
Orange confiture with zest is a quick recipe. Orange Jam - General Cooking Principles

Bright and fragrant orange jam is a godsend for those with a sweet tooth who are trying to keep their figure. Unusual citrus dessert preparing with the minimum amount Sahara. That is why it can be safely considered dietary, although it contains sugar. The taste of this jam is rich and expressive. This delicacy is perfect for toast for breakfast. The sweetness is perfectly set off by a small, pleasant bitterness.

How to make orange jam

Exquisite orange jam is rich and original taste. The secret of expressiveness of this unusual dessert lies in the way it is prepared. The whole point is that fragrant jam brewed exclusively on the basis of citrus fruits. Both pulp and zest will be used. The recipe does not include preservatives and artificial thickeners. Thanks to the “correct” composition, the result is very thick jam from oranges. It is rich, bright aroma and a colorful shade that will dilute breakfast even on the most cloudy morning.

Preparing orange jam is easy. Doing it at home on your own is not difficult. Such a delicacy will be ideally combined not only with toast or cookies, but also with yogurt. Also, sweetness can be used as a filling for home baking. It is recommended to dilute the expressive sweetness of fruits with lemons. Zest yellow citrus fruits incredibly useful and contains in its composition great amount vitamins.
The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is best to boil the lemon zest, and pour the orange pulp with the resulting syrup. And the zest of orange fruits is usually added to the jam itself. Thanks to this step, the dessert will turn out to be more original and acquire a unique, charming aroma.
As for the amount of sugar, it's a matter of taste. It can be varied based on your own desires and preferences. You can also dilute the treat with a cinnamon stick. This will give the aroma of sweetness additional bright accents.

Step by step orange jam recipe with photo

Want to make orange jam but worry you can't handle something so exotic? culinary masterpiece? Then take advantage of our step by step recipe orange jam!


For cooking amazing citrus jam you will need to prepare the following products:

  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp.

Cooking method

Based on a step by step recipe orange jam with photo, cook original dessert amber shade is not difficult. After all, the method is really simple. So how should you proceed?

  1. To begin with, oranges should be thoroughly rinsed under jets. running water and dry on a towel. The peel is peeled off the prepared fruit. Also, from two of these oranges, you need to remove the zest, transfer it to a separate bowl and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

  1. "Naked" oranges should be chopped in random order. Fragrant and healthy fruits can be cut into slices or circles.

  1. Now you need to take a deep pan or stewpan. You need to pour water into the dishes. It is in it that the future exquisite orange jam will be cooked. You will need to fill the entire volume of sugar indicated in the recipe in a saucepan and shift the zest removed from two lemons. In the resulting composition, you need to boil the workpiece on fire for about 5-8 minutes. This peculiar juice will become the basis from which orange jam will turn out.

  1. Next, you need to take another pan. It should be with a thick bottom and walls. It is necessary to shift the pulp of oranges without sugar into it and warm them up a little by putting them on fire. Add lemon juice-syrup, previously removed from heat and freed from pieces of fruit, to the orange mass in a saucepan. All the ingredients that make orange jam should be thoroughly mixed. At the same step, put a cinnamon stick into the mass and squeeze the juice of a couple of lemons into it.

Note! It is recommended to remove the peel from lemons from which it is planned to squeeze juice. This will avoid bitterness in the finished citrus jam.

Plus, at this stage, the amount of citric acid indicated in the recipe should be put in the pan.

  1. The resulting jam from oranges with the addition of lemons and sugar should be boiled over minimal heat. Cooking will take at least 120 minutes. Ideally, this is 2-3 hours. When no more than 30 minutes remain until the jam is ready, you need to get the most big pieces oranges, which were also thoroughly saturated with sugar, and a cinnamon stick. The spice must be discarded, and the pieces of oranges will need to be crushed with a blender. This puree should be put back into the dish on the fire. Plus, you should grate the zest of one orange on a grater and also put it in the jam.

  1. That's all! Fragrant and bright orange jam with cinnamon and sugar is ready!

  1. The resulting hot dessert is laid out in pre-prepared jars. They need to cool down a bit. Ready sweetness can be served immediately to the table with slices of bread or toast. If you do not plan to use the jam right there, then the containers should be transferred to the pantry.

Orange jam video recipes

Would you like to learn the details of making orange jam in even more detail? Then check out the video recipes.


orange jam

  • Oranges - 6-7 pcs.
  • Sugar - 110 g
  • Gelfix 3:1 - 20 g
  • cinnamon stick

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I really love a variety of fruit and berry jams, as you can see from the recipes on the blog. And more jam. My family even jokingly call me Carlson :) The greatest gastronomic pleasure is a cup of hot fragrant tea, not packaged, real, with the addition of some herbs and spices, and a jar of natural jam! Mmmm! Therefore, I quite often offer jams as an additional layer of cakes or cupcake fillings. I just love it so much! :)

I really like the structure of jams and marmalades. It's a bit gelatinous, not runny. It comes from pectin. And if berries or fruits contain a lot of pectin, then jams from them are obtained as needed, without aids. And if not, then pectin needs to be added from the outside. Let's say that the currant itself is pectinous, but the cherry will need help. Some difficulty is that pectin is not sold everywhere, for the most part - in pastry shops. But on the shelves of ordinary supermarkets you can find gelfix. In fact, this is the same pectin, only with additives: this, depending on the type of gelfix, can be dextrose, powdered sugar, lemon acid. Absolutely nothing supernatural. Working with gelfix is ​​easy and convenient, it saves sugar and time. I heartily recommend him.

And, despite the fact that oranges contain a lot of pectin, moreover, the name " citrus pectin" speaks for itself: it is extracted from citrus fruits, - despite all this, orange jam with cinnamon, I also did with the use of gelfix! Yes Yes. The Internet describes how to make orange jam using peels that need to be placed in cheesecloth and boiled for a long time. There are also recipes that suggest grinding oranges in a blender and then boiling it all with sugar. Neither method suited me: the first one, to be honest, I didn’t try, after reading terrible comments on articles :) People didn’t succeed there and they boiled these crusts for days. Too bad for the time. I tried the second one and was disappointed: there was no trace of the specific taste of oranges! But on the gelfix everything turned out great! orange jam it turned out unusual, fragrant, not cloying, noticeably orange with a subtle cinnamon note. The structure is something between jam, jelly and marmalade. Perfectly spread on any surface toasts, pancakes, buns, pancakes and plays excellently with tandem with chocolate dough for cupcakes. Jam, which I am not at all ashamed to offer you, which I am doing right now!

And cooking is easy! You just need to pre-purchase a gelfix. It comes in different configurations: 1:1, 1:2, 1:3. This is the ratio of sugar and berries / fruits / juice / puree, in general, raw materials. I used gelfix 1:3, which, in theory, means that for 3 parts of raw materials I had to take 1 part of sugar. I, however, used less sugar.

In general, I tell!

Wash, roll on the table (so that the juice comes out easier), cut and squeeze the juice. I don't have a juicer yet and I do it by hand. We need to get 600 ml of juice. I immediately passed it through a sieve.

Now we take 20 g of gelfix 1: 3 and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. We mix.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add gelfix with sugar to the juice. Stir, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Remove from heat, add another 100 g of sugar. We mix.

Add a cinnamon stick. We return to the stove.

Bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Remove from heat and pour into a jar. Do not look that the jam is liquid: when it cools, it will thicken very much! I also put a cinnamon stick in a jar so that it continues to give off its aroma.

Let the jam cool down room temperature and place in the refrigerator where it reaches the desired consistency.

Here's what happens!

Mine are appreciated! But I still warn you: this jam is for lovers of slightly jelly structures, oranges and unsweetened, a little extravagant sweets. By the way, you can omit the cinnamon if you don't want to.

Happy culinary adventures!

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19 comments on the post " orange jam"

I decided, therefore, to make this orange paradise for chocolate biscuit) I haven’t found a cinnamon stick yet, but tomorrow there will be an attempt. But the juice turned out to be bitter, this is all because I did not remove the peel and crushed the oranges until there was not even a shred left of them), but I realized this when I tried it. I hope the cinnamon and sugar will soften this bitterness.

I really love orange jam - quite thick, amber in color, with a magical aroma and amazing taste, it is so good with morning toast and a cup of coffee! Usually I buy it or it is brought by friends who know me from Spain or Italy, knowing my passionate love for this jam.

But recently I thought that you can make orange jam at home, on your own: after all, oranges are on sale almost all year round and their prices are relatively low. After studying the many recipes that the Internet and print publications offer, I opted for a pretty simple version orange jam - with zest.


  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.

* The weight indicated is the weight of unpeeled oranges with skin

How to make orange jam:

We select fresh, juicy, dense oranges with unspoiled skin, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. By using fine grater remove the zest.

Removing white subcutaneous layer(otherwise the jam will be bitter). Cut the oranges into small pieces and remove the pits.

We scald all parts of the meat grinder to reliably degrease it. We pass oranges through a meat grinder. Orange jam is good to cook in a saucepan from of stainless steel with a thick bottom or in a special basin for cooking jam. If you cook jam in enamel saucepan You will need to stir constantly so that it does not burn. Pour water into the pan, put the oranges, passed through a meat grinder.

Pour sugar and put the zest. Mix everything thoroughly and put the pan on the fire.

On a fire slightly above medium, stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook on the very small fire minutes 50-60. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

By the end of cooking, the jam will become noticeably thicker, acquire a beautiful amber. We take the foam off it.

We turn off the fire and immediately lay out the jam in pre-prepared (sterilized) dry jars. We seal hermetically with boiled lids. Turn the jars of jam upside down and let it cool completely.

So fragrant and very delicious confiture oranges for tea can be prepared without waiting for the summer. Fortunately, there are oranges in the markets and shops at any time of the year. This bright one is getting ready, sunny dessert very simple. In principle, even a child can handle it. An obligatory ingredient for the preparation of this dish is gelfix. But now it is easy to find in any supermarket. It is prepared from pectin (a component obtained from apples) and citric acid. Despite unusual name, the component is completely natural. You risk nothing by preparing your favorite desserts from it.

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • 4-5 large oranges
  • small package of gelfix (20 g),
  • 500 g sugar.

How to make Orange Gelfix Confiture

You will need to get juice from an orange. To do this, wash them. Peel them off. Be sure to remove the white film between the peel and the fruit. It is she who gives bitterness. Squeeze out the juice with a citrus juicer. You can use a meat grinder, and then strain the juice through cheesecloth so that it becomes transparent. For this recipe, you need to get 500 ml of juice. This will require approximately 4-5 oranges. Maybe a little less or more, depending on their juiciness.

Mix gelfix with one tablespoon of sugar. When choosing a gelfix, pay attention to the size of the package. It can be 40 g and 20 g. If you bought a large package of 40 g, then you will need half as much sugar.

Pour the juice into a saucepan and put it on the stove. Bring to a boil and add gelfix with a tablespoon of sugar. Stir, let the drink boil again. Then add the remaining sugar, boil for 3 minutes and set aside.

Pour into prepared containers.

Orange marmalade should be stored in the refrigerator. It can be eaten with tea, served with ice cream, homemade yogurt, baking.

Fragrant, optimistic orange sweet and sour orange jam - very delicious treat. It can be served with tea and coffee, eaten with pancakes and pancakes, prepare sweet morning sandwiches. Orange jam can be an excellent layer for cakes and a filling for sweet pies or buns.

Making orange jam is very easy. The delicacy will turn out much tastier than the purchased one. For a variety of taste, you can add lemons, ginger, grapefruits, cinnamon to it.

Orange Jam - General Cooking Principles

To make thick orange dessert, peeled pieces of citrus boiled in sugar and water. Orange jam can be smooth, in which case the fruit is pureed. The second option is to keep the orange slices and even the peel pieces to give the dessert more flavor. interesting view and an extra touch of flavor.

An enameled or steel pan is suitable for cooking, preferably with a thick bottom. If the kitchen has a slow cooker, then you can easily make jam in its bowl. Another possible variant- get used to cooking jam in microwave oven. But in this case, everything will depend on the power and features of the device, so the result may be unpredictable.

Before making jam, oranges should be washed well and the peel removed. If lemons are used, do the same. Lemon zest you can remove and add to dessert: it will turn out tastier.

If the jam is prepared for future use, then after cooking it must be poured into sterilized glass jars. Close with screw caps or roll up with a machine. jam under nylon lids store in the refrigerator, sealed jars in any cool place.

Jam from oranges and lemons "Fragrant"

A very simple recipe for an excellent sweet and sour orange and lemon jam. Dessert can be prepared in just an hour. The amount of sugar varies according to taste.


One lemon;

Four hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Citrus fruit wash well and peel.

Be sure to remove the white skin: it is she who gives the bitter taste.

Cut oranges and lemon into small pieces, remove the seeds.

Send the chopped pulp to the blender bowl and chop.

Pour the mass into a suitable saucepan, add sugar and mix.

Bring lemon-orange puree to a boil over high heat.

Reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Do not remove foam.

The jam will be ready in about 25-30 minutes.

Jam from oranges "Cinnamon"

A spicy cinnamon note perfectly sets off the festive freshness of the orange. This orange and lemon jam takes a long time to make, but the result is fantastic.


A kilogram of not very sweet oranges;

Two medium lemons;

Kilogram white sugar;

Cinnamon stick (can be replaced with ground, taking about a teaspoon);

Liter drinking water;

A teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Cut prepared oranges into pieces.

Set aside the peel from two oranges separately.

Send to a pan with a thick bottom or non-stick coating.

Cover citrus fruits with sugar and leave for three hours so that the juice stands out.

Squeeze juice from lemons convenient way.

Pour the resulting amount lemon juice into orange slices.

IN separate saucepan cook lemon peels, filling them with a liter pure water. The crusts should become soft.

Strain the broth and combine with the orange-lemon jam base.

Add cinnamon.

Turn on slow fire.

Boil the mass until thick for 1.5-2 hours.

When the mass thickens to the desired state, remove the pan from the heat and cool its contents slightly.

Throw away the cinnamon stick.

Send the cooked pieces of oranges to a blender and bring to a homogeneous state.

WITH orange peel, set aside earlier, remove the zest with a knife or with a grater.

Pour the jam back into the pan, throw in the zest and boil for another 10 minutes.

Pour warm jam into glass jars and refrigerate.

Jam from oranges "Pleasure"

The easy way Make jam ahead of time using only fruit, water and sugar. The taste is clean, sweet, without too much cloying. Thanks to the natural pectin contained in the pits of citrus fruits, the dessert will be pleasantly thick.


A kilogram of peeled oranges;

1.2 liters of water;

Eight hundred grams of white sugar.

Cooking method:

Put whole oranges into a thick-walled saucepan, pour in water and boil for an hour over medium heat under a lid.

The readiness of fruits can be checked by easily piercing them with a fork.

Drain the broth through a colander.

Cut boiled oranges into small slices.

Separate the bones, but do not discard them. Fold the bones into a "bag" of gauze, tightening the hole with a thread.

Pour the broth into the pan again, add sugar (the usual proportion of sugar and orange slices is 1: 1, but you can change it to your taste).

Dissolve sugar over low heat.

If foam forms, remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon.

Place the orange slices and pits in a gauze bag into the syrup.

Boil the jam for half an hour, not forgetting to stir the mass.

Remove the finished jam from the stove.

Discard gauze bag.

Arrange the delicacy in the prepared container, cork or serve immediately.

Jellied orange jam with agar-agar and cognac

Delicious Jam from oranges and lemons with a delicate jelly texture is unlikely to leave the sweet tooth indifferent. Taste traditional dessert enriched with grapefruit and lime juice. Due to vegetable agar-agar, the jam is guaranteed to be thick and very tasty.


Four oranges;

One lemon;

Two small limes;

One grapefruit;

Sugar by weight of fruit (about half a kilo);

A teaspoon of agar-agar;

Water by weight of fruits;

Three tablespoons of cognac or rum.

Cooking method:

Wash fruits thoroughly.

Remove the zest, cut the third part into strips (thinner).

Peel off the peel and white film.

Disassemble the citrus fruits into slices, remove the partitions, remove the seeds and discard.

Weigh the resulting mass of oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits (also take into account the zest).

Put in a saucepan.

Pour everything with the same weight of drinking water.

Close the lid and keep in a cool place overnight.

Squeeze out the citrus fruits and weigh them again.

Cook over medium heat for about half an hour.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, pour agar-agar with water (half a glass of water is needed for a tea with a top slide of powder). Let it brew for 10 minutes, then put on fire and bring to a boil (stir constantly).

Remove agar from plate. Ready composition should resemble jelly.

Pour the agar-agar into the jam and mix.

After cooking, add to the mass strong alcohol, mix again.

Ready jam pour into jars.

Jam from oranges with peel "Piquant"

Another recipe for lemon-orange jam that resembles the previous one in the method pre-soak fruit and determining the amount of sugar and water. It turns out a very soft, without a hint of bitterness dessert. No additional gelling agents are used.


Six large oranges;

Two small lemon;

Liter of water;

Nine hundred grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare oranges.

Remove the rind and finely chop it.

Peel off the white skin.

Cut the pulp into pieces.

Do the same with lemons.

Combine slices of lemons, oranges and citrus peel, weigh.

Pour everything with the same amount of water by weight and leave to soak for a day.

Throw citrus fruits into a colander, weigh.

Measure the same amount of sugar.

Combine sugar and lemon-orange slices in a saucepan.

Turn on medium fire, boil for half an hour.

Cool and pour orange jam into storage jars.

Jam from oranges with peel in a slow cooker

kitchen helper A slow cooker makes it much easier to make orange jam. You don't have to keep an eye on burning.


four large juicy orange;

Half a medium-sized lemon;

From 300 to 500 grams of sugar (by weight of orange pulp).

Cooking method:

Remove the zest from half a washed lemon and half an orange.

Grate the zest or chop sharp knife as small as possible.

Remove the skin from the fruit and cut into small pieces.

Put the pulp and zest in a saucepan, pour water so that the fruit is completely immersed in water. Leave for a day in a cold place.

Drain the water, squeeze the fruit lightly and weigh.

Take granulated sugar one hundred grams less than citrus fruits weigh.

Put orange and lemon slices, sugar, zest, mix.

Turn on any program so that the contents of the multicooker boil (baking, stewing, frying mode is suitable).

When the mass boils, remove the sealed valve, set the timer for half an hour and turn on the baking mode.

Pour the finished jam from oranges and lemons into jars.

Jam from oranges "Ginger"

Gives a wonderful taste and sharpness to orange jam fresh ginger. The delicacy will turn out not only tasty, but also useful due to healing properties ginger root. In winter, at the first symptoms of a cold, jam can be eaten instead raspberry jam.


Two kilograms of large oranges;

Three large lemons;

Two kilograms of white sugar;

Tea spoon ground ginger.

Cooking method:

Wash and dry citrus fruits.

With a grater or special knife remove the zest.

Peel the fruit from the peel.

Cut the slices into several small pieces, remove the bones.

Put citrus fruits in a thick-walled saucepan, cover with sugar and put on low heat.

Cook for half an hour, stirring with a wooden spoon.

About ten minutes before the end of cooking, add ginger powder, mix.

Ready dessert store on a refrigerator shelf.

    The readiness of jam is determined by dropping a drop on a saucer. After cooling, the mass should be covered with a tight film, which wrinkles when pressed. Do not leave undercooked jam: it will become moldy.

    If you cook the jam over high heat, the pectin will not collapse, the jam will turn out thick.

    Unused zest can be sprinkled with sugar and frozen. Use in home baking.

    Instead of lemons, jam can be added citric acid. It will keep the freshness of the product during long-term storage.
