
Strawberry cake 6. With grated strawberries

There are a huge number of holidays, and each of them is bright and memorable in its own way ... But today I want to talk about a holiday that can be celebrated in different ways every year, because every year this holiday carries its own meaning, its specific symbol. I think everyone guessed it - it's a wedding anniversary.

And again my sister Ekaterina surprises us with her wonderful pastries, each time with new cakes, new forms, new fillings. Our parents just celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary this year. And as we learned, the symbol of this year means a strawberry, stone wedding. Of course, the choice did not wait long, and it was decided to make a cake in the shape of many favorite berries - strawberries. I think no one can remain indifferent to such a cake, beautiful, very beautiful, very, very tasty, and even more so, made by hand at home.


For the biscuit:

  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar (powdered sugar) - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Starch - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Walnuts - 150 gr.
  • Kiwi - 2-3 pcs.
  • Bananas - 1-2 pcs.
  • Meringue - ready or home cooking- 2-4 cakes (we have ready-made ones)
  • Jam (jam) peach - to taste - about 8-10 tbsp. (ready-made or your own, homemade)

For mastic:

  • Marshmallows - 90 gr. (white)
  • Dye (the color you need) - I have colors: pink, green and a little white and yellow.
  • Powdered sugar - 800-900 gr. (better to stay)
  • Wooden skewer - for attaching the strawberry tail.

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 350 gr. (you can use store-bought, fresh sour cream 30%)
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr. (1.5 pack) - Ekaterina advises using store-bought cottage cheese in packs for cream. It is tender and the cream will turn out very soft and tasty. You can even use fat-free cottage cheese.

For cream under mastic:

  • Butter (sweet cream - soft) - 200 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 4-5 tbsp.

For impregnation of biscuit:

For registration:

  • Sugar pencils - optional - for making signatures.
  • Vodka - for greasing the finished cake before serving - to give it a shiny and more saturated, colorful look.

How to make a delicious homemade strawberry cake:

The very first thing we do is bake a tender, fluffy biscuit. To do this, you need to prepare only the most fresh ingredients and of course cook with great love, then you will be provided excellent result that will amaze everyone! And as always, Ekaterina bakes a biscuit with the help of her kitchen assistant- Panasonic-18 multicookers with a bowl volume of 4.5 liters. and a power of 670 watts.

Preparing a biscuit:

We begin to beat the eggs with a mixer, doing it at high speed in a deep bowl, because the volume of the ingredients will increase significantly.

You can also beat the eggs by separating the whites from the yolks, that is, in different bowls, later combining them together - in this case, the biscuit turns out to be even more airy and porous.

Whipping time is approximately 5-7 minutes. Until the volume increases by about 2-3 times.

Of course, the whipping time depends directly on how powerful the unit is for you. Ekaterina's mixer is not very powerful, so she suggests whipping for 8-9 minutes. If the mixer is powerful, 5-7 minutes will be enough, as I indicated above.

Then we begin to gradually introduce sugar (icing sugar) into the beaten eggs and beat again until a dense thick mass is obtained. When the egg-sugar mass acquired desired consistency, we begin to introduce the flour sifted in advance with baking powder and starch. We continue to beat biscuit dough on slow mixer speed. We make sure that there are no lumps left.

Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with butter, pour out the biscuit dough and set to bake on the BAKING program for 65 minutes. Then, after switching to the HEATING mode, turn off the multicooker and just let the biscuit stand with the lid closed for 10-15 minutes and remove finished biscuit for cooling on a board or wire rack.

If you bake a biscuit in the oven, also grease the mold with butter, you can lay baking paper on the bottom (to easily remove the finished biscuit from the mold), pour out the dough and bake at 180-190 degrees for about 40-50 minutes. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a wooden skewer. Then let the cake cool down completely.

And one more nuance - if you are preparing a cake the day before serving, I will say right away that it is better to cook a biscuit in the evening, make mastic, assemble the cake so that it hardens well, but make the mastic coating itself early in the morning. The meringue present in the cake did not even sour overnight, which is very pleasing.

Making mask:

We spread the sweets in a deep plate and send them to the microwave for 20-30 seconds so that they increase in volume (swollen). Then mix the immediately enlarged sweets with a spoon.

Add a little powdered sugar and knead. Dyes can be added immediately by dividing the candy into pieces or add dyes after kneading the mastic.

It can be done like this. Separate a little white mastic (if we make from white sweets) - for a flower and a base for the signature of the cake, separate a little mastic + yellow dye- to make strawberry seeds, separate a little more sweets + green dye- for making strawberry tail and leaves, and of course most color in pink color for the main color of the strawberry itself.

Knead the colored mastic, as I said, in whole or separately (multi-colored), adding powdered sugar, until an elastic, shiny mastic is obtained. And immediately put it in the refrigerator, it should stand in the cold for at least 30-60 minutes. If we decorate the cake with mastic in the morning, then the mastic lies in the cold until morning.

Preparing the stuffing:

In advance, we can prepare the nuts for the filling by chopping them a little (optional) with a knife or just with our hands. We also grind (break) the meringue. We cut fruit just before we form the cake.

Cooking sour cream curd cream:

To do this, carefully beat the sour cream (if you have a store), if you use homemade sour cream, whipping will take you about 20-30 seconds. Then add granulated sugar (powdered sugar), knead. Separately, we wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve and add it to our cream.

The cream is ready.

Cake assembly:

We immediately decided to give the biscuit the shape of a strawberry. We do this with a regular sharp knife.

We don’t throw away the cut biscuit, let alone eat it, because we still need it. The cooled biscuit, which we shaped, is cut into required amount cakes. We will have three cakes. Ekaterina cuts the biscuit with special device(strings) so that the thickness of the cakes is the same. Posting bottom cake on a special dish (on which we will serve our cake).

But do not forget to pre-lay it with a film or paper so as not to stain the dish.

Soak with prepared syrup. Today we have just water with sugar brought to a boil. As I said, of course, you can use the remaining fruit syrup, also adding sugar to it to taste and bringing it to a boil. Using a culinary brush, we impregnate the cakes with syrup. We coat the cake with sour cream.

We spread the chopped meringue and pour peach jam on top.

Put the second layer (cake) on top, coat with cream. We put banana slices, kiwi slices, chopped nuts, add a little more cream.

Cover the top of the cake with a third layer of biscuit. This is what our cake looks like after assembly from the side.

We need to leave a little sour cream curd cream, in order to mix the cut biscuit crumbs with it (making it like a “potato” cake) and put it on top of the cake, giving a convex shape to our cake.

So we do, grind the remaining biscuit crumbs, combine with the cream and spread on top of the cake. With our hands we form a smooth slightly rounded surface of the strawberry. We put in the refrigerator to cool for 1-1.5 hours, while we are doing the cream.

Cooking butter cream for mastic:

Just beat the softened butter with condensed milk. Everything is extremely simple.

We coat the entire surface of the cake with the resulting butter cream. Put the cake back in the fridge to chill overnight.

In the morning, when the cake has cooled, we begin to level oil cream. Catherine does it this way: puts gloves on her hands, lowers her hands into hot water, then wipes his hands with a towel and while his hands are hot - evens out the cream, which lends itself perfectly to leveling. And so we do until we level the entire surface of the cake. This is so smooth upper layer obtained from the cake. And again put it in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to cool.

Cake decoration:

Now we need to do the most important thing - decorate the cake with mastic. We start with the prepared pink mastic. Just while the cake is cooling, we will roll out the fondant and prepare it for laying on the surface of the cake. Roll it out, sprinkling the work surface powdered sugar(so that it does not stick to the table).

I will say right away, if you took out the mastic from the refrigerator and it is very hard for rolling, you can put it in the microwave for 5-10 seconds to soften. And it will become soft and pliable like plasticine. In case of overheating of the mastic, you just knead it a little again, lubricating your hands with butter and sprinkling the work surface with powdered sugar.

Then lay it on the cake, trying to do it evenly. We level it on the surface, from below in the necessary places the mastic can be laid a little with a fold. No big deal - you won't see it.

Next - with our hands we roll small "bones" - "seeds" of strawberries. This turned out to be the hardest part of decorating the cake.

We distribute the yellow grains over the strawberries. But first we make recesses for the grains with the help of a special stick for working with mastic. Or just with your finger, pushing a little mastic.

Now let's do the green stuff. We make a strawberry tail, forming it manually.

And now the most difficult part, we make strawberry leaves. Ekaterina suggests cutting out the leaves with a tablespoon. We cut out with a knife first one side of the leaf, then shifting the spoon - the second side and so on. We make veins on the leaves. This can be done with the back of a knife by simply pressing the end into the mastic-leaf. Or, as Catherine suggests, make veins of leaves with a wooden stick (toothpick). We lay the finished cut leaf on top of our strawberries. We attach the prepared tail to wooden skewer and stick it in the center of the green leaf.

Ekaterina also offers to arrange a strawberry with a beautiful flower, which can be made manually or using special molds, as Ekaterina does. We make the bottom of the flower from the remnants of green mastic and lay a little white flower on top.

Also, from the remnants of green mastic, Catherine made a hanging strawberry tendril. We make a thin flagellum from green mastic and wrap it around a wooden stick in a spiral.

In my opinion, it turns out very nice.

And of course don't forget to sign the cake. Ekaterina offers us to make it special sugar pencils on a prepared basis of white mastic. We have our 33rd wedding anniversary, which we write about, making two more rings from sugar pencils.

Here is such a beautiful strawberry turned out by Catherine. I am sure that the parents will remain in complete admiration !!! Before serving the cake, you need it (for shine and getting a brighter rich color) smear with vodka. We do this with a culinary brush. See how shiny the cake is.

Simply gorgeous - I honestly had no words from the moment I saw this work of art. I think that many can just lose their heads from this gorgeous cake. But everything was yet to come, because after we cut it - many simply SWALLOWED THE TONGUNS!!!

Here is such a delicate, delicious, gorgeous cake turned out by Ekaterina. And it's not just words - look at it in the context - isn't it lovely???

Cook for your loved ones with pleasure, love and tenderness - and you will succeed! Today, as usual, our Ekaterina, a SELF-Taught pastry chef, was with us!

Bon appetit wishes everyone Svetlana, Katyushka and my home kulinarochka2013. en!

- you will find in step by step recipe with photo

From this amount of ingredients, a round cake is obtained with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 6 cm

A few hours before making the cake (I do it in the evening), put the sour cream on a sieve covered with gauze. Place the sieve in the container so that the bottom of the sieve does not touch the bottom of the container. This is done so that all the serum is glassed and the cream does not turn out to be very liquid.

Put soft butter in a bowl for whipping, add sugar and beat with a mixer at medium speed until a fluffy, white mass is obtained. Add eggs one at a time while continuing to beat

Add salt and baking powder to butter mixture.

Add the sifted flour and knead the dough. Add flour in parts, because you may need less than the indicated amount, it all depends on the quality of the flour. Once the dough stops sticking to your hands and work surface, do not add more flour.

Divide the dough into 6 equal parts, roll them into balls, put them in a container and put them in the refrigerator

On a square sheet of parchment, draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Remove one piece of dough from the refrigerator and, pressing it with your fingers, stretch it over the entire area of ​​​​the circle

Put the sheet with the dough on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. I baked for exactly 12 minutes, the cake has already become golden, and even very ruddy around the edges.

Place the cake on the wire rack and carefully remove the paper. Leave the crust to cool on a wire rack. Bake all the cakes in the same way. To speed up the process, I used two sheets of parchment - while one cake is being baked on one, I knead the second on the other, and so on.

While the cakes are cooling, wash the strawberries, remove the stalks, put in a sieve and let the water drain. Cut strawberries into thin slices

Take the sour cream out of the refrigerator. See how much serum glass per night

Pour the weighed sour cream (or rather, transfer it, it is so thick) into a bowl for whipping, add lemon juice, part of the powdered sugar and start whipping the cream with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding powdered sugar

This is how the cream turns out - absolutely not liquid, moderately thick

On flat dish put the first cake and grease it well with cream. Since I will then transfer the cake to a stand, I put a sheet of parchment under the cake

Arrange the strawberry slices in a single layer on the surface of the cake.

In the same way, grease other cakes evenly with cream and stack them on top of each other, pressing a little with your hands. Arrange strawberries between the cakes. On the last, smeared with cream cake, do not lay out the strawberries yet. Apply the rest of the cream on the sides of the cake. I do this with a special cake spatula.

While the cake is infused at room temperature, prepare the jelly for the cake. Pour 1 tablespoon of sugar and 5 g of powder from the "Cake Jelly" bag into a saucepan (do not confuse with regular jelly). For weighing a small amount products, I bought just such a convenient spoon-scale. Add water to the saucepan, mix everything well with a whisk, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the mixture for 1-2 minutes, remembering to stir, remove from heat and let cool slightly. Don't wait too long for it to cool, as this jelly sets very quickly.

Arrange strawberry slices beautifully on the last cake. Still very warm, liquid jelly, gently pour the surface of the cake, starting from the center. This can be done with a spoon, and for this purpose I use a decorator (I already introduced you to it :). I was about to put the cake in the fridge, but at the last second, my son suggested decorating the sides of the cake. almond petals, I did so. After the cake is assembled and decorated, put it in the refrigerator for further soaking for several hours (preferably overnight).

And in the morning, take the cake out of the fridge, decorate it with mint leaves, make coffee and call the whole family for breakfast. A tender, soaked, moderately sweet, cool piece of such a cake - true pleasure! Save your family traditions, pass them on from generation to generation, have a nice day and bon appetit! :)

Strawberry biscuit cake with yoghurt soufflé, jelly and fresh strawberries

Classic ensemble of thin biscuit, yoghurt soufflé and berry jellyperfect option For holiday dessert, which you can do with your own hands. Strawberry cake according to this recipe with a photo, it not only looks spectacular, it tastes unusually delicate. Bright jelly decoration beckons to the table. A thin layer of milk-soaked biscuit is a delicate base, which is covered with an airy strawberry soufflé. Berries in jelly complete the picture: strawberries are not only colorful and tasty, but also healthy, which means you don’t have to worry too much about your figure. In addition, low-fat is used for soufflé drinking yogurt which gives the cake a very pleasant aroma. Why not cook it so cool light dessert in the midst of ripening strawberries?
Strawberry biscuit cake it turns out quite large and voluminous, just for holiday table. If you want to make a smaller cake, feel free to divide the number of ingredients by two. In the preparation of dessert, one cannot do without additional structures and cooling. It is very convenient to use a detachable ring and acetate tape in assembling the cake, but you can do without them. Perhaps the main difficulties in the recipe are the whipping of cream into a thick mass and the agonizing wait until the cake reaches the refrigerator. But we want to surpass ourselves and surprise our loved ones, don't we? If yes, then let's prepare this step by step home masterpiece!

Servings: 10.


for the biscuit:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 60 g flour premium;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;

for the yoghurt soufflé:

for the jelly layer:


  • 0.5-1 st. milk for biscuit impregnation;
  • 500 g strawberries;
  • 200 g strawberry jam.

Recipe for strawberry cake with biscuit, yogurt soufflé and jelly

1. Mix gelatin for soufflé with cold water in a ratio of 1:6 and leave to swell.

2. Combine eggs with sugar.

Before cooking, check the freshness of the eggs by immersing them in salted water. fresh eggs drown, stale - float. By the way, first it is better to break the eggs into a bowl, and then add granulated sugar there. If the egg is gone, the sugar will be saved.

3. Beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until bubbles appear and the mass increases by about 2 times (2-3 minutes). The better the mass is whipped, the more magnificent the biscuit will turn out. It is desirable that the eggs are not very cold - then they will beat better. But you can’t overdo it either, because you can kill the egg mass (this happens extremely rarely).

4. Sift flour into a bowl of beaten eggs, add baking powder for dough. With baking powder, the biscuit turns out to be very tender and soft, the sifted flour will provide the volume and splendor of baking.

5. Gently whisk again until smooth. It turned out classic batter for the biscuit. Add flavor - vanilla sugar, stir again. While the dough is cooking, you can already preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The form will be placed in a hot oven, so the dough will bake quickly and evenly.

6. Pour the dough into a silicone mold. It is convenient in that there is no need for an oil layer: ready-made pastries easily detaches from the walls and does not break. But if Silicone molds used for the first time, it is better to lubricate it with a thin layer of oil just in case.

7. We bake a biscuit at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, during which time it will have time to brown and bake thoroughly inside (the biscuit turns out to be quite thin).

8. We will immediately collect the cake on a tray. We cover it with foil so as not to stain it with impregnation. It is most convenient to cut the foil into three strips and fold from the edges into a triangle, as in the photo. The tray will remain clean and the structure will not break. Then the foil will very easily be removed from under the cake.

9. We turn the finished biscuit onto a tray. The lower part of the biscuit is more porous, which means that it absorbs the impregnation faster and better.

10. Soak the biscuit with milk. Such impregnation will complement the yoghurt-creamy taste of the soufflé. Milk will need 0.5 - 1 glass. Water the biscuit until the biscuit soaks up the liquid like a sponge. When you see that the dough has become quite wet, you can pause the procedure.

11. It turns out very wet biscuit. The soaking makes the dessert melt in your mouth, but some of the milk may drip off while the cake is chilling in the refrigerator. It is better to prepare in advance so that the refrigerator does not get dirty.

12. We coat the top of the biscuit well with thick strawberry jam.

13. To collect even tall cake, expose the confectionery ring, put a wide acetate film inside it (I have 10 cm). This device is used experienced confectioners to create high layered desserts. But all this is not at all necessary, a strawberry cake with soufflé and jelly can be prepared both in a regular detachable form and in a deep glass bowl. If cooking in a bowl, all layers will be laid out in reverse order, and on top of the soufflé will be covered with a soaked biscuit with jam.

14. Cut the washed strawberries into two parts. Don't forget to remove the stem.

15. Put the strawberries on the strawberry jam with the cut down and along the edges with the cut to the edge. So the cake will be with even sides and beautiful pattern. Ideally, when all the berries along the edge of the cake are about the same height. Smaller strawberries can be placed in the middle.

16. For the souffle, we need whipped cream. To get lush mass, cream should be fat, not less than 33%. It is recommended to cool the cutlery and utensils, it is better to keep the whisks of the mixer and the container in the freezer for 5-10 minutes. Cream must also be cooled before whipping, and then poured into cold dishes. The fat that has accumulated on the walls of the pack must be collected with a spoon and added to the dishes. It is better to use a deep container, because when whipping cream splashes will scatter into different sides.

If the cream in the pack was not very cold, you can pour it into a bowl for whipping and place it together with the whisks for a couple of minutes in the freezer.

17. We heat the gelatin in a water bath so that small grains are completely dissolved. Gelatin should not be allowed to boil, otherwise it may lose its gelling properties. If you don't want to mess with the water bath, you can quickly warm it up in the microwave. Set aside the hot dissolved gelatin to cool slightly.

18. Whip the cream at medium speed until soft peaks.

19. Continuing to beat the mass, slowly pour drinking yogurt into the cream.

20. The mass turned out to be very magnificent. Add strawberry jam.

21. Pour in the swollen gelatin, without ceasing to mix the mass. Soufflé is ready!

22. Pour the soufflé over the biscuit. Leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Because the yogurt cake it turns out very voluminous, it needs to be cooled for at least 8 hours, so it is better to leave it overnight. It is better to put dishes under the cake from below so as not to stain the refrigerator.

23. The next day we continue. Remained last layer- jelly and strawberries.

24. Pour the jelly mixture into a bowl.

25. Dilute jelly with boiling water, as written in the instructions.

26. Strawberries for jelly cut into halves.

27. When the jelly is completely cool, pour it on a completely frozen cake. Be sure to wait for cooling, otherwise everything will float and mix.

28. Finishing touch: Arrange strawberries cut side up.

29. We send the cake to freeze in the refrigerator for another couple of hours. When it hardens, carefully remove the ring and tape, remove the foil from the tray. So that the tape easily lags behind the soufflé, you can coat it with a towel soaked in boiling water or slightly warm it with a hairdryer.

Here is such a delicate, beautiful, insanely fragrant and delicious strawberry cake with a delicate yoghurt soufflé! Bon appetit! And if you like the recipe, see others.

Yoghurt soufflé is very airy and just melts in your mouth!

- most best cake with strawberries, step by step at home . « Frezier, tender and melting in your mouth, should definitely become a favorite of your table.

Biscuit Products

  • Flour - 90 g.
  • Eggs, chicken - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 110 g.
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Baking powder (for any test) - 15 gr.
  • Starch (potato) - 30 g.

Products for impregnation

  • Strawberry syrup - 90 g.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a spoon.

Cream Products

  • Cream (fat content 15%) - 1000 ml.
  • Butter (butter) - 210 g.
  • Sugar sand - 310 g.
  • Eggs (chicken) - 6 pcs.
  • Potato starch - 70 g.
  • Flour - 70 gr.
  • Gelatin (in powder) - 70g.
  • Vanillin - 8-10 g.

Products for strawberry jelly

  • Strawberries (fresh) - 360 g.
  • Sugar - 110 g.
  • Gelatin (in powder) - 8 g.

stuffing products

  • Fresh strawberries - 650 g.
  • Chocolate chips - 70 gr.

Cooking a cake

To prepare a biscuit, you should carefully separate the proteins from the yolks and foam them until smooth using a blender. In the process, quietly pour the first half of the sugar, after dividing it into two parts. When the mass becomes motionless, gradually add the yolks, continuing to shake.

Pour together - starch, baking powder and flour, mix everything. Sift everything through a fine sieve. Add to the egg mass in a thin stream, so as not to lose its lightness. All the time without stopping shaking.

On low heat, so as not to burn, melt the butter, cool slightly and add to the dough. This should be done from the edge of one side, then mix everything with a spoon. The movements should be light, in the direction: up and down, but in no case to the right or left, otherwise the volume of the dough will be lost.

For baking, it is best to use a split form. Cover the bottom with baking paper and pour in the batter. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for 25 minutes, checking the cake with a toothpick or match. The wood must not be wet. Lightly cool the workpiece. Take it out and cut it with a thread or sharp knife into two halves over the entire plane.

Cooking cream

Pour the cream into a saucepan (it has a thick bottom, so it is well suited for this purpose). Pour in vanilla and half a portion granulated sugar, mix everything well. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Be sure to stir the cream, otherwise the sugar at the bottom may burn.

We foam the eggs with a blender, add flour, starch and the remaining sugar. After shaking everything again, pour it into the cream in a thin stream, actively stirring everything with a whisk. We exhibit not big fire and cook until thickened for 10 minutes. Be sure to make sure that there are no lumps. Cool down.

While the cream is cooling, beat the butter, which should be very soft. Add to total weight and once again whisk everything thoroughly until a beautiful, homogeneous cream is obtained.

Pour gelatin with chilled, boiled water and leave to swell. After the gelatin has swollen, we organize it water bath and heat until all lumps dissolve. Cool slightly and add to common cream, vigorously shaking everything.

Cooking strawberry jelly

Beat fresh berries (360 gr.) in a mixer, adding sugar to it. Pour into a saucepan and put on a large fire, the berry should boil, then turn on the fire and leave to cook for 5-8 minutes.

Pour gelatin with 4 tablespoons of chilled boiled water and mix. We leave it to swell, then organize a water bath for it, where it will bloom completely, add strawberry jelly, mix and leave for 7 minutes. While the gelatin swells, we impregnate. Dilute strawberry syrup (grated strawberries with sugar).

Cake stacking

We spread the first cake all in the same baking dish so that the cake has beautiful, even edges. Soak it cooked strawberry syrup. Lightly grease it with cream, around the edges, around the entire perimeter. We remove the stalks from the strawberries, soak it for 15 minutes, then rinse and dry. We lay out in a cream in a circle part of the berries upright, after cutting them lengthwise into two parts. We put the berries with the cut side to the wall of the form, then they will be visible. Fill the entire layer with cream to their middle.

We lay out whole berries throughout the cake and pour the main part of the cream. We spread the cake on top, soak it again with sweet water, grease with creamy residues. Put the strawberry jelly on top of the cream, right in the center, shake the cake slightly so that it spreads over the surface and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. finished cake need to decorate fresh berries and grated chocolate.

Strawberry Cake "Five Minute"

It is the lightest and a delicious cake, which can be done as often as the family has a desire to feast. It is perfect for him both fresh and frozen strawberries, If we are talking about the winter period.

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Biscuit Products

  • 3 eggs.
  • Wheat flour - 130 gr.
  • Three tablespoons of sour cream
  • Sugar sand - 110 gr.
  • Soda - 3 gr.
  • Bite (5%) - 5 ml.

Products for cream and filling

  • Sour cream (35% fat) - 500 ml.
  • Sugar - 120 gr.
  • Condensed cream - 180 ml.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Strawberries - 400 gr.

Cooking a cake

Beat eggs and sugar with a whisk until thick foam. Put on the stove and with constant stirring (otherwise the sugar will burn) hold it there until the mass begins to rise. Remove and chill. Then carefully pour flour into the mass; mix everything thoroughly and add sour cream. Extinguish the soda in vinegar, pour into the dough, stir everything.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour in the batter. Bake 25 minutes. Check with a wooden toothpick, the wood must be dry.

While the cake is baking, prepare the cream. Using a blender, beat the products: softened butter, sour cream, cream and sugar until smooth. You should get a beautiful, thick, slightly yellowish cream.


Rinse the berries and carefully separate them from their stalk. Remove the cake and cool. Cut it into two parts along the entire plane. Put the first part on wide dish and grease with 1/3 of the third part of the cream, put half of the berries on the cream, after cutting them in half lengthwise.

Cover with the second half of the cake, but do not press down otherwise the filling will crawl out. miss thick cream the top of the cake and the sides, carefully covering everything. Arrange the remaining berries and put in a cold place for 3 hours.

Ready hot biscuit, getting into room temperature from the oven, it can sag from the center. To prevent this from happening, you can put two low bowls and put the form upside down on it. Keep it that way until it cools down.

I don’t know about you, but I have two sweet teeth in my family and next time I decided to cook. I advise you too.

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preparation: 20 minutes

cooking time: 40 minutes

total time: 60 minutes

serving: 6

calories: 229

Strawberry cake bright taste recipe with step by step photo. Incredibly delicious cake has a second name strawberry kiss. It is not difficult to prepare it, I advise everyone to have such a cake for a festive evening.

If you want to pamper your family and friends a little, do not wait for the right moment, but surprise them with a pleasant surprise. Strawberry cake is just right for this and delicious and beautiful. Try to bake very

By the way, this cake is perfect for a couple in love on Valentine's Day or just for a romantic evening.


  • Biscuit:
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Wheat flour - 90 gr.
  • Starch - 30 gr.
  • Butter - 25 gr.
  • Strawberry Gel Jelly:
  • Strawberries (fresh or thawed) - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 70 gr.
  • Gelatin - 6 gr. (+ 3 tbsp water)
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Starch (corn) - 1 tsp (+1 tbsp water)
  • Impregnation for biscuit:
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Sugar - 70 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 2.5 tbsp
  • Cheese cream:
  • Cream cheese (Almette, or other) - 300 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 50 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr. (room temperature)
  • For decoration:
  • strawberries and crumbled almonds


  1. Strawberry cake recipe: Separate the proteins from the yolks and remove the yolks to the side for now, we will need them later. Now beat the whites with sugar using a mixer in a deep saucepan. The mass should cool down dense.
  2. Add egg yolks one at a time and continue beating with a mixer until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  3. Sift flour into a deep bowl and mix with starch.
  4. Add the sifted flour to the beaten egg white and mix with gentle movements from the bottom up.
  5. Heat up the butter and add to the saucepan. Mix and transfer to a baking dish.
  6. We send the form with a biscuit to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  7. We take the biscuit out of the mold and wait for it to cool completely. Usually 5-6 hours, but you can start impregnation after 2-3 hours.
  8. Now let's start making strawberry jelly. Cut strawberries into several pieces.
  9. Using a blender, beat into strawberry sauce.
  10. Add sugar to the strawberries and put on fire, at this time we dilute the starch with lemon juice and add some water. Add the mixture to the strawberries and cook for a few minutes.
  11. Dilute gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  12. Lightly heat and mix with strawberry sauce.
  13. I'm preparing a drink. Mix sugar with water and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and cool to room temperature.
  14. Next, cut the biscuit into 3 equal parts.
  15. Cooking cheese cream. Whip the butter and sugar for a few minutes until fluffy.
  16. Add a tablespoon cream cheese and keep whisking.
  17. Soak and add a layer of strawberry jelly and smooth.
  18. Next comes a layer of cream, apply evenly over the top of the strawberry jelly.
  19. We do the same with the second layer. Jelly, cream and biscuit.
  20. Then we coat the top and sides with cream. From scraps we make crumbs with a blender and sprinkle them on the cake.
  21. Sprinkle with almonds and decorate with fresh strawberries, put in the refrigerator for a few hours to soak. Strawberry kiss cake is ready. Bon appetit!

Strawberry cake can also be made from strawberry jam, but if there is an opportunity, of course, with fresh berries, the taste will be brighter and richer.

Having prepared a cake according to our photo recipe, you will get a very tasty and moist sponge cake with gentle cream And fragrant jelly from fresh berries.
