
Easter decoration Easter. Decorating Easter cakes with sugar pencils

Every hostess knows that learning how to bake delicious Easter cakes is not at all easy. There are many nuances that affect not only the taste and color of the finished cake, but also its height, aroma, splendor, etc. It is especially important to decorate the Easter cake beautifully so that not only the taste, but appearance this traditional pastry pleased. As a rule, Easter cakes are decorated with protein glaze and confectionery powder. This option cannot be called original, and often the Easter cakes of different housewives, decorated in this way, are similar to each other like twins. Therefore, if you want your pastries to be not only tasty, but also beautiful and unbanal, then we strongly recommend that you take a closer look at the ideas and master classes with photos from our today's article. From it you will learn how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands in an original way, for example, with mastic or a chocolate net. You will also find simple and interesting ideas with photos and videos on decorating Easter cakes at home.

How to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands powdered sugar and glaze, a master class with a photo step by step

Let's start with a simple but effective decor option for Easter baking. To unusually decorate Easter cakes with your own hands in this way, you will need chocolate icing and powdered sugar. More details on how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands with powdered sugar and icing in the next master class with a photo.

Ingredients needed to decorate Easter cake with powder and icing

  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • powdered sugar for decoration
  • large lace

Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands with icing and powder

  • First of all, we prepare the icing sugar: pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and a pinch citric acid. Mix all the ingredients and put on medium fire, stirring constantly.
  • When the sugar is completely dissolved and turned into a thick homogeneous mass, add cocoa and mix thoroughly. Keep on fire for just a couple of minutes and remove the finished glaze. Set aside and let it cool for literally 5 minutes before using.
  • We turn to the decoration of Easter cakes. With a confectionery brush, apply warm chocolate sugar icing on top of the Easter cake. If your glaze is very liquid and leaking, then you can use it to decorate the sides of the cake.
  • We give the glaze literally 1-2 minutes to harden slightly and cover the top of the cake with lace. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

    Important! Be sure to use large-knit lace for decoration so that the pattern on the glaze is clear and neat.

  • Slowly remove the lace and our original decor is ready!
  • How to decorate Easter cake chocolate and protein glaze, master class with photo

    You can decorate Easter cake in a rather original and beautiful way with the help of traditional protein glaze in tandem with chocolate. All it takes is patience and a little skill. Learn how to decorate Easter cake with chocolate and protein icing in an original way from the following master class with a photo.

    Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and protein glaze

    • squirrels - 3 pcs.
    • powdered sugar - 250 gr.
    • citric acid on the tip of a knife
    • chocolate - 100 gr.
    • parchment paper

    Instructions on how to decorate Easter cake with protein icing and chocolate

  • To prepare the protein glaze, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with citric acid, gradually adding powdered sugar to the mass. Whip protein mass to stable peaks. We decorate the top of the cake with protein glaze. Let the icing dry a little.
  • We turn to the preparation of chocolate decor. To do this, you need to make a small template from plain paper and draw the desired pattern on it. For example, cut a strip of paper, the width and length of which will correspond to the height and circumference of the cake. And then, using a ruler, draw on it, for example, a "fence" of oblique lines. We connect the finished template with a piece of the same size parchment paper. We drown the chocolate in a water bath and fill it with a pastry bag or a homemade cornet. Carefully repeat the pattern pattern with chocolate on the parchment.
  • After the drawing is completed, it must be transferred to Easter cake. To do this, carefully wrap the Easter cake with a paper template, as shown in the photo below. We lightly press the template to the surface and send the cake to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes so that the chocolate mesh grabs and keeps well on the baking.
  • We take the cake out of the refrigerator and carefully separate the template from the baking.
  • Then, using the same chocolate, we decorate the surface of the cake with protein glaze. The drawing can be absolutely anything and depends solely on your imagination and artistic skills. For example, you can draw a cross or beautiful spirals.
  • An original and simple chocolate decoration of an Easter cake with protein icing - you're done!
  • A master class on how to beautifully decorate your own Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

    You can decorate Easter cake with your own hands in an original and beautiful way with the help of chocolate and nuts, as in the version from the next master class. IN this case will be used walnuts in tandem with dark chocolate. But for decorating an Easter cake, both milk and White chocolate, as well as peanuts, cashews, almonds or nut mix. step by step photos and the master class itself, how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with chocolate and nuts for Easter with your own hands.

    Necessary ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

    • nuts - 70 gr.
    • chocolate - 100 gr.
    • cream - 40 ml.

    Instructions on how to beautifully decorate Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. When the chocolate has completely melted, add the cream and stir over low heat until smooth, without boiling.
  • With a sharp knife or grind with a regular rolling pin roasted nuts e.g. walnuts.
  • We cover the cake with chocolate icing and immediately sprinkle with nuts.
  • We give the glaze to dry and grab for literally an hour and the Easter cake is ready to eat.
  • How to decorate Easter cakes with mastic for Easter with your own hands, a step-by-step master class with a photo

    Mastic cannot be called a traditional material for decorating Easter cakes with your own hands. Many housewives are afraid to use it to decorate Easter baking, worrying that the mastic can distort traditional look Easter cake. But in fact, with the help of mastic, you can give the Easter cake not only an original appearance, but also emphasize the beauty of this Easter muffin. Read more about how to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with mastic with your own hands in step by step master class with photo below.

    Necessary materials to decorate Easter cakes with mastic with your own hands

    • white and yellow paste
    • sharp knife or scalpel
    • food markers
    • toothpicks

    Instructions on how to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands with mastic

  • Mastic can be taken as a ready-made store, and made with your own hands. The main thing is that it should be quite dense and keep its shape well, since we will not completely cover the finished cake with mastic, but we will make a chicken figure out of it. We separate a small piece from the yellow mastic and form an oblong cylinder out of it.
  • We separate the next piece and form a small ball out of it, which will be the basis for the head of our chicken. With our fingers we make recesses for the eyes and form the cheeks.
  • We connect the head and torso, pressing the junction well and smoothing the borders.
  • Now we take two more small pieces of yellow mastic and roll the balls. We flatten them with the palm of our hand and, using a spatula or knife, make small incisions that imitate feathers on chicken wings. We attach the wings to the body, as shown in the photo below.
  • Then we roll a drop from a small ball of mastic and press it with the palm of our hand - this will be the basis for the chicken breast. We make a small incision on top so that the drop gets the shape of a heart and attach it to the figure.
  • We roll three small balls and form oblong sausages from them. We make a forelock of them and fix it on the head of the chicken.
  • Now let's move on to the design of the shell, from which our Easter chicken will hatch on Easter cake. To do this, we divide a piece of white mastic into two halves and roll a ball from each. Then we press the ball so that we get a pancake and form a small plate out of it. With a sharp knife or scalpel, we make cloves that imitate the broken edges of the shell.
  • We plant the chicken in one of the shells, and place the second on his head.
  • From a piece of orange mastic we make a beak.
  • With the help of food felt-tip pens, we draw the eyes of our chicken.
  • Now it remains to fix the figure on the Easter cake. To do this, carefully place the chicken on a toothpick and stick the other end into the cake. Ready! Also, flowers or any other decorations can be cut out of mastic and additionally decorate the surface of the cake.
  • Ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way with a photo

    If you want even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way, we recommend that you take a closer look at the following selection of photos. In it, we tried to collect quite simple in execution, but at the same time unusual, admirable, decor options. For example, if you like to add nuts or candied fruits when baking Easter cake, then you can safely use them for decoration. Just chop any nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits finely with a knife and sprinkle them on the glazed top of the cake. It is also quite simple to decorate the surface of the cake and with the help of colored protein cream and different confectionery nozzles. Another fairly simple way is dough decorations, which give the Easter cake a certain resemblance to a traditional Russian loaf. Such simple ideas How to decorate Easter cakes in an original and beautiful way for Easter does not require complex instructions and is easy to reproduce at home.

    Options for how to beautifully and unusually decorate Easter cake with your own hands

    Especially for those housewives who want not only to decorate Easter cakes in an original way, but also to make them unique in their own way, we suggest not being limited to edible decor. For example, with the help of corrugated colored paper, you can make very unusual bumpers for cakes. Fresh flowers will also be an excellent, albeit short-lived, decoration. achieve original decor for Easter baking, you can use regular sugar. To do this, you just need to color the sugar with food coloring. Such colored sugar looks very cute both on top of protein glaze and on chocolate fudge. You can also decorate Easter cakes with other sweets, such as small meringues, meringue pieces, chocolate dragees or macaroons.

    You will find even more ideas on how to decorate Easter cakes at home with your own hands in the video below. We are sure that among the variety of options presented in it, you will definitely find one that you like. And do not forget that the ideas presented can always be supplemented or changed at your discretion. See the options on how to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands in an original way at home in the video below.

    Now you know how to decorate Easter cake with your own hands so that your pastries are the most beautiful and original on the holiday. We hope that our master classes with photo and video ideas for decorating Easter cakes will definitely find applications in your kitchen this spring. And remember that no mastic, meringue and even chocolate icing will make holiday cake special, if you do not put a piece of your soul and love for your neighbor into its preparation!

    But also decorate it as elegantly as possible. And if earlier the decor of Easter cakes was limited only to sugar or confectionery sprinkles, now there are many more options for how to decorate Easter. Even today you can find a lot.

    Decorating Easter cakes is like a special kind of art, the housewives swung so widely in Easter creativity. If you are also thinking about how to decorate Easter in an original way, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most beautiful options cake decor. And yes, it is not only beautiful, but also insanely delicious.

    How to decorate an Easter cake: 11 great decor options

    Icing for Easter cake: protein or sugar

    Protein or icing - classic version decorations . It plays an important role, because it is not only the decoration of Easter baking, but also the most delicious part of it.

    And also white icing- this is an excellent basis for further decoration of Easter cake. Of course, you can just cover Easter sweet icing and leave it like that. Or you can decorate the icing itself - the choice is yours.

    Easter chocolate decoration

    Chocolate icing for paska or chocolate decorations will add to the Easter cake incredible taste and make it look like a cake. chocolate icing it is better to pour on the Easter cake slightly cooled down and leave until the chocolate has completely solidified. Sweet tooth will appreciate.

    Candied fruits and nuts to decorate the cake

    Candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are another great option Easter cake decorations. To begin, cover the cake with icing, fudge sugar or syrup, and top with dried fruits or nuts. So they will stay on the cap of the Easter cake and will not crumble during cutting or transportation.

    Confectionery topping for Easter decor

    Another known way how to decorate with your own hands - sprinkle it with confectionery sprinkles. This decor is not limited to multi-colored sprinkles. Now you can find sugar balls, and confectionery beads, and edible pearls. Kulich, decorated in this way, will become real.

    Easter cake decorations from mastic

    If you know how to work with mastic or marzipan, you can try decorating Easter with figures from this confectionery material. And you can also involve children in such a process - they will be happy to help fashion figures from sweet "plasticine".

    Decorative painting of Easter cakes

    You can also use sugar pencils - these are tubes with colored sugar syrup, which draw any patterns on Easter cakes. Thematic drawings or inscriptions on top of the Easter cake for Easter will look very elegant.

    Decoration of Easter cakes with fresh flowers, ribbons and lace

    Lightweight, incredibly beautiful and gentle way To decorate Easter cakes, decorate them on top with fresh flowers and tie them with a ribbon or lace. Looks amazing.

    Dough decorations for Easter cakes

    Figures baked from dough will also become good decoration Easter cake. Such easter decor will look very harmonious and holistic. Sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar on top and enjoy the beauty.

    Zephyr and meringue for decorating Easter cakes

    If you decorate Easter cakes with marshmallows, meringue or meringue flowers, it will be non-standard, but very tasty and festive. This option is for those who are not afraid to experiment and surprise.

    Easter decoration with fruits and berries

    fresh or canned fruits and berries are also suitable for Easter decoration. It will turn out insanely tasty, useful and original.

    Marmalade for decorating Easter cakes

    Easter cake decorated with marmalade is an unusual and bright solution for your Easter design. Please your loved ones with an original and delicious pastry decor.

    Now you know the many options for decorating Easter cakes with your own hands. Choose the decor method that you like the most and bring it to life.

    And if you have your own ideas on how to decorate Easter at home, share with us in the comments.

    Easter cake - how a big cake for a birthday! This is the main and long-awaited dessert. And the point is not only in his sweet dough, but also in festive decoration. Traditional white glaze symbolizes cleansing and the beginning of a new life. All other decoration options - color or chocolate fondant, inscriptions, sprinkles - appeared much later and also have the right to exist due to their aesthetic and palatability. So let's get to know all kinds of recipes and decorate Easter cakes for the holiday.

    Delicious, simple and quick decor option

    Let's start with culinary delights from the very simple recipes. They will be useful to those who are taking their first steps in confectionery business, as well as to all hostesses who love to cook goodies in a hurry.

    Option number 1 - powdered sugar. What could be easier than decorating Easter cake with ready-made powder or sugar crushed in a coffee grinder? Here, the traditional white color is observed, and the delicacy will turn out - just lick your fingers!

    Option number 2 - proteins whipped with sugar. You will need a blender, mixer or whisk. Sugar - half a cup for each protein (usually a couple of pieces are enough). If you baked Easter cakes on your own, then the yolks went to the dough, and the remaining proteins will be very useful for icing. whipped thick foam put on the tops of the cakes and let dry in the oven. It turned out economical recipe our grandmothers.

    Easy way number 3 - finished easter icing. It can be purchased on holiday days at any grocery supermarket. The contents of a small sachet include powdered sugar with additives (starch and citric acid). Starch in the composition is necessary for a faster thickening of the mass, a few minutes will be enough.

    The recipe is usually written on the package: beat the powder with proteins in the indicated proportions and then grease the tops of the cakes with a spoon or a pastry brush.

    Glaze secrets

    In preparation of the ideal consistency and taste properties glazes have their own secrets. Let's remember them once and for all, so that later we can be proud of our confectionery masterpieces:

    How to make protein glaze - video

    Use decorative sprinkles

    Ready-made confectionery topping is a real miracle for decorating Easter cakes. One nuance is important: exactly when to sprinkle it on pastries. You need to catch the moment when the glaze is slightly frozen, but not completely dry. If you add the sprinkles too early, into the liquid protein mass, then these multi-colored particles will simply melt. If it is too late, then the sugar decorations will not stick to the surface of the cake. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

    You can choose in the store toppings of any colors and shapes and decorate pastries as you like.

    You can combine to decorate Easter cakes different types decor, create unique combinations colors and shapes. For even more variety, the topping can be replaced with no less beautiful, tasty and fragrant ingredients, namely:

    • coconut flakes;
    • shavings of black, milk and white chocolate;
    • candied fruit.

    Instead of protein glaze, you can take home-made chocolate or melted tiles. Then use this option for decorating Easter cake: pour shavings on the dark chocolate coating white color, and vice versa, on white glaze - dark chocolate.

    For home lovers milk chocolate there is a verified delicious recipe. You will need the following components:

    • 100 g of milk;
    • 50 g butter;
    • 1 tsp Sahara;
    • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


    1. We heat milk on the stove.
    2. We fall asleep in a saucepan with cocoa milk and sugar.
    3. Separately, heat the butter in a water bath and pour it into the milk mixture.
    4. Bring the mass to a boil, then cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
    5. We immediately apply the prepared chocolate to the baking, as it hardens quickly enough.

    Sweet letters and inscriptions

    To make sweet congratulatory inscription on Easter cake, there are several interesting ways.

    Original decor ideas

    In addition to the considered popular options, there are many more ways to decorate Easter cake in an original way. Roughly speaking, everything sweet, small and beautiful can be poured onto the icing. For example:

    Easter cakes come out very beautiful if you stick thawed berries on the icing. A pair of cherries in the center of round sweet bread is cute, bright and appetizing!

    The pinnacle of confectionery craftsmanship is a beautiful Easter cake with figurines of sugar mastic or marzipan. They are bought or molded independently, as if from plasticine. So connect the kids to the creation of sweet figurines of bunnies, various flowers, chickens, doves, willow branches, miniature Easter eggs, angels and everything else.

    For children, you can cook mini-cakes and use the following decoration methods: draw with any confectionery funny smiling faces, bright stars and wonderful hearts.

    But glue marshmallows or meringues to the largest Easter cake. Excellent as a cooking glue will do raw protein.

    Easter cake decorating ideas don't end there! Options:

    Final touches before serving

    Now you know almost everything about how to decorate an Easter cake. There are still a few culinary and decorating subtleties left.

    • For beautiful presentation the finished Easter cake is tied with one ribbon or several multi-colored, openwork, with embroidery. Be sure to tie a magnificent bow, as on a gift. And on the ribbon you can attach a stem with a spring flower, live or artificial. Lay wheat ears and painted eggs side by side.
    • Special culinary paper for wrapping Easter cakes (painted in floral and other motifs) is also for sale.
    • Easter pastries look no less presentable on round white knitted napkins. A towel with an embroidered national ornament is also a good background for Easter dishes. If you like the usual plates, choose a neutral white one or one that will harmonize in color with decorations on pastries.

    And most importantly: Easter cakes should be decorated only in good mood and with great love for the cooking process and for those people for whom the gifts are baked. Only then will real works come out as a result. confectionery art pleasing to the eye and taste. Let us connect our spiritual strength and rich imagination to make Easter one of best holidays in a year!

    Icing for Easter cake without eggs - video

    How and what to decorate Easter cake ideas and master classes

    The main dish for Easter is, of course, Easter cake. There are a thousand recipes, and still every housewife prepares it in her own way.

    More than these recipes can only be the number of options for decorating Easter cake.

    Thanks to the wide range confectionery decorations making Easter cake can turn into an exciting activity for mom and children.

    I offer you a few ideas for inspiration and master classes on decorating Easter cakes.

    Easter cakes painted

    It all depends on your talent - you can create whole paintings, or you can add a few traditional details: willow or lily of the valley twigs, apple flowers, simple patterns.

    flower cakes

    Now there are a lot of ready-made floral decorations, waffle, sugar and chocolate, but you can try to make flowers yourself, for example, from marzipan.

    Flowers can even be alive: chamomile, lilies of the valley, daffodils, violets, willow twigs.

    Easter cakes with domes

    Easter cakes in the form of churches with domes look very original.

    Easter cakes with berries

    Easter cakes

    Children will definitely like small Easter cakes, and they are also convenient to give to friends and relatives for Easter.

    Attention to detail

    Lace, ribbons, bows and various figures will make your Easter cake the most original and unique!


    For test:

    • Milk - 0.5 l.
    • Flour - 1 kg
    • Yolks - 5 pcs.
    • Drain. butter - 250 gr
    • Sugar - 0.5 kg
    • Raisins - 150 gr
    • Yeast - 50 gr (wet)
    • Vanillin

    For fondant:

    • Protein - 2 pcs
    • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • beet juice
    • carrot juice
    • Cocoa


    Into a glass warm milk add yeast and 2 tbsp. flour. Mix and let the yeast rise. Then add butter and 2 tbsp. l. sugar, mix everything and set to approach.

    Add everything according to the recipe, knead well and in a warm place, so that it fits well.

    Knead again and put the dough into molds, greased with oil, on half of the mold. Let rise and place in preheated oven.

    Bake at a temperature of 200-220 degrees until well golden brown.

    Readiness to check by piercing the cake with a stick. Let cool and carefully remove the cake from the mold. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. For painting, mix small parts of the fondant with beetroot juice, carrot juice and cocoa. Lubricate the top of the cake with white fondant.

    Then drip on white fudge colored glaze.

    Use a stick to draw stains.

    Decorate nicely on top.

    Our Easter "Painted Easter Cakes" are ready!

    Good and bright Sunday to you!

    More options

    Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff. Mix small parts of whipped proteins with cocoa, spinach broth, turmeric.

    Lubricate the tops of Easter cakes with white fondant and sprinkle multi-colored fondants on top.

    Use a stick (toothpick) to make beautiful stains.

    Here is one of the options we got.

    Another painting option.

    On top of the painting, you can decorate with mastic flowers or colored sprinkles.

    There are several other options for decorating Easter cake.

    Making your own powder

    In addition to confectionery powder, which is made from hard glaze, multi-colored cakes are used as powder on Easter cakes. coconut flakes, colored sugar, semolina and even millet. You can buy powder not only before Easter, but also at any other time. It is stored for a long time, and in a dry cool place surplus may remain up to next year. Making your own powder is also easy. This will require food coloring and base. At home, semolina is best, but, of course, sugar powder will be tastier.

    Bright and saturated colors gives paint for eggs. It needs very little, so you can use the leftovers. But if vinegar was added to the paint, it is not suitable for making powder. Semolina or sugar is placed for a few seconds in cold paint and dried on paper. After drying, large lumps can be broken into which cereals and sugar soaked in paint stick together.

    Usually, colored powder is mixed, or it is already sold in a mixed form. But coconut flakes, for example, are packaged in individual colors. You can decorate the Easter cake in an original way if you apply the powder in stripes or concentric circles. You can also cut out a stencil with XB letters and simple patterns and apply powder through the stencil, letters and patterns in one color, the background in another.

    Traditionally, it is decorated with the letters "XB". This is an abbreviation of the Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!". Letters can be laid out with pieces of finely chopped fruit, raisins, dried apricots ... Candied fruits (usually flat and multi-colored) are also used for inscriptions. And the letters "XB" are molded from dough. And when the cake is ready, sprinkle it with powdered sugar, and highlight the letters with bright sprinkles (culinary beads, for example), chocolate.

    Glaze. Decorating Easter cakes with icing is a very common way to give them a festive, beautiful view. The icing is prepared from egg white and sugar (or powdered sugar), which are thoroughly beaten until a thick foam.

    Icing for Easter cake

    1-2 egg whites
    0.5 cups of powdered sugar,
    1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice.

    Protein must be chilled. Beat it with a mixer. Start the process with the first speed, gradually increase it. You can understand that it is enough to beat by turning the bowl of protein upside down - the protein should not spill out. When the required consistency is reached, start gradually, by a teaspoon, to introduce powdered sugar sifted through a sieve. At the end add lemon juice and beat for 10 more seconds. Finished glaze apply on hot Easter cakes - then it will fit snugly, and is unlikely to crumble. Another way to give additional “strength” to the glaze is to put the Easter cakes for a minute in the oven, heated to 100-120 ° C.

    Glaze - by itself lovely decoration. However, you can add (sprinkle) nuts, dried fruits, grated chocolate, multi-colored confectionery beads. Again, you can lay out the letters “XB” from fruits. And you can just write these letters with icing. Lots of options. Kulich - holiday treat so get creative! Often, to give it an appetizing shine, the yolk is applied to the finished cake and sprinkled with powdered sugar or bright sprinkles. They mold a symbol of faith - a cross - from dough and highlight it with glaze. Can be used for decoration (already on top of the glaze), for example, waffle flowers, flowers from culinary mastic.

    Sugar culinary mastic for flowers and other decorations

    250 g powdered sugar,
    2 tsp gelatin powder,
    6 tsp water,
    1 tsp glucose.

    Sift the powdered sugar. Pour it into a bowl. Take another bowl (small) and place the gelatin in it. Sprinkle it with water, let it swell for 2-3 minutes. Then put the bowl of gelatin on water bath and dissolve it by gently stirring. Immediately after the gelatin dissolves, pour in the glucose. The resulting liquid should be more or less transparent. Next, make a hole in the powdered sugar and pour the mixture of gelatin and glucose into it. Mix well, you can use a knife, chopping movements. Then place the mask in plastic bag and the package in an airtight container. Leave for 3-4 hours room temperature. After that, you can sculpt flowers and other decorations from mastic.

    Here's how you can mold, for example, roses from mastic. To start using food colorings, tint the mastic in pink, green, scarlet, yellow and other colors. Leave some white mastic as well. Put the pieces of colored mastic in a plastic bag to keep it soft and pliable. Use it in small portions.

    From a small piece mass blind "carrot" and put it on a table or plank. After that, roll up balls of the same size from the tinted mass - future rose petals. Mash the first ball with a teaspoon on a table dusted with powdered sugar, then use your hands to shape it into a petal shape. Make the petals thinner on one edge, thicker on the opposite. Then slightly moisten the lower part of the petal with water and wrap it around the “carrot”, thus making the ovary of the flower. From the second ball, blind the next petal. Moisten the bottom again at the base of the petal and wind it onto the workpiece so that the middle of the second petal closes the “seam” of the first petal. Glue the third petal and bend it from the middle to the side. So make 5-6 petals.

    Let the finished flowers dry for 5-6 hours. Petals should be made as thin as possible towards the edges and thicker at the base! If an excess mass of glaze has formed at the bottom of the flower, it can be cut off with scissors.

    Then you need to prepare the leaves for the flowers. From 3-4 green balls (you can different sizes) form "carrots". With two thumbs, press down on the middle of the "carrot" and give it the shape of a leaf. Then with a knife in the center of the sheet, and after obliquely, apply veins. The leaf can be given any shape and bent as you like. Dry. When flowers and leaves are ready, they are collected in a bouquet. Attach 2 to 3 leaves to one flower.

    Easter cake should be served on a large plate, on which painted eggs can be laid out around the perimeter (we will talk about them later). But there is another option: with fruit. To do this, lay out kiwi with chamomile, and in the center place a mixture of nuts, prunes, fresh berries, sliced ​​orange slices. On the resulting fruit base, place the Easter cake, decorated in the same style: fresh fruit over glaze.

    Easter icing and decorative sprinkles

    But they came up with modern way Easter cake decorations, although in fact Easter icing is the same sugar, only in the form of powder, with the addition of citric acid and starch (for better whipping and thickening). To the glaze in the form of a powder, you need to add egg white and beat with a mixer, beats quickly and freezes better than just whites with sugar.

    We apply the glaze on the tops of the Easter cakes with a brush or a spoon and wait a couple of minutes. Because if you sprinkle with sprinkles right away, it will get wet and melt.

    And after a few minutes, when the icing on the Easter cakes dries up, but does not harden - do not miss it, the topping will simply crumble with the frozen icing!) - decorate with multi-colored sugar sprinkles.
    And there are so many types of sprinkles - both round, and long, and asterisks, and different colors! Entrust the work of sprinkling cakes with sprinkles to the children - they really like this business! True, part of the topping is eaten :)

    But look how else you can elegantly paint Easter cakes with the help of plain glaze And natural dyes!

    Candied fruits, sugar beads and sugar figurines

    You can decorate Easter cakes not with sprinkles, but colorful candied fruit. It looks very nice, but candied fruits are large and hard, so it is better not to give them to small children.

    Also very original and beautiful look apiaries, decorated with sugar figurines from mastic - for example, with such cute chickens. But these figurines, to be honest, you can’t gnaw through ...

    And sugar beads, shiny, gold and silver - although they are very beautiful, I do not advise you to take them for decoration! They are good only in appearance, but they taste very hard and absolutely unbreakable. And even dangerous for kids. So we'd better take...

    Sugar pencils!

    Brilliant invention!!! Well done to the confectioner who invented them! The process of decorating baking - Easter cakes, muffins, cookies - turns into creativity! You can draw whatever patterns you want, leaves, flowers, put specks - paint a little pasochka like a krashanka! Set includes three pencils different colors- red, green and yellow. It is very exciting to paint Easter cakes with them for the whole family! Give the kids a Easter cake for decoration, and let them paint as they want!

    Dough decoration

    Two types of dough decorations

    Decorations are laid out on top of the cake before baking or glued onto the already baked cake with the help of raw protein. You can prepare decorations from the same dough from which Easter cake is made, or from another, less amenable to deformation during baking. Braids are woven from dough, flowers are made, letters and crosses are laid out.

    If the cake is baked together with decorations, to give a beautiful look, the top is smeared with a beaten egg or vegetable oil. But this is optional. Then, after baking, the top of the cake can be poured with sugar syrup and even a fine powder can be applied over the syrup. Cover the gaps between decorations with glaze, glue nuts and candied fruits with protein.

    For jewelry from sweet dough:
    150 gr. flour,
    30 gr. margarine,
    1 st. l. sour cream
    20 gr. Sahara,
    1 egg.

    Perhaps you are quite satisfied that the decorations will be crispy golden crust and the same color as the whole cake. Then decorations can be made from the same dough from which Easter cake is prepared. Well, if you still want them to contrast in color, take on board one more piece of decoration advice can be made from yeast, but not rich dough. Carefully, on the dough that has already risen, smeared with egg suspension, prepared decorations are laid out and the cake is sent for baking.

    Of course, there is no comrade for the taste and color. I prefer to work with special dough, then the decorations are more airy and elegant. Finished jewelry placed on the hot surface of the baked cake. Since they are very thin compared to jewelry made of yeast dough, then the decor attached to the Easter cake is enough to be placed in a hot oven for several minutes to fix and create a light shade.

    simple dough-Flour,salt and water, knead a stiff dough and make decorations.

    mk roses

    These are blanks for spikelets:

    This is how they need to be cut with scissors:

    On the rolled dough, cut out different flowers and leaves with notches:

    For roses, you can use special recesses and collect them according to the type of mastic:

    These are the blanks you can make while the cake is coming up:

    Easter cake - main character Easter holiday and a true decoration Easter table. We have collected all the famous and most interesting options how to decorate Easter cake for Easter to make it even tastier and more beautiful.

    Kulich is a symbol of the main spring holiday, and therefore every housewife tries not only to bake the most magnificent and fragrant easter, but also decorate it as elegantly as possible. And if earlier the decor of Easter cakes was limited only to sugar or protein icing and confectionery sprinkles, now there are many more options for decorating Easter. Even today you can find a lot of icing recipes for Easter cakes.

    Decorating Easter cakes is like a special kind of art, the housewives swung so widely in Easter creativity. If you are also thinking about how to decorate Easter in an original way, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most beautiful options for decorating Easter cakes. And yes, it is not only beautiful, but also insanely delicious!

    Icing for Easter cake: protein or sugar

    Protein or sugar icing is a classic option for decorating Easter cakes. It plays an important role, because it is not only the decoration of Easter baking, but also the most delicious part of it.

    And white icing is an excellent basis for further decoration of Easter cake. Of course, you can just cover Easter with sweet icing and leave it like that. Or you can decorate the icing itself - the choice is yours.

    Easter chocolate decoration

    Chocolate icing for Easter cake or chocolate decorations will give the Easter cake an incredible taste and make it look like a cake. It is better to pour the chocolate icing on the cake when it has cooled slightly and leave until the chocolate has completely solidified. Sweet tooth will appreciate!

    Candied fruits and nuts to decorate the cake

    Candied fruits, nuts and dried fruits are another great option for decorating Easter cakes. First, cover the cake with icing, sugar fondant or syrup, and put dried fruits or nuts on top. So they will stay on the cap of the Easter cake and will not crumble during cutting or transportation.

    Confectionery topping for Easter decor

    Another well-known way to decorate Easter cake with your own hands is to sprinkle it with confectionery sprinkles. This decor is not limited to multi-colored sprinkles. Now you can find sugar balls, and confectionery beads, and edible pearls. Easter cake, decorated in this way, will become a real decoration of the Easter table.

    Easter cake decorations from mastic

    If you know how to work with mastic or marzipan, you can try decorating Easter with figures from this confectionery material. And you can also involve children in such a process - they will be happy to help fashion figures from sweet "plasticine".

    Decorative painting of Easter cakes

    Do you have time, inspiration and desire to do something unusual? Stock up on icing or melted chocolate, a pastry bag or brushes, and natural food coloring.

    You can also use sugar pencils - these are tubes with colored sugar syrup, with which you can draw any patterns on Easter cakes. Thematic drawings or inscriptions on top of the Easter cake for Easter will look very elegant.
