
Black sesame in cooking. Sesame - unique beneficial properties of the eastern symbol of immortality

Black sesame is one of the oldest oilseed crops grown in China and Southeast Asia. The rest of the world is dominated by white sesame. What is the difference between these species, why sesame is useful, and how to eat urbech correctly, you will learn by reading the article.

Black sesame useful properties

In preparation oriental dishes most commonly used are black sesame seeds.

100 g of seeds contain many useful substances, minerals and vitamins:

  • proteins - 19 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12 g;
  • fats - 49 g;
  • alimentary fiber- 5.6 g;
  • water - 9 g;
  • vitamins B1, B2, E, PP;
  • mineral salts of magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron;
  • fitin;
  • phytosterols, etc.

Unpeeled black sesame has more useful properties and lasts longer.

Black sesame seeds improve the composition of the blood, the condition of hair and nails, support the health of the thyroid gland, thanks to the content of riboflavin.

Properties of sesame, useful for maintaining beauty and health:

  1. Fitin from unpeeled seeds restores the balance of minerals in the body, removes radioactive cesium.
  2. Phytosterols strengthen immune system, increase the body's resistance to various infections, prevent the development of cancer.
  3. Sesame oil helps with insomnia if you do a massage with it at night, quick and deep sleep guaranteed.
  4. Sesame seeds are good for women's health, because they regulate hormonal background, warn mastopathy.

Useful properties of sesame are preserved when room temperature about 3 months. Frozen seeds can be stored for about 1 year. Sesame oil remains fresh in years, it does not deteriorate over time even in very hot climates.

Who is sesame good for?

To obtain maximum benefit for the body, sesame must be consumed in a soaked or grated form. If you roast the seeds and add to some dish, it will turn out just fragrant seasoning, devoid of most of the useful properties.

Many people know about the existence of sesame. For example, it is often used as a seasoning for bakery products. But did you know that these tiny seeds also come in black? In our country, such a product is not yet very popular, and in the countries of the East, its benefits have been known for more than one millennium. In Asia, black sesame is preferred over white sesame because it is believed to have the best medicinal properties.

What is it and what does it look like? Black sesame seeds are tiny oval, unshelled seeds of the sesame plant ( Sesamum), which are a more nutritious version of the regular white seeds. The black color indicates their high antioxidant properties. For example, in China, such seeds have long been revered as a symbol of immortality, "which is given to everyone who eats them."

What is the use of black seeds and are they better than white ones? How to use them correctly medicinal purposes? To all these questions, we will give detailed answers in this article.

So let's find out what he has beneficial features.

Prevents the development of diabetes Black sesame oil improves the effectiveness of glibenclamide, an oral antidiabetic drug given to people with type 2 diabetes, according to a study. Another study found that adding this oil to the diet helped lower blood glucose levels in hypertensive patients.

Reduces blood pressure – This oil is useful for reducing high pressure especially for diabetics. According to doctors, hypertension can develop due to a lack of magnesium in the body, and this product contains it in large quantities.

Good for the skin- They contain a large number of zinc, which is an essential mineral for collagen production as well as maintaining skin elasticity. Zinc plays a critical role in repairing damaged body tissues. A rich content The vitamin E in sesame makes it especially beneficial for the skin.

Supports Bone Health- Zinc is useful for strengthening bones and increasing bone mineral density. Its deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, sesame seeds, especially black ones, are excellent source calcium.

Normalizes digestive system - As a rich source of dietary fiber, the product is very necessary for digestion, and also prevents and relieves constipation.

Reduces the risk of cancer– It contains an anti-cancer compound called phytate, which is able to prevent and fight various types cancer. By the way, magnesium also has anti-cancer properties.

Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system“Another significant benefit of this product is that it can serve as a preventative against atherosclerosis due to the presence of sesamol, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. A monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, present in black sesame seeds helps to reduce " bad cholesterol» while increasing "good cholesterol" This helps prevent coronary artery disease and strokes.

Contains folic acid- 100 grams of seeds contain 97 micrograms of folic acid. Folic acid plays an important role in DNA synthesis and prevents various birth defects in the fetus during pregnancy.

Good source of B vitamins- Contains a whole complex of B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin). 100 grams of sesame seeds provide about 24% of the daily required amount niacin. Niacin is very useful for the digestive and nervous systems, skin.

Heals hair- It contains proteins and lecithin, which are necessary for hair growth. It is also believed to help get rid of gray hair.

In general, the product does not cause any harm and side effects in most people. However, in some people, these seeds can cause allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis, itching, or redness of the eyes. Do not give them to children under 4 years of age, as if they get into the throat, they can lead to suffocation.

There is a widespread belief that eating sesame seeds during pregnancy can cause various complications. But, in fact, it contains various nutrients that are very necessary in daily diet pregnant. However, in this case, we still recommend that you consult your doctor before use.

Composition and calories

The calorie content of black sesame is 573 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • carbohydrates - 13 g;
  • dietary fiber - 11.8 g;
  • protein - 17.73 g;
  • fats - 49.67 g;
  • water - 4.69 g.

Presents you with a table nutritional value black sesame per 100 grams:

calcium 975 mg
copper 4.082 mg
iron 14.55 mg
magnesium 351 mg
potassium 468 mg
selenium 5.7 mcg
sodium 11 mg
zinc 7.75 mg
Fatty acid
monounsaturated fatty acid 18.759 g
polyunsaturated fatty acids 21.773 g
saturated fatty acids 6.995 g
vitamin B3 4.515 mg
vitamin B5 0.050 mg
vitamin B2 0.247 mg
vitamin B6 0.790 mg
vitamin E 0.25 mg
vitamin B1 1.36 mg
vitamin PP 12.1 mg

What is the difference between black sesame and white sesame

Let's find out what is the difference between black and white sesame seeds according to the following characteristics:


The most obvious and distinctive difference is in color. The black seeds are dark in color, while the white seeds are whitish-cream in color. The difference in color is due to the fact that the former are purified.


Black seeds have a slightly bitter taste, but they give the oil of the High Quality. White - have a mild nutty flavor and are best suited for preparing sweet dishes and baking such as bread, cakes, granola, muffins.


White seeds are more often used in the form food additive and raw materials for the manufacture of independent food products, and black - usually for the manufacture of oil and they are more readily used in traditional medicine.

nutritional value

Black sesame contains more important nutrients, richer in nutritional value and contains more oil.

How much and how to use

Or take 3 cups of seeds and lightly roast over low heat with regular stirring for 10 minutes. Cool and then place in an airtight container. You can store up to two months. Eat 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a week. They can be added to cereals, salads, yogurt, milk, or your other favorite foods and dishes.

If you are making bread, cookies or cakes then add 2 tablespoons of raw seeds to the dough.

Where can you buy black sesame? First, check out your local supermarket for spices, nuts, and dried fruits. It can also be found in stores that sell products for Asian cuisine, in shops healthy eating and can be ordered online.

How to take black sesame for medicinal purposes

It is mainly used in medicinal and preventive purposes. See how it can be taken in the following cases.

For weight loss

Due to its rich composition, the product is suitable as a means for losing weight. They contain calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and zinc, which are essential for normal metabolism and blood sugar regulation. Fiber makes you feel full for a long time and regulates digestion.

Add black sesame seeds to salads, smoothies, soups, baked goods, rice, noodles, or any other dish to lose weight. Enough 15-25 g of seeds per day.

To improve immunity

These seeds combined with honey provide much more benefit for good health. Honey fills the body huge amount nutrients that boost immunity and provide energy to carry out daily tasks. While sesame helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and virus in the body.

From gray hair

Black sesame seeds contain a lot of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, lecithin, calcium and iron. As you know, proteins, a variety of trace elements and unsaturated fatty acids are essential for healthy scalp and hair growth. Vitamin B normalizes blood circulation in the scalp and gives vitality dry and thinning hair. Similarly, lecithin helps prevent graying of hair.

How to eat them correctly to get rid of gray hair? We recommend 20g roasted black seeds in the morning and evening. Alternatively, crush 15g walnut and 15g sesame seeds and take before bed.

from anemia

Also the product is powerful tool for the treatment of anemia. It is rich in iron, necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Use this recipe to treat anemia.


  • black sesame seeds - 2 tbsp
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 1 glass


  1. First, rinse the seeds and soak them in water for 2-3 hours.
  2. Then strain the water and grind them.
  3. Mix together with honey and consume this mixture immediately.
  4. Repeat regularly twice a day.

For diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases that can damage the vital organs of the body. Although it cannot be completely cured, but with the right treatment and diet can maintain normal glucose levels.

If you have diabetes, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds in the dishes that you usually cook.

Under pressure

All you have to do is replace the usual sunflower oil for sesame. You can also use the seeds as a seasoning for various dishes.

With varicose veins

Traditionally in Ayurveda, black sesame oil is used to normalize blood flow in the affected area of ​​the artery and reduce unwanted red and blue lines of the spider veins.

Therefore, to get rid of varicose veins, mix a few drops of sesame and mustard oils and before going to bed, massage problem areas for a few minutes. To speed up the healing process, do the procedure twice a day.

For osteoporosis

This product contain enough calcium and copper, which make them ideal remedy for the treatment of osteoporosis.

You will need:

  • black sesame - 1 tsp
  • water - ¼ cup


  1. Put the seeds in water and leave overnight.
  2. The next morning, on an empty stomach, you should eat them with water.
  3. Repeat daily in the morning.

From hair loss

Essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 in black sesame promote hair growth, while its oil nourishes, prevents hair loss and thinning.

Regular massage with warm sesame oil penetrates deep into the scalp, thereby increasing blood circulation. This is comparable to the action of a liquid vitamin that nourishes the hair roots. In addition, its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties help in the treatment of scalp infections and eliminate dandruff.

Remember the magic words “Sesame, open” from the fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”, which opened impregnable gates behind which treasures were kept. These words sound for a reason... Sesame seed (sesame) is a tiny gemstone, which has a huge force that breaks the outer shell when the seed ripens, giving rise to the phrase "Sesame, open!". That is why you should pay attention to this product and start including it in your daily diet.

Glycemic index (GI) – 35.

Calorie content - 565 kcal.

Black sesame is a Shrovetide culture of the Pedaliv family, a variety of Indian sesame. Unlike white, golden, brown sesame, it has a pronounced nutty taste and the presence of healing properties. It belongs to the oldest spices. Used in cooking diet food, medicine. The main producers are China, Southeast Asia. It is cultivated only in mountainous areas and in elevated areas.

Beneficial features

Black sesame has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which is dominated by calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Vitamins are present: B (9,2,1,6,5,), A, C, E, PP, K. The chemical composition of black sesame is 49% fats (linoleic, oleic, stearic, lignoceric acids, triglycerides). Protein occupies 20% and is more complete than that of white sesame. It has a wide range of amino acids: leucine, tryptoflane, valine, phenylalanine, leucine. The share of carbohydrates - 12%, dietary fiber - 6%. The advantage of sesame is the presence of a natural antioxidant - sesamin.

How does it affect the body

The benefits of black sesame seeds are beneficial effect on fat metabolism, emotional state. Regular use improves blood composition, enriches tissues with oxygen, normalizes metabolic processes, activates the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates flatulence, has a laxative effect, promotes weight loss.

Black sesame brings out harmful substances, stimulates cell renewal, slows down the aging process, lowers cholesterol levels. Prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, oncology, stabilizes the condition of women during menopause. Strengthens hair roots, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

How to choose

Sesame seeds should be dry and have a crumbly appearance. To determine the condition of the product, transparent packaging should be chosen. Bitter seeds are expired or the result of improper storage. Contains harmful compounds and may be harmful.

Storage methods

Black sesame does not tolerate contact with oxygen. A prerequisite for maintaining quality is a dark, dry room. Absence sealed containers does not make it possible to preserve the quality of sesame for more than three months. To increase the period should be kept in the refrigerator, but not longer than six months. When frozen, it can be used throughout the year. Slow defrosting at low temperatures is used.

What is combined with in cooking

Today, black sesame is gaining popularity among Russians, as it is more useful and superior to other types of sesame in terms of taste. It is used for the production of desserts, kozinak, sauces, mousses, puddings, halva, as a decor for ice cream, cakes. Used for cooking turkey, goose, veal, rabbit. Seeds are added to the breading of salmon fillet, sockeye salmon, chicken breast, a rabbit. Black sesame seeds are sprinkled on muffins, flat cakes, added to salads, spices, and cold appetizers. From ground seeds make fiber-bran, flour, meal. Combine with dried apricots, raisins, chocolate, olive oil, almonds, walnut, cottage cheese, fruits.

Useful food combination

Black sesame with regular use promotes weight loss. To normalize metabolism, cleanse the body, it is recommended to use it daily in the diet, but not more than two teaspoons. The seeds are combined with herbs: dill, lemon balm, parsley, lovage, fennel. The product is harmonious with leafy greens: ice lettuce, chard, oak leaf lettuce, arugula.

Today, black sesame sprouts are popular for weight loss, which are useful to add to vegetable salads, cottage cheese, yogurt, side dishes. sesame flour, meal is used in dietary nutrition as a dietary supplement in cereals, soups, sprinkled with it steam dishes. Particular effectiveness is observed in combination with spices: cumin, cinnamon, black pepper, dill, poppy seeds. When building the caloric content of the diet, you need to know: a teaspoon of black sesame contains 7 g = 39.5 kcal, a tablespoon - 25 g = 141.3 kcal. Useful consumption rate should not exceed 20 g.


Black sesame can be harmful for varicose veins, thrombosis, and urolithiasis. With hypersensitivity to allergens, it often causes negative reactions in the form of a rash, runny nose, skin itching.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

From black sesame seeds, an oil is produced that is in demand in pharmacological production. Included in emulsions, ointments, patches. In folk medicine, gastritis is treated with the help of course use of sesame oil. A tablespoon is drunk to enhance intestinal motility, increase brain activity, and to prevent multiple sclerosis.

Black sesame seeds are included in the diet for insomnia, nervous disorders, and reduced immunity. To restore the vitamin and mineral level, sesame seeds are pre-soaked in milk. A concentrated decoction is prescribed for anemia, menopause, unstable blood pressure, compresses treat the pathology of hemorrhoids. Ground seed is used in the diet to strengthen the heart muscle. Black sesame in combination with flax and poppy seeds is an effective aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual activity in women and men.

In cosmetology, black sesame oil is added to moisturizing and softening procedures. Used for massage, make-up removal. Introduced into masks to increase cell regeneration, relieve inflammation.

Today we will tell you about what black sesame is, what properties it has, and where it is used. Also from the presented article you will learn how oil is obtained from the mentioned seeds and what it is used for.

Product General Information

Common or Indian sesame are seeds that have a golden color and are most popular in Eastern countries. It is widely used in cooking, including confectionery production. In addition, it is from this sesame (by pomace) that everyone knows the healing oil.

Black sesame is the same but unshelled seeds. They differ in that they have a pronounced taste and aroma. Black sesame is very popular in Far East, including in China.

Seed calories

The black of which is described below is quite high-calorie. 100 g of this product contains about 580 energy units. Half of this composition is in oil. By the way, it is it that contains organic saturated and polyunsaturated acids.

As you know, black sesame seeds, as well as white seasoning, have a second name that sounds like "sesame". This is due to the fact that this product contains a large amount of a substance called "sesamin". It is an antioxidant and is actively used for the prevention oncological diseases. In addition, the presented component significantly lowers cholesterol in the blood.

Black sesame: useful properties

Unrefined, that is, black, contain 60% more calcium than the product golden color. In addition, this seasoning is rich in carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins and vitamins such as B, E, A and C. Black sesame also includes potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

It cannot be said that the presented seeds are a source of such an important substance for humans as phytin. It quickly restores the mineral balance of the body. Among other things, sesame is rich in dietary fiber and lecithin.

In what cases should it be used?

Black sesame, the beneficial properties of which were presented above, are especially often recommended for people who have health problems. This is due to the fact that this product contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

  • Thanks to the substances contained in both white and black sesame, it is very useful for strengthening nails. Also, such an ingredient is able to improve blood composition, metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Due high content calcium sesame is indispensable for bones and joints.
  • This product is recommended for use by women after 45 years, as it contains a substance - phytoestrogen, which can replace female sex hormones.
  • Unpeeled sesame regulates blood sugar levels and lowers blood cholesterol, thus being an ideal tool in preventing the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Black sesame: benefits for the body

In folk medicine unpeeled sesame very often used to treat various diseases, namely:

  • With gastritis, such a product is taken in an amount big spoon 2 times a day, drinking plain water. If the pain in the stomach caught you by surprise, then you should drink big spoon sesame oil and discomfort will immediately go away.
  • Due to the content of B vitamins, as well as amino acids, magnesium and antioxidants, sesame is very useful for nervous system. By using it, you are ways to overcome stress, get rid of insomnia and improve overall well-being.
  • For the heart, it is most often not sesame seeds that are used, but in its oil. This is due to the fact that this component contains substances that regulate the level blood pressure, as well as strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Due to the presence of phosphorus, zinc, phospholipids and B vitamins, sesame and sesame oil have good influence to the work of the brain. By using this product every day, you can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

What is oil used for?

Black sesame oil is actively used in pharmacological production. It is used in the manufacture of plasters and emulsions. Concerning traditional medicine, then such a product is often used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. As you know, it improves blood clotting, and also has a laxative effect, and therefore is often used during inflammation of hemorrhoids.

It is impossible not to say that it is actively used in cosmetology. It is used as a moisturizer and emollient. It has anti-inflammatory properties and increases cell regeneration. Also, sesame oil is used to remove makeup from the face and during massage.

Contraindications for use

  1. When the seeds are consumed raw and for empty stomach they can cause nausea and even vomiting. This fact is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the main digestive organ extremely susceptible to this product.
  2. Due to the fact that the substance sesamin can significantly improve blood clotting, sesame seeds and oil are not recommended for those who are prone to thrombosis and thrombosis. If you neglect this advice, you can easily worsen the course of the disease.
  3. From the use of oil sesame seeds should be abandoned and those who have kidney stones and bladder stones.
  4. Sesame is high-calorie product. In this regard, it is contraindicated in people with obesity and those who adhere to strict diets.
  5. Individual intolerance to the product.

How to store?

Now you know the properties of black sesame. But, how to properly store them at home? We will tell you about it right now.

To preserve all the beneficial properties that sesame seeds have, they should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place. Peeled seeds, that is, light ones, deteriorate very quickly. In this regard, some housewives place them in freezer. However, sealed packaging is the best solution. If you do not store peeled sesame seeds in a cool place, then it will lose all its beneficial properties after 90 days. By the way, when frozen, such a product is stored unchanged for a year.

It should also be noted that black sesame has more advantages over peeled sesame. Indeed, due to the shell of the product, it can be stored much longer without adhering to the strict measures that were described above.

Another one good news- unlike seeds, sesame oil retains all its beneficial properties for many years, regardless of the temperature that surrounds it.

Application in cooking

As mentioned above, sesame seeds are very often used for cooking confectionery and also for baking flour products(bread, buns, etc.). However, I would like to say that during the intensive heat treatment of this seasoning, it loses a significant part useful substances. That is why you should not include buns and other sesame products in your diet, hoping that it will replenish everything in your body. minerals and vitamins. It is best to consume sesame seeds raw in the amount of 1-2 small spoons per day. By the way, some housewives soak such a product in water or milk, and then chew it thoroughly. It must be said that this is very good way get all the minerals and vitamins contained in sesame.

Now you know what black sesame is and what properties it has. By using it every day, you will forever forget about all the diseases associated with a deficiency of macronutrients in the body.

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous annual plant with white oily and fragrant seeds. The plant looks like an oblong box filled with multi-colored seeds.

Variety of sesame

Sesame seeds are divided into black and white. The variety affects the quality and flavor of the product. The darker the seeds, the healthier the sesame seeds.

The benefits of black sesame

In the composition of black sesame: vitamins, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc. 100 g of the product contains 1474 mg of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Black sesame is 49% fat, 20% protein, 12% carbohydrate and 6% dietary fiber. The use of the product normalizes oxygen processes in the body, cells are updated.

The benefits of white sesame

White sesame seeds are cleaned before use. The variety is used in the preparation of desserts, bakery products, bars.

The product contains: proteins, fats, vitamins E, K and C. Chemical substance phytosterol in sesame prevents bad cholesterol from entering the blood.

Differences between black and white sesame

  • Black seeds are strong, pleasant aroma, bitter taste, do not require pre-cleaning.
  • White sesame has a neutral odor, it is cleaned before use.
  • Black seeds contain more iron and are used for medicinal purposes. Assign to people with weakness of the body, anemia.
  • White sesame is effective in the fight against constipation.
  • Black sesame improves taste qualities salads and desserts.
  • White sesame seeds decorate pastries and bars.

Beneficial features

Sesame has:

  • organic and fatty acids,
  • vitamins,
  • antioxidants,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates
  • phytoestrogens,
  • macro and micronutrients.

Antioxidants extend the shelf life of the product. Seeds are not lost useful qualities up to 10 years old.

  1. Calcium in the composition of the plant improves blood clotting, normalizes acidity, strengthens hair and nails. The element removes toxins from the body, regulates the production of hormones.
  2. The substance sesamin is an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer.
  3. Fitin restores the mineral balance of the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functions of nervous activity, normalizes metabolism.
  5. Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  6. Phytoestrogen is a substitute for female sex hormones.

The benefits of sesame for women

Regular use of sesame regulates the hormonal background of a woman, relieves pain on critical days, and delays the manifestations of menopause. Work is getting better gastrointestinal tract. The disease "osteoporosis" is a weakening of the bone tissue, not a sentence, the use of sesame seeds strengthens the bones.

Sesame is used in cosmetic purposes. Sesame-based products refresh the skin, relieve irritation, and rejuvenate.

Useful properties of sesame seeds for men

Sesame improves potency, prevents the development of prostate cancer, affects the male hormonal background. Amino acids in sesame, increase testosterone production, improve reproductive function.

B vitamins, phosphorus and lipids relieve depression, improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, affect the functions of the brain.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seed has such beneficial properties.

  • Remove harmful substances. Slags and toxins accumulate in the organs and poison them.
  • Sesame seeds provide a mild laxative effect. Seeds in daily diet eliminate constipation.
  • Sesame seeds are not an allergenic product.
  • Useful properties are used in traditional medicine.
  • The content (0.21-0.30 mg) rejuvenates the body.
  • Fiber - prevention of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Regular consumption of a handful of seeds increases the protective functions of the body.
  • Seeds are used to treat colds, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Vegetable protein in the product is easily absorbed by the body, useful after intense training.
  • Sesame seeds improve intestinal motility, which has a positive effect on weight.
  • Steamed sesame is useful for early term pregnancy. It improves digestion, supplies the body with the necessary elements, and normalizes the nervous system.

There are no contraindications to the use of sesame seeds, although individual intolerance to the product is possible.

The use of sesame seeds

Daily intake of 2g. Abuse of sesame seeds leads to problems with digestion, extra pounds on the body.

IN sesame seeds breaded meat and fish. Heat treatment removes beneficial properties, but minimizes the aggressive effect of elements on the body. Sesame is added to vegetable salads.

Application of sesame oil

For unrefined oil characterized by a dark brown hue, a sweet aftertaste and a pronounced aroma. To obtain this oil, the seeds are roasted. From raw seeds oil of a light yellow shade is obtained, the taste and smell are weakly expressed.

Sesame oil consists of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components. The use of oil improves cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system.

Sesame oil is used for prevention purposes. The product strengthens the protective functions of the body, prevents the development of tumors. Oil is treated skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, mycosis).

Together with other ingredients, sesame softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin with nutrients.

Oil supports daily dose calcium in the body. Drink a tablespoon of oil per day. This will strengthen the immune system, eliminate dry cough, improve the functioning of the ovaries, regulate the menstrual cycle, and minimize the manifestations of gastritis.

Composition and calories

This is a high-calorie product, which contains 890 kcal per 100g. Sesame oil is made up of:

  1. organic acids
  2. calcium,
  3. zinc,
  4. gland,
  5. phosphorus,
  6. magnesium,
  7. vitamin E.

Medicinal properties provides:

  • Fitin (an element restores the balance of minerals).
  • Sesamol (antioxidant properties).
  • Beta-sitosterol (normalizes blood cholesterol levels).

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Anti-dandruff mask


  1. Sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Combine yolks, butter and honey.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your hair, rub into the scalp. Wash off after 15 minutes warm water. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Result: Restores hair shine, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Sesame oil makes hair soft, moisturizes, protects against harmful effects environment.

Moisturizing cream

The product is suitable for dry skin prone to peeling. Add to moisturizer, masks or tonic.

You will need:

  1. Sesame oil - 3 drops.
  2. Glycerin - 40 g.

How to cook: Connect the components. Apply to dry clean skin. After 20 minutes, blot your face with a tissue.

Sesame oil eliminates puffiness on the eyelids, moisturizes delicate skin, saturates with useful elements.

Mask for the face

The mask is suitable for daily use. The skin is smoothed, mimic wrinkles disappear.


  1. Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Cocoa - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Heat oil up to warm state. Add cocoa. Apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Finish off with the right cream.

Sesame in cooking

In the video: how to make sesame milk, pasta, salad dressing, crispbread and date candies.

Contraindications and harm

Sesame and products based on it are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Rash, itching and redness on the skin are allergic manifestations, indicating intolerance to the product by the body.

Children under 5 years of age should not eat sesame seeds. The young body slowly absorbs and breaks down fats.

Women should not take sesame seeds in the last months of pregnancy. There is a risk of preterm birth.

The use of sesame seeds is contraindicated for people with high blood clotting, blood clots in the vessels and urolithiasis.
