
Recipe for caramel frosting. We decorate the cake with our own hands: other original ideas

If you love baking cakes, then this article is for you! In this article, we will look at a variety of ways to decorate cakes with your own hands at home. You can transform an ordinary cake with the help of mastic, marzipan, icing, waffles, chocolate, icing, cream, cream, meringue, fruit, jelly, sweets, marmalade and sprinkles. We will consider each ingredient of the jewelry separately, get acquainted with the manufacturing recipe, and, of course, be inspired by a huge number of ideas.

For some cake decorating options, you will need special materials such as: a pastry syringe with nozzles, parchment paper, a sharp thin knife, spatulas of different thicknesses.

Mastic- This is a special dough for decorating a cake. You can roll it out and cover the top of the cake, you can also create various animal figures, letters, numbers, flowers, leaves, openwork patterns and whatever your imagination desires.

The basic rule of working with mastic is that you have to work with it very quickly, as it instantly hardens. But there is a way out! When you form the decoration, pinch off the desired piece, and wrap the rest of the mastic in a film. Large figurines may crack when dry.

Mastic recipe number 1

Ingredients: condensed milk, milk powder or cream, powdered sugar, food coloring (optional). The number of ingredients directly depends on the size of the cake.

Cooking process: take a deep bowl and mix milk powder or cream with powdered sugar. Gradually add condensed milk and mix well. You should get an elastic dough that does not stick to your hands. Add food coloring drop by drop and mix in. After cooking, immediately wrap the mastic in a film.

Mastic recipe number 2

Ingredients: water, lemon juice or citric acid, butter, powdered sugar, starch, marshmallow (white chewing marshmallow), food coloring (optional).

Cooking process: melt marshmallows for a couple, add drops of food coloring if desired. Then add water and just a little bit of lemon juice or citric acid. Mix well the mixture, and then add 50 grams of butter. Separately, mix powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1: 3. Gradually add the corn starch mixture to the marshmallow mixture and knead well for about 10 minutes. After cooking, immediately wrap the mastic in a film.

Marzipan- This is a nut mass, which consists of almond flour and sugar paste. Its advantages are that it keeps its shape perfectly, is quite elastic and has an amazing delicate taste. It is convenient to create all the elements of decoration from it - small figures, cake coating and voluminous decorations.

marzipan recipe

Ingredients: 200 grams of sugar, a quarter cup of water, 1 cup of lightly roasted almonds, butter.

Cooking process: peel the almonds from the husk and finely chop it in a blender or on a grater. Make syrup from sugar and water. The consistency of the syrup should be thick. Pour the ground almonds into the syrup, stir and cook for 3 minutes. Take a bowl and grease it well with butter. Pour the marzipan into a bowl. Cool marzipan and pass through a meat grinder. Marzipan is ready! If it turns out liquid, add powdered sugar. If the marzipan is very thick, add a little boiled water.

I recommend the photo gallery of marzipan cakes!

Icing- This is an ice pattern that looks like a winter pattern on the window and tastes like crisp ice. The advantages of icing are that it is strong enough, does not spread, and perfectly adheres to the surface of the confectionery. It can be applied over hard chocolate icing, mastic, fudge. It is worth noting that the surface on which icing can be applied should not spread and be non-sticky. The icing is applied with a confectionery syringe, then the finished product is placed in the refrigerator for further solidification. Laces, inscriptions and patterns are very beautiful.

icing recipe

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 500-600 grams of powdered sugar, 15 grams of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Manufacturing process: cool all the ingredients, degrease the dishes and wipe them dry. Take the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat egg whites, add glycerin, lemon juice and powdered sugar. Beat the mass well with a whisk until it turns white. Cover the mass with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour to burst the air bubbles. The icing is ready, you can safely decorate the cake!

waffles- these are materials for decorating flowers, various figures, numbers. They are made from crispy waffle dough. Ready-made edible pictures based on waffle cake are also popular. You can buy this decoration in confectionery stores, supermarkets or on the Internet. It’s not possible to make waffles with an image on your own, as food ink and special equipment will be required. The advantages of waffles are that they do not crack, keep their shape perfectly and do not melt. However, they can only be used on the light surface of the cake, since when soaked, the picture can be saturated with dark cream.

Waffle design rules

Decorating with chocolate is considered a classic decoration for cakes. This ingredient goes well with biscuits, soufflé, mousse, puff pastry and various creams. The advantage of chocolate lies in the fact that when it is melted, it can be given any kind of shape, and when the chocolate hardens, it will not crack or spread. To decorate cakes, you can use any chocolate - black, white, milk, porous.

Methods for decorating cakes with chocolate

  1. To decorate a cake with chocolate chips, simply grate a bar of chocolate on a grater and sprinkle it on the cake.
  2. To decorate the cake with curls, warm the chocolate bar slightly, then take a thin knife, or better, a vegetable cutter and cut off thin strips, they will immediately begin to twist. From them you can create chic patterns.
  3. Here is another way to decorate the cake with openwork patterns, inscriptions and drawings. Melt a bar of chocolate in a steam bath. Place the chocolate in a confectionery syringe. Take parchment paper and draw patterns. Use a pastry syringe to draw patterns on parchment paper. Place the parchment in the refrigerator to harden the chocolate. Carefully remove the chocolate from the parchment and decorate the cake. If you are not good at drawing, find a beautiful pattern on the Internet, print it out, attach transparent parchment paper to the pattern and simply copy it.
  4. To decorate the cake with chocolate leaves, you will need real leaves of trees or a houseplant. Wash and dry the leaves. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath and spread it on the inside of the sheet with a silicone brush. Put in the refrigerator, and when it hardens, carefully remove the chocolate from the leaf and decorate the cake.
  5. Another creative way to decorate the cake is with cherries and chocolate. Get rid of the pits, place each cherry in melted chocolate and decorate the cake.

At the moment, there are chocolate, mirror, marmalade, caramel, multi-colored, soft, milk and cream glazes.

chocolate frosting recipe

Ingredients: 1.5 tablespoons of milk, 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, 40 grams of butter.

Cooking process: take a bowl, put cocoa, sugar, pieces of butter, and pour milk. Put on fire, melt and boil for 5-7 minutes. Cover the cake with chocolate icing using a wide knife and refrigerate to harden further.

caramel frosting recipe

Ingredients: 150 grams of warm water, 180 grams of fine-grained sugar, 2 teaspoons of cornstarch, 150 grams of heavy cream, 5 grams of gelatin sheet.

Cooking process: soak gelatin in water, mix cream with starch, melt sugar in a pan until light brown. Add cream with starch and sugar to warm water. Boil to dissolve the caramel. Remember to constantly stir the mixture. Then pour it into the cream, mix, cool and add the swollen gelatin. Cover the cake with caramel icing using a wide knife and refrigerate to further set.

Marmalade Glaze Recipe

Ingredients: 200 grams of marmalade of the same color, 50 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, 120 grams of sugar.

Cooking process: melt the marmalade in a steam bath or in the microwave, add sour cream, butter and sugar. Mix well and put on fire. Cook the glaze for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Let the icing cool down a bit. Cover the cake with marmalade icing using a wide knife and refrigerate for 3-4 hours to further set.

Cream- universal decoration for cakes. It is very convenient for them to write congratulations, make openwork frames, lush roses. Food coloring is often added to the cream.

buttercream recipe

Ingredients: 100 grams of butter, 5 tablespoons of condensed milk, food coloring.

Cooking process: melt the butter in a steam bath or in the microwave. Whisk it until it becomes white and fluffy. Add condensed milk, mix well and divide the cream into portions. Add the dye of the desired color to each portion of the cream. Place the cream in a pastry syringe and create beauty, then send the cake in the cold so that the cream freezes.

Whipped cream- this is an original airy, voluminous and delicate decoration. Their preparation does not require special products. To beautifully decorate the cake with whipped cream, you will need a pastry syringe. You need to work with cream quickly enough. Make sure all ingredients and tools are ready. The surface of the cake should be even and not too sticky.

whipped cream recipe

Ingredients: half a liter of high-fat cream from 33%, a bag of vanilla, 100-200 grams of granulated sugar, 1 bag of instant gelatin, food coloring (optional).

Cooking process: put the cream in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Pour chilled cream into a deep bowl. Take another deep container, pour ice water into it. Place the bowl of cream into a bowl of ice water. Dissolve the gelatin in the manner indicated on the package. Whip the cream with a mixer (do not use a blender, as the foam will not work). Beat them until the foam is strong enough. Add powdered sugar and vanilla, then stir with a whisk. Add the dissolved gelatin in a thin stream. Put the cream in the syringe and decorate the cake.

I recommend a photo gallery of cakes decorated with whipped cream!

Meringue- This is a snow-white, crispy and very tasty decoration. It is laid out on a layer of chocolate, jam, or cream.

meringue recipe

Ingredients: a glass of powdered sugar, 5 chilled eggs, a bag of vanilla (optional).

Cooking process: separate the proteins from the yolks, pour the proteins into a dry, fat-free deep container. Beat egg whites until fluffy (10-15 minutes). Gradually pour out the powder (1-2 teaspoons) and immediately dissolve it. Add vanilla and dissolve well as well. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and transfer the protein foam to a pastry syringe. Squeeze the protein mixture onto a baking sheet, creating beautiful balls or other figures. The meringue is dried, not baked, the time the future meringue stays in the oven depends on the size of the blanks. Approximate drying time 1.5-2 hours.

Fruits are very tasty, healthy and contain a huge amount of vitamins. They brightly decorate the cake with flavor combinations and rich colors. The easiest way to decorate with fruit is to fan out chopped slices of strawberries, kiwis, oranges, mangoes, and all sorts of other fruits. You can create a whole fruit canvas that blends perfectly in natural jelly.


Ingredients: fresh fruits and berries, for fruit jelly - light juice, such as apple juice 600 ml, a glass of powdered sugar, 1 package of powdered gelatin.

Cooking process: pour gelatin with a glass of juice and set aside to swell. Prepare the fruits, peel them and cut into small beautiful slices. Kiwis and bananas are cut in circles, apples and oranges - in half rings, strawberries - in half, raspberries, blackberries, cherries - left whole. Melt the gelatin in a water bath, add the remaining juice and powdered sugar to it. Strain the mixture, arrange the fruit nicely in the jelly and refrigerate. When the jelly hardens slightly, transfer it to the cake, turning the container upside down. If desired, mask the edges with buttercream or whipped cream. Put the cake in the refrigerator.

Jelly looks very beautiful and has a beneficial effect on people's joints. Jelly filling goes well with various fruits. However, you can decorate the cake with it in its pure form, or you can decorate the top with jelly filling with sprinkles of coconut or nuts, be original and think over the concept of decoration!

jelly filling recipe

Ingredients: 600 ml of juice (you can take juice of different colors), 1 pack of fast-dissolving gelatin, a glass of powdered sugar.

Cooking process: soak the gelatin in 1/3 of the juice and leave to swell. Then melt the gelatin with the juice for a couple. Mix powdered sugar and remaining juice, pour into molds and refrigerate. Pour off 100 ml of jelly, and put it in the refrigerator for a while so that it has time to set. Put the cake in a mold that is 3 cm higher than it. Put the jelly filling on the cake, and decorate with jelly molds on top. Steam will help to easily get the jelly blanks out of the molds. It is enough to bring the mold with jelly over the steam, and then turn it over for dessert. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours and do not forget to remove the mold before serving. If you want to make a jelly filling with fruit, then prepare the jelly as described above. Put it in the refrigerator for a while so that it has time to set. Spread the jelly over the nicely arranged fruit, smooth with a spatula and refrigerate overnight. To prevent the jelly from breaking during serving, cut it with a heated knife.

Candies This is a favorite treat for children. Toddlers pay attention to the design of the cake itself, and not to the products from which the cake was made. Try to decorate the cake for the children's holiday as brightly and creatively as possible. You can use all kinds of sweets except lollipops. The surface of the cake should be thick and viscous, for example - whipped cream, butter cream, icing.

Ways to decorate cakes with sweets

  1. The sides of the cake can be decorated with chocolate bars or waffles, and the top can be filled with dragees.
  2. Small toffees are great for creating a pattern or lettering on a creamy surface or white icing.
  3. Cut the gummies into squares and randomly decorate the top of the cake with white fondant or whipped cream.
  4. It is good to decorate the sides with round candies, and put 3 sweets in the central part of the cake.

No matter what festive dishes the table is filled with, all guests are looking forward to the final chord - dessert. Beautiful cakes are a delicious end to any holiday. Those with a sweet tooth know that a homemade cake made at home is always better and healthier than a store-bought one. Every housewife wants to impress those present with her masterpiece, to put on the table not only a delicious, but also a beautiful cake. Decorating cakes with cream is a fun activity. There are many ways to decorate a cake at home. For example, decorate it with cream, chocolate, mastic, fondant, whipped cream, jelly, beautifully place berries and fruits on it, use meringue to decorate the cake. A master class on decorating cakes offers how to diversify decorating cakes at home.

It is important to consider that the taste of the decor ingredients is in harmony with the taste of baking:

  • puff pastry and honey cake are good with boiled or raw condensed milk and nuts;
  • sand cake harmonizes well with butter, protein cream, jam;
  • butter creams, butter creams, chocolate icing are suitable for biscuits;
  • for cottage cheese baking, take berries and fruits, whipped cream.

A little bit of desire and diligence, and you will be able to prepare beautiful cakes, you will be able to simply and quickly create a confectionery masterpiece.

Using, for example, buttercream to decorate a cake is a classic. Since childhood, we remember oil roses, lilac branches, green leaves on pastries from the store. Inscriptions, flowers with leaves, openwork patterns - cream decor will never get old. The cream mass should be thick enough. The best option is butter plus condensed milk. This cake decorating cream holds its shape well. You can add syrup, instant coffee (for coloring and enhancing the aroma), cocoa (provides the taste and color of chocolate), sour cream and whipped cream to get a more delicate texture, all kinds of additives to improve the flavor (vanilla, cinnamon, zest). Protein cream is also perfect for decorating a cake.

To decorate a treat with your own hands, you will need pastry bags made of thick film and nozzles made of food grade metal or plastic, or a pastry syringe with curly tips. Instead of a bag, you can simply take a tight plastic bag. If you plan to make the dessert bright, divide the cream into parts and color with food coloring, cool. Place it in a pastry bag or syringe, choose a nozzle. From cream for decorating a cake, you will make a delicate border, graceful roses, all kinds of small figures or patterns. Often used protein-custard to decorate the cake. The cream recipe provides for whipping hot syrup and whipped cream, the cream is strong and does not settle.

Decorate with fruits and berries

Juicy berries, fragrant fruits - it's so appetizing. Decorating a cake with fruit is a great way to decorate baked goods. Pieces of fruit can be placed between the cakes, added to the cream, placed on the surface of the dessert and poured with a layer of jelly. In the same way, the cake is decorated with berries. If you are faced with the question of how to decorate a cake with fruits, keep in mind that not all of them are suitable for decoration, too juicy ones will ruin the look. Most often, mangoes, citrus fruits, apples and pears, apricots and peaches, kiwi and pineapples are used to decorate baking. And, of course, colorful strawberry cake decoration is used most often.

You will get a successful fruit dessert at home if you fill the surface with jelly. The pieces of fruit will stick better, and cooking will take quite a bit of time. Place the product in a detachable form, lay out thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bberries and fruits, pour jelly. You can not think about how to make jelly, just buy ready-made in the store, cook according to the instructions, slightly reducing the amount of water. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours until it cools down well.


Many hostesses are sure that decorating a cake with mastic is a very laborious task. Not to say that it's easy, but when you understand how to decorate a cake with fondant at home, decorating cakes will not be a problem for you. There are different types of mastic, it can be painted in different colors, it is soft and plastic and you can create a real masterpiece from it. To make the fondant, you will need gelatin, water, powdered sugar, lemon juice, and food coloring. Mix powdered sugar with dissolved gelatin, add a little lemon juice and knead. Separate the mastic and paint in the desired colors. First you need to cover the finished cake with a layer of mastic. Roll out into a thin layer, place on the surface, gently press down and cut off the excess edges.

Cut out small details (flowers, leaves, patterns) and attach them. You can make volumetric figures, mold them from mastic, like from plasticine. If you need to glue individual parts, use protein. This preparation should be done in a couple of days so that it has time to dry. Mastic makes everything extremely bright and elegant.

Chocolate decorations

Everyone loves chocolate and chocolate candies, so decorating a cake with chocolate is always relevant. You can get very beautiful cakes, filling with icing, but you can create a real masterpiece. Use bitter, milk and white chocolate. Before making chocolate decorations for the cake, it must be heated. The most convenient way to do this is in a microwave oven, in a water bath or in an oven at a temperature of 50-100 degrees. The mass must be stirred frequently and the ingress of steam and water must be avoided.

If the question arose of how to decorate pastries, and time is running out - fill it with chocolate icing. You can make it from cocoa powder, butter, sugar, milk or sour cream. Decorating with this glaze is cheaper than using chocolate, the main thing is that the cocoa is of high quality.

But the ideal option is to use real chocolate (70% or more cocoa beans), heavy cream and powdered sugar. The icing will have a great taste, provide a shiny, uniform surface.

You can sprinkle the dessert with chocolate chips. Pre-chocolate must be held at a temperature of about 30 degrees, this will make it more plastic. On the wide side of the tile, you need to cut it with a vegetable cutter with a sharp knife into wide chips. The shavings are rolled up, they can decorate the top layer, lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar on top and decorate cakes at home.

Berries on the cake, framed with chocolate leaves, always attract attention.

Before decorating the cake, try making the leaves yourself:

  1. Collect live leaves, strong, not too small, with many veins.
  2. Cover the reverse side of the sheet with melted chocolate with a brush, the veins on it stand out better.
  3. Bring to the cold, laying the chocolate on top. After hardening, carefully separate the chocolate plate.

With the help of a cornet (pastry bag) you can make chocolate patterns for decorating cakes. It must be melted in a water bath, poured into a cornet and write congratulations on the surface, draw patterns.

To decorate the cake with cream, you can pick up decor-bows. Chocolate bows look beautiful. Pour long strips onto a parchment sheet from the cornet, while the chocolate is still soft, fold in half and pinch the edges with a clothespin. Remove the parchment from the hardened chocolate and lay the bow details in layers, each time reducing the number of folds. Lay out the bow and fasten it with hot chocolate.

You can cast chocolate figures, such as butterflies. To do this, you need a pastry syringe and parchment. Lay the parchment on the stencil and fold it in the center to give the figure volume. Apply chocolate along the contour, wait until the chocolate hardens, and remove the parchment. Butterfly is ready. The figurine is very fragile, handle it with care. In the same way, you can make an openwork border for the side of the cake. On parchment, mark a strip of the required size, draw patterns on it. After hardening, carefully remove the parchment and glue the border to the side surface. These blanks are suitable for children's cakes.


It is impossible to imagine a birthday without sweets. For a children's birthday, mom will bake a delicious dessert and provide decoration of a children's cake at the highest level. For children's products, effectiveness and brightness are very important. Prepare a biscuit decorated with M&M´s and Kit-kat - a cake with your own hands. Bake a biscuit according to your proven recipe, coat it with your favorite cream. Glue tick-tock sticks on the side surface, you can tie them with a bright elegant ribbon. Pour a large pack of M&M´s on top and send everything to the cold. For girls, decorations from bows, beads, flowers from mastic will be appropriate. Boys prefer decorations on sports or car themes, with characters from computer games.

Of course, you need to think about how to decorate a birthday cake for an adult. Here it is worth considering the birthday man's hobby, his profession. For an anniversary, you can bake a confectionery product in the form of a number - the age of the birthday person, or write a congratulation with cream directly on the surface. An avid football fan can bake birthday cakes in the form of a soccer ball on the field with gates, flags of your favorite teams. With the help of mastic, you can beat any hobby of the birthday man, professional features. There is full scope for your imagination.

One of the most important events in life is a wedding. Beautiful wedding cakes are not just a treat, they are a symbol of love and fidelity of young spouses. Most often it is made gentle, in soft pastel colors, decorated with flowers. Now baking from a wide variety of geometric shapes, most often multi-tiered, is in fashion. A dessert in the form of one or two hearts interconnected with cream is popular.

Among wedding pastries, multi-tiered products are in the lead; they look very solemn. You can use the following cake decoration:

  1. The mask is very popular. It can be painted in any color, fashion figurines of the bride and groom, bows, flowers, rings.
  2. Icing is widely used. From snow-white sugar icing, you can create the most delicate lace, congratulatory inscriptions.
  3. It is hard to imagine a cake without flowers, leaves and patterns. The most delicate roses are created from the snow-white butter cream.
  4. On the baking surface covered with cream, spreads thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bberries and fruits, it is advisable to fill them with a layer of jelly.
  5. You can crush the delicacy with candied rose petals.

Creating a beautiful culinary masterpiece is not only for professionals. The homemade cake, in which the hostess put her soul, decorated it with love, will certainly be remembered by all guests. At the same time, the simplest available products are suitable for decoration - ready-made chocolate, simple butter or protein cream, seasonal fruits, frozen berries, and even homemade preparations.

Recipes for cream and other confectionery decorations

how to decorate a baby cake

30 minutes

5 /5 (2 )

List of the best options for decorating children's cakes

As my friend’s experience shows, it’s not at all difficult to decorate a children’s cake, you just have to add your imagination to the process, knowledge of the preferences of your child and his guests, as well as some of the culinary features of this or that dessert, which I’ll talk about now.

It is often not easy to decide how to decorate a children's cake with your own hands at home in such a way as to please the child and feed him with a tasty and healthy treat. And at the initial stage of choosing a method, how to beautifully decorate a children's cake, you should focus on the compatibility of ingredients with cake layers.

Win-win jewelry options will be: chocolate icing, butter cream and cream - for biscuit cakes, fruits and berries - for cottage cheese, butter cream and boiled condensed milk - for sand and puff, marshmallows and mastic - for honey. However, this is not the only correct option for resolving the issue of decorating a children's cake, since each person's taste preferences, as well as the concept of the beauty of a dessert, are different.

Given that the decorated cake is intended to treat children, it is recommended to decorate it with mastic, marshmallows, cream, cream, chocolate, fruits and jelly, as they will look good on the finished cake and are harmless to children's health.

The better not to decorate a cake for children

Since the cake is intended for children, you should choose the ingredients for decorating it as meticulously as possible - it should only be fresh products.

  • artificial dyes, they should be replaced with natural freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and fruits;
  • creams that are flavored with alcohol - liquor, rum or cognac, if necessary, they can be replaced with citrus zest or juice or vanilla;
  • sugar syrup for soaking cakes, since excess sugar is useless for a child's body;
  • small sweets or inedible hard items that the child may choke on.

As for me, the most beautiful decoration for a cake is mastic, although it is a little more difficult to perform compared to other types of decorations. Any figure can be formed from mastic - both a cartoon character, a doll or a car, and the letters of the child's name, and the decoration itself will cause genuine delight for the children. Consider how to decorate a children's cake with mastic.

For the preparation of mastic, the following products are needed:

1. Gelatin is dissolved in water, stirring continuously, and left for about 30 minutes to swell, then add citric acid.

If it is necessary to obtain multi-colored mastic, the ingredients are mixed in several containers separately, in each of which food coloring of the desired color is added.

2. Pour the sifted icing sugar into a deep bowl, pour the gelatin mixture, stir with a spoon in the bowl until smooth, then mix the sweet mass a little until a dense elastic state.

3. Well-mixed mastic should be rolled out with a layer about 4-6 mm thick and placed on the surface of the finished cake and on the side. When covering the cake with mastic, you should smooth it out, avoiding the appearance of wrinkles. The excess must be carefully trimmed along the bottom edge of the cake with a sharp knife.

It is very easy to fashion any figure of an animal, a man or a toy from plastic mastic, which is installed on the smooth surface of the cake or along its sidewall.

Having wrapped the finished mastic in polyethylene, it can be stored in the freezer for up to 60 days, taking it out as needed to create the next confectionery masterpiece.

Consider options for how you can beautifully decorate a children's cake without mastic. The wondrous beauty of mastic can be recreated from marshmallow, which is much easier to process.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 g of chewing marshmallow;
  • 500 g of powdered sugar;
  • 200 g of starch;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

1. Melt chewing marshmallows in the microwave for 30 seconds, add butter and water to the mass and put it in the microwave for 10 seconds to completely dissolve the ingredients.

2. In a deep container, mix starch and powdered sugar, then add melted marshmallow little by little to the dry mixture, stirring thoroughly. After combining the dry mixture with melted marshmallows, the resulting mass must be intensively mixed for 5 minutes and left to rest for about half an hour in a plastic bag.

3. The finished marshmallow is rolled out in a thin layer, which covers the entire surface of the cake, and any fantasy decorations can be fashioned from this elastic mass. Examples of how to decorate a children's birthday cake with marshmallows can be found on the Internet.

Working with marshmallows should be quick, as the mass dries out very quickly. You can save its plasticity for some time by packing it in a plastic bag.

Children's cake can be decorated in an original way with the help of cream. Cake decorated with cream is a classic of children's desserts.

Required Ingredients:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 6 art. l. condensed milk.

1. Slightly melted butter at room temperature should be beaten with a mixer until a foamy mass is formed.

2. Add condensed milk one spoon at a time to the butter foam, beating the mass with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous cream is obtained.

3. To decorate the cake with butter cream, you need a confectionery syringe with various nozzles, if not, you can use a tight plastic bag with a cut off corner. With the help of a syringe or a cone filled with cream, you can “draw” the desired cartoon plot, numbers or letters on the cake, create flowers and voluminous figures, and make the child’s desires come true.

Cream will also work to decorate the cake.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 ml cream with a fat content of 35%;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar.

1. Whip the chilled cream with a mixer until peaks form.

2. Powdered sugar is gradually added to whipped cream, while the process of whipping with a mixer does not stop until the mass, when draining from the whisk, gives firm peaks.

3. Decorate confectionery with whipped cream similar to buttercream using a special syringe. Children's cakes decorated with cream are not only tasty, but also healthy due to the nutritious cream rich in calcium.

Cake decorated with buttercream and whipped cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 36 hours.

The most common option for decorating children's desserts is fruits. Fresh, canned or frozen fruits and berries look very nice on dessert and kids love to eat them. Before decorating a children's cake with fruits, they need to be properly prepared.

Berries can be used as a whole, large fruits must first be cut, frozen ones should be thawed, and canned ones should be dried with a paper towel. For the beauty and safety of the fruit decoration, it should be covered with a layer of jelly, because without it, fruits and berries dry out quickly and lose their appearance.

Required ingredients for jelly:

  • 1 st. l. powdered sugar;
  • 2 tsp gelatin;
  • 1 glass of orange juice.

1. Dissolve gelatin in 50 ml of juice; to speed up the process, the mixture can be slightly heated in the microwave.

2. Add the entire volume of juice and powdered sugar to the gelatin mixture, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved and a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.

3. To decorate the dessert, you need to beautifully lay the berries and fruits on the surface of the cake, pour them well with jelly and put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours to harden.

Cakes decorated with cream, fondant, whipped cream and fruit will decorate many children's parties, bring joy to the kids and look great in the photo, reminding them of the wonderful celebration of this or that event.

Decorating cakes for children: ideas and photos

To give inspiration and an interesting idea on how to decorate a children's cake, photos of the culinary masterpieces of my brilliant friend, who kindly shared her secrets of pastry craftsmanship, will help.

Cake decorated with fondant:

Cake decorated with marshmallows:

Cake decorated with cream:

Cake decorated with fruits:

Video recipe for decorating a children's cake

For a good example of how to decorate a children's cake, we recommend that you watch a short video. This video review will introduce you to the main points of decorating a cake. Experienced hands of a confectioner will show how you can decorate a confectionery product with a beautiful edible figurine, which is not difficult at all.

How to decorate a New Year's cake, biscuit roll

How to quickly and easily decorate a New Year's cake, biscuit roll with mastic.

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️ Kourabiedes - Greek Christmas cookies
Melomakarona is a Greek Christmas cookie.
️ Snowman Olaf
️ Christmas chocolate muffins with fondant
️ Making a snowman for a New Year's cake
️ Decorations from fondant for the cake. Christmas tree made of mastic.
️ Decorations from mastic. How to make snowflakes for a Christmas cake
️ How to make Santa Claus from mastic
️ Festive Meatloaf with Egg
️ Festive Eggplant Rolls
️ Christmas cookies with Christmas tree jam
️ Gingerbread Tree 3D. Gingerbread gingerbread tree for the holiday
️ Festive Cod Liver Salad
️ Gingerbread Dough
️ Gingerbread house
️Christmas cake with chocolate icing.

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As a basic recommendation, experienced chefs advise applying decorations not on the cake, but on a thick layer of thick cream, marzipan or icing - this will give a more even coating of the surface of the cake and the durability of decorations and figurines. It is better to decorate the dessert immediately before serving, since the decorated cake can absorb moisture and odors during long-term storage in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to whip the cream in a very cold glass container with a chilled whisk - this way the whipping process is faster and better. A children's cake decorated with sweets - sweets, chocolate and sugar figurines, bright sprinkles and dried fruits looks very impressive and is absolutely not difficult to perform.

Since it is very easy to decorate a children's cake with your own hands from available products, do not be afraid of this, because the most difficult thing is to decide and bake a delicious cake, and the creative process of decorating a dessert for kids will use your unique imagination and captivate the whole family. Share your recipes and decoration options, offer interesting ideas for decorating cakes.

Chocolate is loved by those with a sweet tooth for its melting taste and delicate texture, doctors appreciate it for its high content of trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants, and decorators love it for a huge number of techniques that can be used to decorate any cake. Professionals use special tools to create their masterpieces. But even at home, you can make chocolate decorations for the cake, which will be not only tasty, but also spectacular.

What kind of chocolate can decorate a cake at home

Chocolate can only be called a product that contains cocoa butter.. The main components of chocolate also include grated cocoa and sugar. They also produce unsweetened chocolate, which contains 99% cocoa.

Real milk, white and dark chocolate must contain cocoa butter

When decorating cakes, the following types of chocolate are used:

  • bitter (dark) - contains at least 40-55% cocoa;
  • dairy - contains at least 25% cocoa and dairy products;
  • white - contains at least 20% cocoa butter, but does not contain grated cocoa and powder.

Professional confectioners use chocolate, which is available in blocks and dragees (drops). Chocolate bars can also be used to decorate at home.

Cocoa powder can also be used for decor, but it should be of high quality, bad powder can squeak on your teeth.

Photo gallery: chocolate release forms suitable for decoration

Chocolate in the form of dragees is convenient for melting Chocolate blocks are often used by professional confectioners. Bar chocolate can be used to decorate at home

In addition to real chocolate, confectionery chocolate (glaze) is found in stores, in which cocoa butter is replaced by vegetable fats. It is produced in tiles or in the form of chocolate figurines.

Confectionery chocolate is much inferior to the real one in taste, but, on the other hand, it is less capricious and can be used for applications, patterns, glazes.

What you need to know about chocolate

How to store and melt properly

Chocolate has a long shelf life, but it should be kept tightly closed, away from foods with strong odors, protected from light and moisture. Storage temperature - 12° C to 20° C.

Before you start decorating the cake, in most cases, the chocolate is crushed and heated. For heating, you can use a microwave oven, a water or steam bath, or an oven heated to 50–100 ° C. In all cases, stir the chocolate frequently.

Attention! When heated, chocolate must be protected from steam and drops of water, otherwise it will curdle.


Cocoa butter is very capricious. It contains fats, the crystals of which melt at different temperatures. If the chocolate is not properly melted, it can become coated, melt quickly in your hands, or thicken too much. In tempering (targeted recrystallization), the chocolate is heated, cooled and stirred in succession, resulting in chocolate that melts in the mouth but remains firm and crunchy at room temperature. For tempering, you should take high-quality chocolate.

Confectionery chocolate (glaze) does not need tempering, as it does not contain cocoa butter.

Professional confectioners use a marble board and special thermometers for tempering. The easiest way to temper chocolate at home is to use the microwave:

  1. Chop the chocolate, put in the microwave.
  2. Turn on the oven at maximum power.
  3. Take out and stir the chocolate every 15 seconds until almost completely melted, small lumps should remain.
  4. Remove chocolate and stir until completely combined.

Properly tempered chocolate, applied in a thin layer on parchment, hardens within 3 minutes at 20°C indoors.

If the chocolate thickens too quickly, over-crystallization has occurred. A little melted untempered chocolate is added to such chocolate and mixed.

A simple do-it-yourself cornet

Pastry bags are used to deposit chocolate patterns, disposable polyethylene options are especially convenient. If they are not there, you can roll the paper cornets yourself. To do this, a square is cut out of parchment, divided into 2 triangles diagonally. The resulting right triangle is folded into a cone, combining sharp corners with a right one. The corner is folded outward to secure the cornet. A corner is cut off at the bottom only when the cornet is already filled with chocolate.

Folding a parchment cornet is easy

The bag or cornet is filled with melted chocolate. It is convenient to fill the cornet if you put it in a tall glass.

You can also replace pastry bags with a transparent paper file or a dense plastic milk bag.

Express design options

m&m's and KitKat

This is a very simple and effective way to decorate a cake. Bright chocolate dragees in sugar glaze will perfectly fit into a children's holiday.

Ready-made chocolate products can become a simple and spectacular decoration.

You will need:

  • m&m's;
  • kitkat.

The cake will look good if the height of the chocolate bars exceeds the height of the cake itself by 1.5–2 cm.


  1. Attach chocolate sticks to the sides of the cake. If the sticks are interconnected, it is better to separate them.
  2. Fill the top of the cake with m&m's.
  3. Additionally, the cake can be tied with a ribbon.

You can also decorate the cake with others: Kinder chocolate, chocolate balls.

Photo gallery: how to decorate a cake with finished chocolate products

The square cake is lined with bricks of slab chocolate and decorated with towers of cookies glued together with chocolate From white and milk dragees you can lay out flowers In such a candy platter, any sweet tooth will choose a piece to your taste. Chocolate candies are laid out in a circle, and two-color chocolate tubes complement the composition, which can be replaced with wafer tubes

chocolate chips

You can sprinkle chocolate chips on the top and sides of the cake. Making it at home is very simple: bar chocolate is rubbed on a grater or cut with a vegetable peeler. In the latter case, curly curls of chocolate are obtained.

Chocolate chips can decorate the top and sides of the cake

Depending on the chosen grater, you can get different chocolate chips - small or larger. The heat from your hands softens the chocolate quickly, so it's best to rub small pieces of chocolate. It is impossible to cool chocolate in the refrigerator beforehand or during operation, too cold chocolate will crumble and break.

Drawing with cocoa and stencil

The famous tiramisu is simply sprinkled with cocoa on top. You can decorate other cakes in the same way. The top of the cake should be even, then it will look neat. And with the help of cocoa and a stencil, you can create a pattern on the cake.

With the help of cocoa and a stencil, you can decorate the cake with a pattern

You will need:

  • cocoa;
  • sieve;
  • stencil.


  1. Put the stencil on the cake.
  2. Sprinkle cocoa on top through a sieve.
  3. Carefully remove the stencil.

You can use a ready-made stencil or make your own by cutting out a pattern from paper. As a stencil, you can also use an openwork cake napkin, a fork, and more.

If the surface of the cake is covered with a soft or delicate cream (whipped cream, custard, sour cream), then it is better to keep the stencil at a small distance from the cake so that it does not stick to the surface and spoil it.

Covering the cake with icing

Chocolate icing is very appetizing, especially when combined with fruits or fresh berries. You can also add colored sugar sprinkles or beads to the icing. Cool the cake well before icing it. But the glaze should be warm.

Read more about chocolate icing in our article:.

The cake can be glazed entirely or just the top, leaving mouth-watering smudges on the sides. Icing is poured into the center of the cake in a circular motion, then helping it to spread with a knife or spatula. If you need to make more uniform smudges, then first apply liquid icing in a circular motion to the edges of the cake using a cornet or bag, and only then pour the top.

Chocolate and heavy cream ganache


  • 100 ml heavy cream (30–35%);
  • 100 g dark, 150 g milk, or 250 g white chocolate.


  1. Chop chocolate.
  2. Heat cream until boiling.
  3. Add chopped chocolate to cream, mix thoroughly with a whisk.

You can adjust the thickness of the glaze by increasing or decreasing the amount of cream or chocolate.

Chilling the ganache in the refrigerator for a few hours, then letting it warm to room temperature and whipping it, you get a chocolate cream that can be used for cream decorations and layers of cakes.

Made from chocolate and milk


  • 100 g milk chocolate;
  • 3–4 tbsp. l. milk.


  1. Chop chocolate, add milk.
  2. Heat in the microwave or in a water bath, stirring constantly.

Made from chocolate and vegetable oil


  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. odorless vegetable oil.


  1. Chop chocolate, melt.
  2. Add vegetable oil, stirring constantly.

You can make glaze from different types of chocolate. Less is added to white oils, more to bitter ones.

From cocoa powder


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder;
  • 1/4 cup milk;
  • 50 g butter.


  1. Put all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Put in a boiling water bath. Stirring constantly, heat for about a minute.
  3. Remove from the bath, beat with a mixer until smooth.

Mirror glaze with gelatin

Cake for coating with such icing should be even (mousse cakes filled in silicone molds are ideal). Before coating with a mirror glaze, it is necessary to keep it in the freezer for several hours.



  1. Soak leaf gelatin in cold boiled water. Let the gelatin swell for 10 minutes. When using gelatin powder, pour 50 g of cold water into it, mix thoroughly and also allow to swell.
  2. Mix sugar, water, cocoa powder and heavy cream, bring to a boil while stirring constantly. After boiling, add chopped chocolate and stir until completely dissolved.

    Chopped chocolate is added to the boiled syrup of sugar, water, cocoa powder and cream and stirred.

  3. Squeeze out excess water from leaf gelatin.

    Sheet gelatin is separated from excess water

  4. Pour the swollen gelatin into the glaze and stir until completely dissolved.

    Gelatin is introduced into the icing and stirred until completely dissolved.

  5. To get rid of bubbles and for smoothness, the mixture is passed through a fine sieve or whipped with an immersion blender, and then poured into a jar and cover the surface with cling film. Frosting should be left in the refrigerator overnight before use..

    The icing is filtered through a fine sieve.

  6. Before coating the cake, you need to heat the chocolate icing to a temperature of 35–45 ° C. To get smudges, you can reduce the temperature to 30 ° C, then it will harden faster. If there are a lot of bubbles in the glaze, it should be filtered again through a sieve with small holes. To cover the whole cake, place it on a wire rack and a baking sheet or other suitable surface lined with cling film. Pour warm glaze from the center in a spiral to the edges. The excess glaze on the baking sheet is collected to be used further.

    The cake is placed on a wire rack to allow excess frosting to drain.

Photo gallery: cake design options with flowing and mirror glaze

Dripping icing looks great on a cake with a contrasting color Using fruits and mirror glaze, you can create a bright composition on the cake. Glaze can be made white

Video: how to make beautiful smudges on the cake

Drawing on glaze with liquid white chocolate

Glaze drawings with a toothpick or a bamboo stick have already become classics. On a dark chocolate icing, a pattern is applied with melted white chocolate, on a light icing - with bitter or milk chocolate. You need to apply chocolate while the icing is still liquid..

An easy way to design a cake is to cover it with chocolate icing and then decorate the top with white chocolate.

You can also apply a drawing on a cake covered with cream, if the cream has a soft consistency.


  1. Gossamer. Chocolate is applied to the icing in a spiral from the center. Draw lines from the center to the edges.
  2. Chevrons. Chocolate is applied to the icing in parallel strips. Draw lines perpendicular to the stripes in both directions.
  3. Hearts. Chocolate is applied to the icing in small circles in a straight line or in a spiral. Draw a line through all the circles in the same direction.
  4. Marble. Chocolate of different colors is applied to the icing with chaotic movements. Mix the glaze in a circular motion, creating a marble effect.

Photo gallery: options for applying patterns to glaze

To draw a cobweb, the wand moves from the center to the edges Drawing a pattern in the form of chevrons involves moving the stick in turn from left to right and from left to right. Hearts are obtained by passing the wand over the center of round drops of melted chocolate. Marble effect is formed by the free, chaotic movement of the wand

Cake side decoration

The sides of the cake can be wrapped with chocolate ribbon, lined with chocolate teeth, tiles or tubes.. The most difficult way to decorate is tubes. They will need not only a lot of chocolate, but also a lot of patience.

Lace (chocolate)

Delicate chocolate swirls or a simple geometric pattern are not difficult to make from chocolate, but they look very impressive. A dark or milk chocolate bar looks great on a white background, and a white pattern will accentuate a dark background.

You can also use confectionery chocolate. It is less capricious, but significantly inferior in taste to natural.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • pencil, scissors.


  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a water bath.
  2. From baking paper, cut a rectangular strip with a length equal to the circumference of the cake plus 2-3 cm, and a width equal to the height of the cake plus 2-3 cm. Draw a pattern with a pencil and turn the drawn side over to the table. You can print the pattern on the printer and just put it under the baking paper.

    For a wide cake, it is more convenient to make a chocolate ribbon from 2 halves.

  3. Place the chocolate in a cornet or bag, cut a corner.

    If the chocolate flows out too quickly, it should be allowed to cool slightly.

  4. Gently squeeze the chocolate onto the paper strip in a pattern.
  5. Attach the paper ribbon with the chocolate to the sides of the cake.
  6. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Take out the cake, carefully remove the paper.

After that, you can decorate the cake with a cream border, berries, fruits or fresh flowers.

Video: how to make chocolate

Panels or teeth

For this spectacular decoration, you will need at least 400–500 g of chocolate, depending on the size of the cake.. You can use bitter, milk, white chocolate, and also combine them, creating marble patterns.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • knife or spatula;
  • parchment or baking paper.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Spread the chocolate on parchment or baking paper, spread evenly with a knife or pastry spatula.
  3. Let the chocolate harden.
  4. Cut with a knife or break with your hands into pieces of arbitrary shape. The height of the panels must be higher than the cake.
  5. Attach to the sides of the cake so that the panels slightly overlap each other.

For an embossed texture, you can crumple the parchment before applying chocolate to it. To create a pattern, a pattern is first applied to the parchment with white or dark chocolate, and then poured on top with a contrasting color.

Photo gallery: options for decorating a cake with chocolate panels

Cake with chocolate panels can be supplemented with fresh flowers Chocolate panels can be made in an unusual shape The combination of white and dark chocolate gives an interesting marble pattern. The embossed texture and irregular shape of the teeth give the cake a special charm.

Video: how to make chocolate teeth with nuts and dried fruits


Ready-made chocolate tubes are sold in specialized confectionery stores. However, you can make them yourself, including white chocolate, or mix white and dark chocolate.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • acetate film;
  • thin tape;
  • knife, scissors.

Instead of acetate film, you can use transparent folders-corners for papers.



You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • marble board or metal sheet for baking;
  • scapula;
  • metal scraper or spatula.

If you don't have a special metal pastry scraper, a new stainless steel construction spatula will do.


  1. Temper chocolate.
  2. Cool the marble board or metal sheet, put it on the table.
  3. Spread the chocolate in a thin layer on the sheet using a spatula.
  4. With a knife, mark rectangles on the chocolate layer.
  5. Let the chocolate thicken a little, but do not harden..
  6. With a metal scraper or spatula at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the layer of chocolate along the marked lines, it will roll into a tube.

Video: how to make chocolate "cigars"

Decorative elements made of chocolate

Curls, numbers, inscriptions and patterns

Various decorative elements, figures, figures are drawn with melted chocolate. Butterflies and various curlicues are very popular. These elements can decorate both the top and sides of the cake..

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • pastry bag or paper bag;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • patterned stencil.


If parchment is put on a rolling pin during chocolate hardening, wrapped around a glass, or other suitable items are used, the blanks will turn out to be voluminous. In this way, you can create chocolate spirals, flowers, butterflies.

Photo gallery: options for decorating a cake with decorative chocolate elements and examples of stencils

Openwork triangles are laid in a circle based on cream rosettes or berries The cake can be decorated with a chocolate inscription or numbers. Graceful decorative elements are usually fixed in cream rosettes. You can put one large or several small butterflies on the cake. Openwork butterflies can be flat or consist of two halves located at an angle to each other. Openwork decorative elements will decorate the top or sides of the cake From small decorative elements, a border is usually made along the edge of the cake.

Video: creating a chocolate flower

Outline Appliques

Unlike lace, such decorative elements have a background and a contrasting stroke along the contour.

You will need:

  • white and dark chocolate (bitter or milk);
  • pastry bag or paper bag;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • patterned paper.


By mixing white and dark chocolate, or by adding dyes to white chocolate, you can achieve different shades and make the application colorful. Color applications require special dyes for chocolate. Do not use fruit juices for this, as the chocolate may curdle.

Simple cutouts

Even a child can handle the manufacture of these parts, so feel free to call your son or daughter to help you.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • parchment or baking paper;
  • spatula or knife;
  • punches, cookie cutters.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Using a knife or spatula, spread the chocolate in an even layer of 2-3 mm on the parchment.
  3. When the chocolate begins to harden, cut out the elements using molds or cuttings.

If the chocolate sticks to the mold, it hasn't cooled down enough. If the chocolate breaks, it has already hardened too much and needs to be reheated.

Hardening chocolate is cut out with punches or cookie cutters

chocolate leaves

This is a very simple idea with excellent results. You can fantasize and use a variety of leaves as a basis.

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • tassel;
  • leaves, such as roses.


Photo gallery: chocolate leaf cake design options

The cake can be decorated with chocolate leaves with a smooth transition from light to dark. Leaves complemented with red berries create an autumn composition Leaves can be laid out and in the shape of a flower

Making figurines with molds

Molds are silicone molds designed specifically for molding chocolate. With their help, you can easily and quickly get a lot of decorative elements to decorate one or even several cakes.

Molds allow you to get perfectly shaped chocolate figures

You will need:

  • chocolate;
  • silicone or plastic molds for chocolate.

Molds must be clean and completely dry before pouring chocolate.


  1. Melt chocolate.
  2. Pour the chocolate into the molds, remove the excess chocolate from the top, let it harden.
  3. Get chocolate figurines. For this, the silicone mold can be turned out, and the plastic one turned over and lightly tapped on the table.

They produce silicone and plastic molds for chocolate.

Chocolate molds are sold in specialized confectionery stores, craft stores, and housekeeping departments with utensils. Molds for making soap or ice are also suitable.

chocolate bow

This cake would make the perfect gift. In addition, he will practically not need any other decorations: a huge bow will make an amazing impression on its own, rest assured.

Continue attaching loops with melted chocolate

  • After hardening, transfer the bow to the cake.

    Allow the finished bow to dry completely and transfer to the cake

  • Chocolate molding

    Chocolate mastic allows you to create quite complex figures, flowers, it can also completely cover cakes, create draperies, bows, ruffles. Fresh mastic is plastic, reminiscent of soft plasticine, but when it dries, it becomes hard. Plastic chocolate is similar to mastic, but is more used specifically for modeling.

    Store the mastic in the refrigerator, wrapping it tightly in several layers with cling film.

    Cakes are often completely covered with fondant

    plastic chocolate

    Modeling chocolate is prepared from bitter, milk and white chocolate and glucose syrup. At home, glucose syrup can be replaced with light liquid honey or invert syrup..


    • 200 g of white, milk or dark chocolate;
    • respectively 50 g, 80 g or 100 g of invert syrup.
    • For syrup:
      • 350 g of sugar;
      • 150 ml of water;
      • 2 g citric acid;
      • 1.5 g of soda.

    First you need to cook the invert syrup:

    1. Boil water with sugar, stir until sugar dissolves.
    2. Add citric acid, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes. Cool down to 50–60°C.
    3. Add soda, stir. The syrup will start to foam.
    4. Cool down. The foam will go away as it cools.
    5. Pour into a closed container and leave at room temperature.

    We proceed to the preparation of mastic:

    1. Chop chocolate and melt.
    2. Heat the syrup until warm.
    3. Thoroughly mix the syrup with chocolate so that no lumps remain.

      The resulting mass may seem rather liquid at first, but after cooling it becomes thicker and harder.

    4. Carefully wrap the mastic with cling film so that there is no contact with air.
    5. After a few hours, you can sculpt figures. Before sculpting, take chocolate in small pieces, knead thoroughly with your hands. Large pieces of mastic are heated for several seconds in the microwave.

    The proportions given are approximate, as they depend on the thickness of the syrup and the percentage of cocoa in the chocolate.

    Video: making chocolate for modeling and decorating a cake with ruffles and roses

    Chocolate marshmallow mastic

    Marshmallows are air marshmallows, which are produced in the form of pillows or braids. By combining chocolate with marshmallows, you get a mastic that can be used both for modeling and for covering the cake.


    • 180 g marshmallows;
    • 200 g of dark chocolate;
    • 150 g of powdered sugar;
    • 1–3 tbsp. l. water;
    • 1 st. l. butter.


    1. Sift the powdered sugar.

      Powdered sugar is better to put a little less than more.

    2. Melt the chocolate.
    3. Add water to the marshmallows, melt in the microwave at maximum power, stirring every 20 seconds.
    4. Mix marshmallows with chocolate and butter.
    5. Add the chocolate-marshmallow mass to the sifted powder, knead until smooth.
    6. Wrap tightly in cling film to avoid contact with air.
    7. After a few hours, you can use it for sculpting figures and for covering the cake. At first, the mastic seems very soft, but after it has matured, it hardens.

    If kneading the mastic is difficult, you can heat it for a few seconds in the microwave.

    Chocolate gives a huge scope for creativity. He can be the only soloist on the cake, or he can make a duet with berries or nuts. Not only the simplest ways to decorate a cake are available to a home confectioner - grate chocolate, sprinkle with cocoa, decorate with ready-made sweets. Without any complex special tools at home, you can create chocolate lace, tubes, and figurines. All you need is patience, accuracy and a sufficient amount of chocolate.

    Decorating a cake yourself with the help of improvised means is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have enough time left and turn on the imagination. To bring your own ideas to life, it is not at all necessary to have special knowledge and skills of a professional.

    How to decorate a cake with mastic

    Before you start decorating the dessert, you need to understand the basics of working with this plastic edible material. The consistency of mastic is very similar to plasticine, so you can create different figures from it. In addition, it is stored for a long time - wrapped in film, it can lie in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 weeks. Mastic is bought ready-made or made independently.

    Cooking Ingredients:

    • powdered milk;
    • condensed milk;
    • powdered sugar.

    All components are taken in the same ratio and kneaded. After that, the resulting dough is divided into parts and the necessary dyes are added.

    Also, mastic is made from marshmallows.


    • marshmallow - a handful;
    • diluted with water "lemon" - 1 tsp;
    • oil - 25 g;
    • sweet powder and starch in a ratio of 1 to 3.

    Prepare mastic, following this algorithm:

    1. Marshmallows are dissolved in a water bath, a little dye is added and, if necessary, water and oil for elasticity.
    2. Powder with starch is introduced into the liquid and sticky mass in small portions, stirring thoroughly.
    3. When the mastic ceases to be sticky, it is transferred to the table, abundantly sprinkled with powdered sugar. The mass is kneaded, periodically adding powder, until the base becomes plastic.
    4. Do you feel that the mass has ceased to stick to the palms? This means that it is completely ready for use.

    Without professional equipment and skills, it is difficult to sculpt flawless figurines, but why not try. Just prepare at least a minimum of tools - a sharp small knife, toothpicks, brush, rolling pin, roller.

    When working with mastic, follow these rules:

    • Do not leave the mass in the air (it dries quickly and becomes hard), but constantly wrap the residue in a film.
    • Rolling is carried out only on a film sprinkled with powdered sugar.
    • Preference is given to small elements, as voluminous figures can crack.

    You can decorate the cake in different ways, as mastic gives a wide scope for imagination. As a rule, at first the material is thinly rolled out to completely cover the cake, and then the finished surface is decorated with figures.

    cream decoration

    You can decorate the cake with cream in different ways. Roses, leaves, various curls and borders are made from the creamy mass - it looks very elegant and festive. But in order for these delicate products to keep their shape, you need to choose the right cream, and it is better to give preference to oil.

    To prepare an oil cream, you will need a minimum of products:

    • melted butter - 1 pack
    • condensed milk - 10 tbsp. l.

    The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it thaws, and then beat with a mixer until tender splendor. After that, condensed milk should be introduced in small portions and beat the composition until smooth.
