
Impact on the endocrine system. Effect on the cardiovascular system

Mate tea appeared in our country relatively recently and still remains more of an exotic drink than an everyday one. Mate is drunk both for pleasure and for some of the beneficial properties of this drink.

Paraguayan tea, in addition to its amazing taste, has a lot of useful properties. First of all, it is an excellent tonic that helps to restore strength and has a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body. It is drunk to improve mood, relieve symptoms of nervousness and anxiety, and increase physical activity. If you regularly drink the drink, then insomnia and an obsessive sense of anxiety will gradually go away.

Experts recommend mate as a remedy that affects the general psycho-emotional state and helps to calm the nervous system. This drink helps to lower blood pressure and for the better affects the functioning of the heart.

What is mate

Mate is very different from the traditional teas we know. If tea is the leaves of the tea bush, then mate is the leaves and stems of the evergreen Paraguayan holly plant. It is a branchy tree-like shrub with smooth whitish bark that grows up to 15 meters tall in the wild. But on plantations, these trees are pruned to form neat bushes up to two meters high, in order to facilitate the collection of young shoots later.

In order to get "Paraguayan tea" from the Paraguayan holly, the young shoots of the plant are collected, cutting off the stems along with the leaves (which again differs significantly from the top three leaves collected from the tea bush). After harvesting, the branches are thoroughly dried at a very high temperature. The dried product is crushed and crushed in the most thorough way to obtain a very dry powder, consisting of different fractions.

A good mat must contain dust, which serves as an indicator of proper drying, small pieces of stems and brittle leaves.

According to some scientists, mate may well claim the title of the oldest drink on our planet. There is evidence that the Indians used mate as early as the 7th millennium BC.

Health benefits of mate tea

Mate has a truly unique composition. This drink has an amazing amount of vitamins and minerals, it really has amazing healing properties.

According to scientists from the Pasteur Institute in Paris and the Paris Scientific Society, it contains vitamins A, C, E, P, all B vitamins (moreover, in a concentration greater than in royal bee honey!), Magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and more.

Yerba mate contains mateine, which, while similar in action to caffeine, is free of its side effects, such as increased heart rate, hand tremors, and nervous tremors. Matein is a stimulant of both physical and mental activity of a person, and it is mild and non-addictive. It helps a person stay fresh, collected, and also induces deeper sleep. So if you need a good night's sleep in a short amount of time: drink mate.

Paraguayan tea significantly reduces the manifestations of depression, neuroses, anxiety syndromes, and regulates the sleep cycle. Many scientists note the immunostimulating effect of the drink and even insist on its use by residents of large cities, because. The oxygen and chlorophyll contained in mate help purify the blood.

In addition to this incredible combination of vitamins and micronutrients, yerba yerba mate increases high-density lipoprotein levels in the blood, which means an increase in HDL-cholesterol (colloquially “good cholesterol”). At the same time, scientists note a noticeable decrease in the very “bad”, LDL-cholesterol. It is this mechanism that serves as the best prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Contraindications to mate

How to brew mate

Mate tea also has other features - it is brewed in a special container "calabash" (calabash) and drunk from it through a special tube "bombilla" with a mouthpiece at one end and a strainer at the other.

The process of brewing mate is also quite interesting, and does not tolerate haste. The classic method of brewing mate involves filling the calabash by one third, then the poured mate must be shaken and slightly moistened with water. Water is an important aspect for brewing mate. It should be quite soft, the optimum brewing temperature is 75-80 ° C. Next, the bombilla is carefully inserted into the slightly swollen tea leaves and the calabash is completely poured. It is enough to wait 1-2 minutes and the mate is ready for use. On average, one tea leaves can be filled with water 7-9 times.

How to drink mate

They start drinking mate immediately, from the very bottom. You can add such tea leaves with hot water several times, but you can’t leave it in the vessel for a long time - it begins to ferment and release strong bitterness, which actively impregnates the walls of the calabash. In this case, all subsequent mate will be bitter.

Mate tea can be called the most exotic tea for our country. It belongs to ethnic teas, along with Brazilian catuaba tea, Argentine lapacho, African rooibos. You can read a lot of conflicting reviews about mate tea, which are dictated by the unusual properties of the drink. So what can be expected from mate tea, harm or benefit?

History of tea

The indigenous population of Latin America shrouded this tea in numerous legends, believing that it had magical properties. Mate can cause an unusual surge of strength and vigor, satisfy hunger and thirst. In the 16th century, missionaries bought raw materials of unusual tea for next to nothing. Sending it to Europe, they decently earned. Mate tea was drunk by sailors, during long sea voyages, he saved them from severe fever and scurvy. He supported and invigorated travelers during their journeys through the rainforests.

For some time, tea was undeservedly forgotten. But in the 19th century, the plant Illex Paraguariensis was discovered. It began to be cultivated in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. From the crushed shoots and leaves, they began to make mate tea, which was produced on an industrial scale. On the South American continent, he immediately became extremely popular.

Then the tea ceremony was invented using special dishes for mate: bombilla and calabash. The calabash was a pumpkin container, and the bombilla was a reed tube.

What is mate tea made from?

The raw materials for the manufacture of mate tea are the shoots and leaves of the Paraguayan holly. The plant is found in the wild and is also cultivated on plantations. Holly can reach a height of 15 meters. Has toothed leaves, small greenish-white flowers.

Collectors take the branches of the plant, pluck the leaves from them. The material is thoroughly dried. After that, the shoots, the leaves are crushed to a powder state. Good quality tea can be identified by the following parameters: the presence of dust, broken pieces of leaves and small remnants of the stem is mandatory.

The chemical composition of mate tea

Holly leaves contain more than 190 different components. This discovery was made by scientists from the Pasteur Institute. Among the elements contained in tea, the following can be distinguished:

  • organic acids (isobutyric, isocaproic, isovaleric, resinous);
  • vitamins (nicotinic acid, A, B, C, E);
  • bioflavonoids (quercetin, rutin);
  • tannins (tannin);
  • saponins (beta-amirin);
  • macro- and microelements (manganese, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron).

Compared to classic green tea, mate contains more antioxidants and alkaloids. Experts note that green tea contains caffeine, and mate contains mateine. It is similar in its action to caffeine, but its effect on the human body is more gentle and gentle. Matein does not cause an increase in heart rate, overexcitation. The invigorating effect of caffeine lasts about three hours, and mateine ​​invigorates several times longer. An important advantage of mate is that it does not cause sleep disturbances.

Health benefits of mate tea

Since ancient times, the Indians used a drink from holly to treat infectious diseases. Currently, for many diseases, mate tea is recommended, the benefits of which have been proven by scientists.

  • Stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Has antispasmodic properties.
  • Improves vascular permeability.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Improves the work of the heart.
  • Helps to cope with depression.

Contraindications and harm of mate tea

Through research, scientists were convinced not only of the beneficial properties of tea, but also found that it can be harmful. People who have used mate in large quantities for many years have been examined. A relationship has been found between the occurrence of certain types of cancer and tea intake. The scientists concluded that heavy consumption of tea, combined with active smoking of tobacco and the intake of alcoholic beverages, becomes a catalyst for tumor growth.

Statistics showed that the cause of oral cancer was that people drank tea too hot. Calabash, from which the drink is drunk, retains a high temperature for too long. This circumstance led to the occurrence of diseases of the bladder.

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates) have been found in tea. Their combination with alcohol, tobacco, fried meat creates favorable conditions for the development of tumors. It is not recommended to drink a large amount of hot drink, especially while drinking alcohol and during a feast. If you follow these rules, use Paraguayan tea no more than two or three times a week, tea will only benefit.

How to make mate tea

There are some subtleties of brewing this tea. Brew it in the original container. It is called calabash, calabash. Previously, calabash was made from pumpkin, now it is made from stainless materials, wood, and plastic. They differ in volume. There are large volumes of calabash for large companies, there are small ones designed for single enjoyment of a drink.

Mate connoisseurs, after acquiring calabash, prepare it for further use. Pour the tea mixture into the calabash, pour 2/3 of the volume with high-temperature water. The vessel is left for a day without closing it with a lid. After that, the mixture is poured out, and the calabash is cleaned with a damp cloth.

A person who makes tea is called a sevador. The art of cooking is sevar. You can not rush when brewing a drink. The tea leaves are poured into calabash, poured with cold water, left for a while so that the tea leaves swell. Then a tube (bombilla) is inserted into the middle. On one side of this tube is a strainer, on the other - a mouthpiece. The tube is made of metal, before it was made of bamboo. Hot water is added to the container. After two minutes, you can enjoy the original taste of the drink. Tea can be brewed again.

How to drink mate

For the inhabitants of South America, the process of tea drinking is a sacrament. It lasts almost two hours, usually takes place in a large friendly company, in a warm atmosphere. Mate tea is drunk in small sips, the liquid is drawn out through a tube from the very thick. The tea must not be allowed to ferment in the vessel. Otherwise, bitterness is formed, the drink will become harmful. In tea rarely, but add ice, milk, sugar. It is believed that tea will fully open only after the fourth addition of hot water.

With daily use of the drink, calabash is enough to rinse after use, store in a wet state. With rare use, calabash and bombilla should be thoroughly washed, turned over so that the water is glass.

Hello everyone!

I decided to write a post about mate tea.

Today it can be found in almost every supermarket in packages with screaming names that it is superior to tea and coffee combined in its medicinal properties!

You just need to additionally purchase oscillas and bombilla, and then you can already enjoy a delicious Paraguayan drink without leaving your home.

In general, I decided to figure it out, is it worth buying all these “miracle things” with funny names, and why is mate tea so useful?

From this article you will learn:

Mate tea - useful properties and recipes for use

They say that this exotic mate tea has not only an amazing taste, but also a lot of useful properties.

True lovers of this non-traditional drink know exactly how positively it affects the body.

What is this exotic tea and how to drink it?

What is mate tea?

Mate, also in Spanish-Russian dictionaries, the stress on the first syllable is sometimes found, due to pronunciation in Spanish) - a tonic drink prepared from dried crushed leaves and young shoots of Paraguayan wiki holly

Many scientists claim that Paraguayan tea is one of the most ancient drinks in the world. Mate tea was used by the Indians in the 7th century BC. e.

This type of tea is different from the usual traditional drinks.

We are used to brewing the leaves of the plant, and this drink is made from the leaves and stems of the Paraguayan holly, an evergreen shrub with a whitish bark, similar to a small tree, which, for use, is not fermented, but very finely ground, sometimes almost into dust.

Therefore, if you do not know how to choose a mate, make sure that small grains are observed in the dry mixture, as confirmation of its naturalness and high quality.

How is mate tea obtained?

The leaves and stems of the tree-like holly are collected in large plantations, after harvesting the plant is dried under the action of high temperatures.

The resulting dry branches are crushed into powder, after which it is ready for further use.

An interesting fact: when the leaves are processed, fermentation is not performed, therefore, with a long infusion, the drink acquires a bitter taste.

Brewing tea also requires compliance with special rules. Usually it is prepared not in a cup familiar to us, but in a special vessel called "kalabas" (calabash).

From it they drink this unusual tea through a tube, at the end of which there is a mouthpiece, and on the other side there is a strainer - this is a bombilla.

Calabash, also calabash, calabash, mate - the common name for vessels for drinking hot infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves, better known as mate (yerba mate). Vessels were made by the Indians from the gourd (Lagenaria siceraria).

Mate tea - Chemical composition

The rich chemical composition is the reason for the many beneficial properties of this rare exotic tea. Scientists agreed that this drink combines about 190 components.

The composition of the leaves and stems of the Paraguayan holly is diverse, they contain the following components:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E (they improve metabolism, help in the absorption of iron);
  • organic acids;
  • bioflavonoids (reduce cell oxidation);
  • saponins (reduce inflammation);
  • tannins (have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • antioxidants (remove free radicals);
  • beneficial minerals.

An important distinguishing feature of mate tea

The composition of tea is rich in antioxidants and alkaloids, including matein. It is similar in its properties to caffeine, but acts more gently, without affecting the functioning of the heart and without stimulating the body as a whole.

In addition, the effect of caffeine lasts no more than 3 hours, while mateine ​​tones and refreshes the body for a longer time. The advantage of the drink, along with coffee, is that it does not disturb sleep.

It is also worth noting that mate, unlike coffee, is not addictive.

Healing properties of mate tea

The healing effect of the drink has been known since ancient times, when the Indians used mate as a remedy for various diseases, in particular infectious ones.

However, Paraguayan tea will be more than useful for other diagnoses.

Mate tea has the following effect:

  • stimulates the digestive tract;
  • relieves spasms;
  • improves the immune-protective function of the body;
  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • reduces appetite, improving metabolism;
  • helps with depression and mental disorders.

Mate is also very low in calories. There are only 30 calories per 1 liter of finished tea, which allows you to use this healing drink for weight loss.

In addition, this tea allows you to burn fats and carbohydrates in the body, due to the high content of various acids.

It has a mate and diuretic effect, improves metabolic processes in the body and increases energy costs, which allows you to burn excess calories with great intensity.

Mate removes and breaks down fats, and therefore helps to lose weight.

How to brew and drink?

The process of preparing and brewing mate tea should not be done in a hurry.

The utensils for tea in which it is prepared are of great importance. The drink must be brewed only in calabash.

  1. First, the required amount of dry powder is poured into a small amount of cold water, in which the drink should swell.
  2. After that, a tube is inserted into the resulting slurry and hot water is added to the vessel, with a temperature of not more than 80 C.
  3. Drink mate immediately after brewing.
  4. As soon as the liquid in the tea is over, you can add more water and use this healthy and tasty drink again.

It is worth remembering that if the mate has stood for a while, it can ferment and acquire a bitter and unpleasant taste. This bitterness usually soaks into the walls of the calabash and the tea becomes unusable.

When preparing mate, sugar is usually not added, but its pleasant taste can be supplemented with a little milk or lemon juice.

Mate tea - contraindications for use

A large set of useful active substances certainly plays in favor of this tea.

But today you can find information that low-quality mate tea, if prepared incorrectly, can provoke the development of cancer, which makes you think about its use, and when purchasing a drink, you need to be 100% sure that it does not contain flavorings, that when collecting it used a lot of agrochemicals and defoliants, and it has never been gas-dried.

And mate tea should never be consumed at an infusion temperature above 80C!!!

Mate also has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account.

  • has an increased acidity of the stomach;
  • suffering from kidney disease;
  • prone to the formation of salts in the body.

And also it is worth adding to the contraindications that it is forbidden to drink mate for children and nursing mothers, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. For these categories of people, mate is a particular danger.

That's the information, friends!

Do you drink mate tea?

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Mate tea is one of the best tonic drinks, which in its properties is equal to caffeine. This tea is called Paraguayan due to its origin: the leaves and shoots of the Paraguayan holly, which is grown in South America, are used to make tea. Mate tea has an amazing taste that borders on the bitterness of green tea and the sweetness of vanillin. It is also believed that Brazilian tea contains many beneficial vitamins and elements that have a positive effect on human immunity.

However, there are conflicting opinions about the dangers of such an exotic drink. Therefore, in order to enjoy the full range of taste of mate tea, you need to know how to properly brew and drink a Brazilian drink so that it brings only benefits. It is also important to note that mate tea is very often taken for weight loss purposes. So, in order to discover the mystery of mate tea, you need to learn more about the benefits and harms of this drink. This is what we will be talking about next.

Mate tea: good or bad?

Benefits of mate tea

To begin with, it is important to understand the composition of mate tea. Indeed, in one brewed leaflet there is a whole list of useful both chemical and biological elements. The chemical elements include: nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), tannin, rutin, beta-amirin, inositol, as well as isovaleric, isocaproic, resinous, isobutyric acid; potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese, vanillin, chlorine and water. Useful vitamins include groups A, B, C, E, P. Thanks to this composition, according to experts, a number of useful properties of mate tea can be distinguished, such as:

  • It has a tonic effect on the body and stimulates physical and mental work. Due to the sedative effect, the work of the nervous system improves, it helps to fight depression, insomnia, nervousness and anxiety. Improves brain function.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire digestive tract, as well as liver function, lowering cholesterol levels. With regular use, the digestive process improves and the gastric mucosa is restored.
  • It cleanses the blood of toxins and poisons and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the cleansing of blood vessels, blood pressure is normalized, which is especially useful for hypertensive patients.
  • Strengthens the body's immune system, thereby increasing the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses. It is useful to drink tea after a viral illness, which contributes to a faster recovery of health.

It is important to know! Another tea mate, perfectly helps to fight excess weight. This important feature of mate tea will be discussed below.

Is mate tea harmful?

According to some studies, there is a danger of drinking too hot a drink. Hot tea, getting into the stomach, can damage the walls of the esophagus, which may lead to the development of a cancerous tumor.

The second version is more significant, it lies in the presence of carcinogens in hot tea. Due to the frequent use of too hot a drink, the likelihood of developing cancer not only of the esophagus, but also of the bladder, as well as the lungs, is allowed. It should be noted that with prolonged use of tea, increased dryness of the skin and a decrease in sweating can be observed.

How should mate tea be brewed?

In order to properly brew mate, you need to purchase a special vessel for this, called a calabash, made from pumpkin. However, if this is not possible, then you can brew tea in an ordinary teapot. If you are brewing mate in a new calabash, then first you need to fill it up to half with crushed tea leaves and pour warm water. Let the tea stand for a few days and then pour it out. Calabaza will need to be well cleaned of plaque after tea.

Thus, the vessel will be saturated with a pleasant aroma of tea and will serve you for a long time. After this procedure, you can already brew tea for consumption. To brew mate tea, it is necessary to carefully pour 2/3 of mate tea on one side and slowly pour warm water up to half (no more than 80 degrees). After a few minutes, the tea leaves should swell well, and you can add warm water. After waiting another 2-3 minutes, you can start a pleasant tea party. Mate tea can be brewed up to eight times in a row. After the first brewing, do not leave the tea for a long time, otherwise it will be very bitter.

Delicious mate tea recipes

To enjoy mate tea, there are many recipes for its preparation. Here are just a few of them that diversify the taste and method of preparation.

1) Mate tea with citrus. Pour crushed pieces of peel of dried fruits, such as orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit, into calabash with mate leaves. This will add additional aroma and fruity notes to the taste.

2) Mate tea with a tonic effect. Ground coffee is added to the prepared mate to taste. This helps to activate the work of the body. However, you should be careful and not often use such a strong drink!

3) Mate tea with a relaxing effect. To do this, various useful herbs are added with mate leaves. For example, to calm the nervous system, mint and lemon balm are added; to relax the head, you can add chamomile flowers; to maintain the cardiovascular system, add linden leaves and valerian.

4) Mate tea is nutritious. Such tea can be given even to children or prepared for yourself instead of breakfast. It is necessary to boil the milk and cool it to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Then pour mate leaves over it. Since milk has a fat content, mate will not be very bitter, and if you add a piece of honey, then it will not be possible to break away from such a drink!

Mate tea as a means of losing weight

As already mentioned, mate tea has a good effect on digestion and improves bowel function, which in turn helps to cleanse the body of unnecessary toxins and fats.

Mate tea perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and, thanks to its rich vitamin complex, does not allow the body to become depleted. Also, the drink will strengthen the natural protective functions of the body and help stabilize the metabolism in the body.

Mate tea also contains natural elements that help to naturally break down excess fat in the body. Many nutritionists recommend drinking mate tea as the main addition to a weight loss program.

Mate tea…

So, mate tea is not only an exquisite gourmet drink, but quite useful, and sometimes necessary for active life. Thanks to the rich composition of vitamins and nutrients, each leaf contains something that helps to enjoy an unusual taste and recharge your batteries for every day.

After trying various cooking recipes, you can choose the one that will bring you the most pleasure. So have a nice "matepitiya"!

The unique natural ingredients found in mate (or mate) can be of great benefit to humans. With the right preparation method, in which mate retains its beneficial properties, it allows our body to receive a large set of natural vitamins that cannot be obtained from any other product (Bixby, 2005).

Below are some properties of mate tea:

  • mate is a good detoxifier (helps to remove toxic poisons from the body)
  • mate improves sleep
  • mate increases immunity and improves the protective properties of the body
  • reduces allergic reactions
  • gives energy
  • reduces the risk of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients
  • helps to relax muscles after exercise
  • enables the body to burn more calories
  • increases the ability to concentrate
  • improves mood
  • improves metabolism and oxygenation of organs
  • reduces the feeling of hunger
  • slows down the formation of cancer (based on research from the University of Illinois, Chicago.)
  • reduces the risk of heart attack and heart attack
  • helps digestion

Some of these properties are also inherent in green tea, but there are much more such properties in the arsenal of mate. Of the 196 chemical components of mate tea, only 144 are found in green tea. A processing process similar to that of green tea allows most of the antioxidants and other beneficial elements to be preserved. The Journal of Alternative Medicine concludes: "yerba mate is a rich source of polyphenols and has antioxidant properties that are superior to those of green tea (2). As it turns out, traditionally prepared yerba mate is "much more effective than green tea and red wines in producing polyphenols and increasing their concentration in the blood" (Bixby, 2005).

Useful properties of mate lie in truly unique elements that are not found in green tea, or they are contained in it in low concentration. The Journal of Ethnoformacology names many of them: Vitamins B-1, B-2, A, riboflavin, carotene, colin, pantothenic acid, inositol and 15 types of amino acids (3). During the research it was found that: "The significant amount of potassium, sodium and magnesium present in the leaves is also present in the prepared drink." All these components are very important for the healthy functioning of the human body.

Other chemical components contained in mate:

  • 2-butoxyethanol
  • linalool
  • geranyl citate
  • caprylic acid
  • caproic acid
  • l-penten-3-ol
  • œ-terpineol
  • pelargonic acid
  • geraniol
  • 6-methyl-(E)-3,5-heptadien-2-one
  • 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one
  • 2,6,6-trimethyl-2-hydroxycyclohexanone
  • œ-ionone
  • octanol
  • 5,6-epoxy-ß-ionone
  • ß-ionone
  • 6,10,14-trimethylpentadecanone
  • heptanol
  • (E)-2,(E)-4-heptadienal
  • hexanal
  • (E)-2-pentenol
  • (E)-2-hexena

The benefits of mate: conclusions

As a result, we can conclude that mate is much healthier than green tea.

Please remember that each person's body is unique and stimulants of any kind should be taken seriously. Use the above information as a springboard from which to build on your further exploration of mate.

Mate has all the advantages of green tea and almost no cons of coffee (increased pressure, negative effect on the heart). At the same time, mate is a very mild and completely natural stimulant that energizes for the whole day.

Mate slows down aging

Mate, also known as Paraguayan tea, appears to strengthen the body's natural defenses, help reduce cell damage, and thus slow down aging and prevent the development of various diseases. Doctors came to this conclusion. They attribute such properties to the high content of polyphenols, which are found in a decoction of mate leaves.

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of this tonic drink, it is necessary to properly prepare the decoction. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of mate and pour 0.5 hot water (the optimum temperature is 70 degrees Celsius).

In this case, the content of antioxidants in the resulting drink will reach 500-600 milligrams, which is much more than in the same amount of black or green tea.

And a little more about the benefits of the mat

Mate tea is a real gift that the Indians of South America made to Europeans. Another name for mate is Paraguayan tea. It is brewed from the leaves of the Yerba mate plant. The drink is bitter with a slight sweetish tint.

Brewing mate is a special ritual for which you will need a vessel for brewing calabash (calabash in some readings), which is made from a gourd, and a straw with a sieve at the end of a bombiglia (bombija).

The range of useful properties of mate tea is very wide. Tea has an invigorating effect and helps to recover from intense physical exertion. This is due to the fact that the mat contains matein (Metil Xantine). This substance acts like caffeine, ie. tones the body, gives strength and energy. But the hallmark of mateine ​​is that, unlike caffeine, it does not increase blood pressure or increase heart rate. Thanks to the same matein, mate tea increases immunity and enhances the body's resistance to viral infections.

Mate has a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract (effective for constipation and diarrhea), helps with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system. It perfectly cleanses the blood and blood vessels of cholesterol.

It should be especially noted that the Indians who discovered this tea, in fact, mate could replace food, especially on long journeys. The thing is that mate tea contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for human life:

  • vitamins of groups B, A, C, E,
  • tannin,
  • carotene,
  • biotin,
  • nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, hydrochloric acid,
  • magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, silicon, phosphates, sulfur.

The classic brewing of mate tea with calabash involves several stages, during which you should not rush. Dry tea leaves are poured into the calabash by about 2/3 and tilted so that a void forms at one of its edges. Then, hot (or cold - for cold mate) water is poured into the kolebra in small portions so that the tea leaves are only slightly wetted. After the water is completely absorbed into the tea leaves (after 3 minutes), the latter will lose its flowability and will look like a thick slurry. A bombilla is placed in the oscilla so that it reaches to the very bottom, and the container is filled to the top with water.

It should be remembered that mate tea should not be poured with boiling water, because then it will lose all its beneficial properties and even be unpleasant in taste. The temperature of the water for brewing should be no higher than 80 degrees.

Mate tea can be drunk almost immediately after refilling with water, the infusion lasts only 1-2 minutes. It is worth noting that if the tea is steeped for too long, it begins to taste bitter. Having placed the bombilla in the very thick of the calabash, the tea is slowly sipped in small sips.

Mate tea can be brewed with sugar or honey by placing a sweetener on the bottom of the wobble before brewing. Mate can also be brewed like coffee. Tea leaves in the ratio of 50 grams per liter of water are boiled for a couple of minutes.

Cold mate is prepared in almost the same way, but such tea will be infused much longer. Cold mate is sometimes mixed with orange, lemon, or grapefruit juice, as well as mint leaves, sugar, or honey. It is believed that the classic bitter mate is the drink of a man, while the sweet mate is drunk by women and children. But the custom of drinking mate with sugar was brought to Argentina by our compatriots who settled on the banks of the La Plata and Parana rivers.
