
Useful properties of cookies. Features of shortbread cookies, his photo, nutritional value; delicious homemade dessert recipe

Oats - the power of healing

Oatmeal cookies: we multiply the benefits

Friendship of cookies and diet

Oatmeal cookies - calories

Sweet-toothed people often wonder what flour products or sweets can be consumed while dieting, and in what quantities. Today we will consider in more detail one of the most common products - oatmeal cookies, which are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Composition of biscuits

Traditionally, oatmeal cookies are made from oatmeal and wheat flour hence the name of the product. Sugar, animal fat or plant origin. Many confectioners like to add additional ingredients for creating unique taste products. These include honey, dried fruits, vanillin, nuts, cinnamon, chocolate, or poppy seeds. All this, combined with a crispy crust and moderately soft dough inside is familiar to all people since childhood. However, it is worth adding that oatmeal liver e in industrial scale often done with the addition of all sorts food additives and fragrances.

Nutritional value of oatmeal

Oatmeal from which cookies are made is a storehouse vegetable fats and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. In addition, oatmeal cookies contain such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements. Proteins, of which there are so many in oatmeal, are quickly absorbed by the body.

Calories in oatmeal cookies

Oat cookies contains an average of 437 calories per 100 g of product. Of these, proteins - 6.5 g, which is 26 kcal, fat - 14.4 g (130 kcal), carbohydrates - 71.8 (287 kcal). And 1 pc. oatmeal cookies - this is 20 g, and, therefore, 87.4 kilocalories. The energy value of oatmeal cookies is 1745 kJ, which is 20% of the average daily intake for a dieter (2000 kcal / day).

How to make diet oatmeal cookies

As you know, no one can cook better than ourselves. diet food, to this category one can add culinary delights. So, to prepare dietary oatmeal cookies you need:

  • 2 cups crushed oatmeal;
  • 200 g baby puree from fruits without added sugar;
  • 40-50 g dried fruits + 10 g coconut.

Then mix all the ingredients together and put in the oven, having previously formed small round-shaped livers from the dough. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees. Bake at this temperature for no more than 20 minutes. The exclusion of eggs, butter and sugar from the product will make its digestion by the body more comfortable, and you will not only be pleased with its excellent taste, but also with useful properties.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

This confectionery weight useful properties- a balanced composition with moderate use stimulates digestion and helps to remove toxins from the body. In addition, cookies can help lower blood sugar levels. Great for dieters diet option described above.

Harm of oatmeal cookies

As such, there are no contraindications for oatmeal cookies, however, for people who are obese or overweight, it is better to eat only the dietary version of cookies own cooking when you can independently track the composition of the product. Another option is to use low calorie cookies, which can be found in the section for diet food or diabetics. Do not forget that "break away" from oatmeal cookies because of the flawless palatability difficult, so buy small cookies and be clear about how much product you can afford to eat in 1 sitting or 1 day.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Benefits of oatmeal

Oats is unique cereal containing vitamins of groups B, E, P, trace elements magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc. The content of a large number of antioxidants in it helps the body resist various negative factors. So, beta-glucan is indispensable in the fight against bad cholesterol.

Use oatmeal not only lowers cholesterol levels, but also reduces the risk of blood clots, helps to increase muscle tissue, as well as cleanse the body. Oatmeal is a source of slow carbohydrates that provide energy. Having eaten such porridge for breakfast instead of the usual dry food, a person gets rid of drowsiness, bad mood and does not remember food until dinner. The calorie content of oatmeal is about 320 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oatmeal boiled in water is included in diet food to reduce excess weight, to improve the condition internal organs, skin, hair and nails. Oatmeal is a slimy porridge, so it envelops the digestive organs and is indispensable and healthy dish during treatment of gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach. Regular consumption of oatmeal (without milk) reduces the acidity of the stomach, helps to get rid of heartburn, constipation and colitis, normalizes digestion and liver function.

Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, the use of this porridge improves memory and thinking. Hyaluronic acid contained in oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and joints. Hyaluronic acid is included in medical cosmetics- creams based on it remarkably protect and moisturize the skin, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles. Alcohol tincture oats in traditional medicine used as a sedative, and an infusion of straw or grains is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic.

Among the most exquisite inexpensive desserts a clear favorite is oatmeal cookies. Its unobtrusive taste and high nutritional properties familiar to everyone since childhood. This delicacy has a low cost, which increases the ratings of its popularity. In addition, such cookies can be easily prepared in any home kitchen.

A bit of history

The Scots invented oatmeal cookies in the 17th century. For two centuries, oatmeal delicacy won the sympathy of consumers on different continents. And he succeeded, because the advantages of the product are obvious:

A product is being prepared from flour obtained from oats - an unpretentious cereal crop that grows everywhere. The authors of this product prepared cookies on hot stones. At first, grain was turned into flour by auxiliary methods, which was diluted plain water. From the received in a simple way dough was rolled out into small cakes and laid out on the hot surface of the stone. The compatriots of the inventors of the product liked the new dish very much, and soon it appeared on the table of the royal people.

When the First World War broke out, many armies included oatmeal cookies in dry rations. European countries. His excellent taste and satiety helped the soldiers endure the hardships of military life. Therefore, it is no coincidence that one time this product called "soldier's biscuits".

The composition of the product and its caloric value

It is difficult to specify the energy parameters of oatmeal cookies, because different manufacturers, in addition to sugar and margarine, add flavors and other non-harmful components to saturate the taste. All this increases the energy value of products. But on average in 100 grams shop product contains approximately 400 kcal. Therefore, even a few pieces of cookies eaten at breakfast will provide the body with energy for the whole day. But only calories are good oat product is not limited. After all, it contains a lot of elements that our body needs so much. Everyone's favorite delicacy contains:
  • proteins;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamin component (E, B);
  • trace elements;
  • carotene;
  • amino acids.

All listed components in a single composition, they have a beneficial effect on brain function, digestion, improve muscle tone and cheer up.

Useful properties of oatmeal treats

One feature that is characteristic of the oat product should be especially highlighted. Unlike other desserts, after which a person feels heaviness in the stomach and satiety, cookies from oat flour does not give such an effect. Its composition is chosen so organically that it has only a positive effect:

  • normalizes digestive functions;
  • regulates the work of the intestine;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • favorably affects the condition of the skin of the face;
  • perfectly cleanses the body;
  • normalizes hematopoiesis;
  • quickly gives a feeling of fullness;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • activates the production of serotonin.

The last fact explains that oatmeal cookies have a positive effect on the emotional background. This feature is especially pronounced in children. It is worth a child to eat a couple of cookies on the go, and he seems to be charging from a battery: living energy is in full swing and the baby is ready to play indefinitely.

Another outstanding quality of oatmeal cookies, which should be mentioned, is the ability to destroy cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. True, a product prepared in industrial quantities contains a lot of carbohydrates, so diabetics should not use such cookies.

About the dangers of the product

Everything tasty is useful if its use is limited to a certain measure. This rule applies to oatmeal cookies. In view of the high nutritional value, the product is not recommended to eat in large quantities people who tend to be overweight. Diabetics also need to carefully select the product. For this category of consumers, special diet varieties cookies, where instead of sugar, its substitute fructose is present. Persons with oily skin It is also worth refraining from eating this delicacy. This rule also applies to those who are allergic to the ingredients of the product.

Oatmeal cookies and diet

Many fans and admirers healthy eating worries about the possibility of using oatmeal cookies as a diet staple. It cannot be answered in one word. After all, this product in its classic version very high in calories a large number of carbohydrates and fats. For this reason, oatmeal cookies can appear on the menu only when you need to quickly satisfy your hunger, relieve fatigue, and add emotional positive. For example, you can eat a few cookies before an exam test or an important meeting. Such a light snack will give strength, activate the brain. Oatmeal cookies can replace breakfast when you can't cook full meal. These are all situational cases, but to build a diet as a whole on oatmeal dessert should not, but people who have excess weight, in general it is worth forgetting about this product.

What additives are in oatmeal dessert

Today, many manufacturers include oatmeal cookies in their product range. Everyone prepares this delicacy according to own recipe, this explains such a variety of options on store shelves. But there is a list of required components:

  1. Confectionery fats. Without them, it is impossible to prepare this type of dessert.
  2. The baking powder helps the dough to take desired consistency to make crumbly soft cookies.
  3. Sugar. Its content in the product is high, but it exists alternatives where sugar is replaced by fructose. True, the taste of such a product is significantly different from the original.
  4. Vegetable oils. Modern manufacturers often replace margarine with vegetable oil. But if from sunflower oil there will only be benefits, this cannot be said about palm oil.
  5. Fillers diversify the taste and are beneficial. It can be seeds, raisins, dried apricots. Such supplements energize and stimulate the intestines.
  6. Honey is also often used in baking. It gives the product a dark shade and a characteristic honey flavor.
  7. Preservatives are considered a real "scourge" of modern sweets. industrial production. About the presence of these, not really useful supplements, speaks long term product suitability. That is, the longer this period, the more chemical additives more cookies.

How to choose quality cookies

Product good quality should be purchased from private bakeries. They usually make cookies there. classic recipes in compliance with the quantitative and qualitative selection of ingredients. If you want to guarantee complete safety for health, you can try to cook a treat at home. It is not a difficult or time-consuming process.

As for store products, when choosing, you should:

  1. Give preference to products in transparent packaging.
  2. Choose a whole product.
  3. A good quality confectionery product has an even color.
  4. The product must be soft.
  5. By the expiration date, you can easily determine how much harmful additives eat in cookies.
  6. For cooking quality product usually not used egg powder and natural eggs.

All this information is usually indicated on the packaging. Simply, before paying for the purchase, you need to take a few minutes to study the characteristics of the product. Excellent quality oatmeal cookies always add a wholesome variety to your diet.

Video: how to make flourless oatmeal cookies

Today we decided to discuss a product that we all familiar from childhood Let's talk about cookies. Children love cookies, they are sweet, especially everyone likes cookies in packs. But for adults, cookies are not so safe. Today we will talk about the dangers of cookies, about how cookies should be chosen.

This dish is convenient. A pack of cookies takes up very little space. Cookies can be washed down with tea, they are hearty, you can easily take them with you in your bag. For many people, cookies replace breakfast or afternoon tea. Necessary make no mistake with choice of cookies, to buy healthy cookies.

From cookies in packs will cook on the program cottage cheese house. During this activity, you can ideally spend time at home with your child. Visiting the program singer Kai Metov is present. He loves cookies. The artist's family had a tradition of eating cookies for breakfast.

The cookies were smeared with butter and another cookie was placed on top. There was a soldier's cafe in the army, oatmeal cookies were sold in it. Cookies are high in calories, especially with butter. There are cookies on fructose, many think it's better than sugar cookies.

It is better to buy cookies with regular sugar. Fructose is immediately converted into fats. These cookies are worse. Cookies help improve memory. Flour contains B vitamins. They are good for memory, useful and glucose.

Is it true that if you eat cookies only for breakfast, that is, it can be in unlimited quantities. This is wrong. You just need to limit yourself. Cookies are very high in calories. Cookies on margarine will contain less cholesterol.

But it cannot be said that such cookies are very useful, it is more harmful. Margarine contains more harmful substances - these are trans fats. Cookies are contraindicated in obesity and diabetes. But cookies are not so bad How do you think, in the morning we need energy. The product is dangerous if you eat a lot of cookies during the day.

How to choose safe cookies? Any cookies in packs are exhaust, sugar, butter. The most popular cookies are sugar cookies. It has a lot of fat. Read the expiration date, fat will go rancid in fatty cookies. According to GOST sugar cookie cannot be stored for more than three months.

If the shelf life is long, it has additives. These cookies will go rancid. Cookies should be without moisture, they should be fragile. Cookies must easy to break. Stretch biscuits contain less sugar and less fat. Such cookies should have a layered structure.

Break the cookie look at its structure. These cookies should not break easily. There are sweet cookies. It's stuffed. It contains sugar, fat, dairy products, and eggs. But such cookies has a very short shelf life.

It usually has a shelf life of less than a month. If the shelf life is long, then there are preservatives. There are sorbates in such cookies. You will receive a portion harmful substances from rancidity, since preservatives do not protect against rancidity.

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junk food very often begins with negligence or laziness. If every person had a good habit of reading the labels on all the products they decide to purchase, there would be far fewer health problems. Unfortunately, not all people have acquired such a habit. In addition, we quite often buy products by weight and therefore do not have the opportunity to find out what manufacturers “please” us with. This happens especially often when buying cookies. We will name a few rich pastries, which indicate that this product is full of E-nis.

Beware the frosting

Bagels, gingerbread and cookies with icing - almost a 100% guarantee that you have a product from the category « junk food». After all, E200 (sorbic acid), E160a (carotenes) are almost always present in the glaze. These two additives often cause allergies in people, especially children. E475 (esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids) at regular use disturb the intestinal microflora. But the most dangerous among all the E-shek that can be in cookies is E322. In addition to the food industry, it is also used in the production of inks, fertilizers, and pesticides. It is clear that the doses are different, but the fact remains.

Conclusion: icing on cookies, bagels and gingerbread is a signal that in front of you harmful product which is not worth buying.

Oatmeal cookies - dietary?

This statement is doubtful from the very beginning: there is, of course, less wheat flour in it than in regular cookies. But a lot of sugar and fat. This is if we are talking about homemade cookies. Industrial oatmeal biscuits - permanent member of the group "bad food" due to its "enrichment" with ammonium carbonate E503. Cookies with this additive are usually more beautiful than usual, glossy, with a rich bright brown color. Higher quality oatmeal liver is inconspicuous in appearance, grayish.

Shortbread - to the detriment of the liver

Shortbread quickly loses its marketable condition. To prevent this from happening, ammonium hydroxide - E527 is added to the dough. Dietitians are against frequent use for food shortbread biscuits, because the attractive friability of the product is provided by a large amount of fat, often vegetable solid, that is, margarine. And this is pure bad cholesterol, the main cause of cholesterol plaques in the vessels and, as a result - cardiovascular diseases. The addition of E527 ammonium hydroxide to the dough immediately brings shortbread cookies into the category " junk food».

Oatmeal cookies are loved by both adults and children. The soft, unobtrusive taste of the delicacy will delight anyone who tries it. The opinion that sweets are unhealthy is absolutely not suitable for oatmeal cookies. But why? Why is it so good to eat oatmeal cookies? Consider the main useful properties of this delicacy and find out to whom such cookies are contraindicated.

History of oatmeal cookies

The first mention of oatmeal cookies dates back to the 17th century, but this delicacy became truly popular only in the 19th century. The birthplace of oatmeal cookies is Scotland, since oats are the most common cereal crop in this country. This delicacy was popular for several reasons:

・Easy cooking

Simple and affordable ingredients

High nutritional value

Oatmeal cookies were famous easy cooking and the most available ingredients at the time. In order to make oatmeal cookies, only ground oats and water were needed. The discoverers of oatmeal cookies prepared it this way: they heated the stones to a red-hot state, made a cake from dough (oats and water) and baked it on the surface of a hot stone.

During the First World War, oatmeal cookies were in the dry rations of many armies of the world, because this delicacy had a high nutritional value. For a long time, oatmeal cookies were called "soldier's".

Oatmeal cookies: composition and nutritional value

It is impossible to say specifically about the calorie content of oatmeal cookies, because there are a lot of options for its preparation. Moreover, this delicacy is often added various additives, which can greatly increase the calorie content of the product. On average, the calorie content of this product is about 400 kilocalories. For getting maximum benefit, it is enough to eat just a few pieces of cookies.

By the way, about the benefits. What are the health benefits of oatmeal cookies?


· Cellulose

Also, oatmeal cookies are rich in B vitamins and vitamin E.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

Due to the fact that oatmeal cookies contain many useful substances and vitamins, it naturally has a lot of useful properties. Consider them:

Normalizes bowel function

・It has a high energy value

Prevents acne, blackheads, various skin rashes

Improves cognitive functions

Cleanses the intestines

Promotes the production of serotonin

Gives a burst of energy

The main advantage of this delicacy is its positive influence to the intestines. Oatmeal cookies cleanse the intestines, removing toxins and toxins, normalize and stabilize its work, thereby preventing constipation.

Oatmeal cookies perfectly destroy cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, due to the content of inositol in it. Also oatmeal cookies home cooking useful for people with diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels. But you need to pay attention that cookies made on an industrial scale can even harm those for whom sugar is contraindicated.

What harm can oatmeal cookies do to human health?

Like many foods, oatmeal cookies can be harmful and have their own contraindications. It must be said that industrial manufacturers of this delicacy are often inclined to save money and instead of healthy and gentle products, margarine and great amount Sahara.

That is, it is better to cook oatmeal cookies on your own, adjusting the composition of the treat for yourself. For example: replacing sugar with fructose, and margarine with honey.

So what harm can oatmeal cookies do to the human body?

· Negative influence on the figure

Everything good in moderation. This saying is great for oatmeal cookies. By abusing a treat in large quantities, you can easily gain overweight, which will not be reflected in the best way on the figure and health of a person.

· Harmful composition

Few people today bake oatmeal cookies on their own. This is the harm of goodies. Industrial manufacturers of this product abuse various chemicals: dyes, preservatives, flavors. Moreover, as mentioned above, in large-scale production, in order to save money, margarine and a large amount of sugar are added.

· Allergic reaction

Allergy to one or another component of the product is a common thing and applies to almost all food products. Some ingredients in oatmeal cookies can become irritants to the human body.

Store-bought oatmeal cookies should not be consumed by people with diabetes. Also, refuse oatmeal treat people will have to have breakfast with problematic skin: acne, acne, various rashes. Of course, you should pay attention that such contraindications have biscuits prepared on an industrial scale.

homemade oatmeal cookie recipe

Oatmeal cookies are delicious and healthy treat. Of course, in our time there are many manufacturers of this product, but everyone knows that homemade cookies much tastier. Making homemade oatmeal cookies is easy, and the ingredients are cheap and readily available. In order to cook delicious treat need the following ingredients:

Egg (2 pieces)

Flour (200 grams)

Sugar (150 grams)

Butter (190 grams)

· Cereals(160 grams)

baking powder (15 grams)

Vanillin (5 grams)

Put in a bowl butter. Leave for 30-60 minutes until the oil melts. After the butter becomes soft, you need to add vanilla and sugar. Mix the contents of the bowl.

The next step, pour the sifted flour into the resulting mass. Knead the dough and let it brew for about an hour. It should be noted that the dough must be placed in a deep container and tightly covered with a towel or cling film.

After that, heat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil. Lubricate the surface of the foil olive oil. We make cakes from the dough and put them on a baking sheet, keeping a distance of 5 centimeters between them.

The delicacy is baked for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After removing the baking sheet from the oven, let the cookies cool. So it will better move away from the surface of the baking sheet and keep a pleasant appearance. The cooled cookies must be carefully removed from the baking sheet with a knife and put on a dish before serving. Homemade oatmeal cookies are ready.

In conclusion, we can say that oatmeal cookies are, of course, delicious and useful product but in everything you need to observe the measure. The best option- eat a few things for breakfast, drinking tea. To avoid harmful influence oatmeal cookies on the body, you should carefully read the contraindications for use.
