
Inedible parts of foods that are very useful. Chemical quiz "Inedible products

Questions of the quiz "Inedible products"

1. Biscuit - a confectionery product. What does "biscuit" mean in chemistry, technology?

2. The water we drink is called drinking water. What kind of water (undrinkable) is called: lead, shale, heavy, barite, calcareous?

3. Ruff - fish of the perch family. And why do chemistry need ruffs?

4. Kasha - a dish cooked from cereals and water. In the x-ray room, the patient is treated to barium porridge. What it is? Why can it be safely eaten, although all other salts of this metal are poisonous?

5. Oils are fatty substances obtained from milk or seeds of some plants (butter, sunflower, soybean, vegetable, hemp, etc.). But in addition to these oils, there are mineral, lubricating, as well as chemical ones, for example: vitriol, aniline, mirban , arsenic, antimony, oil of Dutch chemists. What do these names mean?

6. Milk is a valuable food product. "Milk", "milk" - these terms refer not only to food products, they are used in chemistry, technology and everyday life to refer to substances that look like milk. What do the terms "milk of lime", "milk stone", "milk starch" mean?

7. Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grains of various crops. What kind of flour is inedible?

8. Pie, as you know, is a baked product made from thinly rolled dough with a filling. What is a coke pie in chemistry?

9. Sugar is a food product obtained mainly from sugar beet and sugar cane. Inedible lead sugar, or Saturn sugar, has a sweetish taste reminiscent of sugar. It is received and named so by the alchemists. This name of the substance has been preserved in technology. What is the formula for lead sugar? What is called fruit, malt, milk, grape, invert sugar?

10. Soda is the technical name for sodium carbonates. What is called crystalline, caustic, soda ash?

11. Salt - cooking, food, kitchen - seasoning for food. In medicine, salts are used that are well known to everyone, but are hidden under the names: "Bulrich's salt", "painkiller", "Siberian", "Armenian". What are these salts?

12. Absolute alcohol - ethyl alcohol. What is hidden under the following names of alcohols, are they alcohols: hydrochloric alcohol, saltpeter, ammonia, formic, boric, salicylic, woody, dry?

13. Bread is a food product baked from dough. Since ancient times, the expression "Meet with bread and salt" meant hospitality. “Eating your own bread” meant earning your own living. In the literal and figurative sense, the word "bread" means the main food product. And what is meant by the expression "bread of industry", "bread of chemistry"? What substances are called so?

"Typical Moscow" presents a selection of five healthy, but specific in taste products, as well as tips on what to do if you can't eat them at all in their natural form.

As you know, there is no friend for taste and color, and even felt-tip pens are different. These well-known sayings concern all spheres of our life, in which everyone prefers something of their own. And since we mentioned taste, we can naturally talk about food.

In food, the difference in tastes can be both insignificant and quite serious. There are sweet tooth and lovers of salty, adorers of yogurt and cone jam, fans of greens and specific meats, such as horse meat or venison. There are people who are completely omnivores, and there are picky people. But one way or another, we all, first of all, with a great desire to consume those products that are most familiar to us and are available everywhere, starting with our own refrigerator and ending with some random cafe. However, familiarity and accessibility leads to monotony, and monotony leads to a deficiency of vitamins and useful trace elements that we get from food.

How to fill gaps in your diet? Start eating foods that we most often bypass in supermarkets or cannot find at all in Pyaterochka near the house. But what if they are "edible", that is, tasty, only for one out of ten of our acquaintances? Now we'll tell you.


Licorice, or licorice, is what we should associate, first of all, with cough syrups. Everyone remembers that sweet-herbaceous taste, right? Even the name of the plant - "licorice" - has come a long way from the Greek language in the meaning of "sweet root". However, in the food industry, liquorice marmalade is best known, which not so many people like in its pure form, without additives, all because of the same specific taste (more sweet-salty than just sweet) and resinous smell. But in vain.

Licorice sweets and as a confectionery can strengthen the immune system, alleviate dry cough, improve digestion. They are good for the cardiovascular system. Due to the content of pectin, licorice helps to remove cholesterol from the body. Natural licorice candies even help protect teeth from cavities.


Fortunately, a variety of forms of release and flavoring additives allows you to find such sweets that even opponents of the "mixture" taste will like. In the pharmacy you can get licorice lollipops (at the same time saving you from coughing and helping during exacerbation of gastritis, can you imagine?), In pastry shops - soft candies, glazed or with fillers. There are sweets with mint or fruit additives, and even salty ones. And if you can’t immediately find the type of sweet you need in the city, you can always order sweets in an online store (there are even specialized ones).

bitter chocolate

Many people love chocolate. But few people like bitter, dark chocolate - the one that people like to call with a bit of snobbery "the only real one." To understand the scale of the problem, it is enough just once, for fun, to buy some Lindt with 99% cocoa content. There is no sweetness in it, only a harsh chocolate bitterness. But if you are not extreme, just take a regular bar of dark chocolate (72-75%). Why her?

Undoubtedly, cocoa as such is also present in milk chocolate, but its beneficial effect fades into the background due to the high content of fats and sugar. Accordingly, more in milk chocolate and calories. This may energize us, but it will not have a positive effect on the figure and teeth. But dark chocolate is a pure source of antioxidants that help strengthen the cardiovascular system. It also contains caffeine and theobromine, thanks to which we feel cheerful and happy. It is also useful for bones and teeth: calcium, phosphorus and fluorine will help us with this. It is also known that in small quantities dark chocolate promotes weight loss.

bitter chocolate

By the way, about losing weight: there is even a special chocolate diet. It may sound absurd, but we are still talking about bitter chocolate, which means that if we follow this diet, we will have a hard time. Its essence lies in the fact that our entire daily diet is 100 grams of chocolate and black coffee without sugar. You can’t eat anything else, drink only water and unsweetened tea. This diet is fast. Salt is excluded, and coffee has a diuretic effect, and therefore all excess water leaves the body (as a result, swelling subsides). Due to the low calorie content, fats are directly burned, that is, our energy reserves. At the same time, the brain receives enough resources for active work. But the chocolate diet has too many contraindications: such a diet irritates the gastric mucosa, burdens the liver and heart (and becomes dangerous for hypertensive patients). And not everyone can survive at least three days on one chocolate bar, let alone a week. And at the end of the diet, a rollback is likely with the return of weight. Therefore, it seems safest to observe it only for a day - as a fasting day and to activate metabolism. It's better not to force yourself.

Everything will be in chocolate

Fortunately, you can lose weight with chocolate without repressing the rest of your food. And without even a feeling of bitterness on the tongue. You just need to absorb the chocolate with your skin, with which the chocolate wrap will help us. With this procedure, most of the active substances still penetrate the body, which means that the vessels are strengthened, cellulite goes away, the skin tightens, and the mood rises!


Lingonberry is a berry that can rightfully be called a winter berry. It adequately endures natural cold and home freezing, without losing its beneficial properties. Therefore, berries can be harvested in advance, without fear that they will deteriorate or become useless for health. This “character” of lingonberries will help us to strengthen the immune system, which is especially important in the cold season.


Berries contain many vitamins, useful acids and minerals. Thus, lingonberries strengthen the cardiovascular and skeletal systems, help to cope with colds, improve metabolism, and relieve inflammation. It also reduces pressure, which should be noted by hypotensive patients: lingonberries are contraindicated for them. You should not abuse this berry for those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity, especially during periods of exacerbations.

By the way, lingonberries are perfectly stored not only frozen, but also soaked. Such an infusion of berries does not turn sour and does not ferment, and you can cook it several times. But why is this berry an amateur? The same infusion - in fact, lingonberry juice diluted with water - has a rich sour-sweet taste with bitterness. The berries themselves are also very tart. Therefore, many, perhaps, will like lingonberries more either as an addition to hot dishes or salads, or as a sauce.

lingonberry leaf

lingonberry leaf

If relations with berries do not add up, but you want to benefit from lingonberries, you can use an infusion from the leaves of this plant for the same medicinal purposes. It can be drunk mixed with green tea for a more familiar taste. Lingonberry leaf is especially recommended for diabetics, as it lowers blood sugar levels.

sea ​​kale

Seaweed, or kelp kelp, is what usually lies in the fish department of the supermarket in a nondescript transparent tray and is not in great demand. A richly oiled slippery salad with a strange smell (sometimes too strong) does not even look appetizing. However, sea kale is a source of iodine and, in addition, a low-calorie snack. Its energy value per hundred grams is incredibly small, but the feeling of fullness comes quickly. Also, kelp is rich in phosphorus, iron, sodium and other elements, B vitamins.

sea ​​kale

To get all this pleasure, which also includes lowering cholesterol and improving the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is not at all necessary to buy a semi-finished salad that is disgusting for many. Laminaria is sold in dried form, in frozen briquettes, and in powder, so that it can be cooked to your taste or used instead of salt as an iodine supplement. In the latter case, its taste is completely invisible, and the benefits are no less.

True, people with iodine intolerance should not use this product.

Laminaria can not only be eaten. If for one reason or another you do not want to arrange a sea snack for yourself, but you care about your appearance, you can make a mask or wrap. Laminaria is rich in collagen, so its use is primarily relevant in the fight against wrinkles or skin problems. The algae mask stimulates the regenerative process, and therefore is simply irreplaceable in this matter.


Dairy products are a complex topic. As a child, kefir was a nightmare for many, to say nothing of such a specific drink as ayran. He came to us from the Turkic and Caucasian peoples. This drink also has a "relative" - ​​tan (it is also prepared from goat's milk, while ayran is made only from cow's).

In the Caucasus, ayran is considered a real health elixir, and for good reason. In addition to the natural qualities of a fermented milk drink (these include, first of all, the improvement of the intestinal microflora and the removal of toxins from the body), ayran increases the flow of oxygen and strengthens the respiratory system. It also has a beneficial effect on the immune system, which makes it useful in the winter in the fight against colds. Also, the drink has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and has bactericidal properties. True, you will have to refrain from using it for gastritis and ulcers.

You can drink ayran not only in its pure form, but also by adding spices or fruit juice. So the drink becomes more sweet or spicy-salty in taste - it all depends on personal preferences. In summer, you can cook okroshka with ayran. Such a dish will turn out to be hearty and very light at the same time.

And if the soul for a tart drink does not even lie in the composition of okroshka, you can make brine from it - a Caucasian sauce for meat and fish. For him, you will need directly ayran, sour cream, garlic and salt. The sauce is traditionally served with boiled meat, so in this case, ayran will remain a dietary product.

We decided to share with you information about harmful products, which is already enough on the Internet, but we believe that the repetition will not be superfluous, and this information will be useful for you.

Monosodium glutamate

Do not eat foods with the addition of E-621 (monosodium glutamate). Take the package of goods in the store and read. If monosodium glutamate is listed, don't buy it at all. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Now it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to "hook" the population on them. Be careful! It is better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc.


Although many sweeteners are calorie-free and very economical (one plastic container replaces 6 to 12 kg of sugar), despite this, they should not be trusted recklessly. It turns out that, having felt a sweet taste, our esophagus thinks that it will now receive a portion of carbohydrates: but they are not. After such a “deception”, any carbohydrates that enter the body within 24 hours of this “package” cause a strong feeling of hunger. NO sweeteners should be used.

Acesulfame - E950. He is Sweet One. In 1974, in the United States, it was recognized by doctors as a slow-acting poison and a substance that can accelerate the development of malignant tumors.
Aspartame - E951. Commercial names: sweetly, sweetilin, sukrazid, nutrisvit. In 1985, the chemical instability of aspartame was discovered: at a temperature of about 30 degrees
Celsius in carbonated water, it decomposed into formaldehyde (class A carcinogen), methanol and phenylalanine.
Cyclamate - E952 (tsukli). Since 1969, it has been banned in the USA, France, Great Britain and a number of other countries due to the suspicion that this sweetener provokes kidney failure. In the countries of the former USSR, it is most common due to its low price.
Xylitol - E967.
Sorbitol - E420. In large doses (more than 30 grams at a time) causes indigestion.

Trans fats

Trans fats are a specific type of unsaturated fat, obtained artificially. Liquid vegetable oils as a result of the hydrogenation process are converted into solid vegetable fats - margarines, cooking oils.
Hydrogenated fats have a distorted molecular structure, uncharacteristic of natural compounds. Embedding in the cells of our body, trans fats disrupt cellular metabolism. Hydrogenated fats interfere with proper nutrition of cells and contribute to the accumulation of toxins, which is the cause of disease.

  • Oil 72.5% under no circumstances should you eat. This is a trans fat, a low-grade vegetable oil that has been broken down by hydrogen.
  • Oil less than 82.5% DOES NOT HAPPEN. If you can’t find such oil, then it’s better to eat vegetable oil. It is better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or a kilogram of trans fats.

The use of foods containing trans fats reduces the body's ability to withstand stress, increases the risk of depression. Foods containing trans fats:
* margarine;
* soft oils, mixes of butter and vegetable oils;
* refined vegetable oil;
* mayonnaise;
* ketchup;
* fast food products - french fries, etc., for the preparation of which hydrogenated fats were used;
* confectionery products - cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, etc., for the manufacture of which cooking oil was used;
* snacks - chips, popcorn, etc.
* frozen semi-finished products.

Salted herring
in plastic packages

Salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is oil-free, then urotropin has been added to it. All over the world, urotropin is recognized as a very dangerous additive and banned (it is formed by the interaction of ammonia with formaldehyde).

Red caviar lightly salted

The principle is the same. Red caviar is not stored for a long time. Only frozen or heavily salted. If it is sold lightly salted, it means that either urotropine or citric acid has been added to it. Something else may be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

Known genetically engineered products

  1. Peanut. The petunia gene is implanted. A terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.
  2. Green peas (canned)
  3. Corn (canned).
  4. Imported potatoes.
  5. Crab sticks. (Crab essence mixed with soy)
  6. Cocoa.

Corn sticks and flakes with sugar

If you buy corn flakes, sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at 140 degrees. Therefore, sweeteners are used, in this case cyclomate.

Flavored cereals and cereals
and dyes identical to natural

These are chemicals that have an odor - the taste of pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.

Lollipops, b arberry

Now such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wet candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what happens to your stomach.


The current marmalade has nothing to do with what was under the USSR. It's just the wonders of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.


Powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to keep cherries in such original form.

Fried potatoes in fast food
and ready in stores.

Now antioxidants are used such that the potato lasts a year and does not turn black. Everything about fast food. Shawarma, pies and even salads in Makdachnaya.

Boiled sausages

They are from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausages, pâtés and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, visceral fat, pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but they are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.


In this case, there is no question of any naturalness at all. A thin neck and a kilogram of gel are taken. During the night, in a special machine, the gel “shatters” along with a piece of the neck, and by morning a huge piece of “meat” is obtained. As such, the meat in it is no more than 5%. Everything else is gel (caratinine, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color of this “meat” is given by color enhancers along with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is green.

Raw smoked sausages

As before, no one smokes. Smoke liquids are used, in which, again, formaldehyde.

Long lasting dairy products
shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything stored for more than 2 weeks should not be consumed. Aseptic packaging is a packaging with an antibiotic.

Mayonnaise in plastic bags

Vinegar found in mayonnaise, although it should not be there, corrodes the walls of plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral products can be placed in plastic packaging.


If you were carried 10 times, then on the 11th it may not be carried. Watermelon - fertilized with such substances that it is the first candidate for poisoning.

Grapes that do not spoil

Grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. It has not yet been removed from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if some shoo-mouse is sold there and lies for more than 5 days, you should know that it is treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product. It should not be eaten beyond measure for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, insomnia, mental disorders, epilepsy, kidney and heart diseases. Pepper itself is among the top ten products containing nitrogenous fertilizers and pesticides. And even if you eat only one such pepper, then health problems may appear. Therefore, it would be better to buy it exclusively during the growth season, namely in the summer and preferably grown in your habitat.

Yeast bread and white bread

Eating yeast bread, you eat mushrooms. Preference should be given to rye bread. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, is confidently included in the top of unhealthy foods. "Sliced ​​loaf" is not a complete bread. This is a "bun", with all the consequences.

Purchased mushrooms, hurricane, prunes, raisins

If you see beautiful dried apricots or raisins, pass by. Think about what needs to be done with it in order to keep the apricot as if it were fresh from the tree. Dried apricots should be ugly and shriveled.

Ice cream

Especially in specialized institutions such as different Robbins. Or foreign ice cream. Now it is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real ice cream made from milk somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Fruit ice creams are naked essences, there is nothing natural in them.

Cupcakes in packages and rolls

They do not get stale, do not deteriorate, do not dry out, nothing is done with them at all. He will lie down for a month. And in a month it will be the same.

Chocolate candies

90% chocolate is not chocolate at all (substitute dyes). Chocolate bars. This is a gigantic amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavors. The combination of a large amount of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.


In particular, men should not eat chicken meat at all. Because chicken is all on hormones. Chicken contains 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later. The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines. Chickens are now the most commercial product!

Processed cheese

Compared to hard cheeses, processed cheeses contain more sodium, which makes them an undesirable food for people suffering from hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. They are completely indigestible!

Instant coffee

Men can't at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

flavored teas

Drink natural tea in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas are either with citric acid, or with orange acid, or with some other acid. Habituation occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

Refined deodorized vegetable oil

Refined oil, by the way, cannot be eaten, it almost does not differ in molecular structure from plastic, which happens to it in the process of strong heating during refining. Such oil slagging the body and is the strongest carcinogen. For the same reason, you can not fry twice in the same oil, except for olive ... Refined oil cannot be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

Ketchup, various sauces and dressings

They have a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs in them, in addition, preservatives that protect these products from spoilage disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

Potato chips

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbs and fat plus artificial flavors.

Fast Food Products

Instant foods: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as Yupi and Zuko. All this is solid chemistry that harms the body.


Alcohol. Even in minimal amounts interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories in itself. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys, you already know everything very well. And do not rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is good. All this takes place only with a reasonable approach to its use (quite rarely and in small doses).

Sweet carbonated drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks - a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases - to quickly distribute harmful substances throughout the body. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before sending such a liquid to the stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful with a high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, quenching your thirst with such a soda, you are thirsty again after five minutes.

strawberries in winter

Winter strawberries are an absolutely useless product. There are no vitamins. This does not apply to you if you live, for example, in Israel, where strawberries are in season in winter.

Read it is helpful

Chemical quiz "Inedible products"

To deepen students' knowledge of chemistry, develop interest in it, a skillful combination of various forms of extracurricular work is necessary. To solve this problem, apparently, it is necessary to use interdisciplinary connections and students' knowledge from practice and everyday life as widely as possible. One of the conditions for the development of interest in the material being studied is the connection of new concepts and terms of chemistry with concepts and phenomena known to students. The study of chemistry can be connected with the Russian language and literature, their terms and expressions. The terminology of everyday concepts of the world around us is often transferred to technical and scientific names. For example, the names of food and household items have become technical and chemical terms. Literary expressions penetrated chemical terminology and acquired a new meaning. Some chemicals, phenomena and processes have the same name as food. Wordsmilk, dairy, butter, sugar, salt andothers used in chemistry have nothing in common, except for external resemblance, with food products.

Acquaintance of students with this terminology expands the horizons of students, allows you to look at familiar objects from an unusual angle, arouses interest in them, and allows you to clarify the meaning of terms and expressions.

It seems to us that it is most expedient to acquaint students with this terminology through a chemical quiz. An entertaining form of questions should attract the attention of students.

To answer the quiz questions that can be posted in the chemistry room, students are given time (1-2 weeks) and the following literature is recommended:

1. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young chemist. -M. Pedagogy. 2012. and others.

The teacher evaluates the answers of the students, marks the best of them, and then more complete, interesting answers to all questions of the quiz and hangs them next to the questions.

Questions of the quiz "Inedible products".

1. Biscuit - a confectionery product. What does "biscuit" mean in chemistry, technology?

2. The water we drink is called drinking water. What kind of water (undrinkable) is called lead, shale, heavy, barite, calcareous?

3. Ruff-fish of the perch family. And why do chemistry need ruffs?

4. Kasha - food cooked from cereals and water. In the x-ray room, the patient is treated to barium porridge. What it is? Why can it be safely eaten, although all other salts of this metal are poisonous?

5. Oils - fatty substances obtained from milk or seeds of certain plants (creamy, sunflower, linseed, soy, hemp, etc.) No. in addition to these oils, there are mineral, lubricating, as well as chemical, for example: vitriol, aniline, mirban, arsenic, antimony, oil of Dutch chemists. What do these names mean?

6. Milk is a food product. "Milk", "milk" - these terms refer not only to food products, they are used in chemistry, technology and everyday life to refer to substances that look like milk. What do the terms "milk of lime", "milk stone", "starch milk" mean?

7. Flour is a food product obtained by grinding grain of various crops. What kind of flour is inedible?

8. Pie, as you know, is a baked product made from thinly rolled dough with a filling. What in chemistry do we call a coke pie?

9. Sugar is a food product obtained mainly from sugar beet and sugar cane. Inedible lead sugar, or sugar-saturi, has a sweetish taste reminiscent of sugar. It is received and named so by the alchemists. This name has been preserved in technology. What is the formula for lead sugar? What do we call fruit, malt, milk, grape, invert sugar?

10. Soda is the technical name for sodium carbonates. What do we call crystalline, caustic, soda ash?

11. Salt - cooking, food, kitchen - seasoning for food. In medicine, they will use salts that are well known to everyone, but hidden behind the names: "Bulrich's salt", "painkiller", "Siberian", "Armenian". What are these salts?

12. Absolute alcohol - ethyl alcohol. What is hidden under the following names of alcohols, are they alcohols: hydrochloric alcohol, saltpeter, ammonia, formic, boric, salicylic, woody, dry?

13. Bread is a food product baked from dough. Since ancient times, the expression "Meet with bread and salt" meant hospitality. "Eat your own bread" - earn your own living. In the literal and figurative sense, the word "bread" means the main food product. And what do we mean by the expression "bread of industry", "bread of chemistry"? What substances do we call so?

Answers to the questions "Inedible products".

1. Inedible biscuit - porcelain products not covered with glaze. But twice fired - biscuit porcelain. There is also a faience biscuit - unglazed faience, which is used for galvanic cells, tubes, etc.

2. Lead water or lead lotion used in medicine consists of 2 parts of basic lead acetate and 98 parts of water. Javel water is a chlorine-saturated solution of caustic potash and caustic nar, which has whitening properties. It was first prepared in a place near Paris, at the Javel factory, hence its name zhavel. Heavy water is water containing the hydrogen isotope deuterium in its molecule. Barite water is a solution of barium hydroxide in water used to absorb carbon dioxide. Lime water is a similar solution of calcium hydroxide.

3. Ruffs are special brushes on iron wire for washing chemical laboratory glassware.

4. Barium porridge - barium sulfate mixed with water. This salt absorbs x-rays well, so it is used for translucence of the stomach. It is the only non-toxic barium salt.

5. For their ductility and viscosity, some liquids are called "oils", for example: "vitriol oil" is the technical name for concentrated sulfuric acid, or oleum, it is also called dangerous oil. Aniline oil is pure aniline. Mirban oil - nitrobenzene (used in soap making for fragrance of soaps). Arsenic oil - arsenic trichloride, is very toxic, but it is used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. Antimony oil - antimony trichloride, so named by alchemists for its resemblance to cow oil. Oil of Dutch chemists - ethylene chloride.

6. Milk of lime - a solution of calcium hydroxide in water. Milkstone, galalite is a plastic made from casein, which in turn is obtained from milk. Galalite dyed with various colors is used to make buttons, various parts of radio equipment, etc. Starch milk is very rich in carbohydrates (up to 40%). It is obtained by stirring starch in water, then subjected to saccharification with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid to obtain molasses used in the confectionery industry.

7. Flour that is inedible, but gives bread, is mineral fertilizers - bone, phosphorite, apatite. Bone meal is obtained by adding and grinding defatted bones. Phosphorite and apatite flour are ground minerals, phosphorite and apatite.

8. Coke cake - coke obtained by coking coal in industrial coke ovens. Coke is used in metallurgical production.

9. Lead sugar, or sugar-saturi - lead acetate, a poisonous white crystalline substance used as a mordant in dyeing, in the production of drying oil and paints. Fruit sugar - fructose, malt sugar - maltose, milk sugar - lactose, grape - glucose. Milk sugar is the only carbohydrate found in mammalian milk that is not found in plants. Invert sugar is a mixture of glucose and fructose capable of alcoholic fermentation.

10. Crystalline soda - sodium carbonate decahydrate, crystallizes in the form of large colorless crystals that can melt in their own water. Soda ash, i.e. dehydrated, but does not contain water molecules (anhydrous sodium carbonate). Caustic soda, or caustic, is the technical name for sodium hydroxide.

11. Bulrich's salt - baking soda, sodium bicarbonate. "Pain-relieving salt" was obtained in 1702 by Gomberg by reacting borax with sulfuric acid. Later it was found out that this is not a salt, but an acid, later called boric. "Siberian", "bitter" or Epsom salt was obtained by I. Glauber and later entered into chemistry under the name "Glauber's salt", or "mirabilite" is a natural sodium sulfate that crystallizes with 10 water molecules. "Armenian salt" - ammonia, or ammonium chloride.

12.To the endXVIIIthe substances were given arbitrary random names. Volatile liquids were called alcohols. This is how a hydrochloric acid solution was called brine. Saltpeter alcohol is nitric acid obtained from saltpeter. Ammonia is an aqueous solution of ammonia.

In medicine, the term “alcohol” is still not entirely accurate: alcohol and water-alcohol solutions of substances are called alcohols. So, solutions of formic, boric, salicylic acids, respectively, are called alcohols. Wood alcohol is called methyl alcohol obtained by dry distillation of wood. Dry alcohol is a solid combustible mass obtained by pouring 1 wt.h of a saturated solution of calcium acetate with 17 wt.h of ethanol. This solid fuel is convenient for camping trips.

13. Bread of industry is called fuel, in particular coal. Sulfuric acid, the main raw material of chemical production, is called the bread of chemistry.

Don't throw away these tidbits, even if you somehow don't like them very much! To your surprise, they can be very, very useful.

● Watermelon rinds
It turns out that the crusts have a lot of useful things: for example, vitamins C and B6 (skin, immunity and stimulants of the nervous system). In a 2008 study, they were also found to be high in the amino acid citrulline, which helps improve circulation and relax blood vessels. Grind up the rind and put it in smoothies, or even try roasting it and adding it to a stir-fry. It has a texture reminiscent of zucchini, plus a very pleasant aroma.

● Banana peel

Do you also habitually throw away banana peels? By the way, it can rub the skin, and it will also heal wounds (apply the pulp to bruises and scratches) or fertilize plants (soak the peel in a jar of water, then mix with plain water in a ratio of 1:5). You can even eat this peel! It is high in healthy antioxidants such as carotenoids and polyphenols that prevent diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

● Pumpkin pulp

Pumpkin also has antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, exfoliating retinoic acid, and zinc, which are perfect for a face mask. Mix 2 teaspoons puree with half teaspoon honey, half teaspoon milk and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon. Apply the mixture on your face, leave on for 10 minutes and rinse. For dry skin, add some brown sugar to the mixture. For oily skin - a few drops of cranberry juice.

● Potato peel

Use cleansers to remove dark circles under the eyes. The secret ingredient is catecholase, an enzyme found in potatoes that rejuvenates the skin. Hold the potatoes for 10 minutes on your eyelids - and you will see the result!

● Stale bread

In addition to making crackers, you can run dry bread through a meat grinder or coffee grinder to eliminate bad odors. If there are stains or marks on the walls, wipe the stain with a soft cloth and then with stale bread. Its spongy texture will work like a very powerful eraser.

● Onion peel

It is rich in nutrients such as quercetin, a plant pigment that prevents clogged arteries, lowers blood sugar and reduces inflammation. Although the husk is not edible, you can add it to broth for soups and stews. Just then remove the husk before serving.

● Old olive oil

A forgotten bottle of olive oil in a kitchen cabinet has lost its flavor, but you can still find ways to use it. Lubricate zippers, for example, or remove eye makeup. Other options include rubbing the pads of a dog's paws to keep them from cracking, rubbing the large leaves of potted plants, or polishing shoes.

● Orange peel
Orange peel is actually a natural repellant due to its limonene oil content. This substance powerfully repels ants. Grind the peel in a blender, mix with water and pour the mixture around the anthill. You can also spray the mixture at the entrance to your home or take it with you on a camping trip. By the way, flies and mosquitoes are also not enthusiastic about limonene.

● Grapefruit peel

Its peel is an energy food densely packed with cholesterol-lowering pectin. But since we are not in the habit of eating grapefruit skins, how can we use it? Finely grate it in salads or add to tea. If you're craving a snack, try making grapefruit peel candies by boiling them with sugar and water. You will get a delicious and low-calorie snack.

● Peanut shell

Want to save money on cat litter and help save the environment? Don't throw away the peanut shell. Soak it in water, add a little dish detergent and sprinkle with baking soda. Some store-bought cat litter already contains peanut shells, but you can make your own pet litter box more environmentally friendly.

● Swiss chard

Don't ignore the crunchy and slightly bitter stalks of Swiss chard. They are high in antioxidants and glutamine, which helps the immune system. Cut these petioles, fry for 20 minutes and season with lemon juice, minced garlic, salt and pepper. Or add whole chard (leaves and stems) to a blender as an addition to your green juice or smoothie.
