
Manti with rice and pumpkin. Fragrant and satisfying manti with pumpkin for every taste

Manti with pumpkin. Ancient oriental recipe

one hundred percent useful. What is most surprising, but the pumpkin is in the ancient recipes for manti. Even then, people knew about the healing properties and the excellent combination of it with meat. If you add pumpkin to meat manti, they will be very fragrant. And most importantly, very juicy. So let's hurry to the kitchen and cook the Manti with Pumpkin dish!

Recipe from the site VseManty.ru

Servings Per 5
Preparation time - 15 min
Cooking time - 2 hours 30 minutes.
Calorie content - 647 Kcal


  • Flour - 330 gr.
  • Salt - 1 gr.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 130 gr.
  • For molding: 2 tbsp. flour
  • Pumpkin - 700 gr.
  • Fat tail fat - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 200 gr.
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Kefir - 600 gr.

Manti with pumpkin. Recipe

Dough for manti with pumpkin

  1. We knead the dough. Its components, as always, are almost the same: salt, water and flour.
  2. Ready and elastic, let it rest for about forty minutes under a damp towel.

Stuffing for pumpkin manti

  1. During this time, we will have time to prepare the filling. Cut the peeled pumpkin and seeds into small cubes.
  2. Add onion.
  3. Salt, pepper a little and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. If you want manti with pumpkin and meat, then you need to add finely chopped lamb, beef or pork to the filling. Meat can also be chopped with a meat grinder or food processor.

Cooking for manti with pumpkin

  1. Open the dough and roll out into a thin layer.
  2. We cut round cakes with a glass and put minced pumpkin on them. Ah, beauties! Orange on white.
  3. But now we have to cover this beauty, i.e. pinch the edges of the dough over it. Soon beauty will turn into deliciousness!
  4. We put the finished manti on the grate, which was previously oiled.
  5. Now it remains to install it in a saucepan, where water boils and worries. We tightly close the lid and for the whole 30 minutes we forget about our manti. To have time to melt the butter and get kefir from the refrigerator.

Everyone knows that manti is steamed. This fact alone makes them a healthy dish. Steaming is much better than frying or boiling. During frying, carcinogens are formed, and when cooking the product, many useful vitamins are destroyed. Although many do not recognize steamed food, they will certainly like manti. So there is only one conclusion - manti - tasty and healthy food.

Bon appetit!

Asian national dishes have firmly entered our daily menu. Manti steam dumplings are unusual - they make a variety of shapes, with different fillings. These "dumplings" are liked by children and adults. Cooking is difficult, but they are worth it. The pumpkin put in the filling loses its slightly unpleasant specific taste due to special preparation and becomes not only healthy, but also tasty.


  • flour 500 g;
  • water 200 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • pumpkin 200 g;
  • onion 300 g;
  • fat 100 g;
  • salt;
  • spices.


Manti with pumpkin and meat

Lamb is put in traditional manti with pumpkin and meat, because in the Muslim countries of Asia, where manti comes from, pork cannot be eaten. This recipe contains pork, which does not spoil the taste of the finished dish at all.


  • flour 0.5 kg;
  • egg 1 piece;
  • water 200 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • pumpkin 300 g;
  • pork fat belly 300 g;
  • onion 2 heads;
  • salt;
  • spices.


  1. Knead the usual unleavened dough like dumplings, mixing flour with water, egg and salt. Form an elastic ball from the dough. Cover with a towel or bowl and let the dough rest for 20 minutes.
  2. To prepare the filling, peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes. Cut the pork belly into cubes as small as possible. Chop the onion with a knife. Mix pork, pumpkin and onion in a bowl, salt, pepper, add a little cumin.
  3. After half an hour, cut the dough into small pieces. Roll out each piece into a small round cake. The cake should be about ten centimeters in diameter. Put the minced meat and pinch the edges, as fantasy tells you.
  4. Put the manti on a grate greased with vegetable oil and put in a double boiler for about forty minutes.
  5. Serve hot manti with pumpkin and meat, sprinkled with herbs.

Manti with pumpkin and potatoes


  • pumpkin 300 g;
  • potatoes 300 g;
  • onion 300 g;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil 50 g;
  • water 0.2 l;
  • flour 0.5 kg.


  1. Cooking, as always, we start with the test. It consists only of water, flour and salt. Simple and inexpensive in content, but difficult to knead. This work in Asian countries is often taken on by men. The dough is quite tight and you need to knead it for about twenty minutes to roll it out as thin as possible without tearing.
  2. While the kneaded dough is on the table covered with a cup, you need to cut the filling. Wash and clean vegetables. Cut them into small cubes. Season to taste with salt and spices. Add a little vegetable oil to the chopped vegetables.
  3. Roll out the finished dough into identical thin cakes with a diameter of about ten centimeters. Put a vegetable filling on each cake and pinch in the traditional way or as you wish.
  4. When the water boils in the pressure cooker, lay out the manti, dipping their bottom in vegetable oil on the grate and steam with the lid closed for half an hour.
  5. Serve on a large platter topped with butter or sour cream and sprinkled with herbs.

Thanks to the amazing combination of filling components, this simple dish will come as a surprise to many, and even those who do not like pumpkin will turn into a fan of this vegetable. Of course, manti is made not only with pumpkin, but the most delicious ones with pumpkin!

Enjoy your meal!

The first recipes for making manti belong to none other than enterprising Asians. And this is not surprising, because their national cuisine is rich in various recipes for delicious dishes that you never cease to admire. The Russian people are one of those who are a constant fan of this wonderful kitchen masterpiece. Moreover, every Russian hostess has her own recipes and secrets of cooking this dish. And about how to cook manti correctly, and whether they must be with meat, you can learn from this article. But before proceeding to the recipes, you should properly approach the preparation of the dough.


For this delicious dish, the most common dough is used, so we only need:

  • flour - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt.

Cooking process

As for quantitative indicators, it is impossible to give clear answers here, since everything can depend on even minor details, for example, on the quality of flour. The main thing is to intensively knead it until it stops sticking to the palms, and also becomes elastic and soft to the touch.

This is about the traditional manti test. The dough recipe may vary, for example, 2 eggs are sometimes added to it. It certainly won't get any worse. Cooks also recommend sifting flour thoroughly before use.

What to do so that our dough does not tear? This is a fairly common problem when preparing this dish, which can completely ruin the whole mood, and this is perhaps the main indicator in this magical business (well, except for a sharply sharpened knife and quality products). So, so that our dough does not tear, you can mix two types of wheat flour (1 and 2). Then it will never let you down even with a minimum-ideal thickness of 1 mm.

Proportions are very important, according to many culinary specialists, of water with flour. If they are observed 1: 2, then the dough will be just perfect.

Another important tip is that you should not start shaping our dish immediately after kneading the manti dough. The recipe in this case will be violated. Therefore, set the dough aside for about half an hour so that it becomes more elastic.

Stuffing for manti

While our dough is infused, prepare the filling. It can be the most diverse, but lamb remains the traditional option. It is twisted in a meat grinder or finely cut with a knife. By the way, in Asia, the meat grinder is generally not respected. They believe that manti, the recipe for cooking with a photo of which is proposed in this article, in this case will turn out not so tender and tasty.

Cooks recommend adding lard (fat tail, interior) to minced meat in a ratio of 1: 2. This ingredient is very important for our dish. It will give the filling juiciness and unchanged taste. It should be remembered that this condition should apply to minced chicken, beef, lamb. This has nothing to do with pork.

What else can be said about the filling? For juiciness, onions and other vegetables are also added. Uzbeks, for example, cook manti with meat this way. The recipe in this case is quite simple, we will describe it a little later.

Formation of manti

So, the dough and filling are ready, now you can proceed to the most important thing - the formation of manti. We take out our dough, cut off a quarter from it and form the so-called "sausage". After that, cut the dough into circles with a sharp knife. Next, roll the balls with your palms. Using a rolling pin, each of them is rolled into a cake 1 mm thick, 10 cm in diameter (these are ideal parameters). We put the filling in the center and begin to form our manti, the cooking recipe with photos of which is described in this article. So, we lift our product over the edge and make a fold. We hold it with our thumb and forefinger, and with the opposite hand we continue to form new ones until we get a shape resembling a bag. We do the same with the rest of the cakes. After our manti are formed, we proceed to their direct preparation.

Cooking manti

In general, traditionally, a special pan called a mantovarka is used to cook manti. But since not everyone has it, you can use a conventional double boiler. Without steam, whatever one may say, our manti will not work. The recipe for cooking in a slow cooker, by the way, is also quite simple, just set the "Steam" mode - and it's done. So, in a small container, pour vegetable oil. We dip each manti there and put it on a steamer plate. Do not forget to pour hot water into the bowl. We set the time to 40 minutes and that's it, the traditional recipe for making manti is completed! Bon appetit!

Manti with pumpkin

The recipe for this dish is also quite simple, for it we need:

  • dough (the recipe is described above);
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • minced meat - 200 g;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking process

We cut the pumpkin into small cubes, finely chop the onion. Mix the ingredients with minced meat. Now we take the dough, cut off a quarter from it, form a “sausage”, cut it into circles. With the help of hands, we roll up the balls and use a rolling pin to make thin cakes out of them. Place the filling in the middle of each. Steam, brushing the plate with vegetable oil, 40-45 minutes. That's it, our manti with pumpkin are ready (the recipe in this case involves improvisation, for example, mixing with other vegetables).

Potato manti. Recipe with photo

Another very interesting and rather unusual recipe. To implement it, we need:

  • dough;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • dill greens;
  • cream -150 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • zira;
  • caraway;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cooking process

How to cook manti with potatoes? The recipe for cooking involves serving this delicious dish with a creamy garlic sauce. In this case, they will turn out to be unusually fragrant and tasty. So, cut the potatoes into small cubes, onions - into half rings. Mix the ingredients with minced meat, salt, pepper, add a pinch of cumin and cumin. We form cakes from the dough and put the filling in the middle of each of them. We form manti (a cooking recipe with a photo will help to do everything right). We dip each in vegetable oil (so as not to stick to the plate of a double boiler or multicooker) and cook for 40-45 minutes.

Now let's prepare our dressing. To do this, chop the garlic and herbs, mix them with cream and season the cooked manti. All is ready! Bon appetit!

Real manti in Uzbek

This dish turns out amazingly tasty, fragrant and juicy. Nobody can resist him. So, for its preparation we need:

  • lamb pulp - 1 kg;
  • bulbs - 4-5 pcs.;
  • salo;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream (for serving);
  • greens (for serving);
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • caraway.

Cooking process

How to cook real Uzbek manti? The recipe for cooking is to finely chop the onion (the smaller it is, the juicier the dish will turn out). Next, put it aside. We take our lamb pulp and cut it into small pieces (2-3 mm) with a knife.

Advice: To cut the meat better, leave it for a while in the freezer.

Mix meat with onions, add olive oil, salt, pepper, add cumin. We mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put them in the refrigerator for infusion so that our future manti, the recipe for cooking with a photo of which is given in this material, turn out to be juicy and tasty.

We take a pre-prepared dough and roll out of it a large thin cake 2-3 mm). The resulting layer is divided into small squares. We take out the minced meat and with the help of a spoon we spread it in the middle of each square. Now we are starting to form our manti (the recipe, apparently, is available even to not the most experienced housewives).

We take the "square" and connect its edges (crosswise). Our manta should resemble a small envelope.

Now, carefully, so that the filling does not fall out, we begin to press down the tips of our “square”, while tightly fastening the resulting sharp edges (crosswise). We dip the resulting manti into vegetable oil and put it on a plate of a double boiler, not forgetting to pour water into the bowl. It takes 40-45 minutes to cook. Serve with sour cream and herbs. Bon appetit!

Curd manti

This dish will certainly delight little gourmets with a sweet tooth. To prepare it, we need:

  • dough;
  • cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • vanillin;
  • sugar;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream (for serving);
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking process

Cottage cheese well knead with a fork or grind in a blender. Add some sugar, vanilla and an egg to it. To stir thoroughly. Take the dough, use a rolling pin to roll out the cakes. Put the filling in the middle of each and form manti (the recipe for this dish is very simple and does not require additional and difficult steps). So, pour vegetable oil into a small container, dip each manti into it. Then set to steam for 40-45 minutes. Serve with sour cream or yogurt. That's it, our manti are ready (the cooking recipe with a photo is useful to everyone who wants to pamper their household with an unusual dish). Bon appetit!


This primordially Asian dish delights its fans not only with its wonderful taste and alluring aroma, but also with its unusual appearance and design. Therefore, regularly delight your loved ones with this kitchen masterpiece.

Manti is a classic of oriental cuisine, perhaps the most popular dish in Central Asia, Mongolia, Turkey, Tatarstan. Consists of minced meat in a thin flatbread of dough, steamed. Very similar to dumplings.

Several thousand years ago in China they came up with “poses” - steamed pies. The Uyghurs, who inhabited China, began to cook already "mantiou", which means "steamed bread" in translation.

These chefs, by the way, are still considered the best in cooking manti. Over time, this dish has changed, got to Central Asia. Here the poses have changed and become familiar to us manti.

How to cook a dish?

One of the main differences between manti and dumplings is the method of preparation. From the name it is already clear that they should be steamed. Previously, nomadic peoples laid them on intertwined branches in a cauldron and covered with a lid.

Later, special grates appeared, which are installed on the bottom of a large cauldron or pan - kaskans. The best kaskans are made in the homeland of manti - in China, from bamboo rods.

But it is very difficult to find such a cascan now. More common in Russia are special pressure cookers, well, or double boilers, which almost all Russian housewives have.

In addition, you can cook manti in a slow cooker if you have a special grate, it usually comes with a bowl.

The filling is an extravaganza of flavors!

Manty is also distinguished from dumplings by the method of preparing minced meat. The nomads, of course, did not have meat grinders, so they chopped meat.

This zest of the dish has been preserved in our time. Minced meat in manti is usually finely chopped with a knife, but with an acute shortage of time, it can be ground through a large meat grinder.

Traditionally, the meat filling is made from beef, horse meat or camel meat. Some cooks add minced pumpkin, onions and, of course, lard or fat to the minced meat to make the dish juicy. Manty is usually eaten with hands.

  1. As we have already said, the stuffing for manti is traditionally chopped with a knife, although many housewives use a meat grinder for this. But in Asia, for example, a meat grinder is categorically not recognized when preparing this dish. And this is no accident: manti with minced meat is much tastier;
  2. The filling itself is most often made from meat. Very often several varieties of meat are mixed. For example, beef, lamb, pork, poultry;
  3. Finely chopped onions are added to the filling. It gives juiciness and improves the taste of the dish. They put a lot of onions, some even in equal proportions with meat;
  4. A piece of fat is placed in each manti, which gives juiciness and improves the taste;
  5. Many chefs add pieces of various vegetables and a lot of greens to traditional minced meat;
  6. In Russia, the filling for manti can be made from fruits, cottage cheese, mushrooms, seafood;
  7. In Asia they love manti with pumpkin. It can be added to meat, or you can cook them only with pumpkin and onions.

By the way, pumpkin is just a storehouse of vitamins. It contains the highest amount of iron among all vegetables.

In addition, pumpkin is a champion in the content of carotene, which is extremely beneficial for vision. This vegetable is also full of vitamin C, which is indispensable for supporting immunity and helps to quickly recover from diseases.

Pumpkin has a number of vitamins B, E, nicotinic acid, magnesium, proteins, starch, pectin, sugar, calcium. It also contains the rarest vitamin T, which is extremely useful for improving the metabolism in the body. For all its usefulness, pumpkin is low in calories, which makes it possible to eat it for people who adhere to proper nutrition or diet, and for young children.

Classic variant

To make the dough, sift the flour into a bowl, make a hole in it, pour in the egg, gradually add water and salt.

Knead a tight homogeneous dough until elastic and sufficiently elastic.

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Pass the meat, onion and lard for minced meat through a large meat grinder grate.

Mix thoroughly with salt, pepper.

Divide the dough into several parts, each of which must be rolled into a large and thin cake.

With a curly knife (you can also use an ordinary one, but a curly one is more beautiful), cut the cake into circles, spread the minced meat, pinch the edges harder.

Put in a pressure cooker, close the lid, cook for 20-30 minutes.

Amazing manti in Uzbek

Uzbek manti includes such ingredients.

  • 4.5 art. flour;
  • 250-300 ml of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt.
  • 1 kg lamb;
  • 1-1.5 kg of onion;
  • 200-300 g fat tail;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper (or more if you like spicy);
  • 1 tsp zira;
  • 1 tsp coriander.

Refined, tasty and spicy - all this is about him, about Caesar sauce. He is able to conquer any gourmet! should certainly be on the note of every hostess.

If you understand that pumpkin is very useful, but you just can’t force yourself to eat it, then for you. It contains recipes for every taste. You'll like it!

Why is French Kish so famous? Find out Pie is really interesting!

In the sifted flour, add the egg, cold salted water. Knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. Put in a bag and refrigerate.

Cut lamb as small as possible. It is better to freeze the meat slightly, in this state it is easier to cut it.

Cut the chicken into slices about the size of an almond. Chop the onion into thin strips. Mix meat with onions, spices (salt, pepper, coriander, cumin).

Divide the dough into several parts. Then roll out part of this dough into a thinner cake.

Cut into squares 10x10 cm. Put minced meat and a piece of fat tail in each, pinch the corners diagonally. Cook in a pressure cooker (in Uzbekistan it is called "manticascon"), pre-lubricated with oil, with a covered lid for 30-40 minutes.

Serve with sour-milk products or meat broth. Sprinkle with pepper and herbs.

We offer you to watch a detailed video instruction on cooking real Uzbek manti:

Useful manti with pumpkin

The benefits of pumpkin are written above, and now it's time to start the most interesting thing - the process of making manti with it. Let's start with the ingredients for the recipe.

  • 4.5 art. flour;
  • 250-300 ml of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp salt.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 200 g of onion;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Sift flour, alternately add egg, water and salt. Knead the dough until smooth. When it becomes cool and elastic, cover with a towel and let stand for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin must be chosen very ripe. Peel it from the peel and seeds, grate or cut into 0.5x0.5 cm and add salt.

After a few minutes, squeeze well. Add finely chopped onion and chopped butter. If the pumpkin is unsweetened, you can sweeten it with some sugar.

Roll out the dough as thin as possible, cut into small squares. In each put our stuffing on a tablespoon. Blind the edges of the dough by twisting in a spiral. Cook in pressure cooker for 25-30 minutes. Serve with herbs or brush with butter.

You can view all the preparation steps below:

Modeling methods: turn on fantasy

There are several ways to sculpt manti, each cook chooses his own, depending on time and desire. Here are a few main ones:

  1. With an envelope: cut the thinly rolled dough into squares of 8-10 cm, fasten the corners diagonally in pairs, then glue the edges in the center;
  2. Pigtail: divide the dough into large pieces, twist them into bundles and cut into small portioned pieces. Roll out these pieces, put the filling and mold them like a Christmas tree or a pigtail: we pull each pinch of dough to the middle and direct it to the previous one from above;
  3. Rose: roll the dough thinly into a large and thin cake, cut it into rectangular strips, lay a path from the filling in the center, collect and close the edges, roll into a roll;
  4. Bundle: squeeze out small circles from the dough rolled into a thin cake with a mug, put the filling in the middle, quickly and vigorously connect the opposite edges and twist them into a spiral.

Whatever method of sculpting manti is chosen, there is one important rule everywhere: fasten the edges very tightly, otherwise they will stick out during cooking.

See below for a visual way of sculpting with a pigtail:

cooking secrets

  1. You should start cooking the dish with the dough, because it needs a little "rest" before sculpting. Thanks to this, you will reduce the cooking time;
  2. The dough must be rolled out thinly, then it holds together better, but it is important not to overdo it here, as it may tear during cooking, and the juice may spill out;
  3. The more time you spend kneading the dough, the more tender it will taste. It is necessary to mix it for a long time and thoroughly, knead it with your hands, press it with your palms. Some people add a spoonful of mayonnaise to the dough for softness;
  4. It is a mistaken opinion that there is no difference in how to grind meat - with a knife or in a meat grinder. After all, everyone knows that when grinding meat loses half of its juice, its fibers are severely deformed and cannot retain the remaining moisture. Therefore, if you want to cook real manti, then it is better to use a sharp knife and cut the meat, although it will take much longer;
  5. The classic filling for manti should be juicy and quite fatty. Therefore, if the meat is lean, then it is necessary to add lard or tail fat. You also need to add enough onions, some put onions one and a half times more than meat.

Manti should be served with sauce. You can make several different ones. The most common is sour cream.

You need fresh, fairly fatty sour cream and the same fresh herbs: dill, cilantro, parsley - whatever you like, garlic. Cut the greens and garlic into smaller pieces, namely cut, pass through a press or grater - it is necessary that the garlic be in pieces.

Add spices to taste, for example, zira, coriander, black pepper, you can use suneli hops, salt. It is desirable that the sauce stand in the cold for a couple of hours.

In Siberia, they love vinegar sauce, for this they dilute boiled water with a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, sprinkle with pepper.

In Kyrgyzstan, they prefer sauce for manti based on meat broth. To prepare it, mix a couple of heads of chopped onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 150 gr. tomato juice, a few leaves of laurel and 400-500 gr. ready broth.

Boil all this for about half an hour, then add pepper and dill. When the sauce has cooled, strain, add a spoonful of vinegar and ghee, spread the greens on top and serve with any kind of manti.

The classic recipe for manti is a very high-calorie dish. For this reason, it should not be consumed daily, especially by overweight people or children with impaired metabolism.

But on holidays or on especially significant days, you can treat yourself and your family to this delicious dish!

Step 1: Knead the dough.

Here you have to work hard, because it will be difficult for a woman to knead the dough so that it is tight and elastic. Therefore, it is better to involve a man in work - for sure we are trying for him. Take the flour sifted through a sieve and gradually adding water, begin to knead. The water must be cold! The proportions may differ from those indicated, since everything depends on the flour. You need to knead the dough for 15-20 minutes so that it becomes even, homogeneous and does not stick to your hands and to the dishes in which it is located. When you're done with it, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for an hour and a half to let it set. In the meantime, we will prepare the filling for manti.

Step 2: Prepare pumpkin filling.

Let's start with the pumpkin, rinse it with running water, peel it, remove the seeds, and cut the pulp into cubes. To do this, first we cut the pumpkin into slices, then we cut them into strips, and then we cut them into small cubes. We just chop the onion, we won’t grind too much, but you shouldn’t leave large pieces of onion either.
Mix pumpkin with onion, add salt and pepper. Butter must be melted, and then poured into the filling, which is then mixed especially carefully. We leave the mass so that it is saturated with oil and wait for the dough to be ready.

Step 3: We make manti with a pumpkin.

Roll out the rested cold dough into a sausage and cut off lumps of about 2 cm from it. Roll out the lumps of dough into uniform thin circles or squares, put a little stuffing in the middle and sculpt an envelope.
The shape of the manti is not fundamentally important, the main thing is to pinch the ends of the dough so that it does not open before we eat them. So pay special attention to this.

Step 4: Cook manti with pumpkin.

For cooking, we will use a double boiler, since it is unlikely that everyone will find a special "mantle" for cooking manti. Lubricate the lower part of the manti with vegetable oil and put them in a double boiler so that they do not touch each other. We turn on the miracle pan and determine the cooking time, for our filling it is about 30 minutes. The time also depends on the size of the mantas themselves. When the manti are ready, turn off the steamer and keep them in it for another 5-10 minutes, releasing steam. When the manti has cooled down a bit, carefully take them out and put them on a plate or dish, in which we will take them to the set table.

Step 5: Serve ready-made manti with pumpkin.

How and with what there are manti, everyone chooses for himself. You can sprinkle with chopped herbs, you can serve with sour cream, mayonnaise, butter, jam or sauce. Bon appetit!

Manti are eaten exclusively with their hands.

If you can’t get the dough, add 1 egg to it, the dough will become a little more elastic, and the manti themselves will be more tender.

Manti can also be cooked in a wok pan.

When cooking, manti expands a little and spreads, so keep a distance between them before putting them in a double boiler.

The melted butter in the original recipe is fat tail fat.

A variant of manti for those who love meat - minced meat from any meat with onions.

Do not grind the pumpkin in a blender or on a grater, our task is for the pumpkin to give up its juice during cooking in a double boiler.
