
White, brown, red, black rice: benefits and harms, calorie content of a unique cereal. All about the benefits and harms of rice for the body

It was not always known to the whole world: although people have been growing it for about 8000 years, Europeans learned about it relatively recently - during the late Middle Ages. Even before our era, the Macedonian warriors brought it to Europe from Asia - then the Greeks and Romans ate it, but still it was not appreciated - other cereals were popular, and rice was forgotten for more than a millennium and a half. It is today that more than 500 million tons of rice of various types are grown every year in the world, and its beneficial properties are successfully used by the peoples of most countries; in Russia, rice has also been known for a long time - almost 300 years, and they love delicious dishes from it - you can cook a great many of them.

The composition and calorie content of rice

Rice is useful and healing, due to its composition: Of course, the composition of different varieties of rice is different, but the main components are always in it. There is quite a lot of protein in rice - about 8% - containing important amino acids: they take an active part in the formation of muscle tissue, stimulate the body to produce the necessary hormones, enzymes and antibodies; support the health of the nervous system, brain, ligaments and tendons, lungs and heart, eyes, skin and hair.

There are fats in rice - including saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and many healthy complex carbohydrates - up to 80% in some varieties; it also contains dietary fiber - there are more of them in brown (brown) rice, starch, vitamins - E, H, group B - they are rich in brown rice; many minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chlorine, calcium, sodium, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, selenium, chromium, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, silicon, aluminum, vanadium, nickel, cobalt. The calorie content of rice can be considered average - about 300 kcal per 100 g of product, but it can be used with great success for weight loss and fasting days - rice diets are known to everyone.

Rice does not contain gluten, as in other cereals - gluten causes severe allergies in many people - for this reason, rice is also often used in dietary nutrition.

The benefits and properties of rice

Eating rice strengthens the central nervous system - it contains a lot of B vitamins; lecithin contained in rice improves the condition of brain cells; potassium, which is also abundant in rice, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and the state of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Rice removes excess sodium from the body - we get it in excess with table salt - and with it excess water comes out, which is why rice is so useful for metabolism and weight loss, as well as for diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. These same properties make it possible to use it in the dietary nutrition of patients with hypertension.

The enveloping effect of rice is considered one of the most valuable: it is useful for gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The starch found in rice is considered persistent: it enters the intestines almost unchanged and creates a favorable environment for the growth and development of healthy intestinal flora. With dysentery and other intestinal infections, a decoction of rice husks is effective: it has an enveloping and diuretic effect, and removes toxins produced by dysentery sticks from the body.

Brown rice insoluble fiber provides cancer prevention by protecting the body from the formation and growth of cancer cells.

Rice is also used externally, for some skin diseases, and the cosmetic use of rice - rice powder, etc. - has been known since ancient times.

In India, powder and ointment are made from dry rice to relieve skin inflammation. And today, at home, you can also use ordinary rice for skin care - for example, prepare a nourishing lotion with it. Rice is first lightly fried in a dry frying pan, then poured with water 1:4, and boiled over low heat for 1-2 hours, then the broth is filtered and used for face care - the broth tones and nourishes the skin, eliminating fine wrinkles.

Some of the beneficial properties of rice can be harmful - with its constant use. You can eat a little rice every day, as a side dish for vegetables, or separately, or as part of dishes, but in parallel with it, you need to eat foods that have a lot of fiber - fresh fruits, vegetables, etc. Otherwise, rice fixes the intestines too much, and leads to constipation, rectal fissures, hemorrhoids and other diseases.

It is also worth remembering that the harm and benefits of rice depend on its variety and method of processing: white polished and polished rice does not bring almost any benefit - it is a refined product, and its frequent use leads to the development of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypovitaminosis, etc. . Doctors and nutritionists recommend eating more brown rice - it is not completely refined, and contains many useful vitamins and minerals.

types of rice

More than 20 types of rice are known today, but only a few are sold in Russia: of them, we know more than other types of white polished rice, steamed, brown unpolished, long-grain, medium-grain and round-grain.

White polished rice the least useful, and its grains can be of any shape - round, etc. - but it is he who is most consumed in the world, as it is easy to prepare. It is prepared quickly, dishes with it are delicious, and most people think about the benefits last.

Steamed rice somewhat more useful: it is soaked in its entirety, and then steamed using a special technology that allows the grain to absorb most of the vitamins and minerals from the shell. This rice is not as brittle as ground and polished, and its grains are half transparent and yellowish - during cooking it turns white, but it takes longer to cook polished - steaming makes it harder.

brown rice is considered the best possible for us: it is affordable, healthy and tasty, but it takes longer than other types to cook - an average of about half an hour, and it is not as soft as white. The preserved light brown shell is the main value of this rice: nutritionists and adherents of a healthy lifestyle appreciate it very much.

long grain rice can be white and brown: it is popular in Asia, both Americas and Australia; its grains are very long - up to 8 mm, and when cooked they do not stick together - dishes from it can be cooked in a variety of ways, and it is used in cooking in many countries.

medium grain rice grown not only in Asia and America, but also in Europe: it is more sticky - during cooking it absorbs more liquid, and it also “knows how” to absorb different tastes and aromas: it is good to cook soups and cook main dishes with it.

Round grain rice It has been known in Russia for a long time: in the days of the USSR, it was it that was sold in all stores - it is grown both here and in Ukraine. During cooking, it absorbs a lot of liquid, and becomes soft, like a cream - it is from it that the famous “slurry” porridge is prepared. It is good to cook soups, casseroles, puddings, rice cakes and sushi from it - this rice sticks together perfectly.

Of the other species known to us, we can recall basmati rice: it is tasty and fragrant, and its grains are thin and long - in the world it is considered one of the elite varieties.

Another view - jasmine rice, grown in Thailand: it is very white and also fragrant, and when cooked, it really smells like jasmine. It is soft and slightly sticky, but at the same time its grains do not boil soft and do not lose their beautiful elongated shape.

How to cook rice

In order for rice to be healthy and tasty, it must be cooked correctly - this is not difficult. They take thick-walled dishes - Teflon, glass, metal, but not enameled - it burns in it, and the enamel can get into the finished dish.

The Japanese do not wash rice - they believe that everything valuable is washed off it, but we still do not have such processing technologies as in Japan, so we better wash it, otherwise not only vitamins and minerals, but also dirt will get into the food, and pathogenic microbes.

The easiest and at the same time correct way: put rice in a saucepan, pour boiling broth (water) 1:5, salt, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat to low, and cook rice for 10-15 minutes - no need to close . Then the rice is thrown into a colander and washed with hot boiled water; put a colander on a saucepan, cover with a lid, and keep it like that for about 7 minutes. Rice is ready - you can eat it, or cook any delicious dishes with it. It is not recommended to stir the rice during cooking.

Rice is an ideal product for those who follow a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

It contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are indispensable for the normal functioning of all body systems.

However, few people know about all the beneficial properties of rice, it turns out that this product has long been used for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

The main thing is to understand the varieties of cereals and understand how to properly cook each variety.

Rich fortified composition

1. A large amount of complex carbohydrates allows you to saturate the muscle tissue of the body with energy that corresponds to the daily norm.

2. B vitamins have a positive effect on the work and strengthening of the nervous system. They are also important for metabolism, stimulate the conversion of nutrients into energy.

3. Fiber. There is not much of it in the rice itself, but if you cook cereals with vegetables in the oven, you get a very healthy and satisfying dish, which is also low in calories.

Useful properties of rice for the human body

It is known that rice has medicinal properties and is prescribed for the prevention of certain diseases.

2. Croup favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The beneficial properties of rice can be used as a fixing agent or for cleansing the intestines. For example, if the cereal is hard boiled and a little starch is added there, such a dish will help get rid of diarrhea. If you add a little milk to boiled rice, it will help cleanse the intestines with constipation.

3. If you add finely chopped onion and a small amount of mint to rice water, you will get an effective remedy for combating sore throats and various colds.

4. Rice does not cause allergies, so it is allowed to be consumed by children from 6 months of age. Also, porridge is prescribed to a person in the postoperative period. Such a diet favorably affects the restoration of the digestive tract.

5. Eating rice helps get rid of bad breath. Also, raw cereal cleanses the genitourinary organs, joints, and stomach.

6. If a person wants to lose weight, he needs to think about the rice diet. Croup accelerates metabolism, allows you to stimulate the process of fat burning, removes excess fluid from the body.

7. Thanks to the amino acids in the composition, regular consumption of rice in any form (boiled, stewed) stimulates brain activity.

8. Regular consumption of cereals reduces the risk of cancer, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Useful properties of rice by the color of cereals

On the shelves of the store there is a huge assortment of cereals, which differ not only in shape, but also in color. Few people know that each variety of this cereal has its own cooking characteristics, each gives the body its own benefits.

1. Black rice (wild). In addition to B vitamins, it also contains many beneficial trace elements. Among them are iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus. The variety is expensive, however, this is due not only to the unique nutritional value, but also to the processing features. The grains are tough, so before cooking they must be soaked in cold water for an hour, then boiled for no more than 40 minutes. The beneficial properties of rice of this variety are invaluable for the body.

2. Brown rice (unpolished). Most people walk past the product shelf in the store, but in vain. It is this variety that is considered the most useful of all existing ones. In addition to minerals, fiber and other useful microelements, rice oils are also present in the composition, which regulate cholesterol levels in the blood. It is also important to note another advantage of cereals - it does not boil soft and does not stick together.

3. Basmati is a long-grain white rice variety. When cooking, the grains elongate even more. It cooks very quickly and doesn't overcook. With Basmati, you get a very tasty pilaf with a rich aroma, it can also be added to a salad.

4. Variety "Jasmine". It is extremely rare, when cooked it sticks together a little, but it is very useful. It has a pleasant aroma of jasmine and rich taste.

5. Variety Kamolino. Rice of Egyptian origin, grains are round. During the grinding process, a small amount of palm oil is added to it, due to which a pearl color is formed. The beneficial properties of Camolino rice are due to its rich composition of amino acids, fiber and vitamins.

6. Dairy round-grain rice - it is his mistresses who most often first of all notice on the shelves of the store. When cooked, it becomes soft and fragrant, does not stick together, therefore it is often used for pilaf.

Each variety of rice is good for the body. It is for this reason that it is sometimes recommended to move away from the usual product and buy something new in order to please loved ones with a delicious rice dish.

Internal and external use of rice groats

Surprisingly, rice is useful not only as a food product, very often this product is used in cosmetology and even in traditional medicine.

Useful properties of rice for external use

1. To remove freckles, age spots and even out the tone of the face. About 50 grams of grains are taken, everything is ground in a coffee grinder. Next, you need to squeeze 150 grams of melon juice and boil rice flour until a mousse consistency is formed. The resulting mask can be stored in the refrigerator. It is applied twice a week for 15-20 minutes on problem areas.

2. For wound healing. You will need more rice flour. Only now it will need to be boiled in ordinary water, adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar there. The resulting porridge is applied in the form of a compress to dislocations, bruises.

body healing course

1. You will need to purchase unpeeled round rice. The treatment course with its help is effective for cleansing the body.

2. Now you need to put as many tablespoons of cereal in a convenient container as the person is old. For one year there is one spoon.

3. Everything is filled with cold water, the container is placed in the refrigerator. Every morning you will need to drain the liquid, boil one spoonful of rice with a slide without salt and eat it for breakfast.

4. The product must be eaten on an empty stomach, drinking is allowed after 40 minutes.

5. The procedure is repeated daily until the cereal in the container runs out.

The beneficial properties of rice are manifested very effectively during the procedure. During the period of therapeutic prophylaxis, body cells will be renewed, the skin will tighten (firmness and elasticity will return), sleep problems will disappear and immunity will increase. It is recommended to carry out the procedure from October to April, since it is at this time that the body needs renewal and preventive health improvement.

Rice is a tasty and healthy cereal, which is recommended for use by every person at least once a week. Especially appreciated by those who lose weight, as the product is characterized by low calorie content, while giving a feeling of fullness.

No wonder they say that white rice is a gift from the gods. Its benefits and harms to the body and health are incommensurable. And although mankind has become acquainted with this product for a very long time, today it is experiencing another birth, as rice dishes are becoming more and more popular. After all, proper nutrition significantly strengthens its position.

The composition and energy value of rice

There are many varieties of the product - brown, wild, jasmine and others. They have many common and many different characteristics. It is a source of vegetable protein, fatty acids and healthy carbohydrates.

The composition of the cereal contains:

  • a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • essential amino acids;
  • lecithin;
  • starch.

Rice comes in different varieties depending on the processing. It is polished, steamed or crushed. The most familiar product to a simple layman is ordinary polished or steamed white rice. Steaming allows you to save more nutrients. However, any white rice contains these substances in smaller quantities than other types of product.

Pilaf, sushi are prepared from rice, it is added to salads. The energy value is quite high - about 300-370 kcal. For this reason, the consumption of rice should be limited to people who want to lose weight. It is recommended to eat dishes with rice 1 or 2 times a week and not more than 200 g.


The useful properties of the product include the following:

  • porridge and rice decoction have enveloping properties, therefore they are of great benefit if there is inflammation in the stomach or intestines, they are also useful for gastritis and ulcers;
  • helps the digestive system get rid of toxins, therefore it is useful for poisoning;
  • due to the content of large amounts of potassium, it strengthens the heart, helps to get rid of excess fluid and salt, which is useful for blood vessels;
  • vitamins fill with energy;
  • the work of the nervous system is improving;
  • beneficial effect on the brain;
  • promotes alkalization of blood, as a result of which an anti-cancer effect is achieved;
  • rice decoction will help in the fight against asthma and bronchitis;
  • useful for colds;
  • has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s condition during illness;
  • Rice water enemas help heal intestinal ulcers.

Pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding, can safely eat rice dishes. This product has a good effect on the development of the fetus. Rice improves milk quality.

Due to the fact that brown rice is processed much less than white, it contains more nutrients.

The following health benefits of cereal can be distinguished:

  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • rids the body of toxins;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • is a prophylactic against diabetes mellitus;
  • useful for digestion;
  • reduces the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • evens complexion, strengthens hair.

What are the benefits of red rice?

There are two types of red rice. One of them is close to wild rice. It has a red tint, flavor and aroma with notes of walnut. Another type is fermented plain white rice that has been processed with Monascus fungus. Thanks to them, the color of rice turns red. Used by Chinese doctors. It contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism and is used to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

It also brings great benefits due to the fact that it retains many useful substances. The product helps to improve well-being in asthma, as well as migraine. Helps reduce pressure. Good for joints.

Increases skin elasticity.

Contains a lot of iron, so it is useful for anemia. Antioxidants in the composition reduce the likelihood of colon and breast cancer. A very satisfying product, which in some situations can be considered as an excellent alternative to meat.

The glycemic index of red rice is the lowest, so it can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes.

It has a low calorie content - only 100 kcal. It also contains the most fiber.

This type of rice has the following useful properties:

  • benefits the nervous system;
  • improves well-being during menopause;
  • useful in exhaustion;
  • helps to recover after surgery;
  • prevention of heart disease.

Possible harm

The benefits and harms of rice for the human body are great. Rice can harm the body in the following situations:

  • allergy to this product;
  • excessive manifestation of the fixing effect;
  • contributes to the development of diabetes, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

If the fixing effect is excessive, hemorrhoids may appear, as well as chronic constipation. With diabetes, the amount of polished rice in the diet should be reduced or completely refrained from eating it. Unpolished varieties can be eaten after consulting a doctor.

One of the oldest cereals on our planet, rice can rightfully be called a legendary product. The first varieties appeared 9 thousand years ago on the territory of modern Asia, and scientists are still arguing which country has the right to be called the birthplace of that same rice - India, China or Thailand. Today, rice is not just food, but a full-fledged part of the culture of Eastern countries, the main element of the Asian table, a healthy, nutritious and independent product.

Rice came to European soil thanks to Alexander the Great, but gained its popularity much later. Now rice of different varieties and even colors has become a signature dish of many national cuisines - not only Asian sushi, but also Uzbek pilaf, Italian risotto and English rice pudding...

Why is rice valued?

Today, many-sided rice is grown in many parts of the world - its harm and benefits largely depend on the variety, processing method and even coloring. But there are also common features that this cereal is so famous for.

The richness of rice is a complex of complex carbohydrates that charge us with energy and vigor, so do not forget about rice porridge for breakfast, even if you have grown up a long time ago. The vitamin complex in rice may not resemble the composition of any Alphabet, but these grains are a storehouse of B vitamins. It is these vitamins that protect our nervous system in modern conditions of eternal stress, are responsible for our beauty and stable metabolism.

There is a lot of potassium in any rice, and this is the health of our heart. Rice also has a unique feature to remove excess salt from the body, and with it the liquid: it is an ideal product for those who have kidney problems, excess weight or persistent swelling. Also, there is no rice groats - this means that dishes from the rice menu are quite safe for allergy sufferers.

The uniqueness of rice (especially peeled) is in its enveloping effect on the walls of the stomach. With gastritis, exacerbations of ulcers and indigestion, this ancient cereal will also help. Many people remember how, as a child, with diarrhea, my mother prepared a medicine - unsalted rice. And it did help!

When is rice bad?

Rice is a product with a long history, and its value has been proven long ago. But if used inappropriately, it can be harmful. Such harm is associated mainly with peeled, white varieties - unprocessed colored rice is as useful as possible.

White refined rice in large quantities is contraindicated in diabetes, it can also provoke the development of atherosclerosis, kidney stones. The enveloping and even fixing effect of this cereal can also be harmful - white rice periodically leads to constipation.

How not to get confused in varieties

Today, several hundred varieties of rice are grown in the world, and although all this abundance does not get into Russian stores, it is very important to understand rice varieties. Today, the types of ancient cereal are distinguished by:

  • grain length;
  • method of processing rice grains;
  • the color of the shell and the grain itself.

On store shelves you can find rice of any length - long-, medium-grain and round-grain. Long rice grains do not boil soft during cooking and practically do not stick together. They are ideal for salads, side dishes, soups: these are ordinary long-grain rice, jasmine, fragrant basmati, etc.

Medium grains do not stick together much during cooking, but become quite sticky. This is an option for risotto and pilaf, paella, porridge.

Round rice sticks together very strongly during cooking: these varieties are leaders in starch content. Famous sushi and rolls, desserts and rice porridge are prepared from such rice in kindergartens. There are even special varieties for rolls and dessert rice - for all kinds of puddings and casseroles.

Familiar to all white rice, yellowish steamed and brown - this is one cereal, but different processing methods.

White rice is the cheapest and lasts a long time, loved since childhood and cooked in minutes. But it has fewer vitamins, and the mineral complex is not as rich as in other species. Therefore, today more and more people are switching to colored rice.

Brown rice - the benefits are proven!

Brown, brown, and simply unprocessed rice, in its benefits, significantly exceeds the white cereal we are used to. Brown grains undergo minimal processing, retain the shell, and with it a full range of vitamins and minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron and many others.

This rice is more expensive than processed rice, but if you still buy brown rice, its benefits will be huge. It regulates sleep and calms the nerves, tidies up hair, nails and thoughts, activating brain activity, cleanses the body. And it is also a real female product: it is brown rice that perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, improves metabolism and promotes calm but stable weight loss.

Be sure to include brown rice in your menu - the benefits and harms of it have long been studied, while there is very little harm to the body in comparison with white varieties. Bringing a pop of color to your lunches and dinners, brown rice has an interesting nutty flavor that brightens up salads and makes an ordinary side dish a completely new dish. It is boiled for an average of 25-30 minutes, while it practically does not boil soft. And you can also try to cook brown rice in meat or vegetable broth - the taste is completely indescribable!

What are the benefits of parboiled rice?

Steamed rice is very popular today - its benefits and harms are incommensurable: it retains many of the advantages of unprocessed grain, while it has very few harmful properties.

This variety is a cross between processed white grains and the healthiest brown rice. This product is first steamed well so that most (up to 75%) of all useful elements go deep into the grains, and only then the husk is removed. The result is a grain of yellowish color, which after cooking becomes habitually snow-white. Such rice is cooked for 20-25 minutes - a few minutes longer than white rice, but it never sticks together even when heated and has a more pleasant taste.

Choosing rice by color

Among the raw varieties of rice, you can find not only brown, but also red (various shades) and even black.

Since ancient China, red rice has been known - its benefits have been proven for thousands of years. Previously, this product was elite, for the imperial table, but today even a commoner can appreciate its value.

Rice of red and pink flowers is rich, retains all the "rice" vitamins and elements, including iodine, calcium and iron. This is a very nutritious product (calorie content of red rice is from 350 to 410 kcal), but at the same time it is ideal for diets, including medical ones. Red rice just work wonders - gently cleanse the intestines, besides, they are practically safe for diabetics.

Put red rice on the table more often - its beneficial properties are even stronger than those of other types of this ancient cereal. It satisfies hunger for a long time, makes the skin beautiful, and hair and nails - shiny and strong. Red rice is a reliable source of antioxidants that prolong our youth and health, it is good for the heart and kidney diseases.

Ready-made red rice has an amazing aroma of black bread and a light nutty taste. During cooking, bright grains boil well, but they do not lose their color, and some varieties become even redder. Therefore, red rice looks very advantageous in salads and various casseroles. And if your child is naughty and does not want to eat a regular breakfast, cook red porridge for him - he simply cannot refuse!

Black rice is another gift from ancient Chinese emperors. Today, this variety is often confused with wild - both of these products are called black rice, but they are not inferior to each other in value and taste.

This product is not cheap, but if you choose black rice for yourself, its benefits will be enormous. He is the champion among all varieties of rice in terms of the amount of vitamins, amino acids and valuable elements. Black rice retains all the value for the nervous system and beauty, and blood vessels, and is useful for anemia, helps to restore the body after childbirth. There is practically no sodium in it - black rice is very effective in diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Cooking black rice is not a quick process, but this product does not lose its valuable properties. Before cooking, hard grains must be soaked - for several hours, and boiled for 40-50 minutes. The finished cereal has a pleasant smell of rye bread and has a light unusual taste.

Wild Rice – Grass or Cereal?

Real wild (black) rice, oddly enough, has nothing to do with ordinary rice. In fact, it is a marsh grass (water zest) of the cereal family. But at the same time, it is extremely useful. The homeland of this product is North America, but now wild rice has been grown in other regions.

Be sure to try wild rice - its properties are the same as those of the best varieties of rice, which means that there is practically no harm.

In addition to all the "rice" vitamins, this cereal grass contains a lot of magnesium and zinc, potassium and, which ensures the active work of our brain, and is also indispensable during the bearing of a child. Wild rice works successfully as part of various diets, and due to the proteins in black grains, it is also useful for athletes.

It contains almost all amino acids, and in combination with legumes, wild rice becomes a complete protein dish - take note for vegetarians.

In stores, such rice is often found mixed with white, it is often cooked together with brown varieties. It is cooked in the same way as Asian black rice, pre-soaked. In a saucepan, wild grains open up, and the volume of rice increases by 3-4 times.

Rice is one of the most common cereals on earth. It is included in the diet of many peoples of the world, in terms of crop area - the second in the world among grain crops, and as for the collection of the gross product - here rice is in the lead. Why is it so popular and what are the benefits and harms of rice?

Rice - Gift of the Gods

Rice is an annual or perennial herb. It grows mainly in Asia, America. Varieties are known that feel great both in Africa and in our latitudes.

When people began to eat rice for food is not known. There are versions that 4,000 years ago, some scientists give dates 8,000 years ago and even 10,000 years ago. The peoples themselves, for whom rice occupies a key place in the diet, call it a gift from the Gods.

In Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian mythologies, there are legends that this valuable cereal was given to people by the Gods. Either a person cunningly received rice grains from the Gods, as described in the Japanese epic. To this day, rice is a welcome guest on the table of billions of people.

Varieties of rice

A person eats more than 20 varieties of rice. We also have the following types of this cereal:

Round grain- the most common and popular type in our country. The grains are round, form a sticky mass when cooked and absorb well. Porridges, casseroles, soups, sushi are prepared from it (this is a sticky look). It grows well in temperate climates with the right amount of moisture.

medium grain- it has an elongated shape, perfectly absorbs the smell and taste of other products. They make a side dish, soups, sweet dishes from it. It grows in Europe, Asia, America.

Long grain- this variety can be white or brown, the grains are long, and remain crumbly when cooked. Very soft, pleasant taste. It is widely used to prepare a variety of dishes in almost all cuisines of the world. Grows in tropical latitudes with an abundance of moisture.

Brown- the most useful type presented by us. Crumbly, with a delicate taste, it takes longer to cook than ordinary white, but it retains all the nutrients, for which it is dearly loved by nutritionists. It grows in countries with tropical and equatorial climates.

Steamed- got its name from the processing technology. It is processed with steam, due to which the grains absorb all the useful substances from the shells. It is translucent, yellowish, cooks for a relatively long time.

White brushed- the least useful type, obtained by complex processing of rice grains. It is tasty, quickly prepared, but has lost almost all useful substances during processing.

Basmati For us, it's exotic. Long, brown, very useful. It is an elite variety.

There are other varieties, but they are rare on our shelves.

Composition of rice

The benefits of rice are determined by its composition:

- proteins - up to 8%;

Fatty acids - up to 7%

Complex carbohydrates - about 90%

Vitamins of group B, E, H, PP, K;

Essential amino acids;

About 40 macro and microelements;

vegetable fibers;

active connections.

The components of the composition and their quantity depend on the variety of rice.

The benefits of rice

Such a rich composition makes rice an exceptionally useful product. Its calorie content in dry form can be considered average (it varies depending on the type of cereal). However, when cooked, rice absorbs a lot of water and swells, which makes it a dietary product. In addition to dietary properties, it also has a number of useful qualities.

Gluten Free

Gluten is a vegetable protein, a strong allergen. Its absence in rice makes this cereal hypoallergenic and suitable for any menu.

Rice in baby food

In the children's diet, rice occupies a key place. It can be used as complementary foods from 6 months. Rice porridge with the addition of milk, fruit, vegetable and meat purees is a complete food for a child and provides the growing body with all the necessary substances. Rice is also loved by older children. It is ideal for feeding kindergarteners and schoolchildren.

Sports diet and rice

Rice has a low calorie content and at the same time high nutritional value. It is a dietary product rich in complex carbohydrates that provides energy and a feeling of lightness to athletes.

The benefits of rice for the cardiovascular system

The high content of potassium has a positive effect on the work of the heart, helps to remove excess salts and fluids. Complex carbohydrates supply the heart with energy, and the vitamin composition normalizes metabolic processes in the heart muscle and improves vascular tone.

The benefits of rice for the digestive system

Rice has an enveloping effect and is indicated for gastritis and ulcerative lesions, inflammatory processes in the walls of the stomach and intestines. Rice is the first assistant in case of poisoning and toxic lesions. It prevents the negative impact of toxins on the mucosa of the digestive tract and gently removes toxins from the body in a natural way.

The benefits of rice for the nervous system

B vitamins, tryptophan and lecithin are the best friends of the nervous system. Eating rice contributes to the normalization of the transmission of nerve impulses, metabolic processes in the thickness of the nervous tissue. The combination of vitamins and amino acids has a strong restorative effect. A person who regularly eats rice minimizes the risk of age-related diseases (for example, the rates of sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and senile dementia in peoples who eat rice daily are close to zero).

The benefits of rice for the immune system

It is known that 80% of the immune system is located in the intestines. Rice promotes the binding of harmful substances and improves the intestinal microflora. Thus, the body naturally heals.

Antitumor effect of rice

Rice removes harmful substances, alkalizes the blood, supplies the body with useful substances. Thus, a person who regularly eats raw rice significantly reduces the likelihood of cancer.


Rice has the strongest absorbent properties. It removes all harmful substances from the body, maintaining the natural electrolytic balance and without disturbing the microflora.

The harm of rice

When it comes to the dangers of rice, nutritionists mean rice that has been processed and devoid of all nutrients. Energy is spent on its digestion and assimilation, which the body subsequently does not receive from depleted cereal. Also, white peeled rice contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which subsequently cheerfully migrate to the sides, thighs and stomach. The way out is to eat unpeeled natural rice, which has retained all the beneficial properties.

However, whole rice has its opponents. They advise to reduce its use to 1-2 times a week, speaking of such harmful properties:

Rice has fixative properties, which can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, and colon fissures.

An abundance of carbohydrates can provoke the development of diabetes.

The harm of refined and depleted rice is obvious. These negative qualities are inherent in him. As for rice with preserved grain shell, its harm is very doubtful. Whole rice is not only not ballast, but also actively removes ballast substances. As for its role in the development of diabetes, whole rice is recommended for patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. However, the appropriateness of its use in food is determined by the doctor.

As you can see, rice is an extremely healthy and tasty product. Most nutritionists insist on its regular use. They are in solidarity with the peoples of Asia, for whom rice is a sacred product and truly a gift from the Gods.
