
Black sesame seed: useful properties and methods of application. Black sesame: useful properties and contraindications

In cooking, medicine and cosmetology, white and black sesame seeds are used. The difference between these species lies not only in color, but also in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowth and useful properties. In cooking, white sesame seeds are usually used. They have a pleasant taste, contain a lot of oil. This product is commonly used as a condiment and for external decoration of baked goods, cakes, biscuits, sweets and other confectionery products. The plant grows in the West and the Middle East. The main importers of light seeds are Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala. Light and brownish sesame varieties are always peeled.

Black sesame grows in China, Japan and Southeast Asia. The main importers of the product are China and Thailand. The husks are not removed from the seeds, because even under it they remain black. Black sesame seeds produce better quality oil. The product is more often used for the preparation of marinades, sauces, main dishes, side dishes. Black Chinese and Thai sesame are more commonly used medicinally than white sesame.

The composition and useful properties of white sesame

100-150 g of live sesame can cover the daily requirement of calcium for the body. 100 g of this product contains 780-1100 mg of calcium. Thus, after poppy, sesame is the main plant source of this mineral. The beneficial properties of sesame seeds are also revealed due to the content of vitamins E, K, C, B, PP, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, fatty acids and minerals. The percentage of protein in the product is 22.2%, and fat 52.6%.

The benefits of white sesame are realized due to the ease of assimilation of all its useful elements, vitamins and acids. Seeds are especially useful for skin and ophthalmic diseases, inflammatory processes. Seed oil improves the body's regenerative abilities, blood clotting, relieves irritation and fatigue. Sesame has useful contraindication properties. It should not be eaten by people with urolithiasis, increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.

The composition and useful properties of black sesame

Black sesame seeds have more valuable medicinal properties than white and brown sesame seeds. This is due to the fact that black sesame seeds are not peeled, in which many useful substances are concentrated. The product has less fat and protein than white seeds.

But the content of ash and easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamin A and B in black sesame is greater. The antioxidant, cleansing and rejuvenating properties of black sesame are more effective. These properties are realized due to lignans and phytosterols. Black seeds effectively reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, have a beneficial effect on the liver and digestive tract.

Useful properties and contraindications of black sesame seeds are similar to white ones. It has already been found out that black seeds have more useful properties. However, they should not be abused during pregnancy, so that a miscarriage does not happen. The daily norm of the product for pregnant women should not exceed 30 g. Otherwise, black sesame has the same contraindications as white.

How to use sesame seeds properly

Getting the maximum benefit from sesame is possible only if it is used correctly. Regardless of the sesame variety, it is worth buying live sesame seeds that have not undergone special processing. Living sesame are grains that can germinate. If possible, it is better to add black sesame seeds with husks or combined varieties of white (brown) and black grains to food. The benefits of sesame for the body have already been mentioned above, but this benefit will not be fully manifested if the grains are subjected to heat treatment.

It is best to sprinkle with sesame already prepared dishes. The product improves the taste and nutritional value of vegetables, rice, potatoes. Due to its qualities, sesame is an essential ingredient in vegetarian cuisine. You can cook dishes that are almost entirely composed of sesame, as well as consume this product in its raw form, several tablespoons a day. If you want to be healthy and young for a long time, then here is a tip on how to use sesame seeds. Eat these grains as often as possible. Dishes with sesame should be eaten slowly, chewing sesame seeds thoroughly.

Cooking recipes with sesame seeds:

There are about 35 types of sesame, which grow mainly in Africa (subtropical and tropical). The plant loves warmth and the most optimal temperature for it is 25-30 °. Seeds will sprout only if the soil warms up to a temperature of 18 °. The first thirty days, sesame grows very slowly. The danger is weeds, which can easily drown out weak sprouts. The oblong fruits contain seeds. They have found wide application in medicine, cooking and for oil production.

It is still impossible to say for sure which country is the birthplace of sesame. Some believe that the plant first appeared in South West Africa, while others tend to think that in India. In any case, sesame, which has taken root in our lands, is called Indian. It is believed that it was he who was cultivated by man.

What is sesame?

Seeds can be white, brown, black, red or yellow. It all depends on the variety. It is believed that a richer color is an indication of better flavor and quality.

black sesame

All seeds are useful, but there is an opinion that black sesame is one of the components of the famous elixir of immortality. Black sesame is actually more beneficial. In Eastern countries, they still believe that it is he who will help preserve youth and avoid old age. And in fact, black seeds are the highest level of antioxidant. In addition to useful properties, they have a stronger and more pleasant aroma than all the others.

white sesame

It is less useful than its dark brother, but is much more common in the sale. The white color is due to the fact that the seeds were polished solely in order to serve as a decoration in confectionery. Such grains are great for making sesame milk, which turns out to be completely white. However, for raw consumption, it is best to pay attention to dark varieties.

In fact, seeds that taste so good have unusual properties that KhozOboz is ready to introduce its reader to.

Useful and medicinal properties of sesame

To many, sesame seed is more familiar as a condiment. There are many different versions for what reason they began to grow sesame. Perhaps because of the pleasant taste of the seeds, or maybe because of their nutritional value and benefits. But, after all, this is not so important. The main thing is that already in ancient times people knew and highly valued sesame for its excellent qualities. There have always been many secrets and legends around this little seed. So, the ancient Assyrians were firmly convinced that the gods themselves drank sesame wine before creating the world. The Egyptians and the peoples of ancient China considered sesame the most useful of spices. And in ancient Babylon, he was a symbol of immortality. Of course, this plant is unlikely to provide eternal life, but it will definitely prolong youth and improve health.

Even the great Avicenna himself did not ignore this plant. In his ancient writings, you can find the properties that he endowed with sesame. As a physician, he believed:

  1. Sesame has the ability to dissolve certain types of tumors.
  2. A dressing soaked in sesame and rose oil will help relieve a very severe headache.
  3. Regular use of sesame will help to make the voice sonorous and clear.
  4. The decoction will relieve belching.
  5. Sesame, included in the diet, will speed up the recovery process of the body during serious physical exertion, and help neutralize the effects of stress.

It is difficult to say how effective Avicenna's advice is. However, there is probably some truth in them. Sesame contains zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B and E, as well as a significant portion of calcium, and, of course, a high content of proteins, vitamin C and amino acids. There is also a fitin. It is a substance that helps restore the balance between minerals and beta-sitosterol, which in turn helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Sesame is also preferred by those who practice yoga.

Sesame seed oil

Translated from Latin, this name means "oil plant". Oil is 55%, and this is a solid share. Sesame oil contains glycerides of oleic (up to 40%), linolenic (up to 52%), stearic, palmitic acids and other fatty acids. Obtained by cold pressing, it can save not only useful substances for a long time, but also a pleasant aromatic taste. The finished oil retains its beneficial properties for about eight years.

In general, if we evaluate the usefulness of vegetable oils, then sesame oil takes an honorable third place after the leading almond and pistachio oils. The undoubted advantage is its affordable price. In medicine, sesame oil has also found wide application as a basis for the manufacture of fat-soluble drugs that are injected into the body. It is also included in oil emulsions, plasters and ointments. In addition, sesame oil is recommended for oral administration in the treatment of essential thrombopenia, thrombopenic purpura and hemorrhagic diathesis. Oil improves blood clotting and increases the number of platelets in it. The best grades of sesame oil are sometimes used in place of almond and olive oils.

The use of sesame oil in the form of enemas gives a slight laxative effect. The oil is recommended for constipation or indigestion.

Sesame oil can be used to strengthen teeth and gums. This measure is not only improving, but also preventive for periodontal disease, infections of the oral cavity and caries. The oil perfectly heals cracks, wounds, burns, and soothes pain. An oil mask will make your hair shiny and healthy, protect it from the negative effects of sea and chlorinated water. The skin after the procedure will become smooth and radiant. Magnesium, which is part of sesame, has a calming effect, relaxes the muscles of the body and face. Therefore, the sesame mask will not only give the skin an additional charge of energy and youth, but also a fresh blush on the cheeks. In addition, this oil is one of the few products that have the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation. Due to this, it is often used in the production of sunscreen cosmetics. Now more and more manufacturers of hair cosmetics use sesame oil as the basis for the manufacture of mousses, masks, conditioners and shampoos.

One more thing can be attributed to the useful properties of sesame. It is the main source of lime in the human body. It has been proven that eating at least ten grams of sesame seeds every day can replenish the required amount of this substance.

Just a little oil a day can ease breathing in bronchial asthma, dry cough or shortness of breath. It neutralizes the increased acidity of gastric juice and blood acidity, helps the body recover from exhaustion, and improves health. It is used as an effective anthelmintic.

The oil is mainly used internally. It has a slightly specific taste, because of which not everyone likes it. Mixed with linseed and poppy oils, sesame seeds also act as a strong aphrodisiac. This action applies to both men and women equally. Sesame oil has found wide application in such a sport as bodybuilding. It helps to increase muscle mass.

Oil is recommended for use in violation of metabolic processes in the body, joint diseases, hyperthyroidism and intestinal colic. It has a positive effect on inflammation of the gallbladder, kidney stones, anemia and internal bleeding.

By its properties, sesame oil is very similar to olive oil. Unfortunately, with such a large number of useful properties, there is no vitamin A in sesame, and vitamin E is present in very small quantities. However, a significant number of other useful elements more than compensate for this.

Sesame seeds

And although sesame is mainly grown for its oil, the seeds have also found their way. It is known for sure that in the Middle Ages, people who cared about their health condition chewed one teaspoon of sesame seeds daily. It was believed to be very beneficial, especially for women. Seeds promote increased outflow of blood during menstruation. It has been proven that sesame significantly reduces the risk of mastopathy or other unwanted inflammation of the mammary glands. A compress of crushed seeds helps with mastitis. A decoction of sesame seeds is used as a lotion for hemorrhoids. One tablespoon of ground seeds before meals will help remove toxins from the body and lose a few extra pounds.

Vitamin E contributes to the rejuvenation of the body, and phosphorus and zinc will help in the prevention of osteoporosis. Regular consumption of sesame seeds improves bowel function, thus preventing diseases of the digestive system.

An important condition for the effectiveness of this product is thorough chewing. Only then will sesame give all its beneficial properties. Unfortunately, the seeds spoil very quickly and become bitter due to their high oil content. Therefore, they should be stored in a dark place, having dried well beforehand and not stocked up for a long time. It is for this reason that they are processed into oil, which can be stored for a long time.

sesame leaves

Sesame leaves are used much less frequently than seeds. Fresh leaves are served with vegetables with various sauces or fried in batter. In addition, rice and vegetables are wrapped in them, and it turns out something like Japanese sushi. Pickled sesame leaves are added to the stew, and this should be done at the very end of cooking so that they do not lose their flavor. A decoction of sesame leaves will give smoothness to the hair, relieve the scalp from eczema and dandruff. Hair will become thicker, their growth will increase.

In some countries, leaves are a common product and are highly valued due to such properties as:

  1. High content of mineral elements so necessary for human health.
  2. They have a strong pleasant nutty smell.
  3. Dishes prepared using sesame leaves have not only an exotic taste, but also an unusual look that can amaze any picky guest.

Unfortunately, sesame leaves are not so easy to find in stores in our country.

The use of sesame

Sesame seeds can often be found as a great addition to pastries and for making gozinaki. Oil has also found wide application. All this, of course, is due to the beneficial substances that it contains. Sesame goes well with almost any product. And in order for its aroma to become brighter and more saturated, before adding sesame to food, you should ignite it a little in a frying pan. Ground grains can be sprinkled on porridge, salad or sushi. Sesame is used to make tahini paste (tahini, tahina, tahina), which is popular in oriental cuisine. It is served with a wide range of dishes.

In Arabic cooking, tahini is a gravy for a variety of dishes, and in Cyprus, pies are baked with this paste.

The Japanese sprinkle salted seeds on rice, and the Africans consider sesame seeds to be the main ingredient for making soups. In India, sesame is an excellent seasoning for salads, and in Southeast Asia, it is the basis for making crunchy sweets. In France and Italy, fragrant bread is baked with seeds, which is in great demand. Americans prefer to bake sesame cookies and waffles, which can be both savory and sweet.

Unfortunately, the beneficial properties of sesame in Slavic countries are not in great demand, and therefore the seeds are mainly used to prepare such delicacies as halva or as a topping for loaves, buns or bread. HozOboz offers original solutions for the use of this product.

Sesame for children

The use of sesame in the children's diet will undoubtedly bring great benefits due to the large number of substances useful for the growing body. Half a glass of grains contains three times more calcium than the same amount of milk. The constituent substances help protect the liver and normalize blood pressure. Cold-pressed oil is considered the most useful. The daily norm for a child is one teaspoon of oil. Although there are no strict restrictions on the use, because sesame does not cause allergies at all. However, lately one can meet the manifestation of allergic reactions to sesame seeds or, possibly, to the products with which it is prepared (peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews). In any case, the main thing is a sense of proportion. Sesame oil is a very good antibacterial agent for nails and skin. In addition, it has a warming effect. Not without reason in India, a newborn is given a ten-minute massage using sesame oil. It has been scientifically proven that children at the same time develop more actively than their peers, get sick much less often and have a sound restful sleep.

Is it possible for breastfeeding?

Sesame during breastfeeding is not only possible, but even necessary. It significantly reduces the risk of mastopathy. In addition, sesame helps to cope with constipation, which often occurs after childbirth. And vitamins and microelements will be useful for both mother and newborn.

Sesame for pregnant women

In ancient times, women used to eat a handful of seeds a day. In addition to all the positive properties, sesame enhances the outflow of blood during menstruation. It is this property, which is so valued in ordinary life, that can become dangerous during pregnancy. On the one hand, the high content of calcium contributes to the proper formation of the skeletal system of the unborn baby, and on the other hand, it provokes the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, sesame during pregnancy is still unacceptable, no matter how much you want.

Sesame contraindications

However, it should be understood that even with so many virtues, sesame has qualities that can harm the body. Here's what to look out for:

  1. When eaten raw on an empty stomach, grains can cause nausea and even vomiting. This happens because the gastric mucosa is very susceptible to this product.
  2. Individual intolerance.
  3. Given that sesame improves blood clotting, in no case should it be used by people with thrombosis and thrombosis, so as not to worsen the course of the disease.
  4. Sesame should also be discarded by those who suffer from urolithiasis.
  5. Sesame is a high-calorie product and therefore is contraindicated for those who follow various diets.

As you can see, there are not so many contraindications, and yet they should be taken into account so that a useful product does not cause serious health problems.

Recently, more and more people are turning their attention to food, which not only has a distinctive taste, but also has healing and preventive properties. Therefore, all the listed positive properties of sesame should be of interest to any person for whom their own health is not indifferent. And it’s not at all necessary to immediately run and buy a whole bag of sesame seeds, but it’s quite possible to treat yourself to a spoonful of butter or a fragrant bun.

Glycemic index (GI) – 35.

Calorie content - 565 kcal.

Black sesame is a Shrovetide culture of the Pedaliv family, a variety of Indian sesame. Unlike white, golden, brown sesame, it has a pronounced nutty taste and healing properties. It belongs to the oldest spices. It is used in cooking, diet food, medicine. The main producers are China, Southeast Asia. It is cultivated only in mountainous areas and in elevated areas.

Beneficial features

Black sesame has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which is dominated by calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium. Vitamins are present: B (9,2,1,6,5,), A, C, E, PP, K. The chemical composition of black sesame is 49% fats (linoleic, oleic, stearic, lignoceric acids, triglycerides). Protein occupies 20% and is more complete than that of white sesame. It has a wide range of amino acids: leucine, tryptoflane, valine, phenylalanine, leucine. The share of carbohydrates - 12%, dietary fiber - 6%. The advantage of sesame is the presence of a natural antioxidant - sesamin.

How does it affect the body

The benefits of black sesame are beneficial effects on fat metabolism, emotional state. Regular use improves blood composition, enriches tissues with oxygen, normalizes metabolic processes, activates the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates flatulence, has a laxative effect, promotes weight loss.

Black sesame removes harmful substances, stimulates cell renewal, slows down the aging process, lowers cholesterol levels. Prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, oncology, stabilizes the condition of women during menopause. Strengthens hair roots, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

How to choose

Sesame seeds should be dry and have a crumbly appearance. To determine the condition of the product, transparent packaging should be chosen. Bitter seeds are expired or the result of improper storage. Contains harmful compounds and may be harmful.

Storage methods

Black sesame does not tolerate contact with oxygen. A prerequisite for maintaining quality is a dark, dry room. The absence of airtight containers does not make it possible to preserve the quality of sesame seeds for more than three months. To increase the period should be kept in the refrigerator, but not longer than six months. When frozen, it can be used throughout the year. Slow defrosting at low temperatures is used.

What is combined with in cooking

Today, black sesame is gaining popularity among Russians, as it is more useful and superior to other types of sesame in terms of taste. It is used for the production of desserts, kozinak, sauces, mousses, puddings, halva, as a decor for ice cream, cakes. Used for cooking turkey, goose, veal, rabbit. Seeds are added to the breading of salmon, sockeye salmon, chicken breast, rabbit fillet. Black sesame seeds are sprinkled on muffins, flat cakes, added to salads, spices, and cold appetizers. From ground seeds make fiber-bran, flour, meal. Combine with dried apricots, raisins, chocolate, olive oil, almonds, walnuts, cottage cheese, fruits.

Useful food combination

Black sesame with regular use promotes weight loss. To normalize metabolism, cleanse the body, it is recommended to use it daily in the diet, but not more than two teaspoons. The seeds are combined with herbs: dill, lemon balm, parsley, lovage, fennel. The product is harmonious with leafy greens: ice lettuce, chard, oak leaf lettuce, arugula.

Today, black sesame sprouts are popular for weight loss, which are useful to add to vegetable salads, cottage cheese, yogurt, side dishes. Sesame flour, meal is used in dietary nutrition as a dietary supplement in cereals, soups, it is sprinkled with steam dishes. Particular effectiveness is observed in combination with spices: cumin, cinnamon, black pepper, dill, poppy seeds. When building the caloric content of the diet, you need to know: a teaspoon of black sesame contains 7 g = 39.5 kcal, a tablespoon - 25 g = 141.3 kcal. Useful consumption rate should not exceed 20 g.


Black sesame can be harmful for varicose veins, thrombosis, and urolithiasis. With hypersensitivity to allergens, it often causes negative reactions in the form of a rash, runny nose, skin itching.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

From black sesame seeds, an oil is produced that is in demand in pharmacological production. Included in emulsions, ointments, patches. In folk medicine, gastritis is treated with the help of course use of sesame oil. A tablespoon is drunk to enhance intestinal motility, increase brain activity, and to prevent multiple sclerosis.

Black sesame seeds are included in the diet for insomnia, nervous disorders, and reduced immunity. To restore the vitamin and mineral level, sesame seeds are pre-soaked in milk. A concentrated decoction is prescribed for anemia, menopause, unstable blood pressure, compresses treat the pathology of hemorrhoids. Ground seed is used in the diet to strengthen the heart muscle. Black sesame in combination with flax and poppy seeds is an effective aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual activity in women and men.

In cosmetology, black sesame oil is added to moisturizing and softening procedures. Used for massage, make-up removal. Introduced into masks to increase cell regeneration, relieve inflammation.

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous annual plant with white, oily and fragrant seeds. The plant looks like an oblong box filled with multi-colored seeds.

Variety of sesame

Sesame seeds are divided into black and white. The variety affects the quality and flavor of the product. The darker the seeds, the healthier the sesame seeds.

The benefits of black sesame

In the composition of black sesame: vitamins, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc. 100 g of the product contains 1474 mg of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Black sesame is 49% fat, 20% protein, 12% carbohydrate and 6% dietary fiber. The use of the product normalizes oxygen processes in the body, cells are updated.

The benefits of white sesame

White sesame seeds are cleaned before use. The variety is used in the preparation of desserts, bakery products, bars.

The product contains: proteins, fats, vitamins E, K and C. The chemical substance phytosterol in sesame prevents bad cholesterol from entering the blood.

Differences between black and white sesame

  • Black seeds have a strong, pleasant aroma, bitter taste, do not require pre-cleaning.
  • White sesame has a neutral odor, it is cleaned before use.
  • Black seeds contain more iron and are used for medicinal purposes. Assign to people with weakness of the body, anemia.
  • White sesame is effective in the fight against constipation.
  • Black sesame improves the taste of salads and desserts.
  • White sesame seeds decorate pastries and bars.

Beneficial features

Sesame has:

  • organic and fatty acids,
  • vitamins,
  • antioxidants,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates
  • phytoestrogens,
  • macro and micronutrients.

Antioxidants extend the shelf life of the product. Seeds do not lose their useful qualities up to 10 years.

  1. Calcium in the composition of the plant improves blood clotting, normalizes acidity, strengthens hair and nails. The element removes toxins from the body, regulates the production of hormones.
  2. The substance sesamin is an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer.
  3. Fitin restores the mineral balance of the body.
  4. Thiamine improves the functions of nervous activity, normalizes metabolism.
  5. Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  6. Phytoestrogen is a substitute for female sex hormones.

The benefits of sesame for women

Regular use of sesame regulates the hormonal background of a woman, relieves pain on critical days, and delays the manifestations of menopause. Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease "osteoporosis" is a weakening of the bone tissue, not a sentence, the use of sesame seeds strengthens the bones.

Sesame is used for cosmetic purposes. Sesame-based products refresh the skin, relieve irritation, and rejuvenate.

Useful properties of sesame seeds for men

Sesame improves potency, prevents the development of prostate cancer, affects the male hormonal background. Amino acids in sesame, increase testosterone production, improve reproductive function.

B vitamins, phosphorus and lipids relieve depression, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and affect brain function.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seed has such beneficial properties.

  • Remove harmful substances. Slags and toxins accumulate in the organs and poison them.
  • Sesame seeds provide a mild laxative effect. Seeds in the daily diet will eliminate constipation.
  • Sesame seeds are not an allergenic product.
  • Useful properties are used in traditional medicine.
  • The content (0.21-0.30 mg) rejuvenates the body.
  • Fiber - prevention of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Regular consumption of a handful of seeds increases the protective functions of the body.
  • Seeds are used to treat colds, asthma, bronchitis.
  • Vegetable protein in the product is easily absorbed by the body, useful after intense training.
  • Sesame seeds improve intestinal motility, which has a positive effect on weight.
  • Steamed sesame is useful in early pregnancy. It improves digestion, supplies the body with the necessary elements, and normalizes the nervous system.

There are no contraindications to the use of sesame seeds, although individual intolerance to the product is possible.

The use of sesame seeds

Daily intake of 2g. Abuse of sesame seeds leads to problems with digestion, extra pounds on the body.

Meat and fish are breaded in sesame seeds. Heat treatment removes useful properties, but minimizes the aggressive effect of elements on the body. Sesame is added to vegetable salads.

Application of sesame oil

The unrefined oil is characterized by a dark brown hue, a sweet aftertaste and a pronounced aroma. To obtain this oil, the seeds are roasted. From raw seeds, oil of a light yellow hue is obtained, taste and smell are weakly expressed.

Sesame oil consists of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components. The use of oil improves the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system.

Sesame oil is used for prevention purposes. The product strengthens the protective functions of the body, prevents the development of tumors. Oil treats skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, mycosis).

Together with other ingredients, sesame softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin with nutrients.

The oil maintains the daily dose of calcium in the body. Drink a tablespoon of oil per day. This will strengthen the immune system, eliminate dry cough, improve the functioning of the ovaries, regulate the menstrual cycle, and minimize the manifestations of gastritis.

Composition and calories

This is a high-calorie product, which contains 890 kcal per 100g. Sesame oil is made up of:

  1. organic acids
  2. calcium,
  3. zinc,
  4. gland,
  5. phosphorus,
  6. magnesium,
  7. vitamin E.

Medicinal properties provides:

  • Fitin (an element restores the balance of minerals).
  • Sesamol (antioxidant properties).
  • Beta-sitosterol (normalizes blood cholesterol levels).

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Anti-dandruff mask


  1. Sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Combine yolks, butter and honey.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your hair, rub into the scalp. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Result: Restores hair shine, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Sesame oil makes hair soft, moisturizes, protects from the harmful effects of the environment.

Moisturizing cream

The product is suitable for dry skin prone to peeling. Add to moisturizer, masks or tonic.

You will need:

  1. Sesame oil - 3 drops.
  2. Glycerin - 40 g.

How to cook: Connect the components. Apply to dry, clean skin. After 20 minutes, blot your face with a tissue.

Sesame oil eliminates puffiness on the eyelids, moisturizes delicate skin, saturates it with useful elements.

Mask for the face

The mask is suitable for daily use. The skin is smoothed, mimic wrinkles disappear.


  1. Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Cocoa - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Heat up the oil until warm. Add cocoa. Apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Finish off with the right cream.

Sesame in cooking

In the video: how to make sesame milk, pasta, salad dressing, crispbread and date candies.

Contraindications and harm

Sesame and products based on it are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Rash, itching and redness on the skin are allergic manifestations, indicating intolerance to the product by the body.

Children under 5 years of age should not eat sesame seeds. The young body slowly absorbs and breaks down fats.

Women should not take sesame seeds in the last months of pregnancy. There is a risk of preterm birth.

The use of sesame seeds is contraindicated for people with high blood clotting, blood clots in the vessels and urolithiasis.

Sesame seed is a seasoning that came to us from the East. It is added to various dishes and even pastries to get unique flavor notes. At the same time, sesame seeds have beneficial properties for the body. It is about them that we will talk further, moreover, without losing sight of the harm from using the product.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

Sesame seed when eaten has the following effects:
  • Restores the optimal content of minerals due to phytin;
  • Removes toxins and toxins from the body due to the laxative effect;
  • Normalizes metabolism and reduces the likelihood of obesity due to betasitosterol;
  • Compensates for the lack of calcium in the body, since 100 grams of seed contains approximately 1475 mg of this substance;
  • Normalizes the digestive system due to the content of vitamin PP;
  • Normalizes blood pressure due to the many useful trace elements in the composition;
  • Promotes the disintegration of fatty plaques that form on the walls of veins and capillaries due to phytosterol. It is because of these plaques that blood clots form, and vascular blockage occurs, and atherosclerosis develops;
  • Reduces the likelihood of osteoporosis and reduces the likelihood of joint diseases due to the high content of calcium;
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system thanks to thiamine;
  • Improves the quality of hair and nails due to riboflavin.

Medicinal features of sesame

Raw sesame seeds are used for the treatment and prevention of pneumonia, high blood pressure (hypertension), diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid and pancreas. The beneficial effect of seeds is to reduce the risk of malignant tumors in the mammary glands, as well as to accelerate the flow of blood to the pelvic organs.

In traditional medicine, oil squeezed from sesame seeds is used to treat various skin lesions. Ointments and emulsions are made from it, and are also used for plasters.

If you mix sesame seeds with poppy or linseeds, you get the strongest aphrodisiac that has its effect on both sexes.

Sesamin, which is part of the seeds, belongs to the lingans, which are antioxidants and help in the fight against carcinogens and toxins. Sesamin is a unique substance and is found only in sesame seeds. This antioxidant slows down the aging of the body and resists cancer cells, therefore it is part of pharmacological preparations.

To reduce toothache, you need to put 2 tablespoons of oil in your mouth and rinse well for 3-5 minutes. Then you can spit out the oil and massage the gums.

Sesame is also loved by athletes due to its high protein content (20%), which is perfectly digestible and allows you to build muscle mass. Moreover, sesame protein is a vegetable protein. As you know, they do not wash out calcium and other important minerals from the blood.

Useful properties of seeds for women

The use of sesame allows you to have such effects on the female body as reducing the risk of mastopathy, regulating and leveling the hormonal background.

At the same time, the benefits of sesame for women also lie in cosmetic properties. Sesame oil, when applied to the skin of the face, gives the following results:
  • makes the skin firmer and fresher;
  • relieves irritation;
  • smoothes fine wrinkles;
  • Protects against the penetration of the harmful spectrum of sunlight.
The oil is also an excellent hair moisturizer.

For whom sesame may be harmful: contraindications

Sesame may be harmful to the following individuals:
  • Allergy sufferers who are prone to coughing attacks and other unpleasant manifestations (rashes, redness on the skin);
  • Children from 1 to 5 years old, because their body is not yet able to break down and absorb fats so well;
  • People suffering from low blood pressure, because sesame oil lowers blood pressure.
  • Women at 7-9 months of pregnancy, because due to the high concentration of calcium and other substances, sesame can provoke premature birth.

Despite the beneficial properties and diseases that can be cured with sesame seeds, the product is completely contraindicated for people with high blood clotting (above normal), suffering from the presence of blood clots in the vessels and urolithiasis.

Differences and benefits of black and white seeds

Sesame occurs black and white. The latter also includes seeds of yellow, beige, brown and golden hues. Black and white seeds are different:
  1. taste . Black sesame is more bitter and is more suitable for salads, rice and vegetables. White seeds go best with sweet or rich baked goods.
  2. aroma . More pronounced in dark varieties, softer in light ones.
  3. composition . Black seeds have more lignans and phytosterapols, and they are also richer in antioxidants, vitamins A and B. But white seeds have more vitamins E, K and C, as well as protein (22.20%) and fats (52.61%).

According to Chinese doctors, the beneficial properties of black sesame are stronger due to the nutrients included in the composition. They help restore the deficiency of certain substances in the body caused by repeated stress and aging. The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda also recommends black sesame seeds for consumption. It is believed to stop falling and blurring of vision, prevent ringing in the ears, and has a beneficial effect on natural hair color.

In general, the beneficial properties of white and black sesame seeds are the same. Therefore, the choice of one or another variety will be more based on 2 criteria:

  1. in which dish you will use the seed;
  2. what deficiency do you want to make up for?
When choosing sesame, pay attention to the fact that the seeds must be dry and crumble freely in the package. The seeds should not taste bitter.

Proper use of sesame seeds

When you take the seed out of the package, it is very important to use them correctly in order to "wake up" all the useful properties. To do this, you can use one of three methods:
  • Soak the sesame seeds for a couple of hours and then cook according to the recipe.
  • Warm up the sesame, but it is important not to fry. A couple of minutes in a clean and dry frying pan is enough. Otherwise, almost all the useful substances in them will be lost.
  • Grind or crush if necessary to add to the dish when serving.

  • In some cases, sesame seeds must be applied raw. For example, to sprinkle a salad or put on pastries. In order to activate and preserve all the beneficial properties at the same time, it is worth adding the seed by the time the cooking process is completed.
