
Menu for New Year's Eve. Oven-baked potatoes with smoked or fresh brisket

Therefore, with such trepidation, many make up new year menu 2019 looking for recipes for New Year 2019 with photos and racking their brains with the questions “what to cook for the New Year 2019?” and how to cook New Year's dishes"? The menu for the New Year 2019, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table, prudent housewives think over in advance. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others - original New Year's recipes, others - traditional New Year's dishes. In the West at this time people are most often interested only in the recipe New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to cook New Year's hot dishes, New Year's second dishes. The New Year's menu for 2019, in principle, must be composed with taste in the literal and figurative sense. If you have any unrealized cooking recipes, new year holidays- it's time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2019 can be very diverse. For those who have already started compiling the New Year's menu, recipes, and those who are interested in the Eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new 2019 according to the Chinese calendar is the Pig or Boar, more precisely, this is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Astrologers are already compiling their horoscopes to predict for us what the year of the pig is preparing for us. We will tell you what to cook for the year of the pig on the New Year's table. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the pig. Celebrating the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it’s better to pick up New Year’s culinary recipes for the year of the pig in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the pig have a simple rule: this animal must like them. New Year's menu for the year of the pig must include various salads. Vegetable, fruit, meat - the pig loves everything tasty, but basically still eats roots. New Year's recipes for the year of the pig (2019) can be prepared using nuts, mushrooms, they are also very fond of wild boars. New Year's recipes for children for the year of the pig, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake Acorns or Three Little Pigs cookies. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the pig for children can be prepared from boiled eggs, mashed potatoes. And of course, it would be nice to decorate children's dishes for the year of the dog with handmade pigs and piglets with piglets. Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the pig (2019) do not require something completely surprising, since the pig, in principle, is an unassuming animal in terms of food, so all of our simple hearty meals will come in handy. New Year's meat dishes can be prepared in a variety of ways, but of course not from pork. And it would be nice to cook them with vegetables and fruits. To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the pig. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the pig. Recipes for the new year 2019 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare really delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter if you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Pig will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for the wonderful New Year's table. And it would also be nice for yourself and for your guests to come up with the appropriate New Year's names for dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2019 even more original and mischievous, recipes with photos will spur your imagination and make this process even more fun. And do not forget to make New Year's recipes with photos during the cooking process. On our website, we have collected the best New Year's recipes, recipes for New Year's dishes, the best new dishes in the new menu 2019 to the new table 2019. New Year's dishes with photos will help novice cooks. Recipes for New Year's dishes with photos will save time and save you from mistakes. Post your New Year's recipes 2019 with a photo with us, we will place them in the section New Year's dishes 2019 with a photo, and we will definitely whisper softly to Santa Claus for you. And grunt loudly to the yellow pig :)

On the eve of the new year, I want to think through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, first of all, you need to do a general cleaning in the house, remove all dust, dirt and clean out all the accumulated rubbish. After that, you need to dress up Christmas tree and decorate all the rooms.

And only then you can proceed to compiling the menu for the New Year 2018. The New Year's table is the most responsible and at the same time difficult task. After all, it is important that the treats turn out not only elegant, but also very tasty.

Before you start preparing dishes for the festive table, it is worth developing a New Year's menu, according to which all treats will be prepared. New Year 2018 is the year of Yellow Earth Dog. Therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to food that this particular animal will like.

What food should be on the table

New Year's table should be festive, hearty, plentiful. It should consist of treats that are easy to prepare and decorate. But the main place on the table must be occupied by meat.

Meat must be cooked in different options and be present at variety of dishes, snacks:

  • in salads, cuts, snacks;
  • hot or cold;
  • in aspic and aspic;
  • chopped, portioned, whole carcass(chickens, for example).

The ideal option would be several varieties of meat - beef, lamb, chicken. Shouldn't get carried away pork meat because a dog can't eat fat.

The main dish should not be heavily decorated. It can be submitted with a small amount garnish - baked vegetables, potatoes, rice. It is also allowed to serve without a side dish. But when laying out slices, it is worth showing imagination and culinary skills.

Other meat-free treats

Apart from meat treats, you can put vegetable dishes on the table. This is especially true for those who follow healthy eating. In addition, these treats are suitable for ardent vegetarians.

Ideally complement festive table fresh vegetable dishes - cabbage salads with carrots, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes seasoned with vegetable oil with a few drops of lemon juice. IN vegetable snacks you can add some nuts, cheese.

Do not forget about sweet treats for the New Year 2018. Some dogs are not averse to eating desserts, sweets, fruits, chocolate.

You can cook various delicacies and pastries:

  • baking with cottage cheese;
  • cakes with fruit and whipped cream;
  • cheesecakes with berries and sour cream;
  • berry smoothies;
  • jelly with pieces of fruit;
  • New Year's cookies;
  • various cakes with cream.

The best recipes for the New Year 2018

Rabbit with potatoes in the oven

What ingredients are required:

  • rabbit for 2-2.5 kg;
  • kilogram of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • carrot root - 1 piece;
  • 80 grams of mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • a little ground black pepper;
  • a couple of sprigs of greenery.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

Calorie content - 220 kcal.

How to prepare a festive dish:

New Year's duck baked with tangerines and kiwi

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • duck carcass weighing 1.5-2 kilograms;
  • 10 tangerines;
  • three kiwis;
  • 80 ml soy sauce;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • several branches of dill, parsley for decoration;
  • some salt;
  • a couple of pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time - 3 hours.

Calorie content - 330 kcal.

What the cooking process will look like:

Meat rolls with mushroom sauce

Components required for cooking:

  • beef pulp - 1 kilogram;
  • kilogram of white mushrooms;
  • a jar of green peas;
  • onion head;
  • flour - 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste;
  • a few pinches of ground black pepper.

Cooking time - 1.5-2 hours.

Calorie content - 250 kcal.

Preparation procedure:

Salmon with white sauce

We will prepare this fish for the New Year 2018 from the following products:

  • salmon in the form of steaks - 6 pieces;
  • ½ cup cream;
  • a glass of natural white yogurt;
  • 1 large spoon of spices for fish;
  • 300 grams assorted vegetables- peas, broccoli, carrots;
  • lemon - ¼ part;
  • olive oil.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Calorie content - 180 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Snack "Yolochki"

What will be needed for bright appetizing Christmas trees:

  • 250 grams of curd cheese;
  • 1 lavash;
  • 2 pieces of sweet red pepper;
  • a few lettuce leaves;
  • ¼ of a glass of chopped olives and a few pieces for decoration;
  • ¼ cup chopped basil
  • 60 grams of parmesan cheese.

Cooking time - two hours.

Calorie content - 120 kcal.

The procedure for preparing snacks for the festive table for the New Year:

  • 5 slices of rye bread;
  • 130 grams of butter;
  • 130 grams of cheese;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • cilantro and parsley - 5-6 branches;
  • a pinch of ground red pepper.

Calorie content - 120 kcal.

How the procedure for making cheese balls looks like, which the symbol of 2018, the Yellow Dog, will really like:

Rolls of ham, cheese, garlic

What ingredients will be needed:

  • ham - 270 grams;
  • solid cheese product- 180 grams;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • some mayonnaise;
  • parsley - 7 branches.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 175 kcal.

The whole cooking process will be as follows:

Gorgeous salad "Rose"

What products will we cook from:

  • champignons - 250 grams;
  • canned corn - 250 grams;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • two potatoes;
  • 300 grams of smoked chicken meat;
  • potato chips - 1 pack;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Calorie content - 185 kcal.

How to cook:

New Year's Salad "Fireworks"

What will we do:

  • four chicken eggs;
  • Bell pepper- 3 pieces of different colors;
  • ham - 200 grams;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 165 kcal.

How will we do:

Dessert "Cracker"

For dessert, you will need the following ingredients:

  • a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • 2 large spoons vegetable oil;
  • one egg;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • 1 large spoon of granulated sugar;
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 oranges;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 2 kiwi.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 195 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Chocolate meringue

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 1 spoon of corn starch;
  • 120 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 3 eggs;
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar;
  • 3 large spoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Calorie content - 185 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

Recipes for drinks that will perfectly complement the New Year's menu 2018

First of all, be sure to buy champagne. This drink is a symbol of the New Year, not one New Year's celebration is complete without a festive cotton cork. It is better to buy high-quality champagne, let it be expensive, but it will be tasty and sparkling.

In addition to champagne, there can be the following options drinks:

  1. Wine;
  2. cocktails;
  3. Liquor;
  4. Cognac;
  5. Vodka;
  6. Whiskey;
  7. Mineral water.

You can also make your own various cocktails for the New Year 2018.

Cocktail with vodka "Citrus Boom"

What components are required:

  • vodka - 40 ml;
  • orange liqueur - 15 ml;
  • orange - 2 pieces;
  • ½ lemon;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • a few sprigs of rosemary.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 85 kcal.

How to do:

Make-a-Wish Champagne Cocktail

What components are required:

  • grapefruit juice - 300 ml;
  • grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • champagne;
  • some raspberries for garnish.

Cooking time - 15 minutes.

Calorie content - 90 kcal.

How to make a cocktail New Year's table 2018:

  1. On a grater we wipe the grapefruit zest;
  2. Pour 75 ml of grapefruit juice into the bottom of a cocktail glass;
  3. Top up with champagne;
  4. Sprinkle everything with zest shavings and add raspberries on a skewer.

Table setting for the New Year 2018

After everything is cooked, it is important to properly serve the New Year's table. In order for the table to shine with festive decoration, you should use some tips for decorating it:

  1. To get started, cover it with an elegant tablecloth. It would be nice if she has drawings in the New Year's style;
  2. Place a hot dish in the center. It can be baked meat with vegetables or fish with sauce;
  3. On the sides we set salads. Salads can be different, the main thing is that they shine with multi-colored colors. Therefore, when decorating salads, use vegetables - sweet peppers different colors, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, greens;
  4. Don't forget the snack. This treat will have to be, by the way, to strong drinks and cocktails;
  5. Make cuts from sausage, cheese, ham, lard;
  6. Be sure to install fruits. It can be apples, oranges, pineapples, bananas, tangerines, kiwi, pears.

The festive menu for the New Year 2018 is the main part of the whole holiday. The table should be bright, rich and beautiful. Try to make as many appetizers and salads as possible. After all, they are the main dishes.

Also, do not save on hot. Be sure to make the main dish of meat or fish. Everyone should be full and happy! Happy New Year, friends!

In the next video - a few interesting ideas how beautiful and unusual to arrange the familiar to us New Year's salad Olivie.

Therefore, with such trepidation, many make up new year menu 2019 , looking for recipes for the New Year 2019 with a photo and racking their brains with the questions “what to cook for the New Year 2019?” and "how to cook New Year's dishes"? The menu for the New Year 2019, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table, prudent housewives think over in advance. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others - original New Year's recipes, others - traditional New Year's dishes. In the West, at this time, people are most often interested only in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to cook New Year's hot dishes, New Year's second courses. The New Year's menu for 2019, in principle, must be composed with taste in the literal and figurative sense. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes, the New Year holidays are the time for them. Dishes on the New Year's table 2019 can be very diverse. For those who have already started compiling the New Year's menu, recipes, and those who are interested in the Eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new 2019 according to the Chinese calendar is the Pig or Boar, more precisely, this is the year of the yellow earthen pig. Astrologers are already compiling their horoscopes to predict for us what the year of the pig is preparing for us. We will tell you what to cook for the year of the pig on the New Year's table. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the pig. Celebrating the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it’s better to pick up New Year’s culinary recipes for the year of the pig in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the pig have a simple rule: this animal must like them. New Year's menu for the year of the pig must include various salads. Vegetable, fruit, meat - the pig loves everything tasty, but basically still eats roots. New Year's recipes for the year of the pig (2019) can be prepared using nuts, mushrooms, they are also very fond of wild boars. New Year's recipes for children for the year of the pig, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake Acorns or Three Little Pigs cookies. Original New Year's recipes for the year of the pig for children can be prepared from boiled eggs, mashed potatoes. And of course, it would be nice to decorate children's dishes for the year of the dog with handmade pigs and piglets with piglets. Recipes for the New Year's table in the Year of the Pig (2019) do not require something completely surprising, since the pig, in principle, is an unpretentious animal in terms of food, so all of our simple hearty meals will come in handy. New Year's meat dishes can be prepared in a variety of ways, but of course not from pork. And it would be nice to cook them with vegetables and fruits. To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the pig. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the pig. Recipes for the new year 2019 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare really delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter if you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Pig will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for the wonderful New Year's table. And it would also be nice for yourself and for your guests to come up with the appropriate New Year's names for dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2019 even more original and mischievous, recipes with photos will spur your imagination and make this process even more fun. And do not forget to make New Year's recipes with photos during the cooking process. On our website, we have collected the best New Year's recipes, recipes for New Year's dishes, the best new dishes in the new menu 2019 to the new table 2019. New Year's dishes with photos will help novice cooks. Recipes for New Year's dishes with photos will save time and save you from mistakes. Post your New Year's recipes 2019 with a photo with us, we will place them in the section New Year's dishes 2019 with a photo, and we will definitely whisper softly to Santa Claus for you. And grunt loudly to the yellow pig :)

A few weeks before the New Year, when a barely noticeable magical aroma of tangerines already appears in the air, a very crucial moment comes in every family. The whole family gathers for advice, armed with a pen and a notebook, and a New Year's menu is compiled. This is a very responsible, time-consuming, but at the same time incredibly pleasant thing. I want to have on the New Year's table and delicious salads, And unusual snacks, and hot, and dessert, and properly selected drinks. Each member of the family has his own opinion and his own “taste of the New Year” on this matter. For some, this is the unchanged and favorite salad "Olivier", and for others - stuffed chicken or jellied fish. We offer you without changing family traditions, cook all your favorite things, and even please guests and loved ones with something new and original, offering wonderful recipes New Year's dishes.

New Year's menu includes appetizers, salads, hot dish, side dish, various drinks, fruits and, of course, desserts. Without them, it is simply impossible to imagine the New Year. Main rule New Year's menu: food should be varied, tasty and beautiful!

Cheese sticks with avocado cream

400 g cheese
150 g 5% cottage cheese,
100 g feta cheese,

1 garlic clove
juice of ½ lemon,
50-10 g salmon,

Rub on coarse grater cheese, pour it in the form thin cakes into a non-stick frying pan and heat over low heat. The thinner the layer of cheese, the more openwork your basket will turn out, and, conversely, the more cheese, the denser it will be. Once the cheese starts to melt, remove the pan from the heat. Carefully remove the slightly cooled cakes with a spatula and place on inverted glasses previously greased with vegetable oil. Put the glasses of cheese in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon. In a blender, mix cottage cheese, cheese, garlic, herbs, lemon juice and avocado. Fill with cream cheese baskets, top with chopped thin slices and salmon folded in the form of roses, decorate the baskets with dill sprigs, sprinkle a little with lemon juice.

4 sweet peppers
250 g cheese
150 g butter,
2 cloves of garlic
10 walnut kernels,
1 bunch of parsley.

Carefully remove the seeds from the pepper, removing the stalk. Grate frozen butter and cheese. Pass the garlic through the press, chop the nuts and finely chop the greens. Mix everything and fill the peppers with this mixture tightly. Put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and then cut into slices 5-7 mm thick and serve to the festive table on lettuce leaves.

10-12 radishes,
100 g fat-free cottage cheese,
yolk of 1 boiled egg,
1 fresh cucumber
1 tsp sweet mustard,
2 tbsp sour cream
sesame seeds,
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

For a thoroughly washed radish, cut off the tops and carefully remove the core, leaving the walls about 5-7 mm thick, cut the bottoms a little for stability. Mash the yolk with cottage cheese, add sour cream and mustard, salt, pepper and beat this mass thoroughly with a mixer. Cut the cucumber into thin circles and lay them on a dish. Fill the radish cups with the prepared stuffing and place on the cucumber slices. Sprinkle with sesame seeds on top, decorate with herbs.

400 g boiled chicken meat,
300 g champignons,
150 g canned pineapple,
¾ stack. sour cream
¼ stack. white wine,
2 tbsp chopped walnuts,
2 tablespoons mayonnaise,
spicy mustard, lettuce, a little dill.

Finely chop the meat and mushrooms and fry them. Then cool and mix with pineapple chunks. Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, wine and mustard (to taste) and beat with a mixer. Season the mixture of meat, mushrooms and pineapples with this sauce. Put bowls or voluminous glasses on the inside with lettuce leaves and fill them with a prepared cocktail salad. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top and garnish with herbs.

1 pineapple
150 g shrimp
1 apple
fresh parsley,
a few sprigs of parsley
mayonnaise, salt.

Cut the pineapple in half lengthwise. Remove the hard core, cut the flesh into cubes. Cut peeled apples into strips. Chop cooked and peeled shrimp. Leaf salad pick it up with your hands. Mix prepared foods, salt, season with mayonnaise and put in pineapple halves. Before you put the dish on the festive table, decorate it with parsley sprigs.

Tomato and grapefruit appetizer

200 g tomatoes,

200 g soft cheese
50 g olives.
For sauce:
3 tbsp olive oil,

Grapefruits and tomatoes, peeled and white films, cut into thin slices, cheese into cubes. At the bottom of the dish, put the first layer of grapefruit mugs, the second - tomato slices and cheese. Garnish the salad with olives on top. From oil, herbs, salt and pepper, prepare the sauce, pour it over the salad and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then take out, sprinkle with herbs and serve.

Salad of avocado and pine nuts


200 g leaves green salad,
100 g cheese
1 egg
¼ stack. shelled pine nuts,
2 tbsp butter,
2 tbsp olive oil (or any other vegetable oil),
1 tbsp breadcrumbs,
juice of half a lemon
salt pepper.

Cut the avocado in half, scoop out the flesh with a spoon, sprinkle it with lemon juice and crush with a fork. Finely chop lettuce leaves and mix with avocado, salt, pepper, season olive oil. Cut the cheese into small cubes, dip each cube in an egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in butter. These fried pieces of cheese and pine nuts sprinkle ready salad above.

700 g salmon fillet,
1 bell pepper,
1 red onion
vegetable oil,
salt, black ground pepper- taste.
For marinade:
a piece (1 cm) of ginger root,
3 garlic cloves,
1.5 tsp coriander seeds,
½ tsp salt,
1 tbsp vegetable oil.

Toast the coriander in a dry frying pan over medium heat for 1 minute. Then remove from heat, let cool and grind in a mortar. Mince the garlic. Mix together all the spices and salt. cut into fish fillet into pieces, roll in spices, pour over with vegetable oil and refrigerate for 2 hours. Cut the onion into quarters, bell pepper into large pieces. After the time has passed, string on wooden skewers, pre-soaked before that for 15 minutes in water, fish alternately with sweet peppers and onions. Salt, pepper, drizzle with oil. Grill on the top rack of the oven (on the grill function) on both sides for 15 minutes.

5 veal chops on the bone,
2 cloves of garlic
1 lemon
a few sprigs of fresh sage
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 tbsp butter,
salt, black ground pepper.

Rinse the chops well, blot paper towels, salt and pepper. In a frying pan, heat vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. butter and fry the chops on both sides until golden brown. Put the meat in a baking dish, cover with foil and place in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes. Put the remaining butter, minced garlic and sage leaves into the pan and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Put the cooked meat on a dish, pour over butter with garlic and sage and serve with thinly sliced ​​lemon.

700 g cod fillet,
4 tomatoes,
3 bulbs
1 lemon
3 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp butter,
½ stack white wine,
½ stack cream,
5-6 black peppercorns
parsley, salt, pepper.

Cut the cod fillet into pieces, salt, pepper and drizzle with lemon juice. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Chop the onion and fry in butter until golden brown. Then add tomatoes, chopped garlic, black peppercorns, wine to the onion and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Add salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, pour some of the prepared sauce on the bottom, add cream, lay a layer of fish on top, pour sauce, then fish again, and sauce on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

1 chicken
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 stack sour cream
½ stack white wine,
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp butter,
salt pepper.

Cut the chicken into small pieces, salt and fry in butter with finely chopped onion. When the bow becomes golden color, pour in the wine, add the tomatoes, previously peeled and diced, close the lid and simmer until tender. To prepare the sauce, sauté the flour without oil, preventing its color from changing. Then add sour cream to the flour, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper. Arrange the cooked chicken pieces on a platter and pour over the sauce.

2 chicken fillets,
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp honey,
2 tbsp soy sauce,
½ tsp provencal herbs,
1 tbsp sesame,
2 tbsp olive oil,
¼ stack. dry white wine
greens, physalis - for decoration,
salt, black ground pepper.

Rinse chicken fillet, dry, rub with salt and pepper and fry on vegetable oil until cooked, put on a plate. Put the garlic, passed through the press, into the pan, Provencal herbs, sesame, pour in the wine, soy sauce and honey and bring to a boil over low heat. Put the chicken fillet in the prepared sauce and simmer over low heat for 3-5 minutes, turning often so that the pieces are well saturated on all sides, and the sauce begins to caramelize. Lay out ready meal on a plate, decorate with herbs and physalis.

Roast with mushrooms and cauliflower

500 g of pork pulp,
500 g cauliflower,
200 g champignons,
3 garlic cloves,
1 st. canned green peas
3 art. l. finely chopped green onion,
2 tbsp. chopped dill and parsley,
1.5 stack. meat broth,
2 tbsp starch,
salt pepper.

Cut the meat into small portioned pieces, lightly beat off, sprinkle with salt, pepper and fry in very hot oil on all sides until golden brown. Then transfer it to ceramic pot. In the oil remaining from frying the meat, fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms, lightly salt and put on the meat. Disassemble cauliflower on the inflorescences and lay it on top of the mushrooms, put on top of everything green pea. IN meat broth dilute the starch, add the garlic, passed through the press, salt to taste. Pour the roast with the resulting mixture and simmer it in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Sprinkle the finished roast with herbs, let stand under the lid for 10-15 minutes and serve.

5-6 small potatoes
100 g smoked lard with meat veins
50 g butter,
a few lettuce leaves
greens, salt, black ground pepper.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, dry them, cut off small “lids” and cut out part of the pulp, leaving walls 1.5 cm thick, salt and pepper. Cut the fat into small cubes, put it in potato cups, and put a small piece of butter on top. Wrap each potato in a sheet of foil. Lay out on a bombarded coarse salt baking sheet and bake in an oven heated to 180 ° C for 40-60 minutes. Ready potatoes remove from foil, put on a dish lined with lettuce, garnish with slices of fresh vegetables, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Sour cocktail with champagne

½ glasses of champagne,
½ lemon (juice)
1 piece of sugar
1 circle of orange,
2 ice cubes.

Put a piece of sugar in a glass, pour lemon juice over it. Carefully, so as not to raise the foam, add the champagne. Garnish the rim of the glass with an orange slice and serve. celebratory drink with a straw.

300 g cranberries
200 ml 30% cream,
400 g vanilla ice cream,
a few pieces of meringue,
2 tbsp powdered sugar
1 tbsp citrus liqueur.

Mash half of the cranberries, leave the second as is (instead of cranberries, you can take raspberries or strawberries, only in this case you will need half the powdered sugar). Sprinkle all berries powdered sugar and add liquor. Whip the cream well, break the meringue into small pieces. Mix the prepared ingredients with ice cream and arrange the dessert in glasses.

On our site you will always find even more New Year's recipes. Set a delicious and beautiful table, and most importantly, be happy in the coming year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The information contained in this article will be of interest real hostess who does not want to miss a single detail in the process of preparing the New Year's table. Here are the basic rules and recipes for preparing for the new year 2017.

How to make a festive menu for the New Year: subtleties and rules

Undoubtedly, among the Orthodox world, the most beloved holiday is the New Year. On this magical night, when one year follows another, many people cherish hope for a new and happy life.

Everyone thinks that old year will take away old problems and worries, and the new year will allow you to start a lot in life from scratch. It is logical that there is a special approach to such a holiday. On New Year's Eve they usually put best appliances, put on the most fashionable outfits, prepare gourmet dishes.

Therefore, the preparation of the New Year's menu requires a special approach and compliance with a number of rules.

Symbol of 2017

According to the eastern calendar, the upcoming 2017 is considered the year of the Rooster. The process of transferring the championship from the Fire Monkey to the Rooster will take place on January 28, 2017. It is believed that the Rooster is one of the most interesting animals among the symbols of the Eastern calendar.

Among the other signs, he is the most expressive and incredibly sociable. In order to correctly understand what this symbol carries in itself, you should also know what color and element will symbolize the year of the Rooster 2017. The element of 2017 is fire, which symbolizes a special vital energy, which consists in striving for career and personal growth.

The color of the Rooster is red, which is a symbol of good luck and confidence.

As you can see, the coming year is a year of special confidence, so you should approach the design of the festive table accordingly.

How to make a New Year's menu

Any hostess approaches with special care the preparation of the New Year's table. After all, I want to take into account all the nuances, so that in new year's eve experience the magic of what is happening to the maximum.

To properly prepare the menu, you need to consider tastes Fire Rooster, in order to appease the animal in every possible way. Indeed, not only children, but also all adults believe in magic, especially on New Year's Eve.

How to Appease a Rooster

To satisfy such an animal as the Rooster, one must take into account that this creature is not greedy, maybe somewhere moderately economical, but by no means greedy. But this does not mean that the table should be bursting with excesses. There should be plenty of everything on the table, but the dishes should be prepared quite simple.

In order for the Rooster to be satisfied, there must be fruits and vegetables on the table in any of their variations. It will also be useful to find a place on the table for a container with grain. As you know, this is his favorite delicacy.

The rooster will be happy if there is a place for sweets in the New Year's menu. It could be a cake or a pie.

Naturally, the Rooster will not forgive if there are any chicken dishes on the New Year's table. Therefore, menu planning must be approached very carefully.

When decorating the table, you can focus on rustic dishes - pots or maybe wooden spoons.

Dish plan for the new year

On the New Year's table there should be a wide selection of dishes and drinks. These must be snacks, hot dishes, salads, vegetables and meat cuts and definitely dessert. As for drinks, here you only need to choose natural juices, or fruit drinks.

When choosing hot dishes for the table, it is worth recalling once again that any chicken dishes can seriously upset the feathered symbol of 2017. It is best to choose fish or seafood dishes. For example, you can cook salmon - quite tender and delicious fish will not disappoint even the pickiest guest.

If we talk about a side dish, then the option of vegetables will look best here. It can be stewed or fresh vegetables. Like a true villager, the rooster will be happy if the hostess prefers potatoes as a side dish.

The choice of salads that can be prepared for the New Year is quite rich. To emphasize the solemnity of the moment, you can choose creative salad in the form of a Christmas tree.

Since the rooster is a rather bright character, then you need to pick up something bright and expressive as snacks.

It would be useful to please the feathered one with some yummy. As a villager, he will like a cottage cheese cake.

New Year's menu recipes

Recipe for salmon with cream

Before cooking, you should prepare a baking sheet on which the fish will be baked. The baking sheet will need to be greased with butter - butter or vegetable. The next step is to prepare the sauce.

To do this, you need cream, in which the hostess can add any fish seasonings or pepper, in a word, whatever is in preference. Carefully lay the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of fillet on a baking sheet, and pour the resulting sauce.

The composition should be completed with cheese grated on a coarse grater and onion cut into half rings. The best option will cover the resulting work with foil. The first and main stage of preparation is completed.

The only thing left is to send the salmon to the oven. To do this, it is better to prepare in advance desired temperature by preheating the oven to 180 degrees. Salmon will cook in about 25 minutes. Hot meal is ready!

Potato garnish

Pretty simple to prepare festive second dishes will require the following ingredients:

  • Potato - 10 pcs;
  • Egg white - 2 pcs;
  • Olive oil;
  • Seasonings.

First, cut the peeled potatoes into slices. Then the sauce is prepared in which the potatoes will be baked. This will require egg whites, which are whipped to a foamy mass. Add chopped potatoes to this mass and mix everything, adding the necessary spices and seasonings.

The baking sheet on which the potatoes will be baked should be thoroughly greased with olive oil. After that, put all the beauty on a baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 220 degrees. It is enough to bake the potatoes for about half an hour, not forgetting to stir occasionally.

Yolochka salad recipe

To prepare this masterpiece you will need:

  • Canned salmon - 1 can;
  • Cheese - 250 g;
  • Lemon juice;
  • crackers;
  • Tomato;
  • Dill.

The salad is pretty simple. You should chop the salmon and add grated cheese to it in advance. To the resulting mixture, add a little lemon juice and seasonings. All this must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, from which you can easily fashion something like a cone - this is the Christmas tree in the future.

To give the Christmas tree a real and festive flavor, you need to decorate it with parsley sprigs in the way that a real Christmas tree could look like. You can cut a star out of a tomato and use it as a Christmas tree top.
As New Year's toys you can use pomegranate seeds. You will need crackers to eat this dish.

Recipe for a bright appetizer 2017 "Colorful balls"

To prepare this culinary masterpiece you will need:

  • Cod - 300 g;
  • Potato - 500 g;
  • Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs;
  • Cheese - 400 g;
  • Pepper red and yellow;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Seasonings.

Thawed and boiled cod should be separated from the bones and cut. Made from potatoes mashed potatoes. Now to do total mass from all ingredients. This should include mashed potatoes, fish mass, chopped eggs and cucumbers. You need to glue the resulting mass with mayonnaise, because it is from this mass that the balls will be made.

Now you need to prepare the coloring for the balls. Put chopped red pepper on one plate, chopped yellow pepper on the second plate, finely chopped green onions on the third plate.

At the final stage, you should dip each ball in a separate plate to get multi-colored and funny rounds.

cottage cheese cake recipe

For cooking cottage cheese cake you will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Milk - 250 ml;
  • Gelatin - 30 g;
  • Raisin;
  • Fruits to choose from.

This cake does not require an oven. Will have to beat two egg yolks with butter, then add chopped curd mass. Gelatin must be poured with hot milk and be sure to cool.

After the gelatin has cooled, it is worth mixing all the ingredients. From the resulting mass, you can make a cake of any shape and put it in the refrigerator for 2.5 hours. After freezing, the cake should be decorated with any fruit that is more to your taste. Here's the dessert!

Selection tips and recipes for making drinks for the New Year's table menu

As a drink, the Rooster will prefer juices, only natural ones. You can cook and cool berry juice.

If we talk about alcoholic beverages, then here you can do cooking yourself to add sophistication to the New Year's table. If you don’t want to bother with cooking, you can get by with standard wines or champagne. Strong alcohol would be inappropriate.

cream liqueur recipe

To make liqueur you will need:

  • Whiskey - 2/3 cup;
  • Condensed milk - 400 g;
  • Fat cream - 100 g;
  • Chocolate syrup - 2 tbsp. l;
  • Instant coffee - 1 tsp.

All of the above ingredients must be mixed in succession. It will take no more than 5 minutes to prepare it.

Cooking mulled wine

To prepare mulled wine, mix:

  • Red dry wine- 750 ml;
  • Brown sugar - 60 g;
  • Cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • Carnation - 3 pcs;
  • Allspice - 5 pcs;
  • lemon - ¼ part.

Mix all ingredients and cook for 20-25 minutes.

cherry crunch recipe

To get such a drink, you should mix the following ingredients:

  • Cherry juice - 500 ml;
  • Red dry wine - 750 ml;
  • Champagne - 750 ml;
  • Cognac - 40 ml;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Cherry - 1 kg.

Fat Burning Green Smoothie Recipe

To prepare one serving of this healthy cocktail, you will need to mix the following components:

  • Kiwi - 1 pc;
  • Lemon - 2 slices;
  • sprigs of parsley;
  • Sprigs of mint;
  • Water without gases - 100 ml;
  • Honey - 1-2 tsp;

Tangerine smoothie

To make a tangerine smoothie, you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • Tangerines - 2 pcs;
  • Frozen banana - 1 pc;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Yogurt - 1/3 cup;
  • Honey - 1 tsp

Table setting for the New Year 2017

First of all, you need to remember about simplicity. Simplicity and naturalness should lead the New Year's table setting. Since this is a rustic animal, you need to focus on this using clay pots, linen tablecloths.

Putting a samovar with bagels on the table would be the height of relevance. The rooster will be immensely pleased with this approach to the holiday.


The rooster will never forgive if there are fake dishes on the table. Under no circumstances should you experiment with plastic utensils. Dishes on the New Year's table should be as bright and colorful as possible. You can choose painted earthenware, wooden spoons or ladles.

Colors of the New Year

The symbol of the coming year is the red rooster. That is why he will be incredibly happy if all shades of red are used when setting the table. It is best to use red toys as Christmas decorations.

There are always candles on the New Year's table, therefore, they must be red. As a decor, you can decorate Christmas tree branches with the same red balls or small stars. You can make out of these branches a kind of container in which to put your favorite fruits.

As for the choice of tablecloth, here you can beat red and white colors. For example, if the tablecloth is red, then white tones should prevail in the dishes. If the tablecloth is white, then the dishes should be mostly red. On the table itself, if there is the necessary space, you can place any christmas figurines: snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, or rooster figurines.

What to remember when setting the New Year's table

  • You should not attach special importance to tablecloths, this is not the main component of the New Year's table. The tablecloth should be well ironed and distributed on the table so that its edges do not hang down by more than 30 cm;
  • You need to start serving with the arrangement of dishes, and only then cutlery;
  • The colors of the napkins should play against the background of the tablecloth;
  • Glasses should be placed to the right of the plate;
  • Using additional elements decor, when setting the table, it is worth considering and adhering to the overall composition.

Happy New Year!
