
The simplest and lightest cake cream. The most delicious creams for cakes - a chic selection! Recipes for delicious creams for biscuits and other homemade cakes

It is rare that a celebration is complete without a birthday cake, whether it's an anniversary, a wedding or a children's party. As they say, the holiday failed if it did not come to the sweet table. But even the most delicious dough or cakes can spoil an unsuccessful cream or, on the contrary, emphasize the dignity of the base. Homemade cream is much tastier and you can decide how sweet it will be. You will need a simple set of ingredients, a mixer, a bowl and a saucepan with thick walls.

Butter cream based on condensed milk. This is one of the simplest and most common recipes and is especially good for biscuit cakes. Take 250 g of melted butter and beat it well with a whisk or mixer. Then, little by little, add condensed milk to the container and whisk again until the mass begins to lag behind the walls of the bowl. The custard is prepared like this:
  • Boil 250 g of milk and cool it.
  • Mix the yolks of two eggs with a tablespoon of flour, 125 g of sugar and a pinch of vanilla sugar.
  • Enter the resulting mixture into warm milk, breaking up the lumps.
  • Return the saucepan to the heat and cook, stirring, for 5-7 minutes, until the cream thickens.
Curd cream. To prepare it, you need to rub 400 g of cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it with four yolks and half a glass of sugar. Then add chilled whipped cream 30% fat. If desired, the recipe can be supplemented with nuts, berries or raisins. Chocolate cream. To make it, buy 250-300 g of dark or milk chocolate and melt it in a water bath. Brew a cup of bergamot tea at the same time. When the tea has cooled down a bit, combine it with melted chocolate. Emphasize the unusual taste with orange or lemon zest. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, and then beat with a mixer until airy. Protein cream. In another way it is called meringue. It is very delicate and light, ideal for decorating a cake, and it does not need to be boiled. You just need to take 4 eggs straight from the fridge and separate the whites. Then add a little lemon juice to the proteins and beat until a strong foam. Then gradually pour in a glass of powdered sugar, without stopping the mixer. The finished cream should hold well on the whisk blades and not fall off.

Sour cream. This is a multifunctional recipe that can also be used as an independent dish - a dessert served with fruits and chocolate. First of all, pour 30 g of gelatin with cold water and leave to swell in a saucepan. You will also need to cool half a kilogram of fat sour cream. Next, you need to beat it in a cold water bath until the volume of sour cream doubles. In parallel, pour a glass of sugar and a little vanillin. Put the pan with gelatin on the stove and melt it. Let the mixture cool slightly and pour into the sour cream mixture, continuing to whisk it vigorously.

These are basic cake cream recipes. You can show a little imagination, experiment with ingredients, dyes, changing the taste, color and consistency of the cream. It is possible that you will become the author of a new culinary masterpiece.

Every housewife should always have cream recipes on hand so that at any time you can quickly and easily bake delicious cakes or desserts.


500ml milk
200gr. Sahara
1 hour a spoonful of vanilla sugar
50gr. flour
4 egg yolks

How to cook:

We grind the egg yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour until smooth. We bring our milk to a boil. Pour hot milk into the egg mass, stir. Put the resulting mass on fire and cook until thick. Ready!


Butter pack - 200 gr
4 chicken eggs
Sand sugar 1 cup
Powdered sugar 100 grams
A pinch of vanilla, if desired, you can without it.

How to cook:

First, take a pot with the thickest bottom. It must be dry. Break four eggs into it. Mix them with sugar. Turn on the fire and start heating. Stir constantly, do not move away from the stove. You will get a thick mass. Remove from the fire and put on the table. stir the mass, wait for it to cool down. Whip the butter in a bowl with the powder. Add egg mixture to butter. A little vanilla for taste. The cream is ready, store in the refrigerator, spread only on cooled cakes.


Softened butter 200 gr.
Condensed milk 100 gr.
Eggs (yolks) 2 pcs.
Vanillin or liqueur

How to cook:

Beat softened butter with condensed milk.
While continuing to beat, gradually add the egg yolks.
For flavoring, add vanillin or another spice, or 30-50 gr. liquor.


1 can of condensed milk
1 pack of butter

How to cook:

Beat butter and condensed milk until smooth. The oil should be at room temperature. Refrigerate the cream.


1/2 cup milk
1 st. l. semolina
1 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp butter
1 yolk
1 tsp vanilla sugar

How to cook:

Boil milk with vanilla sugar. Mix semolina with a little water, pour the resulting mixture into hot milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Thoroughly grind the egg yolk with sugar and butter until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Add semolina porridge to it in small portions, constantly whisking it with a whisk so that the cream is lush and light.

6. Cream cheese "Mascarpone"

Try it! Cooking is very easy, fast, inexpensive.


Cottage cheese (in a pack 18%) - 200 g
Cream (33%) - 200 ml

How to cook:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (preferably twice).
Pour in cold cream.
Beat the mass at low speed until creamy.
Mascarpone cream cheese is ready to use!

7. Custard


2 eggs
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1.5 cups milk
2 tsp melted butter
2 tsp flour

How to cook:

1. Mix flour and eggs in a saucepan so that lumps disappear.
2. Boil milk and sugar in another saucepan, do not forget to stir them.
3. Pour milk with sugar into the flour mixture in a thin stream, stir vigorously with a spatula.
4. Put the resulting cream on a small fire, stirring constantly, bring to desolation. Do not bring the cream to a boil!!!
5. After that, remove the eclair cream from the heat, adding vanilla sugar and butter to it. Mix well and then quickly cool by placing in ice or cold water.

Custard can be used for eclairs or other pastries, cakes, Easter cakes.

8. Butter cream "Five minutes"

The cream is made so simply and quickly, but it turns out so delicious!


Butter - 250 g (room temperature)
Powdered sugar - 200 g
Milk - 100 ml
Vanillin - 1 sachet.

How to cook:

Boil milk and cool to room temperature.
Connect all components.
Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous, pearly in color. Approximately 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes only after 5 minutes the cream starts to whip, so beat as much until it whips, and it’s better at the lowest speed. Neither in combines nor with a blender, as experience has shown, the cream does not whip, so if there is no mixer, then beat it with a hand whisk or whatever suits you)
The cream turns out to be lush, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma.
You can coat cakes and pies (rolls).

Bon appetit!

It is impossible to resist mouth-watering cakes that turn into real works of art. Confectionery is a great field for the wild imagination of sweet chefs. The most skilled craftsmen will be able to create whole worlds from whipped cream and a variety of creams. But they exist for every taste and request!

Good housewives work wonders in their kitchen! Each sorceress has her own little tricks and secrets for creating a birthday cake. Works are rewarded with the delight of the guests and their crazy eyes at the sight of man-made beauty!

Focusing on the taste of the dessert, do not forget about the design. An integral part of the creation of the next masterpiece is a cake decorating cream that holds its shape well. Let's figure out how to properly decorate the "head of the holiday", and finally arrange all the cherries on the cake.

Confectionery cream is an important part of the cake, which, in addition to decorating, has the function of impregnation. It is he who makes simple cakes a delicious dessert. Impregnation holds together all the components, creating a new melody of taste, a symphony of gastronomic pleasure. Therefore, there are various types of creams for decorating the cake. And this is a weapon, having mastered which, you will conquer more than one heart!

We bring to your attention specially selected recipes. This is a collection of the best subtleties and technologies. Having them in your arsenal, you can always create incomparable and original cake decorations at home. Let's start with the main, basic version.


His classic recipe is quite simple to execute and accessible to novice housewives. You can even make figurines of different shapes. The main rule is that such a cream should be very cold. And it is the lightest in consistency, with a shiny smooth surface. A feast for the eyes!

  • Butter 82.5% - 400 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • Milk - 100 ml.

1. Soften the prepared butter with a regular fork.
2. Beat it with a mixer until an airy white foam is formed, adding powdered sugar.
3. Pour in the milk while increasing the mixer speed.
4. Refrigerate before use. We continue our journey into the magical world of decorating cream cakes.


This option is the most capricious of all. Therefore, follow the instructions strictly word for word, step by step! But on the other hand, it is the easiest to model, it is possible to create real masterpieces of confectionery art from it.

  • Egg whites - 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • Lemon juice - 5 ml.

1. Beat the prepared proteins, they should be at room temperature. Slowly pour in the icing sugar, not breaking away from the proteins.
2. Heat the resulting mass in a water bath until the powdered sugar is completely dissolved. In the meantime, keep whisking.
3. Remove from heat, add lemon juice and continue beating until smooth peaks form.


It is a favorite of children and adults. Taste of childhood! Remember those delicious eclairs? Here are some tips for making the right custard:

  1. only fresh milk with sufficient fat content, approximately 3-3.5%;
  2. flour of the highest grade;
  3. if you cook a thick cream, it will be ideal for leveling the surface and errors;
  4. density can be adjusted by the amount of flour;
  5. having a neutral taste, it goes well with various additives: cinnamon, vanilla, cognac, coffee.

And now the recipe itself!

  • Milk 500 ml;
  • Flour 120 g;
  • Powdered sugar 230 g;
  • Butter 100 g.

1. Dissolve the powder in half the volume of prepared milk.
2. Add flour to the second part of the milk. Mix well to get a sticky, thick liquid.
3. To avoid the formation of lumps, use a blender or mixer. It turns out a dense homogeneous mass.
5. In a large bowl, mix the two milk mixtures. Here begins the process of "kneading", which must not be stopped until the cream is ready.
7. Put the semi-finished cream on a very slow fire.
8. Stir until the desired consistency is formed.
10. Add chopped butter, vanilla sugar to it.


In order to prepare the perfect buttercream, buy only vegetable or special confectionery cream. Don't guess! And the result will please!

  • Cream with a fat content of 33-35% - 400 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Citric acid - 2 g.

1. Chill the cream ahead of time. Next, beat thoroughly until a fluffy foam is formed.
2. Sprinkle powdered sugar and citric acid.
3. Use a mixer. On the highest speed, beat until firm peaks form.

By the way, such butter cream will be a great option for decorating a cake or cupcakes from a syringe.

Sour cream

We present you an easy recipe for a magic cream! It will be the best option for soaking a biscuit cake, while it is also relevant for decoration!

  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Sour cream - 150 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.

1. Put sour cream (chilled) in a container.
3. Mix part of the sour cream with powdered sugar. Here is butter, softened.
4. Beat all the products with a mixer until thick.
5. Pour in the rest of the powdered sugar. Beat the cream for another 5 minutes.
7. Get a gentle, airy mass that is ready to use!

Cream Charlotte

It is refined, thin and delicate. There are plenty of decoration options too! From it you can make festive roses that will delight you and your loved ones and create a joyful atmosphere! You can decorate using a pastry bag.

  • Egg yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • Milk - 150 ml;
  • Butter 82.5% - 250 g.

1. Boil milk plus sugar.
2. Rub the egg yolks well.
3. Introduce them in a thin stream into the milk.
4. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer.
5. Put on a slow fire. Bring to a light boil.
7. Cool the cream.
8. Beat the melted butter until fluffy.
9. Combine the milk mixture with the oil.
10. Continue to work with the mixer.

It turns out a luxurious air cream with shine! Therefore, it is used quite often when decorating cakes and impregnating them!


This option is similar to frosting. Also thick and thick. It will reliably protect the surface of your wonderful dessert!

  • Dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • Confectionery cream - 120 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g.

1. Heat cream and powdered sugar in a small container. Do not bring to a boil!
2. Dip chocolate bars into the resulting liquid.
3. Mix thoroughly.
4. Wait for the chocolate to dissolve completely by stirring the mass.
5. Cool the cream to use.

Chocolate boom is guaranteed!

Cream Cheese

It is made from mascarpone or other curd cheeses. Perfect for decorating cakes! For a layer, it is better not to use it, the cakes may remain dry. Or pre-process the cakes.

  • Cream with a fat content of 35% - 100 ml;
  • Cheese - 250 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g.

1. Whip the cream until thick peaks appear. Cream must be chilled.
2. Add powdered sugar.
3. Enter the cheese, without stopping whisking with a mixer.

Now you are fully armed in your kitchen! Any dessert can become a work of art in your skillful hands! The recipe database is here! It remains to pick up the necessary equipment, tools, and go ahead - conquer the sweet peaks!

Hurry up and share in the comments which recipe you have chosen for yourself!

Delicate texture and pleasant plume envelop the mind, giving freshness and youthfulness to the skin. Homemade face cream is a magical remedy created in our own beauty laboratory.

Benefits of skin creams

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • poly-, monounsaturated acids;
  • ethers;
  • organic acids;
  • lactic bacteria;
  • collagen;
  • amino acids.

The benefits of a home remedy are its beneficial properties:

  1. Nutrition;
  2. Fight against age-related changes;
  3. Moisturizing and restoring turgor;
  4. Treatment of acne, pustules;
  5. Structure improvement;
  6. Normalization of pH balance;
  7. Delicately whiten skin, pigmentation, freckles.

Indications - daily care in the complex of cleansing and toning. Contraindications - individual intolerance. Only the allergenic component will cause harm, the mixture is pre-tested on the elbow / wrist.

How to make homemade face cream

Making homemade cream is quite simple with a whisk or mixer, which allows you to get a perfectly homogeneous structure. Products must be of high quality, the terms and rules of storage must be observed. All solid components - waxes, thickeners, fatty oils are heated under the pressure of hot water or in a water bath. Esters are introduced last into the cooled composition.

Ingredients for homemade cream

  1. For oily epidermis, it is worth using light oils of grapes, peach, pomegranate, fermented milk products, antiseptic aromatic oils - bergamot, patchouli, tea tree, orange.
  2. Prepare a cream for dry, sensitive skin with hypoallergenic properties. For this, nutritious olive, jojoba, avocado and sea buckthorn oils, vitamins in liquid form, and plant extracts are suitable.
  3. Preserve and increase the beauty, freshness of the normal type such basic ingredients - wax, honey, esters and fatty animal / vegetable oils.
  4. To care for combination skin, you will need whitening formulations with essential oils of grapefruit, rosemary, and fennel.

The best homemade face cream recipes

Wrinkle Cream

Result: homemade night cream restores the epidermis, smoothes static and mimic wrinkles.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 10 gr. beeswax;
  • 5 gr. coconut oil;
  • ylang ylang oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting natural wax in a water bath, add solid nut butter, mix well, pour into a prepared jar, when it cools down a little, add tropical ether. Use after cleansing the skin of cosmetics.

Acne cream

Result: a natural face cream, having an antiseptic effect, treats purulent formations.


  • 10 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 5 ml pantothenic acid;
  • tea tree oil.

Preparation and method of application: after combining all the components in a dry bowl, transfer to a container from zinc ointment. Treat problem areas in the morning (half an hour before applying makeup) and in the evening. You can store in the bathroom, two / three months.

Moisturizing cream

Result: Affordable homemade moisturizing cream to keep skin firm and fresh.


  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • retinol;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Preparation and method of application: heat solid oil, add youth vitamin and moisturizing oil. Apply in a thin layer, with light driving movements, as a base for foundation.

Cleansing cream

Result: can replace any cleanser with a simple homemade cream.


  • 10 ml of rice oil;
  • eucalyptus essential oil;

Preparation and method of application: inject coniferous ether and acid into a bottle of rice oil. Before use, shake the composition, apply on a cotton pad and wipe the skin.

Anti-aging cream

Result: effective home remedies whiten, tone, smooth age wrinkles.


  • 15 gr. carnauba wax;
  • 1 gr. rice starch;
  • 5 ml of jojoba oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the hypoallergenic wax in a water bath, add a pinch of rice powder and nourishing oil. After placing a convenient box, use in the evening, distributing the anti-aging agent in a dense layer along the massage lines.

Nutritious cream

Result: for a quick restoration of cell membranes, it is worth using proven home recipes.


  • 10 ml sour cream;
  • bergamot oil;
  • yolk;
  • 5 ml olive oil.

Preparation and method of application: beat sour cream with olive oil and yolk with a mixer, add aroma oil to the composition. After moving the finished product into a jar, store in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Whitening cream

Result: this homemade mixture perfectly mattifies, whitens the skin and improves the oxygen respiration of the epidermis.


  • 5 gr. tooth powder;
  • 10 gr. yogurt;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

Preparation and method of application: After thoroughly mixing the bleaching powder with unsweetened yogurt, add the stone oil. Apply for face care in winter, applying in the morning and evening with light movements.

Moisturizing cream

Result: enrich the skin with organic acids and vitamins.


  • 15 gr. cocamide;
  • 5 ml of borage oil;
  • grapefruit oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the base, add African oil, mix well, place in a prepared jar, add citrus ether. Moisturizer to use after morning cleansing, can be combined with a tonal base.


Result: the basis of facial skin care at home is protection from ultraviolet radiation, the main cause of premature aging.


  • 10 gr. coffee grounds;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml wheat oil.

Preparation and method of application: place finely ground coffee and nourishing oils in a dark vessel, leave for about a week. After straining, place in a bottle with a spray nozzle. Apply before going out into the sun, spreading in a thin layer.

Face Lift Cream

Result: after 40, tightens the contour and smoothes wrinkles, day cream with a lifting effect.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml of kelp extract;

Preparation and method of application: beat fresh chilled sour cream with algae extract, add spicy ether. Apply the mixture after cleansing or lifting mask, in a dense layer.

Cream for dry skin

Result: using a nourishing night cream, you can quickly restore the balance of moisture, minerals and fatty acids.


  • 10 ml avocado oil;
  • 5 ml geranium hydrosol;
  • 10 gr. shea butter.

Preparation and method of application: add flower hydrolate and avocado oil to melted nutritious African oil. After the composition thickens, put in the refrigerator. Every evening, after removing make-up, apply a home remedy with smoothing movements, including on the lip area.

Cream for oily skin

Result: mattifying the surface of the face, effective recipes narrow pores.



  • 10 ml of kefir;
  • protein;
  • essential oil of orange.

Preparation and method of application: beat the protein separately with a whisk, then mix with kefir / whey, add orange ether. Apply to the face with a brush/sponge after daily cleansing.

Cream for combination skin

Result: will allow you to remove the fat content of the T-zone and moisturize the skin.


  • 10 gr. lanolin;
  • 5 ml of viburnum juice;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Preparation and method of application: putting lanolin in a water bath, continuously preventing the introduction of stone oil, removing fresh berry juice from heat. Apply after cleansing 20 minutes before makeup.

Cream for sensitive skin

Result: soothe and moisturize the epidermis skin care recipes prone to allergic reactions.


  • 10 gr. badger fat;
  • 5 ml pomegranate oil;

Preparation and method of application: with a cosmetic mixer, thoroughly beat the melted animal fat with butter, adding the vitamin of youth. Store no more than two weeks, use in the evening and in the morning after cleansing with milk.

Cream with cocoa butter

Result: home remedies nourish and protect against adverse external factors.


  • 10 gr. cocoa butter;
  • 5 ml green tea extract;
  • patchouli essential oil.

Preparation and method of application: placing a jar of cocoa butter in hot water, wait five minutes until it melts. Combine with natural antioxidant extract and tropical aromatic oil. When the mass hardens, store in a tightly closed jar, use facial massage cream every evening to prevent flabbiness and wrinkles.

Cream with gelatin

Result: it is easy to prepare a lifting night cream for the face at home.


  • 10 ml red wine;
  • 10 ml mango butter.

Preparation and method of application: turning the gelatin into a gel, add warm wine and mango oil. Beat well, apply instead of a night remedy, including on the eyelid area. Store no more than a month in a cool place.

Cream with glycerin

Result: provides skin hydration, prevents dehydration glycerin cream.


  • 15 ml of glycerin;
  • 5 ml coffee extract;
  • vanilla.

Preparation and method of application: add coffee extract and a little spice to a warm viscous liquid. Apply to the face with a sponge before using a mattifier or concealer.

Cream with aloe

The result: a refreshing summer facial blend that nourishes and rejuvenates during the hot season.


  • 20 ml of aloe juice;
  • 5 ml of chamomile oil.

Preparation and method of application: cut off the branches of the plant, wrap in parchment, put in the refrigerator for two weeks. After squeezing the juice with a press, beat with a cappuccinatore together with flower oil. Store in a cool place for no more than a week. Use on the eyelids and entire face in the morning and before bed.

Cream with beeswax

Result: provides maximum nutrition, covers the epidermis with a thin protective layer.


  • 5 gr. propolis;
  • 10 ml sea buckthorn oil.

Preparation and method of application: after melting the crushed wax with propolis, add sea buckthorn oil, stir all the time. After that, be sure to beat with a cappuccinatore to obtain the most homogeneous structure. Use after a cleansing facial mask or fruit peel.

Cream with mumiyo

Result: mountain resin skin cream with amazing regenerating effect.


  • 5 gr. Altai mumiyo;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 5 ml linden extract.

Preparation and method of application: in warm olive oil (up to 60 ◦), add Altai resin, mix well - liquid extract. Apply to problem areas - acne, pores, stretch marks, scars, in the morning and at night.

Vaseline Cream

Result: softens and moisturizes vaseline cream at home.


  • 10 gr. vaseline;
  • ether of sage;
  • riboflavin.

Preparation and method of application: beat Vaseline with vitamin B 2 and aroma oil with a cosmetic mixer. Apply to restore the epidermis after scrubbing or regular washing.

Cream with vitamins

Result: a light moisturizer enriches the cells with vital substances.


  • 5 ml of retinol;
  • 5 ml of tocopherol;
  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • 5 ml cucumber extract.

Preparation and method of application: after combining the ingredients, beat with a cappuccinatore and put to thicken in a cool place. Apply with fingertips, rubbing the foundation into the skin.

Cream with oils

Result: has a rejuvenating effect, stimulates cell renewal, non-addictive natural remedy.


  • 10 gr. shea butter;
  • 5 ml macadamia oil;
  • vanilla ester.

Preparation and method of application: warm shea butter, combine with macadamia and light vanilla ester. Use for nourishing and moisturizing under make-up or after a cleansing mask, also for facial massage.

Video: How to make face cream at home

Hi all. Today we will make a quick cream for the cake, the easiest recipe at home from cream, coffee and cocoa.

With this cream, any pastry will be flawless, it is also called mocha cream.

Surprisingly tender, moderately sweet dessert. It is excellent for layering many cakes, such as "" or honey cake.

Also, such a quick cake cream can be used for filling waffle or, for decoration, for greasing cake layers, filling eclairs, etc.

Mocha cream can safely replace the famous or - it, in taste, is not inferior to them in any way, but, on the other hand, it has fewer calories.

But, its plus is that you can prepare such a quick cream for the cake, perhaps in just a couple of minutes. And in our time, saving time means a lot.

In addition, guests will appreciate the exquisite combination of cream and coffee.

P.S. And this dish will strike you on the spot: "" - a recipe from a grandmother, it doesn’t taste better.

Well, now let's see:

How to make a quick cream for a cake, the easiest and easiest way at home, a recipe with a photo

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