
Proper serving of food. Rules for serving dishes on the table

Use of tableware for table setting

Serving bread and confectionery

Bread and confectionery are served on pie plates with individual service. For group service - on small dinner plates.

At home, as well as during receptions and banquets, bread can be put on a snack plate or special bread bins can be used.

Serving cold snacks

Snack plates are used to serve cold appetizers, they are also used as coasters for salad bowls.

For salads, pickles, marinades, square salad bowls are used. The volume of salad bowls is from 240 to 720 ml. At banquets they are served individually to each.

To serve fish snacks, for example, smoked salmon, stellate sturgeon or sturgeon with or without a side dish, as well as sprat, salmon, cod liver, herring and trays are used.

Oval dishes are used for meat and fish cuts, as well as for jellied banquet fish dishes.

Meat and vegetable snacks, stuffed profiteroles, vol-au-vents, duck with apples, fried and stuffed chicken are usually served on round dishes.

The signature salad, as well as salads of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and Olivier salad are served in vases on a low leg.

Gravy boats are used to serve cold sauces, ketchup and sour cream. According to the serving rules, only snack plates are placed on the table, the rest of the dishes are used exclusively to bring a snack during the meal.

Serving first courses

To serve branded soups, as well as soups with finely chopped, mashed meat or chicken products and broths, 300 ml bouillon cups are used.

To serve soups in full portions, deep dinner plates with a capacity of 500 ml are used. Small dinner plates are used as substitutes for them.

In deep bowls with a capacity of 300 ml, half a serving of soup is served. Snack plates are taken as substitutes.

Soup bowls with lids are used to serve family meals.

Clay pots serve special or signature dishes.

Serving second courses

Small dinner plates are used to serve second courses of fish, meat and poultry.

Dessert serving

Dessert is served in deep or shallow dessert plates. The former are used for serving fruit salads, jelly and other sweet dishes, the latter for soufflés, casseroles, milk porridge, etc.

Serving hot drinks

Tea, coffee and cocoa are served in tea cups with a capacity of 200-250 ml. Tea saucers are served with the cups.

For brewing, I use teapots with a capacity of 250 to 600 ml, which are served on the table.

Boiling water is served in teapots with a capacity of 1200-1600 ml.

Green tea is served in bowls.

Usually coffee is served in 800 ml coffee pots, black coffee - in coffee pots for 4 and 6 servings.

For coffee, Oriental coffee or chocolate, cups and saucers are served.

Milk for tea and coffee is poured into milk jugs with a capacity of 200 ml; cream - in creamers with a capacity of 25 to 100 ml.

For jam, lemon, sugar, special vases are placed for 1, 2 and 4 servings.

Sockets can also be used for jam, honey, jam, lemon and sugar.

Serving fruit and confectionery

Fruits, grapes, watermelon, bananas are served on small dessert plates. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a pattern in the form of fruits. If there are no such plates, then you can take ordinary snack plates.

For cakes and cakes of a round shape, flat vases on a low leg are used.

Confectionery is served on pie plates.

Basic cutlery when setting the table

Knife and fork are served with cold dishes and some hot appetizers. The length of the knife should be approximately equal to the diameter of the snack plate.

Fish cutlery is served with hot fish dishes. The fish knife is shaped like a spatula, and the fork has three short prongs.

Cutlery (knife, fork, spoon) is served with hot dishes. The length of a table knife is equal to the diameter of a small table plate, the length of the fork and spoon is slightly less. Often, table forks and spoons are used as auxiliary cutlery. They are put in salad bowls and on dishes with gastronomic cuts.

Dessert utensils (knife, fork, spoon) are served with dessert. The length of the dessert knife, as a rule, is equal to the diameter of the dessert plate, the length of the spoon is less. The dessert knife is already a diner, has a pointed tip. The dessert fork has three prongs. Often a dessert knife and fork is used when serving sweet pies, and a dessert spoon is used when serving sweet dishes and some soups.

Fruit utensils (knife and fork) are smaller than dessert ones, a fruit fork has two prongs.

Additional cutlery

The butter knife has a wide curved blade. It is placed on a pie plate on the right side.

A sickle-shaped knife-fork is used to cut and lay out the cheese.

A saw knife is used for slicing a lemon, and for shifting

slices - a lemon fork with two prongs.

When serving herring, use a two-pronged fork.

The sprat fork has a wide base in the form of a spatula and five prongs connected at the ends by a bridge. This allows you to avoid deformation of the fish.

For crabs, crayfish and shrimp, use a knife and a long fork with two prongs.

For seafood, a fork is used, one of the prongs of which is more powerful. It is needed so that you can easily separate the pulp from the shell.

For hot fish snacks, a chill fork with three short and wide teeth is used.

A salad spoon has three prongs and is larger than a table spoon.

Ladles are used for pouring cold and hot soups, as well as jelly and compotes.

Pastry tongs - for shifting pastries and cakes.

Nutcrackers are two handles with serrated recesses connected in a V-shape.

Ice tongs are U-shaped, they are a bracket with two serrated blades.

With the help of scissors for grapes, cut the berries from the brush.

Spatulas are served for caviar, fish, meat and vegetable dishes, confectionery. A spatula for caviar resembles a flat scoop, for shifting meat and vegetable dishes - a rectangular shape, a spatula for fish - figured with slots, for confectionery - a figured, quadrangular shape.


At the table, you must sit straight, without leaning on your elbows, do not put your elbows on the table. Take food from common dishes should be laid out cutlery - most often it is a fork and a spoon. Holding a fork in the left hand and a spoon in the right hand, they put the appropriate food on their plate.

Do not put several cold appetizers and salads on your plate at the same time. It is indecent to leave this or that dish on the plate half-eaten. This is a direct disrespect to the mistress of the house. Therefore, when laying food, you should think about two things: whether everything put on the plate will be eaten and whether there will be enough food for everyone. The hostess of the house should offer this or that dish, unobtrusively explaining which salad or sauce should be taken with the corresponding meal. The mistress of the house begins to eat first; if any dish is unknown to the guest, one must quietly observe how the hostess eats it.

BREADfrom a plate or basket they take it with their hands and put it on a plate for bread. They eat it by breaking it into small pieces. PATE, BUTTER they take it with their knife, put it on a plate on the right. Butter is spread on a slice of bread placed on a bread plate. It is held with the fingers of the left hand on a plate; one should not spread butter on a slice of bread, holding it on weight. If there are no bread plates on the table, then a slice of bread should be placed on the edge of the snack plate. Bread spread with butter or snacks is eaten with a knife and fork. If the bread needs to be spread with honey or jam, then the slice of bread is first of all cut into oblong pieces. Butter can be spread on all types of bread, toast (toasted bread), tortillas, corn on the cob. Butter and vegetables are put with a fork, not a knife. SANDWICHES, SANDWICHES taken by hand if they are served with drinks before the start of dinner. At the table, sandwiches are eaten with a fork and knife. SCRAMBLED EGGSn It should be served in a special dish along with a small egg spoon (unlike a teaspoon, the end of the egg spoon is widened). Welded HARD BOARD EGGS must be peeled and served with sauce, eat them with a fork.

spoon when eating SOUP , directed when scooping away from oneself and brought to the mouth with the end. When finishing the soup, tilt the plate slightly away from you. If BOUILLON with scrambled eggs, meatballs, etc., then it is eaten with a dessert spoon. If the broth is served in a special cup with pies, croutons, salty biscuits, etc., then you can drink it.

WARM FISH DISHES eat with a fork and knife for fish. Instead of a knife, you can use a second fork or a piece of bread, holding it in your left hand. The fish is not cut with a knife, but pieces are separated with it, holding it with a fork. The bones are taken from the mouth with a fork and placed on the edge of the plate. If the fish is served with lemon, hold a slice of lemon near a piece of fish with a fork, scrape out the middle with a knife, and put the rest of the lemon on the edge of the plate. BAKED FOOD (JULIEN) eat with a small mocha spoon. HOT AND COLD MEATS cut with a knife and eat with a fork. It is not customary to cut the whole piece of meat into smaller pieces at once and then eat it. FOOD FROM MINUTED MEAT (cutlets, chopped steak, cabbage rolls, dumplings, meatballs, lulakebab) and potatoes are not cut with a knife, but are divided into pieces with a fork. You can only hold it with a knife. It is believed that if meat dishes are easily separated with one fork, you should not use a knife at all. SAUCEor gravy meat or fish, not a side dish. POTATOdo not knead with a fork and do not cut with a knife (with the exception of large potatoes baked in the oven). CAUSERS, WARM PATES, CUTTERS , various DISHES FROM MINUTED MEAT IN SAUCE eat with a fork, holding it in the right hand. In this case, when serving the table, the fork is placed to the right of the plate. CREPES WITH FILLING, OMELETTE, PATE IN DOUGH BASKETS cut with a knife and eat with a fork. They eat the same way STUFFED VEGETABLES . POULTRY MEAT(domestic and wild) are cut with a knife and eaten with a fork. Only wings and pieces, which may contain many small bones, can be eaten with hands.

At a dinner party, after dishes of asparagus, crayfish or roast poultry, guests are surrounded by small bowls of flavored water in which to rinse their fingertips. After fried chicken ("tobacco"), soaked napkins are served so that you can wipe your fingers. They can be placed on bread plates already at the table setting.

SNACK FISH(salmon, sturgeon, lamprey, smoked eel) are cut with a snack knife. Boiled fish or hot smoked fish is eaten only with a fork. Smoked fish is first of all cleaned of skin and bones on one side. When the upper part is eaten, the fish is turned over and proceed to the second side. ICRUserved in a glass dish placed in cupronickel bowl with crushed ice. Croutons are served with caviar. Put caviar with a spatula or spoon on croutons and eat them, holding them with your hands. LOBSTERserved boiled. When eating, they use a special cutting knife, with the help of which the contents of the abdomen and a long blood vessel are removed from the lobster cut in half. The central part is broken and the meat and fat in it are eaten with a fork or a special device in the form of a spoon on a knife. The tail shell is broken with a fork and the lobster meat is taken out with it. FROG LEGS- thin and small in size. Their taste is reminiscent of chicken meat. The leg is taken with the fingers by the bone, brought to the mouth and the meat is removed from it with the teeth. CRAB. The shell plates are removed with your fingers and put on the edge of the plate. The meat is eaten with the hands. They are also served raw. To wipe hands on the table, they put bags with moistened napkins or a bowl of warm water (in fine restaurants, for example, a wicker basket is served, in which there is a small towel moistened with lotion or fragrant water). mussels. Served hot, in the sink. When eating, they use special tweezers for opening shells and a special fork. With tweezers in the left hand, they hold the mussel on the plate, and with a fork they pick out the mollusk from the shell. Empty shells are left on the edge of the plate. OYSTERserved live. A closed shell (it cannot be served open, as this means that the mollusk in it is already dead) is turned with its convex side to the plate and opened with a fork. With its help, the inedible part is also removed. Then, holding the shell in the left hand, and the fork in the right, they feast on the oyster (after sprinkling it with lemon juice), after which they drink the juice formed in the recess of the shell. CANCERserved boiled with salt and dill. When cutting, they use a special knife, opening the shell from the side and taking out the meat. The remaining parts can simply be sucked along with the scales, then the tail shell is opened with a knife and the blood vessel (like a lobster) and the insides are removed, and the juice is sucked out. The scales are stacked on the edge of the plate. ARTICHOKEshould be boiled. They are eaten hot, dipped in melted butter. Artichoke leaves should be torn off by hand, starting from the bottom, from the base of the fruit and, dipped in sauce, as if dragged through the teeth (while the pulp remains edible in the mouth). The remaining fiber is placed on the edge of the plate. The core and scales can be eaten with a knife and fork. PEA. Holding the fork in your left hand, you need to prick 2-3 peas on its teeth, then, on the concave part of the fork, pick up a few more and try to send it all into your mouth. You can make it easier: on a fork, like on a spoon, pick up peas and bring it to your mouth, then return the fork to the correct position. CORN COBS boiled in salt water, served warm with or without butter. The cob is taken by hand at both ends and the grains are torn off from it with teeth. The hard core is not eaten. OLIVES (OLIVES)are a side dish for many dishes, as well as an appetizer for a cocktail. In the latter case, they are taken by hand and, if the bones are not removed, they are spit out into the fist and then placed on the edge of the plate. SALAD. Mixed salads (that is, poured with sauces) are usually eaten with a fork. Fragile green leaf lettuce is served whole leaves on a separate plate and without sauce. It is allowed to eat with your hands, sending it into your mouth in small pieces. SPAGHETTI(Italian national dish in the form of thin long pasta) requires great skill and skill when eating. Italians eat this dish with only one fork. Foreigners resort to the help of a spoon, which is held in the left hand, and a fork in the right. Five or six spaghetti are carefully rolled around the fork, holding them with a spoon. If this is difficult, you can cut the spaghetti with a fork from time to time. ASPARAGUS, fresh and canned, served boiled (correspondingly warmed up), poured with melted butter. It is eaten with a knife and fork (even when asparagus is a side dish). Start at the top end and eat the pulp.

For lunch and dinner, after a hot meat meal, DESSERT . It can also be served after cold appetizers. Sweet can be served in a common large dish, from which everyone takes and puts as much as he wants on his plate, or already divided into portions in glassware or wide glasses. Creams, jellies, ice cream with cream and berries, strawberries with powdered sugar and other sweet dishes served in portioned dishes are eaten with a teaspoon. Sweets served in deep dessert plates (bubert, snowballs, jelly) are eaten with a dessert spoon. Dessert is cheese and fruit.

CHEESEserved on a tray, cut into slices with a special knife, or a whole piece (the knife is placed nearby). They eat cheese with a fork from a plate or put it on bread (it is especially tasty with white crackers). Doormen prefer to spread only butter on spicy cheeses and eat them even without bread. CHESTNUT. Only a special edible variety, flattened in shape, with a dark brown shell, is suitable for food. The fruits are baked on coals or boiled (the shell is pre-cut, seasoned with salt). The kernels taste like crumbly, slightly sweet potatoes. Eat with hands, hot. If the shell is strong, use a knife. AVOCADOhas a neutral, slightly sugary taste. The fruit is divided into two halves, the bone (seed) is removed. The recess can be filled with spicy salad, sauce or crabs. The pulp is eaten with a dessert spoon to a bitter layer adjacent to the skin. APPLEScan be cut into quarters and peeled with a knife and fork, however the slices are eaten with the hands. PEAR as more juicy can stain your hands, so you can eat it using appliances. These fruits can be eaten with the skin on. PLUMS And APRICOTS cut in half with a knife, remove the bones. GRAPEthey pick it off the bunch, put it on their plate and eat one berry at a time. MANDARINPeel off the crust with your hands and divide into slices. ORANGEvery difficult to eat at the table. If you cut it into two halves, then you should deal with it with a knife and fork. However, at the same time, the juice strives to splash in all directions. Perhaps the easiest way is another way: the orange is completely peeled, and divided into slices that can be taken by hand. BANANApeeled, the pulp is eaten with a tea or dessert spoon or a dessert fork. WATERMELON And melon served cut into slices, the pulp is eaten with a teaspoon or with a dessert fork and knife. A PINEAPPLE, served in slices with a peel, is eaten with a dessert fork and knife, cutting out triangles. PEACHEScut in half and take out a large bone, using a knife and fork. GRAPEFRUITserved cut across, while the edible part is peeled with a knife and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Eat with a dessert spoon.

Slice LEMON , taking it with a special small fork, put it in a glass of tea or a cup of coffee, squeeze out the juice with a spoon, take out the rest and put it on the edge of the saucer.

If STRAWBERRY And STRAWBERRY served with all the sepals, then holding them, the berry is dipped in powdered sugar and eaten. If strawberries are served without sepals, then they are eaten with a teaspoon.

CHERRY And RED CURRANT served with petioles, which are held in the hand and eaten. CAKE And SOFT CAKES eat with a teaspoon or cake fork, SOLID CAKES- fork. CRAKOW CAKES ,divided into small pieces, eat holding in hand.

Serving meals

The waiter will undoubtedly take care of the serving of dishes in the restaurant. However, knowing the rules of submission will help you feel confident and avoid any kind of embarrassment.

If at the time of seating the table is already served, you should not touch the cutlery ahead of time, straighten the napkin or rearrange the glasses.

Usually, dishes are served on the table in the order they are offered on the menu and the order in which they are ordered. Having chosen several dishes of the same category, you should tell the waiter when it is best to serve them.

It is acceptable to ask for the children's menu to be brought faster, especially if the establishment has a play corner.

In a friendly company or family circle, you can change the serving sequence by warning the waiter.

During the banquet, it is not supposed to change the sequence of serving on an individual order. On a date, especially on the first one, it is also better to stick to the established rules.

If for some personal reasons you still decide to change the order of serving, inform the waiter about it.

A guest can skip serving a particular dish. You cannot return to a missed dish, but you can make an additional order in a friendly company.

There are three main methods of serving dishes: French (carry-out), English (using a serving table) and Russian (on a common table).

Most establishments use the French method. In this case, the waiter brings the finished dish. Ready, portioned dishes are served on the right. During a banquet with seating in a circle, some dishes are laid out on the plates of guests from a large dish by the waiter. The dishes laid out on plates are served from the left side.

Sometimes guests collect their portion themselves from the dish brought by the waiter. At the same time, the waiter approaches the guest on the left and holds the dish in his left hand. If a salad or other garnish sticks to the indentation of a spoon, it is enough to scrape the spoon with a sliding motion of the fork.

When serving dishes, the temperature regime must be observed. It is advisable to serve hot dishes on heated plates, caviar - in a caviar bowl, in which a glass rosette and ice are placed. The temperature of cold appetizers - up to 14 °C, hot - 75 °C, soups - 75–90 °C, hot meat and fish dishes - 65–75 °C.

Hot appetizers are usually served in the container they were cooked in, such as a cocotte maker. Cocotte makers are placed on a pie plate.

Most restaurants of European cuisine offer a wide range of second courses of fish, meat, poultry, vegetables in boiled, fried, stewed, baked and other types.

The order of serving second courses: fish, then meat and poultry dishes, then vegetable, egg, dairy.

Most often, 3-4 dishes are ordered: a cold or hot appetizer, a first course, a hot fish or meat dish, and a dessert. Usually a cold appetizer is served before the soup, and a hot appetizer is served after it, but variations are also possible.

A dinner of five or more courses is served on special occasions. At the same time, after the hot meat there is a vegetable dish or both cold and hot snacks are ordered.

The English method involves serving dishes on a serving table and portioning in front of visitors. The dish is conveniently located on the left side of the serving table, and the plates are on the right. The waiters put the food on the plates in the following order: main product, side dish, sauce, greens. The plate is served from the right side and with the right hand.

The waiters tend to make the portions the same; if someone gets a little more side dish or a smaller piece, it is not supposed to be indicated.

The Russian serving method is convenient for a group of friends. Cold and hot snacks and dishes are placed on the common table, and guests serve themselves. It is not supposed to take food from a common dish with your fork. It is customary to take a portion from a common dish from above or from the edge, and not to choose better pieces.

Sauces can be served individually for each guest. They are placed on the left hand of the guest.

At the time of serving dishes, drinks, changing appliances, guests should not help the waiter. If it is inconvenient for the waiter to approach the guest from the left, he can also approach from the right. The main task of service is the convenience and comfort of guests.

Some restaurants bring bread and butter before serving.

For fish snacks include caviar (granular, pressed, chum salmon), fish (salted, aspic, boiled, stuffed, marinated, smoked, fish salads), seafood (crabs, lobsters, shrimps, crayfish, oysters, etc.).

Meat snacks: meat (boiled, aspic), sausages, smoked meats, meat salads, boiled and aspic poultry, game and poultry salads.

Vegetable snacks: vegetable and mushroom salads, pickles, olives or olives.

Soups: transparent, puree-like, milky, cold.

Hot dishes often offered in sections: fish, meat, poultry, vegetables.

Often the menu is served by a sommelier to immediately offer an aperitif and help in choosing drinks.

The menu is served to the guest open on the first page. It's not worth reaching out to him. If there are several equal guests at the table, then the menu will be served first to the one who is sitting farthest from the waiter. In another case, the rule is used: children - women - men - by seniority. In the women's team, no distinction is made between women by age.

Noticing cigarettes or a lighter on the table, the waiter brings an ashtray along with the menu or explains where you can smoke.

During an official event, dishes are served "by rank": first, more important, honored guests, then women and the owner of the table.

Snacks are served on the table within 10 minutes after ordering. The first and second hot dishes appear on the table within 15 minutes after the order, if the time was not specified additionally. Desserts, coffee and tea - within 10 minutes after ordering.

Do not rush to start the meal as soon as you have a plate of food in front of you - you should wait until the plates appear in front of all the guests.

Immediately after serving, you can start eating only soup.

The next dish is not served until all participants in the meal have finished the previous one. It is not worth delaying the meal and holding up the entire table.

Used dishes are removed from the right side, as soon as the guests are ready, regardless of rank.

The end of the meal is indicated by the arrangement of the cutlery: the knife and fork are placed on the plate with their handles parallel, even if there is still food left on the plate. The soup spoon is left in the bowl.

In no case should you help the waiter clear the table, even if you came to the restaurant with your family and children.

You should not put plates one into another, especially glasses on an empty plate or move plates to the edge of the table, demonstrating the end of the meal.

Do not put used paper napkins in a glass or glass.

The waiter should ask the guest if it's time to clear something from the table. If you have not finished your meal, and the waiter has started cleaning, you should stop him.

When clearing the dishes, the waiter usually moves around the table in a clockwise direction. Glasses and glasses are removed with the right hand to the right of the guest.

Do not call the waiter who is cleaning the dishes from the next table. Taking dirty plates from the table, the waiter must immediately take them away so as not to stop and put dirty dishes on someone else's table. It is enough to give a sign, and the waiter will return to your table.

A dessert card is served when all guests have finished their meal and the plates are removed after the hot dish.

The waiter should clarify whether it is time / whether the dish can be served. Sometimes the waiter warns the guest that the dish will be served when ready.

From time to time, the waiter asks the visitors if they like everything, if they want something else. A short “yes, thank you” answer is enough. Admire or criticize the kitchen is not worth it.

It is permissible to ask for a replacement dish only if the cooking standards are not met or the dish is served half-baked or sloppy. If the dish did not like the taste, it is not supposed to demand a replacement.

If the dish is not served with sauce, do not ask for mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise. Even if visitors are accustomed to such food at home, it is better to eat the proposed menu in a restaurant.

If smoking is still allowed, then in the case when one person smokes at the table, the ashtray is changed after each cigarette. There are two ashtrays for four or more guests. Cigarettes and matches are served to visitors on the left.

The serving of coffee announces the end of the meal. Coffee and tea are served with sugar, sometimes with lemon. After stirring the sugar, the spoon should be removed and put on a saucer.

The account is served on the left side.

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There are many ways to serve food when serving customers. Waiters use three main ones: "Russian method", "French method" and "English method". But there is more, they can be classified as additional: “combined method”, “German method” and “European method”. The type of customer service at a catering establishment depends on the method of serving dishes, the better the service, the more visitors and, consequently, the greater the profit.

Dishes and drinks can be served to visitors individually in a plate, bowl, cup, etc. In this case, one should adhere to the rule: everything that is laid out in advance or poured into dishes for one visitor, the waiter serves and. puts on the table with his right hand on the right side.

When serving a visitor according to the a la carte menu in dishes for individual use, soups are served in plates and cups, hot appetizers in cocotte bowls, chillers or portioned pans, dessert in bowls, etc. Cold dishes, as a rule, should be served in dishes from which the dish should be transferred to the visitor's snack plate.

In the practice of service, six methods of serving dishes are used:

"French" - a treat is transferred to a plate in front of the guest;

"Russian" - treats are placed on the table in a large bowl, from which guests put portions on their plates;

"English" - dishes are laid out on plates on a utility table;

"German" - in this method, the waiter brings the finished dish to the table on special equipment;

"European" - differs from others in serving and the fact that the waiter puts snacks in advance;

"combined" - includes three ways: English, French, Russian.

For the French way of serving dishes, there are special cutlery - spoons, forks, spatulas, tongs. Dishes are offered and served on the left side of the guest. The dish is held in the left hand, with the right hand it is transferred to the guest's plate.

French provides two options: the waiter portions the food, shifting it to the client's plate, and the waiter offers the dish to the client, who serves himself. In both cases, the waiter stands to the left of the client, leaning slightly towards him. This method of service can be used at the most solemn events, at banquets and festive dinners.

The peculiarities of table setting in the Russian way of serving dishes are that hot dishes are placed on napkins, and the lids from them are transferred to special snack plates.

The Russian way of serving is used mainly on special occasions. The festive table is served with cutlery, porcelain, glass, napkins, flowers. Cold appetizers, cold meat and fish dishes, fruits, drinks are put on the table. Guests serve themselves. When serving hot first and second courses, French or English service methods can be used. It is customary to set up a buffet table with aperitifs and cold appetizers in the foyer or entrance hall. In this case, the hot dishes provided in the menu are served directly on the festive table.

If the dining table is small, then the English way of serving is convenient. In this case, a small table (or serving table) is attached to the end of the dining table. The dishes are laid out on plates on this table and handed over to the guests (plates with refreshments are served on the right side of the guest). For convenience, dishes and cutlery on the dining table are placed in the same order as on the dining table. You can also place a dish with basic products (meat, fish treats) on the left side of the table, and a dish with a side dish on the right. Plates are placed in the center of the table. Each next dish is served only after the used dishes are removed from the table.

When using the English method of service, a side table is mandatory, on which the waiter prepares dishes (portioning, garnishing and decorating) in the immediate vicinity of the guests. Cutlery is located in the upper right corner of the side table, side dishes are placed on the right side of the table, then plates. The main dish is set on the left half of the table. The waiter brings it to the guests and shows them. A slight tilt of the head indicates the choice made by the guest.

If a tray is used to transfer dishes, then the plates on it must be covered with a napkin. The tray is carried in the left hand, dishes from it are served to the guest on the left side with the right hand.

If an aperitif is served and it is offered to guests on a tray, then glasses or glasses are filled with drinks in advance and placed on a tray covered with a napkin. It will be convenient for guests to choose and take a drink when the glasses on the tray are at a distance of 2-5 cm from one another. Moreover, higher glasses should be in the center of the tray. When laying out treats on a guest's plate, the following rules are followed:

the main course (meat, fish, poultry) is placed on a plate in the center, the side dish is to the right and left of it, and the greens (parsley, dill, celery) are placed on the top right;

the sauce is spread on the upper right stolon of the plate (above the greens);

products are laid out in the following order: main dish, sauce, side dish, vegetables, herbs.

It should be remembered that there are dishes and products that are usually served only in combination with others, as if complementing them to taste: caviar with butter, hot toast, pies, pancakes, green onions; salted fish with fresh vegetables, etc. Butter, caviar and fresh vegetables are served with ice. For example, caviar is served in a caviar bowl, in the metal part of which finely chopped ice is placed. If there is no caviar bowl, you can serve caviar in a crystal vase (cremanka), which is placed on a pie plate.

The French method provides for serving the dish in a run-out, i.e., shifting it by the waiter to the visitor's plate on the left side with the right hand with a device for layout (tablespoon and fork). The table is pre-served with cutlery and fish utensils or one of them in accordance with the order. Then the waiter places a warmed small dinner plate in front of the guest on a serving plate, using a handbrake folded in the form of a “tack”. With this method, one waiter serves no more than four people sitting at the table.

According to this system, dishes are served at banquets and gala evenings, as well as in cases where more than two guests order the same dish at the same table. The waiter approaches the guest from the left, holding the dish on his left hand on a folded napkin. From the auxiliary table, a hot dish is taken with the end of the handbrake, so as not to burn yourself. Then the handbrake is directed along the length along the left hand so that it, as it were, forms a continuation of the lower part of the left hand. The waiter approaches the guest from the left, holding the dish on his left hand on a folded napkin. The dish can be served on a tray. The location of the device in the right hand when laying out the dish can be classic, tongs or planar.

The classic reception - the waiter takes a spoon and fork with his right hand, cutlery, deepening up. The spoon should lie firmly in the palm of your hand. With thumb and forefinger, the waiter takes the fork by the handle so that it can rise above the spoon, as well as move to the sides. The spoon is brought under the product, which is shifted, and the fork serves to hold those pieces that are in the spoon. This method is used to portion dishes of fried fish, meat or poultry in boiled or fried form with a side dish.

Forceps reception - devices for portioning are held in the right hand slightly apart in relation to each other. In contrast to the classical method, the fork is located with a recess down, grabbing, writing with a device, the hand is turned to the left by 90 ° and, slightly spreading the spoon and file with large and index tracing paper, transfer the product to the visitor's plate, for example, medallions, pies or large pieces of meat, poultry , fish. (14)

Planar reception - a spoon and a fork, tableware, are placed in the same plane in the form of a spatula so that the handles of the devices are in the palm of the right hand, and the thumb holds the devices at the junction. Used when serving dishes with a soft texture, such as various rolls, boiled fish.

When working "in carry-out", the main dish is first portioned, then the side dish, sauce. In the ideal method, they are served by different waiters. The first serves a meat dish, the second - side dishes, the third - sauces.

The device for layout lies on a dish. Shifting the product to the guest's plate on the left side, the waiter takes a step forward with his left foot and slightly bends his knee in order to shift the center of gravity to this leg and ensure the natural posture of the body.

The dish is tilted as close as possible to the guest's plate. The edge of the dish should intersect with the edge of the plate without touching it.

The meat is always placed horizontally on the bottom half of the plate. Garnishes are laid out by color in an aesthetically beneficial combination.

If the waiter approaches the guest from the left, and he himself takes the product from the dish, holding the spoon in his right hand and the fork in his left, then this type of service is called "self-service". (1) The waiter must carefully ensure that the edge of the dish is directed towards the customer.

Russian method - provides for the arrangement of beautifully decorated dishes of fish, meat, poultry, game, vegetables on the table or national dishes in pots. When serving second courses by the Russian method under oval or round metal dishes, oval rams lay a handbrake. Round rams and portioned pans with dolis napkins are placed on plates to the right of the guest. In all dishes put devices for layout (spoon and table fork). The table is served with warmed small dinner plates. If the side dish and sauce are served separately, then they are placed on the table in rams, timbales, gravy boats on the left.

The English method is a way of serving dishes in which the waiter carries the dish around the table and puts a serving for each guest on a plate. (2.2) Usually seen as a variant of French serving.

English serving (like French) allows you to prepare dishes with a spectacular appearance.

The waiter presents the dish from the left side of the guest (service starts with women) and places the portion on the plate with the right hand, using the cutlery combinations to grip. Three types of grips are used:

"flat" - the bend of the fork is placed inside the spoon,

"round" - bending of the fork against the bending of the spoon,

"clamp" - fork and spoon Side-by-side.

English serving, unlike Russian, allows you to serve many guests at a time. On the other hand, the possibilities of presenting dishes are limited, in contrast to the French, fragile dishes cannot be served in this way.

The European method differs from previous methods in table setting. The table is served with cutlery and snack utensils, a pie plate, a linen napkin, which is placed in front of the guest, glass, a spice utensil, and flowers. The waiter brings cold appetizers in advance, portioned on snack plates. The advantage of this method:

reducing the amount of maintenance work and the need for dishes;

speed up service for a large number of guests;

ensuring the safety of the quality and appearance of dishes;

The waiters working in the Parsi approach the guests from the right, place the plates in front of the guests, at the same time remove the lids from the plates, quickly turn them over and take them to the utility steel. You can not lift the lid until all the plates are placed in front of the guests. When serving dishes on plates, the following rules must be observed:

the main product should be directed by the cut point to the guest;

a plate with a logo is set in such a way that the guest can read it well;

if side dishes, salads and sauces are served separately, they are placed on the left or above the meat dish. Skillfully designed by the chef, the dish retains its appearance and serving temperature of 65°C.

Combined method - is the use of the Russian, French, English method in various combinations, taking into account the range of dishes served.

When serving some dishes using the German method, a structure is placed in the center of the table, consisting of a metal tray, a gas burner and a metal dish or a cast-iron pan, on which fried meat products (lamb, pork, veal) are brought from the factory with a side dish of vegetables. A device for layout is placed on the edge of the dish, and the guests serve themselves.

The first course can be hot or cold. Soups, borscht and pickles are served hot. Cold - okroshka, cold borscht, green cabbage soup and beetroot. Fruit soups should be served cold in summer and hot in winter.

The following soups are also distinguished: clear, dressing, mashed soups, dairy, sweet.

The first dishes from the tureen are poured into deep plates or bouillon cups. Both plates and broth cups for hot dishes can be warmed up slightly. For cold dishes, on the contrary, you can cool the dishes a little.

The tureen should stand on the main or auxiliary table in the middle of the tray. Nearby are plates and a pouring spoon. When the soup is poured into bowls, you should lower the pouring spoon as low as possible so that there is no splashing. It should be borne in mind that broths and clear soups are served already poured in broth cups with a saucer.

Traditional national soups can be served in ceramic pots. They are placed on small pie plates covered with consumer paper napkins.

Various bakery products can be served separately with soups: cheesecakes, pies, croutons, donuts, etc. They are laid out on individual patty plates.

You can add greens to soups: directly sprinkled on plates or put separately on sockets. Borscht or soup is served with sour cream in a gravy boat. You can serve olives to the hodgepodge, and slices of lemon to the ear.

Second hot dishes

After the table is cleared after the first courses, the second courses are served. The guest must approve the served dish - only after that it is placed in front of him.

Fish or meat dishes are brought to the table on an oval (cupronickel) dish. They can be served alone or with a side dish. The complex side dish is served on snack plates. Also, the side dish can be served in a multi-portion or individual "ram".

Gravy boats are served in separate sauceboats. If the sauce is hot, then a cupronickel gravy boat is used, if it is cold, then porcelain.

The stew is served in a pot with sauce or in an oval cupronickel "ram".

Shashlik is usually served on a skewer (skewer) on an oval cupronickel dish. The garnish is served separately in a salad bowl.

Vegetable dishes are served in portion cupronickel frying pans, as well as in round "rams".

Second courses are served only hot (temperature 85-90 °C). In order to maintain the desired temperature, heated small dinner plates are brought along with the dishes.

The range of second courses is very diverse. It includes fish, meat, vegetable dishes, poultry dishes prepared in various ways, etc.

When serving second courses, the following sequence is observed:

- fish dishes,

- meat dishes,

- poultry or game dishes,

- vegetable dishes,

- cereal dishes,

- egg dishes

- dairy products

- flour dishes.

Hot fish dishes can include boiled, poached, stuffed, fried, spit-roasted, baked, whole-cooked fish, etc. If the fish is baked in dough, then it is placed on a dish covered with a paper napkin, parsley and lemon slices are laid out around. A special sauce for fish is also served in a gravy boat, which is placed next to the dish.

Meat dishes are usually meat from boiledpoached, fried natural, fried in sauce, stewed, baked, shish kebab on skewers (skewers), etc. If an oval dish is suitable for a barbecue, then a round dish is suitable for a steak with an egg, fried lamb with vegetables. Roast at home, lamb with vegetables are cooked and served in ceramic pots, which are placed on the table on patty plates. The barbecue goes with hot sauce.

Poultry or game is served boiled, stewed, stuffed, fried, stewed, baked. Fried game is served to consumers with a side dish in a round dish.

Vegetable dishes involve the serving of boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked vegetables. Potato cutlets, as well as potato croquettes, zrazy, roll, cabbage schnitzels, casseroles and vegetable puddings are served on round dishes, to which sour cream or sauce comes in a separate gravy boat. Vegetables baked in sour cream (or milk sauce), as well as vegetables with butter, are usually served in portioned pans.

Dumplings with sour cream are prepared and served in ceramic pots, put on the table on patty plates.

Salad for the second course is usually served in a salad bowl. It is placed on a front plate next to the dish.

The sauce is served in a gravy boat on a pie plate, with a tea (or dessert) spoon.

When serving a second hot dish, a metal multi-portion dish is often used. You can serve fried meat, poultry, boiled beef with sauce, various cutlets, etc. on it. In the center of the dish, the main product is beautifully laid and along the edges - a side dish. Everything is decorated with parsley, lemon slices, pickled vegetables and fruits. Serving such a dish should cause pleasant emotions and appetite.

Sweet dish (dessert)

After the main courses, hot and cold, tasty and high-calorie sweet dishes are served. Before they are served, all previously used utensils, cutlery, spices, bread are removed from the table, leaving only glasses for dessert wine. The table is served with dessert cutlery.

Almost all cold sweet dishes are served in individual glass, crystal or metal bowls. They are placed on a dessert plate, next to which a dessert (or tea) spoon is placed.

The range of sweet dishes is very extensive. Hot sweet dishes include apple charlotte, Guryev porridge, air pie (soufflé). To cold ones - jelly, mousses, creams, kissels, compotes, ice cream. Ice cream is served last.


If the meal goes according to the full program, then after the sweet dish, cheese is served, which is cut into thin slices, and after all, fruits and sweets.


Fruits are served in vases. Porcelain or crystal dishes are used for apples in dough, apple pastry and apples in puff, as well as puddings. There should be dessert knives and forks on the table.

If the berries have cuttings, then they are washed well before serving. Then the berries are dried. Berries are served on dessert plates (or in bowls). Sugar or powdered sugar is placed nearby in rosettes.

If the berries are served with milk or cream, then a milk jug is also served at the table.

Citrus fruits such as oranges and tangerines are first peeled, then divided into slices and placed on plates. Oranges and tangerines can be sprinkled with dessert wine.

After fruit candy can be served. If a multi-level shelf is used, fruits and sweets can be served together (but on different levels of the shelf).
