
Orange jam with ginger in a bread machine. How to make orange jam in a bread machine? Cherry and blackcurrant jam with spices and ginger

If you have a bread machine, you can pamper your family not only delicious pastries, but also fragrant jam, which will warm even in the coldest cold. I offer one of these recipes.

Lemon juice is used in this recipe both as a preservative and as a flavor enhancer. Fragrant and delicious jam- this is just what is missing for complete happiness in the cold season. I strongly advise you to carefully study the recipe for how to make orange jam in a bread machine in order to enjoy this delicacy as often as possible.

Servings: 3-5

Very simple recipe orange jam in a bread maker home cooking step by step with photo. Easy to cook at home in 3 hours. Contains only 316 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 3 h
  • Amount of calories: 316 kilocalories
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Preparations, Jam

Ingredients for six servings

  • Oranges - 500 Grams
  • Sugar - 500 Grams
  • Lemon juice - 40 Grams

Step by step cooking

  1. According to legend, Europe learned about oranges in the form of jam. These bright and juicy fruits loved all over the world, they are cooked from them different goodies and desserts. So, we peel and peel the oranges, and then measure them so that the finished pulp is exactly 500 grams.
  2. Then we cut the oranges as small as possible and send them to the container of the bread machine.
  3. We measure out 500 grams of sugar, fill them with oranges in a bread machine.
  4. At the very end, squeeze the juice of half a lemon (or pour already ready juice, you can find it in the store). Now we select the "Jam" mode, which is present in most bread machine models.
  5. Please note that the amount of ingredients poured into the bread machine should not exceed 70% of the filling of the form. If there are too many ingredients, the jam will splash during cooking and the equipment may burn out (if splashes hit the heating element). If you want the jam to be thicker, then add instead regular sugar pectin-containing.

For many of us, our favorite treat since childhood has been various jams and jams. And if earlier they were mainly prepared from berries and fruits more familiar to us, such as strawberries and raspberries, now, you can make jam even from the most exotic combinations.

We want to bring to your attention the recipe of one of the most popular citrus jams- orange. To prepare it, you will need a bread maker and a little time.

Orange Jam - Recipe

  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1.25 tbsp.;
  • starch - 5-6 tbsp. spoons;
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon.

Peel the oranges, cut into slices and transfer to the bowl of the bread machine. Then pour sugar into it, pour water, add citric acid and, at the very end, starch. Be sure to shake the container so that all the ingredients are well mixed. Place the bowl in the bread maker and select the Jam setting. After 1 hour, turn off the appliance, pour finished product in jars, let it cool and try a delicious treat.

Orange jam in a bread machine

The following recipe for orange jam in a bread machine involves waste-free production, since citrus skins are also used in its preparation.

Remove peel from oranges. Grind the fruit pulp in a blender. Then do the same with the skins. Transfer the mass from the pulp and from the zest into the bowl of the bread machine, squeeze the lemon juice into the same place and pour in the sugar. Set the Jam mode and cook your dessert for 1 hour.

Put the finished treat in glass jars and store under a closed lid in the refrigerator. Before you start cooking, taste the oranges for sweetness, this will determine how much sugar to add.

History of orange jam

What are oranges or Chinese apples”, Europe learned quite late - at the beginning of the 15th century. But the Europeans felt love for them literally from the first try. Still would! How can you not love these juicy, sweet and fragrant fruits? Yes, only from one of them appearance willy-nilly, the mood will rise - to such an extent they are bright and cheerful.

It is curious that, according to legend, it was from oranges that such a product as jam was first brewed. The authorship of its creation is attributed to a resident of Scotland, Jenith Keiller. True, then she had to deal with bitter fruits. But in combination with sugar, it turned out to be an amazing-tasting dish, so its popularity soon spread far beyond Scotland.

Now jams are made from a wide variety of fruits. At the same time, unripe fruits or sour berries. For example, cranberry and quince, gooseberry and blackcurrant jams are excellent. They are used for baking a variety of muffins, making ice cream and yogurt, desserts and curd cheeses. But let's move from theory to practice. Try to cook together with KhozOboz today orange jam in a bread maker, the recipe of which is given below.

Ingredients for orange jam in a bread machine

Making jam in a bread machine

Now we will tell you in detail how to make orange jam in a bread machine:

While our jam is being cooked in the bread machine, slowly brew fresh tea. Okay, now for cooking. healthy sweets no need for our intervention or control. The bread maker itself will prepare excellent jam. Of course, it can be preserved immediately. But I should warn you: it is unlikely to succeed. Even in the process of cooking, the fruit will begin to exude such an aroma that all relatives will come to it in the kitchen, and the appetizing jam will disappear in a matter of minutes, as soon as the process of its preparation is over.

Orange Jam Variations

When preparing this sweet dish, it is important to adhere to certain proportions of ingredients. So, sugar and fruits are usually taken in a ratio of 1: 1. In this case, you can safely reduce the portion size. But with its increase it is worth experimenting much more carefully. If the mass is too much, then it will splash during the cooking process. If the mixture gets on the heating element, then the bread machine may fail.

To make a slightly bitter jam in a bread machine, the recipe needs to be slightly modified. To do this, it is enough not to peel the oranges before cooking, their peel will give ready meal its special bitterness. But to make jam with a special citrus aroma, you will have to work a little harder, removing the zest from one fruit before peeling. You can also safely make such a change in the recipe: instead of juice fresh lemon add citric acid.

To make orange jam even more jelly-like, you should use pectin-containing sugar instead of regular sugar. However, experienced hostesses put a little starch into the mixture. Thanks to him, it will be thicker. However, then, before making jam in a bread machine, a little water is added to fruits, sugar and starch - about 50 ml. Then the ingredients are mixed by hand, otherwise starch lumps may form in the mass. And only then the mixture is sent to the bread machine.

Benefits of orange jam

orange and incredible juicy oranges jam great benefit. They have a lot of useful substances for the body: ascorbic acid and vitamins - B1, PP, essential oils and fiber, pectin substances and minerals - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine.

Oranges are fruits that are worth eating every day. They will help get rid of constipation and many other problems with the intestines. Making jam in a bread machine from oranges is indicated when the metabolism of uric acid is disturbed in the body.

Thanks to the orange essential oils, any dishes with the addition of these fruits will awaken the appetite and help digestion. They stimulate the active production of digestive juices and act as antidepressants. If doctors advise early in the morning to cheer up with a glass of fresh orange juice, then HozOboz recommends ending the day with tea with orange jam. And for sure it will be that pleasant final note that will set you on a positive note.

To cook delicious, fragrant and very unusual orange jam in a bread machine, which can be eaten as a separate sweet treat or, like, added as a filling to a wide variety of homemade pastries, you must take next set products:

Large ripe fruits of oranges - three pieces;

Sugar sand - one and a half glasses;

Distilled water - fifty milliliters;

Citric acid - a third of a teaspoon;

Potato starch - five to six tablespoons.

So, orange jam cooked in a bread machine - a step-by-step cooking method.

Stage one. Ripe, large fruits of oranges are peeled and the upper tight porous skin, which can give the finished product bitterness and astringent taste. Then we divide each of them into slices.

Stage three. Prepared orange slices We send them to the bucket of the bread machine and sprinkle them with granulated sugar on top.

Stage four. Following the sugar, add distilled cold water to the oranges in the bread machine bucket.

Stage six. Lastly, add five or six tablespoons of starch to the oranges and be sure to shake the bucket thoroughly several times so that all the components of our future orange jam mix well. This is important to do so that later in the process of making jam, the starch does not take lumps on the surface of the workpiece.

Stage seven. We install a bucket with ingredients in a bread machine, close it, select special program"Jam" and leave the workpiece to cook for exactly one hour.

Stage eight. While getting ready orange jam, prepare glass jars for our workpiece. It is better to take a container with a capacity of 500-700 grams. It must be thoroughly washed from the inside. hot water with the addition of regular drinking soda, and you can also pasteurize cans over steam.

Stage nine. After the above time, without waiting for the signal of the bread machine, unplug it from the mains and carefully remove the ready, hot jam.

Stage ten. Fragrant orange jam is carefully packaged in prepared jars, corked and left to cool for outdoors at room temperature. Unlike, jam should not be wrapped in a warm blanket, this blank does not need to be self-sterilized.

Stage eleven. We remove the ready-cooled orange jam in jars for storage only in a cool and dark place or, as raw adjika, in the refrigerator.

Also in the bread machine you can cook strawberry, plum, apple, or according to a wide variety of recipes.

Want to learn how to make jam in a bread machine? NameWoman has some original and very simple recipes that will fill your home with the aromas of marvelous spices and give amazing harmonious new tastes to you, your family and friends. In the article below, you will learn how to make jam from apples, pumpkins, lemons, oranges, apricots, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, blackcurrants, bananas in a bread machine. We will tell you how to store jam, whether it can be made from frozen berries, and what you need to pay attention to in this case. Special attention. You will find out what kind of jam pepper is added to, and what rosemary is added to, and what coriander goes best with.

In the first photo of the article - a dessert made in a bread machine in the "jam" mode from apples, sugar, frozen blackcurrants and Not a large number berries chokeberry with addition ground cinnamon and lemon juice.

Are jam and jam the same thing? No, although these desserts are very similar, so often, when talking about one of them, they mean the other or, in principle, use these two. culinary terms as synonyms. So, what is the difference between jam and jam? The first has more homogeneous consistency(the fruits used for its preparation are completely boiled soft) and it is characterized by light gelation, which is obtained due to the interaction of pectin and acids. A lot of pectin in apples and plums. It is noteworthy that for the best jam take ripe, and sometimes overripe berries and fruits, while jam is most suitable unripe fruits with more high content pectin. Also, as a rule, jam differs from jam in that it is cooked with more low temperatures and in less time. Sometimes this is done in several stages, allowing the jam to cool. When cooking jam, much large quantity sugar than when boiling jam, and, accordingly, it is better stored. Formally, if you are not too principled in the field of culinary terminology and technology, you can also make jam on the “jam” function in the bread machine (do not forget that you can reduce the cooking time yourself by stopping the program manually).

How to make jam in a bread machine

To make jam in the bread machine, use the special function "Jam". They put a spatula in the bucket, load all the ingredients, put the bucket in the bread machine, close it and turn it on. First, there is heating, and then cooking the fruits with constant stirring at a certain temperature. Now this function is available in almost all commercially available models. So if you look at the catalog of Redmond bread machines http://redmond.by/catalog/kategor/hlebopechki/, you will see that these modern household appliances have learned not only to knead the dough, bake bread and make jam, but also cook yogurt and meat. So, few people will be surprised by the desserts from the bread machine as such. You need to bet on unusual recipes ...

Review the jam recipes in your bread maker's instructions. The most important moment- the number of products. Stick to the appropriate values ​​by adapting the recipes below for your appliance model. As a rule, from 500-600 grams to a kilogram of fruits or berries prepared for making jam can be loaded into the bread machine at a time. The volume of the finished product (jam or jam), respectively, usually fits in a half-liter, two half-liter jars.

You can make jam in a bread machine with a thicker (more jelly) consistency, if you add pectin to sugar when laying the products. For 500-600 grams, it is enough to take 1-1.5 teaspoons of pectin. Pectin can be replaced with a special mixture for sweet preservation - "zhelfix" (like pectin, it is mixed with sugar). We recommend choosing one of these additives if you are making jam from very juicy fruits (citrus, melon, pineapple) in a bread machine.

Remember that when cooling, the jam cooked in the bread machine gels a little. If it seems to you that the finished product has the consistency of too liquid jam, then it can be boiled a little in a saucepan on the stove.

Is it possible to make jam from frozen berries in a bread machine? Yes, you can. If you take frozen berries or fruits along with fresh (at room temperature) and frozen fruits will be only one third or no more than half, then you can immediately load them into the bread machine and turn it on. This device first activates the heating function and only then does it begin to interfere with the future jam, i.e. frozen ingredients will have time to thaw (make sure that your model of bread machine does not start kneading berries immediately after turning on the "jam" or "jam" mode!). If you plan to make jam in a bread machine only from frozen berries and fruits, then they must first be allowed to melt at room temperature. To prevent accidental damage to the inner coating of the bread machine bucket (large sugar can be quite classified as a coarse abrasive material), first mix the sugar with other components of the future jam or jam in a separate bowl. After that, load everything into a bucket. Do not put sugar and fruits in a bread machine in two layers.

Added based on user comments: after placing all the ingredients for cooking jam in a bucket, cover it with foil on top (matte side out, reflective in) and secure the edges. This will protect the inside of the bread machine and the wall from possible splashes.

After the end of the program for making jam, immediately pour the contents of the bucket into jars and wash the bucket of the bread machine (into the hot bucket, pour more hot water by lowering the temperature gradually).

How to store jam and jam prepared in a bread machine? After the finished product has cooled, close the jar with a lid and put the jam in the refrigerator. Traditional Russian jam is less capricious in terms of storage (it can be stored at room temperature) due to the use of a large amount of natural preservative - sugar when cooking (sugar and fruits or berries are usually taken in equal proportions, and if jam is made from vegetables, then the amount of sugar by weight and completely exceeds the main jam product). In the recipes below, you will see that much less sugar is taken to make jam in a bread machine.

Classic apple jam in a bread maker

For a pound of sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples (you don’t need to finely chop the fruit, the jam will still turn out to be quite homogeneous), you need to take 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is believed that when preparing apple jam in a bread maker, it is not necessary to remove the peel from the fruit. However, not everyone likes its presence in jam. But most are delighted with those dried apple slices that remain on the walls of the bucket until the end of the preparation of jam when kneading.

NameWoman tastes like preserves and jams from a mixture of different fruits are always more interesting. home cooking- This exciting experiments. Therefore, the following are recipe options for a bread machine, where apples will have an additional company to create a fragrant taste symphony. Use spices to impress family and friends. Try apple jam from a bread machine with the addition of cinnamon, nutmeg, orange peel. If the fruits are very sweet, then you can make apple jam in a bread machine with lemon (one citrus is enough, cut it into circles directly with zest and divide each circle into four sectors).

Orange jam in a bread maker

To prepare orange jam, we need a pound orange slices(make sure they are pitted) and 100 grams of fresh orange zest. Cut it into long narrow strips. For the indicated number of citrus fruits, take 160 grams of granulated sugar.

If you prefer sweet rather than sour jam, then this jam can be made from a mixture of orange and apples in equal proportions. Jam looks interesting, in the recipe for the bread machine of which a handful of raisins are added to oranges.

Recipe for pumpkin jam in a bread machine

spicy pumpkin jam in a bread machine (the cheerful red-haired contents of the jars in the photo on the right) - a variant of a very impressive flavor combination. So that the finished product does not turn out cloying, in this case citrus fruits are a must. Cook 200 grams of pumpkin pulp cut into small cubes over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. We drain the water. Mix pumpkin with 180 grams of sugar, 100 grams of sliced ​​​​apple and 250 grams of orange or tangerine slices. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 5 peas crushed with a mortar allspice and 5 cloves - this combination is typical for jam and compotes from american cuisine. For those who love savory jams, we also recommend adding 1-2 tablespoons of orange zest and finely chopped three slices of fresh ginger.

Recipe for lemon jam in a bread machine

4 medium-sized lemons cut into circles, cut each circle in half, remove all seeds. Lemons, along with the juice released from citruses, mix with 500 grams of sugar, add the seeds of half a vinyl pod (can be replaced with vanilla sugar) and 10 ml of fresh apple juice.

Strawberry jam in a bread maker

Prescription for strawberry jam for a pound of strawberries, you need 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Does the recipe seem too banal to you? Then, when preparing strawberry jam in a bread machine, you can add 2/3 teaspoon of cinnamon and ground seeds of one star anise. Advice from NameWoman: strawberry jam will acquire an interesting note if, immediately after its preparation, transferring the hot resulting mass into a jar, add chopped leaves from two or three basil sprigs.

Fresh lemon juice when making jam in a bread machine, in principle, can be replaced with citric acid. Instead of a tablespoon of juice, take a pinch citric acid or a little less than half a teaspoon.

Simple blueberry jam

For 450 grams of blueberries, you need a tablespoon of lemon juice and 130 grams of granulated sugar.

Cherry jam in a bread machine

As with the preparation of strawberry jam in a bread machine, for 500 grams of berries (after removing the seeds), take 150 grams of sugar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

Cherry and blackcurrant jam with spices and ginger

A wonderful sweet and sour jam in a bread machine will turn out if you take both cherries and blackcurrants for its preparation. In the cold season, frozen berries are perfect for these purposes. If you want to reduce the sour notes, then replace half of the berries with chopped pieces of sweet apple. secret recipe of this jam - add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and ground coriander. Another maneuver to get unique taste- include finely chopped fresh root ginger (literally 2 cm). Calculate the ratio of the fruit and berry component and sugar as in the recipe for cherry jam for a bread machine - 10: 3.

Attention: if you are making jam in a bread machine from frozen cherries, which were originally sold in this form, then NameWoman recommends that you first defrost them at room temperature and make sure that there are no stones. Cherry pits often cause scratches on the shoulder blade and inner coating buckets of a bread machine. For the same reason, it is not recommended to cook jam in a bread machine from raspberries and red currants.

Apricot jam

For 540 grams of pitted apricot halves, take 150 grams of sugar, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice.

The apricot jam prepared by you will acquire an interesting zest if you put a ready sprig of rosemary into the hot mass and pour the contents into a jar for storing jam with it. Also, at the very beginning, laying the ingredients for the future spicy apricot jam in a bucket of a bread maker, you can add half a teaspoon each of crushed dry rosemary and pink pepper.

By the way, sweet apricots can be used instead of apples when making jam with cherries and black currants in a bread machine.

Banana jam with orange notes

3 big banana cut into circles, add 200 grams of sugar, juice from three large oranges and a tablespoon of lemon juice.

With bananas in compotes and jam, it goes amazingly well ground coriander. Add a teaspoon of this spice when making jam in a bread machine.

Recipe for jam in a bread machine from bananas and blackcurrants

amazing tender jam in a bread machine it will turn out if you take 250 grams of blackcurrant and bananas and mix them with 350 grams of sugar.

Maria Koshenkova
