
Hot pumpkin dishes recipes. Pumpkin soup puree with beans

It is customary to start talking about pumpkin recipes with pumpkin porridge. It is not in this selection of 9 top recipes, although I will definitely refer to classic recipe from another page. And I will definitely remind you of the well-known: pumpkin is a universal vegetable. In the strictest sense of the word.

You can make anything from pumpkin, from bread to sweets. Pumpkin is stewed, baked, boiled, fried, eaten raw in salads. Even flowers are eaten (stuffed). Not to mention seeds.
Enchanting cakes, pies and cookies are obtained from pumpkin. candied pumpkin and the dried slices are delicious. And salted in jars for the winter, pumpkin is as good as in jam.

It is clear that the pumpkin has a magical background, because it is not only "food", but also the heroine of one of the most wonderful holidays. It contains carotenoids and a whole pharmacy. In a word, this bright beauty has an interesting “personality”. Therefore, we will arm ourselves with forks and spoons, as well as orange mood, and sketch out for our bon appetit a small list of top recipes that can be prepared from pumpkin.

Pumpkin pie

About pumpkin recipes with love, Magic Food.

Li.Ru Culinary Community - Pumpkin Recipes

Pickled pumpkin has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pairs well with roasted meats. Such a pumpkin can be consumed immediately, or you can roll it into jars and leave it for the winter. Be sure to try!

To make something so unusual for dinner? What to please unexpected guests? These questions are asked by every hostess. A good option is vertuta with pumpkin at home.

Pumpkin jam with nuts - original, unexpected, bright and tasty. The process of making such a jam takes time, but the result will surpass all expectations. Try cooking at home!

I advise you to cook pumpkin jam with apples in the fall, when both pumpkins and apples ripen in huge number. It is very quick and easy to cook. And you can eat it with spoons!

Pumpkin casserole "Lotus flower"

Pumpkin casserole "Lotus flower" will decorate any holiday table. If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, try the recipe pumpkin casserole"Lotus flower".

Just look at the bright sunny view of this excellent delicacy, well, isn’t it lovely. And given the amazing taste and benefits of such a casserole, this dish can be considered a culinary masterpiece.

This simple recipe cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin will appeal to all lovers of healthy, tasty and at the same time inexpensive desserts, which can be prepared both for the holiday and for every day! Try it!

Do you want to treat yourself and loved ones not only tasty, but also healthy pastries? Then I bring to your attention great option- airy and incredibly appetizing pies with pumpkin in the oven.

Pumpkin - very available product, and you can cook a lot of goodies from it, such as this simple recipe for pumpkin soup in a slow cooker - try it once and you will love this soup!

If you love pumpkin, then you probably often cook porridge from it. However, I suggest you try another option - pumpkin pie in a slow cooker. It is very soft and airy.

Appetizer or side dish baked pumpkin you will be ready in half an hour. Get very tasty and healthy dish! Let's get started!

Recipe for pumpkin bagels - baking with pumpkin and almonds. Traditional Russian cuisine.

Pie "Nasgin" made with the addition of pumpkin will become great addition to your tea. Will give unusual taste sensations and is perfect for people who are accustomed to healthy food.

Melting in the mouth pieces of pumpkin with bacon - very original dish for an amateur. We look at the recipe for pumpkin in a pan and experiment in the kitchen.

Pumpkin pancakes - at first glance, unusual dish, but it is prepared quite simply and quickly. It turns out pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautiful color and amazingly delicious :)

Chepalgash is a stuffed flatbread fried in a pan. Below is a recipe for cooking chepalgash with pumpkin.

Pumpkin is a miracle vegetable. What a benefit to our health! And yet how delicious. I offer a recipe for chicken, pumpkin and dor blue cheese casserole. It turns out a great delicacy, try it.

Do you want to surprise everyone? If yes, then this recipe is for you. Here I will tell you how to make the most delicious pumpkin soup and serve it as in the best restaurants peace - in a bread bowl!

Excellent Recipe peach jam sugarless. This jam will appeal to those who, for some reason, refused to use sugar. But even without it, the jam turns out fragrant and tasty!

Pumpkin puree is an exotic and easy-to-prepare dish. Recipe pumpkin puree includes a minimum of stages, while the dish turns out to be tasty, albeit unusual.

Looking at this sunny jam and tasting it, you will not immediately understand what it is made of. But such a jam is so tasty that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with it from the first spoon.

Pumpkin juice is incredibly healthy. Just think about it, it contains: B1 vitamins, vitamin E, C, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sucrose, organic substances.

It's very tasty and useful caviar from a pumpkin for the winter. Such caviar can be used not only as a snack, but also as a sauce for pasta, chicken, cutlets or meat. Universal snack!

Pumpkin is not only very tasty, but also quite healthy vegetable, and if you combine it with a bright sunny orange, then you get an excellent treat that will delight you in the cold winter.

Risotto - very simple, but quite to itself delicacy dish, enjoying fantastic popularity at home in Italy. Delicate, rich and light - perhaps this is how you can describe risotto.

Recipe for fragrant pumpkin pie with creamy honey glaze and spices.

Pumpkin soup

Recipe simple soup from roasted pumpkin. The soup will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Recipe for an unusual pumpkin-apple soup with coriander, cumin, ginger and cayenne pepper.

Recipe for pumpkin tarts. You will love this tasty and interesting snack.

Recipe for squash soup with pumpkin, sage and bread toast. Prepares quickly, less than 30 minutes. french cuisine. ...Further

Delicate cream soup, with unusually pleasant taste. This soup awakens a love for pumpkin even among those who don't really like pumpkin...

A very tasty dish. Pumpkin soup with chanterelles, garlic, cumin, cinnamon and cloves. Discriminating taste!

I present to you one interesting option well-known and beloved by many dishes - manti with pumpkin and meat.

Don't know how to make delicious and healthy breakfast? Then here is one great option for you - pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese. Appetizing, fragrant, it is liked not only by adults, but also by children.

I tell you how pumpkin porridge is cooked - traditional, without unnecessary ingredients, the most the classic way. Only the most basic ingredients - and nothing more. Porridge turns out - upper class!

Recipe for pumpkin cheesecake. To protect the top of the cheesecake from cracking, do not open the oven while the cake is baking or cooling.

Looking for a delicious recipe healthy baking? Then an appetizing and bright pumpkin casserole with semolina is exactly what you need. It is enjoyed by both adults and children.

Pumpkin puree soup with rice on vegetable broth A real treat for all vegetable lovers! The best that autumn gives us. Very soft, affordable delicious soup for a cool autumn evening.

How to cook pumpkin soup for weight loss, I learned from my friend in the fall when I came to visit her for a week. She was just losing weight. And what do you think? The effect was!

It is very easy to make Italian cream soup. Its texture is very soft and velvety. Master this recipe - your eaters will be grateful to you;)

Do you want to eat delicious food without fear? extra pounds or need to lose some weight? Then I suggest you great option- pumpkin soup for weight loss.

Today we are preparing an interesting dish, to which I gave a very general name - pastry with pumpkin. I myself did not fully understand what ultimately turns out - a pie, pizza, biscuits or pies :)

I will probably repeat myself, saying that the slow cooker is just a miracle - an assistant in my kitchen. I really love pumpkin dishes. And here's the dessert I made. Pumpkin baked in a slow cooker is also a miracle!

I bring to your attention not quite traditional, but no less tasty and hearty manti with pumpkin and minced meat.

Pumpkin, rich in carotene, inspires us to create various delicious dishes. At my dacha, a giant pumpkin usually grows, but after cutting it, it must be used. I cook spicy pickled pumpkin!

Surprisingly bright, festive and very delicious easter with a pumpkin may appear on your table. Try to cook it and you will be amazed by the result.

When all the other savory and sweet pumpkin dishes get a little bored, make a pumpkin gratin with cheese. Add some potatoes, onions, spices and a lot of cheese to such a gratin. It will be bright and tasty!

For a family Sunday dinner, I wanted to cook a bright and fragrant roast - chicken with pumpkin and potatoes. It came out just wonderful! Juicy meat with sweet potatoes and pumpkin and spicy garlic.

Great dish for breakfast - scrambled eggs with pumpkin. The recipe is very simple, it will not seem complicated even for novice cooks. Pumpkin can be used in any variety.

Incredibly delicious sweet porridge with a pumpkin that will not leave you indifferent. Her delicate taste And pleasant aroma sure to please even the pickiest gourmets.

"Well, what is vegetable cutlets"- some might think. Try original recipe pumpkin cutlets to understand - they can be quite interesting if you add beer to them!

Got a pumpkin and you don't know what to do with it? pumpkin sauce to the pasta original solution. The sauce really turns out phenomenally tasty - try it!

For those who care about their health - very light tasty and a healthy pumpkin dish. How to make a pumpkin in the microwave!

I got the recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet from my grandmother. I added raisins to it and it turned out to be a sweet porridge for my children. The best solution for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Pumpkin juice is easy to make at home. I will share recipes pumpkin juice for the winter and "quick use" juice that you can immediately enjoy.

It's incredibly delicious juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which, I am sure, will be a hit on your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires soft taste and the aroma of real home cooking.

Very tender and soft meatballs minced chicken with pumpkin that your whole family will love. Even children will appreciate this culinary masterpiece.

Pumpkin donuts - lovely and unusual dessert for a cozy tea party. Surprise your loved ones! The recipe for pumpkin donuts is quite simple, the dish is budget, but the taste will amaze everyone;)

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly - delicious. At first I did not believe in it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then, I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

A very unusual dish that will amaze your family, friends, and all gourmets on the spot is a pumpkin appetizer. Beautiful, crispy, combining both sweet and salty flavors. Meet!

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to cook it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin puree is a storehouse of vitamins that can be stored for quite a long time in the refrigerator and used to prepare the most various dishes. Easy to prepare, easy to store and long lasting.

Sunny pumpkin jam will delight lovers of this vegetable. Cooking jam is easy, the look and aroma are wonderful, and the taste is delicious. In addition, pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots was always cooked by my aunt. The most interesting thing is that her jam was always different, sometimes it was amber and transparent, sometimes it was some kind of red-haired mess. But it has always been delicious!

Porridge with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy. I offer you step by step instructions how to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker - even a beginner will understand this recipe.

Do you want sunshine in winter? Put pumpkin jam with orange for the winter! It will not only improve the mood with its bright yellow color, palatability, but also replenish your diet with vitamins.

From pumpkin, this queen of the garden, you can cook the first, second, and dessert! I also make pumpkin jam. It turns out delicious, rich in taste and color jam. I'll tell you how to cook!

Try giving your favorite ground beef a little new taste- Add pumpkin to minced meat. Minced meat with pumpkin, unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, where it is added to manti and other dishes.

Mid-September, the kitchen is littered with homemade tomatoes and squash. Well, we're getting ready. delicious meals by disposing of excess products. Tomato soup with pumpkin - meet!

If you do not like pumpkin dishes, most likely you are cooking it incorrectly or simply did not find it. suitable prescription. Especially for this we publish a selection of 20 best recipes pumpkin dishes: from soup to pancakes, from smoothies to caviar.
How to cook pumpkin? Here are a few general recommendations. First of all, you need to understand what kind of pumpkin was on your table - summer or winter. Visually, they differ in pulp: summer varieties it is more tender and juicy, in winter it is dense not only outside, but also inside. But winter varieties can be stored for 2-3 months if you put the pumpkin in a cool, dark place. Before cooking any of the pumpkins, regardless of the recipe, it is necessary to cut, cut off the skin and clean out the seeds.

Pumpkin puree soup with chicken
The list of the best pumpkin recipes opens up easy on the stomach and very nutritious puree soup with Chiken. For this recipe, it is better to take a young chicken so that the meat is tender and boils well.
Recipe: Rinse one small chicken, place in a medium saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil and drain the water. Refill with water room temperature and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours small fire. In the meantime, fry in a cauldron or pan with a thick day diced pumpkin (500 grams will be enough), potatoes (1-2 pcs), a medium onion until the pumpkin becomes light. Pour chicken broth and simmer until done. At the end of cooking, puree the dish with a blender, add nutmeg, herbs, spices, celery and, finally, boiled meat. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Before serving, pour into deep plates and garnish with fresh herbs.

Pumpkin porridge with millet
The main feature of one of Kyiv restaurants is the filing Ukrainian borscht in a loaf of bread. We decided to go further and tell you how you can cook sweet millet porridge right in a pumpkin.
Recipe: Choose a small pumpkin, cut off the top and clean out the seeds. We fill the berry (yes, pumpkin is a berry) with millet, raisins, pour milk. How fatter milk, all the better. You can take ghee, as it gives interesting taste. We throw in a spoonful of cinnamon, butter, sugar and mix very well. We close the previously cut pumpkin lid and place it in a glass refractory dish for baking, pouring a glass of water there. Everything, we send it to the oven for an hour and a half at a temperature of 180 degrees. Comments are unnecessary, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Spaghetti with pumpkin
Do not eat pumpkin porridge every day. Try to cook spaghetti, but instead of meat, minced meat or sausage, use pumpkin. It goes with a bang even in cases where homemade ones do not really like pumpkin dishes.
Recipe: Peel 2 garlic cloves, mince and fry in vegetable oil. Catch the garlic and in the same oil fry the onion in thin rings. Get the onion and send 300-400 grams of pumpkin cubes to the pan. If pumpkin starts to burn, add water. Add onion and parsley, salt. Add pre-boiled spaghetti (300 grams) to our pumpkin, mix and simmer for another 3-4 minutes in a pan. Before serving for dinner or breakfast, sprinkle with cheese - Parmesan is best.

Pilaf with pumpkin
A real discovery for vegetarians. We also advise you to take the recipe into service for people observing the Fast - it will come in handy in the spring!
Recipe: In fact, it is very simple. Cook a glass of rice until half cooked with ¼ cup of raisins, fried onions and carrots. Make a well in the flour (1 tbsp with top) and pour one egg into it. Knead the dough and roll it out as thin as possible. Next, you need to melt the butter (1 tsp) in a bowl with a thick bottom and put our cake on the butter, and rice on top. Simmer until done. Meanwhile, peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes, roll in flour and fry in oil. Ready meal served as follows - spread in the center of the tray cooked rice, put pumpkin fried in a pan and raisins on top.

Sweet pumpkin porridge
Another recipe for pumpkin porridge. At your discretion, it can be made sweet or fresh. It all depends on the amount of sugar that will be thrown initially.
Recipe: Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces, pour it with 1.5 cups of milk and put on low heat - let it boil well. Cool the finished pumpkin and pass through a sieve. Boil rice in milk (1 cup of rice to 3 cups of milk). mix ready porridge with pumpkin and put in the oven for 10 minutes to form golden brown. Be sure to put butter, and before the start of the meal, pour sweet cream and sprinkle with sugar.

candied pumpkin
Perhaps one of the most interesting dishes which few people have heard of. It is not easy to prepare, it requires a certain skill from the cook.
Recipe: Candied pumpkins are prepared in three stages. On the first day, you need to take an average pumpkin, peel and seeds, cut into cubes and sprinkle with sugar - 400-500 grams. During the night, the pumpkin should give a lot of juice and in the morning the pan with it will be filled with liquid. We do not drain it, but put it on fire, bring it to a boil and cool it. We make syrup from sugar, the remaining juice and citric acid. Then fill the pumpkin with hot syrup and calmly cook over low heat until tender. At the last stage, we throw the pieces into a colander to drain the juice, and dry them in the oven for 2-2.5 hours at a low temperature of 50-80 degrees. For powder, it is recommended to take powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon.

pumpkin with egg
A very simple dish that even a novice cook can cook.
Recipe: Traditionally, cut the pumpkin into cubes (500 grams) and simmer until cooked for butter. To prevent the pumpkin from getting dry, you can add a little water. Along with this, beat 1 egg with sour cream in a bowl and salt. Pour a simple mixture into a skillet with pumpkin and sprinkle with basil. Reduce the fire and simmer for 3-4 minutes under the lid. When cold, the dish is not very tasty, so it is best to serve it “hot, hot”.

Pumpkin pie
We continue the extravaganza of pumpkin desserts, next in line sweet pie. It is very important here to guess with the cooking time of the pumpkin pie, otherwise it will turn out watery and the bottom will burn.
Recipe: First of all, you need to separately bake the pumpkin (600 grams) in the oven. For everything about everything about an hour. When cool, scoop out the pulp and mash well with a spoon. You can also use a combine for these purposes. Pour into a bowl 4 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1.5 cups of sugar, half a cup of chopped nuts and the same amount of pitted raisins. Add 4 eggs and cooked pumpkin. Mix everything, puree in a blender. Ready dough(it should turn out liquid) pour into a mold and bake for an hour in an oven heated to 180 degrees.

Pumpkins are a great alternative potato pancakes. Meanwhile, this dish is much healthier, as it is cooked not fried, but baked. The main ingredient, of course, is pumpkin.
Recipe: Grate raw pumpkin(1 cup), add 1-2 chicken eggs, spices and salt to taste. Mix well, adding a little parmesan and flour until the dough becomes thick. The scent, by the way, is fantastic! We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, smeared with olive oil, and lay out the pumpkins. Bake literally 10-15 minutes at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees.

Pumpkin sticks in cheese breading
But this dish can serve as a great seasonal snack! Cooking time is only 30 minutes.
Recipe: Clean the pumpkin inedible parts, cut into small sticks - about 400 grams. Grate 200 grams of cheese and mix. Prepare a batter of 1-2 eggs, salt and pepper. each of pumpkin sticks roll in flour, then dip in egg and finally breaded in cheese. It is better not to fry, but bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees. The readiness of the dish can be judged by the color of pumpkin sticks - they should acquire a golden color.

Eggplant-pumpkin caviar
Caviar from pumpkin and eggplant will go on any sandwich. Agree, it is much more nutritious and healthier than sandwiches with sausage or margarine. In addition, no less tasty than traditional squash.
Recipe: Cut 300 grams of peeled pumpkin into cubes and stew in a pan. Add chopped vegetables to the pan in the following order: bell pepper(1 piece), 2 onions, 2 large or 3 medium eggplants, one sweet and sour apple, 2 tomatoes, 5 garlic cloves. We simmer everything until cooked, let the dish cool and puree well. You can put it in jars and store it in the refrigerator - it will not deteriorate even after a month. By the way, this caviar is good as a side dish for meat, try it!

Fish baked in pumpkin
What happens if you use pumpkin instead of baking foil? That's right, a new dish. Which, moreover, is also incredibly tasty, although it is prepared from affordable products!
Recipe: 500 grams pumpkin, peeled and chopped thin slices. Put one half into a mold and season with salt. We spread 300 grams of pollock fillet (cut into pieces) on it and sprinkle with the rest of the pumpkin, chopped parsley or other herbs. Pour the pumpkin with fish with a mixture of 3 eggs and 500 ml of kefir, send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Delicious both hot and cold.

Chicken thighs stuffed with pumpkin
Stuffed chicken legs are good because you can use almost everything that is at hand as a filling. We will experiment with pumpkin, which will give the dish incredible juiciness.
Recipe: Separate chicken skin away from the meat, being careful not to damage it. Like a stocking, we pull the skin off the leg and cut it if it does not want to be removed on its own. Using a knife, we cut the bone and tendons. The resulting meat (take 2 kg of legs) is ground with a meat grinder along with three onions and 300 grams of peeled pumpkin. We fill the “stockings” with the resulting minced meat and fix it. Tuck the long edge of the skin inside the stocking - then it will not fall apart. Grease the legs with mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed 200 degrees, otherwise stuffed chicken legs burn.

Kissel of pumpkin and rhubarb
Strictly vegetarian dish, caloric content - only 93 kcal per 1 serving. The preparation is simple, but there are some nuances.
Recipe: Cut 300 grams of peeled pumpkin in a blender. Wash the rhubarb (300 grams) and cut into thin slices. Remove the zest from the lemon with a regular vegetable cutter, also cut into thin ribbons. Pour 5 cups of water into a saucepan, adding sugar, zest and 2 cinnamon sticks. When the water boils, boil literally 5-6 minutes. Throw rhubarb into the resulting syrup and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add the pumpkin, and when the syrup boils again, cook for 7-8 minutes. 125 ml of water mixed with 3 tbsp. starch, mix well. Put pumpkin with rhubarb in a blender and chop, bay a small amount decoction. Then mix with the rest of the broth, pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream and cook until thickened. Pour into glasses, chill.

Smoothie with raspberries and pumpkin
When vitamins are lacking in autumn, smoothies with pumpkin and raspberries can become excellent source useful substances. If fresh raspberries are not on hand, ice cream will perfectly replace it.
Recipe: Line the bottom of the pan with foil. Cut 300 grams of peeled pumpkin into slices and, brushed with vegetable oil, put on a baking sheet. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Put the pumpkin in a blender and add 1 banana cut into pieces with a handful of raspberries. All this pour 300 ml drinking yogurt by adding a tablespoon oatmeal and powdered sugar to taste. Whip up liquid consistency pour into glasses. Finally garnish with mint leaves.

Cottage cheese casserole with apples and pumpkin
Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole goes equally well with a glass warm milk as well as a cup of tea or coffee. Great start or the end of the day!
Recipe: 2 tablespoons of semolina pour 100 ml of warm milk and let stand. Add 2 tbsp. boiled raisins. Beat 2 chicken eggs with 4 tbsp. sugar and mix with 500 grams of cottage cheese. Mash and salt a little. Peel 400 grams of pumpkin and 2-4 apples, grate or chop in a blender. The next step is to mix cottage cheese with semolina, add pumpkin, apples and raisins here. Submit curd mass in a well-heated oven on a baking sheet and bake for 1 hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

pumpkin fritters
As you know, not a single Shrovetide is complete without pancakes. The holiday of seeing off winter is still far away, but this will not prevent us from preparing nutritious and hearty pancakes straight from the pumpkin.
Recipe: 1 kg peeled pumpkin, grated fine grater by adding spices with sugar. Pour in 1 cup flour premium and knead to a smooth dough. Form pancakes, fry on both sides in hot vegetable oil. Serve with jam or honey.

pumpkin with lemon
yin and yang sour lemon And sweet pumpkin… Oddly enough, they complement each other perfectly. And how appetizing they look!
Recipe: 400 grams of peeled pumpkin cut into cubes and baked in the oven. Grate one lemon with zest and mix with pumpkin. Add 2 tbsp. honey and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. When the dish has cooled, pour over sour cream and serve to the dinner table.

Salad from chicken breast and pumpkins
Gives a unique taste to the salad interesting combination pumpkins, chickens, olive oil And fragrant spices. Especially for those who like to cook something new and unusual for the holidays.
Recipe: Chop 150 grams of leeks. 300 grams pumpkin, peeled and chopped in small pieces. Also finely chop 2 cloves of garlic and half a chilli. 400 grams chicken breast cut portioned pieces and fry in olive oil until done. Boil rice (about 200 grams). IN separate saucepan with a thick bottom, mix all the ingredients except rice, add olive oil and simmer until the pumpkin is soft. Spread the mixture on boiled rice by adding the fried brisket. Mix again and sprinkle with chopped cilantro. It's time to try!

Pies with pumpkin
Fragrant pies with pumpkin will surely fall in love with all guests and family. Moreover, the dish will certainly be appreciated even by those who do not like pumpkin and have never tried anything like it.
Recipe: Take 200 grams of flour and add salt on the tip of a knife. From flour and kefir, to which you need to add a little soda, knead soft dough. Finely chop one onion and fry in oil in a pan. Add 300 grams of grated pumpkin to the onion, 1 tsp. sugar, ¼ teaspoon of salt, black pepper to taste and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Prepare a sausage from the dough, cut it into 12 pieces and roll each piece into a circle. We put the filling on one circle, cover it with another on top and fix it, form a pie, squeezing the edges of the dough like dumplings. Lightly fry in a pan to keep the dough, and then grease with sour cream and bake for 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.

You have just seen that pumpkin, this simple product at first glance, is a great source of inspiration for any culinary specialist. Soups, main courses, desserts and even drinks - hundreds of different dishes can be prepared from pumpkin. Bon appetit you and good recipes!
