
Watercress salad benefits and contraindications. Watercress (watercress)

Watercress, bed bug, water or garden cress, capuchin cress, watercress, horseradish, peppercorn - these names have the same inconspicuous and unpretentious plant. It has been known since ancient times: it was served as a spice to the Egyptian pharaohs and Roman patricians. Watercress received its second birth and fame in the Middle Ages - it was very favored in England and Germany. And since then, thanks not only to the benefits, but also original taste, he is gaining more and more territories and fans.

Calories, vitamins and minerals

With a low calorie content (about 30 kcal per 100 g), watercress contains many substances that a person needs.

Did you know?for growth you don’t even need soil - just sow it in moist cotton wool, and in two weeks you will get excellent shoots.

It consists of:

  • water (90%);
  • cellulose;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamins - A, C, E, K, PP, D, group B;
  • folic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • essential oils.

Beneficial features

Watercress has a number of benefits.
In particular:

  • replenishes iodine reserves, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • stabilizes the composition of the blood and prevents its diseases;
  • prevents diseases of teeth and bones;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system;
  • reduces weight;
  • is an expectorant for colds;
  • normalizes the work of the heart and of cardio-vascular system;
  • improves appetite and sleep;
  • relieves depression;
  • has a pronounced diuretic effect;
  • heals wounds and burns;
  • cures skin diseases;
  • known as an antioxidant.

For women

It is difficult to find another, so rejuvenating remedy. The beautiful half of humanity can use it as part of:

  1. Masks for moisturizing, whitening and nourishing the skin of the face. You can use the plant on its own, but the effect will be brighter if you combine it with honey, lemon or oils (olive, sunflower, essential).
  2. Ice cubes frozen with lettuce. They are used to get rid of small facial wrinkles, acne, to normalize the sebaceous glands.
  3. Remedies for dandruff.
  4. Dishes daily diet: Since watercress is rich in water and fiber, it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. It removes excess fluid, toxins and toxins from the body, improving well-being and appearance.

Watercress is also able to cure skin diseases.

For men

For the representatives of the stronger sex, watercress will also not be useless. It provides:

  • restoration of male power;
  • treatment of prostatitis;
  • increased sexual desire.

Important! Pregnant women should also not ignore this spice, which will help get rid of excess fluid and constipation, as well as improve peristalsis.

The plant can be eaten with salad, in the form alcohol tincture or immature seeds. The latter is recommended for weakening sexual desire.

Smokers should be grateful too natural remedy, which contributes to the removal of thick viscous sputum from the bronchi and the protection of their weakened cardiovascular system.

Contraindications and harm

Like any plant, watercress has a number of contraindications. This spice is contraindicated in people:

  • allergy sufferers: this plant is one of the most strong allergens, therefore, for such people, its use should be limited, if not excluded;
  • having consistently low blood pressure - hypotension; with a passion for this greenery, pressure can drop to dangerous limits;
  • not having a sense of proportion - with regular and excessive use, headaches, insomnia or even migraines are possible.

Can't say what it is special harm or a contraindication, but this inhabitant of the summer garden can cause such inconvenience as frequent urination.

What to cook and what to eat

In addition to the health benefits of watercress, its use in cooking is more than extensive. With this plant you can cook:

  • salads;
  • sauces;
  • soups;
  • bread;
  • cream soups;
  • pies;
  • seafood, meat and fish dishes;
  • rolls;
  • sandwiches;
  • stuffed eggs;
  • vegetable casseroles;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • smoothies;
  • green smoothies.

Video: what to cook and what to eat watercress with As a savory addition to various dishes watercress is used both fresh and dried or stewed.

  1. It is indispensable in sauces, salads, cold soups, as a topping on scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs.
  2. It unobtrusively emphasizes the taste of cheese, cottage cheese, meat or fish dishes.
  3. It goes well with fruits and citrus fruits - oranges, apples, pears, apricots.
  4. It is quite compatible with nuts, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes or eggplants.

Important! Watercress should be picked from the garden, not cut. This helps preserve its flavor.


Watercress is used in different types and for different purposes, and it is acceptable for almost all age categories.

In cosmetology

This useful plant used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which immediately improves the appearance.
Masks, which include it, smooth wrinkles, moisturize the skin and make it matte.

  1. For oily skin: 1 st. mix a spoonful of crushed leaves with 1 teaspoon of honey and one egg white. Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse first with warm and then cool water.
  2. Whitening mask for normal skin: 1 st. mix a spoonful of watercress leaves with 1 teaspoon of any vegetable oil, add 2-5 drops of lemon juice. Apply to face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. To improve complexion: add to chopped watercress spoiled milk in a ratio of 1:1. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off.

In folk medicine

The most popular watercress in traditional medicine. It can help you get rid of:

For healing, it is applicable in the form of freshly squeezed juice, ointment, tincture or compress.

  1. Improving digestion: Pour 25 g of crushed leaves with boiling water (250 ml), let it brew, strain. Accept by dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Anti-dandruff: squeeze the juice, apply it on the scalp. Repeat 2 times a day - morning and evening.
  3. From diseases of the scalp: chop freshly picked and washed leaves, mix with ghee(ratio 1:5), apply to the affected areas. Repeat the procedure many times - as the ointment is absorbed.
  4. For wound healing: apply the composition 2-3 times a day. You can apply a gauze bandage.
  5. Bronchitis, coughing fits: 3 art. pour a glass of boiling water over tablespoons of the crushed plant, leave for 1-2 hours. Then strain the infusion and drink warm, 2 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day before meals.
  6. Periodontitis, other gum diseases: unripe watercress seeds or fresh leaves eat a little daily.
  7. Mastopathy: 1 st. put a spoonful of chopped watercress on seals in the chest for 2-3 hours; it is best to do a compress at night.

Did you know?From the oil produced from thes-salad, soap is brewed in Ethiopia. This oil is also used for lighting rooms.

People who, for various reasons, cannot eat dairy products can successfully replace them with watercress - they are provided with a source of calcium. This is especially true for those suffering from osteoporosis.
Now you know about the benefits and variety of applications of this spice, which is still exotic in our area. The advantages of this plant include unpretentiousness, the possibility of growing not only in the garden, but also on the balcony, the large number of varieties, the speed of cultivation. Considering the desire of many people to lead healthy lifestyle life and, in particular, nutrition, then watercress has every chance of becoming popular.

Good day to all who have looked at our pages! According to botanists, watercress is an herb related to the cruciferous family. We consider it a plant that is very easy to grow, and at any time of the year and in any place, not even necessarily in the garden. This is the one the most useful greens which can always be at hand. But why is it valuable or, perhaps, harmful?

So, watercress salad - benefits and harms.

Substances in the composition

The plant has gained fame since the time of Hippocrates, when its beneficial properties were described in the chronicles. Ancient Greece and Rome. For example, oil from its seeds improved libido in both men and women. In Europe, they learned about grass in the Middle Ages.

There are several varieties of it:

  • curly - her leaves are heavily cut and she is very a short time matures;
  • whole-leaved - larger in size, but later, unlike the first, it becomes edible;
  • sowing - also early ripening and is distinguished by large and slightly dissected foliage.

The color of the plant is from yellow-green to slightly gray. He fell in love with a special taste that combines spice, bitterness and spiciness.

Now consider what this interesting plant consists of:

  1. Carotene and vitamins A, C, E, K, D, PP and group B.
  2. Phosphorus with calcium, magnesium with iron and iodine are the mineral elements.
  3. Sugar and carbohydrates.
  4. Essential oils.
  5. Glycoside propsoline with alkaloid lepidin.
  6. Fatty oil and flavonoids.

All these substances are present in any kind of watercress, with only minor differences, so each will fill the body with a useful composition.

What is the use

The calorie content of the plant is only 32 Kcal per 100 g, which allows you to use the product for everyone who wants to lose weight. excess weight. It also has the following important qualities for the body:

  • the plant relieves the symptoms of poor digestion, eliminates insomnia and improves appetite;
  • with its regular use, general fatigue disappears and tone returns, and the herb also prevents the onset of depressive conditions;
  • a lot of vitamin C in the composition gives it an antiscorbutic effect;
  • the herb is effective in puffiness, hypertension and diseases respiratory tract;
  • fresh juice relieves cough and anemia;
  • medicinal properties apply to reproductive function, significantly improving it, and stimulating brain activity;
  • the ability of herbs to normalize blood composition, remove toxins from the body, heal wounds and burns, prevent eye diseases, reduce the risk of developing oncology and relieve joint pain are also useful for human health;
  • The phytonutrient in watercress has a positive effect on the prevention and treatment of oncology. For the appearance of dynamics, you will need to eat at least 80 g of the product daily;
  • In the course of studies conducted on smokers, it was concluded that when regular use herbs 85 g reduced damage to white blood cells;
  • the product has a positive effect on the thyroid gland, reducing the production of hormones;
  • including this herb in your diet every day, you will protect the body from the development of osteoporosis by strengthening bones and maintaining their normal density;
  • due to the presence of secondary metabolites in the composition of the plant, the risk of many chronic ailments, including cardiac and vascular diseases, is reduced;
  • the product also has a beneficial effect on people who are more susceptible to strokes due to various factors;
  • the development of a healthy baby in the womb of the mother is facilitated by folic acid, which is in the plant;
  • scientists have proven the benefits of watercress for children with asthma - it alleviates the symptoms of the disease, cleans the bronchi, helps to breathe easier, prevents coughing and choking.

All this has a positive effect on the whole body, including slowing down the aging process. Even doctors recommend that women over 45 regularly use this product to look fresher and younger.

The positive properties of watercress extend to the field of cosmetology, using it in the preparation of various face masks.

Methods of use

The plant is used as fresh, as well as in dried. Juices, compresses, ointments and infusions are made from it for external and internal use. But still maximum benefit has fresh watercress rather than dried. And the earlier the leaves were plucked, the more they will contain useful elements.

Culinary use

Most the best option applications in cooking is the addition to fresh salads using olive oil for dressing.

The plant, based on the reviews and opinions of culinary specialists, goes well with cheeses, cottage cheese, cold soups and sauces. The French, for example, love herbs in omelettes, cereals and meat dishes.

Watercress salad can be consumed with legumes, fruits (pears and apples, apricots and oranges) and vegetables (eggplants and cucumbers).

An important point - it is best not to cut the grass for eating, but to tear it with your hands, which will save maximum amount ingredients necessary for the body.

The video will tell about the best way planting watercress:

Smart selection and storage

If you do not grow grass yourself, but purchase it at retail outlets, then when choosing, pay attention to the juicy dark green color of the foliage. Do not take a plant in the presence of yellowness and signs of wilting.

And, despite the availability and ability to grow watercress all year round However, it is preferable to purchase it in the period from April to September.

Lettuce is prone to rapid deterioration, which will not allow it to be stored even for a couple of days - it is advisable to use it immediately after purchase or cutting. You can increase this period by placing the herb in a plastic bag and then in the refrigerator or placing it in a glass of water, covering it with plastic and also putting it in the refrigerator.

About cultivation

In order to grow watercress, any soil located in a moist and slightly dark place will do. If the plant receives a lot of sun, then it will be taller with rough and small foliage.

The constant presence of lettuce on the table can be achieved by regularly sowing seeds every 2-3 weeks, which will allow you to enjoy the taste, aroma and benefits of the plant every day throughout the year.

How to sow

It will first be necessary to soak the seeds for 12 hours, after which they can be planted in the prepared soil 0.5 cm deep.

Grass care is simple - when the seedlings go, thin them out regularly, and loosen and water the ground.

Grass is used as food when growing in height by 8-10 cm.

Seeds are collected after the pods turn yellow, storing them in paper bags.

When not to eat watercress

There are no strict contraindications to the use of watercress, but with caution this should be approached with the following health problems:

  1. Individual intolerance to components and allergies.
  2. Gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers.
  3. The presence of kidney stones.
  4. Excess gas and diarrhea.

There is an opinion about possible harm plants for people suffering from frequent urination.

And do not eat the product excessively, as overeating can lead to problems in the digestive system.

That's about such an accessible to everyone and interesting plant as watercress salad is now known to almost everything. To use it or not, it is up to each individual, but the main thing is to observe the measure.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

Watercress (or bed bug) is a one- or two-year-old plant that is actively used in cooking in many countries of Asia and Europe. It is believed that the motherland this plant is Iran, although it is also found in Egypt, Ethiopia, where it grows as a weed. At the moment, about 40 varieties of watercress are known that can be eaten. But its main advantage is the presence in its composition of many mineral compounds, essential oils and vitamins, which in terms of usefulness can be compared with cumin, ginger or bitter radish. And what other useful properties of watercress are there, how to eat it correctly?


The composition of watercress, for example, varieties "Dansky" (one of the most common sowing in Russian Federation) includes:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • B vitamins (B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 9);
  • carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • mustard essential oil;
  • propsolin.

All these components, first of all, have a positive effect on the work of the endocrine (hormonal) system, and at the same time act as a diuretic and antimicrobial agent. Health benefits of watercress also include the ability to partially reduce blood pressure. And doctors quite often recommend using plant juice for gargling (in the form of a weakly concentrated solution).

The leaves, stem and pagons of the plant are actively used in folk medicine for the preparation of anti-fever tinctures, and the powder from seeds ground in a mortar was previously used instead of ordinary mustard plasters. Moreover, it is almost impossible to get a burn from such a compress, since there are many times less mustard oils in the composition of the plant than in mustard seeds.

For men daily use Watercress helps to increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and the prostate gland, which has a positive effect on erectile function (potency). And if you believe the research of S. Radelov, who studied the healing properties of most garden plants, then watercress is also useful for the human body in the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, anemia, varicose veins (when used in the form of compresses).

And for women, the plant is useful in that it helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. After all, the composition contains a therapeutic dose of vitamin B, which is actively used in the formation and release of eggs from the ovaries.

And thanks to the presence in the composition ascorbic acid, watercress can be used in addition to scurvy therapy or for prevention colds, influenza. In directories medicinal plants also mention that the plant is able to replace the usual plantain, since a compress from fresh leaves and root contributes to the rapid healing of wounds.

There is also an opinion that watercress enhances the body's anti-cancer defenses, but scientific research has not been carried out in this regard. This is explained by the presence in the composition of the ether mustard oil, carotene, riboflavin, which has a destructive effect on single cancer cells.


The plant is a powerful allergen, so it overuse food can cause a severe allergic reaction. That is why it is not recommended to give it to children up to 7-9 years. And watercress has an exciting effect on gastrointestinal tract, so it is used with caution in gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenum. Also, watercress can cause harm to human health due to its following properties:

  • decline blood pressure(for hypotension and migraine sufferers - dangerous);
  • stimulation of urine output (in case of inflammation of the kidneys or the presence of stones, it can exacerbate the disease);
  • increased blood flow in the brain (may be the cause of regular insomnia, and even complications after a stroke).

Dietary Properties

Watercress is almost 90% water, and also includes fiber, which helps cleanse the body of toxins and solid feces. For weight loss, this is extremely useful, but only under the condition of normal kidney function. Otherwise, excess water will accumulate in the body, and contribute to swelling of the limbs.

When using the plant in diet food predominantly we are talking about leaves and stems. And they go well with such low-calorie foods:

  • cheese;
  • carrots;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • cold soups;
  • chicken meat (as a spice);
  • scrambled eggs;
  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • low-fat sour cream (when used as a salad dressing).

And with the following diseases, watercress will contribute to a speedy recovery:

  • atherosclerosis (due to the normalization of the cardiovascular system, cholesterol levels return to normal);
  • hypertension;
  • chronic avitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • bronchitis, tuberculosis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (including infectious etiology);
  • cholelithiasis.


The plant belongs to low-calorie foods. For 100 grams of a mixture of stems, leaves and roots, there are only 30-33 kcal. Seeds consist of almost 45-55% fatty esters, so their calorie content is approximately 120 kcal per 100 grams.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value displayed in the table.

Protein, fats and carbohydrates are easily digestible. Fiber - is excreted completely from the body, but contributes to the retention of moisture in the intestines, as well as the release of slag masses.

The deviation from the above norm can be up to 2% and depends on the plant variety, as well as the area where it was grown. At heat treatment approximately 25% of vitamins break down into derivative elements, which is why it is recommended to eat it fresh (even without storage in the refrigerator).


  • hypotension;
  • progressive gastritis (with catarrhal form, it is enough to limit the use of the plant to 10-15 grams per day, but not more than 3 times a week);
  • urolithiasis (stones in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, propensity to form them);
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • colitis;
  • duodenitis;
  • stroke;
  • frequent migraine attacks (more often than 2 times a month).

This does not apply to the use of watercress in the form of compresses, solutions for external use. The only caveat is allergies. Before using the plant for the first time, a reaction test is recommended. To do this, it is enough to grind a leaf of watercress to a state of porridge and apply this mass for 3-5 minutes on the inside of the wrist. If inflammation does not appear there, then there is no tendency to allergies and you can safely include the plant in the diet.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Watercress is not only possible, but should also be included in the diet during pregnancy in order to prevent a deficiency of folic acid (this is the same vitamin B 9). During the bearing of a child, the body's need for it grows almost 6 times and that is why doctors in most cases prescribe to girls vitamin complexes. Watercress - great addition for such vitamin therapy.

But during lactation (breastfeeding), it is recommended to somewhat limit the presence of the plant in the diet due to the many possible manifestations of an allergic reaction in a child. Replace watercress better than basil- it helps to increase lactation, especially if a woman has her first child.

How to use

Watercress can be eaten fresh or dried. Moreover, both leaves, and stems, and roots are used. In countries East Asia powder from the grated seeds of the plant is used as a seasoning for spicy dishes. The leaves themselves resemble a mixture of garlic juice, horseradish, black or white radish, but less pungent. To many, the taste of the plant is very similar to the usual radish. Nutritionists assure that watercress should be consumed fresh and always without heat treatment.

What is combined with

In terms of taste, it is ideally combined with:

  • legumes;
  • eggplant;
  • fried zucchini;
  • oranges;
  • apples;
  • fried meat;
  • rice
  • pasta (especially if you prepare a sauce of cheese and herbs);
  • millet porridge;
  • olive oil (for dressing almost any salads).

An important nuance - when adding watercress to food, it is better not to cut, but to tear with your hands. This increases the outflow of juice, which gives the dish a more spicy flavor.


It is recommended to use the plant only freshly harvested. Leaky plastic containers (for the refrigerator) can be used to store it, but the leaves and stems dry quickly and lose their original flavor. This does not apply to watercress roots. The allowable storage period in the refrigerator is 5 days. For 2-3 days it is recommended to irrigate the container a little drinking water with the addition of kitchen salt (on the tip of a knife). This will allow the leaves to keep their appearance for another 2-3 days.

Watercress should not be stored in the same container as other herbs. Ideally, you need to allocate a separate shelf for it and do not forget that its aroma can create an aftertaste for other dishes. This can only be avoided by storing in an airtight container, but the leaves begin to wither after 15-20 hours. Can watercress be packaged in vacuum bags. In this case, it will retain its freshness even after 2-3 months.

How to choose?

Ideally, watercress should be grown on your own. If you already buy in the store, then only fresh. At the same time, you should pay attention to the tips of the leaves (they should be without darkening, fleshy and not sluggish) and stems (they are light, without dark veins, slightly greenish at the junction with the leaves). The presence of torn leaves and yellow spots indicates that the plant has been attacked by insects.

Experts generally advise buying watercress only in pots (or special diving cups). In this case, there is no doubt about its freshness, but the cost of the plant increases significantly. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to grow it on your own on the windowsill - the plant is not picky, it tolerates temperature changes well in the winter.

So is watercress good for you? The benefits of its use can be compared with garlic, black radish and horseradish, which are considered one of the best natural "antibiotics". It contains more useful substances than in parsley, dill, sorrel, but we should not forget about contraindications. Maximum allowable daily allowance- 100 grams, recommended - up to 40 grams.

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21.10.2017 2 612

Watercress - benefits and harms for women, men, for weight loss and illness

Watercress, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone, can be good alternative weight loss products from the pharmacy, in addition, the nutritional value of the plant and the rich vitamin composition contribute to the prevention of many diseases, both in women and men, use natural product best fresh, using a variety of delicious recipes…

Watercress, benefits and harms - what is useful, composition and properties

Bedbug, better known as watercress, the benefits and harms of which are not known to many, belongs to the cruciferous family and the plants belonging to it differ from others in the presence of phytonutrients - compounds that prevent the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells, it is their use that helps prevent oncology , and in some cases cures cancer of various organs. But, this is far from the only useful property of watercress. All parts of the plant, including roots, stems and leaves, contain:

  • mineral salts - the leaves contain almost the entire table of chemical elements
  • vitamins, including those considered powerful antioxidants
  • essential oil that gives the leaves of the plant tart taste and odor, and fights pathogens
  • glycosides

It is this rich composition that gives a memorable taste to a green plant, which is known as watercress, the benefits and harms of which are due, including palatability product, because green leaves are recommended to be added to food to increase appetite in weakened people, and inhaling the aroma of crushed greens helps to eliminate headache and relieve a runny nose. Possesses watercress and others useful properties:

  • calms the nervous system
  • improves general tone and relieves fatigue (including psychological)
  • relaxes the walls blood vessels relieves spasms
  • improves expectoration
  • relieves inflammation on the mucous membranes, intra-articular tissues, muscles, internal organs
  • cleanses the blood of toxins and toxins
  • stimulates tissue regeneration
  • normalizes the synthesis of thyroid hormones, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone
  • strengthens bones at risk of osteoporosis
  • favorably affects the work of the heart

Useful watercress during pregnancy - it contains folic acid, which is necessary for the proper development of the fetus in the womb, the benefits of this plant will also come in handy during preparation for conception. Bedbug greens in this regard will be useful for men and women at any age.

How to Use Watercress - Recipes

To use with maximum benefit the properties of the plant described earlier, watercress, the benefits and harms of which are described in medicine, dietetics, and cooking, it is enough to include 80-90 g of fresh herbs of a natural product in the diet daily.

Have it in pure form you don’t have to - there are many recipes from watercress:

  • salad from a large bunch of fresh bedbugs, 100 g of grated carrot shavings and 50 g pumpkin seeds seasoned with a mixture of honey, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • bunch of watercress and green onion salad, 4 quail eggs, 4 sun-dried tomatoes, 100 g canned tuna, 50 g oranges or tangerines, fresh cucumber and sweet pepper - seasoned with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • appetizer roll from thin omelet with a mixture boiled shrimp or squid (they can be replaced with fried fillets of any white fish), olives and watercress

In fragrant herb watercress, the benefits and harms for women and men are perfectly revealed in the first courses, this spicy plant often used as the main ingredient in soups, the most popular of them are:

  • potato soup, chives, cream and watercress
  • milk cream soup with sweet red onion, garlic, broccoli and watercress
  • cream soup of cucumbers, green onions, garlic and watercress

No less tasty and healthy are second courses with watercress, this fragrant herb can be used as a filling for baked fish or cooked from it thick spicy sauce to fill already finished fish or seafood.

use of watercress in food

Served with watercress, seasoned with a drop of olive oil, to roasted on charcoal lamb shoulder, other varieties are good with such an additive fatty meat prepared in any way. The listed dishes can be consumed daily for the prevention of oncology, replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and improving the digestive tract.

They use the watercress plant, the benefits and harms of which are no less than those of some drugs, and to eliminate health problems - to restore erectile function in men, greens are mixed with pureed nuts, to stabilize blood pressure in hypertension, bugs are eaten mixed with fruits chokeberry, for the same purpose, take its juice with honey and pulp of feijoa fruits.

A gruel of watercress leaves mixed with egg yolks is applied to the skin to get rid of wrinkles - the benefits become visible after 2-3 applications. good cosmetic effect possesses watercress juice ice, strawberry paste with honey and bedbug greens puree.

Health benefits of watercress

No matter how useful watercress is, health recipes using it can not be used by everyone, like other plants, bedbugs can provoke allergies. If a runny nose or cough appears from the smell of the leaves, the skin begins to become covered with a rash, it is recommended to exclude watercress from the menu. With caution, watercress should also be used by those who are diagnosed with:

  • hypotension
  • urolithiasis (watercress can provoke the movement of stones)
  • exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • ulcerative colitis

In order for the benefits and harms of the watercress plant to be as harmonized as possible, you should not use a plant collected from freeways or in places with unfavorable environmental conditions - the bug literally absorbs toxins, which can then enter the human body. Such “poisoned” plants have a particularly pronounced harm on the body of young children, and the benefits from it are minimal. A wilted bedbug does not have any useful properties, moreover, in this form it begins to smell unpleasant.

Watercress is a useful plant with bright taste, which doctors recommend eating fresh every day, add it to your favorite salads, snacks and first courses to maintain health, youth and beauty for as long as possible.

Watercress, also known as watercress, is a green crop well known to man since ancient times. Historians have established that cress has long been cultivated in the Mediterranean countries. From these parts, the plant moved to Europe, in which it gained well-deserved popularity.

In terms of the concentration of vitamins and useful elements, watercress significantly exceeds the currently known representatives of green crops, and therefore it can be fully classified as medicinal. Apart from their healing properties, watercress also has excellent taste qualities: exotic and slightly spicy (mustard, so to speak) flavor is especially appreciated among fans healthy eating and just gourmets. Watercress can always be found in the "green rows" in the markets, where it is sold almost all year round.

Watercress is a long day crop and only blooms when daylight hours are at least 14 hours. However, when growing plants, the nature of lighting can generally be ignored, since, due to the extraordinary precocity, the first crop can be harvested as early as two or three days after shoots appear. You just need to provide a kind of conveyor: sow the seeds every 10 or 15 days.

Other features of the culture include increased cold resistance and excellent shading tolerance, as a result of which, by the way, the onset of the shooting phase is held back.

Table. Nutritional value of 100 grams of watercress

As you can see, despite its nondescript appearance - a long stem with a bunch of foliage on the "crown", - the described culture contains many useful substances. In addition, watercress contains a lot of vitamin B and C, calcium, various metals, iodine, mustard oil (the latter just provides the specific taste and aroma of greens), and so on.

Note! Thanks to high content Vitamin C plant is used as an antiscorbutic. It also improves sleep and the digestive process, helps with high blood pressure and cough.

Finally, watercress is known for its antimicrobial properties, which is why it is widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of medicinal ointments. In short, reasons why you should try to grow it unique plant at home, a lot. Therefore, now we will find out how the growing process should take place in general.

Watercress on the windowsill: how to grow?

Traditionally, start by buying seeds. Here, be especially careful not to suddenly reveal at home that the purchased seeds are absolutely not ready for sowing. Pay attention to the expiration date of products, check if it is more than six months. After that, examine the packaging - it should not be damaged, deformed or stained. If there are divorces, it means that it was previously wet through, and the grains in it are no longer suitable for sowing.

If everything is fine with the packaging, then proceed directly to sowing using one of the methods below.

Method one. We use an inert substrate

One of the main advantages of watercress is that when growing it, you can even do without the use of soil. In principle, you can take any container (bowl or Plastic container) and lay the substrate on the bottom. You can use a sponge, sawdust, cotton wool, or even a paper towel as a substrate.

The preparation of the growing container should look like this:

  1. Take whatever substrate is available to you.
  2. Put it in the bottom of the container. The thickness of the substrate layer should be approximately 1.5-2 centimeters.
  3. Soak the substrate with water (it is preferable to use pre-settled). You should not use a lot of water, because during sowing you will add more.

So, the basis for making seeds is ready. Now take them, pour them into some container and fill with water. After that, you will see that the water envelops each grain in a kind of shell. This is necessary for the most even distribution of seeds, because they will be sown quite densely. Then carefully pour the water with the grains onto the previously prepared soil, making sure that they are arranged in a row or at least relatively evenly.

As for the seeds themselves, no further manipulation is required. Cover the container plastic bag(this way you will ensure the greenhouse effect) and place it on the windowsill as far as possible from the radiator (the plant does not really like heat). The chosen place should be semi-shaded, because cress does not need in large numbers Sveta.

The seeds of the culture germinate quite quickly - as a rule, the first shoots already appear a day after sowing. As soon as this happens, remove the film and start caring for the seedlings: water them periodically, spray them with water with a spray bottle (this will increase the humidity) and turn 180 degrees around the axis every day, otherwise the stems will stretch in one direction.

Do not forget about feeding. When the first true leaf appears, add a solution of urea (25 grams of urea per bucket of water). You can not apply fertilizer under the root, but spray it on the leaves - quite often this gives better results.

After a week, apply a complex fertilizer when watering, consisting of:

  • 10 grams of potassium salt;
  • 20 grams of superphosphate;
  • 10 grams of ammonium sulfate.

All figures are per bucket of water. As a rule, lettuce can be consumed as early as two weeks after sowing, when the height of the stems reaches seven to eight centimeters. After harvesting, apply complex fertilizer again so that the growing plants are provided with nutrients.

Method two. We use the soil

If you want to play by the rules and use the soil for growing, then start by preparing what is listed below.

Note! Ordinary garden soil should not be used, because it may contain pest eggs. The latter, first of all, include cruciform fleas, which love young shoots and are able to destroy the planting in just a few hours.

When sowing, proceed according to the following algorithm.

Step 1. Pour the soil over the drainage with a layer of three to four centimeters, pour water with grains on it (as in the first method).

Step 2. Sprinkle the seeds with a centimeter layer of soil.

Step 3. Moisturize a little upper layer then cover the pot with foil.

Step 4. The rest of the steps are the same as in the previous method. The only difference is that seedlings may appear a day later, because they have yet to germinate through a layer of earth. After removing the film, care will consist in performing the actions described earlier.

This method allows you to get 0.6-0.7 kilograms of greenery per square meter. However, keep in mind that for a permanent crop, watercress needs to be reseeded about every two weeks, because after cutting it almost never grows again.

Method three. Using a tea sieve

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to look for soil or capacity to grow. Watering is also not necessary, while the seeds will germinate in record time (you can consume the plant as early as a week after sowing).

For work you will need:

  • tea sieve;
  • cup;
  • water.

Pour the seeds into a sieve and carefully, using the same sieve, pour into a cup warm water(the temperature should be about 30 degrees), so that the seeds “wake up” and start growing. Put the bowl on the windowsill, after which you can simply count the days. In a week the salad will be ready to eat!

You can put eight or nine sieves on the windowsill at once and sow the seeds in each of them one by one. So you can eat greens every day, because when you sow the last cup, it will already be possible to harvest in the first.

Method four. Using electronic pots

There is not much to explain here - such electronic pots allow you to grow herbs almost all year round. The cost of such a device can vary between 2.5 and 11 thousand rubles. In this case, you just need to fill in the seeds - nothing else is required.

Video - Click and Grow Electronic Pots

At the end of the article, we present some useful tips to help you grow watercress.

  1. To make the most efficient use of the usable area, place the sowing containers on a prefabricated shelf (with one section should be approximately 20 centimeters in height).
  2. The culture develops well in transparent plastic containers - for example, in trays from dairy products with pre-drilled drainage holes at the bottom. Thanks to the transparent walls, the watercress does not fall apart, and when harvesting, the bunch just needs to be removed and cut off at the root neck. But in this case, of course, there will be no second harvest.
  3. Watercress does not tolerate either drying out of the soil or excessive dryness of the surrounding air. Therefore, spray it daily with water using a spray bottle.

Note! To stabilize the microclimate, you can build a small frame of PET film - a kind of miniature greenhouse.

Watercress is the most promising plant for novice gardeners, because it needs minimal planting and care costs.

Video - We grow watercress at home
