
How to make Christmas figurines from salt dough. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden from dough with their own hands

Master class with a step-by-step photo "New Year's gifts" using the technique of modeling from salt dough.

Author: Galanova Daria, 9 years old student of the MBU DO DDYU Association "Salty Fantasies", Millerovo
Teacher: Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education, MBU DO DDIY, Millerovo

The complexity of the master class is very simple, perhaps it will be useful for kindergarten teachers of senior and preparatory groups. In this case, you can pre-cut the blanks of snowmen and mittens from the dough. Dry them, and in the lesson the children are invited to make the rest of the molds. Also the master class will be interesting
Anyone who loves to sculpt from salt dough. Make gifts for friends and family. As well as teachers of additional education, primary school teachers, educators of extended day groups.
Purpose: New Year gifts.
Target: creation of New Year's gifts in the technique of modeling from salt dough.
Educational: master the technique of making gifts from salt dough;
Developing: develop accuracy in modeling, artistic thinking;
Educational: to encourage the desire to give New Year's gifts made by one's own hands;

Required material:
Paper napkin, stack, glass of water, salt "Extra", flour of the highest grade, cutting for the dough "snowman" 10.5 x 6 cm, photo frame, colored paper, floristic grid "snow", "small mitten" 5 x 2.5 cm cocktail tube, ballpoint pen without paste, rolling pin, simple pencil.
Salt Dough Recipe:
Combine 1 cup flour and 0.5 cup salt. Stir, make a moon. Gradually, in a thin stream, pour in 1 cup of cold water. Knead a tight, elastic dough. Store the dough in a cellophane bag.
Recipe for snow
In a small saucepan, combine 2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon potato starch. Stir and put on low heat. In the meantime, stir constantly. As soon as the mixture becomes transparent, remove it from the stove and immediately add 1 cup of Extra salt. First with a spoon, and as soon as the mixture has cooled slightly, you can stir with your hands. Snow is ready. Transfer it to a plastic bag and seal tightly. It is important that air does not enter the bag.

Roll out the dough with a thickness of 5-7 mm. Cut out a snowman with a cookie cutter and transfer to a paper towel.

Mark the eyes with a pencil, push the mouth with a stack. With a stack, make a mark for yourself where you glue the snowman's hat.

Form a cake from a small lump of dough. Cut it in half. Moisten the snowman's head with water and glue the hat. We glue all elements of the composition with cold water. Roll up a small, thin flagellum and glue it on the hat. We are making a fur hat. Form a ball from a small lump and glue a bell.

Form a very small carrot and glue the nose to the snowman.

Roll up a thin flagellum and glue a scarf to the snowman.

From small, identical lumps, form two bean-like lumps and glue the legs.

With a ballpoint pen without paste, push the buttons in the center of the snowman.

From a lump the size of a large plum, form a gift box and glue it on the snowman's hand. It turns out that the snowman is holding a gift in his hands. Glue the gift tighter so that after the craft dries, it does not fall off.
The snowman is ready, let's start sculpting mittens.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm. Cut out two small mittens.

Stack push the cuffs on the mittens. Make holes with a cocktail tube.

On one of the mittens, mold a very small snowman.

Glue a Christmas tree and toy balls on the second mitten.
So quickly we blinded the mittens.
Put the snowman and mittens on a sunny windowsill. In the air, crafts dry for about 5-7 days. Although the mittens will certainly dry out in a couple of days, since they are not as voluminous as a snowman.
The pieces are dry. Paint them with paints, cover them with glossy varnishes.
We glue the snowman into a frame, decorate with glitter. Spread a layer of PVA glue under the snowman's legs, put "snow". Compact it slightly. Once the glue dries, the "snow" will hold firmly. Such “snow” can be stored for a couple more days in a plastic bag.
The snowman is ready.
Pass the tape through the gloves. Decorate with glitter
Gifts for the New Year are ready.

Happy New Year!

Christmas holidays are almost at the doorstep. In this regard, many families fussed over how beautifully and unusually to dress up their homes, so that the hostess of the coming year, the Yellow Earth Pig, would be amazed with surprise and bestow her favor. Since this animal prefers everything domestic, through which comfort is achieved, most people resort in the process of preparing for creativity at home. Excellent handicrafts are created from various kinds of materials at hand, with which later you can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but the entire interior of the room. Gifts are also quite interesting and creative, in which a lot of love, warmth and respect for the person to whom this souvenir is presented are invested. If you are also eager to please your loved ones with such amenities, then check out our article in which we will provide you with 17 photos of ideas for cool crafts from salt dough for the New Year 2019 with your own hands of ideal shapes and colorful colors. Such wonderful crafts will interest not only adults, but also your little children, for whom this activity will be very useful and exciting. And in case of any difficulties in this area, our master classes will come to you in an ambulance. Do not delay with holiday preparations, make the world much more interesting and colorful, richer and kinder today!

Salt dough preparation

Before you start creating holiday crafts for the New Year 2019 from salt dough, you should cook it yourself. Allow your child to do this, who will receive in this way not only a certain experience, but also great pleasure. Arm yourself with the necessary products and get to work.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 1 glass of salt "Extra";
  • 250 gr. water.

Work process:

  1. To prepare the dough, you need to mix flour and salt.
  2. Then you need to pour water. Mix well, gradually adding the missing amount of flour. Remember, the mass should not be liquid and sticky. By the way, to make the salty dough more elastic and shiny, you should add a little vegetable oil to it during the kneading process.
  3. Roll the dough into a ball and visually check if it holds its shape. If yes, it does not spread and does not crawl on the table, then the material for creativity is ready.

It's so easy and simple that you and your children can create with your own hands an excellent pliable material for future creations for the New Year 2019.

Video: recipe for making salt dough for crafts

Salt dough coloring process

Modeling from salt dough, of course, is an amusing business. With your own hands it is so nice to make something cool and unusual in the form of cool figurines for the Christmas tree, fridge magnets, figurines for beauty and harmony in your home, and so on. However, the further process of coloring them is not convenient for everyone and, let’s say, is subject to, because, if we take into account small children, they do not have the ability to delicately paint over all the details in their crafts, so they need a simpler option with already bright and colorful finished material. And making salty dough motley is quite simple at home. You can try to decorate it yourself in all the colors of the rainbow, be sure you will even like it. For the New Year 2019, no less attractive creations will turn out from such splendor.

Coloring methods:

  • gouache;
  • food colorings;
  • instant coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brilliant green;
  • multi-colored ink;
  • ink;
  • vegetable or fruit juices;
  • sequins.

Thanks to such a list of diversity, you can achieve excellent results in a fairly short time. But it is only necessary to remember that the dye you have chosen must necessarily have a liquid or pasty consistency. If you got the coloring element in the form of tablets or powder, then it is advisable to dilute it with a small amount of water. You only need such a substance - then a few drops squeezed onto salty dough for a delicate, faint shade, and if you want to achieve a more saturated color, then, of course, more. After that, you should properly knead your "building" material, adding flour if necessary, and proceed to the direct process of creativity. But some craftsmen, after drying decorative items, still resort to re-saturation of their crafts with acrylic, watercolor, oil paints. Such a final touch will give an alluring and perfect gloss to any figure.

New Year's mosaic of beads and glass beads

If you don’t know what crafts to make from salt dough for the New Year 2019 with your own hands for a festive home decor, then use our master class. It is very simple and therefore your children are free to work in this direction on their own, creating wonderful holiday decorations. This lesson is perfect for labor lessons at school or the development of children in kindergarten.

For work you will need:

  • salty dough;
  • plastic covers;
  • beads and beads;
  • golden paint.


  1. To make beautiful toys for the New Year tree, you need to take small caps. Perfect with coffee or other products.
  2. Then the details you have chosen need to be decorated with gold paint or you can leave them as they are.
  3. After that, they need to be filled with salt dough, and a mosaic should be attached on top. Optionally, you can use beads, glass beads or other interesting gizmos.
  4. By attaching a thread to the product, you get a wonderful craft for the New Year 2019, created by yourself.

To expand your knowledge in the field of New Year's decorations from the above material, made by hand, we advise you to watch our video tutorial. From it you will learn about the existence of some secrets in this work.

Master class: 11 secrets when working with salt dough

Christmas candles

A pleasant magical atmosphere can be created for the New Year 2019 if there are salt dough candles at home. To make this kind of craft, it is important to follow all the work step by step, and as a result you get a magnificent decoration made by yourself quite simply.

This will require:

  • salty dough;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper.


  1. It is necessary to make rings from salt dough, which should be put on a roll. The latter can be made from ordinary cardboard or use a base from toilet paper.
  2. Corrugated paper will be needed to create a visible flame that needs to be placed inside the candle. By color, you can choose red, yellow or orange paper. If desired, you can put a candle on a cardboard base decorated with salt dough. DIY craft is ready to decorate the home environment for the New Year 2019.

New Year's toys from puff pastry

Before the New Year holidays, you can organize an excellent entertainment activity for children related to puff pastry modeling. This process is carried out very easily and, in addition, it brings a lot of pleasure, as well as salt dough.

For work you will need:

  • puff pastry;
  • molds for baking cookies;
  • decorations: beads, beads, rhinestones, etc.


  1. Do-it-yourself puff pastry needs to be rolled out and formed into figures that, in their appearance, will remind you of the approach of the New Year 2019. And for this, ordinary cookie cutters are used. The resulting crafts can be left in the state in which they are, but it is best to paint them in different colors. It is recommended to decorate the surface with beads, beads or rhinestones. If you prefer plastic beads, you should remember that such products cannot be dried in the oven. You can use different cereals. Now a large assortment of accessories is sold in needlework stores, and therefore you can buy absolutely any jewelry for jewelry.
  2. Depending on the types of shapes, wonderful crafts are obtained in the form of hearts, Christmas trees, stars, etc. Cocktail tubes are used to create holes in the product, through which you can make cool patterns with your own hands. The organization of such a lesson is great for kindergarten. The kids will surely enjoy messing around with something as pleasant to the touch as puff pastry. It is as pliable and soft as salt dough. The point here is diversity, and to whom, what is more to your liking, you choose, dear friends.

Don't forget to look at our photo ideas on this topic, and we also have a cool article with many more cool crafts, follow the link and see for yourself.

Christmas decorations "Hearts" from puff pastry

For a festive Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, it is not necessary to buy toys in the store, because DIY crafts made from puff or salt dough will also look great. Moreover, independent creativity is always doubly pleasant. It does not require a specific instruction, it is important to use some recommendations and you will get beautiful decorations.

This will require:

  • puff pastry;
  • materials for creating prints: hearts or other types of shapes;
  • beads;
  • ropes or ribbons.


  1. You can create jewelry with your own hands using a method such as a print. To do this, you need to roll out puff or salt dough and form figures from it as you wish. You can use baking dishes or any other utensils for this.
  2. To make a drawing on the surface of the craft, you need to attach shells to it and press a little. This will result in a shell pattern, but you can use leaves, twigs, etc.
  3. After that, it is best to decorate them with beads and beads. Painted toys look beautiful. So that they can be hung on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019, you should make a hole for the rope.

Browse through our photo ideas to expand your imagination.

Master class on creating Christmas decorations from salt dough

Salt dough Christmas wreath

What could be cooler and more noticeable than do-it-yourself crafts made from salt dough for the New Year 2019, made in the form of a wreath. Such a wonderful and rather spectacular decoration can transform not only the doors in your house or apartment, but also, simply - simply, complement and clearly emphasize your New Year's decor as a whole.

For work you will need:

  • salty dough;
  • water;
  • rolling pin;
  • file;
  • gouache;
  • spray - paint;
  • newspapers;
  • oval or round bucket as a base;
  • thin branches of a tree;
  • threads;
  • a small piece of cloth;
  • sponge;
  • self-hardening plastic;
  • ring for fastening;
  • PVA glue;
  • thermal gun.

Work process:

  1. To begin with, snowmen should be made from salt dough. They can be the same as in our photo or personally yours, born with the help of fantasies.
  2. After this process, it is necessary to dry the resulting products. To do this, you will need to lay out the creations on a file with a stand and wait a few days until they get stronger and harden.
  3. After making sure that your crafts have dried up, proceed to their further transformation by staining. To do this, you can use black - brown gouache or something else, more colorful. We take a sponge dipped in paint, and carefully process our product with it.
  4. Then we wash off the paint with a wet patch, making it less noticeable, but with a slight shade of brownishness. Then, using other colors, you should bring the decorative coloring to the desired result.
  5. After that, you need to take a small piece of self-hardening plastic and make a small ball out of it, the size of a cherry seed. Flatten it and attach a metal ring - mount so that its upper edge slightly peeks out from behind the plastic.
  6. We take the newspapers you have prepared and twist thin tubes out of them, the edges of which should be fixed with PVA glue.
  7. Then we take out a bucket, which we will use as a basis for making a wreath. We turn it upside down and wrap the resulting newspaper tubes on it, connecting them together with a glue gun. You should get an oval or a circle, it all depends on the shape of the container you have chosen.
  8. Selected branches of a tree, preferably birch, soak in boiling water beforehand. So they become elastic and obedient. Then, after drying them, you should carefully wrap them around a newspaper base (circle or oval) and attach with threads. The wreath should look lush and not glow through.
  9. When the do-it-yourself craft for the New Year 2019 is almost ready, it will need to be spray-coated with white paint and then silver.
  10. Decoration should be made using dried orange slices, berries, bows, satin ribbons, rhinestones, beads and other assortment. But most importantly, do not forget to attach the snowmen made earlier from salt dough.


Master class on testoplasty. Craft "Christmas clock"

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers, parents.

Purpose: This salt dough craft can be used as a New Year's gift or decoration for a kindergarten group for the New Year holiday.

Target: to develop the aesthetic feelings of children, emotional and value orientations, to introduce children to artistic culture.


· Develop children's independence and initiative, friendships and cooperation with peers and adults.

Develop spatial and figurative thinking.

· To form the skill to carefully work with salt dough.

Develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts

· To cultivate a culture of communication, the desire to bring the product to the desired image.

You will need: For the dough (salt 1 tbsp, flour 2 tbsp, water by eye, 1 tbsp sunflower oil); foil, stack, paint, brush, non-spill glass.

New Year's clock

The alarm rings twelve times

The new year has come again

He boldly opened the door to us

Entering the house without asking

And we will feel sad again in our hearts

We will remember the old year

We will remember the old chimes

And the old sky

Or maybe we want

Bring back that year

in which I first saw

That gray sky

But a year has passed

And he will never come back

So we will meet friends with fun

Your new year and new hour.

Step by step execution process

So, you can make such an original composition from salt dough with a clock. It just takes a little effort. First, prepare the salt dough for further modeling. The recipe is as follows: 1 glass of salt, 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of water and 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. Next, knead the dough, bring it to the desired consistency so that it does not stick to your hands, and begin work.

1. Take a piece of foil and put it on a baking sheet. We roll out a layer of dough and cut out the base of the house.

2. We determine a place for the clock and begin to roll out flagella 1 cm thick and lay them out in the form of logs. Lubricate one side with water for stickiness. All excess must be carefully cut with a knife.

3. When the whole house is covered with sausage, determine the window and the roof with a flagellum. For the roof, roll out the tourniquet and flatten it a little.

4. Next, move on to the figures. As usual, the house has its tenants. You can make anyone. I made a snowman and a Christmas tree. I also depicted icicles along the edge of the roof. In the window I made a watch with numbers and arrows.

Alexandra Veselova

Master Class"Salt dough Christmas toys"

Veselova Alexandra Vladimirovna

New Year is a magical time for our children. And preparing for this magic is interesting and exciting. All children love Christmas crafts made by hand. Fiddle with test- also one of the favorite children's activities. By combining both, you can decorate the Christmas tree with wonderful unique toys.


For we need a test: 2 cups flour, 1 cup fine table salt and some water.

Mix dry ingredients and gradually add water. The mass should be of a pleasant consistency - not sticky to the hands, and not be too tight (do not break or crumble).

Finished dough Lay out on a flat surface and roll out.

With the help of molds or a stack, we cut out the shapes of the intended shape.

We decorate crafts with beads, glass beads. On the form for the watch, we lay out the beads in accordance with the location of the numbers on the dial and the arrow. We decorate the Christmas tree by sprinkling it with beads, and pressing it a little into dough. We lay out any pattern of beads on the form for the bell.

To the center of the dial we attach a ball of dough, flattening it out a bit.

Christmas tree blanks toys dry at room temperature for a day, periodically turning them over.

Ready-to-dry salt dough toys paint with paints.

And you can admire the original crafts and homemade Christmas trees. toys.

fantasize make and make children happy!

Related publications:

Making a loaf for children from salt dough. It took me: 4 cups flour, 2 cups coarse salt, 2 cups water. We mix the flour.

Master class for young teachers "Modeling from salt dough as a means of developing creativity among preschoolers" Master class for young teachers. Topic: "Modeling from salt dough as a means of developing creativity among preschoolers" Organizers: senior.

In 2016, the anniversary year, and we decided with the kids to make magnets on the "Space" theme. We needed: 1. Salty dough. There are a lot of recipes.

Materials:1. Fine salt 2. Flour 3. Water 4. Acrylic paints 5. Twine 6. Heat gun Salt Dough Recipe: You will need: 2 cups.

Dear colleagues, today I offer you a master class from salt dough "Cat and Fish". To do this, we need: for making dough:.

Making crafts from salt dough is a very exciting activity that is enjoyed not only by adults, but also by children. Such products can become

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Modeling is one of the most useful activities for kids. With its help, not only fine motor skills of the hands develop, but also perseverance, imaginative thinking and coordination of movements are developed.

One of the best materials for modeling with a child is salt dough. It is absolutely safe, does not contain harmful additives and is easy to use. DIY salt dough crafts will be wonderful souvenirs for your relatives and friends.

Universal Recipes

Salt dough recipes are plentiful. Each master makes his own additives in them, choosing the right consistency. The main products for kneading dough are salt, flour and water.

Depending on the purpose, its density may be different:

  • dense dough - for large parts and creating massive panels;
  • universal dough of medium consistency - it is convenient to make small pictures and figures from it;
  • soft dough - gentle and pliable, it is suitable for small elements, exquisite flowers and figurines.
Some needlewomen measure ingredients in grams, others prefer to use proportions in parts.

dense dough

For work you will need:
  1. wheat flour - 1 part;
  2. food salt - 1 part;
  3. water - 0.7 parts.

That is, to knead this type of dough, you need to take one identical measure (glass, cup, tablespoon) of salt and flour and 0.7 of the same measure of water.

In a deep bowl, combine the dry ingredients and gradually add cold water. The dough should be homogeneous and very dense. There will be grains of salt in it - this is normal, do not worry. Depending on the moisture and quality of the flour and salt, a little more or less water may be needed. Therefore, you can not pour it into the dough all at once.

Medium consistency dough (universal)

For work you will need:
  1. wheat flour - 1 part;
  2. water - 1 part;
  3. food salt - ½ part;
  4. finely ground salt (extra) - ½ part.
By replacing half of the coarse salt with fine salt, this type of dough is more plastic and pliable. From such an obedient mass it is convenient to sculpt even a child. But for the smallest details and realistic crafts, such a dough is also not suitable.

soft dough

For work you will need:
  1. wheat flour - 1 part;
  2. hot water - 1/4 part;
  3. finely ground salt (extra) - 1 part;
  4. PVA glue - ¾ parts.
Combine salt with flour, then add thick PVA glue and mix. Slowly adding hot water, knead a soft dough. It must be wrapped in cling film, allowed to rest and cool.

This dough is ideal for complex work. It perfectly holds its shape, retaining prints and the texture created on it. Its quality directly depends on the quality of the selected adhesive.

Figures molded from salt dough with glue are different special strength. They will please their owner for more than one year.

  1. If you plan to color finished products, it is better to use wheat flour, although rye flour can also be used for salt dough.
  2. You can not take iodized salt - finished figures may crack when dried.
  3. The dough can be tinted during kneading. For this, food coloring or watercolor is used.
  4. The finished dough must be wrapped in cling film or a plastic bag to prevent it from drying out.
  5. A failed dough can be reanimated. You need to add a little more flour to the watery one and knead again, moisten the too tight dough with water and knead, achieving the desired consistency.
  6. Do not add grease or hand cream to the dough to be dyed, as the paint will not adhere evenly.
  7. The finished dough should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. It loses its qualities and it will be inconvenient to work with it.
  8. Volumetric products are best sculpted on wire or cardboard frames so that they do not fall apart.
  9. Crafts can be dried naturally by leaving them for a couple of days, baked in a warm oven, or left next to the radiator. It is categorically not recommended to put figurines on the battery itself to avoid cracking them.
  10. It is best to paint crafts with acrylic paint or gouache. Watercolor should not be used: there is a risk of soaking and spoiling the product.
  11. The junction of the parts must be moistened with water using a brush. So they are firmly and quickly connected.
  12. The finished souvenir can be covered with colorless nail polish or acrylic varnish. This will protect it from moisture and the paint from fading.
Armed with new knowledge, try to put it into practice.

Cute hedgehog - toy for kids

Want to know what you can do with a child from salt dough? Start with the simplest crafts. The younger your baby is, the easier products for co-creation should be. Try to mold a prickly hedgehog, and a detailed description of the process in this MK guarantees an excellent result and a good mood from a useful activity.

First of all, prepare the universal salt dough and nail scissors. Roll a drop-shaped blank from a piece of dough.

The eyes and nose of a hedgehog can be made from beads, black peppercorns, or pre-dyed dough.

Needles are made with incisions. Make small cuts with the tips of the scissors, lifting the needles up.

Perform the next row in a checkerboard pattern - with an offset. Row after row, make cuts until the entire back of the hedgehog is covered with needles.

Dry the finished toy in the oven or just in a warm and dry room. If you wish, you can color it or entrust this important matter to a child.

Original souvenir - funny dachshund

You can start preparing for the upcoming New Year holidays in advance and make a funny dachshund as a gift to your friends.

For work you will need:
  • salt dough universal (see recipe above);
  • cardboard, a simple pencil, scissors;
  • paints and brush;
  • a piece of rope;
  • clear nail polish;
  • toothpick;
  • foam sponge;
  • glue "Dragon".
Prepare a drawing of a dachshund. You can sketch by hand or print on a printer. Cut out the outline of the dog.

Transfer the template to a sheet of cardboard and cut.

Roll out the dough to about 5mm thick on baking paper. Attach the pattern and cut out the outline of the dachshund along it. Carefully remove the trim so as not to deform the workpiece.

Roll up two balls and form oblong dachshund eyes out of them. Glue them on a drop of water to the head of the workpiece. Moisten all sections of the dog with water and smooth with your fingers to remove any bumps.

From two small pieces of dough, make eyelids and glue them over the eyes. With a toothpick, outline the ear, paws, mouth, nose and body contours.

Now you need to add volume to the workpiece. Roll the dough into an oval, glue it on the ear and smooth the joint with a wet finger.

Similarly, add volume to the back of the dachshund and its tail.

Push the oblong dents around the perimeter of the figurine with a toothpick. Make them randomly of different lengths from the edges of the body to the center.

It's time to dry the workpiece in a warm oven. Bake it until it is completely firm.

A dry figure needs to be painted. Cover with black gouache all areas where there are bulges and dents.

After the first coat of paint has dried, paint the dachshund yellow. Put some paint on the foam sponge and toned the whole body, while the dents should remain black - do not overdo it.

Draw white eyes on the dried dachshund. Make any inscription you want.

Glue a piece of string to the back of the craft.

Cover the product with clear varnish and let it dry. The result of the work done is impressive - the mischievous puppy is ready.

Dog with original coloring:

Spectacular fish - step by step master class

Try to mold a beautiful fish with your child. Just follow the detailed instructions - and even a little helper will be able to master this sculpting technique.

For work you will need:
  • salt dough universal;
  • tassel;
  • corrugated cap of a felt-tip pen;
  • ruler.
On baking paper or foil, roll out the salt dough into a layer 3-4 mm thick. Cut out a circle using a special cutting or just a round glass of a suitable diameter.

Squeeze the dough on one side of the circle with two fingers, forming a ponytail.

Correct it and smooth out the bumps.

On the opposite side, make the mouth of the fish with the handle of the brush.

With the edge of a ruler or the blunt side of a knife, push the prints on the tail and fins.

Roll up small balls and glue them on the head of the fish. These will be the eyes.

From smaller balls, make pupils and press them to the eyes with the handle of the brush.

It's time to decorate the workpiece. Push the first row of scales with the cap of a felt-tip pen.

Roll up many small balls. Glue them on a drop of water to the body of the fish just behind the prints of the cap and flatten with the back of the brush.

If there is a suitable print, make prints in the shape of a starfish, if not, get by with a familiar cap or take another template.

Then push two more rows of cap prints.

Roll up a thin sausage to decorate the ponytail.

Glue it to the workpiece on the edge of the tail. Fill in the entire tail in the same way.

Next, randomly stick and push a few more small balls.

Dry the resulting workpiece in a warm oven.

Color the fish according to your idea of ​​beauty and the colors available. If you stick a magnet on the back of it, it will proudly take its place on the refrigerator, decorating the kitchen of its lucky owner.

Here are some more fish ideas:

Cheerful boletus mushroom

The initial stage of learning to sculpt is already over - you can take on more complex products from universal salt dough. Try to master the lesson of making a funny big-eyed boletus. Such an interesting mushroom will be appreciated not only by a child, but also by an adult.

For work you will need:
  • salt dough universal;
  • burned out light bulb (classic pear-shaped);
  • cardboard;
  • acrylic paint or gouache;
  • foil;
  • paper napkins;
  • masking tape;
  • Super glue.
Glue the light bulb with tape and wrap it around with dough. Let the workpiece dry completely at room temperature or in a warm oven.

Cut a ring out of cardboard and put it on a light bulb - this is the basis of the future mushroom cap.

From crumpled paper napkins, form a hat of the desired size. Fasten the structure with adhesive tape.

As a result, such a preparation is obtained.

Wrap the hat in foil for extra strength.

For the hat, you can use the dough of any color, later the whole toy will be painted. Roll out a piece of dough into a circle at least 3 mm thick and wrap around the top of the mushroom cap.

Remove the hat and close the bottom.

Use the blunt side of a knife to push through the strips.

Attach the hat to the stem of the mushroom with superglue or Moment. It should be slightly tilted towards the back.

Take care of the decor. Blind and fix the handles, legs and spout on the fungus.

You can decorate the figurine with a funny caterpillar or mold another decorative element, such as a ladybug.

Dry the finished workpiece.

Color the figurine, draw eyes and nose and varnish. Amazing fungus is ready. Salting and eating it will not work, but decorating a shelf with it is easy.

Funny pigs pendants

Such funny pendants are an idea for an unusual Christmas decoration or a nice souvenir for your dear people. Such a thematic present will be most welcome, because the patron saint of 2019 is a yellow pig.

For work you will need:

  • salt dough universal;
  • toothpick;
  • thin rope;
  • paints and brush;
  • foam sponge;
  • black gel pen;
  • Super glue.
Form a flattened circle - a pig body. Glue a smaller circle in its center - a patch. Poke your nostrils with a toothpick.
