
How homemade ice cream is made. How to make ice cream at home (12 easy recipes)

In the warm season, parks and avenues of big cities are oversaturated with ice cream kiosks, and this is not surprising. In the heat, you want to cool off with a treat that both adults and children love. As a rule, a purchased product is stuffed with artificial colors and preservatives, which adversely affects health, especially if a person is allergic. Hence the need to make ice cream at home.

  1. Girls and women who are on a diet should forget about counting calories. The exquisite taste of ice cream and its creamy texture are obtained by using natural fats. If you prepare a delicacy from low-fat ingredients, the ice cream will turn out not tender, but hard, crumbly, with ice crystals. When eating such ice cream, it will begin to crunch on your teeth like sand. An exception is considered to be fruit sorbet, in this case, the fat base has nowhere to come from.
  2. An important feature of the preparation is that the mixture must be stirred throughout the entire freezing cycle. Typically, the interval between actions is from 20 minutes to an hour, it all depends on the overall size of the composition. The thicker the mass, the more often it needs to be stirred. The total number of receptions will vary between 4-6 times. If an ice cream maker is used to prepare the product, it must be pre-cooled before pouring the mixture.
  3. Flavors can be in the form of a powder, suspension (flavored alcohol), or gel. In all cases, they must be intervened as a last resort. Wait for the moment when the mass completely hardens, and then proceed with the modernization.
  4. If you choose an ice cream recipe that includes the addition of custard, it must be cooled in several stages. After mixing all the ingredients, put the mixture in the common chamber of the refrigerator, wait a certain interval for the delicacy to become cold. Only after that you can move the container with the product to the freezer, without forgetting to stir the composition. Culinary experts recommend putting custard-based ice cream in the refrigerator overnight. Such a move will allow the mass to "sit down", and you will end up with a creamy and smooth texture without bubbles.
  5. When storing homemade ice cream in large quantities, ice crystals inevitably appear. This can be prevented by mixing liquor with the right flavors into the composition. Of course, the product is suitable for consumption by adults, but not by children. You can replace alcohol with gelatin, honey, invert or corn syrup, the listed components will not allow ice cream to freeze. To maintain a soft texture, the product should be kept in a shallow bowl, covered with cling film or a bag on top.
  6. Additives in the form of chocolate/coconut chips, dried or fresh fruit, candied fruit, marmalade, nuts, etc. should be mixed into the partially frozen mixture. In this case, all additional components must be pre-cooled so that temperature differences are minimal. After adding the ice cream, it is recommended to mix well.

On a note

To make homemade ice cream, you need to choose only fresh ingredients. The final result directly depends on this. In the case of flavors, it is worth giving preference to natural compounds. The same applies to cream and milk. It is also worth considering that a full-fledged vanilla pod will make the aroma saturated, this cannot be achieved by adding a composition from bags.

The most common type of ice cream. The texture of the product is very sweet, but many do not hesitate to additionally pour it with honey, melted chocolate, jam or sauce. The ideal ice cream should be fat (at least 15%), only then it will turn out delicious.

  • granulated sugar - 85 gr.
  • dry milk - 40 gr.
  • cream with a fat content of 35-40% - 275 ml.
  • fresh milk - 325 ml.
  • cornstarch - 1 sachet (12-15 gr.)
  • vanillin - 25 gr.
  1. In a separate container, dissolve the corn starch in 50 ml. fresh milk, leave to swell. Place the heavy cream in the refrigerator to cool down by the time you add it.
  2. Prepare an enameled pan with a thick bottom, the composition should not burn.
  3. Combine granulated sugar, vanillin and milk powder into a homogeneous loose mixture. Start pouring the remaining 275 ml in a thin stream. fresh milk. Stir constantly so that the mass does not grab lumps. Otherwise, crush them with a fork.
  4. Turn on the stove on a slow fire, bring the milk mixture to a boil. When the first bubbles appear, start pouring in the swollen starch.
  5. When you combine both compositions, continue to simmer the mass on fire, it should thicken well. Once this happens, turn off the stove.
  6. Fold gauze in 3-4 layers, strain. Pour the liquid into a cold bowl, wrap with cling film. Leave in a cool place to cool the composition to room temperature.
  7. Remove the cream from the refrigerator, beat it in a convenient way (whisk, mixer, two forks), the product should rise 1.5-2 times.
  8. Pour the cream into the previously prepared mixture, whisk again (not much). Let stand for about a quarter of an hour, then send to the freezer.
  9. As the ice cream hardens, it is necessary to take it out every 15 minutes and mix thoroughly.
  10. When the ice cream has cooled evenly, pack it into paper or waffle cups, and put pieces of cling film on top to prevent the formation of ice.

  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • cream with a fat content of 38-40% - 240 ml.
  • cream with a fat content of 15-18% - 220 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 65 gr. (5 heaping teaspoons)
  • crushed salt - 1 pinch
  1. Heat the lower fat cream on the stove or in the microwave, pour over the cocoa powder.
  2. Pour the fat and remaining low-fat cream into a separate pan, boil. Reduce the heat, slowly add vanilla and granulated sugar, stir until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Add the cocoa mixture to the mass, which is languishing on the stove, warm the composition well. Turn off the stove, add salt, cool.
  4. After the composition has cooled to room temperature, transfer it to an ice cream maker or send it to the freezer.
  5. Cover the bowl with cling film, stir the product every half hour. After 1.5 hours, you can move the ice cream into waffle cups.

There are several variations of fruit sorbet, consider the most popular of them.

  • powdered sugar - 165 gr.
  • fresh melon - 600 gr.
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 85 ml.
  • fine salt - 1 pinch
  1. Remove the skin from the melon, remove the seeds. Grind the fruit into small squares so that you get about 0.4-0.5 kg. pure composition.
  2. Pour orange juice into a blender, add salt and powdered sugar. Add melon to the composition and grind the mass into porridge.
  3. After preparing the fruit puree, leave it for 15-20 minutes to allow the salt and powder to dissolve.
  4. Now pour the mixture into a bowl, cover it with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.
  5. After the expiration date, move the product to the freezer, wait until it hardens. Do not forget to stir the composition periodically.

strawberry sorbet
To the existing ingredients, add fresh or frozen strawberries and 40 gr. honey. Wash it, then send it to the blender to the melon and other ingredients, chop. Then proceed according to the general technology.

Grapefruit sorbet with kiwi
Peel 1 grapefruit, do the same with 2 kiwis. Cut the fruit into pieces and send to a blender with melon, salt and powdered sugar. After that, continue cooking according to the recipe.

  • granulated sugar - 175 gr.
  • chicken / quail egg - 2/4 pcs., respectively
  • chocolate (black, bitter) - 1 bar
  • pitted cherries - 120 gr.
  • cream (fat content not less than 30%) - 450 ml.
  • whole milk - 225 ml.
  1. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater, place in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Cut the cherries in half, also set to cool.
  2. Beat the eggs in a convenient way to get an air mass (3-5 minutes of work with a mixer is enough). Start slowly adding the sugar while stirring.
  3. After adding the component, beat the mixture for another 5 minutes, at this time pour in the milk and cream.
  4. Transfer the product to a shallow container, cover with plastic wrap, and place in the freezer.
  5. Remove the ice cream throughout the cooling cycle and stir.
  6. After 1.5-2 hours, the mixture will almost freeze, it is at this moment that you need to add chilled chocolate chips and cherries.
  7. After mixing the ingredients, send the product back to the freezer, wait for the final preparation.

If desired, you can use not ripe, but frozen or canned cherries. The main thing is to first drain the syrup and remove the seeds. You can also substitute cherries for cherries.

Chestnut and ricotta ice cream

The product is considered a delicacy of Italian cuisine, but this does not mean at all that it cannot be prepared in any other country. Ricotta is a nutty-flavored cheese that can be substituted with roasted chopped hazelnuts if desired.

  • fresh chestnut - 620 gr.
  • ricotta or hazelnuts - 425 gr.
  • fresh milk - 280 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 245 gr.
  • candied citrus fruits (lemon, kiwi, grapefruit) - 75 gr.
  • rum (preferably dark) - 125 ml.
  • butter - 80 gr.
  1. Peel the chestnuts from the shell, place them in water and bring to a boil. After that, pull out the fruits, cut into pieces, fry. Then grind the chestnuts into powder in a convenient way (coffee grinder, blender, food processor, etc.).
  2. Pour whole milk and 60 gr. into an enamel pan. sugar, turn on the stove and simmer over low heat until the sand dissolves.
  3. In another container, rub the butter with 185 gr. the remaining granulated sugar, pour in 200 ml. purified water and dark rum.
  4. Put the pan on the stove, simmer the composition and at the same time stir it with a wooden spatula so that the sugar has completely melted.
  5. After melting the butter with other ingredients, remove the pan from the stove, leave to cool to an acceptable temperature.
  6. When the mixture has cooled, pour in the chopped chestnut crumbs, candied citrus fruits and ricotta (or crushed hazelnuts), rub well with a fork.
  7. Stir the first composition of whole milk into the resulting mixture, then send the product to the freezer.

  • cornstarch - 10 gr.
  • fat cream (from 35% and above) - 110 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 110 gr.
  • dry milk - 35 gr.
  • whole milk - 345 ml.
  1. Place 50 gr. sugar in an enamel pan, make syrup out of it by melting it on the stove.
  2. When the granules are completely melted, pour in 75 ml. whole milk. Simmer the mass on the stove until the product resembles condensed milk in consistency.
  3. Dilute 30 ml cornstarch. milk, leave to swell.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine milk powder and the remaining granulated sugar in one composition, then pour fresh milk into the mixture and stir constantly.
  5. Add sugar syrup, infused starch, cream, mix and strain.
  6. Cool in the refrigerator, then transfer to the freezer until cooked through.

There are many ways to make ice cream at home. Ice cream and creme brulee are considered classics of the genre. For gourmets, ice cream based on ricotta and chestnut will be unusual, children will like a delicacy with chocolate chips.

Video: how to make homemade ice cream

No one can argue that this sweet delicacy is so loved by adults and children that they are ready to eat it both in the heat and in the cold. The time of the year has already ceased to be a determining factor when choosing ice cream as a dessert. This can be confirmed by the always full freezers in stores, where even in the middle of winter there is a good selection of a variety of ice cream. Thanks to this, you can enjoy the taste of dessert at any time, but that's not all. When you learn how to make ice cream at home, which will be tastier, easier and healthier than store-bought, there will be no obstacles for you on the way to true bliss of taste.

To be honest, I was skeptical about this opportunity for a long time, making my own ice cream at home, believing that it could not be so simple and tasty. I thought that it was not for nothing that large-scale productions are so complex, probably, and the recipes are abstruse and inaccessible to a simple man in the street.

This is partly true, of course, store-bought ice cream recipes are not available to us, but do we need them? I made sure it's not needed. After several successful experiments with trying to make ice cream at home, I realized that homemade ice cream recipes are incredibly simple, and the delicacy itself turns out to be many times tastier and healthier, without chemicals, additives and all kinds of substitutes. All my household members have abandoned store-bought ice cream in favor of home-made ice cream, and even began to take part in its preparation, adding their own ideas, flavors and decorations.

I’ll tell you what recipes I tried on my own experience and put solid fives!

To begin with, I was the first to try to make the simplest creamy ice cream with my own hands. Or as it is also called ice cream. I think that this is a classic that is relevant for all time and is loved by almost everyone. Add fruits, syrups, chocolate to it and there is no tastier dessert even for a holiday, even on an ordinary day. Fresh berries from the garden, jam from stocks, syrup from the store, chocolate chips - this is what can be added to the most common home-made ice cream.

How to make Plombir ice cream at home

For myself, I call this homemade ice cream recipe "Plombir according to GOST". I cannot vouch that this is how the recipe is presented in GOST, because I could not find the original document on the Internet, only its reprints and interpretations on many different sites. But the most important thing that has been learned is that all products must be natural and no vegetable fats and substitutes.

The ice cream recipe according to GOST from recognized Internet culinary specialists includes:

  • cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • milk - 150 ml,
  • granulated sugar (or powder) - 150 grams,
  • egg yolks - 3 pieces,
  • vanilla extract/vanilla/vanilla sugar for vanilla flavor.

Making ice cream with your own hands, step by step recipe:

1. The secret that I understood over time and now strictly follow it is that the cream for making ice cream at home must be cooled down. Therefore, put them in the refrigerator in advance.

2. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. In case you don’t remember how this is done, I remind you: split the egg shell into two even halves and open it so that the yolk remains in one of the halves, and the protein is stacked in another container (cup, plate). The protein will drain, but not completely, so while continuing to hold the egg over the cup, carefully pour the yolk from one half of the shell into the other, another part of the protein will merge. Repeat again if the protein remains and so on until there is one yolk in the shell. Put the separated yolk in another cup or saucer, do the same with the rest of the eggs.

If such a “grandmother's” method is difficult for you, now in stores you can buy special devices for separating yolks. Most of them look like a spoon with slots into which the protein flows, and the yolk remains inside.

3. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks with sugar until smooth. Sugar cannot be completely dissolved, so many people use powdered sugar. But even if you have ordinary granulated sugar, it's not scary, later you will understand why.

4. Pour the milk into the bowl with eggs and sugar and stir with a whisk.

5. Pour the resulting yellowish mixture into a saucepan and put on the stove over a small fire. It is necessary to heat the mixture, but do not let it boil, otherwise the eggs will boil. To make ice cream at home thick, this mixture must be heated to a maximum of 80 degrees and constantly stirred.

Gradually, it will begin to thicken. Egg yolks will help her with this. If you don't know, professional chefs use egg yolks to thicken anything from creams to sauces and gravies. This is a method known throughout the world for a long time using natural products.

Don't worry if raw eggs are used in ice cream, it's the warming up that will rid them of bacteria, being the homemade version of pasteurization. The same heating will help to finally dissolve the sugar. Our homemade ice cream will not crunch on your teeth.

To understand that the mixture is ready, you need to dip a spatula or a wooden spoon into it. The mixture should remain on the spoon, and if you run your finger or knife, the groove will not blur or drain. Approximately like this.

6. Now this mixture must be cooled to room temperature. To do this, take a larger saucepan and pour ice water from the tap into it, you can pour ice cubes. Then put a saucepan with the egg mixture in it, as if you are going to cook in a water bath. Stir the mixture with a spoon for a few minutes so that the lower chilled layers mix with the warm upper ones until the whole mass is cooled.

As it cools, the mixture will thicken even more. Egg yolks keep working!

7. When the egg mixture is ready, remove the cream from the refrigerator and beat it in a large bowl until a nice thick cream forms. The main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not thicken to the state of oil. This is unfortunately another problem that can arise when making ice cream at home.

I check the readiness of whipped cream by the fact that it does not flow out of the bowl if it is tilted well, but remains motionless.

8. The next step is to mix the whipped cream and egg mixture. At the same time, add vanilla sugar (1 whole packet) or vanilla liquid extract (a teaspoon) to give the ice cream a vanilla flavor.

Stir everything gently with a spoon or spatula so as not to bring down the creamy foam. In this case, it is better not to use a mixer. You need to achieve a uniform texture and color. It should turn out to be a soft creamy thick cream in color (by the way, it tastes just amazing. Checked by all household members who control the process).

9. Now the ice cream needs to be frozen. But this must be done taking into account the fact that it will have to be taken out of the freezer several times and beat with a mixer in order to break the ice crystals and saturate it with air. This is the only way to get real tender ice cream at home.

For freezing, any large container in which it will be convenient to re-beat is suitable. It can also be the same bowl covered with cling film (we don’t want extra smells from the freezer in ice cream), a plastic food container with a tight lid will also work. Even plastic jars from grocery stores that have already been eaten will do. The main thing is to wash them well.

Close the ice cream and place in the freezer for an hour.

10. In this recipe, I make ice cream at home without using a special ice cream maker, so exactly after an hour we take out a container of ice cream and beat it again with a mixer.

After an hour, it will only slightly thicken and it will be easy to whip it. Mix the ice cream well from the edges to the middle. Cover again and put in the freezer for another hour.

Repeat the process after an hour. The ice cream will become thicker and lumpy at the edges of the container. Stir until smooth with a mixer and put back in the freezer.

In my experience, it is necessary to whip ice cream in this way at least 3-4 times, then it turns out to be airy, like a real one. If this is not done, then its texture in the frozen state is so dense that it will be very difficult to get it out of the bowl even with a special spoon. Without whipping, you will get an excellent butter brick.

11. After several beatings, leave the ice cream in the freezer for 8-12 hours. Ideally at night. In the morning, an amazing treat awaits you.

To get it out of the bowl, use special round spoons heated in boiling water. You can do this with a regular spoon. Just hold the spoon in a cup of hot water for just a couple of minutes.

This is how easy it is to make ice cream at home, and not just ice cream, but real cream ice cream! Help yourself, treat your guests and enjoy the incredible yummy!

If this recipe seemed too long and complicated for you, go to the second one, which is already difficult to imagine.

The simplest ice cream at home from cream and condensed milk

I can't help but tell you about this interesting recipe for homemade ice cream. On the one hand, it can be called a recipe for the lazy, since it’s simply not easier to make creamy ice cream at home. But on the other hand, the result is very worthy.

The only feature of this recipe, which I don’t even consider a minus, is that the ice cream turns out to be very creamy and sweet. That is absolutely not dietary. But if you are not a follower of strict diets, this is simply unimaginable yummy. Of all the acquaintances whom I treated to this ice cream, everyone was satisfied, and the children squealed with delight, because the delicacy is better than any sweets.

What is the secret of this homemade ice cream recipe? It uses only 2 ingredients, plus vanilla for flavor.

  • natural cream 30-35% - 500 ml,
  • condensed milk - from 200 ml.
  • vanilla sugar or vanilla essence to taste.

Why is the measure “from” relative to condensed milk? It's simple, the more condensed milk, the sweeter the ice cream will be.

After several tests, carried out with different amounts of the condensed half of the recipe, I found a combination of products acceptable to our taste: 1 part condensed milk to 2 parts cream.

I started my tests with the simplest proportion of a standard half-liter bag of cream and a standard 380 ml can of condensed milk. It turned out just amazing, but much sweeter than the usual store-bought ice cream or ice cream according to the recipe above, made from milk and cream. There was clearly less sugar.

Another feature of cooking: the taste and quality of ice cream at home will depend on the taste and quality of cream and condensed milk. Bad cheap cream with a suspicious unnatural composition from little-known manufacturers spoiled everything. Condensed milk with vegetable fats and powdered milk spoiled everything. No, we did not poison ourselves, but the taste suffered very seriously. There was a strange flouriness on the tongue or unpleasant vegetable fat settled on the lips.

Therefore, the most important selection principle: always take proven, tasty and high-quality cream and condensed milk with a good uniform consistency and sufficient density. 30% cream cannot be liquid like milk, it just won't whip into an airy mass. Condensed milk not made from whole milk can spoil the taste and texture. Choose wisely and it will be delicious.

Making ice cream at home from cream and condensed milk:

1. Before making ice cream, thoroughly cool both cream and condensed milk. A couple of hours in the fridge, no less. This is necessary so that the products are well whipped into foam.

You can also cool the beaters of the mixer with which you will beat.

2. Whip the chilled cream to a thick airy mass until it is fluffy enough not to flow out of the plate. Well whipped cream is like cream.

3. Add vanilla sugar (1 sachet). Then, without ceasing to beat at low speed, pour in the condensed milk. You can mix the condensed milk with cream with a wooden spoon or spatula until you get a uniform consistency. In this case, the mass will turn out to be slightly more liquid than the cream was before, with a pronounced smell of vanilla and a delicate cream shade.

4. Pour the future ice cream into a freezer container. For this, a large bowl that can be covered with cling film, a plastic food container with a tight lid, or, for example, boxes and containers from store-bought ice cream that you have already eaten, is suitable.

In fact, the main thing is that the container can be tightly closed and put in the freezer. Foreign odors very easily stick to this creamy mixture.

5. Now the most important thing that will turn our delicacy into real ice cream is that every hour it must be stirred or whipped at a low mixer speed.

Why is this necessary and why is it so vital? The thing is that the secret of ice cream is that the creamy mass is filled with air. According to GOST of Soviet ice cream, up to 200% of air in the mass of ice cream was allowed. Imagine what an airy yummy it turned out.

I’ll tell you from my own experience that when I didn’t whip ice cream at home at least three times, it turned out to be too hard and it was extremely difficult to remove it from the mold. One tablespoon was bent almost irrevocably, despite its preheating in boiling water. Yes, and eating ice cream melting on the tongue is much tastier.

The whole process of mixing / whipping comes down to the fact that the ice cream must be removed from the freezer, open the lid and beat it well directly into the freezer container. Do this a few times until you find that it has become too thick to whip.

The freezing speed depends on the volume of the container and the power of the freezer, so it can be different for everyone. Small flat trays freeze much faster than a large bowl. For small containers, it is advisable to beat the mass after half an hour, and not an hour.

6. Ice cream at home from condensed milk will be ready on time in about 8-12 hours. Can be served!

Creamy ice cream at home with Kit-Kat and Oreo

And here's how you can diversify this simple recipe for making homemade ice cream by adding your favorite Oreo chocolate cookies and Kit Kat waffles to it.

Summer is in full swing and the days are hot. I want to cool my body with a tasty and cool product. In this article you will find this product - this is ice cream made by hand at home.

You already understood from the first lines that we will make ice cream more often with a blender, if there is no blender, mix the ingredients with your hands and be patient.

How to make ice cream "Plombir from childhood" at home


  • 200 g - 33% cream
  • 70 g - condensed milk
  • 1 packet - vanilla sugar

Recipe preparation:

Pour the cream from the bag into the blender bowl and

beat with a blender until fluffy. Within 2 minutes they will become lush.

Within 2 minutes they will become lush. Look at the photo.

Add condensed milk.

For the smell, add vanilla sugar.

Again, beat everything with a blender and put it in a container.

Level the ice cream in the tray with a spatula.

The surface must be even.

Close the lid and put in the freezer for 40 minutes. After that, we take it out, mix with a spatula, close the lid and put it in the freezer again for 5 hours.

When 5 hours pass, we take out the container. Ice cream is ready.

We move the spoon along the surface and create balls, which we put in a bowl.

Sprinkle grated waffles on top.

Ice cream from childhood is ready. Nice to eat!

Ice cream at home - Italian recipe

We will need:

150 grams of dark chocolate.

Half cup cocoa powder.

Two glasses of milk.

Half a glass of sugar.

You will also need salt.

Ice cream can be packaged in plastic cups or

as in our case, we do it in waffle cups.

Pour a glass of milk into a deep saucepan.

Add half a glass of cocoa and half a teaspoon of salt.

We put the pan on the fire and stir the cocoa powder so that no lumps remain.

Meanwhile, break the chocolate into small pieces.

After the milk with cocoa boils, turn off the fire. and add chocolate, mix well to get a homogeneous chocolate mass.

Separate the whites from the yolks. We need yolks.

Add half a glass of sugar to the yolks and beat.

Beat with a mixer until a fluffy foam is obtained.

Pour in the second glass of milk.

Put the bowl on a slow fire.

And, stirring constantly, heat this mixture.

We need to prevent boiling so that the yolks do not curl. This requires constant stirring.

After about 15 - 20 minutes, the mass should turn yellow and thicken - as in the photo.

It turns out a mass similar to cream, which is desirable to beat with a mixer so that there are no lumps.

There are no lumps and therefore, without a sieve, pour the cream to the chocolate mass.

Then mix the whole chocolate mass again and beat with a mixer.

We got a little airy chocolate mass.

Now put the bowl in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Then we take out and beat with a mixer so that the ice cream is soft.

After that, put the saucepan back in the freezer for 30 minutes. Take it out of the freezer and finish the recipe. Now the chocolate mass can be laid out neatly in cups.

Then we remove the filled cups in the freezer for 4 - 5 hours.

That's it, the recipe is ready. Italian ice cream was soft and delicious.

Italian ice cream was soft and delicious.

Nice to eat!

We put the frozen figurines in vases and decorate.

Cool treat is ready. Nice to eat.

Homemade ice cream without milk and sugar - video recipe

In a family with children, the question of how to make ice cream at home without an ice cream maker will never lose its relevance. We have selected the best recipes for this cold treat, but first it makes sense to learn the basic principles of making homemade ice cream.

How to make homemade ice cream

Modern freezers are able to provide temperatures below 15 degrees, which is necessary for making ice cream, so you can make it at home without an ice cream maker. It is enough to have molds or at least a plastic container, purchase products, choose a recipe and make, taking into account the following recommendations:

  1. The fatter the components that make up the ice cream, the tastier it will turn out, but it also happens.
  2. Products need to be taken fresh and of high quality, this also applies to milk, and berries with fruits, and chocolate.
  3. Syrup and other ingredients are added to ice cream at the first stage, pieces of fresh fruit, candied fruit, flavors - at the last stage, when the dessert is already chilled in the freezer.
  4. To avoid ice, you can drop a little alcohol, such as liquor. This will help to give the dessert an additional pleasant aroma.
  5. Beat ice cream with a mixer or a whisk, a blender will delaminate it.
  6. Ice cream prepared at home without an ice cream maker should be cooled gradually: first, just in the refrigerator for about an hour, then for several hours in the freezer.
  7. At least once an hour, ice cream should be stirred, at least if it is prepared in a large enough container.

Knowing these rules and observing them, you are simply doomed to make delicious ice cream according to any of the recipes below.

Homemade ice cream ("English cream")

Ingredients required:

  • egg yolks (raw) - from 2-3 chicken eggs,
  • sugar - half a glass,
  • milk (at least 3.2% fat) - 400 ml,
  • cream (at least 20% fat) - 200 ml,
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife,
  • strawberries, banana, chocolate, syrup, liquor - at will and in any quantity.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the necessary products. Boil milk immediately. Berries and fruits, if you decide to use them, wash and cut, break the chocolate into pieces. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Warm up the milk (ideally in a water bath).
  3. Beat in the yolks with sugar.
  4. Continuing to heat the milk, add the resulting mixture in a thin stream, boil until thickened.
  5. Pour in the cream and stir with a mixer.
  6. At the same stage, you can enter the syrup.
  7. Pour into molds, refrigerate.
  8. After an hour, transfer to the freezer.
  9. Half an hour later, add the rest of the ingredients, stir, return to the freezer.
  10. After 3-4 hours the ice cream is ready.

Ice cream without eggs

Ingredients required:

  • cream (from 33 percent) - 0.25 l;
  • selected milk (from 3.2% fat content) - 0.3 l;
  • dry milk - 30-40 g;
  • sugar - 80-100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g;
  • starch (preferably from corn) - 10 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Dilute starch with liquid milk in an amount of 50 ml.
  2. Sugar, ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state, including vanilla, mix with milk powder and dilute with the remaining milk.
  3. Warm the milk mixture, add, stirring, diluted starch. Once the mixture thickens, remove from heat and strain. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for another half an hour.
  4. Whip the cream until soft peaks appear. Stir into the main mixture with vertical movements.
  5. Put in a container, put in the refrigerator. Stir vigorously every 15 minutes.
  6. Move to freezer. Stir three times within an hour. Stir twice more at an hourly interval.
  7. Divide into paper cups, wait a few more hours.

Ice cream, loved since childhood, will be ready to eat. If you manage to get wooden sticks - eat them: get an inexpressible pleasure.

Ice cream

Ingredients required:

  • heavy cream - 500 ml,
  • condensed milk - 200 ml,
  • cream liqueur - 50 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix everything, put in the freezer.
  2. After an hour, lay out in molds.
  3. Continue chilling in the freezer for 6 hours.

If you have little time to make homemade ice cream, use the recipe below. It is simple and allows you to get quick results.

Orange cottage cheese ice cream

Ingredients required:

  • fatty cottage cheese (18 percent) - 0.2 kg;
  • condensed milk - 100-150 ml;
  • heavy cream (33 percent) - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • water - 40 ml;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • white wine (sweet, semi-sweet) - 20 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate the zest from the orange, squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Mix sugar with water, heat until it dissolves.
  3. Add juice, zest. Wait for it to boil.
  4. Pour in the wine. Stir. Immediately remove from the stove. Leave to cool.
  5. Whisk cottage cheese with condensed milk. Whip the cream separately. Connect, beat together.
  6. Refrigerate for an hour, then refrigerate for the same amount of time. Beat every 20-30 minutes with a mixer or whisk.
  7. Scoop ice cream into bowls or cups, drizzling orange syrup over each layer.

Leave in the freezer for another 8-12 hours, after which you can taste a cooling dessert, which you will definitely not find analogues in the store.

Creme brulee

Ingredients required:

  • cream cheese - half a liter;
  • boiled condensed milk - 0.2 l;
  • flour - a tablespoon;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • yolks - from a pair of chicken eggs;
  • milk - 150 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. In a bowl, mix 80 ml of cream, yolks, flour, vanillin, boiled condensed milk. Pound until a homogeneous (no lumps) composition is obtained.
  2. Heat the milk, put the sweet mixture into it, beat with a whisk, cook until the cream thickens.
  3. Remove from stove, let cool.
  4. Whip the remaining cream, combine with the prepared cream (necessarily already cooled down).
  5. Continue to cool first in the refrigerator, then in the freezer, stirring first 2-3 times within an hour, later 1 time per hour.

If you love creme brulee ice cream, you will surely enjoy the opportunity to make it at home.

Chocolate ice cream

Ingredients required:

  • cream 30% - 300 ml,
  • cocoa - three large spoons,
  • sugar - 3 large spoons,
  • salt, vanillin - a pinch each.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix 100 ml of cream with sugar and cocoa, heat until sugar dissolves.
  2. Cool down in the refrigerator.
  3. Mix everything and beat until thick.
  4. Place in the freezer for several hours, stirring occasionally.

This recipe for a cold treat will surely be appreciated by chocolate lovers.

Strawberry ice cream

Ingredients required:

  • fresh strawberries - half a kilo,
  • yogurt - 250 g,
  • sugar - half a glass,
  • vodka - 2 teaspoons,
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Finely chop the washed and dried berries.
  2. Sprinkle it with sugar, pour vodka, mix, leave it under a napkin for a couple of hours.
  3. Pour lemon juice into strawberries, add yogurt, mix again.
  4. Grind everything with a blender or strain through a sieve.
  5. Cool for an hour in the refrigerator.
  6. Mix and place in the freezer.
  7. After an hour, stir again and leave in the freezer until completely solidified.

Instead of strawberries, you can use other berries, fruits. Delicious ice cream is obtained from banana, avocado. It is important to eat it within 48 hours of making it, because homemade ice cream is prepared without preservatives.

Elena Pronina

Delicious ice cream is a real joy for the sweet tooth. But store-bought products are harmful to the stomach, ice cream is no exception. The composition of such a dessert includes harmful additives, and therefore it falls into the list of not very healthy foods. But why buy it in the store, if you know the ice cream recipe at home, you can cook a real culinary masterpiece, and it will not only be safe, but also good for the stomach.

Homemade ice cream is an immense field for various experiments, it is especially pleasant to make it in the summer, when there are a lot of different fruits and berries. Therefore, many are interested in how to make ice cream at home and what needs to be considered in the cooking process.

What do you need to make this dessert?

It is advisable to buy a special device for making ice cream called a freezer, this is an ice cream maker. Then your dessert will come out soft and smooth. But even without this device, if you follow the cooking technology correctly, the ice cream will turn out to be no less tasty. Therefore, making ice cream with your own hands is very simple.

You just need not to be lazy and during the first two or three hours of freezing diligently stir the ice cream at least once an hour. If you do this more often, the better. To do this, you need to pull it out of the freezer and transfer it to a large cooled dish and then rub it very quickly with a fork or beat with a mixer. And then again put the mass in a container and install it in the freezer of the refrigerator.

Ice cream from the store can never be compared with homemade dessert, which is prepared with love and care. Therefore, we will tell you how to make homemade ice cream, but first of all, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • for ice cream, you can not take white sugar. Instead, natural high-quality honey or brown sugar is very often used. Pasteurized store-bought milk can be exchanged for rural whole milk, you can also take homemade cream, the product will turn out even more fragrant and tastier;
  • when using different ice cream recipes at home, you will prepare a dessert that is safe in all respects. It will be free of cheap sugar substitute, various preservatives, artificial flavors, trans fats and milk powder. Therefore, your household members will never get a stomach ache from it, which cannot be said about a store-bought product that can be poisoned if it was re-frozen;
  • the best decoration and addition to ice cream is grated chocolate, nuts, raisins, jam, cocoa or ground coffee. Experiment and you will find your own recipe for such a delicious dessert;
  • Don't keep ice cream in the freezer for too long. Although it is in the freezer, but the preparation of ice cream at home took place without preservatives, and therefore it should be eaten in two or three days. If you want to extend its shelf life a little, cover the container with a tight lid and do not try to freeze the melted product a second time;
  • in a slightly melted dessert, the flavor palette will be much brighter. Therefore, it is recommended to hold the ice cream at room temperature for about ten minutes before serving.

Preparation of "English cream"

If you are wondering how to make ice cream at home, but do not know how to make "English cream", then you have lost a lot. This cream is the classic basis for almost any ice cream.

To prepare it, you need to follow these steps:

  1. add 100 g of sugar to one liter of milk and heat the milk until sugar is completely dissolved in it;
  2. beat five or six egg yolks separately. Slowly pour the warmed milk over the beaten yolks. Carefully stir the resulting mixture and set it on the stove so that it thickens over a slow fire;
  3. make sure that your cream does not boil on the stove. This is very important, after that you leave the cream to cool, and it remains only to cool it.

If you freeze the finished cream in trays or small bowls, then it will need to be stirred every forty minutes, otherwise pieces of ice will form in the ice cream.

Cream and milk ice cream recipes

The recipes below will help you make the most real ice cream ice cream at home. None of your family and guests will remain indifferent to such a dessert, and you will see for yourself. The most important thing is to take high-quality cream for dessert, which will whip well, the fat content of ice cream depends on the fat content of the cream, and how much ice will be in it. The more fat content, the less ice will be in your product.

Standard ice cream recipe

You will need: 500 g of cream with a fat content of 30 percent, 100 g of fine sugar or powdered sugar and a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking process:

  1. place chilled cream, sugar and vanillin in a deep bowl. We begin to beat the mass with a mixer for five minutes, a lush and stable foam should appear;
  2. transfer the whipped mass to a plastic container;
  3. put the container of ice cream in the freezer overnight.

It remains only to get the finished product, let it thaw a little and you can lay it out in bowls. You can prepare such ice cream at home in many ways: add cocoa, frozen berries to it. But the berries must first be mashed with a blender, then put them in a whipped mass and beat again.

vanilla dessert

You will need 625 g of whipped cream, a vanilla pod, 120 g of sugar and four egg yolks.

Pour the whipped cream into a saucepan. Open the vanilla pod and remove the core from it, then put the pod together with the core to the cream in a saucepan. Put the mass on the stove and let it boil. Then you need to remove from heat and leave aside for half an hour.

While the cream is infused, beat the egg yolks with sugar, you should get a thick mass like a cream. Now you can remove the vanilla pod from the cream and start pouring it into the egg mass in a thin stream, do not forget to stir all the time.

You have a cream that needs to be rubbed through a sieve into another pan and put on a small fire on the stove. Boil it for fifteen minutes until it thickens. You can not bring the cream to a boil, otherwise it will simply curl up.

Remove the cooked cream from the stove and cool for about an hour, stirring occasionally so that a film does not turn out on top. The process of making such ice cream with your own hands is coming to an end. It remains to transfer the chilled mass to an ice cream maker or place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, when the dessert begins to harden around the edges, stir it or beat it and place it in the freezer again, where the ice cream will freeze for another three hours.

Vanilla dessert is one of the most delicious

Nut ice cream

If you are interested in how to make ice cream with nuts at home, this recipe is just for you. Take 100 g of walnuts, 300 g of whipped cream, 160 ml of maple syrup, 200 g of chilled condensed milk.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. finely chop the nuts;
  2. mix maple syrup with cream;
  3. Pour the condensed milk into a large bowl and beat well. The milk should double in volume and thicken well;
  4. now begin to carefully pour the maple syrup with cream into the whipped condensed milk;
  5. diligently mix the resulting mass and send it to the freezer for a couple of hours, you do not need to cover the container with a lid;
  6. after the allotted time has elapsed, take out the ice cream and beat it or grind it, then add nuts to it, and put it in the freezer again for a couple of hours.

Nuts are added to nut ice cream at the stage of its cooling.

If you want to make this homemade ice cream, it will definitely remind you of the taste of Soviet ice cream. You will need: a liter of milk, two glasses of sugar, 100 g of butter, five egg yolks and a teaspoon of starch.

Heat the milk and dip the butter in it. Bring everything to a boil. In another bowl, you need to combine starch, yolks and sugar, mix everything and grind until smooth. Next, add a little more milk there and in the end you should get a mass according to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

In a boiled milk in a thin stream and slowly pour the yolk mass, while stirring all the time. Let the mass boil, and as soon as it boils, remove the pan from the heat and rearrange it in cold water. At the same time, mix everything constantly until the mass cools to a warm state. Now cool the ice cream, stirring occasionally, and pour it into molds, then put it in the refrigerator to freeze. So you got homemade ice cream with the taste of Soviet ice cream.

Coffee or chocolate milk ice cream

Cream ice cream is really very tasty, but not all the necessary products for cooking are at an affordable price. But you can save a lot if at home for ice cream ice cream you take not cream, but milk as the main component. And if you add coffee or cocoa to the mass - it will turn out unusually tasty!

Prepare the following foods:

  • five egg yolks - it is best to take them from domestic eggs;
  • a glass of cooked cocoa or coffee;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • You can add a little liqueur if you like.

Wash the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer or whisk. Now take a heat-resistant bowl and pour milk and coffee or cocoa into it. Put this mixture on the fire of the stove, and let it boil, but do not boil.

To hot coffee with milk, add beaten egg yolks with sugar. Now you need to boil this mixture, do not boil it. If you wish, pour a little liqueur into the ice cream.

We place the container in water to cool and pour into a container or ice cream maker and put in the freezer.

If you add coffee or chocolate to ice cream, it will be very tasty.

milk ice cream

Homemade milk ice cream will turn out to be no less tasty than all the above desserts. Take a glass of sugar, 2.5 glasses of milk, you can put vanillin to taste, and you will also need four eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. sift the granulated sugar and carefully introduce the egg yolks into it. Rub well and put vanillin in them;
  2. place the mass in an enamel bowl and pour hot milk;
  3. heat the mixture over a fire, while constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula. As soon as you see that it has thickened, and there is no foam on the surface, remove from heat;
  4. now you need to filter the mass through three layers of gauze or a sieve, after which you cool;
  5. Transfer cooled ice cream to a container or container from an ice cream maker and freeze.

You can use mint leaves or frozen berries to decorate homemade milk ice cream.

The most delicious ice cream

Ice cream recipes at home offer the use of a variety of ingredients. You will get a real culinary masterpiece, and all the sweet tooth will be delighted with this dessert.

lemon dessert

Prepare 500 ml of homemade milk, a coffee spoon of starch, 125 g of sugar, five yolks, a pinch of vanilla, zest from half a lemon and 180 ml of fresh lemon juice.

Beat the yolks with half the amount of sugar you need, you will get a cream. In the second container, combine the zest from the lemon with starch, milk, the rest of the sugar and put the vanilla in there.

Put the mass on the stove and cook it on a small fire, but do not boil, but simply simmer until it thickens. Pour it into a bowl and mix thoroughly with lemon juice, then pour into a mold and set to freeze. Take the ice cream out of the freezer every half an hour and stir slowly to prevent ice from forming.

Ice cream with kiwi curd

If you want to learn how to make homemade ice cream from cottage cheese, then you will definitely be interested in this recipe.

Do you want something interesting?

Prepare these foods:

  • 400 g homemade fresh cottage cheese;
  • 400 ml of kefir;
  • 240 g kiwi (in some recipes, kiwi is replaced with sour green apples);
  • 70 g crushed pistachios;
  • 140 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut it into pieces, then mix with sugar, cottage cheese and kefir. Beat this mass until the cream is smooth and transfer to a bowl for freezing, cover with a lid and put in the freezer. Transfer the finished dessert to bowls and decorate with mint leaves and chopped pistachios on top.

Yogurt ice cream with pineapple and mint

Prepare these foods:

  • two sprigs of mint;
  • 280 ml thick natural yogurt;
  • a coffee spoon of lemon or lime juice;
  • 140 g of honey or sugar;
  • a coffee spoon of mint extract or a teaspoon of mint liquor;
  • 400 g fresh pineapple pulp.

Combine finely chopped mint leaves with sugar (honey), pineapple pieces and mint liqueur (extract). Set the mixture aside for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally with a fork. If you wish, you can grind the resulting cream through a sieve to get rid of mint leaves, but they do not interfere at all.

Beat yogurt with lemon (lime) juice and prepared fruit puree, then transfer the ice cream to a container and send it to the freezer. Swap the pineapple for gooseberries, kiwis, melons, or apples and you'll have an equally delicious popsicle at home.

Pineapple can be replaced with any other fruit if desired.

banana dessert

Based on the well-known creamy ice cream, you can make a delicious banana dessert. Take three bananas, 150 g of sugar, three egg yolks and 750 ml of cream. Choose ripe and soft bananas, green ones are not suitable in this case.

Mash the bananas and add sugar and yolks to the banana gruel, after which all the components are mixed well again. Now you can pour the cream and set the mixture on fire until it thickens completely. After further cooling, pour the ice cream into molds and place in the freezer for at least two hours.

Fruit ice

This is quite an interesting and tasty recipe for popsicles at home. You can take absolutely any fruit, but the most delicious ice cream is obtained from bananas, peaches, raspberries and strawberries. You can diversify this recipe and add a couple of spoons of liquor, and before serving, put pieces of fruit on top of the ice cream.

Cooking process:

  1. put the selected fruits, sugar and fruit juice into the blender. Close it and turn it on, the mixture should turn out homogeneous;
  2. strain the resulting fruit mixture. This is necessary in order to get rid of the seeds and skins. If you decide that the mixture is thick, pour some fruit juice into it;
  3. place the fruit mass in a rectangular baking dish and put in the freezer. The container with the mass should stand there until it hardens, and this will happen after about four hours;
  4. break into pieces frozen fruit ice. Prepare a bowl in advance and immediately transfer the ice there and start beating it by hand or with a blender until smooth and thick. It is unacceptable for the mixture to melt.
  5. after the above steps, again shift the whipped mixture into a mold and freeze until it is solid. Now you can serve ice cream in dessert vases.

How to make ice cream in an ice cream maker

With this automatic assistant, the cooking process becomes a great pleasure. But before working with the ice cream maker, you need to make sure that the freezer bowl is completely chilled. Therefore, it would be ideal to put it in the freezer a day before cooking. Now you can look at the ice cream maker ice cream recipes below and choose any that you like.

An ice cream maker can make making ice cream very easy.

Ice cream "tutti-frutti"

You will need one and a half glasses of sugar, three yolks, two glasses of milk, a glass of pre-whipped cream and two glasses of any fresh fruit. Instead of fruits, you can use finely chopped candied fruit.

Rubs the yolks with sugar, pour milk into them and put vanillin. The ingredients are stirred and heated over a low flame until the mixture thickens completely. The mass that you have left needs to be cooled and put in an ice cream maker for half an hour, then mix with half a glass of whipped cream and again put everything in an ice cream maker. Twenty minutes before the dessert is ready, add the rest of the cream and candied fruits or fruits - whatever you choose.

Instant Vanilla Ice Cream

With this ice cream maker ice cream recipe, you can make a delicious dessert in no time. Take 600 ml of cream, three tablespoons of vanilla extract and 170 g of condensed milk. All these components are well whipped and poured into an ice cream maker. In thirty minutes, the yummy will be ready.

Ice cream with raisins

From the products you will need 200 ml of heavy cream, ¼ of a glass of milk and sugar, and three egg yolks.

Now let's get down to making the ice cream:

  1. pour the cream into the bowl of the ice cream maker, and let the machine beat them at low speed into a dense and soft foam;
  2. beat the yolks with sugar a little and pour milk into them. Put on the stove to warm this mass, stir all the time. You will see that in just a couple of seconds the sugar crystals will completely dissolve in the milk, and the mixture will begin to thicken right before your eyes, but it should not curdle;
  3. now move the saucepan with milk from the stove into a bowl of cold water and start cooling, stirring all the time;
  4. beat the warm mass with a mixer for about seven minutes at medium speed, then the process of beating at high speed takes place;
  5. Pour the beaten yolks into the bowl of the ice cream maker. Now we begin to mix them with cream at low speed. Cover the ice cream maker and place in the freezer. Two hours after the start of the freezing process, you can put raisins in ice cream, the dessert will already be quite thick and the raisins should not settle to the bottom;
  6. after four hours the machine will stop working. Now you can transfer the finished ice cream to a container and put it back in the freezer.

Now you know how ice cream is made at home and it is not difficult. The most important thing is to take fresh food and your desire, and then you will arrange a real holiday for the whole family. Try, experiment and delight your loved ones with a delicious dessert from the kingdom of the Snow Queen.
