
Fried toast in a pan. Bread toast - how useful is this product

The perfect morning can be programmed by making delicious and crispy toast in the oven for breakfast. Such sweet croutons without cloying notes will be the perfect combination with coffee, milk or tea. Golden crispbread with a delicious crust is simple but nutritious. They will charge the whole family with vigor and give everyone a feeling of satiety until lunch. So you don’t even have to remember about harmful and useless snacks. At the same time, original toasts in the French style are made extremely simply and quickly, which in the morning, in the endless rush mode, becomes especially important for numerous hostesses.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

The number of servings is 8.


To prepare delicious and crispy toasts in the oven for breakfast, you need these simple ingredients that are sure to be found in every kitchen:

  • stale (toast) bread - 8 slices;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 2 pinches;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • honey, fruits and berries - for serving.

How to cook delicious and crispy toast in the oven

Incredibly tasty and deliciously crispy toasts in the oven are as easy to cook as two times two. You are offered a visual step-by-step guide, accompanied by a photo. Thanks to this recipe, even a schoolboy will cope with the preparation of excellent toasts perfectly.

  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients listed above for making croutons in the oven.

  1. Next, it is recommended to immediately prepare a baking sheet for baking toasts. To do this, the selected container is covered with parchment paper. It must be lubricated with vegetable oil. You can also use a simpler modern option. If you don't feel like messing around with baking paper, then take a special silicone mat. Our French-style sweet toast will definitely not stick to such a surface.

  1. In a separate bowl, combine cinnamon powder and granulated sugar.

On a note! You can dilute this combination with a special mixture for sprinkling toast. Today, such a composition can be bought in almost any supermarket.

  1. Slices of toast bread that has become stale should be cut open. It is optimal to do this in 3 pieces of approximately the same width. You can go diagonally with a knife to make original triangles.

  1. Now you need to mix the vanilla with the eggs. The mass is poured with the specified amount of milk and whipped. Also add a pinch of salt here. The composition will need to be whipped until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

  1. Sliced ​​bread is thoroughly dipped in milk and egg "talker". Drown the slices in this mixture so that all sides are soaked. The blanks are transferred to a baking sheet.

  1. Future toasts are smeared with butter, which was previously melted in the microwave or in a water bath.

  1. Bread blanks will need to be generously sprinkled with a mixture of cinnamon and granulated sugar. Our delicious toasts are sent to the oven, which is brought to 180 degrees. Bake the toast for about 10 minutes on one side. Then you need to carefully pick them up with a spatula and turn them over to the other side. It should also be sprinkled with cinnamon sugar powder. Then the bread is sent to the oven for another 5-7 minutes. They should be browned and crusty.

It remains to lay out the amazingly delicious and endlessly crispy toasts from the oven on a plate. Croutons can be served with honey, berries or fruit slices. Drizzle with syrup if desired.

Video recipe

With the help of a video recipe, preparing one of the interpretations of such a dish is as easy as shelling pears:

Of course, toast is also an appetizing dish, no need to argue. Almost everyone loves this option for breakfast. Toast is cheap, convenient and suitable even for a healthy lifestyle. Still, it's amazing to think that something so small requires a separate cooking device. Just think about it: an oven, slow cooker or microwave can be used for just about anything. Is the toaster only for toasting? To be honest, it's hard to say that this is a really effective device. In fact, there are other dishes that can be cooked with a toaster. It's convenient and simple. But keep in mind that you should use the toaster with care. Some foods may ignite, depending on the type of toaster and specific ingredients, so be careful.

So, here are the recipes for your toaster that you should try out first.

Grilled cheese sandwich

Perhaps the cheese sandwich is the most popular dish that can be made with a toaster. Some people believe that a traditional sandwich maker or a frying pan is required for the perfect result, but not everyone has the time to pay such close attention to the recipe. You might as well get by with a toaster. Just lay it on its side, make a sandwich and arrange the cheese sandwich inside. Warm up with a slice of bread and fold the two halves - a great dish is ready. You will surely love this method and will use it often because it is simply incredibly tasty and fast.

sweet potato toast

Sweet potato toast is a recent trend that has become extremely popular on social media and recipe blogs. A serious plus that hides in this recipe is the absence of bread, so it will suit both those who have given up gluten and those who are trying to limit their carbohydrate intake and eat more vitamins and fiber. You can also make this dish in the microwave, but a toaster oven works just as well. Cut the sweet potatoes, turn on the toaster to maximum power and cook the potatoes until soft. After that, add the slices to your own taste: tuna, avocado, and pesto will do. This is ideal for those who are on a diet but want a quick breakfast in the morning. This dish is full of nutrients, protein, vitamins and minerals, but it is also very tasty, so dieting will be a breeze, and an ordinary toaster will help you with this!

If you have leftover pizza, you can reheat it in the microwave, but the taste won't be as appetizing as before. However, if you use a toaster, you will get a much more appetizing result. The crust will remain crispy, and the rest of the ingredients will not get wet. However, there is a problem - only a limited number of pieces can be heated, most often two. In a word, it turns out not too effective, but very tasty. You will never want to use the microwave again. There is even a pizza that is specially made to be cooked in a toaster, but its taste is unlikely to please you, so just heat it up. You will definitely not regret this - yesterday's pizza will be as appetizing as fresh.

Vegetable cutlets

These cutlets do not contain fat and oil that could harm the toaster, so they are quite safe to cook, unlike meat ones. Vegetable cutlets, whether store-bought or homemade, simply place in the toaster for five minutes if they are frozen, and two or three if not. You can warm up a bun the same way to make the perfect burger. When you are done, you can add any ingredients to the patty - it turns out very tasty and completely without the use of a grill. This is a wonderful vegetarian recipe that does not require any time or effort.

Garlic bread

Of course, you can say that this is more garlic toast than garlic bread, but does it really matter if the result is perfect? The recipe is very simple: cut the bread, any you want, brush with garlic butter, add seasonings to taste and reheat. Want to make an even more appetizing dish? Add cheese! After such an experiment, you will no longer want to eat ordinary toast - you will always add more spices to them!

Tortilla chips

You can make tortilla chips very quickly in a toaster. If you want to surprise your guests with Mexican cuisine, be sure to try it. Just cut the wheat tortilla into slices, place in the toaster and reheat on medium power. If you have a blender handy, you can top the dish with homemade guacamole sauce. However, the easiest way to make chips is in the oven, if you have one. If you are a real fan of Mexican cuisine, you can even purchase a special toaster designed specifically for tortilla chips.


Some types of pastries, such as croissants, are most often eaten cold, but warm pastries still seem to be much more appetizing. It turns out that this can be easily done with a toaster. Just heat on the lowest setting. If you're lucky, you might even have a dedicated warming pad, which is especially handy. And don't think about reheating your baked goods in the microwave - that will destroy their crispy layers. You don't want a moist croissant, do you?


Of course, pouring the dough directly into the toaster is completely useless, so you will not cook anything. However, you can use the toaster to warm up the Viennese waffles, which are sold in many stores. It is very simple - you need to do the same as in the case of ordinary bread. Even those who can't cook can do it! Of course, store-bought waffles won't taste as good as those you can make yourself, but it's quick and easy nonetheless. If you don't know how or can't make dessert at home, a toaster will always help you out!


Like waffles, pancakes are often sold ready-made. It is healthier and tastier to make them yourself at home, but if you are in a hurry, you can always use a toaster. You can reheat pancakes in just a couple of minutes - you don't have to spend a serious amount of time baking. This is a great method that works much better than heating in the microwave.

Toast Recipes

It should be borne in mind that toasts themselves are an excellent dish. Do they look cool to you? It is clear that even with jam or cheese, if you eat them every day, toast can quickly get bored. Just try new, simple and interesting options. Eat toast with salad, almond butter or tomato dressing. There are no limits to such options - you can eat anything on toast, from bacon to vegetables. Just start experimenting - and the result will please you!

Toast with coffee is a regular breakfast option for busy children and parents. But after all, you can put more than just cheese on toast or spread it with jam. We offer five interesting and simple options.

French toast


  • White bread - 8 slices
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 150 ml
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp


Whisk eggs with milk and cinnamon in a bowl. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat, dip the slices of bread in the egg and milk mixture and fry until golden brown on both sides. Serve French toast with jam, syrup or fresh fruit.

Toast with green pea pate


  • White bread - 8 slices
  • Green peas (canned or frozen) - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Grated soft cheese - 60 g
  • Grated hard cheese - 3 tbsp. l. + for sprinkling
  • Green onions, vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste


Brush the slices of bread with butter and bake in the oven at 180°C for 10 minutes until golden brown or cook in the toaster. Whisk in a blender 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, green peas, green onions, both types of cheese, salt and pepper. Spread mixture over toasted bread and sprinkle with cheese.

Poached eggs with toast


  • Black bread - 2 slices
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil, green onions, herbs, Provencal herbs, salt, pepper - to taste


Flavor the bread with Provencal herbs and fry in a skillet with butter for 2-3 minutes on each side. Or cook it in a toaster. Heat the water in a saucepan, it should not boil, but only simmer over low heat. Grease an iron ladle with oil, break an egg into it and carefully lower it into the water. When the egg turns white and hardens, use a knife to scoop it out onto the toast. Sprinkle the finished dish with salt, pepper, fresh herbs and green onions.

orange toast


  • White bread - 6 slices
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Milk - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Orange juice - 50 ml
  • Lemon zest - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vanillin - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cognac (optional) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • Nutmeg, salt - a pinch each


Whisk eggs, milk, juice, cognac, vanilla, sugar, zest, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt in a bowl. Pour mixture over bread and leave for 10 minutes. Heat butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the bread for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Serve with your favorite syrup, if desired.

fruit toast


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Fruit filler (fruits, berries, jam) - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Cream cheese - 120 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 100 g
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.

1 toast with avocado and ham.

To prepare this toast, you need to dry the bread in a toaster. Mash avocado pulp with a fork. Put avocado on bread, decorate with Parma ham. Attention! Only in the event that you want to make the toast less caloric, replace the ham with boiled chicken breast.

2 toasts with avocado slices.

In this recipe, we also send the bread to the toaster, peel the avocado from the stone and peel, then cut it into thin plates and put it on the toasted bread. You can pour sauce on top, but if you do not want to interrupt the taste of avocado, then it is better not to do this. If desired, you can salt and pepper.

3 toasts with jam.

The fastest and most nutritious breakfast. Spread the toasted bread with a thin layer of jam. Such a sweet toast can be decorated with fresh berries.

4 toasts with fresh strawberries.

Toast white bread in a frying pan using butter. Then grease the toasts with liquid honey, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with chopped strawberries.

5 blueberry toasts.

We prepare bread, as in the previous recipe, grease it with honey, very thinly so as not to go over the calories for breakfast. Put the next toast on top, and so on until you get a stack. We decorate with blueberries on top, but the butter shown in the photo can be excluded.

6 sweet double toasts.

Such toasts can be made with any sweet filling: jam, cottage cheese. Therefore, we suggest replacing the chocolate paste used in this recipe with what you prefer from healthy products.

We moisten the bread in whipped protein with milk, fry in a pan using butter. Lubricate the fried toast with the filling, cover with the second fried toast, cut diagonally. Pour the toast on top with honey, decorate with berries.

7 nutritious toast with berries for breakfast.

We send the bread to the toaster, then lightly grease the toasts with liquid honey, decorate with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries or any other to your taste.

8 crispy toast with cream, fruits and berries.

Toast the bread in a toaster, cut the apples into slices, slice the banana. Spread cream, apples with banana on toasts, garnish with blueberries on top.

9 toast with curd mass.


  • 1 slice of white bread rectangular shape;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 30 ml of milk;.
  • 50 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 10 gr. butter;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;.


In a bowl, beat the protein with milk. Soak a piece of bread in this mixture. Fry the bread on both sides in a pan greased with 1 tsp. (5 grams) butter. Cut the toasted bread diagonally. Mix cottage cheese with honey until smooth. Grease one half of the bread with cottage cheese, put the second half on top. We heat the pan, melt the remaining butter on it, add sugar to it, stir constantly. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, add the berries to the pan, mix and simmer them over low heat for 1-2 minutes. We decorate the toast with our berries.

10 toasts with vegetables.

Start the day with a breakfast of vegetables, cheese and fresh toast to replenish your energy and nutrients.

Dry the bread in a toaster. Remove the seeds from the tomato by carefully cutting it in half. Cut the tomato into small slices, the cucumber into thin slices. Wash lettuce, dry and cut in half. Next, fold the toast: bread, lettuce, cheese, cucumber, tomato, onion and herbs. On top of the toast, you can pepper and salt a little. Onions can be excluded.

11 toast with an egg.

We dry the bread in the toaster. Finely chop the egg and cucumber. Put a lettuce leaf and a circle of tomato on top of the bread, then spread the chopped egg with cucumber in a slide. Add salt and spices to your taste.

12 toast with poached egg.

Put a lettuce leaf on the toasted bread, top with a poached egg. Salt and pepper also to taste.

13 toast with egg and champignons.

For breakfast, it will be very tasty to make toasts with a poached egg and fried mushrooms in the oven.

14 chocolate-nut.

Toasts are richly smeared with chocolate-nut paste and decorated with orange jam.

15 apple - cheese.

To prepare it, you need to thinly slice a fresh apple and put it on a baked toast, and sprinkle with grated Cheddar cheese on top. Next, the blanks are laid out on a baking sheet and baked until the cheese is melted. I like.

If the house does not have this useful device, then a simple, satisfying and tasty dish will help to make an ordinary frying pan - cast iron, metal or even Teflon. But to get a beautiful golden crust, a cast iron pan is best. To do this, it is enough to cut a loaf or a loaf into thin slices, since the smaller the thickness, the better they are baked.

So how do you make toast without a toaster? To do this, follow a few simple steps: put a cast-iron frying pan on the stove, heat it up at maximum power; pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan, heat thoroughly; place several toasts on it, cover them with a heavy load (you can use a saucepan of water or any other object as it); reheat the sandwiches for a few minutes so that they brown and become more crispy.

If you want to learn how to make toast without a toaster, then there is another way to make beautiful, crispy and ruddy sandwiches. You can use a simple iron, which is in almost every home. To do this, just turn the switch to maximum and perform a series of simple steps: cut a thin piece from a loaf and loaf and put it on a hard surface - a countertop or a wooden cutting board; put a heated iron on top of each slice and leave for a few minutes until a golden hue of the crust is obtained; turn the slice over to the other side, put a hot iron on top, set to maximum, give the surface of the crust a ruddy hue.

Using an iron is a simple and easy way to prepare flavorful, crispy and golden breakfast sandwiches. But no more complicated way is to place the bread slices on a baking sheet, grease with a little butter and put in the oven. Preheat the oven to the maximum, turn on the lower and upper heat in order to get a beautiful crust on both sides.

It is most preferable to use the last two methods, since they do not involve the use of vegetable oil. In addition, frying in a pan leads to the formation of carcinogens, which adversely affect health. The last two methods are simpler and easier to perform, and bread slices prepared in this way can even be given to small children. They will not lead to a set of excessive body weight, and also will not adversely affect the health of the digestive system. But if you want to simplify the task for yourself and reduce the time of preparing a hearty breakfast, then you should buy a simple household appliance. But for this you need to know how to choose a toaster for your home? When buying, it is important to pay attention only to the brand, but also to other parameters - the power of the device, the presence of several operating modes, the ability to adjust the degree of baking, as well as additional features and accessories.

If you don't see the difference between a toast and an ordinary sandwich, then you don't see the difference between a symphony orchestra and a bum who plays the flute. A toast is a sandwich that uses tasty and toasty toast bread at its core. This bread can be toasted in a pan. In this case, it is best to grease the bread with butter on both sides. But the easiest way to get such bread is with a toaster. Why are you so worried about snacking? Then, that the toasts were, are and will be tastier than bread and sausage. This can be seen immediately, as soon as you cook at least one toast from these recipes.

1. Toast with bacon and mushrooms



1. Fry the bacon in oil until crispy. 2. Saute the mushrooms in the butter and fat left over from the bacon in the pan. 3. Add salt and hot pepper to the mushrooms. 4. Prepare the bread and spread the bacon and mushroom mixture onto each slice.

2. Toast with wasabi and tuna


Mayonnaise; - wasabi; - canned tuna; - slices of bread.


1. Mix mayonnaise with wasabi paste. Do not lean on wasabi - Japanese horseradish is needed only to give specific flavors, and not to burn everything to yourself. 2. Prepare the bread in a toaster or pan and spread the resulting mixture on it. 3. Add tuna on top and send it to your mouth.

3. Toast with ham and cheese


Mustard; - ham; - cheese (use cheese for sandwiches).


1. Make toast hot with a toaster or skillet. 2. First put the ham on the bread, then a spoonful of mustard. 3. Finish the composition with cheese.

4. Cheese toast


Grated hard cheese (Cheddar is best) - chopped dill (a little); - mayonnaise; - Bulgarian pepper (grind to sprinkle on top); - salted cucumbers; - salt; - bread.


1. Prepare bread in a pan or toaster. 2. Mix cheese, pickles, dill, mayonnaise and bell pepper to make a kind of pasta. 3. Spread the resulting mixture on hot toast (so that the cheese should melt).

Tip: if the cheese is not melted, then place the toast in the pan and close the lid - 2-3 minutes is enough for the cheese to melt.

5. Toast with beef


Mustard; - dried beef (you can use basturma, you can use something softer); - hard cheese (you need to grate it); - gherkins (cut lengthwise); - bread.


1. Toast bread for toast and brush well with mustard. 2. Put the strips of jerky on top, sprinkle with cheese. 3. Add gherkins and enjoy the taste.

6. Crab toast


Fresh hot pepper (cut into circles); - avocado; - salt and pepper (for avocados); - crab meat (yes, you can replace it with crab sticks); - lemon juice; - bread.


1. First, mash the avocado with salt and pepper. 2. Cook the bread in a toaster or pan, and then brush the avocado with this puree. 3. The second layer is crab meat, and after - hot pepper. 4. Sprinkle the toast with lemon juice.

7. Chocolate marshmallow toast


crushed crackers; - chopped chocolate; - large marshmallows; - chocolate paste; - bread.


1. Toast the bread for toast. 2. Lubricate it with chocolate paste. 3. Sprinkle with chopped chocolate and crushed biscuits. 4. Hold the marshmallows over the fire (you can over the stove) - they should begin to melt. 5. Place a melted marshmallow on each piece of toasted bread. 6. Treat yourself and a friend - it's delicious.

Recipes for savory toasts

The following toppings will help diversify breakfasts:

  • Egg. Cut an ordinary hard-boiled egg into thin plates and put on toast. Vegetables can also be used along with the egg: cucumber, tomato and lettuce. The toast looks like this: bread, a lettuce leaf, a circle of tomato and a slide of chopped egg and cucumber.
  • Fried egg. A toast with a fried egg and green onion arrows is a truly masculine dish.
  • Ham. For a quick breakfast, you can make a nutritious toast, consisting of toasted bread, lettuce, ham and a circle of pepper.
  • Bacon. Toast with bacon and mustard is the basis of the basics of the male diet.
  • Chicken.
  • Fish. For example, herring with onion or sprat with dill - what could be more patriotic?
  • Tuna. A simple and tasty snack - sandwiches with tuna, you can serve for breakfast or an afternoon snack, or you can take it with you to a picnic or work. To prepare them, mix canned tuna (50 g) with mayonnaise (2 tablespoons), mustard (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (⅓ of a lemon). Lubricate the toasted bread with the resulting mass.
  • Champignon mushrooms). Sauteed mushrooms are an excellent topping for toasted toast.
  • Cheese. Any soft cheese, such as Feta, is a great solution.
  • Red caviar. Toast with butter and caviar is a classic of the genre.
  • Fresh vegetables. To fill up with energy in the morning, start your breakfast with vegetables. Dry the bread in a toaster, cut the tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. Cut the tomato into slices, the cucumber into thin circles, and wash the lettuce leaf, dry it and tear it in half. The toast will look like this: bread, lettuce, cheese, cucumber, tomato. Top with pepper, salt and garnish with herbs.

Avocado and radish toast

Slice the avocado thinly and place on bread. Drizzle with lemon or lime juice and drizzle with olive oil. Top with thinly sliced ​​radishes and sprinkle with salt, pepper and sesame seeds. I also like to add ground chili pepper - this is for those who like it more spicy.

Strawberry and goat cheese toast

Spread goat cheese on bread. Top with thinly sliced ​​strawberries, sprinkle with chia seeds and drizzle with honey. Also try replacing strawberries with figs, it will turn out very tasty.

Toast with cucumber and curd cheese

Spread cheese on bread and top with thinly sliced ​​cucumber. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Try replacing cheese with hummus for a plant-based protein, iron, and fiber boost.

Banana and almond butter toast

Spread almond butter on toast (peanut butter works too), top with a thinly sliced ​​banana and a couple of blueberries.

Video Healthy toast for breakfast / Healthy toast for Breakfast




Cheese (use cheese for sandwiches).


1. Make toast hot with a toaster or skillet.

2. First put the ham on the bread, then a spoonful of mustard.

3. Finish the composition with cheese.

Choice of bread for toast

First of all, you need to decide which toast you like best. And we offer to get acquainted with the following options: Ordinary bread for sandwiches. White, rye or wheat, it doesn't matter, as any soft sandwich bread always makes excellent toast. This type of palanica is always cut, so the toasts will be the same.

Important! Keep in mind that soft wheat bread toasts much faster than thick rye bread, so be careful not to burn the toast. Dense grain bread is suitable for lovers of crispy crusts. Pay attention to such dense types of palanica: brown bread, nine-grain bread, challah, loaf, baguette or French loaf.

Important! To simplify your task, choosing the option that can be done in the toaster, take into account the following tips:

  • Choose from the store, if possible, sliced ​​​​bread. It is quite difficult to cut bread into identical pieces on your own. But if you are engaged in cutting the sticks at home on your own, then use a special knife for this purpose. Try to make slices 2 cm thick - such sandwiches will be thick enough to fit in the toaster.
  • For toast, you can use old stale bread. If the pastry has become stale, then fry it. The toaster is able to breathe new life into such bread. By the way, bread 2-3 days old is even more useful than fresh. Especially if it's whole grain or bran.

Hawaiian toast is fast, tasty, unusual and exotic, but it is quite possible to make it at home in just a few minutes.


  • White bread for toast - 1 pc.
  • Canned pineapple - 1 puck
  • Melted cheese for toast - 1 slice
  • Ham - 25 g
  • Butter - 3 g

Toast bread is lightly toasted, otherwise it will not be optimally crispy, because the top ingredients are heavy and moist. Who uses oil - lightly grease the fried bread with oil.

Put ham on bread.

We put washers of canned pineapple on the ham, after shaking off the syrup from them.

Place slices of cheese on top.

We keep 2 toasts in the microwave at maximum power for 1 minute.

Hawaiian toast is ready. And look what charming holes are formed in the center of pineapple pucks! Therefore, it is pucks, and not pieces of pineapple!
Bon appetit!

Morning breakfast for most of us consists of a cup of coffee and a sandwich with sausage or cheese, and this is at its best. But there are those who are more serious about their breakfast, and eat porridge for the first meal.

We offer 21 ways to make the most delicious toast on earth, which will give you an energy boost before dinner. After reading this article, you will forever forget about sausage and cheese sandwiches, and will have delicious and healthy toast for breakfast.

21 ways to make healthy and delicious toast for breakfast.

1. Avocado slices + crumbled feta + pomegranate seeds + olive oil

2. Raspberry + Blackberry + Basil + Light Cream Cheese

3. Cantaloupe + chopped walnuts + agave + goat cheese

4. Banana + peanut butter + chia seeds

5. Thinly sliced ​​celery + raisins + peanut butter

6. Bean stew + salsa + coriander + fried egg

7. Strawberries + goat cheese + soybeans + balsamic vinegar + sea salt

8. Pineapple slices + cottage cheese + cashews

9. Roasted Kale + One Egg Omelet + Grated Cheese

10. Dried Figs + Ricotta Cheese + Sesame

11. Mango slices + mozzarella + lime juice + sea salt

12. Mashed Avocado + Soybeans + Sprouts + Lemon Juice

13. Pear slices + ricotta cheese + honey

14. Hummus + chopped walnut + pomegranate seeds

15. Mashed chickpeas + tomato + fried egg

16. Sliced ​​date + feta cheese + almonds

17. Sliced ​​Plums + Peanut Butter + Flax Seeds

18. Apple + honey + blue cheese

19. Marinara Sauce + Poached Egg + Parmesan + Basil

20. Kimchi + hard boiled egg + black sesame

21. Smoked Salmon + Cucumber + Light Cream Cheese + Green Onion
