
Jam from lemons and oranges recipe. Lemon-orange confiture is quick and tasty: a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Ironically, orange jam was first made by Scottish resident Jenny Keiller. Although citruses are exotic there, especially in the 18th century. Probably, the notorious frugality of the Scots affected. Unripe bitter fruits, peel and a lot of sugar were used. The result was amazing! Sweet gelatinous pulp, in which pieces of fruit were felt, like candied fruits. A slight bitterness (from the zest and white partitions) only added spice to the dessert. Benefits in cooking orange jam some. One of them is that the citrus crop falls in the winter, and the hostess will not be torn between apples and strawberries. This jam is absolutely not laborious, and if a bread machine or a slow cooker comes to your aid, then even more so. So let's move from theory to practice and make orange jam at home.

Classics of the genre

Orange jams may vary. Sweet, bitter, liquid (for pancakes), thicker (for a layer of cakes), almost like marmalade, with pieces of crust or a homogeneous structure. First, let's prepare a real Scottish orange jam, the recipe of which was invented by Jenny Keiller. It should be bittersweet, big pieces caramel zest. In addition to four oranges and a kilogram of sugar, we need half a lemon. Citrine will give the jam a jelly-like texture (it contains pectin). First, a rather difficult procedure for gently rubbing the zest from whole fruits awaits us. Then we cut the citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Grind the cake to the state of gruel, and tie the bones in a gauze bag. Add water to citrus fresh at the rate of 750 ml per half liter of juice. We put the pan on the fire, add the grated zest, cake and a bag with bones. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for another half an hour. After that, remove the bag with the bones and measure the amount of remaining liquid. Add sugar in a one to one ratio. If the oranges are juicy, then more than a kilogram of sweetener may be needed. Put the pot back on a low heat. Boil, stirring frequently, for an hour and twenty minutes. Pour it hot into jars and seal with lids.

Orange jam: a quick recipe

To cook this dessert, we need only half an hour! It turns out sweet thick, similar to marmalade, jam. Peel five or six large oranges and one lemon. Cut the pulp into pieces, remove the bones. Grind the fruit mass in a blender. Add sugar in a ratio of two to one. This means that for a kilogram of citrus puree you need to take a pound of sweet sand. Stir and place in a non-stick saucepan over high heat. No need to remove the foam that has appeared - it will disappear by itself. But you need to stir the gurgling liquid regularly. After a quarter of an hour of rapid boiling, the orange jam will begin to thicken rapidly. And after 30 minutes, you can already turn off the fire. As it cools, it will become even thicker. Arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator.

Another jam recipe

Half a kilo of oranges and one lemon wash. We put the fruits whole in a thick-walled pan and pour five glasses of water. Bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium. Cover the pan with foil folded in two layers and a lid. Cook in this way for about three hours, until the citrus fruits become soft. Turn off the fire and leave to cool overnight. We take out the fruits, knead them with our hands and mix with the liquid. We cut the boiled zest with a knife and also add it to the pan. We put it on the fire again and cook for ten to fifteen minutes. Orange jam at home is almost ready. It remains only to add sugar - a kilogram. When the crystals dissolve, cook for another half an hour over moderate heat. Let stand for 20 minutes, then pour into glass containers.

Grandma's recipe

Wash oranges and carefully peel off a thin layer of orange zest with a vegetable peeler. Grind it into thin straws, fill it with water. We disassemble the oranges into slices, remove the partitions and seeds. Grind the pulp in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Weigh the fruit mass to determine the amount of sugar. Per kilogram of pulp, 800 grams of sweetener is required. IN enamelware add also 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice and squeezed zest. We put on fire. When it boils, remove the foam. Reduce heat to low and simmer for half an hour. Cover with a towel and leave to cool. We repeat the procedure twice more. If the orange jam seems too thick for the third time, you can simply bring it to a boil and turn it off, without boiling. We lay out in a sterilized container and cork.

Another old recipe

Wash a kilogram of oranges, peel and cut into large pieces. We fall asleep with the same amount of sugar and wait for the release of liquid. When the crystals begin to soak, we speed up this process by adding the juice of two lemons. Pour a liter of water into the pan, put the lemon peel and put on fire. When the zest becomes soft, add oranges with sugar. For taste, put a cinnamon stick. Making orange jam small fire until its volume is halved. We catch oranges and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Return the puree to the saucepan. Add chopped orange peel. The consistency of the dessert should be quite thick.

How to make orange jam with minimal sugar

Wash five large fruits and pour boiling water over them. Let stand 10 minutes and cut off the zest. Cut it into thin strips. We clean the white part of the peel and squeeze the juice into a container suitable for use in microwave oven. We do the same with two lemons. Add the zest to the fresh juice and pour a glass of water. We wrap the white peel in cheesecloth and also put it in a saucepan. Cover with foil and turn on the oven at full power, setting the timer for 20 minutes. Remove the white skin. Add half a kilo of sugar. We turn on the microwave again at full power, but this time for half an hour. We check the readiness drop by drop: it should not spread, but thicken with a “dome”.

Recipe for baking in a bread machine

We select unripe oranges, since such fruits contain more pectin. We clean them from the skin. For a pound of "naked" fruits we take 500 g granulated sugar. Cut the flesh into pieces, removing the seeds along the way. We put it in a bucket of a bread machine, cover it with sugar, add two soup spoons of lemon juice. We launch the program "Jam". And that's it! You can make tea and wait delicious dessert. If you like bitterness, you can leave the zest on. And to get a more jelly-like orange jam in a bread machine, instead of regular sugar add the same amount of pectin.

Cooking in a multicooker

Three zest from two whole oranges and one lemon. The rest of the fruit is peeled and cut into pieces. We fill everything cold water and leave for a day. After that, we shift the fruits into the multicooker bowl, add a pound of cane sugar, mix. The valve must be removed from the cover. We turn on the device on the "Jam" mode. At the end of the process, grind with a submersible blender into gruel. Add a package of gelling mixture (Quittin or Gelfix) and mix. If the orange jam in the slow cooker seems watery to you, you can repeat the process by turning on the machine for another half hour. But, standing in the cold, he will thicken.

Step-by-step recipes for flawless confiture from oranges with lemon, berries and crusts on gelatin and gelfix, as well as without it on the stove and in a slow cooker

2018-07-24 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


45 gr.

180 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Orange Confiture Recipe

Orange confiture is ideal, like any jam, for tea drinking with cookies or hand-fried waffles. But how to do it right and what additional ingredients it is permissible to add, we will tell in this collection.


  • 1.5 kilograms of ripe oranges;
  • 1 kg of regular sugar;
  • two glasses of water.

Step-by-step recipe for orange confiture

Wash all ripe oranges with a brush. Then remove the thick soft peel with your fingers or a knife. Set her aside.

Remove whitish films from the resulting fruits. After that, each cut in small pieces, picking and discarding the bones in the process.

Throw citrus fruits into a basin and cover with all the planned sugar. Shaking the container, leave for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

At the next stage, turn on a strong burner and put oranges on top. Cook for about fifteen minutes, then grind everything with a blender right on the stove in a basin.

Reduce the temperature to a small indicator, introduce water and leave to languish for an hour. At this time, remove a little zest from the set aside skins (total weight - 30-40 grams). Pour into orange marmalade.

As soon as the sweet preparation thickens enough (in your opinion), turn off the burner and pour the contents of the basin into jars (washed and scalded).

When you grind the citrus mass with a blender, try to leave small pieces so that the confiture turns out to be voluminous and heterogeneous. If at the same time you come across pieces of white rigid partitions, it is advisable to remove them so as not to spoil the structure of the jam.

Option 2: A quick recipe for orange gelatin jam


  • 1000 grams of oranges;
  • 1000 grams of white sugar;
  • 15-16 grams of gelatin;
  • water for gelatin.

How to cook fast

Warm filtered water in the microwave to 35-40 degrees. Pour dry gelatin with warm liquid. Set aside.

Now chop together with the skin the most thoroughly washed (preferably with a brush) ripe oranges.

Citrus pieces (without small and medium seeds) are thrown into an enameled dry basin. Grind with an immersion blender "into porridge". Sprinkle with sugar immediately.

Bring it on big fire to a boil. Remove the foam from the sweet mass. Boil in the same mode for another three to five minutes.

Now turn off the burner, pour in the gelatin well dissolved in water and mix everything.

Immediately pour the orange confiture into the jars, which are immediately rolled up.

Depending on the juiciness and ripeness of the fruit, it is determined whether it is necessary to add additional water (not counting the one in which gelatin is diluted). After crushing citrus fruits, adding sugar, and starting a vigorous boil, you will see if there is enough liquid.

Option 3: Orange marmalade with crusts

The next option will especially appeal to those who love to eat confiture in pure form, because we will make it with thin sticks of orange peels.


  • a kilogram of oranges;
  • large orange;
  • 1.25 kg of filtered water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to cook

Place well-washed oranges in a bowl with a wide bottom. Pour in water, which should cover the whole citrus fruits. Put on a big fire.

Boil the fruit for twenty minutes. Then drain the water, and peel the fruits after some cooling. Set aside the crusts.

Grind the resulting mass (with a knife or blender) and cover with sugar in a clean container. Set to continue cooking. Now pour in the juice squeezed out of a large orange (without pieces of films and seeds).

While the orange confiture is languishing, cut the skin into thin sticks. At the end, throw them into a sweet mass thickening before our eyes.

Bring the sweet contents of the basin to the desired consistency, which will take about 30-40 minutes. All that remains is to pour the jam into jars, the inner surface of which has previously been scalded with boiling water.

After the oranges are cooked as a whole, be sure to leave them to cool slightly. Otherwise, you run the risk of burning your hands with juice flowing from the inside. But it is better to squeeze out the contents of a large citrus fruit in advance, so as not to waste time on this process later.

Option 4: Orange and Berries Confiture

To fill the bittersweet orange confiture with sour notes, we recommend using any small white, green, pink or yellow berries for harvesting.


  • 2000 grams of oranges;
  • 1.5 kg of white sugar;
  • a glass of red currant.

Step by step recipe

Pour a glass of red currant into a colander. Remove the berries from thin twigs and discard the leaves.

After washing the currant, throw it into a basin with an enameled surface. Also send peeled and finely chopped oranges there. Sprinkle everything with sugar. Put in the refrigerator (lower part) for two to three hours.

During this time, clean with a grater or special knife zest from peeled citrus peels.

Place the infused mass that has let the juice on the stove. Turn on the big burner. Add prepared zest.

While mixing, boil the orange confiture until thick. If the mixture does not seem homogeneous enough to you, additionally chop everything with a submersible blender. Pour hot into clean jars. Sweet preparation can be moved to storage.

We used redcurrant which won't change color too much. orange jam, but only saturate it with warm pink shades. That is why it is permissible to take any other light-colored berries, such as apricots, peaches or gooseberries.

Option 5: Orange marmalade with lemon and gelfix

We will make the next option not only using a large lemon, but also with gelfix. By the way, the latter will not need to be soaked like gelatin. This makes it especially handy!


  • 1000 grams of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 120 grams of lemon;
  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • gelfix packaging.

How to cook

From enough carefully washed oranges squeeze a liter of juice. Remove the bones if they get inside. Pour the liquid into the basin.

Now, in a stationary blender, grind (along with the skin) a fresh large lemon. Together with sugar, throw lemon porridge into a basin with juice.

Rearrange the container with citrus fruits on a high fire. Bye sweet mass boils, remove the zest from the skins. Throw it in the basin.

Boil confiture from oranges for 25-30 minutes, then pour a bag of gelfix into a thick mixture.

Mix the powder well into the citrus mass and turn off the stove. Immediately, picking up the jam with a ladle, pour the contents of the container into sterilized jars. Roll up tightly.

Use purchased juice we don't recommend it as it usually already contains sugar, preservatives and colorings. Similar product not quite suitable for long-term storage. Therefore, it would be better, nevertheless, to squeeze it out of fresh citrus fruits.

Option 6: Orange confiture in a slow cooker

We will boil the last version of confiture in a slow cooker, thanks to which the sweetness will turn out to be especially tender.


  • 2.5 kg of ripe oranges;
  • 2 kg of white sugar;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Step by step recipe

Wash each orange thoroughly. Remove the skin and remove the white films. Disassemble into slices and cut each into three parts. Throw all the pieces into the bowl. Pour in sugar.

Squeeze a glass of juice from a sufficient amount of lemons. Also pour the resulting liquid to citrus fruits. Mix in a few circular motions.

Close the lid of the machine until it clicks. Simmer orange confiture in the "Stewing" mode for about half an hour.

Then open the lid of the multicooker (completely) and bring the jam to a strong structure. At the very end, introduce the sweet-sour mixture into scalded jars, which must be rolled up immediately.

Under a closed lid, the mass will never thicken, as we need it. Therefore, 30 minutes after the start of the quenching, be sure to open the slow cooker and boil it the way you like more.

I really like orange jam - quite thick, amber color, with a magical aroma and amazing taste, it is so good with morning toast and a cup of coffee! Usually I buy it or it is brought by friends who know me from Spain or Italy, knowing my passionate love for this jam.

But recently I thought that you can make orange jam at home, on your own: after all, oranges are on sale almost all year round and their prices are relatively low. After studying the many recipes that the Internet and print publications offer, I opted for a pretty simple version orange jam - with zest.


  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.

* The weight indicated is the weight of unpeeled oranges with skin

How to make orange jam:

We select fresh, juicy, dense oranges with unspoiled skin, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. By using fine grater remove the zest.

Removing white subcutaneous layer(otherwise the jam will be bitter). Cut the oranges into small pieces and remove the pits.

We scald all parts of the meat grinder to reliably degrease it. We pass oranges through a meat grinder. Orange jam is good to cook in a saucepan from of stainless steel with a thick bottom or in a special basin for cooking jam. If you cook jam in enamel saucepan You will need to stir constantly so that it does not burn. Pour water into the pan, put the oranges, passed through a meat grinder.

Pour sugar and put the zest. Mix everything thoroughly and put the pan on the fire.

On a fire slightly above medium, stirring, bring the mass to a boil and cook on the smallest fire for 50-60 minutes. Stir occasionally to avoid burning.

By the end of cooking, the jam will become noticeably thicker, acquire a beautiful amber color. We take the foam off it.

We turn off the fire and immediately lay out the jam in pre-prepared (sterilized) dry jars. We seal hermetically with boiled lids. Turn the jars of jam upside down and let it cool completely.

Bright Orange Jam is just a salvation in a rainy autumn!

Once I stayed overnight with my newlywed friends. In the morning, before leaving the hospitable house, we sat down to have breakfast. The breakfast turned out to be exclusively English: strong, fragrant, black tea, fried bacon with fried eggs, hot crispy toasts, and, lo and behold, orange jam! I have not tried anything tastier since childhood, and to be completely honest and accurate, I have never tried it. This amber-colored jam, fragrant with oranges and lemons at the same time, plunged me into summer on that autumn morning. As if the sun itself treated us to its delicacy from its pantry of supplies and blanks.

Being a lover of “cooking” myself, I asked my friend for the recipe. It is quite simple - write it down.

Oranges - 1 kg.
Lemons - 2 pcs.
Cinnamon - 10 gr. (one stick)
Sugar - 1 kg.
Pure water - 1 liter.
Citric acid - 10 gr.

Let's start by washing the oranges and lemons thoroughly. Then peel the oranges with a vegetable peeler. Next, we cut the fruits into 6-8 parts and transfer them to a container for cooking jam. Let's leave the fruits to let the juice, after filling everything with sugar. This procedure usually takes 2-3 hours. In this time period, oranges secrete maximum amount juice. That is why orange fruits need to be cut, and not divided into slices. Being cut, the fruits are more likely to release the maximum amount of juice

While the oranges are infusing and extracting juice, we, using a juicer, make lemon juice. After the oranges give juice, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into the container for them.

Boil in a prepared saucepan lemon peel in water, the volume should not exceed 1 liter. Cook the zest until fully prepared, i.e. until it becomes soft. Then, filter the resulting broth and pour into a container with previously soaked oranges and lemon juice.

The most long-awaited and reverent moment is the preparation of orange jam. We put the container with all the previously prepared ingredients on a small, weak fire. Add cinnamon and cook the entire jam mass until half of the previous volume remains. The entire cooking procedure will take from one and a half hours or more. It all depends on the fire you make.
When will be reached desired consistency and the volume of jam, we remove the container from the fire, let it cool, and, using a blender, grind the orange fruits. This procedure can be done manually, but it will take you a lot of time and effort, so it's better to trust the blender. One more nuance. After we have chopped the oranges, we need to get the cinnamon and add the finely chopped zest of two oranges. After that, put the container on the fire and cook for some more time. Next, remove the jam from the fire, let it cool, and transfer it to glass, pre-sterilized jars with a twist.

The use of orange jam is wide, if not limitless: from an elementary breakfast sandwich with bread or toast to complex and at the same time delicious pies, cakes and a variety of pastries. All this is due to the fact that the resulting jam is quite thick. Enjoy the long, cold evenings with the sunny nectar of summer.

If you are making preparations for more than one winter, it is recommended to add to the jam citric acid. One teaspoon of "lemon" will help your orange product stand quietly for more than one winter, and it is absolutely harmless to the stomach.
- For cooking orange jam, as well as for other jams and preserves, you can use containers made of non-ferrous metal (copper, bronze, brass) or pans with a thick bottom made of stainless steel. The remaining containers and pans with a thin bottom will ensure 100% burning, even with frequent stirring.
- For preparations for the winter, it is better to use glass, small up to 0.5 liters. twist jars. First, it will allow for variety on your table. Secondly, during seaming, the possibility of swelling and damage to the jam is excluded. And thirdly, when long-term storage Twist-on lids are less susceptible to oxidation and rust than regular blank lids.


This confiture was born quite by accident. The fact is that deposits of fruit have formed at home, a lot is bought, but little is eaten.
And among these deposits, 3 forgotten oranges were discovered. No one would eat them, there is no one to drink juice either. And then I remembered that once my friend asked me for the recipe " good jam"from oranges. There was no recipe then, but now I have invented a recipe. THIS IS VERY DELICIOUS. I am writing exactly as I did.

  • Wash oranges thoroughly (if processed, wash with baking soda and pour several times with boiling water, after each time lowering into cold water)
  • Using a needle, toothpicks, make very frequent small punctures over the entire surface of the oranges (not reaching the pulp of the orange)
  • Place the oranges in a deep bowl and cover with cold water.
  • Changing the water 3-4 times a day, soak the oranges for 3 days.
  • Very sharp knife Remove the skin from the oranges, taking care to cut only the zest without the "white" layer.
  • Cut the skin into pieces of 5 - 7 cm and then cut with a sharp knife into very thin strips (julienne)
  • Take off the oranges" white layer skin and cut into circles about 1 cm thick
  • Cut each circle into 4-6 pieces
  • Put the zest in a bowl, add lime juice, oranges and cover everything with sugar, leave for 12 (or more) hours
  • Put the oranges on the fire and as soon as it boils, reduce the heat to the minimum (no foam should appear when boiling) and cook for 30-40 minutes
  • Remove from heat, cool without closing, and leave until the next day.
  • Repeat the whole process 2 more times
  • Add (optional) liquor to the confiture, mix gently and put in a clean jar.


Composite recipe. Therefore, the most important thing is to remember the proportions of sugar.
I have 3 peeled oranges (no white skin) weighed 487g.
The proportions, in almost all recipes for orange jam, that I have met are the same.
FOR 500 g of peeled oranges - 300 g of sugar
I added 50 g more because the lime was very large.
Confiture came out unusually fragrant.
In Valencia, oranges of a special variety are grown, slightly bitter, and they make a luxurious confiture from them.

Unfortunately, we only grow ordinary oranges, and therefore, in order to give a slight "bitterness" to the confiture, I put the zest.
True, the bitterness practically did not work out, and if it did, it was barely noticeable. But the zest in confiture turned out to be much tastier than the oranges themselves.

If anyone prefers traditional confiture, ordinary sweet, then you don’t need to put the zest at all and use only oranges in the same proportions with respect to sugar.
Although the amount of sugar still depends on the sweetness of the oranges.
And one more important point. ORANGE SHOULD BE JUICY.
It is better to take those that have fairly thin skin.
During the cooking process, a large number of juice. But you don't have to take it anywhere. When the confiture cools down, all the juice will thicken.

I am a big fan of adding alcohol to desserts, pastries, etc., of course, I also added liquor to confiture. Delicious, but I think that even without it, confiture would not have lost a bit in taste.
