
White bread with sesame seeds in a bread machine. Homemade bread in the oven


To make sesame bread you will need:

water - 160 ml;

sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;

dry yeast - 1 tsp;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

salt - 1 tsp;

sesame - 2 tbsp. l.;

flour - 300 g.

Cooking steps

IN warm water add sugar and yeast, mix and leave for 10 minutes so that the yeast "starts" (a fluffy "cap" appears on the surface). Then add vegetable oil and salt to the "revived" yeast, mix.

Add the sifted flour and sesame seeds in parts, gradually kneading the dough.

After an hour, punch down the dough, let it rest again and rise for another hour. After the specified time, the dough should rise well and increase in volume.

Once the dough has risen and doubled in size, make slits in it with a sharp knife.

Cool completely on a wire rack and serve.

The bread turns out to be really very tasty - with a crispy crust, lush crumb and piquant taste sesame seeds. Try it!

Bread with sesame seeds is a delicious, fragrant homemade cake!

amazing delicious bread with sesame flavor. Sesame is not only on top, but also inside. Do not forget to fry it a little in a dry frying pan beforehand, so the flavor will be stronger. rectangular shape baked.

Products (for 2 rolls):

  • flour - 500 g
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • milk with water - 1 cup, mixed by half
  • melted butter - 50 grams
  • sesame in the dough - 2 tbsp. and for sprinkling - 2 tbsp.


Sift flour into a deep bowl, add yeast, salt, sugar, sesame seeds. Mix everything. Then add butter and gradually pour in milk with water, knead the dough. Knead thoroughly for 10 minutes, then put in a warm place for 2 hours.

The dough after rising must be carefully beaten off. Divide it into two parts. Knead each part, form a loaf or baguette. In this case, you need to lay out the dough and fold it like a book several times. Described.

Make cuts on the surface. Lubricate with water or milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Let the rolls stand for 20 minutes, bake in the oven at 220 ° - 10 minutes and at 200 ° - 30 minutes. If the loaves turned out to be voluminous, then it is better to hold longer, an hour or more. Honestly, I never succeed in the same time, I determine by eye whether I am ready or not. You can also tap on the crust - if the sound is deaf, then it's ready.

There are never too many homemade bread recipes and it's true! Today I have a rather simple, but at the same time unusual White bread with black sesame. It is unusual only because of its caulk, and in general, pastries are quite universal: this homemade bread perfectly complements both first courses and will become a suitable basis for all kinds of sandwiches and snacks.

If you don't have exactly black sesame (it's just unpeeled white sesame), just replace it with light seeds. It’s just that I personally like black more for its richer flavoring qualities, and the bread looks more interesting. By the way, did you know that, according to Chinese traditional medicine and Ayurveda, black sesame seeds are a food that helps to avoid aging?


(300 grams) (160 milliliters) (2 tablespoons ) (2 tablespoons ) (1 tablespoon ) (1 teaspoon) (1 teaspoon)

Cooking step by step with photos:

This homemade bread recipe includes the following ingredients: wheat flour (highest or first grade), water, refined vegetable oil (I have sunflower), salt, granulated sugar, black sesame seeds and fast acting yeast. It is not necessary to take fast-acting yeast - just dry ones (also 1 teaspoon without a slide) or pressed (you need 3 times more, that is, 9 grams) are perfect. Such yeast is not immediately mixed with flour, but is pre-activated in a warm, sweetish liquid for 10-15 minutes. In our case, you can slightly warm half a glass of water with a teaspoon of sugar and dissolve the yeast in it.

Sift wheat flour into a suitable bowl, add quick-acting yeast, salt, sugar and sesame seeds. Mix everything with a spoon or hand so that all the dry ingredients are evenly dispersed throughout the mixture.

We make a hole in the flour and pour warm (not higher than 38 degrees) water into it. You can start kneading the dough with a tablespoon.

Stir so that the flour is moistened and partially absorbs water. After that, pour a tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil.

Knead the dough for sesame bread with your hands or in a bread machine (dough mixer) until smooth and uniform. The dough should be soft and tender, while keeping its shape perfectly. We round it into a bun, grease the bowl with half a tablespoon of vegetable oil (so that the dough comes out well later). Cover the bowl with a towel or tighten cling film and let the dough rest for 2 hours. After an hour, we punch down the dough, round it again and let it rise for another hour.

After the specified time, the dough should grow well in volume - at least 2-2.5 times. It is very fluffy and airy.

We shift the dough to the work surface (I did not sprinkle with flour, since the dough is not sticky). Depending on the method of baking bread, we form a blank. I baked it in a rectangular shape, so I shaped the blank into a roll.

Twisted dough roll is carefully fixed at both ends and along the seam.

With sesame will please your household, because it is tastier than store-bought!

This recipe is another interesting variation of bread with grains, soon we will bake more bread with flax and sesame seeds. Black and white specks of sesame seeds in a lush crumb look very interesting! And we also generously sprinkle bread on top with a mixture of black and white sesame, will be nice and useful.

Sesame is truly fabulous seeds, it is not without reason that it is otherwise called Sesame or Simsim. Remember how Ali Baba opened the entrance to the treasure cave? "Sim-sim, open up!" So is the mysterious sesame, which came to us after many thousands of years from Arab countries, opens before those who love and appreciate it, a treasury useful substances. Sesame contains the antioxidant sesamin, which helps the body's cells for a long time keep youth; noteworthy set of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium; as well as many vegetable proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, sesame seeds are useful both for small ones - for growth (from 3 years old, since the seeds are fat enough for babies), and for old ones - for strong bones, and young athletes in their prime - for strong strong muscles, and women - since sesame, like flax seed, contains plant hormones phytoesterogens, very useful for female body- very similar to their own, "native" and much better than synthetic analogues. Sesame removes cholesterol, promotes good digestion, favorably affects nervous system and appearance - health of hair and nails. Can't get carried away useful seeds only those who are located to increased blood clotting.

Of course, after heat treatment, there are fewer useful things left, so it’s better not to fry sesame seeds, but to soak or slightly warm them up - that is, add them to “fast” dishes - omelettes, sauces, sprinkle salads ... In general, sesame seeds are far from suitable only for sprinkling bread and buns ! They make from it sesame paste and oil; tahini halva, added to various dishes... And what do you cook with sesame seeds? So far we have learned how to bake bread, we will continue to study new dishes!


For a loaf weighing approximately 500 g:

  • 20-25 g fresh yeast;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 325 g wheat flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of black and white sesame seeds in the dough and 1 each for sprinkling.

How to bake:

We grind the yeast with sugar, pour in water at a temperature of 36-37C - pleasantly warm, stir and sift about a glass of flour - so that the dough turns out without lumps, but not thick. This is a dough, put it in heat for 15-20 minutes.

Here the yeast has earned in full force: see how well the dough came up, how many bubbles are in it? Okay, time to knead the dough!

In 2-3 doses, sift the rest of the flour, stirring with a spoon and adding salt first, then sunflower oil and, together with the last portion of flour, sesame seeds.

Then knead the dough with your hands for 5-10 minutes. The longer you knead, the fluffier the bread will be. Then grease the bowl vegetable oil, put the dough in it and, covering it with a clean towel, put it in heat again, now for 1 hour, so that it fits well and becomes 2 times larger.

Gently punch down the dough and place on a floured baking sheet. Put in heat for proofing for 25-30 minutes.

And when the loaf comes up, having doubled in volume, carefully grease it with a mixture of flour and water (in a ratio of 1: 2) and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Preheat the oven to 210C and put the bread. After 1, 3 and 10 minutes, sprinkle with water to create steam - then the crust of the bread will be golden and not dry. Bake for about 30 minutes total, until dry. We cover the hot bread with a damp towel - if you like a soft crust, and if you like a hard, crispy one, then cool it on a wire rack.

We cut the cooled bread with sesame seeds - when warm, it is very tender and crumbles. I usually bake in the evening and try in the morning.

Homebaked bread Ushek is delicious both with the first and second courses, and with a cup of cocoa for breakfast! And if you spread it with butter, jam or honey ... deliciousness! Children crush it like the most delicious bun!

Small home bread makers have been a hotspot in the last few years among the new kitchen appliances. But do not think that without them it is impossible to use the opportunity to eat natural, tasty and fresh homemade bread. After all, as with any baking, bread needs only two things - kneading (hands do a great job with this) and heat to bake it (quite suitable gas oven, an electric oven, or even an old wood-burning stove, if you still have it).

The whales on which delicious bread rests are quality flour, fresh yeast, the correct consistency of the dough and sufficient time for proofing.


  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • flour - 4 stacks;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • yeast - 2.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame.


1. Pour milk into a deep bowl.

2. Add 2 teaspoons of salt to milk.

3. Pour sugar.

4. We measure right amount yeast and pour into milk. Stir for a few minutes until the yeast dissolves.

5. Pour all the flour into the container.

6. Knead the dough of a homogeneous medium consistency.

7. Let the dough stand in a warm place for about two hours, when it rises, you can continue the cooking process.

8. Lubricate the baking sheet sunflower oil and spread the dough on it in the form of a future loaf. Sprinkle sesame seeds generously and evenly on top of the dough.
