
Hake: characteristics, properties and cooking tricks. Fish: Hake silver or silver hake

Hake, or hake (Merluccius) is a dietary sea fish with tender white meat, in which there are few bones.


Hake belongs to the genus of the hake family. It lives on the continental shelf of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans at a depth of 50 to 900 m. This silver-gray fish with a darkish back differs from other close relatives in the structure of the caudal fin, which is completely separate from the dorsal and anal. Another feature of the hake is that its lower jaw is longer than the upper. The fish is considered to be bottom, but for prey it rises to the intermediate and upper layers of ocean waters. Young individuals feed on crustaceans, but with age they become predators, and small fish appear in their diet, for example, anchovy, smelt. In turn, hake is a tasty prey for sea lions and small cetaceans. On average, the length of the fish is 50-70 cm, the weight reaches 3 kg, but sometimes large specimens - up to 1.5 meters in length - get into fishing nets. Hake spawns in summer. During one spawning season, one female lays about 400,000 eggs with a diameter of 0.8-1.2 mm. Hake live up to 20 years.


Like many fish, hake is easily heat-treated: it is boiled, fried, stewed, baked. For cooks, this fish is good first of all because it has few bones; after cooking, the fillet plates are easily separated from the ridge. Hake meat is considered low-fat, so it can be used to prepare dietary dishes, for example, in. However, when baking fish, you need to “moisten” it with sauce or broth from time to time. Considering that hake meat is dryish, it is also better to fry it in batter or a thick layer. Hake makes excellent minced meat for or. Steamed hake can be served with sour cream or cream sauce, as well as with herbs with a pronounced aroma (dill, parsley, cilantro). It is better to stew hake with vegetables in tomato, mustard or.

Composition and properties

Hake is literally crammed with useful substances, it contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, fluorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, molybdenum, nickel, manganese. For example, cobalt, chromium, and iodine contained in fish meat provide the body with these microelements by 200, 110 and 106.7 percent of the daily norm, respectively. Hake is also distinguished by a high content of vitamins - PP, C, A, E, B2, B1, B9, B6. Despite the reputation of being a "lean fish", hake is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially its caviar. The product helps to get rid of toxins, maintain normal blood sugar levels. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering. Hake is also useful for hypertension, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


Allergy to fish.

As cod is popular in Norway, hake is the number one fish in Spain and Portugal.

Calorie content and nutritional value of hake

Hake calorie - 86 kcal.

Hake nutritional value: proteins - 16.6 g, fats - 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 0 g.

Hake, a valuable commercial fish, is very tasty, but, unfortunately, is less known than its relatives in the cod family. But hake is a real storehouse of useful substances and eating dishes from it turns into tangible benefits for the whole organism.

The main thing is to know how to choose a quality fish, how to cook it deliciously and under what indications it is most useful, and in what cases hake is harmful.

What substances affect the benefits of hake

There are more than a dozen varieties of this predatory deep-sea fish, but their differences are important only to ichthyologists and fishermen, since they are all practically equivalent in taste and useful qualities.

The mineral range in hake is represented by fluorine, copper, sulfur, nickel, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, chromium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, sodium, chromium, cobalt. With an average portion of a hake fillet dish, up to 50-130% of the daily intake of certain types of minerals can enter the human body.

Of the vitamins in hake, PP, C, E, A and a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) are most fully represented.

Along with salmon and lumpfish, hake meat and especially its caviar are valuable sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. The protective properties of omega-3 in relation to the development of hypertension and varicose veins are also known.

What is the use of hake for those who follow the figure

Hake fillet is easily, quickly digested and does not load the body with calories at all - there are only 86 of them per 100 g of raw fish. 100 g of boiled hake - 93 kcal, baked or stewed - about 95 kcal, fried - 105 kcal. Being a low-calorie product, hake, in addition, prevents the accumulation of fat in problem areas of the figure and therefore often appears on the diet menu.

What diseases will benefit from hake

Regular use of hake, in principle, has a positive effect on the state of the whole human body, but, like many other products that are distinguished by uniquely balanced complexes of vitamins, minerals and other substances, there are areas of health that hake affects especially noticeably.

the digestive system;

The reproductive system

mucous membranes;

skin integuments;

And with hormonal disruptions.

But its medicinal properties are not limited to this:

hake dishes for diabetes are useful for two reasons - they are not difficult for the gastrointestinal tract, contain a minimum of calories and fat, and also lower blood sugar levels;

The composition of the fish fillet acts as an antioxidant, contributing to the removal of toxins and free radicals from the body, as well as the full renewal of the blood;

As a seafood with a high iodine content, hake is useful for thyroid diseases;

shortly after the introduction of hake into the weekly diet, the metabolism approaches the norm;

hake contributes to the speedy return of health to normal after infectious diseases;

· a number of scientists also talk about the theoretical benefits of this fish for the prevention of cancer;

· hake dishes, by the way, ideally elegantly served (for better psychological perception) are recommended to be included in the diet during periods of depression and severe stress. Hake also has a positive effect on sleep, normalizing it, driving away insomnia.

How to choose and cook fish to benefit from hake

The second name for hake on the shelves is hake.

The size of the fish varies from 20 to 90 cm, and the weight rarely exceeds 3 kg.

When buying chilled fish, you should evaluate the freshness of its smell, the sparkle of the eyes, and the fact that when you press on the fillet, the finger hole should disappear without a trace.

But fresh hake is only good for sale near the places where it is caught, since long-term refrigerated storage reduces its taste.

Frozen hake goes on sale gutted whole carcasses or fillets. Dry (shock) freezing most fully preserves the benefits of hake.

If you are choosing a hake covered with ice when frozen, you need to evaluate the following:

The size of the fish should correspond to its weight. Too heavy - the excess of frozen water wasted increased the price of the hake and spoiled the structure of his meat, tearing the fibers. Suspiciously light - it means that it has been stale and the moisture from the meat has managed to evaporate, so it will be tasteless and dry;

· a crooked, curved fish, most likely, has been thawed and frozen more than once, and this completely deprives the hake of high taste and many useful properties.

There are small bones in the hake, but, after the heat treatment of the fish, the fillet plates are easily separated from them and the ridge.

White, not very dense hake meat is found by many to be more tender, fatty and juicy than cod or pollock meat. Hake can be deliciously cooked according to recipes for mackerel, pollock and cod, and you can also combine fillets of these fish in dishes.

Keeping in mind that hake meat is dry in itself, when frying, you should choose a batter or a thick layer of breadcrumbs for it, when baking, place it in foil or a culinary sleeve, a layer of dough, moisten with sauce or broth. With any method of preparation, the hake does not lose its beneficial properties. They cook fish soup, fish pies, cutlets, stews with it.

Possible harm to hake and contraindications to its use

The advantages of this fish are excellent, but there are also disadvantages, expressed in the potential harm of hake, which it can bring, and in contraindications to its use.

A contraindication to the presence of a hake on the table is gastritis with high acidity and an ulcer, since this fish easily increases the acidity of gastric juice;

Naturally, you can not use hake with individual intolerance to seafood.

Heavy metals and other pollution entering the oceans as a result of human activity tend not only to dissolve in water, but also to accumulate by lower marine life, for example, algae and crustaceans. And further along the food chain, harmful substances end up in commercial fish, some of which, for example, cod, are distinguished by the ability to accumulate them in fairly large quantities.

Unfortunately, the origin of hake is often impossible to determine at all, but it can be assumed that major fish suppliers are fishing in ecologically clean waters. You can also choose a hake grown in artificial conditions.

But with any doubts about the quality of the fish, it should not be too abundantly included in the diet of children, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and those who are severely weakened by disease.

Connoisseurs of a healthy diet should pay attention to the fact that many seafood producers use food additives and stabilizers designed to improve the quality of frozen products - to keep water in it, preserve its shape, extend the shelf life, finally. Many of the additives are officially allowed, such as E452, but much remains to be seen regarding their harmlessness to humans.

1. What is this fish

Hake (Merluza)- sea fish. Length: up to 140 cm; weight: up to 14 kg. It lives in temperate and subarctic waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. In Europe, it has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds.

2. Culinary properties

It is in great demand in restaurants in Europe, where it has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds. Hake meat is of good taste, white, tender, juicy, contains almost no small bones. Meat freezes well.

3. Brief history

Intensive fishing for Pacific hake (Merluccius Productus) in the USSR began in the 1960s, and it was during this period that hake began to appear on store shelves. The three main varieties of white fish consumed in canteens of Soviet public catering - pollock, hake and cod have become a kind of symbol of fish days and have received the name “table” fish varieties that unites them.

4. Positive and negative qualities

5. How it is prepared

The best hake is obtained whole fried. The fastest and easiest way to fry hake is to cook it in breadcrumbs in vegetable oil. Good fried hake in batter. You can fry marinated fish on coals, and in foil.

This fish is also good for minced meat, because there are practically no bones in it.

You can cook aspic from hake, the fish is poured with prepared broth with the addition of vegetables. Boiled fish is very good, it makes excellent fish soup. You can cook a variety of href=”http://stalkerfish.ru/s/spacies/?di=soups&si=83&su=hek&st=Hek&dt=B%20soup”>soups – saltworts, mashed potatoes, etc.

In addition, the fish is good in poached, steamed, baked and stewed. Steamed fish can be cooked with different herbs and sauces. As

Hake is a favorite fish of many housewives. It is always on sale, it is easy and simple to prepare. The carcass of the fish has a fairly dense meat, there are practically no bones in it. Therefore, it has earned wide application in cooking. Hake can be fried, stewed with vegetables, cooked under a marinade, baked in foil or a sleeve. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Sea fish contains a large number of substances useful for our body. Hake also belongs to low-fat varieties, which makes its meat also dietary. Fish dishes are recommended for everyone, and even for those who are on diets or adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

What I love about fish dishes is their versatility. They are quite independent and complete in themselves. They can also be combined with any side dishes. Boiled rice, buckwheat or millet, mashed potatoes, baked eggplants with tomatoes, pasta are a great addition to seafood. An excellent addition to fish is a salad of fresh vegetables.

Tasty, satisfying and healthy. Hake dishes can be prepared both for everyday table and for a holiday. Let me introduce you to the recipes for cooking fish in a pan, which have long won the hearts of many cooks.

Let's start an interesting acquaintance!

Sea fish is often not just fried in a pan, but cooked in batter - the prepared pieces are dipped in batter, and then spread on a hot pan. And here the main thing is to guess with the consistency of the dough - it should not be too liquid, otherwise it will not stick to pieces of fish. Also, do not make it too thick - you will get fish in the dough, and this is a completely different dish.

Some housewives use a little trick so as not to make a mistake with the batter. They first roll the fish in flour, then in beaten eggs and fry - it turns out beautifully and neatly. But we still try to cook a real batter. This is the classic version I like more.

Hake, prepared in the manner described below, is very tasty and juicy. The whole secret is in the batter shell, which retains all the juices, and the fish remains tender. And on top we get a crispy fried crust. Add here your favorite sauce, vegetable salad - and a delicious dinner is ready!

For cooking, take:

  • Hake fillet - 500 grams
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Flour (for breading) - 2 tablespoons

For batter:

  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Flour - 140 grams
  • Water (or milk) - 150 milliliters
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Let's start with the batter, as you will need to let it brew a little in the refrigerator.

This trick will allow us to get a crispier crust in the finished dish.

Beat the egg well, pre-salting.

Add water (or milk) and stir. Gradually add flour, achieving the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Put the batter in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

During this time, the flour will swell, and the dough will become thicker and more viscous as a result.

Marinate the fish pieces for 15 minutes in a mixture of lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Roll hake in flour. This will allow the batter to stick better to the fish.

Then we dip it in batter, put it on a hot pan so that the pieces of fish do not touch each other - then we will get an excellent crisp.

Fry until a beautiful golden color is obtained. We spread the finished fish on paper napkins - they will absorb excess fat.

That's all! As you can see, it's very simple and incredibly fast. And let me tell you a secret, it's delicious. You can serve this dish both hot and as a cold fish snack. It will perfectly diversify any family dinner or become an appetizing guest on the festive table. Bon appetit!

Hake fried in flour

You can fry fish not only in batter. Bread the hake in flour - and into the pan. This method will also preserve the juiciness of valuable white meat. But hake is a champion among marine fish in terms of iodine content.

If you are using not ready-made fillets, but freshly frozen carcasses, they will first need to be thawed. Trim the fins, clean from scales if the fish is unpeeled. Then cut along the abdomen from tail to head, open and remove the black film inside.

After that, the backbone is removed, and the carcasses, if it is supposed to be fried not whole, are cut into portioned pieces. So that the fillet keeps its shape and does not fall apart during cooking, it is not necessary to remove the skin. So, let's deal with this dish in more detail!

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 700 grams
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Dried Basil - 1 teaspoon
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking recipe:

Fish, whole or in pieces, salt, add spices.

If you want to give a fish dish a unique aroma and taste, add a little dried basil to it. In Italy, for example, many restaurants offer fish with this fragrant herb. Try it too!

Now roll the pieces of hake in flour and fry on both sides until a pleasant golden color. Do not keep in the pan for too long, otherwise the fish will become dry.

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. A great dish if you do not want to stand at the stove for a long time. Serve hake on lettuce leaves. Add vegetables. Boil potatoes or rice. Delicious and healthy dinner is ready! Bon appetit!

Marinated hake in lemon juice

Fish fillet is an excellent product that cooks quickly, and the result is always excellent. I really like hake marinated in lemon juice and fragrant spices. The fish is tender and literally melts in your mouth.

There are two ways to cook hake - in a pan or in the oven. Choose the second option if you do not like to use a lot of oil and want to get a more dietary product. You can bake fish both on an open baking sheet and in foil.

We will consider the recipe for hake fried in a pan. This dish is suitable for lunch or dinner, it can be served with a side dish - it will be even more satisfying. And the original presentation will allow you to serve it to the festive table. So let's get started!

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 500 grams
  • Salt - to taste
  • Seasoning for fish - to taste
  • Soy sauce - 30 milliliters
  • Garlic - 1 - 2 cloves
  • Lemon juice - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Parsley

Step by step cooking recipe:

Put the fish in a bowl.

Add soy sauce, spices, a little salt, lemon juice, crushed garlic, mix.

Let the fish stand for 10 - 15 minutes so that it is well saturated with marinade.

All that remains to be done is to roll the fish in flour and fry.

Serve sprinkled with chopped parsley. Separately, you can serve any sauce that goes well with fish. For example, "Tartar". It can be easily prepared even at home.

For the sauce you will need 2 boiled yolks, 1 tablespoon of mustard and lemon juice, 1 pickled cucumber (cut into small cubes), 30 milliliters of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, chopped parsley, dill. All ingredients are thoroughly beaten with a mixer. This sauce will keep in the fridge for up to two days, so don't cook it ahead of time. Cook with pleasure!

Video on how to stew fish with carrots and onions

Hake is not only tasty, but also quite healthy fish that is easily absorbed by the body. That is why it is widely used in cooking. It can often be found in recipes for diet menus.
Let's cook hake stewed with vegetables. All the secrets and subtleties of cooking in the video below.

Hake fried in breadcrumbs

This marine fish is one of the most affordable and not expensive representatives of its kind, which can be purchased in the fish department of any store. Plus, it's quick and easy to prepare. Just half an hour - and an appetizing, fragrant dish is already on your table.

It would seem that the same fish, but there are a lot of cooking methods. By replacing just one or two ingredients, you can cook something new and interesting every time. For example, change the composition of spices or fry not in flour or batter, but in breadcrumbs, cornmeal. And get a completely different taste.

Let's cook hake breaded with breadcrumbs. Let's spice it up by adding soy sauce and lemon. Anyone will like such a juicy fish in a delicious crust. Be sure to try this dish!

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 1 kilogram
  • Eggs - 1 - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • Breadcrumbs

For marinade:

  • Soy sauce - 2 - 3 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice - 4 - 5 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper
  • Provence herb blend

Step by step cooking recipe:

Combine the pieces of fish with the marinade, for which we mix all the ingredients indicated in the recipe. Let's leave it like that for half an hour.

Soy sauce can be replaced with vegetable oil or olive oil.

Fry fish over medium heat dipped first in flour, then in eggs and, lastly, in breadcrumbs.

At what we first cook with the lid open, and after we turn it over to the second side, we cover the pan. This makes the fish meat more tender. That's all - you can serve it to the table, decorating with slices of lemon, fresh herbs. Cook with pleasure!

Hake in a frying pan in tomato sauce

Amazing, tender and juicy - it's all about hake. What I also like about him is the minimum of bones. There are many ways to cook this fish. One of my favorites is in tomato sauce. This is how my mom always cooked. A simple, homemade recipe with no frills or culinary tricks.

Tomato paste can be replaced with fresh or canned tomatoes in their own juice, tomato juice is also suitable for this purpose. This will also turn out delicious, but the taste will be different, less saturated.

Hake and tomato sauce are a great combination! This is the perfect dish for a family dinner. You can serve with any side dish - potatoes, spaghetti, crumbly rice. Let's start!

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 2 - 3 carcasses
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon

Step by step cooking recipe:

Cut the fish into pieces, onion into half rings, three carrots coarsely on a grater.

Fry the onion until translucent, add carrots to it and sauté for another 5-7 minutes until the vegetables are soft.

For a deeper, more pronounced taste, you can also fry the fish, after rolling it in flour.

Dissolve tomato paste in a glass of hot water, add salt, a teaspoon of sugar. Pour over vegetables, bring to a boil.

Now put the fish, chopped garlic, pepper in the pan.

The tomato sauce should completely cover the fish. Therefore, it can be transferred to a small saucepan or cast iron pot.

Stew hake for 20 minutes over low heat.

When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill. Most of all I love this fish with mashed potatoes. I think this is the best side dish for this dish. Bon appetit!

Stewed fish in a pan in sour cream

Hake is one of the most useful varieties of fish. It has a high content of retinol (vitamin A) - known for its healing properties in almost all areas of the human body, and tocopherol (E) - the vitamin of youth, beauty - reduces pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Fish is a rich source of micro and macro elements such as iodine, magnesium, calcium and many others. There are observations that those who regularly introduce sea fish into the menu do not know problems with immunity, metabolism and high blood sugar.

Have you tried stewing hake in sour cream? The dish is simply delicious! Delicious, tender, milky pieces melt in your mouth. And it is prepared, like all dishes from this fish, in a matter of minutes. Let's cook fish in sour cream sauce, complementing it with the sweet taste of fried onions.

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 1 kilogram
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sour cream - 300 grams
  • Milk - 200 milliliters
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste
  • Flour - 3-5 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil
  • Parsley, dill

Step by step cooking recipe:

Prepare the filling in which we will stew the fish. To do this, mix eggs, milk, sour cream, salt and pepper.

Roll the hake fillet in flour and fry. Let's take it off the fire.

Saute the onion cubes until golden brown, transfer to the fish. Fill hake with sour cream mixture.

Simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat - the sauce should noticeably thicken. At the end, add chopped fresh herbs, simmer for a couple more minutes. We remove from the fire. Delicious fish is ready!

If you plan to cook this dish for children, then fillet the fish carcass - remove the backbone and bones. By the way, you can introduce hake into the children's menu from 9 to 10 months, unless, of course, the baby is prone to allergies. Give children fish twice a week. Cook delicious and healthy food with love for family and friends!

Hake in a pan with vegetables

This is a suitable recipe for fish with lean, dietary meat. Just such a hake is. Vegetable gravy makes the dish incredibly juicy and tender. A combination of various spices and spices - gives an incredible taste.

If you do not additionally fry fish and vegetables, then the calorie content of the finished dish will decrease, and the benefits will only increase. It is ideal for diet food.

Stewed hake can be served as an independent dish or made more satisfying by adding a side dish. Fish is served both hot and cold - this is the beauty of hake.

Stewed fish is prepared quite simply and quickly, and everyone will like the result. This recipe is about how to cook a wonderful meal for the whole family without any hassle.

For cooking, take:

  • Hake - 1 kilogram
  • Tomatoes - 500 grams
  • Onions - 3 (medium) heads
  • Carrots - 2 - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces
  • Dried marjoram, rosemary - 1 teaspoon
  • Dried parsley - 2 - 3 teaspoons
  • Allspice - 4 peas
  • Flour, vegetable oil

Step by step cooking recipe:

Pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfish pieces with freshly squeezed lemon juice, leave for 20 minutes.

Mix flour with salt, pepper, marjoram and parsley. In this mixture, bread the hake, lightly brown in a pan.

Remove skin from tomatoes.

To do this, dip them for a couple of minutes in boiling water or simply pour boiling water over them. After this procedure, it will be much easier to remove the skin.

Grate the tomatoes or grind with a blender to a puree state.

Onion cut into small cubes. Carrots - on a large grater. Fry the vegetables for 5 minutes - they should become soft.

Salt, pepper, crushed tomatoes, add sugar, pour into vegetables. We put allspice, bay leaf. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Put the hake on top of the vegetables, pour in 50 - 100 milliliters of water (the fish should be completely covered with liquid). Gently mix, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. A delicious meal is ready!

In fact, there are a lot of options for cooking stewed fish with vegetables. Find your zest, and a banal dish will turn into an exquisite culinary masterpiece. The secret to the unusual taste of fish in the recipe described above is marjoram and rosemary. It is they who associate the insipid white meat of hake with the taste of vegetables. The result is really worth the praise. Cook with pleasure!

Stewed sea fish - the easiest video recipe

The recipe for fish stewed “in a fur coat” of vegetables is quite popular, despite its simplicity. Such a dish can even be served on the festive table. A definite plus is the speed of preparation. This is especially helpful when guests arrive unexpectedly and spontaneously.

Watch the detailed video recipe on how to cook a quick, satisfying and beautiful dish!

Cooking features

The process of making hake is so simple that anyone will feel like an experienced cook. However, there are some subtleties and secrets here that everyone must know.

The first, and perhaps the most important thing is choosing the right carcass. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the date of its packaging and expiration dates. The fresher the fish, the better it will taste in the finished dish.

After selecting the carcass, feel it - there should not be pieces of ice inside. This is a sign that the fish has been frozen incorrectly. During cooking, the meat of such a hake will not be tender, but rubbery, no matter how much you stew it.

The next step is the process of defrosting the purchased fish. Some advise to do this by flooding the fish with water. Never resort to this method - the meat will not only lose its beneficial properties, but also turn out dry.

It would be correct to slightly defrost the hake in the refrigerator, and then take it out and let it thaw completely. So the structure of fish meat will not suffer, it will remain soft and juicy.

Hake meat will acquire a more interesting and refined taste if the fish is pre-marinated. For example, using lemon juice, soy sauce, a variety of spices and fragrant herbs. But you can change the composition of the marinade at will and your taste preferences.

The aroma of stewed seafood becomes more attractive when the spice of bay leaf joins it. You can also add a couple of tablespoons of Dijon mustard to the gravy. Its mild taste goes well with fish meat and vegetables.

Stewed hake turns out tastier if it is pre-fried. But this is not a prerequisite, especially if you want to keep the maximum of nutrients in fish and make the dish dietary.

Hake fillet is thin and tender - keep this in mind when cooking. In batter, it should be fried for no more than 10 minutes, and in breading - 5 - 7 minutes is enough.

To make the fish crust crispy, beautiful golden hue, fry the fish over high heat with the lid open.

Knowing the intricacies of cooking any dish, you will get an unsurpassed result that will not disappoint you. Cook with love!

It is in great demand in restaurants in Europe, where it has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds. Hake meat is of good taste, white, tender, juicy, contains almost no small bones. Meat freezes well.

Intensive fishing for Pacific hake (Merluccius Productus) in the USSR began in the 1960s, and it was during this period that hake began to appear on store shelves. The three main varieties of white fish consumed in canteens of Soviet public catering - pollock, hake and cod have become a kind of symbol of fish days and have received the name “table” fish varieties that unites them.

4. Positive and negative qualities

The best hake is obtained whole fried. The fastest and easiest way to fry hake is to cook it in breadcrumbs in vegetable oil. Good fried hake in batter. You can fry marinated fish on coals, and in foil.

This fish is also good for minced meat, because there are practically no bones in it.

You can cook aspic from hake, the fish is poured with prepared broth with the addition of vegetables. Boiled fish is very good, it makes excellent fish soup. You can cook a variety of soups - hodgepodges, mashed potatoes, etc.

In addition, the fish is good in poached, steamed, baked and stewed. Steamed fish can be cooked with different herbs and sauces. As pastries with hake, pies, pies and pies are baked.

heck where are they catching

Catching a hake is not so easy, because this type of fish swims near the bottom and rarely swims out. Basically, hake is found in Norway, Argentina, the USA, but you can also find it in our reservoirs, however, it is inhabited there artificially.

Hake lives on the continental shelf at great depths in the Northwest Atlantic. And this fish comes to Russia from abroad, most often already frozen, mainly from the USA, Chile, Canada, Norway. We have a European freezer, which lives in the southern waters of the Black Sea, it is caught only with the help of bottom trawls, since it lives at a depth.

Hake is very attractive from a culinary point of view, because it has very few bones, which are also very easy to remove.

Hake fish: harm or benefit to human health?

Hake is a fish from the Cod family, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats that are vital for humans. It is widely used in cooking because it has a delicate taste and is easy to prepare. The bones are removed from the fish fillet without extra labor.

The meat of this marine life is easily digested by the human digestive system. No wonder hake is used to prepare dietary dishes. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the fish, and also figure out how useful a hake is for a person and can it be harmful?

The nutritional value

Hake is most often found on sale in frozen form. Thus, its useful qualities, which are many, are preserved as much as possible. Contains a large number of micro and macro elements:

Hake fillet and caviar also contain vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, PP.

In addition, the composition includes omega-3 and other unsaturated fatty acids that are important for human health.

Calorie content is low - approximately 86 kcal per 100 g.

Agree, the list of useful components turned out to be impressive.

Beneficial features

Having a rich set of nutrients, hake can serve as a real cure for some diseases. Here is a list of the most common diseases in which the use of this fish of the cod family has a noticeable positive effect.

Thyroid diseases

Hippocrates said: “We are what we eat. Food should be not just food, but medicine.”

And this statement is absolutely suitable for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

A healthy, well-thought-out diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalizing its activity. And hake fish is one of the healing products that a person with a disordered endocrine system can include in his menu.

The fact is that in order to restore the functional health of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to regularly consume various seafood rich in iodine, vitamins and amino acids. Hake cooked in a double boiler (but not fried) is an ideal dish in this regard.

Nerve disorders

Nerve cells do not regenerate. This saying is known to everyone, but in modern society it is extremely difficult to save them.


Diabetes is a real disaster for humanity. In case of illness, it is necessary to follow a strict diet, monitor blood sugar levels.

Hake, like no other fish, is suitable for performing two tasks at once. From the fillet you can cook a large number of dietary dishes. In addition, fish fillet and caviar lower blood sugar.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the positive properties, hake has a number of contraindications. If you ignore them, you can cause serious health problems. Therefore, we will consider in as much detail as possible the harmful qualities of a hake.

  • Allergic reaction. Like any seafood, hake fillet and caviar can cause serious allergies if you are hypersensitive to the components. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers to refrain from eating this fish for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • Constipation. Fish fillet contains a lot of iron, and it has a binding effect and is contraindicated in large quantities for constipation.
  • Increased acidity of the body. With this phenomenon, it is strictly forbidden to eat hake. Meat and fish roe can further increase the level of acidity and cause an exacerbation.

Presence of heavy metals

Seawater contains heavy metals such as mercury and various fatty contaminants. They are absorbed by the algae, which in turn are used as fish food. As a result, harmful components penetrate the body of commercial fish, and subsequently - on the human table.

There is a list of species that can absorb heavy metals to the greatest extent. These primarily include cod, including hake.

Heavy metals have a negative effect on the human body, especially if it is weakened for any reason. The risk zone includes children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly. For these groups of people, the presence of hake in the diet should not be made regular.

The harmful effects of polyphosphates

When freezing and packaging fish, manufacturers use food additives / stabilizers - polyphosphates (denoted as E452). They are needed to retain moisture, retain their shape without deformation during defrosting, and extend the shelf life of the product.

Despite the fact that some food additives are officially approved by the Ministry of Health, they negatively affect the human body, clogging it with chemicals.

Otherwise, the risk of infection remains - anisakiasis. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, choking cough, extensive urticaria. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Hake or pollock?

Pollock is often compared to hake, considering them interchangeable products. Moreover, some buyers do not particularly understand the difference between these fish. But there are differences, and quite significant ones.

  1. Nutrients. If we compare the benefits of pollock and hake, then the second applicant wins (according to the total amount of vitamins, proteins and trace elements).
  2. Price policy. Pollock is the most budgetary fish product than hake.
  3. Taste qualities. Many gourmets believe that hake fillet is more tender and juicier. However, pollock liver is valued as an exquisite delicacy containing a large amount of vitamin A. And here the favorite is obvious.

When choosing between pollock and hake, rely on taste preferences, the usefulness of fish and financial capabilities.

Hake fish where it lives

this is our profession!

on the continental shelf of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

  • European hake is distributed in the eastern Atlantic, from the coasts of Norway and Iceland to Mauritania. Found in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
  • Silver hake, or hake, lives off the coast of North America from Belle Isle Sound to the Bahamas
  • Argentine hake lives off the Atlantic coast of South America, from southern Brazil to the Falkland Islands.
  • Chilean hake is distributed only off the Pacific coast of Peru and Chile.
  • Hake is silver. According to the chemical composition of the meat, the silver hake is close to the White Sea saffron cod; hake meat contains significantly more fat (up to 4%) compared to most representatives of cod; 16-18% proteins; weight - g, rarely - 3-5 kg.
  • Pacific hake: meat - boiled - white, juicy, has a delicate texture and a peculiar, rather pleasant taste. It contains about 13-19% protein, 0.7-2.7% fat. This is a large fish, its weight is up to 10 kg.
  • There are few small bones in the meat of both types.
  • Hake meat is tastier than cod meat, it is more tender and fatter.
  • An excellent source of proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C, E, PP, minerals and trace elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper , zinc, fluorine and many others. Hake meat provides our body with the protein we need for growth and tissue repair. In terms of its chemical composition, hake is close to the White Sea saffron cod.
  • Hake meat is very easy to digest, so dishes prepared from it are very useful for everyone, including those used in dietary nutrition. Hake is very rich in methionine, a substance that prevents atherosclerosis and regulates the adrenal glands.
  • Fried hake is very tasty, various sauces can be served with it, for example, from sour cream, cream, butter. Also, fried hake can be poured with marinade. In addition, cutlets and meatballs are prepared from hake. If hake is fried in dough, then its meat will be especially tasty and tender, the dough will protect it from moisture loss and drying.
  • When baking hake in the oven, it is necessary to periodically water it with broth.
  • Also, many stew hake.
  • The meat will be tastier if it is sprinkled with lemon juice or vinegar before frying.
  • hake - 1 kg
  • butter - 3 tbsp. spoon
  • wheat flour spoon
  • Sour cream - 0.5 cup
  • salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  • Cut the fish into pieces, pepper, salt, breaded in flour. Fry in butter until done. Then put in a bowl, pour sour cream and bake in the oven.
  • Serve with a combined side dish (green peas, fried potatoes, boiled carrots and beets, pickled fruits).

Hake fish where it lives

Hake is a predatory marine fish that belongs to the hake family from the cod-like order. Hake widely inhabits the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The average hake size is from 30 to 70 centimeters, however, some individuals can exceed one and a half meters in length. The hake's body is elongated, has a grayish color with a silvery sheen, the sides and belly are lighter than the back. The mouth is large. A feature of its structure is that the hake's upper jaw is shorter than the lower.

Flocks of hake are found at a depth of 20 to 300 meters, choosing the continental shelf for their habitat. Depending on the habitat, ichthyologists distinguish between different types of hake:

The Pacific hake inhabits the waters of the Pacific Northeast;

Argentine hake, found off the Atlantic coast of South America;

The Chilean hake inhabits the waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Chile and Peru;

The New Zealand hake is found in waters near New Zealand;

Cape hake is found off the coast of Southwest Africa.

Young hakes are rather illegible in food. They are able to eat plankton, small crustaceans and other food. Growing up, these fish become predators, the basis of the diet of which is small forage fish: herring, mackerel, and juveniles of other fish. Adult hakes eat squid, large shrimps and even their own fry.

Hake becomes sexually mature at 3-4 years of age, growing up to 30 centimeters in length by this time. Hake spawning occurs in portions from spring to autumn, at which time flocks of hake come closer to the shores. Depending on the size, one hake female can lay up to half a million eggs per season. Hake spawns at a depth of 50 to 150 meters, caviar keeps and develops in the water column.

Hake meat is very tasty and nutritious, it is highly valued in cooking, and therefore this fish is of great commercial importance. However, due to intensive fishing, hake stocks in the oceans are significantly reduced.
