
What unpeeled sesame seeds look like. black sesame

What do we know about sesame? Small white seeds, which are abundantly sprinkled with pastries. Who would have thought that these seeds are so useful that you can safely send them to the list of those products that should be in our diet every day. And why? Let's figure it out together!

Even in ancient India, sesame was a symbol eternal youth and immortality. It was called the food of the gods. Sesame, or sesame, is a plant from the genus Sesame, growing in Africa, Asia and America. Its seeds are small, flat and oval shape. There are different colors(depending on the species): white, yellow, black or red. By nature, sesame has warming properties, a pleasant, slightly bitter taste, a sweet vipak (aftertaste) and a nutty smell. White sesame seeds are one of the most popular ingredients in Arabic and Asian cuisines. What made sesame so popular?

One of the main benefits that modern medicine is familiar with is great content calcium. Did you know that half a cup of sesame seeds contains 3 times more calcium than a whole cup of milk? So, a handful of sesame seeds covers the body's daily need for. And the presence of zinc and phosphorus in sesame contributes to the prevention of osteoporosis, since these trace elements are involved in the construction of bone tissue. Sesame seeds provide more calcium when roasted or dried. It is also important to know that Sesame oil contains exactly half as much calcium as the seeds themselves. In addition, sesame is also a source of manganese, magnesium, iron, vitamins B1 and E, zinc, proteins and fiber. The use of sesame has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and has therapeutic effect with respiratory disorders - bronchitis, lung diseases and asthma.

Modern medicine has such information, and what can we learn, turning to my beloved. White sesame seeds are most commonly used as rasayana, a rejuvenating, soothing, softening and relaxing remedy for the body and mind.

Turns out, daily use one teaspoon of sesame seeds is very beneficial for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system (shukra dhatu). In addition, the use of sesame seeds reduces the risk of mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands. At the same time, women should be aware that sesame seed increases the outflow of blood during menstruation, so you need to be careful when using sesame seeds during pregnancy. On the one hand, a high concentration of calcium contributes to the formation of a strong skeleton of the unborn baby, but on the other hand, with excessive passion for sesame seeds, the risk of losing a child increases. Forewarned is forearmed!

Also, Ayurveda tells us that sesame is most useful for health problems associated with imbalance. People whose constitution is dominated by withering cotton, age faster than those in whom there is more fiery and oily. To balance vata, Ayurvedic doctors recommend ingesting sesame paste, which smoothes the skin and helps strengthen nails, teeth, and hair. And abhyanga and shirodhara oil massages, performed using warm sesame oil, reinforce the rejuvenating effect.

Also, white sesame seeds are used to restore strength, cleanse the intestines, with violations of the liver, weakness of the gums, tooth decay, hair loss and joint disease. If you add a little camphor, cardamom and cinnamon to cold-pressed sesame oil, then it can be rubbed into whiskey for migraines. However, sesame can cause, so people of this dosha need to use it with caution and in small quantities.

Being sattvic (pure, auspicious) in nature, sesame seeds are suitable for consumption by yoga practitioners. Eating daily 30 g of dried sesame seeds - black or light, the yogi not only improves health, but also improves the quality of practice, because sesame enhances muscle elasticity. In addition, if you mix sesame oil with oils and

Sesame or sesame has been known for its properties for a long time. He became a figurant of any legend, so it is not surprising that now he is widely used. True, there are those who know absolutely nothing about sesame. And this gap needs to be filled.

Sesame is an annual plant. Its fruits are shaped like an elongated box, inside which are seeds of various colors. Sesame is used in cooking and also as a medicine. Sesame seed oil is especially valuable. Basically, sesame is grown specifically for its preparation, as it is used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Varieties of sesame

Indian or common sesame golden sesame seeds. Most popular in the east and middle east. This is the same sesame to which we are accustomed. It is used in cooking confectionery production, sesame oil is made from it.

Black sesame - nothing more than unpeeled ordinary sesame. It differs in that it has a more pronounced aroma and taste. It is used primarily for Far East, mainly in China. Black sesame contains 60% more calcium than regular sesame.

Calorie content of sesame

First of all, it is worth noting the calorie content of seeds - about 580 kcal. Half of the composition falls on the oil, which includes polyunsaturated and saturated organic acids. In addition, sesame seeds contain sesamin, which is an antioxidant. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is used to prevent diseases, including cancer. It also lowers blood cholesterol with the help of beta-sitosterol.

Among other things, sesame is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and vitamins A, C, E, B. They also have phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. Sesame also contains phytin - a substance that restores the mineral balance of the body, as well as lecithin and alimentary fiber.

Sesame - useful properties

  • Thanks to the substances contained in sesame, it is useful for strengthening nails, improves blood composition, improves metabolism, the digestive tract and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Due to the high content of calcium, it is indispensable for joints and bones, and therefore prevents osteoporosis.
  • Regular consumption of sesame seeds helps in the fight against obesity. As for women after 45 years, they need sesame, because it contains phytoestrogen that replaces female sex hormones.
  • Also, due to the presence of phytoestrogen in sesame seeds, many experts tend to argue that it promotes the growth of female mammary glands (also dill seeds).
  • For breast growth It is recommended to use sesame seeds every day and massage the breasts using sesame oil.
  • Sesame lowers cholesterol in the blood and regulates sugar levels, thereby being good helper in preventing the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes.
  • Thanks to the presence of vitamin B1, it gives energy and improves overall well-being.
  • It contains a lot of calcium - 30-40 grams of sesame per day provide 37% of daily requirement organism.

white sesame

Sesame treatment

  • With gastritis

Take 1 tablespoon of sesame oil 1-2 times a day. Also useful for pain in the stomach - if suddenly the stomach is sick - you need to drink 1 spoon of sesame or olive oil. Usually the pain goes away immediately.

  • For heart

Sesame oil contains substances that strengthen the heart muscle, regulate the level blood pressure.

  • For the nervous system
  • For the brain

Phosphorus, zinc, phospholipids, B vitamins, which are part of sesame oil, in combination have a beneficial effect on brain function. Prevents diseases such as Alzheimer's and multiple sclerosis.

Sesame oil - useful properties

Concerning sesame oil, then in medicine it is used in the manufacture of emulsions and patches. It also improves blood clotting, has a laxative effect and is used to treat hemorrhoids. In cosmetology, it is used as a moisturizer and emollient. It increases cell regeneration and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used for massage and make-up removal from the face.

Sesame oil

Sesame - contraindications and harm

There are very few products that are recommended for absolutely everyone, yet sesame has very few contraindications. Maybe because no one is inclined to use it uncontrollably and therefore the effects are not fully known. Still, it is worth noting that the daily safe "dose" of sesame seeds is 2-3 teaspoons.

Here is what is known about the dangers of sesame at the moment:

Despite all its benefits, sesame is contraindicated in those who are prone to thrombosis, because it promotes blood clotting, as well as in urolithiasis. Of course, these contraindications also apply to sesame oil.

How to store sesame

In order to save beneficial features seeds they need to be stored in a dry, dark and cool place. The peeled seeds perish quickly, so they can be stored even in freezer. Sealed packaging is the best solution. If you do not store sesame in a cool place and in sealed packaging, then it will lose its properties after 3 months.

Frozen sesame seeds can be stored for one year.

It is worth noting that black sesame still has more advantages here, because because of its shell it can be stored longer. It retains its beneficial properties much longer and does not require such strict storage measures as usual.

Nevertheless, there are good news- sesame oil, unlike seeds, retains its beneficial properties for many years, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Sesame in cooking

In order to be preserved in cooking maximum benefit Sesame must be soaked or heated, and chewed thoroughly.

If the temperature is exceeded during processing (for example, roasting), the seeds will lose large quantity useful properties.

Soup with black sesame

At the end, I couldn't get past one. interesting recipe from black sesame seeds. It's ancient chinese dessert . And it is interesting in that it has an absolutely black color. I post the recipe, maybe someone will dare to cook it :).

Chinese black sesame soup

Ingredients: 1 cup long grain white rice, 1 cup of toasted black sesame seeds, 4 cups of water, and the same amount of milk, 1 cup of sugar, optionally you can add nuts or cereals.

How to cook: If the purchased sesame seeds are not fried, then they need to be fried in a skillet for 1-2 minutes over medium heat. Rice must stand in cold water at least 1 hour, after which it must be boiled in water until tender. When the rice is already cooked, all the contents are poured into a blender and mixed until smooth. Further, in a washed blender, sesame seeds are also crushed first, then milk and sugar are added. The last stage: all the ingredients are mixed, and put on small fire. Stir constantly until the mass boils. The soup is ready and served warm. Cream, white sesame, nuts are used as decorations.

We also offer you to watch the video of the Healthy Living program with Elena Malysheva. In this program, they always talk about products in a very interesting and understandable way.

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous annual plant with white oily and fragrant seeds. The plant looks like an oblong box filled with multi-colored seeds.

Variety of sesame

Sesame seeds are divided into black and white. The variety affects the quality and flavor of the product. The darker the seeds, the healthier the sesame seeds.

The benefits of black sesame

In the composition of black sesame: vitamins, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc. 100 g of the product contains 1474 mg of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Black sesame is 49% fat, 20% protein, 12% carbohydrate and 6% dietary fiber. The use of the product normalizes oxygen processes in the body, cells are updated.

The benefits of white sesame

White sesame seeds are cleaned before use. The variety is used in the preparation of desserts, bakery products, bars.

The product contains: proteins, fats, vitamins E, K and C. Chemical substance phytosterol in sesame, prevents bad cholesterol into the blood.

Differences between black and white sesame

  • Black seeds are strong, pleasant aroma, bitter taste, do not require pre-cleaning.
  • White sesame has a neutral odor, it is cleaned before use.
  • There is more iron in black seeds, they are used in medicinal purposes. Assign to people with weakness of the body, anemia.
  • White sesame is effective in the fight against constipation.
  • Black sesame improves taste qualities salads and desserts.
  • White sesame seeds decorate pastries and bars.

Beneficial features

Sesame has:

  • organic and fatty acids,
  • vitamins,
  • antioxidants,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates
  • phytoestrogens,
  • macro and micronutrients.

Antioxidants extend the shelf life of the product. Seeds are not lost useful qualities up to 10 years old.

  1. Calcium in the composition of the plant improves blood clotting, normalizes acidity, strengthens hair and nails. The element removes toxins from the body, regulates the production of hormones.
  2. The substance sesamin is an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer.
  3. Fitin restores the mineral balance of the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functions of nervous activity, normalizes metabolism.
  5. Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  6. Phytoestrogen is a substitute for female sex hormones.

The benefits of sesame for women

Regular consumption of sesame seeds regulates hormonal background women, relieves pain on critical days, delays the manifestations of menopause. Work is getting better gastrointestinal tract. The disease "osteoporosis" is a weakening of the bone tissue, not a sentence, the use of sesame seeds strengthens the bones.

Sesame is used in cosmetic purposes. Sesame-based products refresh the skin, relieve irritation, and rejuvenate.

Useful properties of sesame seeds for men

Sesame improves potency, prevents the development of prostate cancer, affects the male hormonal background. Amino acids in sesame, increase testosterone production, improve reproductive function.

B vitamins, phosphorus and lipids relieve depression, improve the work of the heart and blood vessels, affect the functions of the brain.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seed has such beneficial properties.

  • Withdraw harmful substances. Slags and toxins accumulate in the organs and poison them.
  • Sesame seeds provide a mild laxative effect. Seeds in daily diet eliminate constipation.
  • Sesame seeds are not an allergenic product.
  • Useful properties are used in traditional medicine.
  • The content (0.21-0.30 mg) rejuvenates the body.
  • Fiber - prevention of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Regular consumption of a handful of seeds increases the protective functions of the body.
  • Seeds are used to treat colds, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Vegetable protein in the product is easily absorbed by the body, useful after intense training.
  • Sesame seeds improve intestinal motility, which has a positive effect on weight.
  • Steamed sesame is useful for early term pregnancy. It improves digestion, supplies the body with the necessary elements, and normalizes the nervous system.

There are no contraindications to the use of sesame seeds, although individual intolerance to the product is possible.

The use of sesame seeds

Daily intake of 2g. Abuse of sesame seeds leads to problems with digestion, extra pounds on the body.

IN sesame seeds breaded meat and fish. Heat treatment removes beneficial properties, but minimizes the aggressive effect of elements on the body. Sesame is added to vegetable salads.

Application of sesame oil

For unrefined oil characterized by a dark brown hue, a sweet aftertaste and a pronounced aroma. To obtain this oil, the seeds are roasted. From raw seeds oil of a light yellow shade is obtained, the taste and smell are weakly expressed.

Sesame oil consists of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components. The use of oil improves cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system.

Sesame oil is used for prevention purposes. The product strengthens the protective functions of the body, prevents the development of tumors. Oil is treated skin diseases(eczema, psoriasis, mycosis).

Together with other ingredients, sesame softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin with nutrients.

Oil supports daily dose calcium in the body. Drink a tablespoon of oil per day. This will strengthen the immune system, eliminate dry cough, improve the functioning of the ovaries, regulate the menstrual cycle, and minimize the manifestations of gastritis.

Composition and calories

This high-calorie product, which contains 890 kcal per 100g. Sesame oil is made up of:

  1. organic acids
  2. calcium,
  3. zinc,
  4. gland,
  5. phosphorus,
  6. magnesium,
  7. vitamin E.

Medicinal properties provides:

  • Fitin (an element restores the balance of minerals).
  • Sesamol (antioxidant properties).
  • Beta-sitosterol (normalizes blood cholesterol levels).

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Anti-dandruff mask


  1. Sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Combine yolks, butter and honey.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your hair, rub into the scalp. Wash off after 15 minutes warm water. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Result: Restores hair shine, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Sesame oil makes hair soft, moisturizes, protects against harmful effects environment.

Moisturizing cream

The product is suitable for dry skin prone to peeling. Add to moisturizer, masks or tonic.

You will need:

  1. Sesame oil - 3 drops.
  2. Glycerin - 40 g.

How to cook: Connect the components. Apply to dry clean skin. After 20 minutes, blot your face with a tissue.

Sesame oil eliminates puffiness on the eyelids, moisturizes delicate skin, saturates with useful elements.

Mask for the face

The mask is suitable for daily use. The skin is smoothed, mimic wrinkles disappear.


  1. Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Cocoa - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Heat oil up to warm state. Add cocoa. Apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Finish off with the right cream.

Sesame in cooking

In the video: how to make sesame milk, pasta, salad dressing, crispbread and date candy.

Contraindications and harm

Sesame and products based on it are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Rash, itching and redness on the skin are allergic manifestations indicating intolerance to the product by the body.

Children under 5 years of age should not eat sesame seeds. The young body slowly absorbs and breaks down fats.

Women should not take sesame seeds in the last months of pregnancy. There is a risk of preterm birth.

The use of sesame seeds is contraindicated for people with high blood clotting, blood clots in the vessels and urolithiasis.

Black sesame seeds are valued for their oil. If you use these seeds, then in 100 days you can cure all chronic diseases, after 2 years you can restore the natural color of gray hair, and after 3 years new teeth can grow. These are the beneficial properties of black sesame seeds described in the medical writings of traditional Chinese medicine.

Black sesame seeds are recognized as one of the oldest and healthy seeds. These small, oval, flattened seeds belong to the same Pedaliaceae family as the more famous and popular pale seeds. scientific name black sesame Sesamun indicum.

Sesame comes in several varieties: brown, yellow, black and white. Compared to them, black sesame has a more intense taste and aroma and is more commonly used in medicine.

The seeds have a subtle nutty flavor that becomes even more pronounced when roasted. They are much richer in nutrients than other species. They can be added to various dishes, sprinkle pastries or make smoothies.

Black sesame useful properties

So, what is black sesame, what useful properties does it have and what benefits can you get for your body by eating black sesame seeds.

Black sesame is the seed of the Sesamum indicum plant, belonging to the Pedaliaceae family. They ripen in autumn. After drying, the seeds are knocked out and foreign impurities are removed. Then they are dried in the sun again.

The seed is flat, oval, about 3 mm wide and about 2 mm long. The surface is black and smooth, the peel is thin.

In their composition, they contain vitamins B and E, minerals such as copper, manganese, selenium, molybdenum, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium.

About 55 percent are fatty acids, there are antioxidants, phytosterols, lecithin, protein, oligosaccharides, fiber.

Among fatty acids about 48 percent is oleic acid and about 37 percent is linoleic. In addition, it contains palmitic, stearic, arachidonic acids.

Black sesame has a pronounced anti-aging effect, it is one of the best anti-aging products.

Linoleic acid helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, which serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, with moderate consumption of seeds, it can lower blood sugar levels, increase glycogen levels in the liver and muscles. When used in large doses on the contrary, it can increase.

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids has a beneficial effect on bowel function.

The seeds of this variety contain two unique antioxidant substances sesamin and sesamolin, which can lower cholesterol levels in the human body and affect blood pressure. Sesamin protects the liver from oxidative processes.

Copper is involved in the production of enzymes, some of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Magnesium helps prevent spasms respiratory tract which is helpful for people with asthma. In addition, this element helps to reduce blood pressure and migraine attacks.

Calcium is necessary for bones, including women during menopause.

Zinc is also important for maintaining bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis in the elderly.

Phytosterols strengthen immune system, reduce the risk of developing some oncological diseases. Black sesame seeds contain more phytosterols than, for example, pistachios and sunflowers.

In women going through menopause, they can improve sleep and prevent osteoporosis.

Fatty acids improve skin cell regeneration, prevent moisture loss.

Phytosterols help relieve irritation and itching, protect the skin from adverse weather conditions.

It is useful for diseases of the joints, relieves pain and swelling in arthritis, rheumatism.

Antioxidants support the cardiovascular system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

What is the difference between black sesame and white

Both types of sesame belong to the same plant, only different varieties. Chemical composition both are almost the same. But there is also a difference.

White sesame seeds are more preferable to use in cooking. Black - for medicinal purposes. It is more suitable for improving the functioning of the liver and kidneys, growth and restoration of hair color.

White sesame is more useful for improving and normalizing bowel function. Although black also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and can serve as a prevention of constipation. But white sesame wins more here.

Black sesame is superior in value nutritional qualities. It contains one of the powerful antioxidants - sasamin and melanin, which affects the preservation natural color hair and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Therefore, black sesame is more used to treat and improve the condition of the hair, with hair loss and gray hair.

It better protects against ultraviolet rays, reduces blood pressure, promotes weight loss, improves the reproductive system and much more.

How to select and store black sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds can be bought both in bulk and in packages. When buying seeds, especially by weight, you need to make sure that they are stored and maintained in proper conditions.

Sesame is one of those seeds that goes rancid quickly due to its high oil content. Therefore, if they are stored in the light, in humid conditions there is a risk of acquiring just such seeds. When buying by weight, you can ask the seller to give you a taste of sesame.

Black sesame is better to buy in a shell, not shelled.

Store in an airtight container and be sure to refrigerate. It can be in the freezer.

How to use black sesame

Black sesame seeds have been used by man for a long time. The first mention dates back to about 1600 BC. They are valued primarily for high content oils.

Although white is the most popular in our country, in the countries of the East it is used in many dishes.

The black sesame shell contains phytic acid which may interfere with the absorption of some nutrients. Therefore, before use, it is fried over low heat. You could say it's just dry. This reduces the amount of this acid.

You can pre-soak the seeds overnight and drain the water, eat.

Or germinate within 2-3 days.

While roasting the seeds improves flavor and aroma, it reduces the amount of nutrients. For example, the calcium content can drop to 60 percent. Most of of this element is in the shell, which is removed after roasting. But we must admit that calcium in it is in a less digestible form.

All nutrients are well absorbed when crushed seeds. Therefore, they can simply be ground before use.


Black sesame is a rich source of iron, so its inclusion in the diet is recommended for anemia and general weakness. According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is a relationship between the liver and the eyes.

The liver supports the functioning of the eyes by improving their blood supply. It is believed that black sesame is able to increase this function.

The Chinese believe that the nutrients in black sesame can help correct the deficiency of various substances in the body caused by aging and stress.

According to practitioners of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, eating black sesame seeds can delay or even reverse the development of some age-related symptoms such as graying hair, blurred vision, and tinnitus.

All types of sesame neutralize the effects of free radicals in the cells of the body and inhibit their formation, thus reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Sesame is 50-55% oil. This is the highest oil content in seeds. Since sesame oil is rich in powerful antioxidants, it is exceptionally resistant to rancidity caused by oxidative stress. Sesame seeds have been used as a source of food and oil for thousands of years. Sesame is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world, and its replacement is one of the oldest spices, known to man. The scientific name for sesame is Sesamum indicum. It is grown mainly for its oily seeds, which play an important role in human nutrition. They are used either to enhance the flavor of dishes or to extract oil.

There are several types and cultivars of sesame. Its seeds can be white, yellow (or golden), brown, reddish and black. White (pale greyish cream) and black seeds are the two most common types. Sesame seeds can be consumed whole, crushed, ground, raw, peeled, roasted, or in powder form. Whole seeds are mainly used in the production of confectionery and bakery products. Also on the market is sesame paste(tahini). The health benefits of sesame may vary depending on the variety used.

Main Differences Between Black and White Sesame

black sesame seeds

White sesame seeds

Black sesame seeds are mainly produced in China and Thailand. Some of the leading producers of white sesame seeds are Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador.
Black sesame seeds are most popular in Japan, China and other southeast Asian countries. The lighter colored seeds are most commonly used in the West and the Middle East.
Main differences
In black sesame seeds, the husk remains intact. Removing the husk does not make them white, the black color is also present in the seeds. White seeds are peeled. The peeled seeds also look white. White become and common brown seeds sesame, if their seed coat (protective coating - husk) is removed.
Taste and most common uses
Black sesame seeds are slightly bitter, however, they allow you to get more quality oil. Marinades made from black sesame seeds can be used to pickle vegetables with a strong flavor. These seeds are also added to certain types of rice, vegetables and salads. Both black and white sesame seeds are used in cooking various kinds tofu, sweets, desserts, salads, dressings, sauces and marinades. White sesame seeds, with their rich, nutty flavor, are widely used in the preparation of sweeter dishes such as cakes, bakery products, muffins, and sesame bars. They are more suitable for gourmet pastries.
Aroma and smell
Black sesame has a stronger flavor. White sesame has a softer, more unpretentious aroma.
Biochemical properties
Black sesame seeds have a higher content of ash and carbohydrates than white ones. Black sesame seeds contain more vitamin A and vitamin B. Both black and white sesame seeds are rich in essential amino acids except for lysine. The protein content of black sesame is about 20.82% and the fat content is 48.40%. Studies show that white sesame contains more protein, fat and moisture than black sesame. White sesame has a higher content of vitamin E, K and C. White sesame contains about 22.20% protein and 52.61% fat.
Chemical properties
Studies conducted by the Ministry of Food Products and Technology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso show that in black sesame seeds, the amount of unsaponifiable matter (% fat), saponification number (mg KOH/g), iodine index (g/100g), and the level of free fatty acids (% oleic acid) is 0.71, 158.04, 106.26, and 0.73, respectively. In white sesame seeds, the amount of unsaponifiable matter (% fat), saponification number (mg KOH/g), iodine index (g/100 g), and free fatty acid level (% oleic acid) are 0.76, 150.26, 98 .20, and 0.78, respectively.
The nutritional value
Black sesame seeds contain higher amounts of antioxidants than white and brown seeds. They are especially rich in lignans and phytosterols. The phytosterols present in sesame seeds (all types) inhibit the production of cholesterol and help lower blood levels. All types of sesame are rich in antioxidants such as sesaminol, sesamolinol and sesamolin.

The husk of sesame seeds contains calcium and other minerals. When the husk is removed, about 90% of calcium and other minerals are lost. Therefore, it is better to use unpeeled seeds. Both varieties of sesame are rich in antioxidants, vitamins (B 1 , selenium), fiber and minerals (copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc and molybdenum), and are often consumed by people with milk allergies as an alternative source of calcium. Although black seeds contain more important nutrients and have medicinal properties, white seeds are also quite nutritious. And since the differences in taste between white and black sesame seeds are subtle, you can use them together to increase nutritional value food.

