
How to make strawberry ice cream. Strawberry ice cream - recipe

IN summer heat I want to feel a slight chill. For this, all methods of cooling the body are suitable. Or .. No, probably not all :) But be that as it may, the easiest and safest option is ice cream (or, as children like to say, “ice cream”).

To keep a cold treat always at hand, you can cook it at home, and according to a very simple recipe.

By the way, natural ice cream is very valuable product. It contains useful amino acids, minerals, fatty acid, vitamins and a large number of calcium, and calcium is very useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Therefore, I want to turn to my uncles and aunts again. Uncles and aunts! Eat ice cream! And if you don’t like to cook yourself, then choose only a natural product in the store, because it’s not at all useful for you or your children to eat pseudo-ice cream. Remember that bright and unusual colors on store-bought ice cream are a sign of the presence of artificial colors.

On this encyclopedic calculations will finish and start cooking. We offer you 2 recipes for making ice cream at home without an ice cream maker.

Recipe #1: Relatively Simple

To prepare 250 g of ice cream you will need:

  1. Cream 150 ml;
  2. Sugar 100 g;
  3. Strawberry 70 g.

IN this case I use frozen strawberries, but can be made from fresh. Since strawberries in most cases ripen only in one of the summer months, then frozen berries can help out the rest of the time.

So, for starters, pour the cream into a bowl and put it in the refrigerator, or better even in freezer. It is worth noting that cream should be taken with a fat content of at least 30%. In this recipe, the fat content of cream is 33%. Be aware that trying to make ice cream with 20 percent cream, for example, will result in ice cream having the consistency of ice.

In the meantime, let's get on with the strawberries. If the berries are fresh, then wash them and remove the leaves. If frozen strawberries are used, then immediately transfer them to the blender bowl and grind them into a puree.

If you don't have a chopper, you can puree the strawberries with an immersion blender.

and beat it all up again.

The strawberry part is ready and looks like this:

Now we take out the chilled cream from the freezer (which we removed there before we started preparing the strawberry dressing) and beat with a mixer at high speed until lush mass, which is similar in texture to sour cream. For whipping, it is better to use a bowl or bowl with high sides, otherwise the cream will splatter a lot.

Now comes the last stage before freezing - you need to combine the strawberry and cream parts, stir the whole mass well.

Surely someone will ask, why so share the whole process of mixing these three ingredients. So, cream is best whipped separately, rather than immediately with strawberries and sugar. Thanks to a separate whipping of cream, we will get the most fluffy and airy mass.

Now transfer the strawberry mixture to a bowl and place in the freezer for 1 hour to pre-chill. During this time, our semi-finished product will "grab" a little. After the time has elapsed, we take out the bowl with the mass.

You can see that its color has become a little lighter.

Then, first, we separate the frozen mass from the walls with a spoon, and then we take a mixer and beat everything. This is necessary to prevent the formation of ice during the freezing process. After all, we need to get a uniformly frozen mass. Let's do this 2 more times.

1. Ready ice cream without serving

The semi-finished product can be removed in the refrigerator for 5 hours until the final freezing.

2. Ready ice cream in wafer tubes

Cool the mass in the freezer for 15-20 minutes and transfer it to pastry bag with carved nozzle. Then squeeze the mass into waffle cones (tubes). This must be done quickly, otherwise the mass will melt and lose its shape.

Keep the mass in the tubes for another 5 hours in the freezer. Ice cream tubes must be placed vertically using a special stand or a suitable box.

Now you can get ready-made treat and start eating it! :)

This beauty and yummy can be prepared without an ice cream maker.

Recipe number 2: the simplest

So, to make homemade ice cream according to an absolutely simple recipe, we will need the following ingredients:

  1. Homemade cream in a volume of 500 ml.
  2. Sugar in the amount of 100 g.
  3. Strawberries in the amount of 150 g.

The process of making simple ice cream

First of all, sugar must be ground to a powder state. In this form, sugar will easily dissolve in cream.

Pour the cream into a deep bowl. Then we pour powdered sugar into this container.

Then, in addition to what we already have, we lay out the strawberries, which are pre-peeled from the tails and thoroughly washed.

Strawberries in cream must be chopped with a blender. Then we start beating creamy mass with a mixer for 4-5 minutes. The result is such a tender mass:

The resulting mass can be poured into molds. We send the molds with the creamy-strawberry mass to the freezer until the cream is completely solidified.

Well, now that our precious cool delicacy has frozen, there is nothing left but to start tasting. Strawberry ice cream, prepared at home, is very satisfying, tender and pleasant to the taste.

In the midst of a hot summer season You always want to treat yourself to a cold and refreshing ice cream. Strawberries ripen both in the garden and on household plots, beckoning with their sweet-sour taste and wonderful aroma. It is not surprising that it is quite appropriate to combine the coolness of ice cream and the taste of fresh strawberries into one, especially since this does not require any special and expensive ingredients. And if you make strawberry ice cream at home, it will also turn out to be healthy, without additives, preservatives and dyes that manufacturers add to industrially prepared cold treats. And you can offer such ice cream as a dessert even to small children.

For the very first time (if the hostess has never made ice cream herself before), it is advisable to choose a recipe for homemade strawberry ice cream with minimum set ingredients in the composition. For this, a simple classic recipe. To understand how to make strawberry ice cream, you need to carefully read the recipe and follow it during preparation.

Classic homemade strawberry ice cream recipe

For this recipe you will need:

  • strawberries - 250-300 g;
  • granulated sugar- 100 g;
  • sour cream or cream - 250 ml.

If someone likes sweeter and richer cold desserts, the amount of sugar and strawberries can be slightly increased.
Cooking steps:

  1. First, be sure to thoroughly wash the strawberries and peel them from tails and leaves, remove spoiled places (if any).
  2. Then it is necessary to dry it so that there is no excess water left on the berries, because then the ice cream will turn out to be too watery.
  3. Next, you need to beat the strawberries together with sour cream (cream) with a blender or in a special food processor. Such a technique is sure to be found in good housewives in the kitchen.
  4. Next, granulated sugar is added. When determining the sweetness of taste, it should be taken into account that a chilled product will always be less sweet than a warm one. That is, when frozen, the finished ice cream will become less sweet than the mixture during the preparation process.
  5. If the resulting mixture turns out to be too liquid, this is not a reason to be upset - when freezing, the mass will thicken significantly. It must be decomposed into plastic cups (in portions) and placed in the freezer for freezing. There, the future strawberry ice cream should be no less than 2 hours.
  6. After this time, tasty and fragrant, and, most importantly, natural (without chemicals) delicacy is ready to eat. It can be safely offered to children as a vitamin treat.
  7. If you want to decorate ice cream corn flakes enough to defrost a little ready-made portions ice cream and roll them in sprinkles, then place on a dish and briefly send to the freezer.

This recipe differs from the one described above only in the presence of a new ingredient - condensed milk. You need about 300 g of it (usual can condensed milk). Condensed milk will make strawberry ice cream richer, more concentrated and sweeter, and will also give a lasting aroma and taste of condensed milk, beloved by everyone since childhood.

You need to add condensed milk at the very beginning to strawberry puree (chopped on a grater or in a blender), and only after that all the other components of ice cream are added - sugar, cream (sour cream).

By the way, everyone decides for himself how to chop strawberries. Some people like large pieces of berries, in this case it is better to use a regular table grater. But if you like a homogeneous mass of ice cream, you should use a blender.

If cream is used in the recipe, and not sour cream, they must be whipped intensively, then the strawberry ice cream will turn out to be light in consistency, it will literally “melt in your mouth”.

Diet homemade vanilla and strawberry ice cream

If the hostess who is engaged in the preparation of homemade strawberry ice cream, or household members are watching their weight, you can successfully prepare ice cream with reduced content fat content and, therefore, a minimum of calories. For this purpose, sour cream (or cream) should simply be replaced with more light ingredient- milk.

By the way, you can choose milk of your choice. varying degrees fat content. With the same amount of other milk ingredients, you need to take about 350-400 ml.

In addition, this recipe for homemade strawberry ice cream will require 3 chicken yolks(for a thicker ice cream consistency). Yolks together with milk should be well heated with constant stirring, then cool until thickened. And only then is berry puree or strawberry syrup added.

To make the ice cream as homogeneous as possible, it is advisable to constantly stir it when freezing.

If the question of eating food exclusively plant origin it’s categorically worth it, making homemade strawberry ice cream according to this recipe is a great compromise in this problem. But then in the usual recipe appears new ingredient– bananas – Exotic fruits which are very popular with both adults and children. It should be noted that the taste ripe banana perfectly harmonizes and combines with the taste of strawberries.

We will need:

  • 5 medium-sized bananas (if you take mini-bananas, you need to take more of them, respectively);
  • 300-400 g strawberries;
  • vanillin, cinnamon - to taste and optional.

Bananas must first be frozen in the freezer (25 - 40 minutes), because only frozen bananas will give the future ice cream the texture of a melting classic ice cream.

At this time, prepare the strawberries: wash, remove the tails, dry. Then we grind in any way, at will.

Then we combine together with chopped (required in a blender) frozen bananas. Sugar can also be added if desired, but bananas themselves have a rich taste. sweet taste, this must be taken into account when preparing homemade strawberry-banana ice cream according to this recipe. In addition, a little vanilla or cinnamon can be added to this recipe. This will make the taste softer, more tender, even more homely.

This strawberry ice cream contains no animal fat and is limited in calories. Vegetarians can safely eat this ice cream in their daily diet.

As you can see, making strawberry ice cream at home is not so difficult. No complex technical devices and technologies are needed for this. Everything is extremely simple. All the components of the recipes can be found in any kitchen and in the refrigerator.

This ice cream freezes perfectly in any refrigerator. You can freeze individual portions in individual containers (plastic cups), or in common dishes (for example, plastic containers). Then, when serving to the table, portions of ice cream can be given classic shape balls.

If the farm has an ice cream maker, then this will further facilitate and speed up the process of preparing delicious strawberry treat. The dessert prepared in the ice cream maker is more airy and tender. If it is not, then it is quite possible to do without it.

In the hot summer period, when the sun shines brightly, you always really want something cooling and unusual. In order to please yourself a little, it is not necessary to make a significant investment. You can, for example, just treat yourself to ice cream. Probably, there are few people who would not like this delicacy and would refuse it. Did you know that ice cream can not only be bought in the store, but also cooked at home. Anyone can make this delicacy.

Let's take a look at how to make strawberry ice cream at home.

Strawberry ice cream - recipe



How to make strawberry ice cream? So, we take exactly half a serving of sugar, pour it into a bowl and add freshly washed strawberries. Place the berries in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Next, take a small container and mix the remaining sugar, yolks and pour milk in it. Then we put the saucepan on a small fire and, stirring, heat it up, but do not bring it to a boil. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass without grains of sugar. Then carefully pour the mixture into a separate bowl and wait until it cools down to about room temperature. After we remove it for about 3 hours in the freezer, but every 20 minutes we take out the mass and mix. If this is not done, then in the ice cream, as a result, small pieces ice. After the time has elapsed, we take out the container, add vanilla to the ice cream to taste and put the strawberries.

Homemade strawberry ice cream


  • sugar - 110 g;
  • fresh strawberries - 400 g;
  • water - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - to taste.


How to make strawberry ice cream? First, mix water and sugar in a bowl. Then put the mixture on low heat and stir until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Bring the mass to a boil, increase the heat and boil the syrup for 5 minutes, and then carefully remove the bowl from the stove and cool the syrup to room temperature.

In the meantime, take fresh strawberries, wash under running water, dry with a towel and tear off the tails. We wipe the berries to a puree state through a sieve, or grind in a blender. Mixing strawberries with sugar syrup, add a little lemon juice as desired and mix everything well until smooth. Transfer the mixture to Plastic container, cover with a lid and place in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours. Before serving, put the finished ice cream in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that it softens slightly, and decorate, if desired, with fresh mint leaves.


  • natural yogurt - 250 ml;
  • fresh strawberries - 100 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.


To prepare homemade banana-strawberry ice cream, we wash the berries, dry them, remove the tails and transfer them to the blender container. Banana peeled and cut in small pieces and add to the strawberries. Let's pour it in there low fat yogurt, put honey to taste and beat everything until smooth. Pouring fruit mix according to portion molds, insert wooden sticks if desired and set to freeze for about 3 hours. Every half an hour we take out the containers and mix the contents. After the time has elapsed, carefully remove the ice cream from the molds, lowering them for 20-30 seconds in hot water and serve to the table.

May is coming, which means that summer is approaching, and warm days will come along with it. And what could be better than a cold strawberry ice cream on a hot summer day? Probably nothing. Today we will prepare it.

At the end of May - beginning of June, the season of ripening of one of the favorite favorite berries - strawberries comes. In addition to having pleasant taste, it contains great amount vitamins - this is vitamin C, and vitamin B1 and 2, and carotene. It is also rich in phosphorus, iron and calcium, and 100 grams of this product contains only 35 kcal. But eating strawberries just gets boring so quickly, then you can cook some kind of dish from this berry. For example, ice cream.

strawberry ice cream recipe

by Maxim Frolov Published: April 24, 2014

  • Exit: 16 persons
  • Preparation: 4 hours 0 minute
  • Cooking: 20 minutes
  • Total: 4 hours 20 minutes

May is coming, which means that summer is coming, and with it they will come ...


  • 3 art. low fat
  • 280 gr.
  • 1 tsp
  • 9 pcs.
  • 3 art. fatty
  • 500 gr.


  1. I usually make the same base for any ice cream, be it mint ice cream, cinnamon ice cream, or fruit ice cream. Try to cook it once and you will understand why I do it this way. Pour 3 cups of milk into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat.
  2. Add sugar to the milk and stir until the latter is completely dissolved.

  3. At this point, I add vanilla to the milk mixture. Only I do not use ordinary vanillin, but squeeze it out of vanilla pods. Like one of mine good friend brought me half a bag of these pods, so now I have an inexhaustible supply of them in the pantry. But, in principle, you can do with ordinary vanilla.

  4. Add vanilla to sweet milk, whisk and bring almost to a boil. The key word here is almost - be careful that the milk does not begin to boil, if this happens, then immediately reduce the heat.

  5. Now separating the egg yolks from the whites...

  6. ...and beat thoroughly until you can't feel your hand anymore.

  7. The next step is to very, very slowly begin to pour the milk mixture into the yolks, while continuing to beat them. Again, you need to mix sweet milk with eggs gradually to prevent premature folding of egg yolks.

  8. Pour the mixture with hardened yolks into a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for about two to three minutes.

  9. You should have a mixture like this.

  10. Now we pass the mixture through a sieve into a separate bowl - this is necessary in order to separate the curdled yolks from the egg-milk mixture.

  11. We throw out everything that remains in the sieve. And pour 3 cups of heavy cream into the strained liquid.

  12. Then just mix the resulting base, cover it cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. After that, the base for ice cream will be ready, and you can add any filling to it. Next I will use strawberries.

  13. We clean and wash the strawberries, load them into a blender and add a small amount of Sahara.

  14. We turn on the combine and grind the strawberries until it turns into a homogeneous puree-like mass.

  15. As soon as frozen base cool enough, take it out of the refrigerator and mix with strawberry puree. This stage will require you to have an iron will not to succumb to the temptation and not to drink the resulting cocktail.

  16. Now we pour the ice cream into molds and load it into the freezer for several hours, and preferably at night. Yes, when making strawberry ice cream, we need all our will to finish it.

  17. Decorate the ice cream with fresh strawberries and serve! I will tell you a secret that I myself rarely reached the last step of the recipe for this wonderful dessert- everything was eaten by me or my family in the process of cooking. Enjoy!

A holiday in a narrow family circle or friendly gatherings for any hostess, this is a difficult test of hospitality and hospitality. Having a couple branded recipes how to make delicious strawberry ice cream at home or a cocktail of your favorite seasonal berries, you don't have to worry about your image.

After tasting some delicate refreshing dessert made from natural products, everyone will be happy - both children and adults who love sweets.

To pleasantly surprise your guests or family, you do not have to spend a lot and mess around for a long time. A carton of milk, fresh or frozen fruit, a blender and a couple of minutes of free time - that's all you need to make delicious strawberry ice cream or a smoothie at home.

Favorite strawberry ice cream: cream recipe

Way home receipt This cold dessert is so simple that anyone who loves to cook and delight loved ones can master it. As berry base it can be either strawberries just picked from the garden, or sent to the freezer in reserve.

Let's take the simplest yogurt, without additives, choosing the fat content as desired. The natural sweet component can be replaced with sugar. But the taste of the delicacy will turn out to be somewhat less saturated.


  • Ripe strawberries - 600 g.
  • Sugar White sand- 6 tbsp.
  • starch from corn kernels- 3/4 tbsp.
  • Cream (10-20%) - 500 ml.

How to make your favorite strawberry ice cream step by step

  • A freshly picked berry must be cleaned of dirt and green tails removed.
  • Armed with a blender, we turn the berries into a homogeneous fragrant puree.
  • To make it sweeter, add sugar and mix again at maximum speed to get rid of the grains. The amount of sweetener can be changed depending on taste preferences.
  • Now fruit puree need to boil. We send it to the fire and when it boils, gradually add starch, without ceasing to interfere.
  • When a rather liquid mixture begins to gradually thicken, add 100 g of cream to the boiling mass and continue to mix until it becomes thick, like custard.
  • Pour the remaining cream into the completely cooled mass, stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • We take a capacious container, put strawberry ice cream made at home there and send it to the freezer.

So that the mass does not turn into ice floes, but, on the contrary, acquires perfect consistency, we will take it out of the cold with an interval of half an hour and mix well. Total time hardening - 3-4 hours.

Homemade yogurt ice cream with strawberries

We offer another option on how you can make delicious strawberry ice cream at home. They will be able to feast on even the sweet tooth, "sitting" on a strict diet. It turns out to be non-caloric, but just as tasty as what it was in a distant childhood.


  • Strawberries from the freezer or garden beds - 450 g.
  • Fat-free yogurt - 1 tbsp.
  • White sugar - ¼ tbsp.
  • Ground vanilla - a pinch.

How to make diet strawberry ice cream with your own hands

We take half of the frozen berries, put them in a blender container and carefully chop mechanically into small pieces. We put it in a container and fill the blender bowl with sweetened and vanilla-flavored yogurt, mix everything, pour into a container.

second part berry preparation We send under the knives of a blender and grind until they turn into a homogeneous puree-like mass.

We combine chopped berries, yogurt dressing And berry puree, interfere, cover and send to the "permafrost" of the refrigerator.

After about an hour we take it out, stir and - again in the cold. So repeat 3-4 times, after which you can enjoy delicate taste favorite dessert.

Knowing how to make healthy diet ice cream from your favorite berries at home, you can indulge in the pleasure of enjoying it even on diet days that are poor in goodies.

Do-it-yourself strawberry-banana ice cream on yogurt

fruit lovers vitamin mixes will be able to appreciate this variety of your favorite cold dessert. The freshness of strawberries combined with banana tenderness and honey note will give an incredible taste fireworks, which will be very useful in summer heat. And even in winter, such a treat will come in handy, because we have bananas all year round, and strawberries can be taken out of the freezer.


  • Yogurt without additives - 250 g.
  • Fresh strawberries - 100 g.
  • Banana ripe small -1 fruit.
  • Fresh honey - 1 tbsp.

How to make strawberry banana ice cream at home

If we have fresh berries, they must be washed and the green stalks removed from them.

We remove the thick peel from the banana fruit, divide the pulp into parts and put it in a blender. We send berries there and, turning on the maximum mode, turn everything into a vitamin puree. We add it with yogurt, season with honey and again pick up a blender.

Pour the tasty mass, which we eventually get, into the mold and send it to the freezer for 3-4 hours. During the first few hours, every 30 minutes it will need to be taken out of the permafrost and the contents mixed to make it perfectly homogeneous.

Secrets of a Successful Dessert

  • Fruit freezing does not need to be completely defrosted - you can send it to a blender slightly thawed;
  • To without special trouble remove the frozen dessert from the mold, it needs to be half-dipped in hot water for a few seconds.

The best homemade strawberry ice cream decorating idea is fresh strawberry berries. If there are a couple of drops in the kitchen bins berry syrup, it can also be added to dessert-filled bowls. It will turn out tasty and bright!

Refreshing homemade ice cream and strawberry smoothie

What happens if you mix fruits with milk and add cold dessert? A great refreshing drink, the taste of which brings us back to childhood. It is prepared very simply, but many do not know how to make real strawberry ice cream on their own, and then from it - a wonderful cocktail.

Milk can be poured into it and less than suggested. From this, its taste will become even more saturated.


  • Fresh cow's milk - 600 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • Strawberries - 300 g.
  • Ice cream "Eskimo" or "Plombir" - 100 g.

How to get a delicious homemade ice cream and strawberry smoothie

Put whole milk in washed strawberries, add a cold dessert and sweeten. Having a blender at your disposal, you don’t need to cut the berries into pieces - put them whole in a bowl and grind to a puree state.

If you have to work with a mixer, in order to avoid lumpiness, it is best to first cut the fruits, and then turn them into a homogeneous thick puree. At the end, dilute it with milk and mix well again.

It is necessary to pour the drink and serve it to guests immediately, until it warms up and loses its refreshing charm. You can decorate glasses with high walls with fresh berries.

To cool off in the summer heat, it is not at all necessary to look for nearest cafe and leave the last money in it. Using one of the proposed options on how to make your favorite strawberry ice cream at home from milk and strawberries, you can arrange a real noisy holiday.

And even when it snows outside the window, vitamin drink from your favorite berries and other goodies will come in handy as a prevention of viruses and winter depression.
