
Is it possible to feta cheese while breastfeeding. Sausage cheese on the nursing menu

Cheese is a healthy product that can be consumed by a nursing mother in limited quantities and certain varieties. Soft for a sandwich cream cheese, also cheese can be added to salad and casserole. But in the form self-dish The product is recommended to be used with caution. Remember that excess food and overeating, too salty or spicy food causes allergies in the baby.

Interestingly, the content of cheese in vitamins and trace elements exceeds the content of fresh milk. At the same time, the protein in the cheese is absorbed by the baby's body much easier than milk protein. Each component is absorbed completely and does not cause heaviness in the digestion of the mother and the baby.

Beneficial features

  • Improves digestion and has a positive effect on bowel function;
  • Normalizes hematopoiesis and is responsible for the movement of lymph;
  • Increases immunity and produces energy;
  • Reduces the risk of diabetes and tuberculosis;
  • Strengthens the bone skeleton;
  • Restores and preserves the bone skeleton;
  • Provides growth of nails and hair;
  • Strengthens the hair structure;
  • Stabilizes the water balance in the body.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Components Action Content in 100 gr of product
A (retinol) Ensures normal development and growth of bones, improves vision, skin elasticity and hair structure 0.4 mg
B1 (thiamine) Normalizes the work of muscles, nerve cells, heart and intestines 0.03 mg
B2 (riboflavin) Protects the eyes, maintains healthy skin, hair and nails, ensures the activity of the brain 0.3 mg
B6 (pyridoxine) Provides material in the body, forms immunity, helps with convulsions. muscle spasms and numbness 0.1 mg
B9 (folic acid) Provides growth and development of the body as a whole, forms immune system helps with stress, improves appetite and gives strength 19 mcg
B12 (cobalamin) Normalizes the work of nerve cells, the immune system of the liver, prevents anemia and lowers cholesterol 1.4 mcg
C (ascorbic acid) Forms and strengthens the immune system, helps with viral diseases normalizes blood clotting, cleanses the body 2.8 mg
E (tocopherol) Protects body cells and regulates blood circulation, normalizes hormonal background and reduces fatigue 0.3 mg
PP (niacin) Regulates the functioning of the nervous system, maintains healthy skin and intestines, improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure 0.2 mg
Iron Carries oxygen, slows down aging, provides metabolism in the body, strengthens nails 0.9 mg
Calcium Supports immunity and normal blood clotting, forms the bone skeleton and tooth enamel 1.1 mg
Potassium Regulates the water balance in the body, the work of the heart, muscles and nerves 100 mg
Manganese Stimulates the work of enzymes in the body, invigorates and relieves fatigue, helps with insomnia, arthritis and cramps 100 mcg
Zinc Protects cells, provides normal growth and timely development 4 mg
Sodium Maintains water balance in the body, ensures the functioning of muscles 860 mg
Magnesium Provides energy metabolism, stabilizes the functioning of nerve cells, blood vessels and the heart, helps with migraines 50 mg
Copper Participates in the formation of the bone skeleton, blood, immunity and connective tissues, prevents skin flaking, improves sleep 70 mcg
Phosphorus Restores cells, improves memory and brain performance, 540 mg

Popular cheese varieties

Hard varieties go through a long ripening process of 4-8 months. First, the cheese is boiled at a certain temperature in a metal container, and then sent under a press. Such types of product are distinguished by a high fat content of over 50%. Main representatives: Swiss, Parmesan, Dutch, Kostroma and Russian, Cheddar.

Smoked cheese is a hard variety with a brown rind and a pronounced smoked flavor. Made from Cheddar and Gouda varieties.

Processed cheese is also made from hard varieties, to which they add butter, cream and powdered milk. Processed cheeses are suitable for dessert and sandwich.

Soft varieties are made from fresh pasteurized cow's milk using bacterial starter. Cheese is creamy or milky taste, pasty soft consistency and average fat content of 40-40%. This species includes Roquefort, Dorogobuzh and Smolensk.

Pickled cheeses contain up to 8% table salt and undergo maturation in salt brine for 1-3 months. Such cheese crumbles and breaks a little. At the same time, the product has a pleasant salty aftertaste. Pickled varieties are prepared from goat, cow and sheep milk. These are Suluguni, Feta, Brunost, Ricotta and Brynza.

New product at breastfeeding introduced gradually. First try small piece cheese and watch the reaction of the baby for two days. If the child has an allergy or indigestion, it is better to postpone the introduction of the product into the diet of a nursing mother. You can try again in a month.

If there is no negative reaction and the baby is feeling normal, you can safely enter the cheese on the menu. It is better for a nursing mother to choose brine varieties from goat and sheep's milk, since whole milk sometimes causes allergies in babies. Suitable Ricotta with low fat content, which is up to 10%. May not be used a large number of Cheese.

Feta - suitable cheese when breastfeeding, as the product contains goat milk. It resembles cottage cheese in taste, content and consistency. And is one of the most useful products.

You can also use other types of cheeses for a nursing mother, but in limited quantities! Choose low-fat (up to 20% fat) young cheeses that have not undergone a too long ripening process. Therefore, when breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use hard varieties cheeses, at least the first two or three months after childbirth.

In addition, cheese has a number of contraindications when consumed:

  • Due to the sodium content, cheeses are not recommended for gastritis and urolithiasis, ulcers and hypertension;
  • Too salty varieties, when consumed in excess, will cause fluid retention in the body, which will lead to a deterioration in production. breast milk!;
  • When breastfeeding, you can not eat cheeses with additives (ham, mushrooms, spices, etc.) and mold. This will cause diarrhea and even poisoning in the baby;
  • Soft varieties cause and increase appetite, so this cheese is not recommended for overweight;
  • Brine varieties, when consumed in excess, cause dry mouth.

When breastfeeding, you can only eat fresh pure cheese without additives. Well if it home product. This will give confidence in the ingredients and production time.

How to make cheese at home

Easy and quick when cooking at home variety - Cheese. In addition, this species is not contraindicated in breastfeeding. We offer traditional recipe Cheese without the addition of spices and herbs, which are harmful to the still fragile body of the newborn. Take:

  • Cow's or goat's milk with the lowest fat content - 3 liters;
  • Vinegar natural, apple or wine - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Bring milk to a boil, add vinegar and salt. Stir the mixture with a spoon until the salt dissolves and the milk curdles. The result is curd mass and whey. Drain the whey and curd mass transfer to a colander with cheesecloth and strain to drain off any remaining whey. Place the cottage cheese under oppression (press) and leave for 1-2 hours. After that, Brynza can be eaten immediately.

In the end, you get not too salty and not too sour cheese which is suitable for breastfeeding mothers and babies. Store Brynza in boiled salted water. This type of cheese can be used for cooking Greek salad with olive oil dressing.

How future mom looking forward to meeting my little one. The pleasant aspects of this moment are mixed with some strictness and restrictions. Although the woman understood what the restrictions were during pregnancy, but with the advent of the baby, they expanded and hardened. Now everything that the mother eats goes to the newborn. How to eat so as not to harm the baby? What is allowed? How many? Is it possible to cheese while breastfeeding (HB)?

Composition and benefits

At the moment, there is a wide variety of cheeses made from various raw materials: cow's milk, as well as sheep, goats. Classic variant- solid, including a lot of valuable components, they determine the benefits for the body. Other varieties of this product have similar composition, the difference lies in the specific gravity of the individual components.

Element% of daily allowance in 100 gImpact on the body
Vitamin A44.4 It is an antioxidant, important for the quality of vision, strengthens the immune system, participates in the synthesis of proteins, normalizes metabolic processes, slows down aging.
Vitamin B 216.7 It is important for the formation of red blood cells, regulates growth processes, is necessary for the health of the skin and hair, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Vitamin B 1246.7 It is important in the process of cell division and the formation of DNA, participates in the processes of regeneration, metabolism, strengthens nervous system, prevents the development of depression, prevents the development of anemia.
Vitamin PP22.6 Participates in redox processes, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves cardiovascular activity, preventing the development of thrombosis and normalizing cholesterol levels.
Calcium100 An important element of bone tissue, teeth. Participates in the processes of blood clotting and activates hematopoiesis.
Magnesium12.5 It normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens the nervous system, improves reproductive functions, prevents the deposition of kidney stones, improves the condition of the teeth.
Sodium66.2 Together with potassium, they normalize fluid balance, stimulate digestion, the urinary system, and help preserve calcium in the body.
Phosphorus67.5 Participates in the functioning of the nervous system and the functioning of the brain, together with calcium is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, regulates growth processes, is responsible for cell regeneration, and activates the action of vitamins.
Zinc33.3 Participates in the processes of cell regeneration, is important for the growth of hair, nails, skin condition, helps to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to these elements, cheese contains iron, copper, selenium, manganese and potassium, but in smaller percentages.

The benefit is also that this milk product contains a protein that is more easily absorbed by the body, which cannot be said about dairy.

The influence of different types of cheese on a nursing mother

The variety of the studied type of product is amazing, but it is worthwhile to clearly define: what kind of cheese can a nursing mother.

hard varieties

Adyghe cheese is the most popular. It belongs to the brine varieties. You can use immediately after the birth of the crumbs.

It contains a minimum of salt, a large specific gravity easily digestible protein, valuable vitamins, macro- and microelements. If you wish, you can do it yourself. But it is worth remembering that it is considered a high-calorie product.


sausage cheese, like other types of processed products, it is better to exclude from the menu or postpone its use for more late time. It contains a large number of additives that will adversely affect the condition of the baby, especially if smoking was used in their manufacture.

In production, some unscrupulous manufacturers use expired hard cheese, add cream or butter, cottage cheese and melting salts to it. It is replete with spices that are undesirable when feeding.


Processed cheese is undesirable during breastfeeding. The basis of such cheeses is hard cheese, but then there are additives. Such cheeses attract attention pleasant taste, but there is no benefit from them to a nursing mother, and, accordingly, to a baby.

It is worth paying attention to the list chemical additives in their composition: melting salts, lemon acid, Palm oil, phosphate additives. Some processed cheeses are made by mixing different varieties, some of them are contraindicated for use by a nursing woman.

If desired processed cheese you can cook by yourself. This process is simple, while you don’t have to worry about quality.

Brie cheese is also not recommended for breastfeeding, as one of the variations of molded cheeses. It matures in rooms saturated with penicillium fungus. This prohibition does not mean that you cannot treat yourself to a small piece of delicacy, but at the same time you need to weigh your desires and benefits.

Cottage cheese

Allowed during lactation. It is worth remembering its calorie content and quality. It is recommended to cook it yourself.

It is better not to use during the feeding period. It contains penicillin, the child develops addiction, in the future, when choosing antibiotics for treatment, this fact may affect the result of therapy.

Such cheeses include: Munster, Roquefort, Camembert, Brie and others. In the production, fungi are used that can cause allergic manifestations in a baby who is on breastfeeding.

Allocate cheeses with mold: white, red, blue.

What is the best cheese for a breastfeeding mother?

Cheese, preferably, choose low-fat (not higher than 20%). If a woman's milk is low-fat, you can not be afraid to eat more fatty varieties, but you need to remember about their calorie content.

In addition to hard cheeses, Feta, which includes goat's milk, is well suited. It is better to choose young cheeses that have passed a not too long period of ripening.

Mothers whose babies suffer from allergic reactions to lactose, cow protein, can eat cheeses based on goat or sheep's milk. At the same time, it is low-calorie, it does not contain carotene and contains a number of probiotics needed for digestion.

The question of consumption quantities remains important. It is necessary to follow the rules for introducing a new product into the menu. You need to start with a small portion. If there are no negative reactions from the baby, bring it up to 50 grams per day.

Is it possible to cheese in the first month

For a nursing mother, this product is useful from the first days of feeding, but it is necessary to approach the choice of varieties responsibly. Preference is better hard species. It is allowed to use Feta, Mozzarella, cottage cheese, Adyghe.

When to give up cheese

This dairy product is capable of producing negative impact and eating cheese is not recommended for a nursing mother:

  1. For diseases urinary system, this product contains sodium salts, which in the body is responsible for water-salt balance. In addition, sodium salts accumulate in the kidneys and cause the movement of stones.
  2. With pyelonephritis.
  3. Too much salty varieties can cause fluid retention in the body.
  4. From smoked cheeses must be discarded, since some of them are produced using liquid smoke.
  5. Fatty cheeses increase the fat content of milk, which will affect the digestive system of the baby, leading to constipation or diarrhea. At the same time, the baby is quickly satiated, refusing to eat out the entire breast, respectively, “hind” milk does not get to him.
  6. Products with additives: mushrooms, spices, ham, they lead to allergic reactions at the breast. An exception are species with nuts. nuts important product on the woman's menu.

How to buy quality cheese

The quality of the product remains the main selection criterion. It can be recognized by:

  1. Inspection visually: a quality product has a uniform crust, no cracks, spots, dry and free to separate from the cheese itself. When cut, it should not be sticky or weathered.
  2. Color shade: it is ideally whitish, uniform in color, without spots. Yellow, reddish colors are given to cheese with food coloring.
  3. Holes: their presence on the cheese indicates quality. Except for the species: parmesan, cheddar. Their size throughout the cut is the same.
  4. Smell: The smell of yeast, bitterness or rot should not be present.
  5. Taste: Should not be cloyingly bitter or sour.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the list of ingredients. It must not have:

  • vegetable fats, then it will be a cheese product;
  • flavors;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • preservatives and other artificial ingredients.


Cheese for a nursing mother is necessary and important. It is necessary to include this product in the diet, but it must be carefully approached in view of the product used, its quantity and quality. Cheese with HS brings maximum benefit subject to the recommendations of specialists in HB and nutritionists.

Do not succumb to fleeting weaknesses and eat cheeses that are not recommended for consumption. Important to remember: proper nutrition- a healthy baby! A healthy baby is a happy mom!

Cheese - indispensable product, which is always present in our refrigerators. It is not only the main ingredient of useful and hearty sandwiches, but also adds zest to most dishes - salads, casseroles, etc. When can I start eating cheese while breastfeeding?

The composition and benefits of cheese

Many mothers doubt whether cheese is possible while breastfeeding, because this product is made from cow's milk, which, as you know, is allergenic for crumbs. There is nothing to be afraid of: the peculiarities of the creation technology lead to the fact that heavy protein is absorbed much more easily and does not cause any reactions in infants to HB with moderate use.

The richness of the composition of the cheese is several times greater than its "progenitor" - whole milk. It contains a lot of sodium and potassium, which are necessary for the implementation of metabolic processes, as well as those involved in the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The product contains a lot of other important and rare micro and macro elements: magnesium and zinc, selenium and iron, calcium and phosphorus. Cheese is also rich in vitamins: its regular use will provide the body of a nursing mother with vitamin C, as well as B vitamins, which are very important for hematopoiesis processes, and hence for the lactation process as a whole.

Restrained use of cheese during breastfeeding will have a beneficial effect on literally all body systems of a newly-made mother:

  • improve digestion;
  • normalizes the balance of water in tissues and cells;
  • increase immunity;
  • provide energy;
  • normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis.

The inclusion of cheese in the diet of a nursing mother will help her, during a difficult lactation period, replenish the reserves of important elements consumed by the body during the production of breast milk. But is it possible to introduce this product immediately in the first month?

Who can't eat cheese?

Cheese contains a lot of sodium, but its increased amount can aggravate the course of the following pathologies:

  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • hypertension.

Another danger associated with eating cheese concerns soft varieties. They increase appetite, so mothers who want to reduce their weight or have severe problems with it should not get involved in such products.

Is it possible to cheese while breastfeeding?

When asked whether it is possible for a nursing mother to cheese, breastfeeding experts answer in the affirmative - it is not only possible, but also necessary to eat every day. The main conditions for the successful introduction of it into the diet is the choice quality product suitable variety and maintaining healthy moderation in consumption.

What kind of cheese can a new mom eat? Experts recommend choosing foods with a fat content of no more than 20%. To start introducing cheeses into the diet, it is better to purchase those made from non-allergenic goat milk, for example, Feta. In terms of content and consistency, it is very close to cottage cheese and will become useful addition to the mother's main menu.

In the first month it is recommended to eat young soft cheeses- cheese and mozzarella. But gourmet varieties with mold should not be present on the menu of a nursing mother, traces of toxic fungi in mother's milk can lead to bloating, rashes and poisoning in crumbs.

We will figure out what types of cheese and when can be introduced into the diet of a newly-made mother.

hard varieties

Hard cheese is a product of long maturation, the heads lie from 4 to 8 months. Swiss, Parmesan, Russian, Kostroma, Cheddar, Dutch - all these are hard varieties with a fat content of 50%.

Such products are recommended to be introduced at 4 months, when the baby's digestive system stabilizes. Cheese with a high fat content is difficult to digest, and traces of enzymes in mother's milk can cause excruciating attacks in crumbs suffering from colic.

The “heaviness” of hard varieties also determines the recommended restraint when using such cheeses. Experts advise nursing mothers not to get carried away and eat no more than 30 grams per day.

soft varieties

Soft varieties of cheese (Roquefort, Smolensky, Dorogobuzhsky) ripen faster due to the addition of fresh milk special bacterial starter. Lactic acid microorganisms fold the protein, creating in the course of their life a paste-like mass with a pleasant creamy taste.

Soft cheeses have a fat content of 30-40%, it is such a product that women with HB are allowed to eat from the first month. When buying goods in a store, you should pay attention to expiration dates and composition - among the ingredients there should not be spicy additives, nuts, mushrooms or pieces of ham.

processed cheese

The technology for creating processed cheeses is based on the heat treatment of hard varieties, during which butter, milk powder and cream are added to the mass. In addition to these ingredients, preservatives, flavorings and other additives are introduced into products according to TU, which are unlikely to benefit mother and baby for breastfeeding.

Even if you find high-quality processed cheese without a large number of chemical additives, experts do not recommend eating this type of product in the first 3 months. Created from durum varieties with the introduction of cream, such products have high fat content, which will negatively affect the work of the digestive system of the newborn.


Smoked cheeses (smoked suluguni, sausage, "pigtail" and others) are processed with natural or liquid smoke. This method of manufacture is associated with the accumulation of a large number of chemical or carcinogenic compounds on the surface of the product, therefore it is strictly forbidden to use such products for a nursing woman.

Smoked products, in addition to dangerous chemical components, contain a large amount of salt. Such food will lead to the accumulation of water in the tissues, and a violation water balance, in turn, can cause problems with milk production, which is why you should not eat similar products during lactation.

Salted varieties

Such cheeses mature for 1-3 months in salt brine, while only 8% of salt accumulates in the mass. Slightly salty heads are easily broken and crumbled, and they are cooked from different milk- cow, sheep and goat.

It is not forbidden to eat salty varieties during lactation, but it is better for a newly-made mother to choose products containing less salt. Feta or Adyghe cheese are ideal for feeding with HB already in the first month, and more salty Suluguni, Ricotta and Brynza can be tasted after the full normalization of breast milk production.

How to enter into the diet with HB

Like any New Product, cheese should be included in your menu gradually. First, it is recommended to try less allergenic products made from goat's milk, and then gradually switch to regular ones made from cow's milk.

  1. For the first time, it is allowed to try a very small piece (no more than 10 grams), and then observe the reactions of the crumbs from the skin and gastrointestinal tract for three days. If you eat cheese in the morning before feeding your baby, by the evening he may have colic, and the next day there will be a rash or diarrhea. If an infant develops such food reactions in response to a novelty in your diet, it is better to stop experimenting. It will be possible to try cheese with HB again in 3-4 weeks.
  2. In the absence of negative reactions, you can gradually increase the amount of cheese in your diet. Recommended by experts daily rate is 50 grams for low-fat varieties and 30 grams for hard ones.
  3. When introducing a new variety into your diet, you should also start tasting the cheese in small pieces.
  4. Use moderation when using cheese and consider its volume when preparing all dishes. If you ate 50 grams of cheese for breakfast, you can’t cook salads with it or make casseroles in the evening.

A nursing mother should carefully approach the choice of cheese that she eats. It must be of high quality and fresh - only then the product will not harm the health of the crumbs. Many women prefer to make their own cheese, so they can be sure that it is made from natural products.

Homemade Cheese Recipes

Shop counters are now full of inexpensive "cheese products", the taste of which makes you think about the naturalness of its composition. Meanwhile, quality cheeses are quite expensive, so many mothers prefer to cook them at home on their own. The technology of creation is quite simple, and desired products almost always on hand.

homemade cheese

Lightly salted cheese cooks quickly and has a pleasant creamy taste without excessive acidity. It can be spread on toast or used in salads.

  • 3 l. milk;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 3 tbsp vinegar.

Milk is boiled, after which salt and vinegar are introduced into it. In order for the mixture to curl well, it should be constantly stirred with a spoon until the cottage cheese is visible from the whey. Strain the mass through cheesecloth, squeeze well from the liquid, and then transfer to a container under oppression. In 2 hours homemade cheese will be ready.

Store the "head" in a weak brine prepared from boiled water.

traditional cheese

Such a product is constantly prepared in the villages from the remains of milk. The liquid is heated, and then put in a warm place for a couple of days. When the milk is pronounced sour, it is filtered through gauze. The resulting mass is tasted, if it is too sour, it can be additionally washed with water and then filtered again.

From cottage cheese flakes a dense lump is formed, which is placed in a container under oppression. As the cheese matures, pinch off pieces from it and taste until the head reaches the taste you need.

As is known, some healthy foods while breastfeeding can harm the newborn by causing colic or allergies.

That is why many young mothers are interested in whether it is possible to include mozzarella cheese in their diet while breastfeeding, or is it potentially dangerous for the baby's fragile body? In this article, we will talk about useful properties this delicious product, and also we will figure out whether it is possible to include it in your diet for nursing mothers, and if so, when exactly.

Mozzarella cheese is one of the business cards Italy. To date, it is one of the most common varieties of cheese, both in the territory of its homeland and beyond its borders. This product has gained such wide popularity not only because of its gentle, unique taste but also due to its useful properties.

It should be noted that traditional mozzarella is made from buffalo milk. Of course, the price of such a product is very high, and therefore the vast majority of mozzarella is made from cow's milk.

The benefits of mozzarella are determined by the high content of:

  • Phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • Yoda;
  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamins of groups A, E and D;
  • Essential fatty acids Omega-3;
  • Copper.

Thanks to high content vitamins and trace elements, mozzarella contributes to:

  • Improving the functioning of the immune system. It is generally accepted that eating one ball of mozzarella a day can fully satisfy daily requirement organism in trace elements and vitamins. This property will be incredibly useful for women, both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Strengthening the musculoskeletal system. As you know, calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the development and strengthening of bones. Due to the high content of these trace elements, mozzarella is incredibly beneficial for a growing body.
  • Strengthening the nervous system. Fatty acid and vitamin A have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Mozzarella helps to get rid of depression, overcome the blues and improve sleep.
  • Improving teeth. Calcium, which is contained in mozzarella, can improve the condition of the teeth. The introduction of this type of cheese into the diet is necessary for women whose enamel has been depleted during pregnancy.

It should be noted that mozzarella is very easy to digest. Thanks to this property, all useful elements are completely absorbed by the body.

Of course, all useful elements are contained only in real mozzarella– fresh pickled cheese. Today in stores you can find hard cheese with a similar name, but it has nothing to do with real mozzarella. This applies to both taste and properties.

Possible harm to mozzarella with HB

Despite the great content useful substances, mozzarella cheese is not a completely safe product.

Mozzarella is contraindicated in:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • Chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • Tendency to edema;
  • kidney failure;
  • Individual intolerance to milk protein.

In addition, mozzarella has a mild laxative effect. In another case, this property could be attributed to the list of useful ones, however, when breastfeeding, mozzarella can cause indigestion in a child.

That is why this type of cheese should be introduced into your diet while breastfeeding very carefully.

How to keep mozzarella in the diet during lactation

Mozzarella belongs to the group of cheeses that can be introduced into the diet in the first month. However, this must be done with extreme caution:

  • You need to start with a very small portion - no more than 25 g.
  • On the day of the first introduction of cheese, you can not eat other foods new to the baby.
  • Pay close attention to your child's reaction. If a rash or eating disorder develops, delay the introduction of mozzarella for at least a month.
  • Maximum daily portion mozzarella - 50 g.
  • Mozzarella should not be combined with meat. This combination does not allow the absorption of many useful substances and provokes eating disorders.

Treat your cheese selection with the utmost care.

Mozzarella belongs to the group fresh cheeses, the expiration date of which is limited to 2-3 days. Old mozzarella can cause serious food poisoning.

If the child reacted negatively to the new product, do not despair. Firstly, the reaction to mozzarella cheese during breastfeeding may change after some time, and secondly, this cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese in many dishes.

The diet of a woman who has chosen breastfeeding for herself and her child requires special attention. After all, the foods that a nursing mother can eat affect the condition of her baby. With milk, all the elements and vitamins necessary for growth and development enter the baby's body. An incorrectly composed menu can lead to indigestion, allergic reactions, and many other unpleasant consequences.

Healthy Eating Guide

Food influences the entire lactation process. Some products increase the amount of milk produced, some can reduce it. In doing so, they affect taste qualities breast milk in such a way that the child may refuse breastfeeding altogether. A high-quality menu ensures the production of the required volume of milk and the full development of the child.

For the correct selection of products it is necessary:

  • it is reasonable to approach the choice of food, do not overeat, because. excess nutrition entails gastric discomfort not only in a nursing mother, but also in a child;
  • choose hypoallergenic foods in the first 4 weeks after birth to protect the newborn from allergies;
  • start experimenting with variety on the menu no earlier than the second month, new foods are eaten in small portions and reaction child's body evaluated within 2-3 days;
  • drink a lot of liquid, preferably warm, this will stimulate the formation of milk and at the same time cleanse the female body;
  • treat products containing animal protein with caution (eggs, milk);
  • take into account the saturation of the food consumed with the necessary nutrients and minerals, their lack slows down the growth and development of the infant;
  • avoid fried foods and spicy dishes, it is better if they are steamed, stewed or baked in the oven;
  • limit yourself to flour and rich treats, as well as various sweets;
  • completely remove alcohol and soda from your list of drinks;
  • do not use canned products;
  • give up mushrooms and homemade pickles, salt and acetic acid can cause poisoning and mushroom dishes hard to digest;
  • do not improve the taste of food by adding seasonings and spices, also refuse mayonnaise and various sauces.

What foods are allowed and in what quantities?

The following table tells about what a nursing mother can eat and what not:

CanIn what quantityIt is forbidden
Beef and rabbit, turkey and chicken, minced poultry or beefno more than 300 grPork and smoked products, fatty meat containing streaks and lard, sausage, ham, prepared foods and canned meat
Lean fish (such as pollock or codfish)no more than 300 grOily or salted herring or mackerel, canned fish and crab sticks
Dairy products, low-fat cottage cheeseno more than half a liter of kefir, fermented baked milk, etc., 150 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese and sour creamSalted and processed cheeses, cheese curds or drinks with fruit fillings
Eggchicken - 1 pc, quail - 4 pcsAny eggs with allergic reactions
Fruits (pear, banana, apple)no more than 300 grBright red or orange exotic fruits
Vegetables (cucumber, potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, parsley and dill, carefully carrots, beets and tomatoes)no more than 600 grRadish, horseradish white cabbage, Bell pepper, radish, basil with sage
Sweet and rich foods (some dark chocolate and ice cream without fillers, oatmeal cookies and biscuit, not very sweet pastries home cooking) Baking and glazed ice cream seasoned with various coloring fillers or other chemical compounds, wheat bread, jams and preserves
Dishes from cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, corn) and pastano more than 150 grSemolina porridge and pasta, which include an egg
sauces, vegetable oil from sunflower, olives or flax, butter15 gr vegetable oil
30 gr butter
Ketchups, sauces, mayonnaise
Freshly squeezed apple or carrot juice, non-carbonated drink, weak black or green teamore than 2 lAlcoholic or carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee, citrus or tomato juice

Dairy products and milk

Whole milk

The intake of cow's milk does not affect the quality of breast milk, but the protein contained in it is an allergen and can harm the baby.

Doctors do not advise drinking milk for up to five months, but if the child does not have a tendency to allergies, it is allowed to start drinking it earlier.

The list of allowed products includes baked milk, because has better digestibility and does not affect the quality of lactation. While breastfeeding, goat's milk is suitable, but due to the specific taste, not everyone can drink it. First, all cereals are boiled in water, cereals in milk are allowed to be cooked, starting from the fourth month.

Cottage cheese

There is a must when breastfeeding cottage cheese. Without it, the formation of the bone skeleton will be difficult. It is also an excellent stimulant for brain activity and mental processes. It is important that there are no impurities and additives in the cottage cheese, and even better if it is homemade.


Some nursing mothers doubt that breastfeeding can be continued after taking kefir, because it contains a small amount of alcohol. But its amount is negligible and insignificant, which absolutely does not threaten with unpleasant consequences for the baby. However, children's doctors suggest including it in the diet no earlier than the child is six months old. Kefir has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, improves the condition of hair and nails, but you should not include it in the menu more than three times a week.


The list of products for breastfeeding contains cheeses. When the baby is 2 months old, solid varieties are introduced into the permitted products during breastfeeding, later cheese or other soft and brine species are added to them. As for processed cheeses, it is advisable to refuse them.

Sour cream

Sour cream for nursing mothers is shown with a low percentage of fat, it is added to cottage cheese, salad or soup. Dairy products such as fermented baked milk or yogurt will also not harm during guards. Products purchased with nursing mothers must be fresh, so you need to additionally check the date of their manufacture when buying.

Which fruits to choose?

The list of products allowed during lactation includes some fruits. A balanced diet cannot be imagined without the inclusion of these delicious and useful fruits. In order to choose a fruit that will not bring harm in the form of allergies, stool disorders or other troubles, you should:

  1. choose to eat fruits whose color is not bright, with the exception of only those fruits that are easily released from the red or orange peel;
  2. do not abuse citrus fruits;
  3. clarify before use the degree of influence of the desired fruit on the state of the intestinal microflora.


In the first month after giving birth, you can eat apples. Remove the skin from the green fruit first. These fruits are very useful for blood composition and hemoglobin levels. At regular use apples reduce the risk of constipation.


Pears are also allowed products. They promote hematopoiesis, stabilize the heart and digestion. Although pears are sweeter than apples, they contain less sugar. It must be remembered that you can not eat pears on empty stomach, and before eating it is necessary to peel them.


Bananas are allowed foods for breastfeeding. If they are eaten between meals, then this great snack, and banana puree is suitable for breakfast. Bananas relieve insomnia, improve mood and stimulate the immune system.


3 months after giving birth, you can try peach and nectarine. Eating them while breastfeeding should be done carefully due to the presence of an allergen in them. In general, peaches protect against stress and depressive states, relieve swelling, improve mood.


Plums are better to pre-cook and drink plum compote, it allows you to increase the amount of milk produced, strengthen the skeletal system and normalize blood circulation.

Good for breastfeeding mom fresh fruits and berries grown exactly in the season of their ripening, and not greenhouse hybrids.

so white and yellow cherry you can eat in the period May-August, nectarines and peaches - mid-July-September, figs - from June to the end of September, ripens in October-December persimmon, A useful grenades will be in stores from September to December.

Until the child is 3 months old, it is better if the fruits are eaten dried or baked. This will reduce the content of allergens in them.

Which vegetables to choose?


All vegetables that have a red color should be treated with caution, in addition to useful elements they include pectin, which can cause strong skin rashes. But it is absolutely impossible to do without them.

If we talk about tomatoes, then, in general, they affect the body positively. They increase stress resistance and fight the formation of cancer cells, have an immunostimulating property. To make sure of their complete harmlessness, it is necessary to experiment first with the fruits of yellow shades and use them without the skin.

Broccoli, cabbage

Everyone knows about the benefits of broccoli and cauliflower. Their use is not capable of harming to an infant, on the contrary, vitamin C will help improve mood and strengthen the immune system of the crumbs, fighting viral infections and stress. This cannot be said about white cabbage. It is difficult to digest and threatens the child with digestive disorders.


Allowed for nutrition for nursing mothers from the first days after childbirth. They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, they help cleanse the body and cope with excess weight, reduce arterial pressure and normalize the activity of the nervous system.


It must be used very carefully to avoid unpleasant manifestations from the pancreas. During lactation, preference should be given only to fresh young cucumbers with the greatest content vitamin C. This vegetable helps to eliminate excess fluids and cleanse the kidneys, improves the condition of the heart muscle and increases resistance to stressful situations.

Nursing mothers are forbidden cucumbers in pickles and marinades with cucumbers. They retain fluid, lead to poisoning. But in the pickle, after heat treatment, pickles lose this property, therefore, with guards, after six months, it is completely allowed to use it.


Improving visual functions and skin, carrots should be introduced into food with care during breastfeeding, because. may cause allergic reactions.


The list of foods that should be eaten with caution during the Guards period includes eggplants. They are not prohibited, but allowed to be eaten after 3 months of the baby's life in moderate amounts. Eggplants improve metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the kidneys, liver, digestive system. Eating eggplant will help the baby cope with constipation.


Another natural remedy from constipation - beets. The main thing is not to overdo it. It must be present in the diet small quantities to improve digestion, development and strengthening of the skeleton.

Vegetables that a nursing mother can eat should be properly cooked, steamed, boiled, baked or stewed. For consumption of fruits fresh they must be washed well.

What drinks are preferred?

The list of foods and drinks allowed while breastfeeding is increasing by months. During the first four weeks of a child's life, it is not advisable to drink anything other than plain water and green tea.

Pure non-carbonated water must be drunk throughout the entire period when the baby is applied to the mother's breast. Green tea is characterized by a tonic effect, which is important for coffee lovers, which is included in the list of prohibited foods for a nursing mother. Besides, this drink promotes milk production.

During the second month, black tea, freshly squeezed juice from apples and carrots are excluded from the list of "forbidden foods". It is important that the strength of the tea is not strong, and water is added to the juices, they are diluted twice. Gradually reduce the volume of water. Juice from tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits and exotic fruits remains banned.

Perfectly quenches thirst and replenishes vitamin reserve berry compotes. Also suitable for making compotes are fresh fruits and: apple, pear, plum, dried apricots, prunes and raisins. All possible berries bright color it is better not to use for making a drink. Currants, strawberries or wild strawberries can cause allergies in a child.

Dairy products can be consumed with great care, it is better not to introduce them into the diet until 6 months after childbirth. There is also a six-month ban on coffee. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system of the baby and increases anxiety. For those who feel uncomfortable without coffee, a drink made from chicory is suitable.

It is strictly forbidden to use alcoholic and carbonated drinks while breastfeeding. They certainly harm the body of a woman, and cause irreparable damage to the health of the baby.

What is there to increase lactation?

The amount of milk produced depends on the measures taken by the mother to maintain and increase lactation. This requires regular attachment of the baby to the breast, choosing the right position for feeding, monitoring the condition of the breast and nipples, wearing special bras, and breastfeeding the child at will, especially at night.

For lactation, enhanced drinking regimen, warm drinks are especially good for stimulating the production of breast milk. A number of foods that are allowed while breastfeeding can also contribute to this process.

You can improve lactation with:

  • lean meat, chicken, turkey and rabbit are suitable;
  • broths and soups cooked on the same lean meat;
  • some cereals (hercules buckwheat);
  • a small amount of nuts (walnuts);
  • herbal teas specially designed for lactation;
  • infusions on cumin and fennel;
  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • bread with the addition of bran and cumin;
  • carrots;
  • ginger and tea with it;
  • gooseberries, white and red currants.

Products allowed for breastfeeding women should not be very hot or cold. This can be harmful, it is better to take all products in a slightly cooled or slightly warmed form.
