
Misconceptions about the benefits and harms of wine. Last straw

The French can rightly be called one of the most patriotic nations in the world. You rarely meet a person who, with such zeal, protects his traditions and culture from the advent of globalism. One of these traditions was the custom to spend every important meal with a glass of excellent wine. And they have to defend this tradition with a special fervor, since nutritionists and doctors of many countries for several centuries have suppressed any opportunity to show that if you drink wine every day, you can’t harm a healthy body. So is it possible to drink wine every day, or does it cause irreparable harm to health?

Today, all French patriots can breathe a sigh of relief and continue to drink wine every day - a new, iron argument has appeared in their arsenal, which instantly closes the mouths of skeptical people. A large-scale study was summed up, which was carried out by scientists at the Universities of Bordeaux and Paris for almost 30 years. The researchers monitored 35 thousand men from 40 to 65 years old and concluded that the healthiest people are those who took wine in small doses with a meal.

This is the first large-scale and authoritative study that confirms the notorious French paradox, leaving the fantasy area of ​​Marseillaise lovers and becoming a reality. This paradox in the middle of the last century consisted in the theoretically positive effect that red wine, white, dry wine gives, reducing the harm done to health from fatty and high-calorie foods.

The researchers noted the fact that representatives of the French nation are less likely than other Europeans to suffer from a number of age-related ailments (diseases of the digestive tract, nervous system, of cardio-vascular system etc.). And this despite the fact that French cuisine cannot be called a model of diet. It is famous for its fried and fatty dishes, and, of course, a sea of ​​sweets.

Experts began to search for the roots of this paradox. Their search turned out to be short-lived, since the only legitimate answer could only be the love of the French for red wine, which contains a large amount of the compound resveratrol, which has a beneficial effect on human health.

Since then, for decades, this drink has become one of the most discussed topics in medicine. According to American doctor David Hanneman, only coffee is discussed with the same passion as wine, but more research is devoted to the latter. Hanneman argues that the findings of the studies can be divided into three groups: the first talk about the benefits of a noble drink, the second confirm the benefits of wine, but small, and the third show the harm from any alcoholic drink. The pendulum in favor of one or the diametrically opposite statement swings every few years, but never before have such iron arguments as the results of studies in which more than one tens of thousands of people participated in the scales stand on the scales. From now on, it will be difficult for ardent opponents of alcohol to defend their point of view.

What is the French paradox?

Scientists from the Universities of Bordeaux and Paris claim that their research proves the following fact: if you drink wine in moderation, it reduces the likelihood of premature death from oncological pathologies by 20%, and from cardiovascular diseases by 40%.

To paraphrase a famous American proverb, one glass of wine a day saves you from going to the doctor.

A 28-year study of the French showed that drinking moderate doses of red wine has a positive effect on the well-being of the majority of people, says Crane Stockley of the Australian Wine Research Institute.

If you drink red wine in small amounts every day, you can reduce the risk of not only diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also dementia, diabetes and other diseases that can greatly reduce life expectancy.

Stockley comments that the conscious use of wine is the key to excellent health. She also believes that these French studies are the last argument in favor of drinking wine.

But if you drink this drink in large quantities, it leads to the opposite effect for the human body, experts say. Another nuance: the results of the experiment apply only to adults; regular alcohol intake by teenagers will negatively affect the formation of the brain and the formation of personality.

It is also necessary to take into account that the use of red wine, even in small doses, can adversely affect the health of those people who already have any disease of the cardiovascular or any other organ system and who take medications. But, having made all these required remarks, scientists are ready to immediately rush to praise the healing properties of wine.

Stockley clarifies that the point is not that regular drinking of wine is likely to prevent the development of specific ailments, but that this drink has a positive effect on people's diet and lifestyle.

Dotting the "i"

Another large-scale study was conducted by American specialists from Boston University together with scientists from the University of Rome. Its results show that if you consume red wine in small amounts every day, the risk of kidney stones decreases, and it also helps to fight those that have already occurred. Hence the conclusion that red wine, white, dry have a positive effect, in contrast to sweet sparkling water, which contributes to the formation of kidney stones.

The experiment, which lasted eight years, consisted of observing 200,000 people who told doctors about the drinks they consumed during the day and passed the corresponding medical tests. In this way, the researchers were able to correlate the consumption of certain drinks with the health status of the subjects.

As a result, it turned out that those people who prefer sweet (both non-alcoholic and alcoholic) drinks are 33% more likely to form kidney stones than those who include red wine, white, dry in their diet. Along with wine, scientists have noted other drinks that reduce the risk of kidney disease, namely: beer, orange juice, coffee and tea. But none of these drinks can compare to if you drink a glass of wine.

The explanation for this is given by one of the authors of the experiment, Gary Kurhan. According to him, moderate consumption of dry red wine contributes to the removal of oxalates from the body - substances that are the main cause of kidney stones. There is a possibility that the fructose in the wine produces this effect, but this will be established in the course of new experiments.

Miraculous Component

The search for an explanation of the beneficial properties of wine often leads to a long list of its components. Often, organic acids, fructose, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamins C, B1, B2 are distinguished among them (these substances are mostly found in dry red wines). But recently, scientists have been paying more and more attention to another component of the drink - resveratrol, which is becoming one of the most controversial topics in medicine.

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Some studies have shown that drinking red wine daily is good for the body: it removes toxins and improves brain function. Our editor decided to set up an experiment and find out from his own experience how wine affects the body.

website there is something to talk about: we learned what consequences can await you if you drink a glass of wine every day for at least a month.

1st day of the experiment.

I am 28 years old and I would not call myself a fan of alcohol. I take it pretty easy, but about once a week (usually Friday or Saturday) my friends and I go to a bar or have a party at home. Sometimes I meet someone in the middle of the week for a glass of beer.

For the experiment, I decided that for a month I would drink a glass of wine every night at my house for dinner. For this, I chose a good red dry Chilean wine - it is red dry, according to some researchers and doctors, that has a beneficial effect on the body.

Day after day, I observed various changes and metamorphoses that took place with my body, mood and well-being. Some of the changes came as a real surprise to me. But more about everything.

1. Having trouble sleeping

I do not suffer from insomnia and usually fall asleep without any problems around 23:00. But literally on the 2-3rd day of the experiment, I began to have problems with sleep: I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep. After 10-15 minutes on the phone, I still fell asleep. True, towards the end of the experiment, sleep returned to normal and such problems no longer arose. Maybe it was some kind of body adaptation?

I think alcohol affected my sleep cycles: it was easy to fall asleep, but this bonus was offset by nighttime awakenings.

2. After the experiment ended, it became more difficult to concentrate

I tried to notice any changes that occur with my health and well-being. Every day I measured the pressure and can responsibly declare: alcohol did not affect the indicators in any way and the pressure remained normal. I didn't notice any shortness of breath or any other problems.

But something became apparent after the end of the experiment. Strange, but as soon as I stopped drinking wine in the evenings, drowsiness and strange weakness periodically began to roll over me: it was difficult to concentrate during work. I don’t know what it could be connected with, I only hope that soon these not very pleasant symptoms will disappear.

3. There were remorse

I have never observed this for myself, but during this alcoholic spree I noticed the following: I started waking up at night thirsty. I had to adapt and leave a glass of water in the evening.

And also (especially in the early days) I was very ashamed, as if I was doing something wrong, not good. Perhaps the thing is that I'm used to drinking on weekends with friends.

On the other hand, I didn't have to wait for any special day: every day I had my own mini-Friday with delicious dinners and good wine. Then I slowly realized that I should not be tormented by remorse and no one is forcing me to drink my glass to the bottom, and if I want, I can simply refuse it some day. Since then, I have calmed down and began to enjoy my gatherings more.

4. Weeded out unnecessary meetings

During this time, meetings began to be eliminated by themselves, the main purpose of which was to sit somewhere with a glass of beer. In these cases, I made a choice in favor of the evening at home and invited friends to my place. It turned out that I only met people who were really interesting and close to me., whom she is ready to welcome as guests, was chosen for cultural events. In addition, I am an introvert and it was much more comfortable for me to spend time at home in a familiar and cozy environment.

I did not refuse traditional weekend gatherings with friends, these days I preferred beer to wine, but I drank quite a bit.

5. Skin problems appeared

20th day of the experiment.

Perhaps due to the fact that I began to get out of the house less often and have a more satisfying dinner, I added a few kilograms of weight. Alas, daily alcohol consumption, even for such a short period of time, still affects the appearance.: due to sleep disturbance, bruises appeared under the eyes, and inflammation on the face.

Initially, I planned to conduct the experiment for a month, but in the end I decided to end it after 3 weeks. Despite some positive moments, changes in well-being and appearance began to disturb me.

What conclusions did I draw from the experiment:

  • Drinking a glass of good wine at home from time to time is clearly cheaper than hanging out at a bar. For example, you can take a good wine for 500-600 rubles, and in a bar you can pay 1,000 rubles for 2-3 mugs of craft beer with a snack. It's also less likely to get drunk and do something stupid: you kind of relax a little every day, and don't wait for Friday like manna from heaven.
  • Weeded out unnecessary meetings for the sake of meetings: as an introvert, it was much more comfortable for me.
  • There was a desire to understand wine and cheese. Together with a good snack, such gatherings turn into a real pleasure.
  • I realized that drinking even a small amount of alcohol on a daily basis will not reflect on health in the best possible way: I was worried about sleep problems, a little lethargy and "bruising".
  • Perhaps the main result is this: you should not drink every day, but at the same time, you do not need to wait for a special day to relax if you are mentally tired. Good wine combined with a pleasant company and delicious food will perfectly brighten up a weekday evening, the main thing is to know when to stop, and everything will be fine.

We all know a person who loves wine very much, knows how to recognize notes of currant and oak, while everyone else is happy to at least understand what kind of wine they drink. It turns out that the wine snobs are right! It has long been known that this drink is good for health if consumed in moderation. Red wine usually gets the most attention, but studies have shown that white wine can also be beneficial to health. People started drinking this drink eight thousand years ago. Then it was the luxury of aristocrats and priests, but nowadays everyone can afford a glass of good wine. Red protects the body from heart disease. Scientists believe that the antioxidants found in red wine help prevent the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. This is what leads to heart disease. But don't think that the doctor will prescribe Cabernet for you! Doctors are unlikely to advise alcohol, especially if you have a predisposition to addiction. However, if you drink a glass from time to time after a hard day, your body gets a lot of benefits. From dementia to burns, so many problems can be prevented with wine!

You will live longer

If you drink a glass of wine in the evening, you prolong your life. Those who drink wine regularly have a thirty-four percent lower rate of premature mortality than those who drink beer or other alcoholic beverages. Not only do you live longer, you look younger too! Resveratrol, which is found in red wine, has been linked to anti-aging properties. If you don't like wine, you can still get this substance from grapes, blueberries, cranberries, and nuts. Resveratrol activates your body's anti-aging properties, resulting in a longer lifespan. However, it is worth noting that the connection is seen only among those who drink in moderation. If you often drink a whole bottle alone, you will not look younger, but older.

You won't get burned

There is another way a glass of wine can help you look younger. Wine protects the skin from the sun! Studies have shown that the antioxidants in the drink protect the skin from sunburn. When the skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, a chemical reaction begins in the body. It damages skin cells and causes burns. Flavonoids, the antioxidants found in grapes, stop the chemical process that kills cells. Next time at the beach, drink some wine, not a sugary cocktail.

Your heart becomes healthier

It has long been known that red wine protects the heart. Wine contains tannins that protect a person from cardiovascular diseases. Tannins are the ingredients that create dryness. To get the most benefit, drink wines from the southwest of France. Antioxidants in wine also increase good cholesterol levels. If you have high blood pressure, a glass of wine every night can be the perfect way to improve your health. Among hypertensive patients, people with moderate red consumption are thirty percent less likely to suffer a heart attack.

You can avoid diabetes

If you're struggling with diabetes, a glass of wine may help. Moreover, it can even prevent disease. Studies have shown that people who drink wine in moderation are thirty percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The drink is safe and for those who are already sick, just don't drink more than a glass. Wine is useful not only because it prevents diabetes, it can also prevent some complications.
People with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease than anyone else. As part of the experiment, a group of patients were offered a glass of water, red or white wine with dinner. After that, the results of the study participants were evaluated. At the end of the experiment, it was found that those who drank wine had higher good cholesterol and better sleep than those who drank water. There are no downsides to drinking wine in moderation.

you will be happier

We all feel better after a glass of wine. The tension of the day disappears when you can relax with a glass of excellent drink and a pleasant conversation with loved ones. It turns out that pleasant emotions extend further than an evening with the family. Drinking wine in moderation may protect you from depression. By drinking two to seven glasses a week, you strengthen your mental state. However, as soon as the habit turns from a moderate into an addiction, the propensity for depression will immediately increase. Alcohol abuse is associated with a higher risk of depression. Limit yourself to a few glasses a week!

You will have a lower risk of developing cancer

We've all heard about how wine affects heart disease, but the data on cancer protection is brand new. It turns out that frequent drinking leads to an increased risk of cancer, unless it's red wine. Moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of breast cancer. The chemicals found in the skin of red grapes lower estrogen levels and increase testosterone levels in menopausal women, and it is this change in hormone levels that lowers the risk of cancer. There are more magical substances in red grapes than in green ones. If you like to drink at dinner, take a glass of pinot noir.

Your brain will be grateful

Too much a large number of wine can get in the way of your normal concentration, but one glass with dinner is fine. This helps protect the brain from hemorrhages and clots. People who drink one glass a night are eight percent less likely to have an attack. But don't abuse it! People who drink a lot increase their risk by fourteen percent! In addition, a glass of wine helps to defeat senile dementia. People who drink red wine in moderation are twenty-three percent less likely to have this problem. However, this does not mean that you need to drink wine for health. If you don't drink, don't start. If you already like alcohol, choose wines and do not forget about moderation. It will benefit you!

Inflammatory processes will decrease

One of the reasons red wine is so beneficial to health is that the drink stops inflammation. It is inflammation that can lead to problems such as a heart attack. Resveratrol protects blood vessels and prevents clots and reduces inflammation. You can just eat a serving of grapes. No less useful are peanuts, blueberries and cranberries.

Unfortunately, all these benefits are not relevant for the elderly. In old age, even one glass of wine can be harmful. Studies have shown that people over seventy who drink wine experience heart health problems. This is especially true for women.

How much to drink?

So, it is clear that you need to know the measure, but where is it? For women, a moderate amount equals one glass of wine a day. Men can drink two. After sixty-five, men should drink no more than one glass, and women should drink even less.


An evening glass of red can be good for your health, but don't feel like you have to drink daily. Drinking solely for the sake of heart health is not worth it. Alcohol can cause addiction, which greatly undermines the state of the body.

How much wine can you drink a day for it to be beneficial? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Such alcohol is considered a noble drink. Many people prefer it to him. There are many reasons for this. Wine, especially red wine, has a beneficial effect on the body. It tastes good, has an alluring aroma and a wide variety of varieties. That is why on holidays they prefer such a noble drink. Do not forget that it contains alcohol. So, the use of it in large quantities is dangerous for the emergence of alcohol dependence.

The composition of the wine

Even Aristotle gave a special name to wine - "milk of Venus". All thanks to the high content of biologically active components. That is why it is recommended to take it in small doses at least every day, especially red.

The chemical composition of the noble drink includes:

  • a large number of amino acids;
  • several peptides;
  • carbohydrates and other sugars;
  • a large amount of water;
  • several types of alcohols;
  • mineral salts;
  • some trace elements;
  • a small amount of vitamins;
  • polyphenols;
  • mineral acids.

The chemical composition of wine includes about 600 components. The main one is water. Red wine, compared to white, contains significantly less glucose and fructose. The advantage of an alcoholic drink is the absence of fats.

There is no presence in it of fiber - fibrous substances. But red grape alcohol contains a significant amount of iron. It is in an ionized form, so it is easily absorbed into the walls of the stomach. It can be consumed every day by people who have a lack of iron in the body.

If the drink has a high content of tannin, then the absorption of the trace element is difficult. The mineral acids in the composition facilitate the absorption of certain types of food. Such a variety of components makes red and white wine useful, while relaxing and uplifting.

How to choose an alcoholic drink

When choosing a wine, you need to pay attention to several important factors. It is on them that the taste of the drink and its beneficial properties depend. When choosing alcohol, you should follow several important rules:

Only good wine can be drunk with health benefits every day. When choosing alcohol, follow the basic rules to protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

Who can drink wine

Although wine is considered a noble drink, it is not good for everyone. The danger lies not only in this. Drinking low quality alcohol is dangerous even for a healthy person. The chemical components contained in it adversely affect the state of health. This is fraught with the development of various kinds of diseases. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the purchased product.

The noble drink is contraindicated for categories of persons suffering from the following ailments:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • osteoporosis;
  • high pressure;
  • stomach cancer;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • elevated cholesterol.

Drinking alcohol with these types of diseases is prohibited, especially every day. Such negligence can lead to an aggravation of the disease and a general deterioration in health.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol for people who take medications. In this case, their action is reduced to zero. There is a risk of complications and side effects of the drug.

The quality of the product plays an important role. It is harmful to drink surrogate alcohol. Unscrupulously prepared wine with the addition of chemical components is dangerous for human life. This should be taken into account when choosing strong drinks.

Benefits of wine

Quality wine can be consumed every day in small quantities. It seems to be too common. But experience shows positive results. People who regularly take alcoholic elixir in small doses are healthier than teetotalers.

This is expressed in the improvement of the condition of some organs and systems:

  1. Kidney. Reduces the risk of stone formation.
  2. Digestive tract. Some bacteria that multiply in the intestines are destroyed.
  3. Of cardio-vascular system. The rhythm is adjusted, the tone of the heart muscle improves.
  4. Stomach. Improves appetite and digestion.
  5. Liver. Helps her heal.
  6. Brain. Improves mental activity and prevents cell death.

Red wine is considered the most useful. How many useful components it contains! The antioxidants in the composition prevent the formation of cancer cells by activating the formation of collagen, which affects the condition of the skin.

Therefore, it is red wine that is useful for women who seek to preserve their youth and attractiveness.

How much wine can you drink a day

Parisian scientists conducted an interesting experiment. It was attended by 35,000 middle-aged men. One part of the test group drank 150 ml of red or white wine every day, the other half refused alcohol. After the expiration of the experiment, it turned out that men drinking every day were much healthier than absolute teetotalers.

This was due to the rich composition of the drink, which includes the following components:

  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • rubidium.

That is why it is useful to drink the noble elixir, no matter how old you are. It prevents the occurrence of many ailments, improves the functioning of organs and systems. Red wine is rich in vitamins. White has a disinfecting effect, is able to destroy toxins. Therefore, the drink can be drunk every day, only in small doses. This will help maintain health and beauty for many years.

A lot of people who wonder about the benefits of a drink for the body are interested in is it good or bad that people in France drink wine every day? After all, if you look at the vast majority of the population of a European country, it is difficult to find alcoholics and people lost to society who need the help of doctors and specialists.

Attention! Addiction treatment requires a qualified approach. With the help of drugs, you can treat at home, without visiting a doctor. from alcoholism will help you choose the best remedy.

In addition to the French, the Italians drink red wine every day , and are also distinguished by excellent health and longevity. So what is the secret of these nations? Or it's the drink, which is so loved by the inhabitants of warm France and Italy.

The thing is that natural drinks made from high-quality raw materials - grapes of special varieties and aged in the right conditions have healing properties when taken in certain doses. On the territory of the studied countries, an alcoholic drink is traditional and is served at lunchtime. It should also be noted that the tradition of drinking wine drinks at dinner was due lack of clean water on the territory of France and Italy in the Middle Ages, so it was replaced by wine rich in microelements and vitamins.

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The benefits of wine

Wine, as already mentioned, contains rich in useful trace elements and vitamins compound. Red contains proteins, fructose, potassium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium, calcium. This means you can bring 15 reasons drink a lot and every day:

  1. Anti-cancer action , due to the regulation of hormonal levels;
  2. decline cholesterol level . Alcohol increases high density lipoproteins, which prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  3. Red wine contains organic phytoalexin from the group of polyphenols - Resveratrol. The substance has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microflora;
  4. Regulates work of cardio-vascular system , preventing the development of pathologies;
  5. Tannins from the composition of the drink are preserved and improve vascular tone , strengthen capillaries and prevent an increase in cholesterol in the blood;
  6. The effect of this alcohol on the digestive organs contributes to more easy digestion heavy and fatty foods;
  7. Stimulates elimination of oxalate from the body - salts of oxalic acid, which provoke the development of urolithiasis;
  8. Increases lifespan by 34% compared to people who drink beer or other alcoholic beverages;
  9. Flavonoids capable regulate sugar content in the blood, prevent the development of diabetes;
  10. Piceatannol from red wine breaks down fat cells , excluding the possibility of gaining excess weight;
  11. Grape drink stimulates functioning of the endocrine system ;
  12. The habit of drinking in small quantities improves the quality and sleep duration ;
  13. Beneficial trace elements increase the body's resistance to harmful exposure to microbes and infections;
  14. are being launched metabolic processes and metabolism;
  15. Thanks to its mild effect on the psycho-emotional state, it allows avoid stress and depression.

From here we see that you can drink wine once a day not only without consequences for the body, but also with a certain benefit.

Dependency Calculator


your addiction

dependency type:

There is no danger to the body, the habit of drinking is characteristic of many people, but in the indicated quantities and with the indicated parameters of the patient, it does no harm to the body. Many people on holidays and after work relieve stress with alcohol, but are not addicted to it.

The patient sees alcohol as a way out of difficult situations and resorts to alcohol drinks more and more often. This stage is dangerous because in any difficult situation in life, this stage can smoothly move into the next one, which is much more dangerous for health.

At this stage, an addicted person can no longer do without alcohol, but he is firmly convinced that he is able to quit at any time, but not today. Already here complications with the liver and other difficulties with the organs and well-being can begin.

Special treatment and a small rehabilitation course, plus the support of relatives, are able to withdraw from this stage. This stage can provoke very serious problems with the liver and other organs, which will lead to illness for the rest of your life.

This stage is not hopeless, but it requires an extremely serious approach to treatment and a long period of rehabilitation, with regular medical procedures, many drugs and, often, expensive treatment.

Duration of addiction treatment:

Want to speed up your treatment?

Despite the presence of certain benefits from the use of this alcohol, the alcoholic drink still has restrictions on the amount drunk per day. Daily rate of red wine is 150 ml. At the same time, it is allowed to drink at a hearty dinner. no more than 100 grams , and in the evening, at dinner in the amount 50 grams. Otherwise, by increasing the dose, you run the risk of developing an addiction that will need to be treated using medications and going to a psychologist.

By the way, cure alcohol addiction that occurs against the background of the abuse of wine, you can use the drugs for alcoholism described in the reviews on our website in the relevant section "Medicines" at the link https://website/medicament.

These norms are acceptable in the absence of chronic diseases . If a person has any diseases, then it is not recommended to take alcohol in any quantities. Especially if necessary and the likelihood of taking medications, because they are not compatible with ethyl alcohol contained in any alcoholic beverage.

wine can benefit the body , subject to the rules and regulations for its use. Only the high quality of the drink, dosed consumption and a mandatory snack will eliminate the harm from alcohol, which is inevitable in the opposite cases.

When wondering whether it is harmful to drink a bottle of wine daily, it should be understood that alcohol in such quantities cannot be beneficial. As we have already found out the maximum "useful" rate of alcohol per day should not exceed 100-150 ml . Anything over this amount is automatically harmful to your body and health. The drink contains ethyl alcohol - an integral part of every degree drink. For one glass of red, there are 16 grams of ethanol, which is one of the most addictive toxic drugs. So if a man or a woman drinks wine every day per liter is alcoholism , which requires mandatory treatment.
