
Not every housewife can boast of compotes from watermelons! A unique combination of flavors of watermelon compote and other berries. Pieces of fragrant summer or how to make watermelon compote for the winter

How to make compote

watermelon compote for the winter


50 minutes

50 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

The owners of cellars and cellars rejoice at the time of harvesting. When berries and fruits are in abundance, it's time to prepare compotes. The sweet and refreshing taste of watermelon is the taste of summer. And the preparation of a wonderful compote from an amazing berry will help preserve the taste of the outgoing summer. Watermelon compote is a tonic drink, it will benefit our body due to its rich vitamin composition. Let's replenish our collection of recipes with such a wonderful drink and make sure that it is easy to prepare.

Did you know?
Watermelon came to us from the distant hot Kalahari desert in Africa. Approximately 4000 years ago, these berries began to be grown in ancient Egypt. Watermelons came to Western Europe only 700-900 years ago, during the era of the Crusades.

Kitchen appliances: stove, three-liter jar, saucepan, slotted spoon, conservation key.

List of ingredients

for watermelon compote for one 3-liter jar:

for watermelon and melon compote for one 3-liter jar:

for watermelon and mint compote for one 3-liter jar:

How to choose the right ingredients and container

It is very important to choose a berry for compote, which will give the drink a sufficient amount of sweet taste and rich smell. When choosing a watermelon:

  • Buy watermelon that is ripe in July or August.
  • Tap on the surface of the berry. The sound must be muffled.
  • Squeeze it a little - a crack should sound.
  • Check the tendril - it should be dry and brown if it is ripe and has not been plucked ahead of time.
  • Choose a watermelon without bumps and humps.
  • Buy berries from farmers or homemade watermelons from the market.

How to cook a classic watermelon compote for the winter according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo

To prepare a classic compote, we need: sugar and water for making syrup, watermelon pulp. Let's start!

Watermelon and melon compote

During the period of abundance of watermelons and melons, do not miss the opportunity to make an interesting compote from them. This will be an addition to the highlights of your menu on the festive table.
In order to prepare compote, we need the pulp of watermelon and melon, water and sugar.

  1. We clean the fruits from the crusts and remove the seeds. We cut into slices.
  2. Pour boiling water into a saucepan and add sugar. The sugar needs to be completely dissolved first. Bring to a boil.
  3. We leave the finished syrup to cool, and then add slices of watermelon and melon there.
  4. We leave our workpiece to infuse for 3 hours.
  5. And then boldly roll up the jar. But if you suddenly want to try, then we do not refuse and savor it.

Watermelon compote with mint

Mint will add incredible freshness and piquant taste to our watermelon compote.

  1. For such a drink, you need the same pulp of watermelon, sugar, water and a sprig of fresh mint.
  2. Add sugar to water, put on fire and boil. Stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. We clean the watermelon, cut it into slices and select the seeds from them.
  4. Now pour the sugar syrup into a bowl, put the slices of watermelon and chopped mint in the same place.
  5. We leave the mixed ingredients to infuse for half an hour.
  6. After we can close in sterilized jars.

video recipe

The video will also show a simple sequence of making watermelon compote for the winter.

Watermelon compote for the winter

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An important role in the preparation of such compote from watermelon is played by sugar syrup. In this video you will see how best to prepare syrup for compote.

sugar syrup

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What to serve with watermelon compote

Such a drink can be served both at the festive table and consumed every day. For the brightness of the taste, it would be useful to add a little mint or basil, honey, lemon, cinnamon ... The list can be continued for a very long time, because it all depends on your preferences. Compote can be used in the preparation of fruit ice for a children's holiday.

How to make watermelon compote delicious

Of course, preparation and following the recipe is the key to a good result. There are several nuances that should be considered when preparing watermelon compote:

  • If you are going to store compote for a long time, and not use it right away, then glass jars should be sterilized. First, wash, dry and then sterilize in boiling water for about 10 minutes. So the compote will be better stored.
  • You also need to pay attention to the sterilization of lids. They need about 5 minutes in boiling water.
  • For quick preparation, you can refuse to sterilize the container. But then you will need to boil the watermelon slices along with the finished syrup before corking the jars.
  • Be sure to first check the container for chips and cracks.
  • In order for the watermelon not to boil and retain as many useful properties as possible, you need to lower the watermelon pieces for several minutes in boiling water before cooking.
  • Sugar should be used in moderation and according to the recipe, since watermelon compote is prone to fermentation. For one kg of watermelon - 300-500 g of sugar.

For many, watermelon is almost a symbol of summer. It perfectly refreshes on hot days and quenches thirst, while it has a unique juicy taste. Preserving its fruits for the winter without conservation is an empty undertaking.

You can take a piece of summer with you into the winter, but for this you will have to tinker a little with delicious preparations. Watermelon can be salted, jam can be cooked from its peels. One of the most popular preparations is watermelon compote for the winter.

It turns out sweet and refreshing, especially if mint is added to it during cooking or before serving. On cold days, it will remind you of a sunny summer and cheer you up.

Cooking features

In order for the watermelon drink to live up to expectations and stand for a long time, certain rules should be followed when preparing watermelon compote for the winter.

  • To prepare compote, you should choose ripe watermelons, but not overripe, because if the pulp is too loose, it will simply “disperse” in the drink, and it will look unappetizing at best.
  • Despite the fact that only the pulp of a watermelon is needed for compote, it must be washed thoroughly, from all sides.
  • The rind of the watermelon does not have to be thrown away - it can be useful for making delicious jam.
  • The pulp of the watermelon is first cut into large pieces, then all the seeds are removed. This work is painstaking, but necessary. The process will go faster if the watermelon is selected with a suitable variety - with a small amount of seeds.
  • After extracting the seeds from the pulp, it must be cut into smaller pieces, but it is still not necessary to grind too much. Pieces of 3 by 4 centimeters or a little more look best.

Watermelon compote is a rather sweet drink. If mint, lemon, sour berries were not used during its preservation for the winter, then before serving it does not hurt to add a sprig of mint and a little lemon juice to it. Serve watermelon compote chilled.

Classic watermelon compote recipe

  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the watermelon, cut out the pulp, cut into slices and remove the seeds. Cut the slices into pieces from 3 to 5 cm.
  • Sterilize a three-liter jar and put the watermelon pieces into it.
  • Boil water, pour watermelon. A three-liter jar will take about 2 liters of water. Wait 20 minutes and drain the water from the jar into a saucepan.
  • Add sugar to watermelon water at the rate of 0.25 kg per 1 liter.
  • Boil the syrup, boil it for about five minutes and pour it into a jar of watermelon pieces.
  • After rolling up the jar, turn it over and wrap it with a blanket.
  • After 24 hours, put the watermelon compote in a cool room, where it will be stored until winter or even until spring.

Before serving, add a sprig of mint, a couple of ice cubes, and a few drops of lemon juice to each glass with watermelon compote.

Watermelon and melon compote

  • watermelon (pulp) - 0.5 kg;
  • melon (pulp) - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • citric acid - 6 g.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the watermelon and melon by removing the skin and seeds and cutting into even-sized pieces.
  • Sterilize the jars, boil the lids with which you will close them for 5 minutes.
  • Boil water, add sugar and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Put slices of melon and watermelon into the syrup, boil them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Pour in citric acid, cook for a couple more minutes.
  • Remove the watermelon and melon pulp with a slotted spoon, put it in jars, pour over the syrup.
  • Roll up the jars and leave to cool upside down. For better preservation, wrap them with something warm for this time.

This compote has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and an incredible aroma. You can store it in a pantry or other unheated room all winter.

Watermelon and apple compote

  • watermelon pulp - 1.5 kg;
  • apples - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the watermelon. When the water drains, cut it lengthwise into several pieces.
  • Remove all seeds from the watermelon, separate the pulp from the peel with a knife.
  • Cut the pulp into equal-sized pieces.
  • Wash the apples, cut the core out of them. The apples themselves, without peeling, cut into medium-sized slices.
  • Boil water in a stainless steel or enamel pot. Add sugar to it and boil, stirring, until it is completely dissolved.
  • Dip the apple slices into the syrup and continue to cook the compote over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  • Put the watermelon slices on the apples.
  • After boiling everything together for 5 minutes, remove from heat.
  • Pour the compote into pre-prepared, necessarily sterilized jars.
  • Seal jars tightly and turn over.
  • Cover with a blanket until completely cool.
  • Take away for the winter.

Compote will turn out to be pleasant in taste, with a slight sourness that apples give it.

Compote of watermelon, melon and plums

  • watermelon pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • melon pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • plums (pitted) - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.75 kg;
  • water - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare watermelon and melon pulp by cutting it into pieces.
  • Wash the plums, cut lengthwise and remove the pits from them.
  • Pour sugar into boiling water, cook until it dissolves.
  • Add plums, boil them in syrup for 10 minutes.
  • Put slices of melon, watermelon into the syrup. Remove from heat, leave for an hour to infuse the compote.
  • Take out the watermelon, melon and plums with a slotted spoon, arrange them in sterilized jars.
  • Bring the syrup to a boil and pour into jars.
  • Roll up the banks. Roll up, turn over. Cover with something warm.
  • When the jars have cooled, put them away for winter storage.

This compote has a rich color, pleasant taste and fresh aroma.

In any watermelon compote, you can add a few sprigs of mint, a cinnamon stick or other spices during cooking. Some even add cloves to it.

Spices give compote a brighter flavor, and mint turns it into a soft drink that is refreshing in any weather.

It will taste even more pleasant if you put a few ice cubes on the bottom of the glass, similar in size to watermelon slices in compote, or pour ice crumbs.

Source: http://OnWomen.ru/kompot-iz-arbuza-na-zimu.html

Watermelon compote for the winter - simple recipes for delicious drinks for home canning

In cold winter it is very pleasant to open a jar of a fragrant drink, reminiscent of the warm days of summer. Watermelon compote not only pleases with its taste, but also, thanks to its rich vitamin composition, will benefit your body.

How to make watermelon compote

To prepare the drink, only the pulp of the berry is used, and the remaining peels can be left for jam. So, having only one ingredient, resourceful housewives get two different winter preparations at once.

Everyone who at least once had a chance to try a bright drink tends to prepare it in the fall for future use. Watermelon compote does not require long-term cooking, and the most difficult stage in preparation is the extraction of seeds from the fruit.

In order for conservation to please you, consider a number of important rules:

  1. Capacities for seaming. It is better to choose a container so that when you open it, the drink is drunk by your family during the day, and does not stand in the refrigerator. Carefully inspect the jars for cracks or chips, then sterilize them together with the lids.
  2. Blanching method. Perfect for a watermelon drink. The essence of blanching is immersing the fruit in boiling water for a few minutes. Thanks to this technology, you can save a maximum of vitamins and useful components of watermelon.
  3. Spices. If you wish, you can make the preparation more interesting and spicy by adding mint leaves, a little vanilla, cinnamon or clove inflorescences to the recipe.

For canning, it is important to choose the right berries so that the prepared drink has a rich smell and sweet taste. Useful tips for choosing the right fruit:

  • tap on the surface of the watermelon: if it is ripe, then the sound will be deaf;
  • when compressed, it should make a crunch;
  • ripe fruits are heavy, so it is better to give preference to weighty berries;
  • the crust should not be covered with tubercles or irregularities; buy perfectly even fruits;
  • a mandatory sign of a juicy watermelon is a light spot on the side;
  • it is better to buy from farmers, and not in stores, since this way you are more likely to get an environmentally friendly product;
  • the watermelon tendril must be dry and brown, otherwise the fruit was picked too early and it did not ripen.

Making sugar syrup

The secret of a successful compote lies in the correct preparation of the syrup: only by achieving the ideal proportions of sugar, acid and water, the drink will turn out not cloyingly sweet, but pleasant and refreshing.

So, for sour preparations, stronger, saturated syrups are used, and less for sweet ones.

To preserve watermelon compote for the winter, you need to add exactly as much sugar and citric acid as indicated in a particular recipe.

Juicy watermelons are the perfect dessert for the summer period: the berry is able to refresh and quench your thirst. There are no indifferent to this fruit, neither among children, nor among adults.

To be able to enjoy the taste of this wonderful product, many housewives prepare preservation. Harvesting watermelon in jars is no worse than others.

The main ingredient of compote, if desired, can be supplemented with others: melon, apples, mint, etc.

Without sterilization

The proposed recipe implies the fastest possible preparation of the workpiece for the winter. You will need the following ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • purified cold water - 1000 ml.

Step-by-step preparation of watermelon compote for the winter:

  1. Get a pot of water, put on fire. When the liquid boils, add sugar, stir until dissolved. The syrup should once again come to a boil, after which it should be removed from the stove.
  2. Watermelon pulp must be cut into small cubes or slices. After carefully inspect the pieces so that there are no bones left.
  3. Return the syrup to the heat, add the pulp and boil again for 5 minutes.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the watermelon slices from the liquid, place them in steamed jars, fill with hot syrup, cork with lids.
  5. Turn the preservation over and place it on a flat surface upside down. When the jars have cooled, lower them into the cellar / basement.

It is known that the watermelon-apple drink contains a lot of valuable substances, perfectly tones, refreshes. In addition, the products that are part of the recipe have a choleretic and diuretic effect, so this preparation has a slight therapeutic effect. Required components:

  • fresh green apples - 0.3 kg;
  • cane sugar - 200 g;
  • ripe watermelons - 1.5 kg;
  • purified water - 1500 ml.

How to cook watermelon compote for the winter:

  1. The first step is to clean the washed fruits from the peels, then divide the pulp into identical slices.
  2. Next, you need to carefully remove the seeds from the watermelon.
  3. Rinse the apples, cut into slices (quarters), removing the core.
  4. A pot with one and a half liters of clean water should be put on the stove, bringing to a boil, add sugar to the container.
  5. After the sugar is completely dissolved, place the apples in the pan, and the fire should be screwed to a minimum.
  6. After 15 minutes, watermelon is added. You need to cook the ingredients for no longer than 4-5 minutes, then remove the workpiece from the stove, cool.
  7. Strain the liquid through a sieve into a separate container to store in the refrigerator, or immediately pour into jars and roll them up.

How to cook compote from watermelon and melon

This preparation has a magical aroma and taste, it is impossible to pass by an open can and not enjoy the drink. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • watermelon pulp - 0.2 kg;
  • melon pulp - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 0.7 l;
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp.

How to cook compote:

  1. The fruits are peeled, the bones are removed.
  2. A glass of sugar is added to boiling water, the liquid is brought to a boil.
  3. Ready syrup should be cooled, then add slices of watermelon and melon.
  4. After 3 hours, during which the workpiece is infused, the drink will be ready for drinking or canning.

Recipe for watermelon compote with mint

With the help of mint, watermelon compote for the winter can be given a touch of freshness. In addition to this fragrant herb, other spices are added to the drink, if desired: cloves, vanilla or cinnamon. Required Ingredients:

  • cane sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2.2 l;
  • pulp of ripe watermelon - 600-700 g;
  • fresh mint - 2-3 sprigs.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Sugar is added to water, the container is put on fire and boiled, stirring thoroughly, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. The syrup is poured into a suitable container, pieces of watermelon and chopped mint are put here.
  3. After mixing the ingredients, the compote is left to infuse for half an hour, after which it can be corked for the winter in sterilized jars.


Olga, 28 years old

For me, watermelon compote is not bright enough to taste, so I usually add some more berries to the recipe: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. In addition to him, I make jam from the peels of the fruit: my husband eats it very quickly, so I cook more for the winter.

Svetlana, 45 years old

One of our family's favorite compotes is watermelon. We tried to cook with melon, apples and pears, lemon, various spices and we are always very satisfied. I advise those who have not tried it yet to make such a drink for the winter.

Source: http://sovets24.ru/793-kompot-iz-arbuza-na-zimu.html

Watermelon compote for the winter

How pleasant it is to drink a glass of fragrant, bright drink in the midst of the cold winter season and feel the taste of the past summer. To experience such sensations, we suggest stocking up on watermelon compote for the winter. This pleasant drink will not only brighten up the winter days, but will also serve to the glory of your body.

It is known that watermelon is not only beautiful and tasty, but also a very healthy berry. The biochemical composition of its pulp contains carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, as well as various mineral salts and alkaline components. Watermelon pulp is an excellent diuretic.

Therefore, this berry is considered especially useful for kidney diseases, edema, cystitis and nephritis. It will also benefit pregnant women, as folic acid is contained in watermelon, which has a positive effect on the development of the fetus in the womb.

And this is all only a small part of the usefulness of this wonderful berry.

Despite all the positive qualities of watermelon, few housewives prepare preservation from watermelon, especially compote. Common berries and fruits are preferred more: cherries, apricots, plums, gooseberries, wigs, etc.

But we are sure that having prepared watermelon compote once according to the recipes below, it will forever take its rightful place among your preparations for the winter.

Yes, by the way, if you are big lovers of compotes for the winter, you can look at several recipes for wonderful gooseberry compote.

A few tips for making watermelon compote for the winter

Although the process of making compote is very simple and does not require special knowledge in canning, nevertheless, you need to follow a few basic rules so that your preservation does not bring disappointment, but only pleases you.

And so a few tips and rules for making compote from watermelon for the winter:

The first important piece of advice, which determines whether your workpiece will stand before the winter cold, is to carefully consider the preparation of containers for canning.

Watermelon compote, as well as many other preparations, must be rolled up in glass jars. Carefully inspect the cans for chips and cracks. Damaged cans should be replaced.

Then wash them thoroughly and sterilize with seam lids.

Watermelon compote should be prepared using the blanching method. The essence of this method is the rapid scalding of products in boiling water. Food is placed in boiling water and kept there until the next boil, which is usually 2-3 minutes. This method allows you to save nutrients and does not boil the berries.

Watermelon for making compote should be chosen ripe, but not very sugary. Pieces of overripe, highly sugary watermelon during heat treatment will simply fall apart and turn into gruel.

If you want to give the compote a more piquant taste, you can add a little cinnamon, vanilla, clove buds or peppermint. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Do not rush to throw away the watermelon peels, you can make wonderful tasty watermelon peel jam from them.

How to make watermelon compote for the winter

The necessary ingredients included in the composition for the preparation of watermelon compote:

  • The pulp of a ripe watermelon - 1 kilogram;
  • Clean drinking water - 1 liter;
  • Sugar - 1 cup (250 grams)

We place an enameled pan with clean drinking water on the stove, pour in granulated sugar, mix. We cook syrup.

While the syrup boils, let's take care of the watermelon. We wash it under running water, cut it into pieces familiar to this berry, remove the seeds, cut off the watermelon peel, and cut the pulp into small cubes (2-3 cm in size).

After the syrup boils, dip the pieces of watermelon into sugar syrup and blanch them there for 2-3 minutes. Then, using a slotted spoon, take out the blanched pieces of watermelon and transfer them to clean, prepared jars. Fill jars with syrup.

Next, we place the jars of compote in a suitable pan filled with water so that the jar is 2/3 submerged. We put on fire, cover the jars with lids and sterilize for several minutes. Sterilization time depends on the volume of the jar, a liter jar should be sterilized within 5 minutes. It remains only to roll up jars with compote with lids, turn them over, wrap them in a blanket and let them cool.

How to cook watermelon compote for the winter without sterilization

The quantity and composition of the ingredients is the same as given in the recipe above using sterilization.

Pour clean water into an enameled pan, place on the stove. Pour granulated sugar into the pan, bring the syrup to a boil.

In the meantime, we wash the watermelon under running water, cut it into slices as usual for consumption. We remove all seeds. Then cut off the rind with a knife. Cut the pulp into small cubes of approximately the same size 2 by 2 centimeters.

Place watermelon cubes in the boiled syrup and bring the compote back to a boil. Boil for 4-5 minutes, turn off.

Using a slotted spoon, put the pieces of watermelon into prepared sterilized jars, fill with hot syrup and roll up with metal lids.

We have introduced you to two very simple recipes for making watermelon compote for the winter. Which one to choose is up to you. In two cases, the compote is tasty and you will like it very much. Delight your loved ones with a delicious and healthy compote from a beautiful berry.

Also, lovers of dishes from this wonderful berry are offered a delicious refreshing watermelon salad.

Source: http://vomenu.ru/konservirovanie/kompot-iz-arbuza-na-zimu.html

Watermelon compote for the winter - a step by step recipe

How nice it is to feel the taste of summer in the middle of winter, to remember again how juicy, bright and fragrant it was! It will not be difficult to do this if you cook watermelon compote for the winter, the recipes of which we have specially selected for you in this article. It will be especially pleasant to brighten up winter evenings with a fragrant drink, because it is very simple and quick to prepare from the simplest products.

In fact, its juice allows not only to wash the body, but also to saturate it with trace elements and minerals. To preserve these beneficial properties, we will learn how to make watermelon compote for the winter, and the photo will help you not get confused in the process.

There are several types of recipes, both with and without sterilization, and judging by the reviews, the compote in both cases turns out to be very tasty, and the jars do not “explode”.

Whichever option you choose, remember that the watermelon should be ripe, but not too ripe, that is, the pulp should not crumble and crumble, otherwise there will be porridge in the jars, and it will be difficult to separate it from the seeds.

By the way, production can be completely waste-free if we decide to make jam from watermelon peels - it turns out to be unusually tasty.


  • Watermelon (pulp) - 2 kg +
  • Filtered water - 2 l +
  • Sugar - 2 cups +

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This is a classic drink recipe that takes very little time to prepare.

  1. We put the water on the fire, pouring sugar into it.
  2. Ripe watermelon wash and carefully, cut into slices, as usual. Then we cut off the crust and remove the seeds with a knife, trying not to damage the pulp. Cut it into cubes about 2 by 2 cm.
  3. As soon as the water boils, drop the watermelon pulp directly into the saucepan with the syrup, bring it to a boil again and remove from heat. Set aside for 30 - 40 minutes, letting it brew well.
  4. In the meantime, we are sterilizing jars. It is better to roll watermelon compote into a small container - jars of 1 - 1.5 liters are suitable.
  5. After a while, we transfer the still warm slices of watermelon with a slotted spoon into clean and dry jars, and put the syrup back on the fire and let it boil again.

We pour the compote into jars, cover with lids and put in a wide dish filled with 2/3 water to sterilize. We hold for 10 - 15 minutes, depending on the volume of the jar and immediately roll up.

We turn the finished watermelon compote for the winter, wrap it up and leave it to cool completely. Then the jars can be returned to their normal position and sent to the basement.

As you can see, this recipe involves sterilization, but you can do without it.

Watermelon compote without sterilization

Here there will be no time to prepare jars during harvesting for the winter, so we will take care of this in advance. We will disinfect them together with the lids and put them on a clean towel.

To do this, we need the same amount of ingredients in the same proportions as in the previous recipe. We also remove the bones from slices of ripe pulp, transfer them to the syrup, but do not leave it to infuse by turning off the fire, but, on the contrary, let it boil for 5-6 minutes.

After that, we pour the ready-made compote into jars, roll them up and, as usual, turn over and wrap them until they are completely cool.

Such a watermelon compote for the winter will be no worse than sterilized. But how to make this drink even more tasty and interesting?

Having mastered these two basic recipes, we can begin to add additional ingredients and spices as desired.

  • A very tasty drink with cinnamon and cloves will turn out. They can be added together, or separately, at the rate of ½ tsp. cinnamon powder per liter jar and 3 cloves per the same volume.
  • Also, to get a fresher light taste, we can supplement watermelon compote with mint leaves - you will need 2-3 of them per jar.

Remember that we put all the spices together with watermelon slices.

For lovers of drinks, we offer several unusual recipes that are prepared with the participation of watermelon:

Now you know how to quickly and easily prepare watermelon compote for the winter (and not only), the recipes of which can be supplemented and varied as you wish.

We wish you successful experiments and bon appetit!

Source: https://tvoi-povarenok.ru/kompot-iz-arbuza-na-zimu-2.html

Watermelon compote for the winter. Recipes are varied

What refreshes in the heat and quenches thirst with its unique juicy taste? Of course, watermelons.

Compote for the winter in jars, the recipes of which we offer you, is a great way to keep it for the winter in the form of a tasty and unusual homemade preparation.

If you have never tried to roll a watermelon in jars for the winter, sweet compote from it can be the beginning of a whole series of original watermelon spins.

In order for such a drink to be guaranteed to turn out delicious and get the best reviews, choose a ripe watermelon, but not overripe, otherwise the loose pulp will spread over the compote and spoil both the taste and appearance.

Also, the pulp of the berry should be dense and not sugary.

At the beginning, the watermelon pulp is cut from the peels, the seeds are removed, and then cut into pieces of about 3 by 4 cm, it is not necessary to grind too much.

When preserving watermelon compote, you can add mint, lemon, cinnamon, cloves.

Serve the finished compote chilled, preferably with ice cubes.

A classic recipe for watermelon compote in a 3 liter jar

It is prepared simply and without sterilization.


  • watermelon pulp - 1 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

How to make watermelon compote in a 3-liter jar:

1. Cut and hang a kilo of pulp from a cleanly washed watermelon, cut it into pieces and remove the seeds. Cut into suitable size pieces.

2 Transfer to a sterilized three-liter jar and pour boiling water over it.

3. Wait 20 minutes and then drain the water from the jar into a saucepan.

4. Add sugar to the liquid at the rate of 250 g per 1 liter.

5. Boil the syrup by boiling it for 5 minutes and five and pour it back into the jar with watermelon pieces.

6. Roll up, turn over on the lid and wrap with a blanket for a day.

Preparation of watermelon compote with sterilization


  • watermelon (pulp) - 2 kg
  • water - 2 l
  • sugar - 2 cups

How to preserve compote from watermelon pieces:

1. Cut the pulp of the watermelon into cubes of about 2 by 2 cm.

2. Boil water with sugar and dip the watermelon pieces into it.

3. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes.

4. With a slotted spoon, spread the watermelon in sterilized jars with a volume of 1-1.5 liters, and boil the syrup.

5. Pour the watermelon, cover with lids and place in a wide dish filled with 2/3 water to be sterilized for 10-15 minutes.

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6. Remove and roll up immediately. Turn on lids and cover with a blanket to cool completely.

Compote of watermelon and apple for the winter

Apples will give the compote a pleasant taste with a slight sourness.


  • 1.5 kg watermelon pulp
  • 500 g apples
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 250 g sugar

How to cook watermelon compote for the winter:

1. Wash the watermelon, cut it lengthwise into several pieces, remove the seeds, separate the pulp from the peel and cut into equal pieces.

2. Cut the core of the washed apples and cut into small slices directly with the peel.

3. Boil water with sugar until it is completely dissolved.

4. Dip the apple slices into the syrup and simmer for 15 minutes.

5. Add watermelon and cook for another 5 minutes.

6. Pour the compote into sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn over and cover with a blanket until it cools completely.

Compote of watermelon and grapes for the winter


  • 1 kg watermelon
  • 250 g grapes
  • 400 g sugar
  • 2 liters of water

How to close watermelon compote for the winter:

1. Remove the grapes from the branches, removing rotten, cracked and dried berries. Cut large ones in half.

2. Cut the watermelon pulp into small cubes, removing all the seeds.

3. Pour sugar into hot water, mix, bring to a boil, lower the watermelon and grapes and boil again.

4. Reduce the heat, boil for 15 minutes and immediately pour into a clean 3-liter jar.

5. Cover with a boiled metal lid and sterilize for 25 minutes in hot water.

The liquid should cover the jar no higher than the shoulders, otherwise the boiling water from the pan will fall into the compote during sterilization.

6. Remove the jar and roll up the lid, leave to cool, covered with a warm blanket.

Compote of melon and watermelon for the winter with lemon

This drink has a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a wonderful, unique aroma.


  • 1 kilo of pulp of watermelon and melon
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 5 liters of water
  • 6 g citric acid

How to cook watermelon compote for the winter:

1. Peel the watermelon and melon from the peel and seeds and cut into pieces of the same size.

2. Boil water, add sugar and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Put slices of melon and watermelon into the syrup and cook for 15 minutes on the lowest heat.

4. Pour in citric acid and keep on the stove for another 1-2 minutes.

5. Remove the watermelon and melon pieces with a slotted spoon, place them in jars and pour over the syrup.

6. Roll up and leave upside down, wrapped in a blanket.

It is necessary to store watermelon compote in a cold place for no more than 6-8 months.

Watermelon is a huge juicy berry. Many of us love watermelons for their sweet, refreshing taste. Watermelons ripen in the second half of summer, some varieties can be found in September. Not everyone knows that even compote can be made from watermelon! Because its taste will surely surprise you. Watermelon compote is a very tasty and sweet refreshing drink that can be prepared for the winter.

How to cook watermelon compote?

1 large watermelon, 1.5 cups sugar, 1 cup water.

Cut the peel from a large unripe watermelon, peel it from the seeds,
cut into small pieces. Fold half of these pieces into a deep
dishes, sprinkle with sugar, shake so that all the pieces roll in
sugar and put in a cool place for 1 hour. Of the remaining half
Squeeze out the juice of watermelon slices and put it in a cool place.
Boil sweet syrup, remove foam. Immerse in boiling syrup
chilled slices of watermelon and immediately remove from heat. Cool down. Pour in
compote chilled watermelon juice.

How to cook compote from watermelon, melon and plums?

600-700 ml of water, 100 g of plums, 200 g of watermelon and melon pulp, 1 cup

Sort fresh plums, rinse, make a longitudinal cut, remove
bones. Pour sugar into boiling water, bring to a boil, put in
plum syrup, bring to a boil again, remove from heat and cool. Add
chopped pulp of melon, watermelon (without seeds), let it brew in
cool place for about 1-2 hours.

See also:

It is customary to cook watermelon compote in August-September, when the berries are ripe, juicy and benefit the body. Prepare a drink with other berries or stick to the classic preparation method.

The classic recipe for watermelon compote for the winter

One serving of watermelon compote contains 148 kcal. A glass of compote for breakfast will improve your mood and energize you.

We will need:

  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • Half a kilo of watermelon;
  • 3 liters of water.

Step by step preparation:

  • Pour water into a saucepan and boil. Add sugar, stir and wait for complete dissolution.
  • Reduce heat and simmer until a thick syrup forms. Then turn off the stove.
  • Remove the pits from the pulp of the watermelon and cut off the rind. Cut the pulp into large cubes of the same size.
  • Add watermelon cubes to a pot of water and boil again.
  • Consume compote after cooling. This recipe is perfect for preparing for the winter. To do this, sterilize the jars and pour watermelon compote into them. Then roll up the lid and wrap in a blanket.

    Recipe for watermelon and apple compote

    This option for making watermelon compote is popular among lovers of blanks. The compote is sweet, but not cloying. Lovers of watermelons and apples will enjoy the taste of summer in the cold season and get a portion of vitamins.

    We will need:

    • Half a kilo of watermelon;
    • 2.5. liters of water;
    • 0.6 cups of sugar;
    • 2 apples.

    Step by step preparation:

  • Add sugar to a saucepan filled with water and place on the stove.
  • Remove the seeds from the pulp of the watermelon and cut into equal slices of medium size.
  • Cut apples into equal slices.
  • Add the watermelon and apples to the pot after the water boils.
  • Reduce heat slightly and simmer for 25 minutes.
  • Drink watermelon and apple compote after cooling.

    Recipe for watermelon and melon compote

    Fruits will help to make the compote richer in taste. Add them in larger quantities and reduce the portion of sugar if you follow the figure.

    We will need:

    • Half a kilo of melon;
    • Half a kilo of watermelon;
    • 5 liters of water;
    • Lemon acid;
    • 4 cups of sugar.

    Step by step preparation:

  • Put water with sugar on the stove and boil.
  • Remove seeds and rind from watermelon and melon. Cut into equal pieces of medium size.
  • Wait for the water with sugar to boil, reduce the heat and add the watermelon and melon.
  • Pour in citric acid.
  • Boil 17 minutes. Turn off the stove and cool the compote.
  • Such a tasty and healthy watermelon and melon compote can be prepared for the winter.

    Recipe for berry compote from watermelon and mint

    Mint will add a touch of freshness to the compote. You can add spices to the compote according to your taste.

    We will need:

    • 2.2 liters of water;
    • 3.5 cups of watermelon pulp;
    • 1 glass of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries;
    • 3 spoons of sugar;
    • 1 spoon of fresh mint.

    Step by step preparation:

  • Add sugar to a saucepan of water and boil, stirring well, until sugar dissolves.
  • Pour the syrup into a container and add pieces of strawberries, watermelon, blueberries and chopped mint.
  • Stir and set to infuse for 30 minutes.
  • Before serving, add ice to the carafe. Compote of watermelon and mint is useful for adults and children.

    From watermelon you can cook not only compote. Jam will help you enjoy the taste of berries all year round. Watermelon desserts are easy to prepare and rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

    Check watermelon for nitrates before each use.

    Watermelon came to us from distant Africa, having traveled around the world to America with the first settlers, and from there to Europe. According to the encyclopedia, watermelon is an annual plant of the gourd family. The fruit is a spherical, often elongated pumpkin. The color of the peel, depending on the variety and variety, varies from light green to rich dark green with lighter stripes. However, watermelon is considered a berry. So the appearance is deceiving, and the size and taste make it unlike any other plant.

    In addition to the well-known diuretic properties, watermelon is rich in lycopene. This antioxidant can compete with beta-carotene in its anticancer properties. In ancient times, it was considered a "female berry". There was a belief that it is very useful for women who want to get pregnant to consume at least one watermelon a day. By the way, modern scientists have confirmed the ancient guesses of healers and have revealed a connection between conception and eating it.

    It is quite difficult to ensure the long-term preservation of ripe fruits, so many housewives prefer to harvest this wonderful fruit for the winter in a variety of combinations. They make jam from watermelon peels or pulp, make pickles and pickle whole small fruits, with lemon, prepare compote from watermelon.

    To prepare watermelon compote for the winter, ripe fruits should be selected, the pulp in which will be moderately sweet, but not sugary. Indeed, during heat treatment, whole elastic cubes with an intact structure should be obtained, and not a jelly-like overcooked mass. Berries that ripen in July-August are most suitable for conservation.

    Before clogging the compote, we prepare jars, preferably two or three liters in volume. After washing with baking soda, sterilized in the oven or steamed, leave them to dry completely on a clean table. Do not forget to sterilize the lids in boiling water for 5 minutes. Now you can start preparing the watermelon for conservation.

    Cut off the skin from a whole berry so that only the pulp remains. Watermelon skins should not be thrown away, you can make excellent jam from them. Then the pulp is cut into slices, cleaned of seeds. The last process will be the most time consuming. Fortunately, new varieties of pitted watermelons or with a minimum number of them have appeared on the markets. We cut each slice into small pieces approximately 3x4 cm in size. Arrange in jars, filling a third or half of the container.

    The whole secret of the light, fresh taste of a watermelon drink lies in the syrup recipe. By itself, boiled and candied watermelon loses most of the flavor benefits and, unfortunately, medicinal properties too. The standard syrup recipe is as follows: add granulated sugar to boiling water in a ratio of 5: 1.
