
Sambuca is a famous Italian liqueur.

Sambuca liqueur- an alcoholic drink with an anise aroma, which is traditionally made in Italy. It is a clear liquid (see photo) with a characteristic aroma and a strength of 38-42%.

Liquor is made from alcohol, sugar, anise, elderberry, and herbs, but the manufacturer keeps the exact recipe a secret.

Sambuca is more of a bitter than a liquor. The method of its production is similar to the method of production of absinthe: first, an infusion is prepared, and then it is distilled.

The origin of the liquor is covered with legends. It is said that once an Italian peasant accidentally put flowers and berries of black elderberry to the anise tincture. The peasant decided to leave the spoiled product, and at the wedding of his daughter he was forced to get it, as the anise tincture had run out. The guests liked the new drink, and so sambuca appeared.

The name of the drink comes from the name of the black elder - Sambucus nigra. It is believed that it is added to the drink in order to make the anise smell more pleasant. This version is one of the most plausible, but the company Molinari, which is considered the largest producer of this drink, denies the role of elderberry. Perhaps the name "sambuca" comes from the Arabic language, where it sounds like "zammut" - anise.

Sambuca liqueur has its own history. The anise-based drink was known to the ancient Romans, they used it for medicinal purposes, as well as for entertainment. The modern sambuca liqueur was made by the Italians. For the first time, an alcoholic drink under this name was released in 1851 thanks to Luigi Manza. In 1945, Angelo Molinari, mixing herbal infusion with wine, invented the so-called Sambuca Extra. He also founded a small company for the production of sambuca. It is this company that still produces about 70% of all sambuca in the world. In order to draw attention to the drink, Molinari came up with an unusual way of serving: 3 coffee beans were placed in a glass, and then set on fire. Thanks to this original method, sambuca has become a favorite drink of Italian bohemia. Also well-known manufacturers are Pallini, Luxardo, Barbero.

In Italy, sambuca is considered not just a national product. There is a special relationship with this liquor. Even the ancient Romans drank anise tincture in order to raise morale. At first, sambuca in Italy was produced exclusively for domestic needs, and then they began to export it. Traditionally, the liquor was drunk after meals in trattorias. The drink is generally enjoyed by both women and men. He gained particular popularity due to the development of club culture. Sambuca today is as popular a drink as tequila or absinthe.

Types of sambuca

There are such types of sambuca:

White - traditional sambuca, which is a clear liquid, the most common type. It goes well with espresso, as well as with fruits and desserts. Sambuca can be served with fish and meat dishes, consumed with cheeses.

Red - a drink of bright red color, this color is given to it by extracts from berries. Thanks to them, sambuca has a pleasant fruity aftertaste.

Black - a dark blue drink, it is obtained by adding licorice extract, as well as spices. Its taste is considered the most refined.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of sambuca liquor are due to the presence of essential oils. The drink has a beneficial effect on a person's condition with a strong cough, helps with colds. Liquor perfectly strengthens the immune system, enhances the secretion of the digestive glands.

Use in cooking

In cooking, sambuca is used to make various cocktails. The drink goes well with citrus fruits, so a cocktail glass is often decorated with a slice of lemon. Also, liquor is often served with meat, fish and dessert dishes, cheeses, fruits. Often sambuca is added to coffee, due to which the latter acquires a delicious aroma and taste.

Very interesting taste anise banana cocktail. To prepare this drink, you need to beat a banana, 30 ml of sambuca and 30 ml of absinthe in a blender.

You can also prepare Molijito"- a changeling of the well-known Mojito. Molijito cocktail is prepared from 30 ml of sambuca, half a lime, 5 mint leaves and 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. The lime is crushed, then mint leaves are ground with sugar in a wide glass, sambuca and ice are added. All ingredients are mixed, and then add a little water.

Popular cocktails are Hiroshima, Red Dog, Molidorri and others.

Cocktail "Hiroshima" prepared from 20 ml of sambuca, 20 ml of Baileys, 20 ml of absinthe, and pomegranate syrup. All ingredients are poured in layers into a shot, a few drops of grenadine are added on top.

« red dog It is also prepared in layers: the first layer is 25 ml of sambuca, then 25 ml of tequila and, finally, a few drops of Tabasco sauce.

Molidorri cocktail prepared from 15 ml of sambuca, 15 ml of melon liqueur, 50 ml of orange fresh. The ingredients are mixed, the glass is decorated with melon slices.

How to drink?

It is correct to drink sambuca from special elongated shot glasses or cognac glasses. Liquor is used in a variety of ways. So, in Italy it is customary to drink it con mosca, which means "under the flies." The drink is served with three coffee beans: one bean is a symbol of health, the second is happiness, and the third is wealth.

In an independent form, sambuca is drunk very chilled. Also, liquor can be drunk with ice water, such a drink perfectly quenches thirst. Sometimes it is washed down with cold milk.

High-quality sambuca has a viscous texture and a sweet, but not cloying taste. Also, the drink can be recognized by the characteristic anise aftertaste.

The most spectacular way to consume this liquor is to set it on fire. Sambuca is set on fire in a glass with a thick bottom and walls, allowed to burn, and then drunk hot. You can also set fire to sambuca with two glasses. First, the liquor is poured, set on fire, then the contents are poured into another glass. Then the inverted glass is placed on a dish, a tube is inserted between it and the saucer. First they drink the liquor, and then inhale its vapors. The glass is turned over, a little hot liquor is dripped on it and it is inhaled through the nostril.

Why does the liquor burn? The fact is that it belongs to strong drinks (about 40% alcohol), and also contains a sufficient amount of sugar. After the sambuca is set on fire, the fusel oils that are in its composition begin to burn, which is why the liquor burns with a bright blue flame.

It is believed that after drinking sambuca, a person does not suffer from a hangover, and in general, the drink is well tolerated. However, it should be borne in mind that the presence of fusel oils, as well as other impurities, adversely affects the body.

Very often, sambuca is drunk with champagne, diluting one part of the liquor with five parts. warm champagne. To begin with, sambuca vapors are inhaled, and then they drink it. There is also a rather extreme way to use sambuca. Liquor is taken into the mouth, then the head is thrown back, setting it on fire right in the mouth. When a person feels hot, he should swallow the drink. This use of liquor is recommended to be practiced under the supervision of an experienced bartender.

An interesting way to consume sambuca is to use a ceramic teapot for this purpose. The teapot is filled with boiling water and the water is brought to a boil, then it is drained, and 50 ml of sambuca is added to the hot teapot. Vapors of liquor are inhaled through the nose, and then the drink is drunk.

The benefits of sambuca liquor

The benefits of sambuca have long been known to folk medicine.

In ancient Rome, anise drink was used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Also, sambuca liquor causes appetite, stimulates digestion.

Like other alcohol, this liquor relaxes, helps with nervous strain.

Harm of sambuca liquor and contraindications

A drink can harm the body with individual intolerance, as well as excessive consumption. Liquor belongs to strong alcoholic drinks, so it is not recommended to use it for pregnant and lactating women, children.

In order to attract customers, bartenders put on a real show. They juggle bottles, twirl glasses in their hands, mix liquids of wild colors and even set fire to prepared cocktails! It is quite difficult to break away from such a bewitching action, and we, as if under hypnosis, take out money and order something even more enchanting. One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in bars and clubs is Italian anise liquor. Sambuca».

Perhaps the very word "sambuca" will seem unfamiliar to you, but the anise flavor is known to everyone. One has only to remember the famous anise vodka, Bulgarian mastic, Greek ouzo, French pastis or Turkish raki. Residents of many countries add anise to their national strong alcoholic drinks, because everyone knows how useful this ingredient is used to make medicines.

Of course, sambuca is considered an Italian drink, but let's hasten to sow doubts about this fact. For the first time, a drink reminiscent of the taste of sambuca was seen by the world during the Middle Ages. It was then that the Saracens brought to Rome "zammut", an anise-based drink. The Italians liked zammut, they drank it as a medicine, as an aperitif before meals, and just for fun. So the anise drink took root in Italy.

Now it is impossible to say exactly how the recipe and production technology of this drink changed over time. Today, sambuca contains sugar, anise, wheat alcohol and aromatic herbs. Which ones, and in what quantity, is a trade secret that only manufacturers can know. But how did it happen that the drink zammut suddenly became known as sambuca? Name similarity anise drink and elderberry, which in Italian sounds like sambucus, gave rise to rumors that sambuca contains an extract from elderberry, after which the liquor got its name. However, this statement in connection with the statement of the largest producer of sambuca, the company Molinari, that elderberry has nothing to do with the drink, is doubtful. There are other assumptions regarding the origin of the name that seem more plausible. It is believed that the liquor was named sambuca in honor of the name of the type of ship that carried this drink, or in honor of the city in the province of Tuscany. Which of these versions to believe and whether to believe at all is up to you.

The coastal city of Civitavecchia became a landmark in the history of sambuca. It was there that in 1800, Luigi Manzi perfected the recipe for an anise liqueur, which he immodestly called Sambuca Manzi, and brought his product to the market. Already in 1875, Virgil Pallini began to produce sambuca at his distillery near Rome. However, it wasn't until 1945 that Angelo Molinari founded an entire sambuca company. The liqueur of his production was called Sambuca Molinari.

The beginning of the production of sambuca according to the updated recipe coincided with the end of the Second World War. In Italy in the 1950s, social life unfolded on an incredible scale, places where bohemians gathered appeared. And, as you know, where bohemia is, there is chic, luxury, camera flashes, music and expensive alcohol. To sell something to a bohemian, you need to make it chic, incredible and delightful.

Molinari was able to present his drink in such a way that they were interested. He came up with a new way of serving: burning liquor with coffee beans at the bottom. In addition to a new shade of taste, the use of this drink has become spectacular, attracting attention, and thanks to the alcoholic vapors released during burning, yet intoxicating. The sambuca, taken with a bang by the bohemia, acquired a new meaning, now it was considered the drink of the rich and lucky and became attractive to the rest. Thus, it was Angelo Molinari who made sambuca a special, and then a fashionable drink. To date, Molinari is not the only manufacturer of sambuca, the most famous brands now are Pallini, Molinari, Luxardo and Barbero.

Speaking of sambuca, it is impossible not to mention the ways of using this liquor. Often, the preparation of sambuca is accompanied by a colorful show with the burning of the drink, but you should immediately warn that no one drinks this drink when it is burning, the risk of burning your face or setting your hair on fire is too high.

Sambuca can be drunk neat or with ice, but as soon as it starts to melt, the liquor will turn cloudy and you will get a milky white refreshing drink. The use of sambuca with coffee is popular, thanks to which the drink acquires an unusual taste and aroma. The classic way of drinking this drink is called con mosca, which means with flies. The essence of this method is that the liquor is served with three coffee beans, which are thrown directly into the drink and set off the overly sweet taste of sambuca with their bitterness. Then the drink is set on fire and drunk only after it goes out, without allowing it to cool. Sweetness is eaten with coffee beans remaining at the bottom.

The following method is used along with the classical one. Two glasses are needed, one is a cognac snifter, the other is old fashion. 30 ml of sambuca is poured into a brandy glass and gently tilted so that part of the drink remains on the walls, after which it is set on fire. Ten seconds later, the burning liquor is poured into a second glass, and an empty snifter is placed on top to cut off oxygen and extinguish the flame. As soon as the fire disappears, the cognac glass is placed upside down on a saucer with a napkin. Now you can drink sambuca and inhale through the tube the contents of the sniffer.

Often, sambuca can also be found in the composition of various cocktails, for example, "fiery". When preparing it, a tall glass and several types of alcoholic beverages are used, the strength of which increases from bottom to top. First, light liquor is poured into a glass, then champagne, sambuca, vodka, and finally absinthe is added. Then the drink is set on fire and a tube is inserted into it, after which it can be drunk. If the taste seems too sweet, the cocktail can be washed down with lemon juice.
To find out which way of drinking sambuca is right for you, you will have to try everything, because each taste can be unexpected. But no matter which method is chosen, you will not be left without a whirlwind of unforgettable sensations of taste and aroma, and maybe even turn into an ardent admirer of this liquor. Try, experience new sensations and experiment, and we will introduce you to cocktail recipes based on sambuca!

Russian Roulette

15 ml of vodka,
15 ml coffee liqueur
30 ml sambuca,
1 slice of orange.

Pour vodka and coffee liqueur into a glass, cover everything with a circle of orange. Pour sambuca into a wine glass and set fire to it. Pour the burning sambuca on a circle of orange and let it burn a little, then extinguish it by covering it with something. Drink a cocktail in one gulp and eat an orange soaked in sambuca.

Storm and Luxury

30 ml becherovka,
20 ml light rum
10 ml sambuca,
120 ml grapefruit juice
1 lime

In a tall glass, mix becherovka, sambuca, light rum, grapefruit juice and add thinly sliced ​​lime. Add ice and drink slowly.

Spider Bite

30 ml silver tequila
30 ml black sambuca,
150 ml cola,
15 ml vanilla ice cream


Put three ice cubes in a glass. Pour in tequila, add cola and black sambuca. Place a small scoop of vanilla ice cream on the surface of the cocktail. Drink gradually.

This spirit can be ordered in any reputable bar, it is written about in newspapers and talked about on television, and more recently it has been associated with a luxurious life and fun. We are talking about sambuca, an Italian anise liqueur that has conquered the whole world in 50 years. We will find out what this mysterious alcoholic drink is and why it has become so popular.

Sambuca (Sambuca)- one of the types of strong Italian liquor with the aroma of anise (vegetable spice), made from wheat alcohol, sugar, extracts of berries and elder flowers with the addition of star anise and a set of aromatic herbs. The exact composition of sambuca is kept secret by the manufacturers.

In most cases, sambuca has a transparent color, but sometimes there are red and dark types of it. It differs from other alcohol in its sweet taste, reeking of medicine, and specific aroma. The strength of sambuca ranges from 38 to 42 degrees, which is quite a lot for sweet alcohol.

Burning sambuca

A Brief History of Sambuca

There are several versions why the anise liqueur is called "Sambuca". First, it was believed that sambuca contained an extract from black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), but the world's largest manufacturer, Molinari (Molinari), stated that black elderberry is not used and has nothing to do with the name of the liquor.

Secondly, historians believe that the name "Sambuca" comes from the Arabic word "zammut", which translates as "star anise" - one of the main components of sambuca. According to alcohol market experts, this version is the most plausible.

Another hypothesis was expressed that sambuca was named after the ship that first transported this alcohol from the East to Europe. The Italians believe that sambuca comes from the name of one of the cities located in the province of Tuscany.

For the first time, an anise-based tincture was brought to Rome by the Saracens (a Syrian nomadic tribe) in the Middle Ages. At first it was used as a medicine, but after a few decades, the tincture began to be drunk for pleasure after eating. It is the brought oriental drink that is considered the progenitor of sambuca.

The inventor of the modern sambuca that we know is the Italian winemaker Luigi Manzi. In 1851, he first introduced his drink Sambuca MANZI di Civitavecchia. But the mass production of liquor began a little later.

In 1945, Angelo Molinari founded the world's first sambuca factory. Experimenting with mixing wine spirits and herbal tinctures, he created a wonderful recipe, which later became known as Sambuca Extra.

Liquor of Italian origin, which has a bright and specific flavor of anise - sambuca. This bitter infusion with added sugar is very popular in many countries, it is consumed neat or added to cocktails. Alcoholic drink has useful properties, but you should not abuse it. Today it is produced by many brands, the most famous of which is Sambuca Molinari (after the name of the man who is considered the creator of the sweet spirit).

Sambuca liqueur is an alcoholic drink with a characteristic anise flavor and sweet aftertaste. As a rule, it is made from star anise (star anise - a Japanese plant), elder flowers and spicy herbs. Sometimes other ingredients are added that affect color and taste. Sweet alcohol has a dense structure, so it is often used to make multi-layered cocktails (shots). It is consumed in its pure form or set on fire.

Italy is considered the birthplace of sambuca. The very first bottle was produced by the Manzi di Civitavecchia brand (its creator Luigi Manzi) in 1851. In 1945, Angelo Molinari experimented with mixing wine, herbal tinctures, and alcohol. The result was the development of a new recipe based on anise. Molinari created a company for the production of his "brainchild" in the city of Civitavecchia (50 km from Rome). Brothers and nephews Angelo improved over time. Sambuca Extra has become very popular, today it occupies 70% of the Italian liquor market.

Composition and properties

The manufacturing technology of Italian sweet alcohol is kept in strict confidence, but there is information about the main composition. It includes the following components:

  • sugar;
  • wheat alcohol;
  • elderberry extract;
  • star anise;
  • essential oils;
  • a set of herbs (which specific ingredients are not known).

The above products are used for the production of white sambuca. The strength of the drink is due to the presence of wheat alcohol (obtained through the fermentation of cereals), the sweet aftertaste is achieved due to sugar, and the aroma is due to star anise. The red variety includes an extract from elderberries, so the drink comes out bright, original and has a soft aftertaste. Secret ingredients are used to produce black sambuca. It includes a set of spices and herbs, which gives a rich color, spectacular taste and aroma.

Anise liqueur is a digestif - a common characteristic of a group of drinks that are usually served after a meal. This is due to the fact that it helps to avoid heaviness in the stomach, promotes digestibility of products and improves digestion. In addition to this, alcoholic drink has the following useful qualities:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • treatment of a cold (often used to alleviate coughing fits);
  • includes vitamins PP, B6, as well as sodium, potassium and calcium.

How many degrees in sambuca

The anise drink is stronger, as are most spirits of this class. It has 38-42 degrees, which depends on the degree of dilution of the alcohol that is in the base. Alcohol with Italian roots is considered a liqueur, but its calorie content is lower than that of classic sweet spirits. For example, 100 grams of ordinary liquor contains 350 kcal, and sambuca contains 240 kcal (like cognac or vodka).

Popular brands

Anise alcohol is available under many brands. The most popular of them are:

  1. Sambuca "Molinari" Extra (Molinari Extra) is the most famous brand. The company has a certified distinction from the state and the status of national alcohol. They drink pure alcohol, with black strong coffee or add it to cocktails.
  2. Sambuca Di Amore is a white variety of sweet spirit with a strength of 42 degrees. In addition to standard ingredients, the drink includes lemon zest, which reduces sweetness and makes the drink more aged.
  3. Under the Ramazzotti brand (Ramazotti), white and black sambuca are produced. The first grade is made with the addition of notes of violet, vanilla. This drink is ideal as a digestif. Black liqueur is made according to classical technology.
  4. The Antica Sambuca brand (Antica) produces many varieties of sweet aromatic spirits with interesting flavors. Among them, alcohol with licorice, coffee, apple, mango extract.
  5. Sambuca Vaccari (Vakkari) - white liquor with a sweet, delicate taste. It differs from the rest with notes of vanilla, licorice and licorice. It has a long-lasting soft aftertaste.
  6. Delicate flavor of anise and magnolia aroma perfectly combines Sambuca Borghetti (Borgetti). The drink is subjected to rigorous distillation to achieve a crystal clear color. Great option for a cocktail.

How to drink sambuca

There are a large number of options for drinking anise liqueur. Thanks to this, new facets of Italian bitters are opened up, special emphasis is placed on the specific taste and aroma of the popular drink. To appreciate all the qualities of the drink and get the maximum pleasure from its use, you need to know what to drink it with and how to serve it correctly.

With what

According to the classical canons, anise liqueur is served with coffee beans, with which alcohol is served as a snack. To reduce the sweetness and sugariness of the drink, you can add a little ice or water to it. It also goes well with espresso or black tea. The best appetizers are meat and fish dishes, cheese slices, cheese, olives. Lovers of sweets prefer to eat fruit, ice cream, cakes, marmalade, cakes. Desserts with nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews) are especially popular.

How to apply

There are many methods by which you can use anise liqueur. Below are the most popular options for drinking sambuca:

  1. Some prefer to use it in its pure form, in small doses. Alcohol is desirable to eat after a meal, as a digestif. It is poured into a special glass or glass for cognac, a few grains of coffee are thrown inside, warmed up a little and drunk in one gulp.
  2. "Fiery" sambuca is often ordered in clubs and bars. An alcoholic drink is poured into a glass of thickened glass, set on fire, and they wait until the fire itself goes out. Then you need to quickly drink it in one gulp and without a snack. So it becomes possible to feel a piquant and characteristic aftertaste.
  3. Another popular option is sambuca with flies. This technique was invented by the Italians. Three grains of coffee are thrown into a glass with a drink, which symbolize prosperity, health, happiness. Drink chilled sambuca after meals.
  4. The following method of use is also very well known. Take two glasses. Alcohol is poured into one, set on fire. After a couple of seconds, it is poured into another glass or the glass is rotated around its axis so that the glass does not burst. Empty dishes are turned upside down or covered with a napkin. A burning drink should be drunk in one gulp, and the vapors from an inverted glass should be inhaled through a straw. This method is very invigorating.
  5. Sambuca is drunk with ice, especially this chilled alcoholic drink is popular on hot days. Can be diluted with mineral water.

Sambuca Cocktail Recipes

In addition to the options described above, there is another one - the preparation of cocktails based on anise liquor. There are a large number of recipes that make delicious mixtures with Italian alcohol. It is combined with other types of alcohol, soft drinks, syrups, ice cream and many other ingredients. Below are popular cocktails with the addition of sambuca.

A liquid nitrogen

  • Time: 15-20 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 190 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Light, beautiful and very tasty cocktail with a creamy, delicate taste - liquid nitrogen. Its main component is white sambuca, and additional ones are coconut milk and ice cream. You can decorate an alcoholic work of art with a cocktail cherry / pineapple slice, a straw and an umbrella. To get a delicious drink, you need to follow the recipe.


  • coconut milk - 60 ml;
  • sambuca - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • creamy ice cream - 100 grams.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to melt the ice cream. It is advisable to simply put it in a saucer or cup, waiting until it melts on its own.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into a shaker. Add coconut milk, anise liqueur.
  3. Shake the cocktail for about 15 seconds.
  4. Pour the contents of the shaker into a brandy glass. Remove to a cold place for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Take out, decorate with a cherry, add a tube.

Frozen strawberry

  • Time: 15-20 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calories: 150 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Another famous aniseed liqueur cocktail is strawberry frozen. He is especially loved by the female sex, for its brightness and amazing taste. The drink consists of sambuca, elderflower liqueur, strawberry smoothie (better to make your own). They also add white sparkling wine Prosecco, which gives the cocktail a spicy aftertaste. Frozen is served with mint petals.


  • strawberry smoothie - 30 ml;
  • cherry juice (for smoothies);
  • anise tincture - 30 ml;
  • elderflower liquor - 15 ml;
  • Prosecco champagne - 30 ml;
  • mint petals.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cocktail glass in the refrigerator.
  2. Prepare a smoothie. Mix fresh strawberries, cherry juice, a little sugar, ice in a blender.
  3. Pour smoothies, both liqueurs, wine into chilled dishes.
  4. Garnish with mint leaves before serving.


  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 230 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Many club party goers are aware of the existence of the Hiroshima drink. This well-known cocktail includes only a few ingredients, but it turns out delicious and unusual. The name of the shot is explained simply: Grenadine syrup has a higher specific gravity than other drinks, so it passes through all the layers of the cocktail, creating such an amazing picture of an explosion in a glass (pictured).


  • Baileys liqueur - 20 ml;
  • anise liqueur, absinthe - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pomegranate syrup Grenadine - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Sambuca is poured into a special glass - "shot".
  2. Baileys is added very carefully next. Layers must not be mixed.
  3. Then absinthe is poured with a spoon.
  4. A few drops of syrup are added to the center of the layered content.


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calories: 210 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A delicious, fragrant, bright cocktail with the aroma of peach and melon is a real delight for connoisseurs of unusual alcoholic drinks. Notes of star anise blends perfectly with peach and melon liqueurs, ice cream. You can decorate the cocktail with whipped cream, pieces of fruit or berries. To make the taste less sweet, only peach liqueur is used, melon liqueur is not added.


  • sambuca - 20 ml;
  • peach and melon liqueurs - 20 ml each;
  • ice cream - 100 g;
  • whipped cream, berries - for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cocktail glass in the refrigerator.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender. Beat well until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture into prepared bowl.
  4. Garnish with whipped cream and berry slices.
  5. Serve with a straw (as in the photo).


  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calories: 228 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Unusual and beautiful cocktail Clouds should not be judged by "appearance". It looks like an airy, light drink, but its strength is over 40 degrees. This is explained by the fact that, in addition to anise tincture, the unique cocktail contains absinthe, tequila and two types of liquor (Baileys and Blue Curacao). To prepare a drink, it is better to use a special glass - a shot and a cocktail spoon.


  • tequila - 20 ml;
  • Baileys, Blue Curacao - 3 ml each;
  • sambuca - 20 g;
  • absinthe - 10 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour tequila, sambuca into shot.
  2. Top with Baileys and Blue Curacao.
  3. Using a special spoon, lay out a layer of absinthe.
  4. Set on fire before use.


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 85 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Refreshing, tasting Cocoon drink is great for summer outdoor parties. Anise tincture cocktail is quick, easy to make, does not require special equipment or bar utensils. You just need to mix all the ingredients in a glass. Sambuca goes well with cola (you can replace Pepsi) and lemon juice. The drink is consumed with ice.


  • coca-cola - 150 g;
  • anise liqueur - 50 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ice cubes.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour ice into a glass or glass.
  2. Add alcohol, cola and lemon juice.
  3. Mix the ingredients carefully with a spoon.
  4. Add straw.

Freddy Krueger

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calories: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: drinking.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A cocktail with an unusual name is served in a martini glass. "Freddie" is very popular, especially for Halloween or similar themed parties. The strength of the drink is approximately 25 degrees. As an appetizer, cheese or meat slices, pancakes, red fish are perfect. Cherry and lemon zest will be a decoration for a cocktail.

Among non-traditional drinks for us, Italian Sambuca is quite popular. What kind of drink is this - a question often asked in Russia, which will be perceived with incomprehension in Italy, since the drink is familiar there and is used on many solemn occasions and holidays. We understand the question of what this drink is, what Sambuca is made of.

In the article:

Sambuca - what is this drink

Sambuca is an Italian liqueur. After reading this definition, every inhabitant of our country will imagine this drink as a sweet liquid with a small amount of alcohol. But this is not entirely true, since in many European countries this liqueur is considered a strong alcoholic drink. Sweet enough, but at the same time without cloying, a clear liquid is Sambuca. How many degrees it contains: from 38 to 42%.

After some time, he married his daughter. The feast turned out to be notable, but at the end of it, some guests did not have enough anise tincture, and then the host remembered the left jug. When the guests tried the proposed alcohol, they were delighted, its taste turned out to be so unusual and refined. And the name sambuca, which is consonant with the Italian word sambuco, meaning "elderberry", confirms this story.

Oriental medicine

According to another version, an anise tincture for alcohol was brought to Rome by merchants from the east as a medicine. The positive effect of the drink on the body has long been known. In particular, they took it for digestive problems, since it has a stimulating effect. They were treated for colds and severe coughs, and he also helped the soldiers to relax.

The drink was so popular that it has not been forgotten since ancient Rome. And now they have improved and turned into a famous liqueur "Sambuca" known in many countries of the world.

How did the name come about

  1. Sambucus nigra is the Latin name for the elderberry, which is a must-have in this liquor.
  2. The Arabic word "zammut" means anise, which is one of the main ingredients of the drink.
  3. There is an opinion that sambuca takes its name from the name of the type of ship on which it came to Europe.

What is sambuca made of?

Sambuca is not only a pleasant alcoholic drink, but also an effective remedy that positively affects human health. It is not possible to indicate the composition of this drink, which has a rich aroma and an unusually pleasant aftertaste, with absolute certainty. But, as often in any alcohol, they cannot do without wheat alcohol. It is obtained from wheat after it has fermented for a certain time.

Be sure to include sugar in the recipe. It is he who gives a pleasant sweetish taste to the drink. But only the addition of star anise completes the necessary operations and provides the liquor with a traditional aroma bouquet, refinement, which cannot be confused with anything else. And in the past, it was he who provided the medicinal properties of the drink. This composition of sambuca is considered classic. It is completely transparent and colorless, although it is called white.

Separately, it should be said about additives in the form of extracts from the fruits of elderberry and its flowers. Thanks to their addition, red liquor is obtained. For a certain aroma and color, various herbs and some spices are added to the sambuca to enrich the drink. The result is the so-called black liquor. But, if you look closely, it is rather dark blue, therefore it also has the nickname "Black Passion". One can only guess about the spices and herbs that are additional ingredients, because which ones and in what quantities is the strictest secret.

homemade sambuca recipe

Although the manufacturer keeps its technologies in the strictest confidence, but knowing the main components of what sambuca is made of, you can try to make it yourself. By and large, its production resembles. The same process of infusion, distillation and so on. That is why even some bitterness is inherent in the liquor. But, with everything in order. To get a homemade sambuca, the following components are needed:

  • asterisk-like fruits of anise 50gr;
  • anise seeds, 50g;
  • black elderberry in inflorescences, from 25 to 30 gr;
  • alcohol 70% or strong (over 60%) home-made vodka;
  • to get a clear liquid without shades, you need fructose, up to 300g;
  • purified water, about 0.6 l;
  • fresh lemon zest, up to 5 gr.

The cooking process begins with the preparation of a special tincture. For her, elderberry, prepared lemon zest, anise seeds and fruits are taken, placed in a certain container and poured with vodka or alcohol. The contents are carefully corked, shaken and hidden in a warm place for four or five days.

After the above time, the tincture, passing through some filtration and diluted with purified water in the amount of 0.25 liters, is poured into a distillation cube. You need to add star anise fruits and 1/3 of the other ingredients that were used to make the tincture to it. And then the distillation process begins. It should be slow enough, no more than three drops per second. After receiving 0.7 liters of liquid, but not more than 0.75, it is important to stop the process. It is this volume that is able to provide the desired taste qualities of sambuca, the degree of its strength.

The next step in the preparation is the mixing process. For him, fructose is added to boiling water, in the amount of three hundred and fifty grams. The cooking process lasts two or three minutes, always on low heat. In the prepared and still hot syrup, pour the liquid obtained as a result of distillation. To obtain the required taste qualities, it is pre-divided into three parts, each of which is poured in slowly, and stirring thoroughly. After this stage is completed, the liquid is allowed to cool and bottled.

To obtain a unique aroma and amazing taste of the future sambuca, the strength of which will be up to 42 degrees, the bottles with the contents must be left in a dark place for aging for at least a month. But, if this period is increased, the liquor turns out to be even more refined. During storage, it acquires sophistication and notes of piquancy.

There are other ways to prepare this anise liqueur, as a result of which an analogue of the drink sold in stores is obtained. So, if you take only anise seeds, 96% alcohol, a little less water and the same amount as in the first elderflower recipe, then the process can be reduced to ten days.

It is not difficult to get a coffee sambuca. To do this, add up to two grams of licorice root, up to three grams of cardamom and thirty grains of Arabica to the ingredients of the first recipe. The amount of alcohol or vodka, in this case, should be increased to one liter.

For those who like to experiment, you can try adding various nuts, coriander, rosemary or lemon balm. If the taste of the main ingredient, and this is, of course, anise, is not interrupted by other ingredients and is well felt, then the sambuca turned out well.
