
Recipes for Easter cakes in a bread machine. Sweet Easter cake with raisins

Festive cake for Easter - an obligatory sweetness, because it is they who are treated to all relatives in the morning. But how difficult and long it is sometimes to knead the dough for him, only those who are directly familiar with the intricacies of creating a yeast blank know.

To facilitate the whole process and free up time for yourself, prepare the dough for Easter cake in a bread machine, unless, of course, such a technique is present in your kitchen. It will become an indispensable assistant for those chefs who love to create any pastries.

The dough from the bread machine rises and rises perfectly, and the products from it are soft and delicate in taste.


  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 0.5 cup milk
  • 1 sachet of dry yeast, 10 g
  • 400 g wheat flour
  • 50 g butter
  • 80 g granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 tsp
  • 3 art. l. poppy


1. Before adding ingredients to the bowl of the bread machine, remember that they are first poured liquid products, and then pour dry, and not otherwise, otherwise the flour will not interfere with the liquid. Crack eggs into a bowl, add salt and granulated sugar.

2. Butter melt. This can be done both in a water bath and with microwave oven. Don't boil it - it should be room temperature, otherwise it will collapse egg white. Pour the oil into the bowl.

3. Read the instructions for use on the yeast package. If the yeast needs to be diluted in warm milk, as in the recipe, then do so by slightly heating the milk. Again - it should not be brought to a boil, as the yeast can "burn out". If on the pack it is recommended to mix dry yeast with flour, then mix, and pour the milk into the bowl.

4. Following this, add either flour or a mixture of flour and yeast. Activate the "Dough" mode for 55-60 minutes. During this time, the bread machine will mix all the ingredients.

5. 5 minutes before the end of the process, pour seasoning for baking and poppy seeds into the bowl. It does not need to be pre-steamed!

6. As soon as you hear a beep, your dough is ready. Pour it from the bowl into the container with a spatula and cover with a towel: the dough must be allowed to rise for about 30 minutes! The dough for Easter cake turns out to be liquid, like dough for a biscuit. At the end of the specified time, it will fill the entire container.

7. Fill 1/3 of the cake molds with the risen dough. Let it proof again in a warm place for 30 minutes.

8. The dough will rise and fill almost the entire form with itself - now the Easter cakes can be baked. Place them in the oven for 20 minutes at 160-180°C.

9. Remove the finished Easter cakes from the oven and be sure to cool! Only then cover them with powdered sugar or sugar icing. Serve on the table, cut into portions.

Note to the owner

1. Flour of the 1st grade is classified as high-quality bakery products. It is suitable for pancakes, cheesecakes, shortbread biscuits, gingerbread, but not for Easter cakes. Easter treat knead with flour exclusively premium, only then there will be a lot of air bubbles in a fairly heavy sweet dough, and large pores in the finished product.

2. Cylindrical molds are lubricated with some kind of cooking oil or oil, not only inside, but also partially outside - along the outer edge of the neck by 5 centimeters. By separating it, the hostess risks crumbling the top of the baking, and oil lubrication will prevent this.

3. Where is the best place to proof the yeast batch? In winter - not far from the battery, a quarter of a meter from it. In summer - right in the kitchen or in the room where the sun looks. The window in the room must be closed! A draft is detrimental to the dough and raw dough. Both should be covered with a thin cloth. A good option- multi-layer gauze napkin.

4. Easter cakes are baked only with fresh milk. If it curls even slightly in the bread machine, the batch will be spoiled. That is, it will be delicious. sweet cupcake, but not a classic cake.

Any Easter does not pass without Easter cake. But what if, instead of the usual problems, try to make Easter cake in a bread machine? Step by step universal recipes Easter cake in a bread machine with a photo is already here!

We are well aware of the whims of a wonderful kitchen helper. And you need to lay the products in stages, and strictly observe the proportions. Moreover, many brands of equipment have their own characteristics.

So I decided to describe general principles baking Easter cakes in bread machines, and highlight the preparation of Easter products on the most common models. I think it would be reasonable.

A universal recipe for a simple and tasty cake in a bread machine

What can be said about this recipe? I would call it traditional, which is actually its charm. And I would also add that this is a deliberately successful result and a delicious Easter cake on the table.

What products need to be prepared

  • Eggs 3 pcs.
  • Warm water 180 ml.
  • Butter 3 tbsp.
  • Honey 3 tbsp.
  • Flour 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Salts 1.5 tsp
  • Maca 1.5 tsp
  • Dry yeast 1 tsp

I advise you to take the oil out of the refrigerator in advance. It will need softened.

How to bake a cake in a bread machine

It remains only to dedicate the Easter cake, try it and be glad that there is such a wonderful kitchen helper in the house.

Recipe for Easter cake with cottage cheese for any bread machine

I really liked this recipe, so I'm happy to share it with you. Why, ask? Yes, because of the curd! Thanks to him, the cake turns out to be truly festive.

Required Ingredients

  • Flour 600 gr.
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese 200 gr.
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • Raisins 50 gr.
  • Honey 2 tsp
  • Dry yeast 1 tsp

How to cook

So, thanks to the bread machine, you can cook a unique Easter cake for the holiday. Bon appetit!

How to bake Easter cake in a Redmont bread machine

Owners of the Redmond model can bake an unusually tasty cake - fragrant, with a taste of lemon. The addition of cream makes it very tender and fluffy.

List of Ingredients

  • Cream - 3/4 cup
  • Juice of 1 medium lemon
  • Lemon zest - 2 tsp
  • Butter - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 - 4 pcs. depending on size
  • Vanillin - a little less than 0.5 tsp
  • Flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Dry yeast 1.5 tsp
  • Poppy - 1 tsp

Step by step cooking instructions

I can say for sure - whoever tries such a yummy will immediately run to the store for a bread machine.

Cooking cake recipe in a Kenwood bread machine

Do you have a Kenwood in your kitchen? You don't have to worry about Easter baking. To make the holiday a success, take this wonderful recipe into service and that's it. Kulich turns out incomparable. Still, it's with cottage cheese!

Necessary products for baking

  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Curd cheese - 100 gr.
  • Flour 4 tbsp.
  • Butter - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Instant yeast - 2 tsp
  • Raisins - 50 gr. (In the presence of a special dispenser).

Take note

  1. Water and milk should be warm, all other ingredients at room temperature. This will allow the dough to rise quickly and well.
  2. Curd cheese is desirable to choose such that - by consistency, it would resemble cream. Structure finished product then it will be tender, without lumps.
  3. After each addition of the ingredient, kneading is desirable. This procedure will allow the dough to saturate with air.
  4. If desired, a little vanilla and cinnamon can be added to the product composition. The cake will be much more flavorful.

Baking process

What progress has been made! Even the most busy women can pamper the family homemade cakes. And what a delicious one!

Easter cake recipe for Panasonic bread machine model

I think you will agree with me that there are no tasteless cakes. All are good in their own way. The highlight of this recipe is dried fruits and nuts, which give the product an unusual taste and aroma.

Product composition for Easter cake in Panasonic

  • Wheat flour 450 gr.
  • Salts 0.5 tsp
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Sugar 4 tbsp
  • Vanillin 1 tsp
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Water 50 ml.
  • Dried fruits and nuts - dispenser completely
  • Dry yeast 2.5 tsp

Products must be at the same temperature. So it makes sense to get them out of the refrigerator in advance.

Separately, you need to prepare products for glaze

  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Egg whites 2 pcs.
  • Confectionery powder the required amount.

Technological process of preparation

Very tasty cake. And note, without special efforts. I baked myself. Beauty, and more!

Cooking air cake in a Mulinex bread machine

Choosing options for myself and my girlfriends (they trust me for some reason), I concluded that you can bake an excellent cake in every bread machine. Mulinex is no exception. And it can also please the owners of excellent Easter baking. Let's see what this wonderful technique is capable of.

For one product in Mulineks you will need

  • Yeast 1 t.l. (meaning dry)
  • Flour 0.5 kg.
  • Milk 250 ml.
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Sugar 150 gr.
  • Butter 150 gr.
  • Raisins 150 gr. (Candied fruits and dried apricots can be used)
  • Zest of any citrus 1 tsp
  • vanilla pinch
  • A pinch of salt.

Cooking process

Thanks to the bread machine, the muffin turned out really airy. And very tasty as well.

I will be very pleased if my selection of recipes allows you to save time and cook delicious cakes. Write in the comments about your successes, send photos - let's rejoice at Easter masterpieces together. Until then, see you again!

I will support the Easter theme and tell you how it turns out delicious easter in a bread maker, the recipe with a photo is attached below. I hope everything will be extremely simple for you, and your pastries will turn out delicious and beautiful.

Exist different recipes cooking Easter in a bread machine, but this recipe is extremely simple and this is its beauty. If you figure it out, then in this assistant it’s generally easy to bake everything. By the way, it makes no difference in which bread machine you will cook Easter, I had a Mulinex, there was a Kenwood, and now a Zelmer, but the pastries have always turned out great, so I recommend trying it.

Cooking comes down to elementary actions on your part: fold necessary ingredients into shape, select a program, wait three hours and decorate the finished bead. What products are needed? Let's get a look.


  • 1 egg
  • 280 ml milk
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 tsp grated orange zest (for flavor)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla sugar(or vanilla on the tip of a knife)
  • pinch of turmeric (for color)
  • 4-4.5 cups flour
  • 2 tsp instant yeast
  • handful of raisins (optional)
  • a handful of dried fruit (for garnish)
  • finished protein glaze(out of 1 egg white and 1 cup powdered sugar)
  • colored sugar pencils(For decoration)

How to cook Easter in a bread machine: a recipe step by step

  1. Recipes are different, but mine is very simple. We drive into the form egg. If you use homemade, then baking will be a beautiful yellowish color, if store bought, then read just below the advice on how much to add turmeric.
  2. We pour milk. It can be store-bought or homemade. The latter is preferable to use, since it has a higher percentage of fat.
  3. Add granulated sugar. I don't recommend adding too much. The thing is that the more sugar you add, the darker the crust will turn out. After all, we need Easter to be not only tasty, but also beautiful.
  4. Now salt the dough a little so that it is not fresh.
  5. We fall asleep for the aroma vanilla sugar or vanillin.
  6. To make baking fragrant with citrus, add powder from dried grated orange peel. How to make it? Remove from washed warm water fresh orange zest (without the white part), dry and grind the pieces into a powder. It turns out an excellent flavor that can be added to pies, muffins, buns, cookies, and even at Easter. If there is no grated powder, then you can grind fresh zest and add a teaspoon of gruel.
  7. Now turmeric. It can not be added much, as this spice has its own characteristic taste. A small pinch of turmeric can turn the dough yellowish. If you are using homemade egg, then this is quite enough, but if the store, then add a little more. Don't overdo it!
  8. We fall asleep flour. First 4 cups, and during the kneading you may need another half, then you can add.
  9. We fall asleep dry yeast. I love instant ones. Here I use them.
  10. And here I realized that the butter, which I left near the stove to warm up, was looking at me lonely. Yes, yes, we send a piece of soft butter into the mold. It can be added along with milk at the very beginning.
  11. Actually, that's all for now, we send the form to the bread machine. The program can be selected as "Basic" for cooking normal white bread, which bakes it for 3 hours. You can use "Sweet". Personally, I used the first one - I like it better.
  12. We turn on the program and see that the dough forms into an elastic bun. Sprinkle flour if needed. After the beep, you can add the washed raisins.
  13. Since I have a lot of Easter cakes this year, I left the icing for decoration. If you do not have it on hand, then you can cook it by whisking 1 chicken protein and 1 cup of powdered sugar. Glaze can be made colored by adding natural food coloring.
  14. Ready Easter, while hot, grease with protein glaze, sprinkle with dried fruits and decorate with colored sugar pencils.

Video of cooking delicious Easter in a bread machine

Kulich is one of the three main ritual dishes Light Sunday of Christ. It is baked from sweet dough with the addition of nuts, raisins, candied fruits, spices. There are about 20 types of Easter cakes. Baking a high-quality Easter cake is not so easy - you need to know a lot of subtleties, and it will take a lot of time.

But, the baking process can be greatly simplified if you use a bread machine. With the help of this kitchen gadget, we will prepare a delicious cake.

It is enough to load, using the recipe below, the products into a baking dish, set the desired mode and you will get a high, fragrant cake with raisins in a bread machine.


for the test:

  • milk - 100 ml
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  • butter - 150 g
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • table salt - 1.5 tsp. (without slide)
  • vanillin - 1 g
  • wheat flour - 450 g
  • fast-acting dry yeast - 3 tsp. (without slide)
  • small raisins - 100 g

for glaze:

  • powdered sugar - 100 g
  • water - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tsp.
  • food coloring Pink colour- 1/3 tsp

For decoration:

  • decorative confectionery sprinkles


1. Beat eggs into a bowl.

2. Pour in sugar.

3. whisk, and better mixer beat eggs with sugar.

4. Dissolve the butter by placing a container with it in the microwave or on water bath then cool to room temperature.

Pour milk into a baking dish, the temperature of which should be 20-25 ° C.

5. Add egg and sugar mixture.

6. Pour in the melted butter.

7. Add salt.

8. Add fragrant vanillin.

9. Sprinkle flour, previously sifted.

10. In a flour slide, make a small indentation with a spoon and carefully pour the yeast into it. Be sure to make sure that the yeast does not come into contact with liquid ingredients before kneading the dough, otherwise the cake may not rise. In addition, yeast should not come into contact with salt before kneading, because, as you know, salt slows down the growth (activity) of yeast.

11. Next, place the mold with the ingredients in the cooking chamber and close the lid of the bread maker. Press the "Menu" button and select the program " Sweet pastries". Select the baking weight - 900 g, the color of the crust - light or medium, after which you can start the dough kneading process.

The total cooking time for the cake is 2 hours 55 minutes, and the baking time is 1 hour 05 minutes.

You will hear 10 beeps while the dough is being kneaded. Open the lid and pour the previously sorted, washed and thoroughly dried raisins into the mold. Then close the lid.

12. While the cake with raisins is coming up and baking, prepare the glaze. Pour into a bowl powdered sugar and pour cold water. Beat with a whisk or mixer.

13. Squeeze into frosting lemon juice and whisk again.

The bread maker is a useful modern kitchen equipment. With it, you do not need to spend a lot of time on equipment, get your hands dirty. Enough to lay necessary products, select the mode and wait for the finished product.

For cooking cake traditional way the dough is kneaded on the basis of dough. Then you need to wait for it to rise. The whole process can take over 12 hours. To simplify the preparation procedure, we will use modern ovens for baking bread. We will need to add all the products and wait for the finished result.

But if you do not follow the ratio of ingredients, or do not follow the cooking steps, then the cake in the bread machine may not work. If you first decided to cook holiday baking using this miracle technique, then first make a trial product.

Let's look at a few simple recipes in different ovens.

Thanks to kitchen appliances Panasonic you can save time and effort on cooking Easter cupcake. Follow the step by step instructions and you will definitely succeed. For cooking, buy only high-quality products.


  • 450 g wheat flour;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 50 ml citrus juice;
  • 2.5 tsp dry yeast;
  • ½ tsp of table salt;
  • 4 tbsp white sugar;
  • 50 g raisins.


Prepare a bowl of bread maker. So that sugar and salt do not scratch its surface, we will dissolve them in fruit juice. We send all the ingredients to the bowl, except for raisins and yeast.

We do not mix anything, right in the same state as everything was laid, and close the equipment.

On the lid we open a special compartment - a dispenser, which is designed for automatic supply of dry ingredients. We send raisins to it. It will be added to the dough at the right time.

Add dry yeast to the next compartment required quantity.

Now we cover the lid and select program 8, according to which our cake will be cooked for 5 hours. It remains only to press the "Start" button.

After the beep, open the lid and observe that our pastries are ready.

It remains only to cover the top with glaze and you can serve it to the table. It turned out very tasty!!!

Easter cake recipe in the Redmond bread machine

If you have equipment from the company redmond, then you can easily cook fragrant and delicious pastries for holiday Sunday. All we need is to purchase the necessary products:

  • 450 g of sifted flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 250 ml fresh milk;
  • 50 g dried apricots;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 30 g of pine nuts;
  • 10 g of granulated sugar;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 2 tsp (6 g) dry yeast;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • ½ tsp salt


First, soak the dried fruits in boiling water, then chop the dried apricots.

Pour into the bowl of the bread machine fresh milk. It is recommended to use a drink with 2.5% fat content.

At the next stage, we send a chicken egg, vanilla sugar, salt, dried fruits with nuts, as well as granulated sugar.

Sift the flour 2-3 times, add to the bowl. Then make a small indentation and pour dry yeast.

We cover Redmond with a lid. Using the "Menu" button, turn on the mode numbered "4" for baking muffins. Then we click on the "Weight" button, indicate 1,000 g. Now you can start the process with the "Start" button.

After 3.5 hours, the cake will be ready. It remains only to spread it with glaze, if desired, sprinkle with nuts, candied fruits or other dried fruits. As you can see, we need a minimum of effort.

Festive baking with Bork technique

Such a modern helper as Bork will allow you to cook Easter cake without much effort. Thanks to the bread machine, even lazy and inexperienced hostess. step by step instructions baking, see the video clip below:

You can use this method even if you don't have a functional oven. Just prepare the necessary ingredients, and bake the dessert in a conventional oven.

Easter cake in the Phillips bread machine

This recipe is not for lazy people. It will not be possible to lay all the ingredients here and take out the finished cake after a few hours. To begin with, we will need to prepare the dough, and then make an additional batch.



  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 3 tsp dry yeast.

Additional products for the test:

  • 90 g butter;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 1 protein;
  • Zest of 1 orange;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • Candied fruit.


  • 1 tbsp sugar;
  • 1 protein;
  • Candied fruit.


  1. Pour the warmed milk into the bowl of the Filips bread machine, and also add sugar, flour and fresh yeast.
  1. We install the bowl in the bread machine and activate the mode numbered "5", it is called "Muffin". It will take one hour to knead.
  2. In the meantime, let's prepare other products. Separate the yolks from the whites. Whisk the yolks with a small amount salt.
  3. In the next step, beat the proteins until a foamy mass is formed.
  4. We clean the orange. Grind the zest into fine grater and mix it with butter.
  5. When the dough is suitable, then we send oil with orange peel, granulated sugar, whipped proteins and yolks, as well as sifted flour.
  6. After closing the lid, the second batch will begin. When the technique gives a signal, we send candied fruits into the dough.
  7. Now it is not recommended to open the lid. When the cake is ready, lay it out to cool.
  8. Now it remains only to spread the baking surface with protein and sprinkle with candied fruits.

Delicious and beautiful dessert ready! If necessary, you can make another pastry in the same way.

How to bake Easter cake with LG appliances

If you have an LG bread maker, you can use next recipe. All products must be prepared in advance so that they are at least room temperature. Step by step cooking see the video below:

If you wish, you can slightly change the composition of the ingredients. Experiment with adding spices.

The process of preparing Easter cake in Kenwood, Moulinex or burning bread machines is almost identical. The only thing that may differ is the presence of software modes.
