
Energy drink "Strike": what you need to know about the drink, how it works and is it safe for the body? Alcoholic drink Strike is a strong energy drink.

I am not a fan of canned cocktails. But one day, walking through the supermarket, I stopped near them, as a drink called Strike caught my attention.

A few years ago, I frequented a certain bar. And the classic Strike was one of my favorite drinks. Picking up a jar of this drink, I realized that this is not the same drink at all, but an ordinary energy drink.

Strike cocktail recipe

Nostalgia took its toll, and this supermarket stocked peach liqueur, Gold Strike liqueur, and a few lemons. How to make a Strike cocktail at home according to the classic recipe?


  • 20 ml peach liqueur;
  • 20 ml of Gold Strike liqueur;
  • 10 ml lemon juice.


To prepare the Strike cocktail, we need a liquor glass. The drink will need to be prepared in layers.

  1. The first layer is peach liqueur.
  2. The second layer is lemon juice. You need to create it with a bar spoon. If not, you can use an ordinary knife. Pour the citrus juice slowly and very carefully.
  3. The third layer is Gold Strike liqueur. It pours just as neatly as the second one.

The finished cocktail is drunk in one gulp (one sip).

Video: making a cocktail in a bar

Alcoholic cocktail Strike is also called Gold Strike Shot. Little is known about its history and drinking habits. It is customary to serve the Strike cocktail on special occasions, for which you save the best sorts of alcohol, the best cuisine recipes. Layered cocktail Strike is not only beautiful in appearance, but also famous for its pleasant fruity aftertaste. This alcoholic cocktail belongs to shooters (from English "shot"), that is, cocktails with a volume of only 40-60 ml, which are drunk in one gulp in 1 sip. Therefore, the name of cocktails is "shot".

Cocktail Strike: composition

  • 20 ml peach liqueur. You can use peach liqueur Marie Brizard or brand De Kuyper ("peach tree").
  • 20 ml Gold Strike cinnamon liqueur. It will give the cocktail a rich aroma of cinnamon, various herbs and citrus fruits.
  • 10 ml lemon juice.

For a Strike cocktail, you need to prepare one glass for liqueurs and a cocktail spoon. I advise you to look at the strike cocktail in the photo, so as not to be mistaken with a glass, because this cocktail requires proper serving for special events. Look, even in the pictures, the strike cocktail is beautiful. We do not need ice, but all ingredients must be cold.

Preparing the Strike cocktail

  1. Pour the first layer - peach liqueur - into a special glass for liqueurs.
  2. Use a cocktail spoon to create a second layer. If this bar spoon is not available, take a regular long knife. Now you need to place a spoon (knife) in a glass, leaning it against the wall of the shot, and then very slowly and carefully pour lemon juice over it. This will give you an even second layer of the Strike.
  3. The third layer of the cocktail is created in exactly the same way as the second. But we pour Gold Strike cinnamon liqueur instead of lemon juice.

Strike cocktail should be drunk in one gulp.

Under the same name in ordinary stores they sell an energy cocktail (drink) Strike. There are even varieties of it: a strike in a black jar (strike dark) and a blue strike (strike sky). The content of ethyl alcohol in the energy cocktail Strike is about 8%, and it also contains caffeine and taurine.

The effect of the blue and black strike alcoholic cocktail is very harmful to the human body. The energy drink performs a stimulating function in the body, while alcohol, on the contrary, depresses. All this is combined in black and blue strike, and therefore their use can lead to such problems as reduced potency, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and insomnia. In France, for example, such drinks are completely prohibited. And in Germany there is a ban on the production of energy cocktails.

Mankind has always sought to create a food product that could activate all body systems and bring its performance to a whole new level. In America, not yet discovered by Columbus, bark and roasted holly leaves were used for this, the Indians used special mushrooms, and later the entire world community switched to tea and coffee. It is these drinks that are still considered the strongest stimulants. The concept of modern energy drinks is not at all new and is based on the functionality of caffeine - the active component of coffee and tea.

One of the most popular representatives of the market is Strike. What kind of drink is it, does it contain alcohol and is it safe to drink energy drinks?

What you need to know about energy drinks

Energy drinks or energy tonics are drinks that stimulate the central nervous system and have an effect on the body that is the opposite of a sedative/relaxing one. There are several variations of drinks with and without the addition.

Most often, the composition of the tonic liquid includes caffeine. This is the main stimulant that provides the invigorating effect claimed by marketers. One can contains 240 to 360 mg/L of caffeine. Please note that the daily allowance is only 200 mg per day. Sometimes manufacturers replace caffeine with guarana, tea, or mate. It is also common practice to introduce caffeine under other trade names (such as theine or mateine). Vitamins (ascorbic / folic acid, B vitamins), glucose and other quickly digestible carbohydrates, taurine are added to the composition.

Taurine and glucuronolactone have been declared safe by the European Food Safety Authority. The number of tonic components that are in one bank cannot cause enormous harm to the human body.

Most energy drinks are similar to sweet carbonated drinks with a more pronounced taste and invigorating effect. Highly or medium carbonated drinks contain a large amount of carbonic acid. The substance is responsible for the rapid absorption of the food product and the earliest onset of the claimed effect. Also, carbonic acid is used for quick and safe canning of energy drinks.

One jar may contain half or all of the daily requirement of vitamins for an adult. Doctors advise drinking no more than 1 can per day to avoid imbalance.

Alcohol in energy drinks

Ethyl alcohol is added to the composition of some tonic liquids. Such cocktails combine two directly opposite functions. Caffeine is a stimulant, while alcohol is a depressant. This combination is harmful to the body and can cause serious health problems. Why?

Power engineers mask the effect of ethanol. A person who has drunk a cocktail cannot realize the degree of intoxication, ceases to control himself and pours in an excessive amount of liquids. As soon as the level of ethyl alcohol exceeds the norm, the person feels relaxed, but the stimulating effect of caffeine / taurine / sugar blocks fatigue. In the best case, a person will experience acute intoxication, and after a few days he will return to his usual way of life, in the worst case, a collapse will occur, and the internal organs will not withstand the stress.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

Well-being depends on age, gender, build (the amount of adipose tissue that affects the rate of intoxication), the quality and quantity of alcohol consumed.

General characteristics of the "Strike"

It is one of the variety of energy drinks on the market today. The composition of the product includes:

  • caffeine;
  • guarana;
  • taurine;
  • matein;
  • vitamins: ascorbic acid (C), nicotinic acid (PP), folic acid (B9), pyridoxine (B6);
  • alcohol;
  • sugar;
  • food colors and flavorings.

The manufacturer does not advise drinking more than 1 can per day, as exceeding the dosage can cause health problems. Tonic liquid is prohibited for persons under 18 years of age, since ethyl alcohol is included in its composition. Elderly people are also advised to stop drinking the drink. "Strike" is contraindicated for pregnant women / nursing mothers, people with pathologies of the central nervous system, increased excitability, patients with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system / liver / kidneys / gastrointestinal tract.

Temporarily abandon the drink should be before driving or during heavy mental work with complex mechanisms.

Manufacturers claim that "Strike" increases efficiency by stimulating the internal reserves of the human body. How exactly does this happen? For example, glucose, like other carbohydrates, is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, triggers oxidative processes, stimulates blood circulation in the muscles, brain, and really invigorates.

The drink, like any other stimulant, immediately takes a lot of energy from the body, and does not replenish it. This leads to exhaustion of the nervous system and destabilization of metabolic processes.

What is caffeine for?

Caffeine is the most widely used medical drug in the world. It began to be used several centuries ago. The main purpose of caffeine is to stimulate the nervous system. The substance enhances cardiac activity, speeds up the pulse and constricts blood vessels. Caffeine abuse leads to sleep problems, heart palpitations, nausea, anxiety and headaches.

What is taurine for?

Taurine is an amino acid. The body of living beings produces it on its own. Taurine is involved in the regulation of muscle contractions, heartbeat, metabolic and energy processes. Doctors say that a healthy body does an excellent job of replenishing the balance of taurine, and additional sources of the amino acid are simply not needed. But it is believed that under conditions of stress, physical trauma or enormous mental stress, there is a lack of taurine, and energy drinks can quickly and easily solve the problem. There is no experimental evidence for the theory, but it is very popular with energy producers.

Taurine acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter. It slows down the work of an overly excited brain, helps a person to concentrate and perform work efficiently. Also, the substance regulates cholesterol levels, stimulates heart contractions, improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alcobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks the craving for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches regenerative processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

What is guarana good for

Gourana is a climbing liana that grows in the Amazon River Valley (South America). Liana produces fruits that are very similar to coffee beans. They make paste and extract caffeine. Guarana contains 2 times (3-4%) more caffeine than coffee beans (1-2%), so they play the role of a strong stimulant. Guarana has a specific effect on each person. One substance helps to concentrate, while others act neutrally.

According to studies, after drinking 37 grams of guarana, a person feels a surge of vivacity, improved mood and mental qualities. After consuming 75 grams or more, participants in the experiment noted an improvement in concentration and cognitive abilities. Side effects are little studied, so doctors do not recommend abusing the product.

About the safety of the use of alcoholic energy drinks

Before using "Strike" be sure to read the list of contraindications. If at least one of them corresponds to your current state, refuse the drink.

The harm of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic energy drinks is felt by thousands of consumers almost daily. Symptoms can range from headache to sudden death and depend on a number of factors. Keep in mind that one serving of liquid contains a whopping dose of caffeine and about 14 teaspoons of sugar. The drink can cause problems of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, sleep problems, depletion of internal resources, the development of inflammatory processes and rapid overwork.

Most energy drinks are consumed by teenagers. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that tonic fluids (regardless of the presence of alcohol) have not been tested on children, so no one can guarantee their safety.

In the case of Strike, the situation is aggravated by the composition. No one can predict exactly how the combination of energy and ethyl alcohol will work. If one person gets off with nausea and a slight malaise, then the second may well lose his life or get a serious illness. Do not risk your own health, give up alcoholic and non-alcoholic energy drinks. To cheer up - drink quality coffee / tea, eat spicy food or a portion of your favorite chocolate. Even better, take 7-9 hours of deep sleep so that the body reboots and is ready for new activities in the morning. Make the right decisions and be healthy!

Due to various circumstances, many people have had to drink energy drinks. Young people drink them, even schoolchildren, although often a jar of Red Bull or Adrenaline Rush ends up in the hands of adults. It tones, “inspires”, makes the brain work more actively, but at the same time provokes arrhythmia, insomnia, nausea and much more. It is strange, but no one has yet definitively declared the absolute harm of energy drinks. For the first time, these drinks went on sale at the beginning of the last century. Although how to make an energy drink, they knew thousands of years ago. Not so long ago, energy drinks with alcohol content have become famous. At discos, parties, clubs and even schools, Jaguar or Strike (high school drink) are quite popular. The action of such energy is very peculiar. It quickly energizes, raising the mood, and even faster takes this and even more energy, thereby causing the need to re-take the drink. In a geometric progression, a person brings the body to exhaustion. But few people know that it is these factors that form a rather strong dependence on the intake of energy drinks. It doesn't matter if you drink expensive Adrenaline or affordable Strike, the drink can be called anything and have a different effect, but the consequences of its regular intake are very similar - deplorable. Do you want to plant a heart? Choose a less fast method.

Strike - drink, which young people are snapping up at a fantastic rate. For only 35-60 rubles you buy 50 g of vodka and 4 cups of strong coffee, all in one jar. Profitable? Well, yes, if you do not look at the rest of the composition. "Pandora's box", what can I say. But it makes you think faster, move longer, get tired less, lift your mood, and this is what makes alcoholic energy drinks so popular. Strike is available in several variations (colors of cans). The blue and black Strike, the drink that consumers love the most, is recognized as the most harmful. This is due to the fact that the energy drink has a serious negative effect on the human cardiovascular system. As a result of prolonged consumption, potency decreases and, at least, insomnia is guaranteed. Drinking drinks of this kind, you should get used to the idea that a migraine in the morning will become quite common. In many European countries, energy drinks are not only prohibited from being produced, but even distributed. If you are not satisfied with what they offer, and you decide to learn how to make an energy drink, you will have to choose from a considerable number of options. The most common is coffee, namely caffeine. It is easy to purchase caffeine-sodium benzoate at the pharmacy. Such a product costs a penny, when used, it acts worse than any store-bought tonic drink. But it is worth considering the fact that taking a large dose of caffeine leads to the opposite effect - drowsiness. In general, it is better not to experiment with health. The body is not an enemy to itself, and when it needs to sleep, it “reports” this in every possible way.

Drinks that raise the tone and increase efficiency have always existed. As soon as people studied the properties of plants that have the ability to influence the functioning of the heart and endocrine system, the first tonics appeared. All of them traditionally contained caffeine or other substances with a similar effect on the body. Industrial invigorating drinks entered the official market at the beginning of the twentieth century, but only relatively recently manufacturers began to introduce alcohol into such formulations. This added to their popularity and significantly expanded the target audience. Successful sales, which in recent years has been demonstrated by the energy drink Strike (Strike), are the best proof of this.

Target audience and the reason for the popularity of the drink

The pricing policy of the manufacturing company is built in such a way that Strike has become one of the most popular options on the tonic market. After all, if we compare the cost of the more expensive non-alcoholic Andrenaline Rush and the usual Strike, it turns out that the difference is 250-300%.

Buying a cheap alcoholic energy drink for only 60-70 rubles, you can simultaneously get the effect of 3-4 cups of strong coffee and a standard portion of vodka. In terms of ethyl alcohol, exactly 50 grams of this strong drink is contained in one jar of Strike. The benefit is clear, especially for the consumer whose financial well-being is far from perfect.

Therefore, Strike is most in demand among young people: high school students and students. More than affordable price, excellent invigorating effect, light alcoholic courage: the energy drink seems to be a safe drink, not much different from sweet soda. No one thinks about the harm, because the portion looks quite harmless. In an older audience, Strike is rarely popular, because over the years, drinkers either already can afford high-quality alcohol, or switch from light drinks to cheap low-grade vodka.

Such drinks are popular at parties and discos: with their help, you can spend the whole night on the dance floor and not feel tired. The reverse side of the medal will appear later, when you have to spend several days in bed, and sometimes in the ward.

Composition analysis

To understand whether this drink is harmful and how great the danger from its use is, you need to analyze its composition in detail. The following ingredients are listed on the Strike jar:

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

Do you have a desire to "hangover" the day after drinking alcohol?

Which of the systems do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

In your opinion, are the measures taken by the government to limit the sale of alcohol sufficient?

Caffeine is also found in coffee, it gives energy

  • Caffeine. A plant alkaloid found in tea, coffee and cocoa. In small doses, it has a harmless effect: it stimulates the production of the hormone adrenaline by the adrenal glands, due to which a feeling of cheerfulness appears, drowsiness disappears, and brain function improves. The effect lasts no more than two hours.
  • Taurine. An amino acid that enters the human body with protein food. Small doses are even found in breast milk. Stimulates mental activity, increases endurance. In combination with caffeine, it helps the brain to cope with complex tasks and work productively in a stressful mode for a long time.
  • Guarana. An evergreen shrub that grows in the tropics. Known for its tonic effect, it is often included in sports nutrition and weight loss products.
  • Mate. A plant containing amino acids and alkaloids, including caffeine. Invigorates, gives strength, improves mood, relieves depression.
  • Folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin PP and B6. The complex also has a tonic effect, increases the protective properties of the body, raises immunity.

Each individual component is not dangerous. But their combination deals a very strong blow to the work of the endocrine system, forcing the adrenal glands to produce adrenaline with such force, as if a person was in an extreme situation. The effect of this is pronounced, but short-term. After two hours, a lover of such drinks will not be able to work in the same rhythm and will require recovery within a day.

But fans of the drink prefer not to replenish the wasted reserves, but simply to drink the second, then the third, and then the fourth jar of Strike. A false sense of strength and a surge of energy turns into complete exhaustion after a while. Recovery often requires medical attention.

Alcohol in Strike

In addition to natural tonic components, Strike contains ethyl alcohol in a dose similar to 50 grams of strong alcohol. In combination with strong energy drinks, a mixture is obtained that not every organism is able to endure without serious consequences.

Since Strike is a carbonated drink, the absorption of alcohol into the blood is very fast. The tonic effect of the remaining components makes this process invisible to the drinker himself: he is cheerful, cheerful, and moves a lot. Energy drinks with alcohol act insidiously: their effect gradually accumulates, and then at one moment a person is completely immersed in the abyss of the deepest intoxication.

Legs fail, memory disappears, moral and ethical norms and prohibitions disappear, the ability to control the body and control even the most banal physiological processes disappears. In some cases, a large number of alcoholic tonics can be fatal due to increased stress on the heart.

What happens in the body

The invigorating ingredients in the Strike cocktail stimulate the adrenal glands. A large dose of adrenaline is released into the blood, the heart and blood vessels begin to work in an increased rhythm.

At the same time, alcohol, which also enters the bloodstream, stimulates a sharp expansion of blood vessels and capillaries. The heart begins to work at the highest possible pace, as a result, the muscle tissue experiences overload. Regular use of Strike can lead to rapid wear of the heart and serious malfunctions in its work.

The inhibitory effect of ethyl alcohol, combined with the tonic effect of other components, leads to wear and tear of all body systems. The combination of the diuretic action of caffeine and alcohol causes severe dehydration, the load on the kidneys and excretory system increases several times.

The combination of caffeine and alcohol causes reactions from the psyche. Strike's frequent companions are:

  • unmotivated aggression;
  • antisocial behavior;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • memory losses;
  • insomnia.

For men, Strike is dangerous with a negative effect on potency: with regular use of the drink, testosterone production decreases, the condition of the vessels supplying blood to the pelvic organs and prostate worsens. As a result, even strong sexual arousal does not lead to an erection. Only long-term treatment will help to solve the problem in this case.

official point of view

The craze for energy drinks with the addition of alcohol among young people is growing every day. This leads to a decrease in the health of the younger generation, provokes early alcoholism. This fact attracted the attention of the leaders of many regions.

To date, the sale of such products is prohibited in 14 regions of the country. Since April 1, 2017, their sale in Moscow has been completely stopped. In the near future, a law banning alcoholic energy drinks will be adopted at the federal level and it will be impossible to buy a Strike in any corner of Russia.
