
Icing for Easter cake is not sticky recipe. Chocolate and sugar icing for Easter cake without egg white, step by step

The most delicious and favorite pastries for Easter, of course. But the Easter cake itself cannot be imagined without its main component - glaze. This delicious, sweet top of the Easter cake is a delicacy not only for children, but also for adults. For a white, beautiful hat, strewn with multi-colored confectionery dressing, in our family there is always a massacre, you want to eat it before everything else.

But how to make icing so that it does not stick, freezes well, and at the same time does not crumble when cutting Easter cake? This question worries most housewives on the eve of the holiday, when everyone bakes Easter cakes.

There are many fondant recipes for baking. Let's look at several cooking options together, especially since it does not take much time.

Modern cooking gives a flight of fancy in the preparation of glaze. It can be protein-sugar (classic), on gelatin, chocolate and many other options. Now also on store shelves can be found ready mix for making frosting at home.

Protein watering for cake from powdered sugar with lemon juice

This classic recipe from powdered sugar and eggs. It is he who is most popular and known to most culinary specialists.

We will need:

  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.


Glaze with citric acid

This recipe is good because there is not always a lemon at home, but citric acid is usually available to everyone who has ever encountered baking at least once.

We will need:

  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • protein - 1 pc.


Custard glaze for decorating Easter cake with sugar and protein

Custard glaze is cooked in a water bath, which is much preferable for many than using raw eggs in cooking. It tastes just as amazing, but looks more glossy than the classic protein.

We will need:

  • protein - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.


Sugar fudge for cakes with gelatin without eggs, which does not crumble

Glaze with gelatin is prepared as simply as the rest. She also has her plus - this is the absence of eggs in the recipe. When it dries, it becomes dense, shiny and, most importantly, it does not crumble when cut.

We will need:

  • gelatin - 1 teaspoon;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 6 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.


It is best to mix the ingredients in a small saucepan.

  1. We put the pan on the stove and heat it over low heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.

Important! We do not boil, but only warm up our fudge.

Video of making chocolate icing from cocoa

Now you know how to cook that very delicious white icing cap for Easter cakes so that it does not crumble, does not stick, but at the same time looks very appetizing.

Glaze can be made not only white color, but also to decorate Easter cakes different colors. For example, in pink, adding beetroot juice to ready fudge, or yellow by adding a little turmeric. It is better, of course, to use natural dyes.

Let your family appreciate your culinary skills on a festive day. Happy Holidays, dear readers!

The beautiful Christian holiday Easter is coming soon and we have already begun to prepare for it with might and main. Choose and, search for the most interesting ways paint easter eggs with paints or other products. There is still a lot of work. But today I want to propose to focus on only one topic. For example, I have already chosen how I will bake the Easter cake, but I have not yet decided how to cook the icing for the Easter cake. As it turned out, there are a lot of such cooking recipes and you can easily get lost in them, because even the icing can be different, and how many related problems can arise with it. For example, classic icing can crumble and fall off the cake ahead of time, which spoils it. holiday look. What to do if you want colored glaze or chocolate. How to choose and what to cook in the end? Let's figure it out together.

How to make icing for Easter cake - the easiest recipe without eggs

The simplest and most popular icing for Easter cake is white sugar, made from powdered sugar. Contrasting with a ruddy Easter cake, it looks very beautiful, and it tastes great complements it. Personally, since childhood, I liked pieces of Easter cake with icing, if it fell off, I didn’t want to eat such a cake anymore. Icing is an essential element of Easter cake, without it I can hardly imagine this pastry.

For icing sugar you will need:

  • powdered sugar - 100 grams,
  • hot milk - a few tablespoons.


This is the most basic recipe for making icing sugar. It uses a minimum of ingredients and is suitable for those who doubt their abilities and have never prepared icing for Easter cake before.

The basis of this glaze is powdered sugar. Moreover, I suggest grinding it yourself in a coffee grinder in order to personally make sure that there will be no lumps and the icing will turn out smooth and uniform.

Pour powdered sugar into a deep bowl. Heat half a cup of milk and pour a tablespoon of milk into the powder and stir until no lumps disappear.

Stir step by step. They poured a spoon, stirred, realized that the powder was not all soaked, added another spoon. So you do not pour milk and do not have to add powder. It may turn out that there is no more ready-made powder left. Why take the risk of ruining the icing.

Glaze desired consistency it will stretch well and fit like a snake into a plate, and then slowly blur. In appearance, it looks like high-quality condensed milk, maybe a little thicker.

To apply frosting to small cake, you can simply dip the top into a plate with icing.

Large Easter cakes can be spread with a spatula or spoon. Be sure to let the glaze drip nicely on the sides of the cake in drops.

Now you can lay dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts on the glaze. You can sprinkle with multi-colored confectionery topping. Let the glaze harden and beautiful decoration cookies are ready.

Protein glaze for Easter cake

Icing for Easter cake made from proteins and powdered sugar is also very quick and easy to prepare. As in the previous recipe, the base of the glaze will be very finely ground powdered sugar. The smaller the better. And we will knead it on egg white, which will make the glaze more durable, but at the same time airy. You love meringue, it is prepared in a similar way.

For the white frosting you will need:

  • powdered sugar - 200 grams,
  • egg white - 1 pc,
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.


1. Wash well a raw egg With baking soda. Then break and separate the protein from the yolk. Put the protein in a bowl where it will be convenient to beat the icing.

2. Grind the sugar into powder, for example using a coffee grinder. Then sift the powder through a sieve so that no large particles and lumps remain. From them, the glaze will not turn out so homogeneous and smooth, and large particles of sugar will not allow it to thicken. Add part of the powder, a third or a quarter, to the bowl of protein.

3. Beat the powder with the protein with a mixer until the glaze thickens and becomes opaque white.

4. Add a teaspoon to the frosting lemon juice. If not fresh lemon, then you can make a solution of citric acid. Beat further until strong peaks.

5. Protein glaze for Easter cake, it should turn out thick and smooth, spreading quite a bit when you water or spread Easter cake with it.

Protein glaze is ready, you can spread it on Easter cake and sprinkle with dried fruits and nuts. As long as the icing is not frozen, they will stick well and will not crumble.

Icing for Easter cakes on gelatin - how to make sure that it does not crumble

White glossy and elegant sugar icing can be made not only from pure powder or eggs, but also with gelatin. Thanks to this ingredient, the glaze becomes less brittle and ready-made on Easter cake does not crumble at the moment when the cake is cut with a knife. It freezes very beautifully, tastes wonderful and sweet and keeps well on Easter cakes. What you need on the holy holiday of Easter.

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • gelatin - 1 teaspoon,
  • water - 6 tablespoons.


1. In a small cup, mix a teaspoon of gelatin and two tablespoons of water. Mix thoroughly and leave for a few minutes to swell the gelatin.

2. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and pour 4 tablespoons of water. Stir and put on low heat. Heat to dissolve sugar.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, remove it from the heat, let it cool a little and put the swollen gelatin into it. Stir until the gelatin lumps are completely dissolved. In warm syrup, it should dissolve without a trace.

4. Pour the gelatin syrup into a suitable container and beat with a mixer until the icing turns white and thick.

Thick and elastic glaze for Easter cakes can already be spread. The longer it sits and cools, the thicker it will become. Finished glaze will not harden like egg white icing, it will remain slightly soft and therefore will not break or crumble.

Feel free to decorate Easter cakes with such icing, then cut into even pieces, icing on gelatin will keep its shape perfectly and appearance. No cracks or broken pieces. Perfect beauty.

Chocolate icing on gelatin that does not crumble

Chocolate icing, prepared according to this recipe, holds its shape just as well as sugar on gelatin. It is perfect for both cake and Easter cake, as it will not spread too much and will not crumble when cut. Gelatin makes it elastic enough to keep it beautiful and even under any conditions. It is prepared from cocoa powder and cream, so it tastes just excellent, like milk chocolate loved by many.

You will need:

  • cocoa powder - 65 gr,
  • cream 30% - 100 ml,
  • water - 175 ml,
  • sugar - 150 gr,
  • gelatin - 10 gr.


1. First, soak 10 grams of gelatin powder with two tablespoons of water. Mix gelatin with water in a small bowl and leave for a while to swell.

2. In a separate small saucepan, combine sugar, water and cream. And put it on fire.

3. While stirring, bring this mixture to a boil. But do not boil too much, it should just start to boil. The sugar must be completely dissolved.

4. As soon as it boils, put cocoa powder in a saucepan. It must be sifted through a sieve so that lumps do not come across. Lumps will not dissolve well and may remain in the finished glaze.

5. Mix the cocoa powder well in this solution and after the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the stove and put it in the still hot swollen gelatin.

6. Thoroughly stir the gelatin into the hot chocolate. All lumps should disperse. If it is not possible to stir them completely, then you can strain the glaze through a sieve.

7. In order for the icing to thicken to the desired consistency and it can be applied to the cake, it must cool to about 35 degrees. Then it will slowly spread and leave beautiful streaks on the sides of the cake.

Chocolate icing for the cake is ready. It will look very nice if the Easter cake poured with such icing is sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Happy holidays!

Pink glaze on beetroot juice

I want to recommend this recipe to those who want to make icing for Easter cake, but leave it in its usual white color, and add variety and colors. It does not use food coloring in the form of a powder, but natural, which means it is more useful and suitable even for small children. Who wouldn't want something so bright and useful Easter cake cooking for Easter?

You will need:

  • powdered sugar - 200 grams,
  • egg white - 1 pc,
  • beets - 1 pc. small,
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


1. In a large bowl, separate the protein from the yolk. Try to break so that not a single drop of yolk gets in. Beat it with a whisk until it foams and turns a little white.

2. Now gradually add powdered sugar. Sift it through a sieve, and rub the lumps that come across with a spoon.

3. First add a third of a pood and mix it with protein until the lumps disappear. Then put the next part and so gradually mix in the whole.

4. When the protein with powder turns into a thick pasty mass, add lemon juice. Stir further until all the juice is dissolved in the glaze.

5. Peel and grate small beets on a fine grater.

6. Put the grated beets in a bag of several layers of cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of it into a small cup.

7. Now add the received beetroot juice a teaspoonful of frosting and stir. Depending on how intense you want the color, put as many spoons. But I do not recommend that you put too much, too pronounced beet flavor may appear.

8. The finished pink icing for Easter cake will be thick and glossy. When covering baking, it will harden and remain lying in a beautiful cap.

In the same way, you can prepare icing for Easter cake and other colors. carrot juice will give Orange color, spinach juice is green, and blue will come from red cabbage. Try it and you will be able to decorate your Easter cake.

Caramel icing for Easter cake at home

And for dessert, if I may say so in this article, the real caramel icing. I can bet that not many people prepare such a glaze for Easter cakes, and in my opinion it’s very in vain. Her taste is simply delicious candy, which is simply impossible to break away. It's especially good if you don't cook too much. sweet cake, then it will create the necessary balance of tastes.

To prepare such a glaze, sugar, condensed milk, chocolate and gelatin are used, which makes it soft and tender. Such a glaze does not crumble and does not crumble from the cake, keeps its shape perfectly and does not dry out. True, quite a bit sticky. But this, as you know, in order for the expression "lick your fingers" to become literal.

With this, I will probably end our small digression into a variety of icing recipes until you feel dizzy.

See you soon and don't forget to share your recipes!

Easter baking should only be done with good mood. Easter is the most important dish. This is the greatest holiday of the year without it. But even if you baked an Easter cake perfectly, you need to worthy decoration- glaze that does not crumble, does not stick to hands and looks attractive. share the best recipes.

colorful Easter frosting recipe

  • Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve.
  • Pour it into a clean bowl or saucepan, add protein.
  • Stir until smooth. you will need 2 cups of powdered sugar and 2 proteins, rub them until a white foam forms.
  • Squeeze out the juice of a medium-sized lemon and rub again until a smooth, fluffy white mass.
  • Once the icing is ready, spread it on Easter with a wooden spoon or a special brush.
  • Do not allow the glaze to stagnate, otherwise it will dry out.

To make the icing different colors, divide it into several parts, select your dishes for each.

  1. Dark brown obtained by adding 2 teaspoons of cocoa and 1 teaspoon of water. Another option is 2 tablespoons of water to 2 tablespoons of ground coffee.
  2. Yellow glaze will gain from the addition of saffron.
  3. Persistent orange tint gives burnt sugar.
  4. An easier option is to add food coloring to the glaze.

Little tricks for making frosting

  • If you're not using the frosting right away, cover it. cling film to keep from drying out.
  • Spread the icing evenly, otherwise the paska will get bumps and uneven color.
  • To make frosting patterns, use cream injector or cellophane bag with a cut end.
  • Make icing for Easter only in dry and clean dishes, otherwise the mass will not be lush.
  • Do not throw away the rest of the icing: you can pour it over gingerbread cookies and holiday pies.

egg free frosting recipe

If you didn't have time to buy eggs, they ran out, or someone in the family is allergic to them, prepare the icing without eggs. The recipe is very simple and affordable. The taste is sour, and the aroma of baking, mixed with the smell of lemon, is unique.

  • 150 - 200 grams of powdered sugar.
  • Juice of 1 lemon.

No water or eggs! Mix the powder with lemon and beat - you get a glaze. If the powder is homemade, that is, ground on a coffee grinder white sugar be sure to add a pinch of starch to it. This will help the frosting set better. The factory powder (the one sold in bags) already has a thickener. When using it, starch is not needed.

Glaze can be poured over Easter cake or, conversely, pastries can be dipped in white sweet molasses. Both methods are equally good. The hardening time of such a glaze is 2-3 minutes, depending on the density.

Royal icing with white chocolate

white chocolate icing recipe for a long time kept a secret. It was invented royal chefs. Today we can cook at home holiday cake with incredibly delicious chocolate icing. She does not crumble, she has pleasant aroma and quite thick consistency.

  • Melt tiles in a water bath white chocolate. You can take porous.
  • Melt chocolate with simmering water over low heat, not high heat, otherwise it will thicken too much and lose its flavor.
  • into melted chocolate mass add boiled milk.
  • Pour the milk in one teaspoon at a time so as not to make the frosting too runny. Adjust the density as you need.

Please note that the top of the cake will stick a little, but guests will not confuse luxurious shades of taste with anything.

Apr 2, 2017 admin

Usually Easter cakes are covered with protein glaze. But when cutting Easter cake, such icing crumbles. I offer a recipe for icing sugar with gelatin, which does not crumble and does not require the use of protein. It cooks very quickly and can be used to decorate other products such as donuts, rolls, rum broads etc. It tastes like fudge sugar. I saw the recipe online and liked it. I suggest you try it too.


To prepare sugar icing for Easter cake on gelatin, we need:

0.5 tsp instant gelatin;

3 art. l. water (boiling water);

100 g sugar.

Cooking steps

First, prepare the gelatin, that is, dilute the gelatin with water. This can be done in two ways:

first - pour 0.5 teaspoon of instant gelatin

1 tablespoon of boiling water and stir until transparent;

the second - pour gelatin with 1 tablespoon of cold boiled water and leave for 15 minutes to swell.

Then we cook the syrup, for this we pour 100 grams of sugar into a saucepan and pour 2 full tablespoons of water (boiling water), the water should completely cover the sugar, mix. We put on fire and with constant stirring bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 1-2 minutes, so that the sugar dissolves.

Do not boil for a long time, only a couple of minutes, otherwise there will be little liquid and the glaze will turn out to be very thick.

Then add the prepared gelatin to the syrup, mix thoroughly. We turn off the fire. Cool the syrup to a warm state with frequent stirring. Now beat the sugar-gelatin mass with a mixer until whitening.

We immediately apply icing on pastries, because, thanks to gelatin, it hardens very quickly. If the icing has thickened too much, you can heat it up a little. warm state. As soon as the icing was applied to one cake, immediately sprinkle the icing with confectionery sugar decorations otherwise the icing will harden and the decorations won't stick.

If, after applying to one cake, the icing is frozen, you can warm it up a little again. I had enough of this amount of glaze for 2 large Easter cakes. The frosting is very tasty. Does not crumble when cut.

This is what the cake looks like with this icing in the section. I hope you enjoy and pleasantly surprise the recipe for sugar icing for Easter cake on gelatin.

Most delicious recipe Easter cake selected and successfully baked! And this means that it's time to decide on the perfect white hat for Easter cakes.

Icing for Easter that does not stick is a very important issue. After all, how much labor, products and money are invested in Easter baking! And I don’t want the recipe for icing for Easter cake to fail. I would like to choose a glaze for Easter that does not crumble and does not crumble an hour after cooking.

Many of us go to church to sanctify Easter basket with various goodies. And I really don't want to white icing for Easter cake stuck to a bag or basket. To prevent such a nuisance from happening, fudge for Easter cake must be prepared in a reliable way. Consider perfect recipes icing for Easter cake with little secrets!

Easter frosting that doesn't stick

  • One squirrel
  • 250 grams of finely ground powdered sugar (preferably store-bought)
  • Juice from half a lemon - 1 tbsp (approximately)

Protein glaze for Easter cake recipe

Icing for Easter cake recipe without eggs

Icing for white chocolate cakes

It does not crumble when cut, because it is based on white porous chocolate. You will need a bar of white chocolate, which is melted in a water bath. Temperatures above 45 degrees are not suitable for this, you can ruin everything. When it melts, add milk by a teaspoon to the desired density of fudge. Spread on pastries and decorate. But remember, such a top is still a little sticky and will not be perfectly white. But it does not crumble, and its taste covers all these shortcomings!

White icing for Easter cake from a pack

It is done simply according to the instructions, it turns out perfectly white, but sometimes it can still stick. It all depends on the layer with which you will cover it. But I still prefer the first two recipes for covering the tops of Easter baking.

Easter fondant

Fondant for Easter cake without eggs, it turns out perfectly white, but you have to tinker with it.

  1. Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  2. Water - 3 tbsp.
  3. 3% vinegar - 0.5 tsp (spread it yourself)

Boil the syrup from sugar and water under the lid until the drop spreads on the saucer. Adding citric acid(vinegar) and cool the dishes with syrup under cold water. Beat the syrup until thick sour cream for about ten minutes.

Sugar icing for cake

It also requires effort and skill. Boil a glass of sugar and half a glass of water for 10 minutes. Cool it down quite a bit. Beat one chilled egg white to stiff peaks and gradually add to it sugar syrup as if brewing. We decorate warm Easter cakes with such fondant.

And one more interesting, which has become my favorite, recipe for snow-white and shiny glaze without eggs. Watch the video and be sure to try:

Today I shared with you what icing recipes for Easter cake I use. Most of all, I love the first two recipes, this fondant definitely does not stick and freezes perfectly. As for the fact that it does not crumble or crumble at all, but, probably, according to any recipe, the white cap still crumbles. The longer the Easter cake is stored, the more the cap dries out and becomes more fragile. How do you decorate Easter cakes? Write in the comments, it will be interesting

Wish you Happy Easter And delicious Easter cakes!

Discussion: 5 comments

    For Easter, I was looking for the best icing recipe so that it doesn’t sprinkle, stick, or crack. Here I found all the answers to my questions - nothing sprinkled and did not stick. Now I am a regular reader of your truly proven recipes. I don’t want to translate products and spend money cooking according to unverified ones.
