
Test: is it easy to live with you. Quiz: Are you ready to live together?


Admit that no matter how good you are, you are sometimes unbearable. Despite this, does your spouse find it easy and pleasant to communicate with you? So, how are things in your family?

1. When the alarm rings in the morning, you: a) roll over to lie on the other side for a few more minutes - 2 points b) instantly jump out of bed - 5 points c) lie in bed "to the last" - 0 points.

2. You appear for breakfast: a) “in full dress” - 6 b) dressed, but not ready to go out - 5 c) in a dressing gown, disheveled and unwashed - 2.

3. In the mornings, as a rule, you: a) try not to deviate from your plans - 5 b) are always half asleep - 0 c) start a new day without enthusiasm - 1

4. Having met to dine with your husband (wife) in a cafe, you: a) are completely at the mercy of daytime troubles and worries - 2 b) are full of desire to make this event especially pleasant - 6 c) are in your usual state - 3

5. You are watching your favorite TV show when your husband's (your wife's) friends come over to visit. What to do? a) turn off the TV without hesitation - 6 b) mute the sound and continue watching - 0 c) invite them to watch the program with you - 3

6. Do you think that your husband (your wife): a) in the shower good man, but a bit of a bore - 2 b) an ideal person for living together -5 c) an ordinary person - 4

7. You: a) remember the birthdays of your loved ones and other important dates for them - 6 b) consider it sentimental, but traditionally celebrate important events - 4 c) almost never remember them - 2

8. Do you point out the shortcomings of your spouse (wife) in the presence of children? a) never - 6 b) sometimes - 2 c) regularly - 0

9. What annoys you more: a) when they are late for dinner - 4 b) when they do not know how to shop profitably - 5 c) absent-mindedness - 2

10. Do you consider the desire of a family person to be alone sometimes: a) a bad sign - 0 b) a healthy need - 6 c) just a whim - 1

11. You talk about other people: a) critically - 0 b) with humor - 4 c) do not discuss others at all - 2

12. Your sense of humor: a) slightly lame - 2 b) always ready - 5 c) absent - 0.


Over 50: You won't find a person more suitable for living together than you. You are balanced, tolerant of the shortcomings of others and, in addition, it is always easy and fun with you. Your spouse (wife) should thank heaven that you are together.

20 – 50: living with you is not very difficult, but at times you are just unbearable. Often try to look at what is happening from the point of view of your partner.

Less than 20: you need to reconsider your habits of an inveterate egoist and get off the position of "I'm always right."

Other articles numbers in the rubric

If you have been dating a young man for a long time and cannot imagine your life without him, then most likely you have already thought about getting together and living together. However, are you ready for this big step in your personal life? If you have doubts or just for the sake of interest, go through this one, which will give you the answer to this important question.

When answering questions, try to choose the answer that best suits you.

How much of your stuff is at your boyfriend's house and vice versa?

A. Very little, we try not to bring things into each other's apartments.

b. Basically the bare necessities: a toothbrush, soap and other little things.

V. So many, you can't remember everything.

How often do you sleep together?

A. 2-3 times a month.

b. Few times a week.

V. Almost every night.

How long do you meet?

A. 6 to 12 months or more.

b. Up to 6 months.

V. For a long time, more than a year and a half.

Did any of you "go to the side" ()?

A. This has happened before, but we do not consider each other our property.

V. We believe that loyalty is the key to a strong relationship.

What are your plans for the future?

A. My boyfriend and I have a lot of ambitious plans, some of which we don't even tell each other.

b. We try to live for today and have not yet discussed the future.

V. We very often discuss our possible future and want to always be together.

What is your attitude to the order in the house?

A. We imagine cleanliness in the house in different ways, but this does not particularly bother us.

b. We imagine cleanliness in the house differently, but we are not yet ready to make compromises.

V. We have a relatively similar idea of ​​cleanliness and frequency of cleaning.

What do your fights look like?

A. Usually, after a quarrel, we don’t see each other for a couple of days, and then this problem no longer bothers us.

b. At the end of a fight, one person asks for forgiveness or apologizes.

V. We understand that both are to blame and always try to find a compromise.

Count the number of answers a, b and c.

You have more answers a . You and your partner value your personal space and independence so much that you are not yet ready to give it up. Therefore, at the moment it is not recommended for you to live together. But do not despair, perhaps soon everything will change.

You have more answers b. Your relationship has not yet reached the stage where you can move in together. This may be due to the fact that one of you has recently gone through a difficult breakup with an ex-partner or a divorce. Try not to rush things, and most likely in a year, or maybe earlier, everything will change.

More answers in . You have a very strong and harmonious relationship in which you are ready to make certain compromises and concessions. You will ideally get along together, so it's time for you to take this serious step and start living together.

Each of us has our own habits that may seem strange to others and may even be unpleasant. Sometimes, on the contrary, a person is so pleasant and conflict-free that already in the first months of living together there is a feeling that it has always been like this ... And no matter how much we love our soul mate, some situations cause a nervous tic ... Let's try to find out what your household is experiencing nearby with you - is it easy for them to live or sometimes you still cross the line?

Start test:

Answer each of the questions "yes" or "no".

  1. Is it important for you to follow a clear daily routine?
  2. After you have been visited by guests, do you clean the apartment on the same day?
  3. Would you take it easy if your neighbor on the landing got a large and rather noisy dog?
  4. Do you often clean your house?
  5. When listening to music in the morning and evening, do you turn the volume down?
  6. Are you patient with the unpleasant habits of the people you live with?
  7. Do you find it easy to communicate with children and the elderly?
  8. Do you know how to cheer up a person if he is sad for an unknown reason?
  9. If you smoke, or would smoke, would you think about how to reduce the harm that you cause to those around you?

Now let's move on to counting the results. Each answer "yes" is assigned 1 point, the answer is no - it is 0 points. So…

If your score is over 7- it's a pleasure to live with you. You easily endure the shortcomings of others and are friendly to everyone. Not only the kindest, but also the most quarrelsome person in the world has agreed to live with you. Your family lives very harmoniously with you, and you can safely remind them how lucky they are to have you!

If your result is 5-6 points, then you may not be patient enough, but you always try to do everything in fairness. Even if there are conflicts in your family due to domestic problems, then you will try to find a solution without a strong aggravation, although you will express your opinion directly. People around you always know what to expect and are ready, in which case, to listen to a reproach, while they will not be offended, since you will, as usual, be honest and fair.

If you have earned 4 points or less You are not the most pleasant neighbor. It is not easy for you to come to terms with other people's mistakes, and most often you simply prefer to express everything in person. As for your personal shortcomings, you simply prefer not to notice them. Remember that demanding others to be perfect, while only ignoring your shortcomings, is selfish behavior. Learn to accept people as they are, then squabbles in your house will become much less common.

1. How often do you spend the night together? (1/9)

2. Does he (you) have a lot of your (his) things at home? (2/9)

3.How long have you been dating? (3/9)

4. How confident are you in your relationship? (4/9)

5. Have any of you cheated? (5/9)

6. What happens when you fight? (6/9)

7. What role do finances play in deciding to live together? (7/9)

8. How picky is each of you about cleanliness? (8/9)

9. Do you have the same attitude towards pets? (9/9)

Previous question Next question End survey

Your result: Take a chance!

It seems that your tastes are the same in almost everything. Perhaps you are still in a state of " honeymoon”, or maybe you really have very good compatibility. In any case, your relationship is strong enough and you are ready to live together.

Your result: Be careful!

Of course, opposites attract, but in order to become a couple, you must at least complement each other in some way. You seem to be very different people so living together can be difficult. If both of you are determined to give it a try, you should honestly discuss any difficult points with each other before signing a contract to rent an apartment.

Your result: Forget about living together.

Are you sure you are happy together? It looks like you are very different people. Don't rush things!

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