
Live hake fish. Hake: health benefits and harms

Hake often appears on our tables. This fish cannot be called scarce, it is easy to buy it in any supermarket at affordable price. And this fact played a cruel joke with hake: many underestimate its role for the body. And by the way, this is one of the best natural medicines for people with diabetes, thyroid disorders, prone to nervous disorders, besides, hake can even protect against cancer.

general characteristics

Hake (or hake) is a predatory sea ​​fish from the cod family. It is easily recognizable by its black mouth, narrow, elongated carcass with silvery sides, and on its dark back, unlike other fish, there is only one fin. Adult fish usually weigh up to 3 kg and grow up to half a meter in length, although one and a half meter record holders are sometimes found.

In the waters of the oceans, there are about a dozen varieties of hake. Hake are deep-sea fish that feel comfortable at 100 meters under water, and even swim to a depth of 1000 meters. Most of them live near the continents in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Depending on the place of "registration" there are several varieties of hake. European - inhabit the waters from Norway and Iceland to the coast of Mauritania, are found in the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Silvery - found nearby North America. Pacific (Oregon) - are found from the Bering Sea to the Gulf of California. As well as New Zealand - keep the coast of New Zealand and Patagonia.

By the way, different types of hake differ not only in places of residence, but also in some outward signs, although this almost does not affect the nutritional value of their meat.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Hake meat is an easily digestible protein with a high biological value. 100 g fillet contains almost 19 g and only within 1 g. Fish meat is rich. It has many , , and some other useful components. This fish is useful as an important source for humans, including those from the group. And with all this, 100 g of fillet contains no more than 86 kcal.

What is good for health

The fact that any fish is one of the most important products for people has long been known and already generally accepted fact. But still, the chemical composition of different types of fish is slightly different, which means that the role for the body in such products can also be different.

Hake, for example, is considered the best choice for people with diabetes and extra pounds, because it contains a minimum of calories, and prevents the accumulation of fat. For people with diabetes, hake is useful not only as dietary product, but also due to the content of substances that help reduce blood sugar. In addition, the mineral-vitamin complex contained in this product can be considered as an ideal combination for the thyroid gland, digestive organs, nervous system, mucous membranes and skin. The fillet of this fish has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. And some of the components that make up the hake help cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances from the body.

Useful is not only meat, but also hake caviar.

Spanish researchers studied the chemical composition of caviar of 15 varieties of fish. It turned out that most of the omega-3 type is found in hake, salmon and lumpfish caviar. This fact serves as an indisputable confirmation that hake caviar is extremely useful for humans. Thanks to omega-3, it protects against nervous disorders, heart and vascular diseases, improves the reproductive functions of the body, prevents hypertension, diabetes and depression. And this is just, so to speak, a basic list of useful properties that polyunsaturated fatty acid allocate caviar. In addition, do not forget that all seafood is an exceptional source of iodine, a substance that is extremely important for people with thyroid disorders.

Possible harm and contraindications

Everything is good in moderation. This rule must be remembered when eating hake dishes. First, this fish contains a lot of iron. This, of course, is fine, but the abuse of the mineral can cause constipation. Another one potential danger hake - an increase in the general acidity of the body, which is dangerous for people with an already disturbed pH level. Well, of course, this fish should not be on the menu of people with allergies to seafood, with intolerance to protein or other components found in hake.

And one more unpleasant news about codfish. This type of fish, more than some other seafood, tends to accumulate mercury and heavy metals contained in sea ​​water. Therefore, it is so important where exactly the fish offered to the buyer as a commodity was caught. At the slightest suspicion that the carcass is contaminated with “chemistry”, it is better to refuse to buy, especially if the product is intended for children, pregnant, lactating women, sick or aged people.

In order to protect yourself and loved ones from this danger, any fish must be thoroughly cooked.

Use in cooking

Europeans have long called hake the best representative of all cod. Cooks and gourmets love its tender white meat (although almost without fat, but not as dry as that of). There are almost no bones in it, and those that are are easily separated from the cooked fillet. Merluza is the best choice for diet menu. Dishes from it are suitable for children and people with digestive problems, since hake is perfectly perceived by any organism.

Hake is suitable for cooking different ways. Cooks around the world fry, bake, steam and boil hake. They are suitable for preparing cold appetizers, fish soup, meatballs and fish fillings for pies. Since the hake carcass contains almost no fat, to prevent rapid drying, it is better to bake the fish either in foil or in dough. Last option many like its originality. Yes, and the fish cooked in this way is very tender and juicy.

Hake contains almost no calories, and therefore even observing low calorie diet they can afford a carcass cooked in sour cream or cream sauce (even in this form, the calorie content of a hake will not go off scale). It is also better to fry hake in batter, and serve with sauce or juicy vegetables.

How to choose and store

If the purpose of the purchase is a fresh hake, then it is important to observe generally accepted rules fish selection. In short, fresh fish should have shiny eyes, pink gills, a springy carcass that does not leave dents after pressing.

Good ice cream product- one that has not been re-frozen. Most often, a hake gets on sale already frozen, since in fresh it quickly loses taste qualities. Since even a frozen hake dries out very quickly, as a rule, after any freezing method, the carcass is glazed with a thin ball of ice. If the fish is too light, as for its size, it means that, most likely, almost all the liquid from the meat has already evaporated. It is better not to take such fish, in ready-made her fillet will be dry and tasteless. Too heavy fish is a sign of excessive glazing, which will affect not only the cost of the carcass, but also its taste.

White bread (can be replaced with unsweetened bread). Add a little to the mixture fried onion, salt, pepper, and mix thoroughly. Form cutlets from the minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry for 1-2 minutes until a crust forms. Then put the cutlets in a heat-resistant form, add 2-3 slices of butter and put in the oven for a few minutes. Serve with butter or bechamel sauce.

When next time dining table hake will appear, you will already know how useful this fish is. And you might even want more! The main thing to remember is that overeating is just as bad as undereating. wholesome food. After all, they say the truth: everything is good in moderation.

There are about 10 types of hake, or hake. Their taste qualities depend largely on the species and habitat.

The length of the hake is from 30 cm to one and a half meters, average weight grams, in rare cases it can reach kilograms. The color is usually silver-gray, the back is high and dark, the body is elongated.

Hake composition

In terms of chemical composition, hake is close to navaga, with a fat content of about 4%, which is more than that of other representatives of cod. In addition, in the meat% of proteins rich in valuable amino acids, water, ash, vitamins and minerals. Hake contains vitamins: A, E, C, PP, groups B - B2, B6 and B12, as well as minerals: iodine, copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, sulfur, fluorine, iron and zinc.

All this helps to strengthen the bones and tissues of the body, maintain the vitamin-mineral balance and metabolism in the body at the right level.

Beneficial features

Hake fat consists of saturated fatty acids that are important for maintaining the body's cardiovascular system. Caviar contains the most important element for health - omega-3 acids. It has antioxidant properties and is a raw material for many medicinal and cosmetic products.

Despite the presence of fats, hake meat has a low calorie content - 86 kcal per 100 grams, it can be recommended for dietary and baby food. Regular use in food lowers blood sugar levels, is the prevention of obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases. Hake has excellent taste, it has tender meat and a small amount of small bones.

It is believed that the most delicious hake is fried. However, when fresh, it quickly loses its taste, so it is usually available for sale fresh-frozen. To prepare delicious fish dish just defrost, sprinkle it with lemon juice or vinegar and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan. Hake can also be boiled, baked, stewed; and cutlets are often made, fish meatballs, ground meat.

Energy value




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Description of hake fish with a photo, composition and calorie content, as well as nutritional value; how to cook, benefits and harms

Hake fish: properties

Calories: 86 kcal.


Hake fish belongs to the cod family. This type of fish is very popular among all the peoples of the world, and is also famous for its delicious dietary meat. Habitat - Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Hake fish, or, as it is also called, hake, lives at the bottom, rising to the surface exclusively for prey.

Depending on the habitat, hake fish can have a size ranging from thirty centimeters to 1.5 meters. The young hake feeds mainly on plankton, and when it grows up, it becomes a predator and devours small schooling fish.

At the moment, there are many companies that breed hake fish as in artificial conditions as well as in the wild. Fish are harvested with special devices called bottom trawls.

Hake fish goes on sale both frozen and fresh. It is preferable to buy fresh fish, as ice cream can go through several stages of freezing and thawing, as a result of which it will lose most of its taste.

This type of fish can be divided into two more large subspecies: silver and Pacific hake.

  • Maximum length silver hake reaches 73 centimeters, and weight - two and a half kilograms. This fish presumably lives off the coast of North America, as well as South Carolina. It is mined at a depth of fifty to nine hundred meters. The silver hake migrates seasonally and starts spawning in May.
  • Pacific hake can reach ninety centimeters in length, but most often fishermen catch fish up to forty centimeters long. Lives off the coast of California and Vancouver. Spawning begins in January at a depth of about two hundred meters.

When buying frozen hake fish in a store, be sure to pay attention to the ice crust: it should not be too thick and broken. If you notice cracks in the ice crust, then the fish has been thawed and refrozen. It is better to go to another store if you want to buy tasty and high-quality fish.

How to cook hake fish?

You can cook hake fish in many different ways, from baking to stewing in a slow cooker. There are a large number of recipes for preparing delicious hake fish dishes that any hostess can make at home. We will tell you about the easiest and most popular ways to cook hake fish.

  • One of the most popular and quick options cooking hake is baking in the oven. At the same time, you can rub the fish with any spices, pour over the sauce, bake in foil or in a sleeve with or without vegetables. Together with hake, you can bake other types of fish, such as pollock or mackerel.
  • Fish can be fried in a pan along with potatoes, carrots or onions. Wherein fried hake It goes well with sour cream or tomato sauce. In addition, it will turn out very tasty if you fry the hake in batter, in which you definitely need to add a little lemon juice.
  • You can stew hake fish both in a deep frying pan and using a slow cooker. If you have this kitchen gadget, then it will greatly facilitate your cooking process. Braised fish Suitable for use by both adults and children.
  • This product can be cooked in a conventional saucepan. You can also easily make fish soup or fish soup from boiled hake. Among other things, you can try steaming fish. In this case, it will turn out to be more juicy and fat, and also will not lose its positive qualities.
  • Hake dishes can also include fish cakes, which are prepared from fillets. They come out tender, and you and your family will love their taste. You can even add some rice and make delicious fish meatballs in a tomato.
  • Fish pies are also very tasty dishes. They may not be to everyone's taste, but if you love such food, be sure to treat yourself to this yummy.

Because this species fish is not bony, hake can be used for cooking huge amount variety of dishes. You can even pickle it or pickle it with your own hands. Home-salted hake with butter and spices will appeal to everyone who tries it.

Korean hake fish will easily become one of the most delicious dishes on the festive table! You can add any of your favorite seasonings to your food, but don't overdo it! Otherwise, the dish will have the taste of some spices.

The calorie content of hake fish is low, but in combination with other products, as well as depending on the method of preparation, it may vary. One way or another, many nutritionists note that hake is suitable for dietary nutrition, if not fried in oil, but stewed or steamed.

Benefit and harm

Absolutely any product can cause benefit and harm, if you neglect the rules for its use. Hake fish, although it is a product with high content Omega-3 acids, its liver and fillets can provoke an allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance to the product. Also, the product contains a fairly large amount of iron, and with its excess in the body, constipation can occur. Therefore, hake should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

With gastritis or an ulcer, eating fish dishes is completely contraindicated. Hake can increase the acidity of the stomach, because of which the disease will only worsen.

And now we can move on to the good news. Although hake fish can be harmful if not consumed properly, positive properties she also has. It is enough to observe contraindications. Well, the benefits of hake are as follows:

  • malfunctions endocrine system and hormonal disruptions - indications for eating fish, as well as for including it in the daily diet;
  • if you eat hake fish regularly, you can quickly fill the iodine deficiency in the body;
  • vitamins and microelements contained in fish can prevent disorders of the nervous system and get rid of insomnia;
  • hake fillet and caviar help lower blood sugar, so it is useful for people with diabetes to eat them;

Having prepared delicious hake fish correctly, you can easily treat it to children, pregnant women, as well as your friends and relatives. Your family will surely love this treat, so check out a few recipes that can be followed to prepare delicious fish dishes.

What does hake fish look like?

Hake, a genus of marine fish of the cod family. In Europe, hake has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds. Hake meat is widely used in diet food and is very well absorbed by the body.

The average length of the fish is 20–70 cm and weighs up to 2.5–3 kg. It has an elongated body, one short and one long dorsal fin. The back of the hake is greyish-black, while the sides and belly are silver-gray. Hake meat is lean, tender, white, low-boned, sirloin plates are easily separated from the bones after cooking.

Most often, frozen fillets are on sale (dry-frozen and glazed), as well as gutted frozen carcasses with and without a head. Fresh hake tends to quickly lose its taste and aroma. Quick freezing helps to slow down/delay this process.

In the first years of life, the hake feeds on small shrimps, themisto, calanus, etc. After the onset of puberty, with a length of more than 31 cm, it becomes a predator and consumes schooling pelagic fish (herring, mackerel, menhaden), large invertebrates (shrimp and squid). Silver hake spends winter at depths of more than 20 m.

When buying frozen fish, it is very important to be sure that it has not been re-frozen. As a rule, after freezing, the fish is covered with a thin layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. Be careful here: some manufacturers glaze the fish so that the ice layer becomes thicker than the seafood itself. Not only will you have to overpay for the weight of the ice, but the fish will also become tasteless after such manipulations.

If, on the contrary, the fish is too light, this means that it was frozen a very long time ago, and during this time it managed to dry out, even despite the ice cover. If the shape of the fish seems unnatural, broken, most likely, it was thawed several times, and then frozen again. The taste properties of the hake are lost in such cases.

Useful properties of hake

Hake is a rich source of proteins, it contains such macro and microelements as: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, molyben and nickel. Hake contains vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, A, PP, as well as hake contains saturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Contains very little fat. You can cook many delicious dishes from hake. Hake meat is tastier than cod meat, it is more tender and fatter.

Hake is useful for the thyroid gland, skin and mucous membranes, nervous and digestive system, it perfectly regulates blood sugar and is an antioxidant.

Scientists advise at least minimum quantity regularly eat hake, salmon or lumpfish - even small portions of this fish fully satisfy our body with the norm of omega-3 fatty acid necessary for health.

Omega-3 deficiency leads to a violation of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, depression, diabetes, reduces reproductive function and loosens the nervous system.

Dangerous properties of hake

At the same time, it is very important that the fish be frozen only once and properly stored according to the technology. Otherwise, the hake from an ice block, after defrosting, will turn into a structureless, tasteless mass.

So, you need to learn how to distinguish fresh-frozen hake from sluggish bad taste. Since several times frozen fish loses its taste and beneficial features, then when purchasing it, you need to make sure that it has not been re-frozen. To do this, pay attention to the weight of the fish. As a rule, after freezing, the hake is covered with a not very thick layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. The weight of the fish should correspond to its size. If it is too heavy for its own dimensions, then the manufacturers used a lot of ice to glaze it, which will make it tasteless. And if the hake is quite light, therefore, it was frozen a long time ago, and most likely, during this time it dried up.

One of the episodes of the program “Everything will be delicious” tells how to cook three delicious dishes from hake!

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All about hake fish

Hake is the most useful, tasty and convenient representative of cod breeds. Its meat contains a lot of vital vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. Based on it, you can make a whole cookbook, and the hake bones seem to be just looking for an excuse to quickly jump out of the fillet. Fantastic? This is something else. Let's get to know him better...

Brief information

Hake belongs to the Merluzov family, lives in salty waters oceans, and is caught in shallow water. The length of the hake can reach up to one and a half meters, but much more often it is only centimeters.

Hake is very attractive from a culinary point of view, because it has very few bones, which are also very easy to remove. In addition, hake meat is considered lean and can be used as a dietary component in the human diet.

When fresh, the carcasses of this fish do not retain their smell and taste well, so they are subjected to quick freezing. Moreover, both whole carcasses and fillets prepared for use.

Phosphorus (240 mg.), Cholesterol (70 mg.).

Useful properties of hake

Hake meat "to the brim" is filled with useful substances, which include such important minerals as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, iodine; vitamins PP, B, A, E and C, as well as easily digestible proteins.

Despite the fact that hake is considered lean fish, it contains quite a lot beneficial acid omega 3. This is especially true for caviar. Therefore, if you have hints of diabetes, cardiovascular disease or hypertension, try very hard to buy hake along with caviar.

By the way, researchers have noticed that hake caviar also has a very positive effect on the central nervous system, thyroid gland, and even reproductive system person.

In addition to the above advantages, meat lovers of this fish get rid of toxins and free radicals with each new serving, and also maintain the desired blood sugar level.


At the same time, it is important that the hake is frozen only once and stored according to technology. Otherwise, after defrosting, it will turn from an ice block into a structureless, tasteless nonsense, suitable only for “feeding” a trash can.

This means that we must learn to distinguish fresh frozen fish from languid bad taste.

The main criterion for the quality of a hake is the ratio of the size and weight of the carcass. A good fish should be moderately heavy.

If the hake looks like it weighs no more than 200 grams, and the scales show all 400, then you should know that the manufacturer did his best and “saturated” his product with water from the bottom of his heart. Consequently, you will overpay for the goods twice, and you will receive not a fish, but a bunch of fibers torn by ice.

At the same time, there should still be a thin layer of ice glaze on the fish, otherwise it will dry out during storage and lose its taste and smell.

As we said above, you can cook hundreds of dishes with hake. This fish is especially good for minced meat, because there are practically no bones in it. But the hake is excellent and whole. However, it should be remembered that its meat is rather dry. Therefore, when baking hake, it is necessary to regularly “moisten” with fatty sauce or broth.

For the same reason, when frying, it is better to cover it with dough or a thick layer of breadcrumbs. Well, cooking hake in water and for a couple does not stand out in any way. Unless then the dish can be served with a creamy or sour cream sauce.

What is hake fish useful for and how to cook it deliciously

At times Soviet Union silver hake became famous for being the most frequent guest on catering tables on Thursday fish days. In this, he competed only with blue whiting fish. Hake was cheap, because then, in the era of shortages, it seemed like a kind of slop product that was served on the table in canteens and cafes only for the lack of more decent varieties of fish. Today, when we have a choice, we understand that hake is a fish worthy in almost every respect. Spoiled Europe even considers it the best of 31 species of cod fish. Why? This will be discussed below.

Description of the ocean guest

Hake is also called hake, and this predatory fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Its population is impressive, experts believe that the world reserves of all types of hake reach 10 million tons, although due to rampant fishing, this number is Lately is shrinking. The size of an adult hake ranges from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Chemical composition

In its composition, hake is very similar to saffron cod, and in terms of the presence of fat, which is contained in it in an amount of about four percent, it is a champion among cod fish.


These elements valuable for health are presented in it impressively:


The palette of macro- and microelements is even more extensive:

Nutritional value and calorie content of hake

The record fat content for cod fish has already been mentioned, but it is also rich in protein, which its fillet contains up to 17 percent, amino acids and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

About the benefits

Hake is useful for humans, but its various valuable qualities demanded by different categories of people in their own way.

For adults

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in hake meat is especially important for people at an age when there are problems with cardiovascular system. These antioxidants help to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and thereby help cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful for those suffering from endocrine disorders. The iodine present in hake has a very beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, but its caviar is very indicated for keeping the nervous system in good condition.

Diabetes slows down its destructive effect on the body when eating hake dishes, since hake fillet, as well as caviar, can lower blood sugar.

For children

Due to the excellent digestibility of hake, its saturation with vitamins and minerals, dishes from it are highly recommended for older children.

Moreover, hake is indicated even for children who have impaired functioning. gastrointestinal tract. The only contraindication is individual allergic reactions to it.

Separately about dietary nutrition

The almost perfect digestibility of culinary dishes from hake, their low calorie content, its saturation with protein and low fat content - all this allows you to automatically convert hake into the category of dietary products.

Is it possible hake

People whose nutritional requirements are especially high have their own nuances regarding this fish.


high the nutritional value, good digestibility and saturation with useful substances, it would seem, should bring hake to one of the first places in the menu of pregnant women. So it was even a few decades ago.

Of course, this does not mean a complete rejection of such a useful marine product. Just before acquiring it, it is advisable to ask about its origin.

Fish harvested off the coast of Japan, for example, is especially dangerous due to possible radioactive contamination after accidents at nuclear power plants there.


The same applies to breastfeeding mothers. An abundance of vitamins and minerals in fish helps them to increase the number of blood cells that decreased during childbirth. They also help keep teeth, hair, nails and skin in good shape, help fight fatigue and stress.

The basics of the right choice: how not to buy pollock

Merluza and her relative from the order of cod pollock are outwardly quite similar, but they differ somewhat in taste, composition and dietary properties, in which the hake is undoubtedly the leader.

This is also reflected in the price of the product, therefore, when buying, it is desirable that unscrupulous traders do not sell cheaper pollock to the buyer at the price of more expensive hake.

Meanwhile, it is not very difficult to distinguish these fish from each other:

  • hake is evenly elongated along the entire length of the body, and walleye pollock is wider near the head and narrower in the tail area;
  • hake has a silvery bottom of the sides and belly with a much darker back, while pollock is covered with dark spots all over its body.

How to cook delicious hake

Of course, this fish, recognized by Europeans as the best among its cod counterparts, is in great demand among consumers. Hence the mass of recipes for preparing delicious dishes from it.

Meat characteristics and taste

Hake meat, which is famous for its excellent digestibility, is also very tasty. Its white meat easily separates from the ridge, does not spread when frying and is suitable for all types. heat treatment without visible harm to its original configuration.

This meat is also distinguished by juiciness, which favorably distinguishes it from the meat of the same pollock or cod.

Popular cooking recipes

Fish allows you to dream up and cook both ordinary dishes and festive ones. Here are a few recipes for preparing the product that are simple and do not require time.

Fried hake with onions

  • hake carcass of medium size - 1 pc.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt - to taste.
  • cut the hake carcass into pieces;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • mix pieces of hake with onions;
  • add salt;
  • leave to marinate for half an hour;
  • breaded pieces of hake in flour;
  • fry in a pan with sunflower oil;
  • sauté onions;
  • add it to the fried hake.

Hake stew with vegetables

  • small hake carcasses - enough to fill the pan in rows;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.
  • grease the pan with sunflower oil;
  • fill it with hake carcasses, tightly packed in rows;
  • salt;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • cover them with hake;
  • slice small pieces bell pepper;
  • pour it in a layer on top of the onion layer;
  • add tomato sauce;
  • Spice up;
  • pour water to the edges of the pan;
  • add bay leaf;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer for a minute.

Hake baked in the oven

  • salt, pepper the carcasses, wrap each in foil;
  • send to the oven;
  • bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for half an hour;
  • to sprinkle ready meal greenery.

What to serve fish with

Potatoes are considered the best side dish for hake. It harmonizes perfectly with fried vegetables in particular with onions. Sauces of sour cream, cream and butter are good for this fish. Cooked hake goes well with lemon and herbs.

The fact that hake is sold everywhere without a head is not at all explained by the fact that it looks intimidating, especially with an open mouth in which sharp teeth stick out.

Not at all because of an unaesthetic appearance, but purely for practical reasons, when consumers injured their hands on these very sharp teeth while cooking fish, the heads are completely removed from the hake carcass.

Are there any contraindications

It has already been said about the possibility of fish accumulating poisonous salts of heavy metals, which makes it especially dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Like many other marine life, hake is also capable of causing allergic reactions in humans, which should be considered by potential consumers of this product.

How to replace hake

Although he is the best among his cod relatives, he is not completely indispensable. There are many other types of fish that can compete with hake in terms of usefulness and excellent taste.


Navaga is extremely similar to its marine relative. Their composition is almost the same, except that hake is superior to saffron cod in terms of fat content and, consequently, juiciness of meat.


This eternal rival of hake in the fish departments sometimes becomes his replacement for financial reasons, but he is unable to completely replace him, because he loses in all respects. The exception is caviar, which is considered more valuable in pollock.


The white meat of both of these fish, somewhat similar in taste, suggests their culinary interchangeability. In principle, this is how it is, if it concerns fish cakes and other similar foods.

However, when comparing their fried meat in pure form you do not need to be an advanced gourmet to notice the taste difference between them in favor of the hake. Its meat is more tender, juicier and therefore tastier.

This fish is good in all respects: tasty, healthy, healing, nutritious. It is perfect for gourmet and dietary dishes. If today's predatory hake fishing is stopped, its huge population will be able to feed more than one generation of earthlings.

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There are two main reasons why hake is sold without a head.

Hake is considered an exceptionally tasty fish from the cod family. In Europe, it is very popular, because its meat is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, this fish is suitable as a dietary product.

The weight of live fish reaches 2.5-3 kilograms, and the length of the carcass varies from 20 to 70 centimeters. The meat is lean, without an abundance of bones. In addition, it is easy to prepare and delicate in taste.

The young hake feeds on small shrimps and calanus. And only later, reaching about 30 centimeters, it becomes a predator, hunting for herring, mackerel and other fish.

Hake is very tasty, no matter how it is cooked. But in order to preserve the taste and aroma of fish as much as possible, it is better to bake it on the grill or in the oven, steam it, stew it in sauce or fry it without using a lot of fat.

You always see this fish on the shelves without a head. Don't you think this is strange? Why do sellers cut off the hake's head so carefully before selling it?

On the shelves you can only find headless carcasses and hake fillets. But we will specially show you this fish with a head. Look - it's a hack.

You still don't understand why this fish can't be put on the counter with its head, do you? Then watch the hake open his mouth.

Looks terrible? Do you feel your appetite disappear? And even if you have strong nerves and the terrible appearance of this mouth did not impress you, then most of the visitors to the fish department would still run away in horror when they saw this monstrous mouth.

But if you reveal the whole truth, then it must be said that the sellers cut off the hake's head not only to save the nerves of the buyers, but also to keep the fish longer.

Fresh hake is not easy to store, because it deteriorates quite quickly, losing its taste. If you freeze fish quickly, it will keep longer.

Buyers should also pay attention to how the hake is frozen. It is important that the fish is not re-frozen.

If the fish has been frozen for a very long time, it will have time to dry, despite the freezing. Such a hake looks wrinkled and broken, and its taste is irretrievably lost.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers freeze fish so that the layer of ice is sometimes heavier than the carcass itself. And then you have to overpay not only for the fish, but also for the ice on it.

Now you know a little more about hake. We sincerely hope that this knowledge will not adversely affect your appetite, and on occasion you will again taste the cooked fish.

Did you know this “terrible” hake secret? Share in the comments if the terrible fish head scared you.

Hake is a predatory marine fish that belongs to the hake family from the cod-like order. Hake widely inhabits the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Appearance of hake
The average hake size is from 30 to 70 centimeters, however, some individuals can exceed one and a half meters in length. The hake's body is elongated, has a grayish color with a silvery sheen, the sides and belly are lighter than the back. The mouth is large. A feature of its structure is that the hake's upper jaw is shorter than the lower.

The hake has two dorsal fins, and the first is short and triangular in shape, and immediately behind it lies the second fin, equal in length to half the body of the fish. The anal fin is of the same length and height; together with the second dorsal fin, they come almost close to the caudal fin, but do not connect with it.

Habitats and varieties of hake
Flocks of hake are found at a depth of 20 to 300 meters, choosing the continental shelf for their habitat. Depending on the habitat, ichthyologists distinguish between different types of hake:

European hake, which lives mainly in the eastern Atlantic Ocean;
- Pacific hake inhabits waters in the northeast Pacific Ocean;
- Argentine hake, found off the Atlantic coast of South America;
- Chilean hake inhabits the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile and Peru;
- New Zealand hake is found in waters near New Zealand;
- Cape hake is found off the coast of Southwest Africa.

hake habits
Young hakes are rather illegible in food. They are able to eat plankton, small crustaceans and other food. Growing up, these fish become predators, the basis of the diet of which is small forage fish: herring, mackerel, and juveniles of other fish. Adult hakes eat squid, large shrimps and even their own fry.

For hunting, flocks of hake rise to the upper layers of the water; following food objects, these fish are able to make rather long migrations. The life expectancy of a hake is about twenty years.

hake breeding
Hake becomes sexually mature at 3-4 years of age, growing up to 30 centimeters in length by this time. Hake spawning occurs in portions from spring to autumn, at which time flocks of hake come closer to the shores. Depending on the size, one hake female can lay up to half a million eggs per season. Hake spawns at a depth of 50 to 150 meters, caviar keeps and develops in the water column.

Commercial value of hake
Hake meat is very tasty and nutritious, it is highly valued in cooking, and therefore this fish is of great commercial importance. However, due to intensive fishing, hake stocks in the oceans are significantly reduced.

An ordinary post on the entertainment portal Pikabu has become the subject of controversy on the Internet. The whole country is now trying to find photos of hake fish. The site channel shows what a hake looks like in its natural habitat, on sale and on the table.

Hake is an inconspicuous fish from the hake family, which can be easily bought at any market in Russia. However, these days social media literally live with talk and memes about hake. The reason for this was a funny post on the Pikabu portal. On it, a user under the nickname VARCHUN13 posted a photo of a fish with a monster face. According to him, this is what a hake looks like in its natural habitat. The post received tens of thousands of views and several thousand likes, and was soon honestly stolen by popular communities on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Here's what the original post looked like.

Users joked a lot about the appearance of a strange creature. Of course, there were those who doubted the veracity of the record. Users posted other photos of hakes in the comments, where they looked prettier. However, these pictures did not dissuade most commentators - they only remembered that even girls on Instagram and life look very different.

Jokes are jokes, and by the morning of November 14, the meme entered the top search queries in Google and Yandex. People are looking for photos of hakes and trying to determine if ordinary hakes look so monstrous "in real life"?. We offer a selection of photos of hake in a variety of angles and situations.

What does hake look like - hake photo

Let's start with "hake portraits". It turns out that 11 species of fish belong to hake at once. All of them are slightly different from each other in terms of exterior, that is, in appearance. This means that hakes are different - there are both "beautiful" and "freaky" among them.

All hakes are distinguished by thin, sharp teeth that look truly intimidating. They also have an unpleasant scale color - light gray with a slime effect. Let's be honest - we never found a photo of hecks that would look the same as in the Pikabu picture. But let's not call it fake. Among hakes there are subspecies that live at a depth of 1000 meters. And deep-sea fish are known for their deformities. In the end, there, in the darkness of the sea, there is simply no one to look at them. As for our searches, the scariest hake found with biological proof is this one:

By the way, the largest hakes reach sizes of 1.5-2 meters. To imagine a monster from a photograph in such dimensions is very scary.

But sometimes hake looks very nice. When? When it ends up on our plates and in our pans. Hake meat is tender and juicy and goes well with mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables and other natural side dishes. Hake can be cooked very simply in a slow cooker by frying with onions and carrots. In Russia, they also often bake hake with vegetables in the oven - this dish goes well with white wine.

How to cook hake? hake recipes

Here is a small selection of hake photos from gastronomic instagrams:

Learn recipes. True, in the coming days you will see hake in a different form - in the form of memes. Alas, they are not always witty. Hold on friends! We are waiting for the invasion of funny and at the same time scary burrows on the Web.

Video: hake cutting, Andrej Pristaj

Hake hit the tables of Soviet citizens after the cod catch in the Land of the Soviets fell sharply. Merluza (another official name for hake) was then considered the second grade and was not particularly favored, preferring the same cod, while European residents considered hake almost a delicacy. Nowadays, hake is actively imported from European countries and is used along with other white fish in various dishes as a whole, and in the form of a fillet.


Hake comes from the hake family. Hake can reach 1.5 m in length, and its minimum size is about 35 cm. Hake often has silvery scales, which darkens closer to the ridge and acquires a grayish tint. The eyes of the fish are quite large and occupy? the length of the head, and the lower jaw has a feature - it is longer than the upper one. In general, hake outwardly looks very threatening, like a real predator, so it is rarely seen in a store with a head.

The hake has two fins on its back. The first is three times shorter than the second dorsal fin and looks like a triangle. The anal fin is symmetrical to the second fin, and both of them rest against the tail, but they are not connected to each other. Hake is an omnivorous fish. In her youth, she can eat plankton and small crustaceans, but having matured and becoming a predator, hake begins to eat mackerel, herring and squid. Sometimes hake destroys its own fry.

As for reproduction, females from the fourth year of their lives begin to lay eggs at a depth of 100 m. For the entire season, and spawning continues from spring to autumn, hake reproduces about 400 thousand eggs. Hake live about 18-20 years.


Hake mostly lives in the subarctic waters of the Pacific Ocean and the waters of the Atlantic at a depth of 200-1000 m. The fish leads a bottom lifestyle, and rises to the middle layers of the water mass during the spawning period. Hake came to Russia artificially. It was settled in the waters of the Black Sea, but most often hake is imported from European countries, the USA and Chile.


Usually all fish are divided into marine and river inhabitants. So, hake belong to marine life. They themselves, in turn, have many varieties. Countries off the coast of which are found different types hake, as well as the waters of the oceans and seas, gave names to each species:

  • the European species lives off the coast of northern European countries, as well as in the Black and Mediterranean Seas;
  • the Argentine species is distributed off the southern coast of Brazil;
  • the silvery species is more commonly seen in the coastal waters of the United States and Canada;
  • the Chilean species lives off the western coast of South America;
  • the New Zealand species is distributed off the coast of New Zealand;
  • the Cape species was first seen in the waters of South West Africa.



It must be said that the Pacific hake is a fairly large marine life. Its weight is up to 10 kg, and its length is about 90 cm. This fish reaches puberty faster than all its relatives, but lives no more than 15 years. The Pacific hake migrates over long distances - up to 1000 miles. As a hunter, she feeds on crustaceans and herring, although she herself is prey for cetaceans and sea lions. Hake lives off the coast of California, near Vancouver Island and in the Bering Sea. It is rich in proteins and fats. From this composition, fish meat is very juicy and tasty.

The silver hake species is found off the southeastern coast of Canada and up to the Bahamas. It is smaller than the Pacific species and lives no more than 12 years. The food of the silver hake is no different from that of the rest of its relatives, and it can also eat its own fry. The time of its spawning is the end of spring and until mid-autumn at depths of up to 100 m.

This is a fatty fish compared to cod or pollock. Fat in it is up to 4%, and its weight can reach no more than 4 kg.

Difference from pollock and cod

Hake, pollock and cod are quite difficult to distinguish from each other, but the difference is appearance, and in taste characteristics, it is still available. First of all, there are differences in the appearance of fish. The walleye pollock has three fins on the spine, unlike the hake, although they are incredibly similar judging by the head, eyes and lower jaw pushed forward. And also pollock is a more northern fish that lives in the Northern Hemisphere and quite rarely visits the Southern. In this regard, pollock is caught by our fishermen in the waters of the North Seas, and it is often exported. Hence, pollock prices are much lower than the cost of hake imported from other countries.

If we compare the vitamin and mineral composition of the products, then hake dishes will be more nutritious and healthy than pollock fillets. Comparison of the tastes of both fish often causes controversy, and many argue that the hake is juicier, but specifically pollock liver, like cod liver in principle, has a large supply of vitamins A and B, which means it brings more benefit body.

As for the comparison of cod and hake, cod has visible similarities with pollock: cod has three on its back and two pronounced fins on its stomach. And if we compare the heads of fish, then there are clear differences, since in cod the lower jaw is shorter than the upper one. Cod lives only in the Northern Hemisphere. The area is the Barents Sea, as well as the coast of the USA, Canada and European countries.

Cod, like hake, has a number of useful substances, vitamins, minerals, so fish here differ little, except that cod has a very delicious liver, which can be found on the shelves of many stores. It's very helpful and nutritional product, which is rich in vitamins and minerals.



Composition and calories

The calorie content of the hake is 85 kcal, which means that hake is quite dietary fish and can be used in the preparation low-calorie meals. There is a lot of protein in hake, about 16 g per 100 g of fillet. Fat in this marine life is much less, only 2 g, and cholesterol - 70 mg. Water is the most in hake - 80 g out of 100 g of carcass. Of the macronutrients, the largest part is occupied by potassium, phosphorus and sulfur. Hake is also rich in trace elements, which include fluorine, iodine, copper and others. Of course, hake is also rich in vitamins. Most of all in the product are vitamins of group B, PP and vitamin A.

Indicators of the content of vitamins in percentage from daily allowance the following:

  • thiamine - 8%;
  • pyridoxine - 5%;
  • cyanocobalamin - 80%;
  • calciferol - 15%;
  • tocopherol - 2.7%;
  • biotin - 2%;
  • niacin - 21.5%;
  • ascorbic acid - 0.6%;
  • riboflavin - 5.6%;
  • folic acid - 12.8%.

  • fluorine - 17.5%;
  • iodine - 107%;
  • copper - 13.5%;
  • manganese - 6%;
  • chromium - 110%;
  • cobalt - 200%;
  • molybdenum - 5.7%;
  • zinc - 7.5%;
  • iron - 3.9%.

Macronutrients in hake are represented by the following substances:

  • potassium - 335 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 240 mg;
  • sulfur - 200 mg;
  • chlorine - 165 mg;
  • sodium - 75 mg;
  • magnesium - 35 mg;
  • calcium - 30 mg.

Benefit and harm

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of fish, the benefits of eating it are very significant. A large number of vitamins of group B normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 regulates the work of the heart muscle, and B9 is responsible for the normal development and formation of new cells, which is very important at the stage of the emergence of a new life - during the pregnancy of a woman, which is why folic acid is often prescribed to women in a antenatal clinic.

Spanish explorers studying caviar marine life, came to the conclusion that only three of them contain a high concentration of omega-3 acid, a decrease in which in the human body leads to a number of problems: nervous system disorders, depression, diabetes, reproductive dysfunction. Heck is just one of the top three winners, from which we can conclude that its caviar is very important for the normal functioning of the body as a whole.

Hake contains a lot of protein that forms muscle mass, which is important in the evaluation of athletes in competitions.

Hake contains phosphorus, which means it is useful for children during the period of active growth and skeletal formation. And also it helps to keep the bone tissue in good shape for the elderly and solve many problems associated with increased fragility and fragility of bones. Teeth can also suffer from a lack of “building material”, so hake, which contains not only phosphorus, but also fluorine and calcium, makes teeth healthy and strong.

The thyroid gland will be protected if hake fillet is periodically included in the diet of the whole family, because iodine regulates the work of this important organ.

Unsaturated fatty acids in the composition of fats, which are present in fish, lower blood cholesterol, so eating fish reduces the possibility of atherosclerosis.

Hake may also be the first fish that a baby will try during the introduction of complementary foods. Usually, the first complementary foods begin with those foods that do not cause allergies and are well absorbed by a small organism. Heck thanks to the rich vitamin composition and fast digestibility is often found in store jars for the first feeding of young children from the second year of life.

Hake harm is negligible. In connection with great content an element such as iron, hake is not recommended in large quantities people with occasional constipation.

Merluza can also increase the acidity of gastric juice, so it is better for gastroenterologist patients to first consult a specialist in this field before consuming hake. Allergy also puts a ban on the use of fish for food. In any case, the hake must first pass heat treatment in connection with varied diet this fish, whose diet is not always healthy.

Subtleties of cooking

To cook a truly delicious hake, you need to choose the right one. Most often it is sold frozen. You rarely see a hake with a head. Often it is cut off only because the fish with the head quickly deteriorates.

Always read the freezing label carefully. The best freezing- shock, when the fish is frozen within three hours after the catch. This method is proof of its freshness. And also you should not take a package with hake, where snow has already formed. This is evidence that the fish has been re-frozen, which will undoubtedly affect the taste and quality of the hake.

After purchase, the hake must be properly thawed, namely: at room temperature in a separate bowl, without adding cold, and even more so hot water. By adding water during defrosting, the hostess will actually pour the vitamins along with her into the sink.

Hake meat is not particularly dense, and its pieces are rather thin. In this regard, the fish should not be fried for a long time, because this way it can be quickly dried out. You can prevent such consequences if you marinate a piece in advance for 40 minutes and for a longer time in any sauce.

Hake is an ideal fish for cooking. There are few bones in it, but those that are are perfectly separated from the fillet. In addition, hake fillet is incredibly easy to digest and goes well with any side dish.

Hake is often prepared baked in batter. Thanks to this cooking method, the liquid in the fish does not evaporate, but remains in the meat, because of this, the fish meat turns out to be juicy and soft.

For batter, you only need 2 eggs and 200 g of mayonnaise. After mixing the ingredients, the fish is smeared with the resulting mixture, then rolled in flour and fried in a pan. The frying process is short - about three minutes on each side, that is, quite quickly. Without batter, you can also fry it by rubbing the carcass first with salt, and then roll it in breadcrumbs. Similarly, a carcass is laid out in a heated pan with oil and fried rather quickly, about 5 minutes.

During frying, of course, is lost most of useful substances. If you want to keep all the vitamins and minerals in the composition of the fish fillet, then it is better to use the oven in cooking. You can cook wind fish in its original form, along with the head. After washing the carcass, it is rubbed with salt, and the baking dish is greased with oil. Then spread the fish, overlaying it with lemon rings and sprigs of rosemary and dill. This dish takes about 20 minutes to prepare.

Creamy taste fish fillet may add sour cream. For this dish you will need a fillet, although you can use chopped pieces of hake. Despite the fact that the fish itself is bony, the spine is easily separated from the fillet after it is cooked, and there will be no difficulties when cleaning the fish.

Heck in sour cream sauce- by no means diet dish, but it will decorate any holiday table. For cooking the most tender fish you will need 60 g of sour cream and 10 g of mayonnaise. After mixing these two ingredients, 2 chopped cloves of garlic, 5 g of mustard are laid out in the mixture. After mixing the sauce, marinate the fish in half of the mixture for 1 hour, and then lay the fish in a mold, pour the remaining sauce and bake for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Save vitamins in hake will help not only the oven, but also a double boiler. In it, of course, you can’t get a delicious crust on a fillet, but for those who follow the diet, as well as for kids, a dish from a double boiler will be optimal solution for a light dinner.

In this case, the original taste can be achieved by adding various seasonings. An ideal seasoning for a hake would be cloves and lavrushka. In a double boiler, along with fish, you can put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables and mushrooms. After salting and peppering the ingredients, turn on the double boiler for 25 minutes until fully prepared dishes.

The most tender hake meat is also suitable for making cutlets. In this case, you need minced fish. You can cook it yourself using a meat grinder. Cutlets also need a large onion, a few slices white bread dipped in milk and cream, and an egg. The onion is cut very finely and added to the minced meat. Bread and an egg are also sent there. All ingredients are mixed well, salt and pepper are added as desired and then formed wet hands from minced meat cutlets, and then fry them in a preheated pan on both sides until browned.

Cutlets - very hearty meal, therefore, they are allowed on diet food only during the day. A side dish for such a dish can be both mashed potatoes and vegetable slices.

Hake soups also have their own tricks. For hake soup, it is best to use fillets. This way you can reduce the cooking time that the hostess, when using fish with bones after cooking, will spend on separating the carcass from the bones. Having cooked the broth from 500 g of fillet, without removing the hake for parsing, sliced ​​​​potatoes are added to it. During its cooking, sliced ​​carrots and onions are fried in oil and added to the broth after the soup is cooked, literally a minute before the stove is turned off.
