
Easter cake decoration. How and how to decorate Easter cake ideas and master classes

Easter is coming soon, all of us, hostesses, will bake Easter cakes, tasty and fragrant, and of course we all want our Easter cakes to turn out beautiful too!

And to decorate Easter cake, so many interesting things have been invented! Let's get a look…

1. Powdered sugar

The easiest and fastest way. We used to do that before. Well, what could be easier than generously shaking the cake through a strainer with sweet powdered sugar? The white color of the powder beautifully sets off the ruddy cake.

2. Whipped egg whites

in the photo - finished Easter icing

The way of our grandmothers is also simple and economical. No need to buy additional products for decoration - after all, only the yolks go into the Easter dough, and the proteins remain! Here we beat them with sugar (not all, of course, 1-2 pieces are enough, for 1 protein - 0.5 cups of sugar). Beat as for a biscuit, until a thick foam, and apply this foam to the tops of the Easter cakes. Can be dried in the oven.

3. Easter icing and decorative sprinkles

But they came up with a modern way to decorate Easter cakes, although in fact Easter icing is the same sugar, only in the form of powder, with the addition of citric acid and starch (for better whipping and thickening). You need to add egg white to the glaze in the form of a powder and beat with a mixer, it whips quickly and freezes better than just whites with sugar.

We apply the glaze on the tops of the Easter cakes with a brush or a spoon and wait a couple of minutes. Because if you sprinkle with sprinkles right away, it will get wet and melt.

And after a few minutes, when the icing on the Easter cakes dries up, but does not harden - do not miss it, the topping will simply crumble with the frozen icing!) - decorate with multi-colored sugar sprinkles.

And there are so many types of sprinkles - both round, and long, and asterisks, and different colors! Entrust the work of sprinkling cakes with sprinkles to the children - they really like this business! True, part of the topping is eaten :)

Or you can make lemon icing from powdered sugar and lemon juice. For 100 g of powder (0.5 cups) - about 1.5-2 tablespoons of juice. Can be orange or tangerine. Stir, bring the icing to the desired consistency with the addition of a dry or liquid ingredient, and apply to the tops of the apiaries. At first, the lemon icing is almost transparent, but when it hardens, it becomes matte. Lemon glaze is not sweet, unlike other types, but sweet and sour, and it is especially delicious.

But look how else you can elegantly paint Easter cakes with the help of ordinary icing and natural dyes!

4. Candied fruits, sugar beads and sugar figurines

You can decorate Easter cakes not with sprinkles, but with multi-colored candied fruits. It looks very nice, but candied fruits are large and hard, so it is better not to give them to small children.

Also, pastries decorated with mastic sugar figurines look very original and beautiful - for example, with such cute chickens. 🙂 But these figurines, to be honest, you can’t gnaw through ...

And sugar beads, shiny, gold and silver - although they are very beautiful, I do not advise you to take them for decoration! They are good only in appearance, but they taste very hard and absolutely unbreakable. And even dangerous for kids. So we'd better take...

5. Sugar pencils!

Brilliant invention!!! Well done to the confectioner who invented them! The process of decorating pastries - Easter cakes, muffins, cookies - turns into creativity! You can draw whatever patterns you want, leaves, flowers, put specks - paint a little pasochka like a krashanka! The set includes three pencils of different colors - red, green and yellow. It is very exciting to paint Easter cakes with them for the whole family! Give the kids a Easter cake for decoration, and let them paint as they want!

How do you decorate cookies? Please write in the comments, or you can send a photo!

A beautiful Easter cake is one of the most important table decorations for Easter. Baking can be decorated in a variety of ways: combining icing and sprinkles, chocolate and nuts. It is very unusual and original to decorate an Easter cake with the help of mastic. It can cover it completely or be used to sculpt figures. You can also use dried fruits, chocolate drops and drops for work. How to decorate Easter cake with various confectionery additives is indicated in the reviewed photo and video master classes. And in cool examples, you can get ideas for creating non-standard baking with your own hands at home.

How to decorate cottage cheese cakes with your own hands for Easter - a photo master class with a recipe

By themselves, cottage cheese cakes look very beautiful. And when using poppy seeds, jam and fruits as their filling, you can get a real work of art. How to decorate Easter cake with your own hands using a mixture of jelly and jam is described in the next master class. The above photos will help you understand how to do the job without errors and make an original Easter cake with your own hands for the Easter holiday.

List of ingredients according to the recipe for cottage cheese cake for Easter with your own hands

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • poppy - 2 tablespoons;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • jam (2 types) - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • dried apricots - 50 g;
  • jelly - 1 pack;
  • berries - to taste;
  • topping for cakes.

Photo recipe for cottage cheese cake with the rules for decorating it for Easter with your own hands

How to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands for Easter - master classes in decorating nuts with chocolate, icing

A mixture of chocolate or icing and nuts allows you to make a beautiful and very tasty cake without any problems. These Easter cakes are sure to please children and become their favorite holiday treat. The master classes below will help you learn how to decorate Easter cakes for Easter with your own hands. They include simple and clear operating instructions. Even young inexperienced hostesses can use such tips.

Ingredients for a master class on decorating Easter cake with icing and nuts

  • colored confectionery glaze (sold in stores);
  • pistachios - 100 g;
  • confectionery gems.

A step-by-step master class on decorating Easter cake for Easter with your own hands - icing and nuts

How to decorate Easter cake with icing and nuts for Easter?

Ordinary walnuts are ideal for decorating an Easter cake. They are not only tasty, but also a very useful addition to baking. And in combination with chocolate, nuts can create a non-standard holiday cake that everyone in the household will like.

Ingredients for decorating Easter cake with chocolate and nuts

  • chocolate 70% - 100 g;
  • cream -20% - 50 ml;
  • walnuts - 50 g.

Master class on decorating Easter cake with your own hands - chocolate and nuts

How to decorate Easter cake in an original way with sprinkles and chocolate drops - photo instructions

The use of sprinkles is a standard decoration for Easter cakes. But in pastry shops you can buy both non-standard colored decor, and chocolate drops (droplets), curls. You can learn how to decorate Easter cake beautifully and in an original way with the usual toppings in the following master classes.

List of ingredients for the original decoration of the Easter cake with sprinkles

  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice;
  • dressing.

Step-by-step instructions for decorating Easter cake for Easter with regular sprinkles

Original decoration of Easter cake with sprinkles and chocolate drops

To diversify the usual design of the Easter cake will help the use of chocolate drops. They perfectly complement the confectionery and make it very tasty. Beautiful Easter cakes, when properly stored, will not lose their shape, and the top decor itself will “float” and will not crumble.

Ingredients for decorating Easter cake with sprinkles and chocolate drops

  • egg white - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dressing;
  • chocolate drops.

Photo master class on the original Easter cake decoration for Easter with sprinkles and chocolate drops

How to decorate Easter cake with mastic for the Easter holiday - completely, with figures according to master classes

The use of elastic mastic allows you to create an original design for Easter cake, which will certainly conquer all households and guests of the house. Thanks to beautiful mastic, you can achieve a non-standard look of familiar baking and make it a real work of art. You can use mastic both to create confectionery products with non-standard shapes, and to create cool Easter figurines. You can learn how to decorate Easter cakes with mastic, and how to cook it correctly, in the following master classes.

Ingredients for decorating Easter cake with mastic completely

  • marshmallow (marshmallow) - 100 g;
  • starch - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp;
  • drain. oil - 1 tsp;
  • dyes;
  • colored confectionery glaze;
  • berries, fruits, jelly, topping - optional.

Step-by-step master class on decorating Easter cake with mastic completely

Making figurines for decorating Easter cake from mastic

Beautiful figurines made of mastic are great for Easter cake decoration. Making them with your own hands is not difficult, but you need to prepare a special mixture. The mastic discussed below is ideal for sculpting figures: it is dense and holds its shape well. But it is not suitable for covering cakes with an even layer. Such mastic is less elastic and quickly hardens. But the figures made from it can be used to decorate both Easter cake and holiday cupcakes.

List of ingredients for making figurines for Easter cake from mastic

  • powdered sugar - 500 g;
  • gelatin - 10 g;
  • water - 50 ml;
  • dyes.

Photo master class on making decorations for Easter cake from mastic

How unusual to decorate Easter cakes for Easter - photo ideas and video examples for decorating pastries

The use of non-standard decor and additives to decorate Easter cakes allows you to get original pastries that both adults and children will eat with pleasure. The following ingredients are great for brightly decorating Easter cakes:

  • various combinations of berries, fruits (for example, cranberries, strawberries, kiwi, bananas, figs);
  • figured confectionery decorations (they are usually sold on the eve of the holiday both in specialized stores and in ordinary supermarkets);
  • citrus fruits (you can put slices of oranges or lemons and sprinkle them with sugar, cinnamon);
  • spices and herbs (you can put an anise star and mint leaves on the top of the cake, but you can also put a couple of cinnamon sticks on a plate next to pastries);
  • sweets, meringues and marshmallows (any Easter cake can be coolly decorated with multi-colored round sweets and icing, or simply put mini marshmallows or bright meringues as tops).

A variety of ribbons are used as unusual inedible decorations for Easter cakes. They can simply tie the product and serve it in this form to the table. The combination of transparent and satin ribbons will allow you to create the most striking decor even for Easter cake without special top decoration. It will look less impressive, but it will not become less tasty. The following photo ideas will also tell you how to decorate Easter cakes. They will help you find other cool baking decor options.

Photo ideas for an unusual decoration of Easter cakes

Interesting photo examples for decorating Easter cakes will help you visually evaluate each idea and experience real delight from viewing confectionery masterpieces. Many craftsmen combine the above ingredients when decorating Easter cakes. This allows you to get the brightest and most beautiful confectionery. For ideas on how to decorate an Easter cake, the following useful selection will help:

Video examples of unusual Easter cake decorations for Easter

Not only photo ideas, but also practical video examples will help young hostesses in choosing the most attractive decor. The considered master classes will allow you to find both refined and simplified options. It remains only to choose how to decorate Easter cake for the holiday, study the detailed instructions and start baking before Easter.

In these photo workshops and video examples, you can find the most unusual and cool ideas for decorating Easter cakes. It can be either classic icing and sprinkles, or a combination of chocolate and nuts. The use of chocolate drops, fresh fruits, dried fruits will help to make an ordinary Easter cake original. You can also find out how to decorate Easter cake with mastic completely or with bright figures from mastic in the instructions given. Useful tips will help you create a confectionery masterpiece with your own hands. Such a task is within the power of all fans of tasty, non-standard and beautiful products.

Everyone knows about the Easter holiday - the largest in the Orthodox world. By this day, in all families, festive cakes are prepared and eggs are painted. And, if the dough recipe is used approximately the same, then there are many options for decorating Easter cakes. Some are classic, others are original.

Powdered sugar decoration

This method is common, and it does not take much time. To perform this option, you only need powdered sugar, which is evenly applied to the top of the holiday baking. Thus saving both time and money.

To give the Easter cake originality, it is also sprinkled with special toppings. These ornaments are sold in various shapes and sizes. And it is possible to get an interesting pattern using a stencil or napkin. To perform, you need to attach the selected stencil to the top of the cake and sprinkle powdered sugar on top. The result is an interesting and neat pattern.

Decorating Easter cake with protein glaze - recipe

This option is equated to the classic, because it is popular used by most housewives. This type of decoration is easy to perform, and the result will definitely please.

  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  2. Squirrels briefly put to cool in the refrigerator.
  3. Remove egg whites from refrigerator and beat together with lemon juice.
  4. Pour sugar into the resulting mass and beat further. You should get a thick consistency.
  5. At the end, it remains only to pour abundantly on the tops of the Easter cakes.

The streaks on the sides will look interesting. To give the product more colors, use special sprinkles. Which will look harmoniously on a white top.

Painting Easter cakes with protein glaze

This idea is interesting and original.

  • protein glaze prepared according to the recipe above;
  • food colorings.
  1. First prepare the egg white frosting.
  2. Decide what drawings will be made (churches, flowers, Easter eggs, etc.).
  3. Distribute the icing in containers and use dyes to make it different colors.
  4. To create a pattern, first the tops are covered with white, and then colored elements are drawn with a brush.

This option will appeal to those who love and know how to draw. However, simple elements can be drawn by everyone.

Lean glaze

This is one of the variations of decorating Easter cakes for the Easter holiday. It is no more difficult to make than regular icing, but there are no eggs among the ingredients, which is why it is considered lean.

  1. Pour the ingredients into a deep container.
  2. With a fork or whisk, mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Pour the Easter cakes with the resulting fondant icing.

Fruit or berry glaze

For those who like to try out new ideas and experiment, you can replace lemon juice with another fruit or berry juice. In this case, you get an original glaze with an interesting color and taste.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • fruit or berry juice - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.
  1. First put the ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients so that the mass is homogeneous and without lumps.
  3. Pour the thickened glaze over the tops of the cakes.

Thanks to the use of powdered sugar, fruit glaze is obtained in delicate shades.

Chocolate glaze

Who doesn't love chocolate? Probably, there are practically none. Therefore, one of the options for decorating Easter cakes will be the preparation of chocolate icing.

This will require the following components:

  1. First let the butter melt.
  2. Then add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix and put on a slow fire. Stir the mixture constantly to prevent it from burning. Bring the consistency to a thickening, then remove from heat.
  3. Pour the slightly cooled mass of Easter cakes.
  4. For beauty, you can sprinkle on top with special toppings, nuts, marmalade, dragee candies, etc.

Decorating with mastic

Among modern housewives, there will certainly be lovers of mastic. With it, you can turn any pastry into a real work of art. Mastic is a great way to decorate Easter cakes with your own hands.

For cooking you will need:

  • marshmallow - 200-250 g;
  • food coloring;
  • water - 1/4 cup;
  • powdered sugar - 400 g.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Put the marshmallows in a container and put in a water bath. When the chewing marshmallow begins to increase, and when touched - sticky - add a little powdered sugar, while constantly stirring.
  2. In order for the figures from the mastic to be colored, add a little water and dye.
  3. Sculpt figures yourself or with the help of molds.

There are other options for making mastic, for example, using a simple marshmallow.

In this case, the following ingredients are needed:

  • powdered sugar - 400 g;
  • marshmallow - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Put marshmallows in a bowl and add lemon juice to it. Put in a water bath and wait until the marshmallows melt, mix.
  2. Add the butter to the contents of the bowl and mix with the marshmallow mass.
  3. Gradually pour in the powdered sugar, while stirring constantly.
  4. The resulting mass should be soft and not sticky to the hands. When it is ready, you can start sculpting the figures.

Decoration with edible elements

Classically decorated holiday products can be supplemented with various elements. There are enough of them. Here are the main ones:

  • Special topping: colorful balls, sticks, flowers, stars and the like.
  • Jelly fruits or balls look original and sophisticated, moreover, they are combined with other decorative elements.
  • Pieces of fruit will be appropriate both on top of the product and in the dough.
  • Marmalade and candied fruits will be an original and tasty addition to holiday baking.
  • Sugar pencil. With the help of such a device, real masterpieces are created on baking. Pastry shops sell different colors, so it becomes possible to create an interesting Easter-themed pattern.
  • Sugar Pearl. This edible decoration will look original in combination with other decorative elements, such as mastic.
  • Waffle figurines are also an interesting way to decorate. Waffle flowers will look bright on the white top of holiday baking.

When preparing for the Easter holiday, turn on your imagination when choosing a way to decorate the main attribute - Easter cake. The following recipes will help you decide. It is up to you to decide which one to choose: classic or more difficult. Everyone will be able to choose the right recipe that suits tastes, moods and budgets.

Easter cake - like a big birthday cake! This is the main and long-awaited dessert. And the point is not only in its sweet dough, but also in the festive decoration. Traditional white glaze symbolizes cleansing and the beginning of a new life. All other decoration options - colored or chocolate fudge, inscriptions, sprinkles - appeared much later and also have the right to exist due to their aesthetic and taste qualities. So let's start getting acquainted with all kinds of recipes and decorate Easter cakes for the holiday.

Delicious, simple and quick decor option

Let's start our acquaintance with culinary delights with the simplest recipes. They will be useful to those who take their first steps in the confectionery business, as well as to all hostesses who love to cook goodies in a hurry.

Option number 1 - powdered sugar. What could be easier than decorating Easter cake with ready-made powder or sugar crushed in a coffee grinder? Here, the traditional white color is observed, and the delicacy will turn out - just lick your fingers!

Option number 2 - proteins whipped with sugar. You will need a blender, mixer or whisk. Sugar - half a cup for each protein (usually a couple of pieces are enough). If you baked Easter cakes on your own, then the yolks went to the dough, and the remaining proteins will be very useful for icing. Whipped thick foam is applied to the tops of the Easter cakes and allowed to dry in the oven. It turned out to be an economical recipe of our grandmothers.

Easy way number 3 - ready-made Easter icing. It can be purchased on holiday days at any grocery supermarket. The contents of a small sachet include powdered sugar with additives (starch and citric acid). Starch in the composition is necessary for a faster thickening of the mass, a few minutes will be enough.

The recipe is usually written on the package: beat the powder with proteins in the indicated proportions and then grease the tops of the cakes with a spoon or a pastry brush.

Glaze secrets

There are secrets in preparing the glaze that is ideal in terms of consistency and taste. Let's remember them once and for all, so that later we can be proud of our confectionery masterpieces:

How to make protein glaze - video

Use decorative sprinkles

Ready-made confectionery topping is a real miracle for decorating Easter cakes. One nuance is important: exactly when to sprinkle it on pastries. You need to catch the moment when the glaze is slightly frozen, but not completely dry. If you add the sprinkles too early, into the liquid protein mass, then these multi-colored particles will simply melt. If it is too late, then the sugar decorations will not stick to the surface of the cake. Otherwise, there are no restrictions.

You can choose in the store toppings of any colors and shapes and decorate pastries as you like.

You can combine different types of decor to decorate Easter cakes, create unique combinations of colors and shapes. For even more variety, the topping can be replaced with no less beautiful, tasty and fragrant ingredients, namely:

  • coconut flakes;
  • shavings of black, milk and white chocolate;
  • candied fruit.

Instead of protein glaze, you can take home-made chocolate or melted tiles. Then use this option to decorate the Easter cake: pour white chips on the dark chocolate coating, and vice versa, on the white icing - dark chocolate.

For lovers of homemade milk chocolate, there is a proven delicious recipe. You will need the following components:

  • 100 g of milk;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder.


  1. We heat milk on the stove.
  2. We fall asleep in a saucepan with cocoa milk and sugar.
  3. Separately, heat the butter in a water bath and pour it into the milk mixture.
  4. Bring the mass to a boil, then cook for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  5. We immediately apply the prepared chocolate to the baking, as it solidifies quickly enough.

Sweet letters and inscriptions

There are several interesting ways to make a sweet congratulatory inscription on Easter cake.

Original decor ideas

In addition to the considered popular options, there are many more ways to decorate Easter cake in an original way. Roughly speaking, everything sweet, small and beautiful can be poured onto the icing. For example:

Easter cakes come out very beautiful if you stick thawed berries on the icing. A pair of cherries in the center of round sweet bread is cute, bright and appetizing!

The pinnacle of confectionery craftsmanship is a beautiful Easter cake with figures made of sugar mastic or marzipan. They are bought or molded independently, as if from plasticine. So get the kids involved in making sweet figurines of bunnies, flowers, chickens, doves, willow branches, miniature Easter eggs, angels and more.

For children, you can cook mini-cakes and use the following decoration methods: draw funny smiling faces, bright stars and wonderful hearts with any confectionery.

But glue marshmallows or meringues to the largest Easter cake. Raw protein works great as a cooking glue.

Easter cake decorating ideas don't end there! Options:

Final touches before serving

Now you know almost everything about how to decorate an Easter cake. There are still a few culinary and decorating subtleties left.

  • For a beautiful presentation of the finished Easter cake, it is tied with one ribbon or several multi-colored, openwork, with embroidery. Be sure to tie a magnificent bow, as on a gift. And on the ribbon you can attach a stem with a spring flower, live or artificial. Lay wheat ears and painted eggs side by side.
  • Special culinary paper for wrapping Easter cakes (painted in floral and other motifs) is also for sale.
  • Easter pastries look no less presentable on round white knitted napkins. A towel with an embroidered national ornament is also a good backdrop for Easter dishes. If you like the usual plates, choose a neutral white one or one that will harmonize in color with decorations on pastries.

And most importantly: Easter cakes should be decorated only in a great mood and with great love for the cooking process and for those people for whom the gifts are baked. Only then will the result be real works of confectionery art, pleasant in appearance and taste. Let's connect our spiritual strength and rich imagination to make Easter one of the best holidays of the year!

Icing for Easter cake without eggs - video

One of the most traditional ways to decorate Easter cakes is to decorate with pastry. To decorate Easter cake, you can use the main dough from which Easter cake is made, or you can use unleavened dough made specifically for decoration.

To decorate with the main dough, when forming Easter cakes, set aside a little ready-made dough, add a little more flour to it so that it is easier to form decorations. When the cake is suitable, before sending it to the oven, carefully place dough decorations on top, attach them with a wooden stick and brush with milk or an egg mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil. In the oven, decorations made from such dough will also increase slightly in size and you need to cover the top in time so that the decorations do not burn. After baking, wooden sticks must be removed from the cake.

To keep dough decorations out of the oven and keep their shape, you can make a simple dough with flour, water, and salt. The dough should be soft so that you can easily make flowers, leaves, birds from it. Flowers and leaves from such a dough do not lose their shape, but they are not as tasty as decorations from the main dough. Sugar is not added to such a dough so that the decorations do not burn. Decorations are laid out on the greased top of the cake.

Decorating Easter cakes with protein cream

To decorate homemade Easter cakes, you can use just protein whipped with sugar (for 1 protein 50 grams of sugar and beat like for meringue). Decorate hot Easter cakes with meringue on top and send for 10 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 90-100 ° C.

You can make a complete protein cream "wet meringue". For this, 2 proteins, a pinch of citric acid and 60 gr. sugars are whipped into a cream in a steam bath. Cooled Easter cakes can be decorated immediately and left for several hours to dry the cream. The cream can be sprinkled on top with store-bought colored sprinkles.

You can decorate the cake with protein cream, and decorate with nuts and dried fruits on top. Easter cake wrapped in a beautiful napkin or paper with a beautiful ribbon looks original.

Decorating Easter cakes with icing sugar

A very good icing that hardens well and does not crumble is sugar icing on gelatin. Dilute 1 teaspoon of gelatin in a tablespoon of hot (about 70 ° C) water. 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of water with 100 grams of sugar and stir, bring to a boil, boil for several minutes to dissolve the sugar. Then remove from heat and mix with diluted gelatin, let cool slightly (5 minutes). Beat with a mixer in a strong snow-white foam. Then we immediately put it on the cake and immediately decorate it with sprinkles or other decorations, because the icing quickly hardens.

You can make a simple glaze by mixing 120 gr. powdered sugar and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon (can be orange) juice. Powder with juice should be thoroughly mixed until smooth with a silicone spatula. Apply glaze to slightly warm cakes. When hardened, the glaze turns white.

You can also decorate Easter cakes with flowers and patterns from mastic, but for this you need to learn how to work with it in advance.

Modern culinary technologies and inexhaustible human imagination allow you to perfect the art of decorating Easter cakes all your life.
