
Blue cheese: description and types, benefits and harms. Blue cheese is considered harmful for

It is believed that cheese appeared in the human diet almost simultaneously with bread, or even earlier.

Today about health benefits of cheese and his high nutritional value everyone knows. It has a lot of protein, and this protein is very easily absorbed by our body, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. There is as much calcium in cheese as there is in no other product: neither in vegetables and fruits, nor in eggs and legumes, nor in cereals, nor even in other dairy products. To obtain daily allowance calcium, it is enough to eat 100 grams of good cheese - however, you need to be able to understand the quality of cheese.

Currently, there are about 2,000 varieties of cheese, and of course, new ones are appearing. We will briefly talk about one of the most exotic types of cheese for the inhabitants of our country - moldy cheese.

That blue cheese is a delicacy, everyone has also heard, but not all of our compatriots have tried this species cheese. The reasons can be different: fears, rejection, lack of information, inability to use such cheese correctly, and simply lack of money - after all elite varieties Blue cheese is quite expensive. However, you can choose - you just need to know how to do it right.

First of all, people are scared off by the smell of such cheese - it smells so much that it seems to have already gone bad. And the taste is unusual, not like our usual Russian or other cheeses: processed, hard, soft, pickled, etc. True connoisseurs cheese understand that blue cheese- really a delicacy, and they know that it should be eaten rarely and little by little. How everyday product You should not eat such cheese, as you can get certain health problems.

Blue cheese may be hard or soft, but is made primarily from the fattest cow's milk. True, some varieties of such cheese are made from goat's and sheep's milk - they include one of the most famous - Roquefort, as well as some cheeses from Eastern Europe.

There are several types of blue cheese, but the differences between them are not very significant. The first type includes cheeses with a white moldy crust. The most famous of them are Camembert and Brie, which we have heard a lot about.

For the production of these cheeses, milk is curdled and then salted. Such cheese ripens in the cellars, where mold fungi from the penicillin genus live - all the walls are covered with them, and they call them "noble mold". In mature cheese, the entire crust is covered with such fluffy mold.

The next type is blue mold cheeses, or rather, cheeses with blue mold - also noble. On the cut of such cheese, we see a lot of greenish-blue blotches, and the most famous varieties- Roquefort, Fourmes d'Amber, Gorgonzola, Bleu de Cosses.

Curd milk is laid out in a special form; when the whey drains, the cheese is rubbed with salt, and a certain strain of fungus is injected. To do this, special metal needles are stuck into the resulting cheese mass, which help the mold to spread better, and the cheese is placed in a well-ventilated room for aging. Probably, many paid attention to the unusual streaks and veins that are clearly visible on the cut of this type of cheese.

There are other types mold cheeses - with a washed crust. They are also called red mold or piquant. During the ripening process, this type of cheese is washed with a special brine to prevent the formation of ordinary mold. Then the cheese is treated with special fungal cultures, due to which the crust of the cheese turns red, burgundy, orange or yellow. The variety of cheese is distinguished precisely by the color of the crusts.

All types and varieties mold cheeses the technology of their production unites them: they are processed with strains of various penicillin fungi.

Is blue cheese healthy?

Is blue cheese healthy? for good health? Useful if available small quantities and not too often. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus, various vitamins, as well as protein containing the amino acids we need.

Many nutritionists believe that this cheese also contains beneficial bacteria that help the intestines work, and Turkish scientists have discovered another useful property of mold cheeses: noble mold contains special substances that can protect our skin from sun rays. When these substances accumulate in subcutaneous layer, then we produce more melanin, and the risk sunburn is significantly reduced.

How to eat moldy cheese? It has a sharp, pronounced taste, so it is recommended to serve it with strong drinks such as tannic wines. However, some connoisseurs and connoisseurs of cheese argue that it is generally incompatible with wine, with the exception of some white wines.

Blue cheese served to the table when it is heated to room temperature, with vegetables, fruits, crackers and crispbread. The British eat this cheese with herbs and add it to soup, the Italians add it to pizza and sauces, and the Danes just eat it with bread. Salads can also be prepared with the addition of mold cheeses, with the exception of Roquefort - it is better not to mix it with anything, but eat it separately.

Can moldy cheeses be harmful?

The fact is that the penicillin fungi used to produce this type of cheese secrete antibiotics that inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria. That is why at one time they learned to make penicillin from them.

If there are blue cheeses rarely and little by little, then there is no health hazard, but they frequent use can negatively affect the intestinal microflora, and even cause dysbacteriosis, especially after diseases associated with intestinal infections.

In addition, the fungi contained in cheeses, with their frequent use, can cause allergies. The fat content in such varieties of cheese is also quite high, so we get quite a lot of calories with it. healthy person you can consume no more than 50 grams of cheese per day, but it is better to use less.

Blue cheese it is strictly forbidden to use it for pregnant women, as mold fungi can adversely affect the fetus and even cause its death. Blue cheese is also not given to young children to prevent the development of listeriosis, a dangerous disease that affects the liver, lymph nodes and nervous system.

How to choose the right blue cheese?

How to choose and buy blue cheese? In the "blue" cheese, the channels through which the mold entered it should not be too noticeable, and in general, there should not be too many cavities filled with blue mold in the cheese.

The cheese should be slightly crumbly, moist and tender, and should not crumble.

Do not immediately buy Roquefort or Camembert - they have too unusual taste and smell. You can buy soft cream cheese, or Brie, and try them with pears or grapes. If you really want to start with "blue" cheeses, then you can first buy cream cheese, which is quite compatible with sweet tea and coffee.

Choosing soft cheese with a white moldy crust, pay attention to the smell. Good cheese has a slight "penicillin" smell. The crust of the cheese should be light, usually white color, with slightly visible traces of the grate on which it was kept. Carefully read the composition: there should be milk, enzymes, due to which the cheese ripens, salt and penicillin. Preservatives and dyes in real cheese do not add.

Tastes like cheese fresh oil, with a slight sourness or bitterness, and melts in the mouth. A dry layer along the crust may indicate that the cheese has been stored for a long time. There should be very few holes in the cheese, otherwise it is considered not of very high quality.

How to store blue cheese?

And finally, how to store cheese. The air temperature should not be lower than 0, and not higher than 5 ° C, and humidity - 90%. It is better to store cheese not in the refrigerator, but in special cabinet, if there is such a possibility. tributary fresh air must be constant and the cheese must not be exposed to light.

It is best to store moldy cheese in the shell in which it was purchased, and always cover the cut, otherwise the fungus will begin to grow. In general, soft cheese should not be stored in a plastic wrap or bag: wrap it in wax paper.

Cheese is one of the most valuable products in our nutrition, helping to live, grow and develop. A good cheese contains many elements that are vital to us, and besides, it is very tasty. So let your favorite types of cheese always be on your table!

Previously, it seemed that mold was a sign of a spoiled product, until they appeared on the shelves of our stores different varieties moldy cheese. And in this product, the mold determines its high quality. After all, the mold used in cheeses is edible, and it is she who gives this dairy product a specific taste. But today we’ll talk about what blue cheese is with?

Some types of blue cheese

Although these cheeses, unusual for us, are sold in the store, they are not a staple food. This can be judged by the delicate taste and by looking at its price. After all, France is the birthplace of blue cheese, although other countries also make cheeses with different molds. To figure out what blue cheese is with, we will go over its types and features a little.

Color scale of a mold - is various: white, blue, dark blue, green. It covers either the head of the cheese from above, or is present inside in the form of spectacular veins.

So, the well-known French Roquefort cheese has no analogues in the world. original taste cheese made from sheep's milk and matured on oak shelves located in limestone grottoes, in truth - we do not forget. It is served at the table as appetizers or desserts, with a cracker or crispy baguette. Be sure to take it out of the fridge ahead of time to keep warm.

And with what is blue cheese called "Gorgonzola"? This gentle light cheese from Italy goes well with fruits and vegetables. In restaurants, soft or dessert fortified wines are served with it. Unusual taste this cheese gives in a duet with honey and nuts.

English cheese with mold "Stilton" differs from previous cheeses in its incredible aroma and insipid taste. It is used in soups, purees, vegetable casseroles and sandwiches. Served with port wine.

Using white cheese

White mold in cheese makes this milk product soft and tender, with a delicate taste and aroma reminiscent of fruit and mushroom creamy mass. These cheeses have common signs. The same aging time of the cheese, soft flesh, spicy taste or fragrance, short term storage and selection of wine - than sharper cheese, the brighter the wine. This type of cheese includes: Brie, Camembert, Mirabeau, Neufchatel. What is white mold cheese with, are there any peculiarities in their use? There is only one feature: this type of cheese should be eaten only in fresh. It does not store well due to its soft texture, reminiscent of congealed condensed milk. Its ideal use is before dessert.

Do not forget that blue cheese is a delicacy, high-calorie product. When using it, listen to your body.

Imagine the situation: you take cheese out of the refrigerator and find patches of fluffy white or green mold. What should you do: throw away the cheese or just cut off the mold? But what about mold on strawberries or bread?

The answer to the question about the safety of eating moldy foods depends on the type of food. Generally speaking, hard foods such as cheddar cheese or carrots can be cut off the moldy area (plus 1 inch = 2.5 cm around) and the rest can be safely eaten.

As for softer products, it is better to refuse them, since mold roots can penetrate very deeply, even if the surface of the product remains clean and unaffected. Meanwhile, mold May be very dangerous...

What is mold?

Mold is a type of microscopic fungus. More than 300.000 known various kinds fungi, most of which have a filamentous structure and form spores that are easily spread by air, water and insects. The mold consists of 3 main parts:

  1. root part - mycelium, mycelium (which can grow deep into products);
  2. "stalks" - the visible part that rises above the surface of the product;
  3. spores at the end of the "stalks" (they determine the color of the mold).

Some types of mold are completely harmless and even eaten on purpose (classic examples are blue cheese with mold, brie, camembert, gorgonzola cheeses). Other types of mold can be highly toxic (they produce poisonous mycotoxins) and can cause serious allergic reaction and breathing problems.

For example, the aspergillus fungus mold, which often grows on the meat of animals and birds, can cause aspergillosis, a group of diseases that affect the lungs or even the entire body, occurring easily or very severely.

The most dangerous type of this group of diseases is invasive aspergillosis, which occurs when mold enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.

An allergic reaction caused by aspergillus is manifested by fever, a wet cough, and asthma attacks.

Fungi of this species can form aspergilloma in the lungs - a tangle of intertwined fungal mycelium - which causes hemoptysis, wheezing, shallow breathing, weakness, weight loss. Below are more examples of food mold:

Grains and nuts are common sources of mycotoxins

An important fact is the ability of some types of mold to produce mycotoxins. The most studied of them is aflatoxin, a substance that can cause cancer. The Food and Drug Administration (USA) states the following: “In the United States, aflatoxin has been found in grains and grain products, peanuts and peanut products, cotton seeds, milk, fruits brazil nut, pecan, pistachio tree, walnuts. Other types of grains and nuts are also susceptible, but less susceptible to infection.”

Aflatoxin is the most dangerous naturally occurring carcinogen that can cause liver cancer and immunodeficiency in humans.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, approximately 25% of the world's crops are contaminated with mitotoxins, including aflatoxin.

Ministry Agriculture USA claims: “Many countries are trying to reduce the amount of aflatoxin by constantly monitoring its content in food. Elimination of aflatoxin from food products is one of the most important problems in toxicology at the present time... We believe that aflatoxin will inevitably affect food and feed, so we need to develop effective methods industrial processing.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to detect the presence of aflatoxin in products by taste. However, there are a few tips to reduce the risk. Consider them on the example of pistachios. Use pistachios only from proven and reliable suppliers who dry the nuts immediately after harvest, thereby preventing them from rotting.

Some California pistachio farmers use spores useful mushrooms, which displace aflatoxin-producing fungi. This strategy helped to reduce the amount of aflatoxin by 45%, and that without the use of pesticides! Help reduce your risk of eating aflatoxin following tips:

- give preference to unpeeled pistachios (as peeled ones are more likely to be affected by aflatoxin);

- avoid dyed pistachios, as the paint can hide traces of etching;

- don't eat pistachios sour taste or showing signs of mold, suspiciously damp, or showing signs of insect infestation.

Mold on food: what to throw away and what to leave

Visible mold on products appears as small gray or green fluffy spots. But, despite this, such mold can have deep “roots” that affect the entire product. In case of dangerous mold, its toxins can "poison" not only the product on which the mold grows, but also the entire dish, to which the moldy product will be added.

Therefore, if you find mold on soft and delicate product you better throw it away. You may even have to get rid of those foods that were nearby and touched the now spoiled moldy product, as mold spreads quickly and easily, especially in food. Discarded moldy products should be wrapped in paper or bags to prevent further spread of mold.

Do not try to blow off the mold: its spores can get into your respiratory tract. In case of solid products it is possible to cut off the mold and an area of ​​​​about 2.5 cm (to completely remove the mycelium). When cutting off the mold, watch the knife: it should not touch the mold, as it can infect the rest of the product through it.

The USDA has compiled a table to help you decide what to do with a moldy product - throw it away or keep it.

Product How to proceed Explanation
Meatloaf, bacon, hot dog throw away
Hard salami and cured ham Use, just clean the mold from the surface It is normal for these shelf-stable products to have mold on the surface.
Leftover meat and poultry dishes throw away IN juicy products the mold grows deep, in addition, bacteria multiply rapidly in them
Casseroles throw away In succulent products, mold grows deeply, in addition, bacteria multiply rapidly in them.
Grain and pasta dishes throw away In succulent products, mold grows deeply, in addition, bacteria multiply rapidly in them.
Hard cheeses (with the exception of cheeses for which mold is part of the production process) Use. Cut at least 2.5cm around the mold and into the cheese (and make sure the knife does not come into contact with the mold!). After that, place the cheese in a clean container (bag, box). As a rule, mold does not grow deeply in such products.
Blue cheeses (blue cheese, roquefort, gorgonzola, stilton, brie, camembert) If soft cheeses such as brie and camembert are covered in mold, throw them away - it's not the same mold that was used to make them. If mold has appeared on the surface of Gorgonzola or Stilton, cut off the affected area (+2.5 cm in circumference and in depth from the place of mold), and then proceed as it is written about hard cheeses. Mold that is not part of the manufacturing process can be dangerous.
Soft cheese varieties (cottage cheese, cream cheese, neuchatel, goat cheese, Bel Peze, etc.), crumbled cheese, grated cheese, sliced ​​​​cheese (all varieties) throw away In succulent products, mold grows deeply. Grated, crumbled and sliced ​​cheese can be contaminated with tools that process them. In addition to mold, bacteria multiply rapidly on soft cheese varieties.
Yogurt and sour cream throw away In succulent products, mold grows deeply, and bacteria multiply rapidly in them.
jam and jelly throw away Mold can produce mycotoxin. Microbiologists advise not to "dig up" the mold, but to use harmless preservatives.
Hard fruits and vegetables (e.g. cabbage, bell pepper, carrots, etc.) Use. Cut off the mold, as well as part of the unspoiled product, 2.5 cm around the mold and inward. Make sure that the knife does not come into contact with the mold. WITH hard varieties fruits and vegetables, mold can be cut off, as it is difficult for it to grow deep into dense foods.
Soft fruits and vegetables (e.g. cucumbers, peaches, tomatoes, etc.) throw away IN juicy vegetables and fruit mold grows deep.
Bread and pastries throw away Mold grows deep in porous products.
Peanut butter, legumes and nuts throw away Foods prepared without the use of preservatives are at high risk of mold contamination.

Proper food storage helps prevent contamination

After you have removed the moldy product from the refrigerator, carefully treat the place where it lay. Otherwise, there will be contamination of those products that you put in this place. You can drastically reduce the risk of food spoilage by using basic storage rules. For example, meat, poultry, fish, leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator on a shelf where the temperature is stable and the lowest.

But the refrigerator door is its “warmest” place, and the temperature here can fluctuate significantly, use it to store spices and oils. Citrus fruits are stored on the shelves for 2 weeks, but garlic and onions are stored in a dark, cool pantry, where they can stay fresh for 4 months. Leafy salads can be kept fresh for another three days if put in the refrigerator unwashed. Apples, pears and bananas, highlighting natural substances, which promote maturation, quickly lead to spoilage of products that are close to them. Besides:

  1. Store the onions in old pantyhose to keep them fresh for up to 8 months (separate each onion with a knot of pantyhose).
  2. Grind dry green onion and put it in plastic bottle from under the water. Keep it in the refrigerator. Remove the onion when cooking.
  3. Keep potatoes away from onions (then they will not spoil). Storing potatoes next to apples prevents them from sprouting.
  4. Store lettuce in a container covered with plastic wrap. Add toilet paper to it to absorb moisture.
  5. Mushrooms are kept in paper bag in dry cool place or in the refrigerator. Do not store mushrooms in plastic container- there they quickly become damp and deteriorate.

How to reduce mold growth on products?

When setting the table, try to make sure that all dishes are covered - this will protect them from infection with mold spores that can fly in the air. Leftovers should be stored in separate, clean containers (not in the same dish they were served in). Cool them in the refrigerator quickly (within 2 hours or less) and eat them up in the next 3-4 days (under these conditions, mold will not have a chance).

Remember, any product for a long time, albeit proper storage, sooner or later deteriorates. Don't forget what you have in your fridge. When going to the store, think over the menu for the week, see what you have in the refrigerator and what you need to buy. By purchasing perishable products Please try to use them as soon as possible.

The appearance on the shelves of our country of such a delicacy, the appearance of which cannot be called familiar, happened relatively recently. However, despite this, it has already become a favorite product of many people, although it also has staunch opponents. Some believe that blue cheese is very useful, others, on the contrary, are convinced that it is harmful to use it, supposedly it can provoke an exacerbation of certain diseases. What does this product bring - harm or benefit? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

What is useful blue cheese

Not all molds that cover cheese are suitable for inclusion in the diet. Of course, the elite Roquefort cannot be compared with the cheese, which has mold due to long storage in a refrigerator. From last favor definitely won't. To create a delicacy, special varieties of mold are used, which differ from poisonous in aroma, quality and appearance.

To create unique product, the cheese substrate is combined with blue mold spores or Roquefort penicilla. The surface of such cheese is covered the most delicate fluff fungi or molds that are not found in the natural environment and appeared only in the course of human activity, due to repeated artificial selection.

It is impossible to create cheese with mold - blue or white - naturally by deliberately not introducing fungal spores. The product is prepared only from domesticated spores, which have been carefully selected.

Cheese is a product that in itself brings great benefit due to the presence in its composition of many trace elements necessary for the human body. But, when it germinates with fungal spores, it is additionally enriched with useful properties. Among the similar qualities of blue cheese, the following can be noted:

  1. Improved absorption of calcium. As with any other product made from milk, cheese contains a lot of calcium. But in order for the body to receive required amount of this trace element, it is not enough to consume cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products. The calcium they contain is not always absorbed. For a productive calcium metabolism, you should include in your menu products that promote the absorption of this substance. These include blue cheese. Thus, more calcium will enter the body than from plain cheese used in the same amount.
  2. decline pernicious influence ultraviolet rays. This delicacy contains elements that lead to the fact that melanin begins to be intensively produced in human skin. This substance prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays into the epidermis, preventing the formation of sunburn.
  3. Prevention of dysbacteriosis and increased gas formation. Artificially introduced fungal spores, when they enter the intestines, contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the growth and development of beneficial bacteria. They inhibit the processes in which undigested foods begin to break down, ferment and decompose.
  4. Enrichment of the body with proteins. A small slice of cheese with noble mold will deliver to the body large quantity protein when compared to a similarly sized piece of fish or meat. The substance takes part in the formation of muscle tissue.
  5. Favorable effect on the heart and blood vessels. People who often eat elite varieties of moldy cheeses are less likely to have strokes or heart attacks. In addition, fungal spores help thin the blood, which reduces the risk of clots and improves blood flow.
  6. Normalization of hormone levels and stress relief. IN noble mold contained a large number of vitamin B5, which is responsible for the production of glucocorticoid hormones produced in the adrenal glands. With a deficiency of this substance, a person quickly gets tired, suffers from insomnia, and becomes depressed.

Although the product has many useful properties, back side in this case also available. The product will be harmful to health if consumed in excess of 50 g per day. Otherwise, the natural microflora will be suppressed by fungal spores - there will be a malfunction in the functioning of the intestine, dysbacteriosis.

Mold contains elements that cause an allergic reaction. With increased sensitivity to penicillin and fungal infections, the product must be removed from the diet.

During childbearing and breastfeeding blue cheese should be avoided, as Listeria lives in it. Such bacteria can lead to the development of infectious diseases. If a person with strong immunity listeriosis passes without bright clinical manifestations, then future mother symptoms such as vomiting, fever, fever may occur. Such a load on immune system can lead to extremely adverse consequences: spontaneous abortion, defects in the formation of the fetus, premature delivery.

How to use

To prepare real blue cheese, it will take a lot of time and following some rules. This and a complex recipe is the reason for the high cost of the product, as well as the fact that it is quite rare on store shelves.

To refined taste blue cheese is fully opened, you need to know how to properly use this delicacy:

  1. Camembert, the taste of which is piquant and spicy, will be fully revealed if you use this cheese with champagne, honey, fruits (especially grapes).
  2. Gorgonzola - Italian blue moldy cheese, possessing bright taste, it is better to eat with potatoes and bread. These neutral products will set off the pronounced taste of cheese. In addition, such a product will great snack To alcoholic beverages- beer, white and red wines.
  3. Brie is a soft cheese originally from France, for the manufacture of which is used cow's milk. It is advisable to place almonds, pineapple or melon slices, as well as shrimp on a dish next to it. Gourmets prefer to dip cheese, which has the most delicate taste, in honey or apple jam. If you cut off the crust from the product, which is covered with mold, then it can become an ingredient for sauces or soups.
  4. Dor Blue is a German-made soft blue cheese with mold that goes well with grapes, nuts, and dried fruits. It is included in the composition of pies, pizza. From alcohol to cheese, which has a slightly salty flavor, the most suitable option there will be red wine.
  5. Roquefort - variety French cheeses with blue mold. Used for manufacturing sheep milk. Its salty taste is reminiscent of hazelnuts. Maximum opening palatability will happen if you combine it with fruits, sweet desserts, honey, as well as vegetables and herbs. From alcohol it is better to serve this cheese strong wines, Cahors or white wine.

Video: 5 Reasons to Eat Blue Cheese!

We are accustomed to consider mold as a very unpleasant phenomenon. Indeed, it gives us a lot of inconvenience, and products with mold are considered hopelessly spoiled and are mercilessly thrown away. Everything is true, but blue cheese deserves a separate discussion.

So, what are the blue cheeses? If you didn’t know, then I’ll tell you a secret that mold can also be different, but only three of its types are predominantly found in cheeses:

Camembert cheese with white mold

Their range is usually small, but everyone knows famous cheeses Brie and Camembert. They are easily recognizable by their distinctive white coat;

Cheese with reddish mold

It occurs after the product has been treated with specific bacteria;

blue cheese benefits

Such mold does not ripen on the surface, but inside the cheese. This is due to the fact that it goes through several stages of preparation. In particular, on initial stage making cheese from cottage cheese, mold is added to it, which helps the cottage cheese to reach the required condition. The most famous variety of this cheese is Roquefort. There is an opinion that only in France is produced quality product, and everything else is a fake, sold for a lot of money.

Due to the fact that blue cheese is very specific dish, the question naturally arises, how to use it. Definitely include it in your daily diet not recommended, as it will cost you a tidy sum. Although everyone can eat it, it is strictly forbidden for lactating, pregnant women and mothers, as well as small children.

The average norm for an adult is 50 grams per day. It must be remembered that it is not advisable to use blue cheese just like that; it is better to use it as an additive to fruit or a glass of wine.

Some cheese connoisseurs say that you should get acquainted with the product in certain sequence. So, first you need to try Brie cheese, and then blue cheeses. The last in line are Roquefort and Camembert.

The choice of blue cheese is a truly difficult task. The fact is that not all mold is of high quality. First of all, you need to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. There is an opinion that cheese should be smelled first. good cheeses with white mold have the smell of penicillin. Cheese with blue mold has a special softness, but does not deform. On the cut of the cheese, spots of mold should be visible.

Of course, you need to know how to store this delicacy. For some gourmets, special cabinets are even made, but it is not at all necessary to resort to a similar method. It is best if you buy the cheese at a time, so that you do not put the leftovers in the refrigerator later. But if, nevertheless, the cheese remains, then you should not pack it in polyethylene or place it in freezer. It is more reasonable to simply put it in its original packaging, and close the cut with paper.

Obviously, blue cheese is whimsical in storage, expensive and specific, but is it useful, or is it just delicious delicacy? In fact, there is a lot of calcium in such a product, and mold only improves its absorption. In addition, blue cheese contains protein, much more than meat or eggs. Blue cheese is rich in amino acids and some vitamins. However, even despite undoubted advantages product, it is necessary to observe the measure in its use so that the benefit does not turn into harm.
