shot.

Of course, professional bartenders will make this cocktail better, but it is possible at home too.

To cook you will need:
Coffee liqueur (Kahlúa) – 20ml – bottom layer
Then Cream liqueur (Baileys) - 20 ml
And the top layer will be Orange liqueur (Cointreau) – 20ml

The whole difficulty lies in the uniform distribution of drinks - so that they do not mix. Liqueurs should be added along the blade of a knife or the back of a cocktail spoon. This must be done slowly and carefully. When the drink is ready, you can just drink it, or you can set it on fire. In the second case, you need to drink through a straw, lowering it to the lowest layer and very quickly so that the straw does not melt, and instead of the delicious taste of B-52, you do not feel the taste of melted plastic. It is not recommended to abuse the drink, because after 3-4 servings the euphoria may end and severe intoxication may set in.

A legendary cocktail that almost everyone knows or has at least heard of. And, of course, there are a huge number of versions about the origin of the name, and, of course, they are all associated with a girl named Margarita. But, in any case, this chic drink was born in Latin America somewhere in the period 1935-1940. And since then, "Margarita" has been walking the planet and is the favorite drink of millions.

If you tried this cocktail in a restaurant and became a fan of it, you can make it yourself at home.

Classic "Margarita" consists of:
30 ml tequila
30ml lime
15ml orange liqueur
And the constant companion of any cocktail is crushed ice..

All this must be mixed in a shaker, shake everything well and pour into a pre-prepared glass. And the preparation of the glass is as follows - the edges of the glass must be moistened and dipped in salt so that a delicate “crown” appears, then decorate with a slice of lime.

The International Bartending Association recognized this cocktail in 1986, and the cult television series Sex and the City brought it worldwide fame. After all, every evening on the TV screen, charming beauties enjoyed the Cosmopolitan. Today, at almost every party, you can see chic ladies with stylish glasses in their hands. And of course, like any such popular drink, Cosmopolitan has a mysterious origin - there are several versions, and which of them is the most truthful is unknown ... One of the versions - the cocktail was created as an addition (PR - action) to vodka with lemon flavor Absolut Citron. This drink with a mild taste and aroma of cranberries can be tasted not only in bars, but also prepared at home!

We take:
45 ml vodka (preferably with lemon flavor)
15ml Cointreau liqueur
Lime juice 5-7 ml
30ml cranberry juice
We mix everything in a shaker and pour into a glass, which must be cooled in advance - either with pieces of ice, or simply in the refrigerator. Cosmopolitan is usually served without decorations. It is customary to drink it in small sips to feel the soft and original taste.

It appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century in a small town on Liberty Island. Its history is quite prosaic. No one imagined that thanks to a simple chance and ingenuity of a young man, a legendary and beloved cocktail would be born. When the bar ran out of gin, I had to treat the guests to rum, but in order to like the drink, I had to add sugar and lime juice to it. This combination made a splash among the guests, and the world received a new wonderful drink, which was called "Daiquiri"!

The classic recipe for this cocktail looks like this:
White rum - 45ml
Lime juice - 20 ml
Sugar - 5g
Crushed ice about 100g

In a chilled shaker, mix all the ingredients, mix everything very carefully and pour into a cold glass. It's simple, but the taste and effect is amazing!

Now there are a lot of variants of Daiquiri in the world: with banana, strawberry, passion fruit, coffee liqueur, etc. Rum, lime and ... your imagination!

“Por Cuba Libre!” that was the toast that American soldiers made for a free Cuba. In the post-war period, the Americans began to supply this country with bottled syrup of their favorite drink. And the favorite drink of Cubans has always been rum, of which there was a huge amount on the island of Liberty. The Americans mixed two favorite drinks from two different countries, added a little lime - and here it is an exotic drink that very quickly found its fans not only in Cuba, but all over the world. And since toasts to a free Cuba were often heard in bars, the cocktail got its name! And even during the Prohibition period, Cuba Libre not only did not give up its positions, but also became one of the most popular drinks. Now there are many different versions of this cocktail, we offer you a classic recipe.

White rum - 50 ml
Coca-Cola - 120ml
Lime juice - 10 ml

Fill the glass almost to the top with ice, squeeze a small lime wedge into the glass and leave it between the ice cubes. Pour Cola and rum, decorate with a lime wedge. Everything ingenious is simple!

Such a legendary cocktail cannot have one well-known history of appearance. So, many argue that the cocktail is so named after the ardent Catholic Queen Mary I Tudor of England, because for her brutal reprisals she received the nickname Bloody Mary. Another version is connected by Ernest Hemingway - a lover of strong drinks, when he returned home "at the merry" his wife, whose name was Mary, made scandals for him. The writer experimentally found that the components of Bloody Mary perfectly “remove” the smell of fumes and there is a chance to avoid a scandal ... There were several more people who claimed authorship. And, nevertheless, Fernando Pita Petio is considered to be the official author. Initially, this drink was considered an excellent "anti-hangover" remedy.

In the first official mention of this drink, it was said that it consists of juice and vodka. And Fernando added other components, and the recipe looks like this:
Tomato juice - 150ml
Vodka - 75ml
Lemon juice - 15ml
Salt, pepper, celery sprig.

And if desired, you can add three drops of Tobasco and Worcesters sauces. A cocktail is served in a highball, garnished with celery, and drunk through a straw. There is a version of a “two-tiered” cocktail, when the first layer is red tomato juice, and the second is vodka, but red and black pepper and salt are still added there. This option is very popular in Poland, because outwardly it resembles the flag of the country. In Russia, many people cook this option at home.

The list of the most popular bar cocktails consists of the following drinks:

  • "Mojito";
  • "Blue Hawaii";
  • "Cosmopolitan";
  • "Pina colada";
  • "Sex on the Beach";
  • "Daiquiri";
  • "Margarita";
  • "B52";
  • "Long Island";
  • "Jellyfish";
  • "Piranha";
  • "Oasis";
  • "Limoncello".

These and many other delicious exotic drinks are prepared right in front of visitors at the bar counter. The following bar cocktail recipes will come in handy for those who decide to make their own alcoholic drinks at home.

Bar cocktails "Mojito", "Cosmopolitan" and "Pina Colada"


This is a light invigorating drink based on white rum and mint leaves.

The traditional composition looks like this:

  • lime;
  • fresh mint leaves;
  • white rum - 60 ml;
  • 100 ml soda water;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;

Mojito preparation:

Take a tall glass, put mint leaves on its bottom, add sugar syrup and lime juice.

Pour in crushed ice.

Top with soda water and white rum. Stir gently and drink through a straw.

The popularity of the alcoholic "Mojito" is due to the unique combination of sweetness, lime acidity and mint freshness. There are other options for preparing the drink; in some establishments, strawberries, orange or apple juice are also added to it.


Alcoholic cocktail "Cosmopolitan" became popular after the appearance on television of the series "Sex and the City". His heroines constantly drank at parties. Cosmopolitan first appeared in the 70s, when its recipe was created by American mixologist Dale de Gough.


  • 30 ml of vodka with citrus flavor;
  • Triple Sec - 15 ml;
  • 30 ml cranberry juice;
  • one lime;
  • orange slice for decoration;


Pour vodka, cranberry juice and Triple Sec into a shaker.

Squeeze the juice out of the lime - with your hands or using a citrus press.

Pour the drink into a cocktail glass on a high leg, decorate it with an orange slice or orange zest.

"Pina colada".

This popular sweet cocktail came to us from the Caribbean, where it was first made. "Pina Colada" - "filtered pineapple", as strained fresh pineapple juice used to be called. Soon the juice began to be mixed with rum and sugar, so it moved into the category of low-alcohol drinks popular today in nightclubs.


  • pineapple juice, white rum - 60 ml each;
  • coconut cream - 75 ml;
  • for decoration - whipped cream, cherry and pineapple slices;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing the Pina Colada:

Place the pineapple juice, white rum and coconut cream in a blender and blend until smooth.

Pour the entire mixture from the blender into a cocktail glass, add ice.

Top the drink with whipped cream and fruit.

In some bars, Pina Colada also includes Baileys liqueur.

Recipes for bar cocktails "Daiquiri", "Sex on the Beach" and "Margarita"


Now under the name "Daiquiri" there is a whole group of alcoholic cocktails, although initially it was just one drink. It first appeared in Cuba when a man named Jenning Kos decided to combine rum, sugar, lime juice and ice in one glass. The cocktail has such a beautiful name thanks to the Daiquiri village in which it originated.


  • 60 ml of white rum;
  • sugar syrup - 15 ml;
  • lime;

Preparing the Daiquiri:

Pour rum, sugar syrup and lime juice into a shaker.

Add ice to these ingredients and shake the shaker well.

Pour the contents of the shaker into a glass.

Bar cocktail "Daiquiri" is ready to drink!

"Sex on the Beach"

A low-alcohol drink with such a provocative and enticing name is liked by many girls.

It is prepared on the basis of such components:

  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • peach liqueur - 25 ml;
  • pineapple juice and cranberry juice - 40 ml each;
  • for decoration - pineapple and raspberries;
  • ice cubes.

Preparing a cocktail "Sex on the Beach" is quite simple:

Mix all ingredients in a shaker and shake well.

Pour the finished drink into a highball glass filled with ice.

"Sex on the beach" decorate with a slice of pineapple and raspberries.


Margarita is one of the most popular summer alcoholic drinks.

To prepare this Margarita bar alcoholic cocktail recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml tequila;
  • orange juice - 25 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 10 ml;
  • one lime;
  • salt or sugar to decorate the glass;

Preparation of the margarita cocktail:

Pour tequila and orange juice into a shaker, squeeze lime juice on top, fill everything with ice and beat all the ingredients well.

Pour the drink into a wide cocktail glass with a high stem.

Garnish the rim of the glass with salt or sugar.

Preparation of bar cocktails "B52", "Long Island" and "Medusa"

"At 52".

This is a cocktail consisting of three layers of different liquors. Its peculiarity is that you need to drink it in one gulp, without mixing the layers. This is a very interesting bar cocktail, and not only the method of its preparation is of interest, but also the peculiarity of the alcoholic effect on the one who drinks B52. The strength of an alcoholic drink in the classic version of preparation is on average 27 degrees. "B52" is not easy to prepare, so in any case it will turn out better when prepared by a professional bartender, but you can try to make it yourself at home.


  • coffee liqueur "Captain Black";
  • Irish Cream liqueur;
  • Quantreau liqueur.

To prepare a drink, prepare a knife and a glass with a capacity of 100 ml.

Dip the knife into the glass, and carefully pour the coffee liqueur onto the blade.

Then pour in the Irish Cream liqueur in the same way. Everything must be done as slowly and smoothly as possible so that two layers of liquor do not mix.

The top layer will be Quantreau liqueur, it must be poured into a glass in the same way as the two previous components.

The result should be three different layers of liqueurs, of which the drink consists. However, "B52" is not yet ready for use. Now the three-layer drink needs to be set on fire.

You need to drink a cocktail burning, inserting a straw into a glass. Properly prepared and drunk "B52" should be cool at the beginning of drinking, and then it becomes warmer and warmer.

"Long Island".

This drink appeared on Long Island in New York.


  • vodka;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • white rum;
  • Triple Sec;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lemon slice;
  • cola;

All drinks should be taken in 20 ml.


Mix all the alcoholic components of the cocktail in a highball glass.

Separately, in a container, combine cola and ice, pour into a glass.

For decoration, use a lemon wedge and a few bright straws.



  • 10 ml of absinthe;
  • 20 ml of cocoa liqueur and Triple Seca;
  • 5 ml Irish Cream.


Alcoholic drinks in a glass should be poured in layers using a knife or a bar spoon. The layers go in this order: cocoa liqueur, triple sec, absinthe.

To decorate the cocktail, you need to beautifully pour Irish Cream on top - drop by drop through a straw.

Making bar cocktails at home is an interesting and exciting process, at the end of which you can enjoy the pleasant taste of your favorite alcoholic drink.

Now it's time for New Year's Eve parties. Well, alcoholic cocktails, as you know, reign at festive events of any format: cocktails are drunk with pleasure in a nightclub, at home, and in a restaurant.

Today we have selected for you 15 most popular alcoholic cocktails which you can easily prepare yourself.

No matter how strange it may seem, but all the cocktails that are so popular today are, in fact, a modern interpretation of classic drinks or a modified version of medicines. This once again confirms the truth of the expression "Everything new is well forgotten old." However, some changes in the recipe of the cocktails did not affect either their taste or their popularity.

This drink was first introduced to the public in the 80s of the last century in a restaurant in South Florida. He began to gain his popularity in the 90s, after the release of the famous series "Sex and the City" on the big screens. That is why Cosmopolitan is considered a truly feminine cocktail. Its composition resembles an improved version of the classic "Screwdriver": vodka, triple sec liqueur, lime juice and cranberry juice. A characteristic feature of a well-prepared Cosmopolitan is astringency, softening the taste of alcohol.

  • plain or vodka with lemon flavor - 45 ml;
  • Cointreau orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • fresh lime juice - 7-8 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 30 ml.

14. Mojito

The history of this cocktail began back in 1586, when sailors from the expedition of Francis Drake landed in Cuba in search of cures for scurvy and dysentery. The Cubans provided them with such medicine. It is from the ingredients of this medicine that the famous Mojito is prepared all over the world today. The popularity of this drink can be explained by the fact that the fresh taste of lime and mint perfectly quenches thirst and saves from the summer heat. White rum, sugar, soda, mint and lime in their combination will not leave indifferent lovers of low-alcohol cocktails.

  • lime (in extreme cases, lemon) - 1 piece;
  • white rum - 30 ml;
  • soda (sprite) - 60 ml;
  • sugar (preferably cane) - 1 tablespoon.
  • fresh mint - 5-6 leaves;
  • ice cubes - 100 grams.

13. Mai Tai

There are many versions of who is the "ancestor" of this cocktail. The first person to claim copyright is the owner of a California business. According to him, he prepared Mai Tai for friends who had just arrived from Tahiti. One of them was so impressed with the taste of the drink that he exclaimed "Maita'i", which means "very good". Since then, the name has stuck to the cocktail tightly. Mai Tai is a symbol of Tahitian culture. This is a Polynesian fruit drink, most popular in the western United States. It contains dark and light rum, lime juice and orange curacao.

  • white rum - 40 ml;
  • black rum - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • lime juice - 15 ml;
  • almond syrup - 10 ml.
  • pineapple wedge, mint sprig and cocktail cherry (optional)

12. Mint julep

The mint julep is rightfully considered the official drink of the main race sport event in the United States - the Kentucky Derby. This cocktail is a traditional variation on the use of bourbon, which is produced in huge quantities in the southern United States. In the 18th century, Mint Julep was a combination of whiskey, gin and brandy in different proportions, and only in 1938 did its modern variation appear - with the addition of bourbon.

  • bourbon - 60 ml;
  • mint - 12 fresh leaves;
  • powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • water (without gas) - 2 teaspoons;
  • crushed ice - 150 grams.

11. Caipirinha

At the beginning of the 20th century, the local population of Brazil used a special drink to fight the "Spanish flu". It consisted of cachaça (an alcoholic concentrate made from sugar cane), sugar and lime juice. Now this drink is popular all over the world and is called Caipirinha. It is worth remembering that the cocktail is very insidious: the composition of sugar and lime miraculously “masks” the taste of alcohol.

  • cachaca - 50 ml;
  • lime - 1 half;
  • cane sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • crushed ice.

10. Margarita

Perhaps this is the most popular cocktail in the United States. The classic Margarita contains tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. Usually all the ingredients are simply mixed in a mixer and served in special glasses with ice cubes. Some lovers like to experiment: instead of lime juice, they add any other juice. The history of Margarita is still not exactly known. It is only known that the birthplace of the cocktail is the southern regions of the United States.

  • silver tequila - 40 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 20 ml;
  • lime juice - 40 ml;
  • ice - 150 grams.

9. Pina Colada

It is believed that Piña Colada was first made by a Caribe Hilton hotel bartender in 1952, just after concentrated coconut milk appeared on the market. It is coconut milk combined with rum and pineapple juice that creates this incomparable original taste and aroma of a cocktail. For a long time, Pina Colada was considered the national drink of Puerto Rico, but today it is the property of the whole world.

  • light (white) rum - 30 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • coconut milk (Malibu liqueur) - 30 ml;
  • ice cubes - 50 grams;
  • cream (11-15% fat) - 20 ml (optional);
  • a slice of pineapple or a cocktail cherry - 1 piece.

8 California

The California cocktail is one of the strongest of its kind, yet another Long Island variety. It contains vodka, rum, gin, tequila, orange liqueur and any citrus juice. The cocktail is decorated with an orange slice or a “serpentine” from its peel. The taste of California is incredibly bright - a mix of sweetness and strength.

7. Long Island Ice Tea

This cocktail will probably never go out of style. Every year it is more and more gaining popularity, especially among men. A characteristic feature of the “tea” Long Island is that there is no tea in it as such. The taste of cold tea is created by a combination of triple sec orange liqueur and Coca-Cola. The main ingredients of the drink are gin, vodka, rum and tequila. The origin of Long Island Ice Tea is still a matter of controversy. This is due to the existence of several interpretations of this cocktail, popular in different parts of America.

  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • golden rum - 20 ml;
  • gin - 20 ml;
  • silver tequila - 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur (Cointreau or Triple Sec) - 20 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • cola - 100 ml;
  • ice in cubes - 150-200 grams.

6. Apple martini

Apple martini is the muse of all gourmets. The cocktail gained its popularity due to the bright and “modern” combination of dry martini and apple schweppes (which in some cases is replaced with apple juice). A small amount of lime juice and an apple slice complete the drink in a very elegant way.

Interesting fact: the apple martini is the favorite cocktail of the famous American comedian Conan O'Brien.

  • vodka - 3 parts (30 ml);
  • apple schnapps - 1 part (10 ml);
  • Cointreau liqueur - 1 part (10 ml).

5. Bloody Mary

The cocktail was supposedly invented in 1939 by American George Jessel. The author suggested mixing vodka and tomato juice as a cure for a severe hangover. The modern International Bartending Association recommends the following recipe:

  • 45 ml of vodka (brand is unimportant)
  • 90 ml of tomato juice.
  • 2-3 drops Worcestershire sauce
  • 15 ml lemon juice
  • Tabasco sauce to taste
  • Celery juice to taste
  • Black pepper

4. Screwdriver

A mixture of vodka and fruit juice was invented by American oilmen working in Saudi Arabia in the middle of the last century. In order to drink with impunity in a Muslim country, one had to be smart, and a screwdriver was born. The cocktail recipe is simple:

  • 3/10 vodka
  • 7/10 any fruit juice
  • orange slice for garnish

3. Martini Dry

The cocktail is named after its inventor, the famous Martini de Anna de Toggia. The classic recipe is:

  • 50% vermouth
  • 50% gin

Although today it is more common to combine three parts of gin with one part of vermouth. Garnish the cocktail with an olive and lemon zest.

2. Daiquiri

The drink got its name in honor of the Cuban town of Daiquiri. The classic cocktail recipe is as follows:

  • 9 parts rum
  • 1 part sugar
  • 4 parts lime juice

1. Tequila Sunrise

This extraordinarily beautiful cocktail was invented in the last century at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. The name "Dawn" a mixture of tequila, grenadine and orange juice received due to the gradation of colors in the glass, reminiscent of dawn. The recipe for Tequila Sunrise is as follows:

  • 45 ml tequila
  • 15 ml Grenadine syrup
  • 90 ml orange juice

Every day, bartenders around the world come up with more and more new combinations, invent new tastes, each of which will undoubtedly find its connoisseur. However, most people still choose classic cocktails. Whether it's vibrant California or a gourmet apple martini, they've all left their mark on the wine map of the world. They say, "you need to know the classics." And indeed it is.
