
How to make lemon jam at home. lemon zest jam recipe

09/06/2012 // admin

Harvesting jams and jams for the winter is a common summer phenomenon. But why not move away from the usual assortment and cook something new? This spicy jam from lemons with a sunny-bright color and a unique citrus aroma can be cooked according to simple recipe, which includes the following steps.

Preparing Citruses for Lemon Jam

It is necessary to select a kilogram of ripe lemons, wash them. Then each fruit should be peeled, leaving two of them unpeeled. The presence of the zest of two lemons in the jam will give a bitter and refined taste and add a little variety to the sweet and sour mass of lemon jam. However, for those who are not too fond of the smell and taste of lemon peel, it is advisable to completely get rid of it.

Processing lemons to make jam

The main purpose of this stage will be the chopping of lemons and zest. IN this case you can use a meat grinder, processor, blender and other electrical appliances. It is perfectly acceptable and just to cut the lemons into small pieces. At the same time, it is recommended to scrupulously get rid of the bones, which, when they get into lemon jam give excessive bitterness and spoil the aesthetics appearance this golden and extremely useful product.

Making jam from lemons

The crushed mass of lemons must be placed in a saucepan or basin for cooking and covered with two kilograms of sugar. To get the effect of confiture, you can add four to five full tablespoons of instant gelatin. Because lemons are mostly juicy fruits, the need to add water is often eliminated. If the mass turned out to be rather dry, pour 100-150 ml of boiled water into it.

The preparation of jam from lemons must be done on low heat, avoiding rapid boiling. After half an hour of cooking, turn off the stove and take an hour break. There can be four or five such approaches, depending on the consistency of the jam. A drop finished product should not spread on a saucer, and this simple test successfully replaces all other methods of testing.

Lemon Jam Capping

Lemon jam poured into clean and always dry jars must be rolled up, turned upside down and left to cool slowly in a warm place.

Recipes for making Lemon Jam and Confiture

This product tends to keep well and the only obstacle to this is its excellent taste and a good appetite of the household.

Tatyana Saburova especially for site about lemons

2012, Website about lemons. All rights reserved. Copying materials is prohibited.

lemon jam- a classic Portuguese delicacy, loved by children and adults, and widely known outside of this state. It is quite easy to prepare it at home. If the hostess has a slow cooker or a bread machine with the function of making jam or jam, then this is great, since these devices are equipped with non-stick bowls, which greatly facilitates the cooking process, because the main work of the hostess is minimized. But we will go the other way and make real jam ourselves in the old and proven way - in a saucepan on the stove.

Lemon - very useful view citrus fruits, but because of it palatability, rarely used in enough. But vitamin C, which is contained in the composition yellow fruit, is often lacking in winter period. There are many mixtures with lemon and other ingredients, but people, and especially children, do not want to use all this at all. Another thing is jam or jam!

There are many recipes lemon jam and jam, many recipes with additional components, be it oranges, ginger or even agar-agar. After trying many recipes, we settled on this one. We invite you to try the classic recipe with step by step photos. It is the most successful and easy to prepare at home, because total time cooking it for about three hours.

Homemade Lemon Jam

Believe me, everything is very simple! Just a little patience and delicious treat and your culinary skills will be appreciated by family and friends. Jam will become a favorite delicacy on your table as an independent sweet, and as a filling in puffs, homemade cookies and cakes.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that jam prepared according to this recipe, well kept long time , like any jam, subject to the elementary rules of preparing products for the future, and is no different from jam produced by well-known trademarks, with the exception of a small digression - it is prepared with great love!

lemon jam

Lemon jam prepared according to this recipe will allow you to get not only a cocktail of vitamins even on frosty winter days, but also treat yourself to this delicious dessert. The consistency of lemon jam is very thick, it can be said that there is a spoon in it, and its taste is so amazing that in winter it literally gives everyone the feeling of a bright summer! It is best to close it in small beautiful jars, so that later you can eat it with pleasure. in small portions, or even give to those who are salivating after tasting even a small spoonful of this yummy.

Lemon jam - a quick recipe

Lemon jam - recipe


  • fresh lemons - 7 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


How to make lemon jam? To begin with, we take lemons, rinse thoroughly under running water and soak for a few minutes boiling water so that later the lemon zest does not give bitterness. Then we wipe them and cut them into slices, carefully removing all the bones. Put the lemons in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over low heat for about 45 minutes. Then pour sugar (both regular and vanilla), mix and boil for another hour. When the time is up, the lemon jam will seem quite liquid at first glance, but as soon as you remove it from the stove, it will immediately begin to thicken and turn into a kind of jelly. If you still doubt its readiness, then take a saucer with ice water and put some lemon jam in it, if it does not spread, but forms, then it is ready! While the boiled jam is still hot, pour it into small sterile jars, screw on the lid and put it upside down for 30 minutes. Lemon jam is stored for a very long time even in open form, but only in the refrigerator, so you can safely make it in large batches!

Have a nice tea party with sunny and bright jam!

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Persimmon jam

Persimmon has a rather specific taste, which not everyone will like.

The same can be said about jam or persimmon jam. In this case, the main choice will be ripe fruit to eliminate the bitter aftertaste.

Orange peel jam

If you love oranges, then you should be interested in the question: “What to do with orange peel? The answer is simple: make jam! Yes, yes, you heard right. This delicacy is also called "Curls". Here we will talk about the recipes for this sweetness in this article. We will also figure out how to make "curls" from lemon peels.

orange jam

Do you like to eat toast with jam for breakfast? Then the recipes presented in this article are just for you. Orange jam here main character day. Let's talk about cooking it on the stove and in the slow cooker.

Jam from walnuts

In winter, jam is indispensable. In addition to being very tasty, it is also very healthy. Jam is made from fruits, berries, vegetables and even walnuts. And how to cook this unusual jam we will tell you now.

lemon jam

Choose Mayer lemons and sweet ripe oranges for cooking: it is from such citrus fruits that the most saturated and delicious jam . Place all purchased fruits in a deep saucepan, pour cold water and rinse thoroughly with a new sponge, because we will also use the peel as an ingredient.

Without drying, we shift the citrus fruits into the enameled pan chosen for cooking, pour the entire volume of clean water indicated in the ingredients cold water. We put the pan on the fire and bring the liquid in it to a boil.

After the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, put a sheet of foil on top of the pan, and cover the lid on top of it as shown in the photo. In this form, we cook citrus fruits for 150 minutes: so the peel of oranges and lemons will become very soft, which is important for our recipe.

lemon jam recipe

After the specified time, turn off the fire and leave the citrus fruits to cool for 8 hours in this form.

After the specified period of time, we alternately remove the citrus fruits from the pan, peel each one, which will be very easy to do thanks to the above manipulations.

We return the pulp to the pot with infused citrus water, while carefully kneading it with our hands, which, well, it is very desirable to wash and rinse well before this stage. Stir the treated mass, return to the stove and bring to a boil, cook over low heat for the next 10 minutes.

During this time, you can have time to very finely chop the peel removed from oranges and lemons. Of course, at this stage you can also use a blender, which will save you a lot of time.

After the specified cooking time of the pulp, we filter the contents of the pan through a very fine sieve, return the liquid back to the pan, put the pulp in a bowl. Now pour the chopped zest into the pan, mix and bring the liquid to a boil again. Pour all the prepared granulated sugar into the pan, constantly stirring the ingredients with a wooden spoon, completely dissolve the crystals. Cook the jam for half an hour over low heat until the density we need.

Pour the finished hot jam into sterilized small jars, tightly close them with lids and leave to cool under a blanket. Cooled blanks can be put away in a cupboard or pantry, jam can also be stored in the refrigerator if it is not too much. homemade jam from oranges and lemons ready for the winter.

Bon appetit!

Many do not know about this sweetness. Meanwhile, lemon jam is quite simple to prepare, it has original taste and a very appetizing look. For the first time, they came up with the idea of ​​​​preparing such a jam in Portugal. Over time, the recipe for this goodies came to our kitchen. And now you can enjoy the taste and simplicity of making sweets from the most affordable products.

Dessert features

The dish is cooked for about two hours. According to which of the proposed recipes to cook, it does not make a significant difference, they are all tested for personal experience. The result is always excellent, fragrant, rich taste and color guaranteed.

This sweet will please any hostess and will be to the taste of her household and guests. You can make a sandwich for breakfast with it, bake a pie and burgers and just serve it as a sweet for tea drinking. Jam is not stored for a long time, but not because it deteriorates. He is eaten, all without a trace.

Jam Recipe #1

To make the preparation successful and live up to expectations, cook it from fresh lemons. Jam recipes are ordinary, with the most the minimum amount components, and there are those in which other fruits or aromatic additives are added.

So, you will need:

  • Sugar - 1800 gr.
  • Water - 1500 ml.
  • Lemon - 10 pieces of medium size;
  • 30 g vanilla sugar.

The first thing to do is prepare the lemons. To do this, rinse them, put them in a plastic or enamelware and fill with boiling water. After 5 minutes, remove the lemons and cut into slices. The seeds must be removed.

Take the container in which you will cook, put the pieces of lemon, add 1.5 liters of water and cook for 50 minutes over medium heat. Mix vanilla sugar with regular sugar, put in a saucepan. Continue cooking the jam over low heat for about an hour. Remove the pan from the heat and select all the lemon peels from the resulting mass. You can dry them, they will turn out very delicious candied fruit. And lay out the bulk in sterile jars. They can be closed with lids or rolled up and left to cool.

Ready jars to store in cool place. Such jam can be made from other types of citrus fruits, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, lime are suitable. Or even make assorted of these fruits, it will be interesting for any hostess to experiment. And children will definitely like this activity, do not forget to involve them in the case. When you undertake to make jam from other fruits, the amount of sugar can be reduced, depending on the degree of acidity of the selected fruits.

Cooking method number 2

The composition of the recipe is the same, but the amount of products is taken differently, and the taste is different, due to differences in the ratio.

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Lemons - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

Wash the lemons, cut in half, remove all the seeds, they will be bitter in the jam. Cut into slices, considering that then the crusts will go to candied fruits, which can be added to the filling for pies, to sweet dishes, to morning porridge.

Put the lemon slices in a stainless pan, add water and leave for 24 hours. Now boil the infused slices so that the peel becomes soft, then pour sugar into the pan and cook for another third of an hour. When cooling the jam, a trick is used: pour hot water into a container, transfer the finished sweet mass in a jar and dip it in water.

portuguese lemon jam

Fruits for jam should be ripe, full-bodied, with a thin crust. Such specimens are very juicy and fragrant, ideal. In total, about 1.5 kilograms of lemons are needed. The same advice applies when choosing oranges for a similar preparation.

However, to give the dish more expressive, spicy taste it is recommended to add lemon juice from two fruits and a little cinnamon. It is good to lubricate the rolls with such a thick and fragrant mass, then you should not add cinnamon.

This jam is prepared from lemons with zest separately. Cut off the top of the peel from the washed lemons. Divide the fruit into two parts, squeeze out all the juice from one. Cut the zest into long strips. Put all this in a saucepan and fill with water. Put the rest of the pomace in a suitable bag and also lower it into the pan. It is a natural source of gelling agents, a jam thickener.

Put the workpiece to boil on medium fire until the volume is reduced by half. This will take one to three hours. When everything is ready, remove the bag and drain all the liquid from it back into the pan, and also collect any gelling agent that may have remained in the bag.

Make sure that pieces of pomace and seeds do not get into the main mass, this can spoil the taste of the dish. Put everything that is in the pan back on the stove, add sugar and let the mass boil, stirring constantly. The readiness of jam can be determined by dropping it on a plate, if the drop has not spread, the mass has already boiled down enough.

Let the jam cool slightly, pour into suitable container. When the jam has completely cooled, it will become very thick, thanks to the pectin from the pomace. And finally unusual supplement in this recipe - geranium leaves, a couple of pieces can be put in a bag with the remnants of squeezed lemons.

"Vitamin" dessert from different fruits

In this recipe, assorted fruits are prepared, and all the vitamins are really preserved. The jam is not exposed heat treatment. Due to the combination of different fruits, the product is enriched with many useful substances, trace elements and vitamins. The taste of this jam is sweet and sour, the consistency is thick.

It is preferable to use it in fresh, for sandwiches, and for adding to other dishes, so as not to lose valuable qualities.

So, take all the fruits in 2 pieces:

Peel tangerines, kiwis and bananas, wash the rest of the fruits. Grind prepared fruits in a meat grinder. Mix the mass thoroughly, adding sugar. When vitamin blend becomes homogeneous, it can already be decomposed into sterile jars. Store such a product in the refrigerator or in a fairly cool place.

Lemon ginger treat

Ginger will give the lemon jam a spicy recipe. Such unusual taste your family will love it. Be sure to try cooking it. It is eaten very quickly, leaving pleasant memories. Suitable for home baking, for pancakes and pancakes.


  • lemons - 400 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • ginger root 5 cm.

Boil one of the prepared, clean lemons for 10 minutes until soft. Use another fruit to squeeze juice out of it. Cut the boiled lemon and remove all seeds. Peel the ginger and pass it all together through a meat grinder. You should get a smooth puree. Put the fruit mass in an enamel pan, add the squeezed juice. Bring to a boil and cook for a third of an hour over low heat until thickened, do not forget to stir the puree.

Let it cool and put it in small containers, store the lemon-ginger jam in the refrigerator.

Confiture recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare it, you can use a convenient kitchen appliance - a slow cooker. It's convenient, fast and delicious.

Products for cooking:

  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 100 g.

Rinse the fruits, use a grater to remove the zest from one and half of the second lemon. Lemons cut into slices. Put the mass in a slow cooker and cook for about 10 minutes, make sure that the crust becomes soft. This is necessary so that the confiture is not bitter.

The water must be drained, all the bitterness has gone into it. Add sugar, water 200 ml, lemon juice (3-4 tablespoons) to the multicooker pan. Transfer the slow cooker to the baking mode and cook the confiture for 1 hour.

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We are more than sure that one in two of those who read this article have never heard of lemon jam. The other half have heard, but few have tried. Meanwhile, the dish turns out to be very tasty and sweet - not like other types of jams and sweets. Despite the fact that lemon jam is considered the property of Portuguese cuisine, it is also successfully prepared here. The ingredients are the simplest, it doesn’t take long to cook jam - you can manage it in a couple of hours.

Absolutely all the recipes that we publish in this article have been personally tested. We guarantee that the dish, regardless of the recipe you choose, will turn out to be incredibly tasty, moderately nutritious. Eat for health!

So, how can you generally characterize lemon jam? This is a universal delicacy that can be safely used both as a separate dessert and for tea, in the form of delicious toppings for a pie, and as a regular spread on bread. You definitely won’t be able to make lemon jam for a long time. Jam is so tasty that it is almost impossible to prepare it for the future. We advise you to choose for its preparation fresh fruits.

First standard recipe making lemon jam.

Let's start with standard recipes, and finish with recipes for jam "with a twist." For the first recipe, you will need 10 medium lemons, 1.8 kg of sugar, 30 grams of vanilla sugar, 1.5 liters of water for cooking, plus more water for "infusion".

Initially, you wash the lemons and pour boiling water over them. Then leave for five minutes, drain the water, and cut the fruits into slices. Bones are very desirable to choose, do not leave anything.

After that, put the lemon slices in a saucepan, pour it with 1.5 liters of water and put it to boil over medium heat. After 45-50 minutes, you can add sugar (both regular and vanilla). Reduce the fire and leave the jam to cook on the fire for about an hour.

For the next step, you will need a skimmer. With it, you carefully fish out all the skins from the jam. But do not rush to throw them away, but rather give them to the kids. They eat them with great pleasure instead of sweets - how delicious they turn out! At this time, pour the jam into jars and roll up or put in the refrigerator.

That, in fact, is the whole wisdom of making lemon jam. As you can see, everything is very fast and there is nothing complicated. By the way, according to the same principle, you can cook orange or grapefruit jam. Only we advise you to take less sugar - after all, orange and grapefruit are not as sour as lemons.

The second standard recipe for making lemon jam.

In principle, it is not very different from the first, but has its own characteristics of preparation. Firstly, a slightly different ratio of proportions - for 1 kg of lemons, two liters of water and 3 kg of sugar are taken. You thoroughly wash the lemon and cut it thin slices. You can, of course, cut it smaller, but the slices themselves can then be used as candied fruits and added to any pastries or cheesecakes. Be sure to remove the stones, otherwise your jam will turn out with an unpleasant bitterness.

Then you put all the sliced ​​​​lemon slices in an enamel bowl and fill it with water for a day. After a day, the lemons are boiled under the lid until you can crush the peel with your fingers. Add sugar to them and boil for another 20 minutes.

The final touch - the jam is poured into a clean, dry jar and placed in hot water before cooling.

An old Portuguese recipe for lemon jam.

For jam, pick up 10 lemons with a total weight of 1.5 kg. It is better to take yellow, fragrant and juicy. To make the crust thin. Unripe lemons have less juice and are slightly dry inside. These are not suitable for making lemon jam. If you are making jam from oranges, follow the same proportions, but it is better to add the juice of two lemons and 1 cinnamon stick for flavor. But if you cook orange jam exclusively for the roll, the addition of cinnamon is not necessary at all.

Wash the lemons and pat dry. lemon zest initially removed with a sharp knife. You will need to cut it into thin strips, squeeze the juice from half the lemons. Combine it with two liters of water and zest in a saucepan. After squeezing the juice, you still have bones, partitions and lemon peel. Place it in a special gauze or nylon bag and carefully lower it into a cooking pot. Why is this needed?

We will open for you little secret: lemon pomace is excellent source pectin, which will give the jam a jelly-like consistency.

How long does it take to cook lemon jam according to the Portuguese recipe? It varies, on average from 1 to 3 hours. Content by volume should evaporate to about half.

As soon as the boil is over, you also carefully remove the bag from the broth, place it on a nylon sieve and let all the liquid drain right over the pan. When the lemon content of the bag has cooled down a bit, carefully squeeze the bag, collect all the pectin that has stood out with a spoon, and discard the squeezed pomace. You can’t leave them in jam, because later it will acquire a bitter aftertaste.

Put the broth again on very slow fire, pour all the sugar and bring to a boil, stirring gently. How to check if jam is ready or not yet? To do this, you will need to check the dish for fluidity. A drop of jam that you place on a plate or the back of your hand should not spread.

Turn off the fire, let the jam cool down a bit and pour into jars. The hot jam will appear runny, but the drops are actually very sticky to the touch.

To enhance the taste, you can add 2 leaves of geranium to the jam (in a bag with pomace before cooking). How much jam will be made from the above ingredients? On average, about three liters.

Lemon jam "Vitaminka"

And this type of jam is called so because of the peculiarities of its preparation. A magical delicacy for real sweet tooth is not cooked on fire at all. This allows you to preserve to the maximum all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in fruits. The product itself is sweet with a spicy sourness.

Take two lemons, two medium oranges and two kiwis. Optionally, you can also add one banana and two tangerines. We take sugar at the rate of one kilogram per kilogram of fruit mass. All products are passed through a meat grinder, only kiwi, banana and tangerines are peeled. Everything is mixed well, sugar is added to desired proportion. Then you mix the jam again, put it in dry and sterile jars. For convenience, you can take 200-gram jars for baby food. lemon jam with the maximum number vitamins can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Lemon Ginger Jam

Lemon jam prepared with ginger is sure to captivate taste preferences your loved ones. Best served with pancakes and pancakes.

For 400 grams of lemons, 200 grams of sugar are usually taken and small piece ginger - about 5 centimeters. Lemons are washed, juice is squeezed out of one lemon, the second is blanched in boiling water for 10 minutes until soft. The lemon is cut, its seeds are removed. Together with the peeled ginger root, you grind the lemon with a meat grinder to make a puree.

Then the puree is placed in a cooking pot, lemon juice is added. All this is cooked over low heat for about 20 minutes until the jam becomes thick. Let it cool, transfer to a jar and place in your refrigerator. Lemon jam with ginger root is ready, bon appetit!

Lemon jam in a slow cooker

Since today many people have a slow cooker, we offer you a recipe for making excellent lemon jam using this miracle. Everything about everything will take a maximum of 1.5 hours, and all the products for making lemon jam are more than affordable.

So, you will need: 2 medium lemons, 2 cups of water, 100 grams of sugar. You wash the lemons thoroughly and grate the zest of 1.5 lemons. The part of the lemon that you have left along with the zest will just need to be cut into small slices. Bones may not be removed.

To remove the bitterness from lemons, you pour the sliced ​​citrus with half a glass of water and boil it in the boil mode for about 7-10 minutes. The time should vary depending on how soft the peel is.

We drain the water. Then you add sugar to the slow cooker, a few tablespoons lemon juice, one glass of water. You cook all this in a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes. After cooling, the delicacy will be ready. Enjoy!

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious and healthy lemon jam - a storehouse of vitamins for the winter

2018-07-21 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


37 gr.

148 kcal.

Option 1. Classic Lemon Jam Recipe

Lemon jam - original and very healthy treat. The dessert is rich in vitamin C, so it is recommended to eat jam after antibiotic therapy and as a preventive measure. colds.


  • filtered water - two liters;
  • ripe lemons - one and a half kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - two kilograms.

Lemon jam recipe step by step

Wash the lemons, wipe with a towel. With a sharp knife remove from citrus peel and cut it into strips.

Cut the peeled lemons in half and carefully squeeze the juice out of them with a special device. Pour into a bowl where the jam will be cooked. Pour in filtered water, add sugar and add the zest cut into strips.

Fold the white peel and bones that remained after you squeezed the juice into gauze, tie the ends, forming a bag. Place it in a container of lemon juice. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Boil until the contents are reduced by half. Pour hot jam into prepared jars and seal with lids.

Jam contains a lot citric acid, therefore, the delicacy is not recommended to be included in the diet for sore throat, pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers and increased sensitivity of the teeth. Make sure that no bones get into the jam, otherwise the delicacy will be bitter.

Option 2. Quick Lemon Jam Recipe

According to this recipe, you can cook thick, fragrant jam from lemons. On cooking will go away no more than an hour. In this way, jam is made from lemons along with the peel.


  • filtered water - ½ cup;
  • ripe lemons - half a kilogram;
  • white sugar - 750 g.

How to quickly make jam from lemons

Wash the lemons thoroughly and place in boiling water for two minutes. Then rinse again with warm water.

cut lemons large pieces, be sure to remove the bones, as they are bitter. Place crushed citrus fruits in a blender. Pour in some cold water and grind to a smooth smooth puree.

Transfer the puree to a bowl of stainless steel. Pour in the sugar. Stir. If the lemon mass is too thick, add some water. Stir, cover and bring to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, 45 minutes. Remove the lid ten minutes before the end of cooking. Pour the jam into sterile jars, close clean lids or parchment, tied at the neck.

Lemons are covered with a thin layer of paraffin to prolong their shelf life, so they must be kept in boiling water for several minutes and then washed with a brush. If you don't have a blender, grind the lemons with a meat grinder or food processor.

Option 3. Jam from lemons with oranges

The delicacy turns out to be incredibly tasty and has an amber saturated color. Citrus Jam - fragrant dessert, which can be added to pastries, or served with tea, spread on a bun or bread.


  • three small oranges;
  • cinnamon - a stick;
  • three large lemons;
  • vanillin - 3 sachets;
  • regular sugar - one and a half kilograms.

How to cook

Wash oranges, dip in boiling water and brush again. Wipe with a towel and remove the zest.

Cut the oranges into eight pieces, remove the seeds. Place in a stainless steel basin granulated sugar and leave for two hours.

Place the lemons in boiling water for two minutes, wash with a brush, wipe with a napkin and cut into thin strips. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil five minutes. Drain the broth and pour lemons with a liter of fresh water. Simmer for an hour and a half, until the lemon peels are soft.

Strain the lemon broth and combine with oranges. Add vanilla and cinnamon stick. Put the bowl with oranges on a small fire and cook for two hours, stirring occasionally. The mass should be doubled. Take out the cinnamon stick. Cool oranges and grind in a food processor. Cut the zest into strips and add to the jam. Bring the delicacy to a boil again and arrange in glass jars.

Jam is served with pancakes, pancakes, or used as a filling for pancakes. In addition, lemon jam can be added to sauces for meat dishes. You can also use ground cinnamon. If desired, you can remove the orange peels from the finished jam and make candied fruits out of them by drying them on a board.

Option 4. Lemon Ginger Jam

Lemon jam is a tasty and healthy treat in itself. If you cook it with ginger, you get a dessert that will strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds. Ginger finely grated or chopped thin plates and removed after cooking.


  • eight medium lemons;
  • two glasses of filtered water;
  • half cup fresh root ginger;
  • six and a half cups of granulated sugar;
  • sachet of pectin.

Step by step recipe

Wash the lemons, pour boiling water over them and leave for ten minutes. This is necessary for the bitterness to go away. Cut each into quarters, remove the pits and remove the white veins.

Chop the lemons even smaller and place in the bowl of a food processor. Grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Transfer it to a saucepan. fresh ginger peel off the skin and finely grate. Add to lemon mixture.

Pour two cups of filtered water into a saucepan. Put on medium heat, boil and cook for six minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pectin, sugar and mix. Cook for another five minutes and remove from heat. Cool the treat, remove the film and pour into jars.

You can make jam without pectin, but in this case, you need to cook it for at least an hour. Cook treats only in stainless steel cookware. Do not allow a strong boil, otherwise the jam will burn, and the taste will be hopelessly spoiled.

Option 5. Lemon jam with vanilla

Lemons should be in the diet of every person. Firstly, it is a source of vitamin C, which is so necessary for our body, and secondly, it perfectly cleanses blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. Lemon jam will appeal to even those who do not like fresh citrus fruits.


  • 1 kg 800 g of white granulated sugar;
  • 30 g vanilla sugar;
  • one and a half liters of purified water;
  • ten lemons.

How to cook

Wash the lemons well, place them in an enamel cup and pour boiling water over them. After five minutes, take out the fruits, cool and cut into pieces, be sure to remove the seeds.

In the container where the jam will be prepared, put finely chopped lemons, pour one and a half liters of purified water. Put on medium heat and cook for about an hour. Vanilla sugar connect with normal. Add to the pot and continue to boil the jam, lowering the heat to low.

Remove the pan from the heat, select all the lemon peels from the treat. Pour the remaining mass into sterile containers and seal tightly with lids.

Never throw away lemon peels. Spread them out and dry them. They make delicious lemon candied fruit. Jam can be cooked on the stove or in a slow cooker. If you are using vanilla, cut the amount in half compared to sugar.
