
How to make dough for dumplings with potatoes. Vareniki with potatoes - step by step recipes at home

Cherry tomatoes differ from their large counterparts not only in the small size of the berries. Many varieties of cherry are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato. Anyone who has never tasted such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article, I will talk about five different tomatoes cherry tomatoes, which have the sweetest fruits of unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - fragrant and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods, combined with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack that is refreshing. sweet and sour berries grapes. The chicken fillet in this recipe is marinated in spice mixture from ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with a spark, use hot chili.

The question of how to grow healthy seedlings is a concern for all summer residents in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or a private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, every experienced gardener has his own proven way of growing seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

Task indoor plants in the house - decorate your home with your appearance, create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only watering on time, although this is also important. It is necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, make the correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers, there is nothing supernatural in this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast with champignons to cook simply according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to cook juicy and tender meatballs, this is wrong! Chicken meat contains practically no fat, which is why it is dry. But if you add to chicken fillet cream, White bread and mushrooms with onions, it will turn out awesome delicious meatballs that both kids and adults will love. In the mushroom season, try adding forest mushrooms to the minced meat.

Beautiful garden, blooming throughout the season, it is impossible to imagine without perennials. These flowers do not require such attention as annuals, are frost-resistant, and only sometimes need a little shelter for the winter. Different types perennials do not bloom at the same time, and the duration of their flowering can vary from one week to 1.5–2 months. In this article, we suggest recalling the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers.

Get from the garden fresh, environmentally friendly and fragrant vegetables all gardeners aspire. Relatives happily accept meals home cooking from their potatoes, tomatoes and salads. But there is a way to showcase your culinary prowess to even greater effect. To do this, it is worth trying to grow a few fragrant plants that will give your dishes new tastes and aromas. What greens in the garden can be considered the best from the point of view of a culinary specialist?

Radish salad with egg and mayonnaise, which I made from Chinese radish. This radish is often called Loba radish in our stores. Outside, the vegetable is covered with a light green peel, and in the cut it turned out to be pink flesh that looks exotic. It was decided, when cooking, to focus on the smell and taste of the vegetable, and make traditional salad. It turned out very tasty, we didn’t catch any “nutty” notes, but it was nice to eat in winter light spring lettuce.

Graceful perfection of radiant white flowers on tall stalks and huge shiny dark leaves of eucharis give it the appearance of a classic star. In room culture, this is one of the most famous bulbs. Few plants cause so much controversy. In some, eucharis bloom and delight completely effortlessly, in others for many years they do not release more than two leaves and seem stunted. Amazon lily is very difficult to classify as unpretentious plants.

Fritters-pizza on kefir - delicious pancakes with mushrooms, olives and mortadella, which are easy to prepare in less than half an hour. There is not always time to cook yeast dough and turn on the oven, and sometimes you want to eat a slice of pizza without leaving your home. In order not to go to the nearest pizzeria, wise housewives came up with this recipe. Fritters like pizza is a great idea for quick dinner or breakfast. As a filling we use sausage, cheese, olives, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Growing vegetables at home is quite a feasible task. The main thing is desire and a little patience. Most greens and vegetables can be successfully grown on an urban balcony or kitchen window sill. There are advantages here compared to growing in open field: in such conditions your plants are protected from low temperatures, many diseases and pests. And if your loggia or balcony is glazed and insulated, then you can grow vegetables practically all year round

We grow many vegetable and flower crops in seedlings, which allows us to get an earlier harvest. But create ideal conditions very difficult: lack of plants sunlight, dry air, drafts, untimely watering, soil and seeds may initially contain pathogenic microorganisms. These and other reasons often lead to depletion, and sometimes to the death of young seedlings, because it is most sensitive to adverse factors.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders in Lately the assortment of coniferous perennials has replenished nearby unusual varieties with yellow needles. It seems that the most original ideas, which landscape designers have not yet been able to bring to life, were just waiting in the wings. And from all this variety of yellow-coniferous plants, you can always choose the species and varieties that are best suited for the site. We will talk about the most interesting of them in the article.

chocolate truffles with whiskey - homemade truffles from dark chocolate. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade desserts for adults, unfortunately, the younger generation can only lick their lips on the sidelines, these sweets are not for kids. Truffles are made with different fillers, stuffed with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits. Roll in biscuit, sand or nut crumbs. You can make a whole box of assorted homemade sweets based on this recipe!

Step by step cooking recipes soft dough for dumplings with potatoes that do not boil soft

2018-03-31 Liana Raymanova





In 100 grams ready meal

6 gr.

9 gr.


40 gr.

361 kcal.

Option 1. Classic dough recipe for dumplings with potatoes

The dough for dumplings is prepared in different ways: they use different ingredients and different kneading methods. The most popular and easiest to prepare is considered traditional recipe, where the base is kneaded on such available products like salt, chicken eggs, ordinary water, flour and butter. From such a test, dumplings do not boil soft, they turn out tasty and soft.


  • 675 g wheat flour;
  • 220 ml of water;
  • large two or three small eggs;
  • 25 g salt;
  • pods-th oil - 230 ml.

Step by step dough recipe for dumplings with potatoes

Mix the eggs in a bowl with a fork.

Salt, stir again.

Pour in water, oil, everything again for a long time and mix thoroughly.

Add flour in small portions, previously passed through a fine sieve, knead well until elastic.

Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in a disposable plastic bag, put in the refrigerator for twenty-seven minutes.

If you want the dough to be more nutritious, then it is permissible to replace the water with milk.

Option 2. Quick dough recipe for dumplings with potatoes

The second most popular version of the test for dumplings with potatoes. It starts without eggs, which reduces total time cooking. The consistency is softer than the classic, and the taste is just as tasty. People who fast will certainly appreciate it.


  • flour - 960 g;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • salt - 25 g.

How to make dough for dumplings with potatoes

Pour boiled, but already cooled water from the kettle into a cup, add salt, stir with a spoon.

Pour flour into the same deep cup through a special strainer, make a small hole in it and pour in the liquid base.

Knead until elastic.

Transfer the thickened dough to the table and knead with your hands with frequent sprinkling of flour.

Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and set aside to “rest” for 35 minutes.

Create products.

This dough is ideal not only for dumplings, but also for homemade noodles.

Option 3. Dough for dumplings with potatoes on kefir

In this recipe, instead of traditional water and milk use kefir, which makes the dough more fluffy and light. It does not dry at all during the formation of dumplings, and in ready-made they are incredibly soft and delicious.


  • plain flour - 465 g;
  • kefir - 225 ml;
  • water - 110 ml;
  • a third of a spoon of salt;
  • soda - 35 g.

Step by step recipe

Sift flour well, combine with soda, salt

Pour water into kefir, poured into a bowl, stir well, add the mass to the flour mixture, quickly knead everything.

Knead the dough with your hands on the table until elastic, slightly tight.

Refrigerate in a plastic bag for thirty-five minutes.

Kefir in this recipe it is permissible to replace yogurt or sour milk.

Option 4. Yeast dough for dumplings with potatoes

Very unusual, but noteworthy test option. Products from it are soft, airy. The base takes a little longer to prepare than the rest, but the result is worth it.


  • flour - one and a half kg;
  • water - 725 ml;
  • 40 g of granulated sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • soda - 45 g;
  • 30 g quick yeast.

How to cook

Dissolve yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl of water.

Introduce a bit of flour mixed with soda, stir well.

Add the remaining flour, knead until soft and set aside for 1 hour under a towel.

Once again, lightly crush with your hands, form products.

The amount of flour in the recipe is approximate, if it is not enough, then you can add a little more, but so much so that the dough turns out soft and does not stick to your palms.

Option 5. Choux pastry for dumplings with potatoes

The next recipe is for lovers of blanks. Even with long-term storage V freezer products from such a test will not lose their shape and will not crack.


  • flour - 980 g;
  • 85 ml vegetable oil;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 685 ml hot water;
  • eggs - 4 pieces.

Step by step recipe

In a container, mix 400 g of sifted flour with salt, oil.

Pour hot water, knead everything well.

Crack the eggs one by one into the batter, mixing well with a spoon after each.

Add the remaining flour, knead until smooth, tender.

Leave the base in the refrigerator for half an hour, wrapped in a plastic bag.

Such a dough may well be suitable not only for dumplings, but also dumplings, as well as pasties or whites. Any chosen dish turns out tasty, soft and appetizing.

Option 6. Dough for dumplings with potatoes on sour cream

Another great option test. Thanks to the sour cream included in the composition and baking soda finished products acquire surprisingly appetizing softness, tenderness and splendor.


  • 640 g flour;
  • 85 g of fat sour cream;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • 35 g salt;
  • 40 g of soda.

How to cook

Combine flour with salt.

Mix sour cream with soda.

Step 3:
Transfer the sour cream mixture to the flour mixture, pour in water, knead everything thoroughly until elastic. The base should be dense.

Set aside under cling film 20 minutes for "rest".

Sour cream can be substituted heavy cream or homemade butter.

Option 7. Dough for dumplings with whey potatoes

And this recipe, perhaps, is familiar to everyone since childhood. Soft, elastic, pleasant to the touch dough. With it, the products are very tender, melting in the mouth.


  • 110 ml of serum;
  • 1 egg;
  • 235 g flour;
  • 30 ml of vinegar 9 percent;
  • 85 g butter;
  • soda - 55 g.

Step by step recipe

Break the egg into the whey, mix with a fork.

Cool the butter melted in a frying pan and pour it into a mixture of whey and egg, add soda slaked with vinegar, beat everything intensively with a whisk.

In small portions, introduce flour through a sieve, knead well until smooth.

Put the dough out of the cup on the table and knead until a dense, elastic state.

Leave on the table under a towel for 35 minutes, form dumplings.

Other types can be made from this dough. flour products: dumplings, homemade pasta, etc.

Option 8. Colored dough for dumplings with potatoes

Very unusual and interesting option dough for dumplings with potatoes. Finished goods get different color which will attract the attention of even small children.


  • purified water - 135 ml;
  • flour - 475 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 25 g of tomato puree;
  • 5 branches of different greens.

How to cook

Break three eggs into the water, add a little salt, mix with a whisk.

Introduce the sifted flour, knead well until a homogeneous, thick mass.

Transfer the dough to three identical cups in equal amount.

Add to the first bowl tomato puree, mix well.

Rinse all the greens, finely chop and pour into the second cup with the dough, stir well too.

Leave the third cup with the dough white.

Wrap the dough individually in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

Make dumplings of different colors.

This dough is suitable for dumplings with different stuffing: vegetable, mushroom, cheese, but not sweet.

Option 9. Dough for dumplings with potatoes in a bread machine

The following recipe is provided specifically for those housewives who have a bread machine. In it, the dough turns out to be soft, elastic, easily giving in to the formation of products. And most importantly, the time for preparing the base is significantly reduced.


  • 565 g flour;
  • 310 ml of water;
  • 45 g starch;
  • salt - 20 g.

Step by step recipe

Pour flour through a sieve, salt, starch into the capacity of the bread machine.

Pour in water, adjust the “dough kneading” mode, time 12 minutes.

Transfer the dough from the container to the table, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

Starch can be used both potato and corn.

One of my favorite homemade dishes is dumplings. The beauty of such “stucco” lies in the fact that it can be frozen in the freezer and at any time when there is no time to stand in the kitchen, quickly cook dinner. How to cook dumplings with potatoes different ways, consider in this article, which will not only teach you how to get delicious stuffing, but will also reveal the secrets of kneading a good dough.

Ideal dough for dumplings with potatoes

There are many options for preparing the base. Here are the most popular ones.

We will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 4.5 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Some housewives replace water with milk.

  1. Mix eggs, salt, water and oil in a deep bowl. We begin to gradually add the sifted flour until the dough for dumplings becomes elastic.
  2. Put it in a bag and plastic container and send it to the refrigerator for about half an hour. Readiness can be checked by pointing a finger at the bun. The dent should heal slowly.

Many cooks love custard option basics.

To do this, take the same ingredients and perform the following steps:

  1. We put water with salt and oil on fire in a small bowl.
  2. When it boils, add 1 cup of flour and mix thoroughly. Set aside and let cool.
  3. Then add the eggs, combine all the ingredients and add the flour, which in this case may need a little less.
  4. Put in cellophane in a cold place.

Another way is to use yeast jarless test. Only flour should be put there more so that it is convenient to roll out the dough and sculpt dumplings. You will need to add 10 g of yeast to the main components.

Classic recipe

The most common way to prepare the filling involves the use of such components:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • salt;
  • egg;
  • ½ cup milk;
  • 50 g butter.

Action algorithm:

  1. We wash the potatoes and remove the skin.
  2. After cutting the root crops, put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and let it cook. Don't cut potatoes small pieces- such a filling will be watery.
  3. When the potatoes are ready, drain the liquid and mash with a potato masher.
  4. Break the egg into the puree and pour in the salted milk. Once again, mix everything and leave to cool.

Roll out ready dough and start making dumplings.

Adding onions to the recipe

IN classic version the onion was cut into half rings, fried with small pieces lard in a pan and added to ready dumplings with potatoes instead of butter. But since many do not like cracklings, finely chopped onion is sautéed with the addition sunflower oil and then simply mixed with potato mash.

Please note that in this method you should not put butter in boiled potatoes. But mashed potatoes can be flavored with allspice.

Lazy dumplings with potatoes

This recipe will appeal to those who do not like to waste time sculpting.


  • 100 g flour;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • egg;
  • bulb;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little dill (can be dry).

We will prepare like this:

  1. We start with potatoes, which, just as before, need to be peeled and boiled.
  2. WITH ready vegetable drain the water, ceiling it with butter and let it cool a little to a raw egg not cooked after adding to the puree. We try for salt - if not enough, add it.
  3. Squeeze the garlic into the puree, pour in the dill, throw off the fried onion and start adding the flour. The mass should be sticky.
  4. We roll out a “sausage” from a small part of the finished mass and, for convenience, generously sprinkle it with flour.
  5. Cutting and shaping lazy dumplings with potatoes, which will resemble ordinary dumplings in appearance.

Option for those who fast

At a time when it is impossible to use animal products in cooking, this recipe may come in handy.

First, the dough will also be lean. For him, take:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt.

In order for the process heat treatment the dough is not overcooked, strictly follow the recommendations.

  1. Dissolve salt in water, adding flour, knead a stiff dough.
  2. To swell the gluten, leave it for 10 minutes and add vegetable oil.
  3. Knead the composition until it is completely absorbed, and the mass begins to stick to the palms.
  4. We leave this slightly sticky blank to rest, covering it with a napkin.

Secondly, we will change the composition of the filling:

  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 200 g sour cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • allspice and salt.

While the potatoes are cooking lean dumplings, separately in a pan we pass the onion, add finely chopped sauerkraut and simmer the food under the lid until fully prepared. Mix them with puree and season with pepper.

Cooking with raw potatoes

If you don’t want to spend time boiling potatoes, kneading and waiting for the filling to cool, then you will definitely like the recipe below.


  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 0.2 kg of onion;
  • seasonings;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

There are two cooking options. First, when raw potatoes are crushed with a grater, the juice is squeezed out and the resulting vegetable chips are mixed with chopped onions, salt and seasonings.

Remember, after adding salt to raw potatoes, the vegetable will begin to give juice. Therefore, it is better to use such a filling immediately.

The second way is the most common. Vegetables are cut into small cubes and seasoned. You can add to them a piece of soft butter or chopped fresh lard.

With the addition of mushrooms

This filling is perfect for lovers of "forest dwellers". Such dumplings can be prepared in reserve and stored in the freezer.


  • 350 g of any mushrooms (in our case, there will be champignons);
  • 700 g potatoes;
  • 30 g butter (butter or sunflower);
  • salt and seasonings.

In this case, everything is also extremely simple:

  1. Let's start with the puree.
  2. Separately, in a frying pan, sauté the onion with the addition of oil, and then add finely chopped champignons.
  3. Without closing the lid, fry the products for about 5 - 6 minutes.
  4. Mix the filling, adding salt and the necessary seasonings.

When everything cools down, you can start sculpting a semi-finished product with potatoes and mushrooms.

How to cook

The main thing is not only to cook the filling deliciously and stick the blanks beautifully, but also to cook the dumplings with potatoes so that they do not fall apart. There are rules to follow if you do not want to catch the dough and vegetable puree flakes separately in the pan.

So, if you are using a regular pan, then:

  • the amount of liquid should be sufficient so that the products are not cramped;
  • dump dumplings only into boiling and salted water;
  • turn the heat down to medium when they float to the surface.

If you use a double boiler, be sure to grease the surface of the pan with oil and do not put dumplings next to it.

When cooking in a slow cooker, you can throw semi-finished products into boiling water and cook in the “Extinguishing” mode, sometimes opening the lid to prevent.

Using a microwave, pour half a plate of water, lay out the products and wait until the liquid boils, turning on the device at full power. Then lower the temperature and leave the dumplings for another 7 minutes.

Interestingly, in microwave oven often prepare such a dish, replacing water with cream or sour cream.

When the filling is already completely used in finished version, then after the dumplings float to the surface, 3-4 minutes will be enough, after which you can remove the products with a slotted spoon. However, for raw potatoes the time will have to be increased by about 5 minutes.

Vareniki are cooked everywhere, but they are most popular in Ukraine. Local chefs make them from wheat flour with the addition of kefir, salt and soda. Eggs are not used. Purchased semi-finished products cannot be compared with self-kneaded dough for dumplings.

Classic recipe often used, but there are other ways. In particular, replacing kefir with boiling water allows you to get choux pastry which goes perfectly with sweet fillings. Sour cream makes the delicacy more tender, and eggs - elastic.



  • Flour - 600 g.
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.
  • Fresh yeast - 10 g.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 pinch.


  1. Combine warmed kefir with sugar, salt, soda, yeast. Stir the resulting mixture with a spoon and set aside for 20 minutes.
  2. After the time has elapsed, gradually add the sifted flour and knead the base with your hands. Soft, non-sticky mixture, cover with a towel and hold in a warm place for half an hour.

If there is no kefir, take spoiled milk. Instead of fresh yeast, fit dry.

Diet recipe on water without yeast

How are dumplings prepared? Just. The ingredients are combined in a suitable bowl and thoroughly mixed. But even with this simple task, not everyone copes.


  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 800 g.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Pour half of the sifted flour into enamel pan. Boil water. In a separate container, beat the eggs with the addition of salt and vegetable oil. IN egg mixture add warm liquid and whisk with a whisk until foamy.
  2. Combine everything with flour and put on fire. Stir constantly for several minutes.
  3. After cooling, add the remaining flour and knead the elastic mass. Cover it with a towel and leave for half an hour.

Yeast-free water dough is also suitable for making delicious dumplings. For this reason, it is considered universal.

What can be done from the dough for dumplings

Often, after cooking, the housewives have unused dough, which is a pity to throw away. This is optional. Various delicacies are prepared from it, which are characterized by high satiety, incredible taste and ease of preparation.

Crispy biscuits

The recipe is considered universal because it allows you to cook salty snack or a sweet addition to coffee or tea. Shortbreads are often used as a base for mushroom or cheese paste. They go great with jams, jams, powdered sugar or condensed milk.


  1. Divide a piece of dough for dumplings into balls the size of Walnut. Roll each with a rolling pin to make pancakes 3 mm thick.
  2. Fry the blanks in a pan with the addition of oil. When the biscuits are golden on one side, flip over.
  3. Place on paper towel to drain excess oil.

Before you cook dumplings with potatoes, decide what kind of dough you will cook. I propose to knead a simple, quick and light dough on dumplings with potatoes on the water. Such a recipe with a photo step by step will help you quickly prepare the dough, stick dumplings and cook hearty and tasty dish. potato stuffing is always popular and many families most often cook dumplings with potatoes. It is not so difficult to cook them, especially since potatoes cost mere pennies, and you can feed dumplings big family and arrange the most delicious gatherings. Even if you choose a different filling, cook the dough in water anyway. This fast way for kneading the dough, so after 20-30 minutes you will be free and able to do other things. See how to cook.

Required products:

- 200 grams of water,
- 2.5-3 cups of flour,
- one chicken egg,
- 1.5 tables. l. vegetable oil,
- ½ tsp. l. salt.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Like any dough, dough for dumplings requires a little skill. First of all, we sift the flour (only two glasses), and even a couple of times is better, then the dough will surely turn out to be airy, tender and soft. Plus, we will get rid of foreign particles that can accidentally get into a bag of flour.

In another container, we prepare the liquid part of the dough: since we will use potatoes in the filling, we put only salt in the water. If you are from this test decide to cook dumplings with sweet stuffing, then you can add another 1 tsp. l. granulated sugar.
We also pour ordinary lean (vegetable) oil into the dough. It will give the dough elasticity and softness.

Add one egg to the water and shake lightly.

We mix the flour and the liquid part, lumps are obtained at first, but this is how it should be. We begin to add a little bit of the rest of the flour and watch when the dough begins to roll into a ball.

Knead so that it turns out homogeneous, soft and lagged behind the hands. We do not put a lot of flour so that the dumplings do not become oak.

Let the dough rest, rest and after 5-10 minutes you can sculpt dumplings. Bon Appetite!
