
Small home brewery. How to choose a homebrew - from extracts to grain masterpieces

Becherovka is a Czech alcoholic drink, the original name is Becherovka. The real recipe for making the tincture is a closely guarded secret. But, the drink can be made at home by adding spices to taste and other components to vodka. Becherovka will become original and subtly soft in taste. On its basis, delicious cocktails and healing infusions are prepared.

What is the drink made of and how is it made?

The composition of the liquor today is strictly classified - only two people know it. The drink includes 20 types of herbs, which are placed in a canvas bag and placed in a container with alcohol. They stand there for a long time and pull out. The finished drink is poured into portioned containers.

Experts who have tasted the tincture are sure that its composition necessarily includes coriander with cloves, chamomile, wormwood, honey and lemon. In the Czech Republic, orange peel, cardamom, cinnamon, anise and allspice are added to Becherovka.

Alcohol is obtained from water, which is collected from the sources of Karlovy Vary. That is why Czech-made tincture is considered the highest quality and most popular.

A mixture of herbs insist on alcohol for seven days, then the drink is poured into oak barrels. After that, water and sugar are added to the container. Each barrel has its own shape, thanks to which the alcohol fully comes into contact with the oak walls. Barrels are covered with lids for two to three months. After a while, the finished tincture is poured into portioned bottles.

It is important to keep the temperature and humidity at the same level when preparing the tincture.

What kind of drink is there?

For 200 years, the Becher family has produced several types of drink. Today you can buy such varieties of tinctures:

  1. Becherovka Original is a classic drink with a strength of 38 percent. It has been produced since 1807. Until today, the recipe has not changed and is in strict secrecy;
  2. Becherovka KV 14. This drink contains less sugar and red wine. It was launched in 1966. The tincture has a strength of 40 degrees. KV means that Becherovka was made on Karlovy Vary water;
  3. Becherovka Cordial is an herbal liqueur that contains a whole range of herbs, lime blossom and white wine. The strength of the drink is 35 percent. The recipe has been used since 2008;
  4. Becherovka Lemond has also been produced since 2008. The composition of the drink is enriched with citrus fruits. The fortress is only 20 percent;
  5. Becherovka ICE & FIRE began to be produced only in 2014. The drink has a strength of 30 percent. It can be combined with ginger ale or tonic. The liqueur has a couple of flavors at once. At the first sip, a bitter herbal taste is felt with delicate aromas of citrus fruits. After a while, the taste changes to intense spicy pepper and a fresh, icy feel. Freshness remains in the mouth for a long time. The smell of the drink is pleasant, fresh, with menthol and citrus.

Only the first and second grades of Becherovka are sent for export. The rest can only be bought at the factory itself.

Becherovka recipe at home

The original recipe for creating the tincture is a big secret. We only know that it consists of herbs that sprout in the territory of the Czech resort area. Homemade Becherovka just tastes like a real drink.

The first option for creating a tincture

To prepare the tincture, take a liter of vodka or 45 percent alcohol, 150 gr. sugar, 250 milliliters of water, 10 gr. fresh and 5 gr. dried orange peel, two cardamom, 10 cloves, 8 black peppercorns, half a teaspoon of anise and one cinnamon stick.

Alcohol or vodka can be replaced with high-quality moonshine without smell and taste. It is important to take diluted alcohol as a basis, since it is he who is part of the original drink.

Becherovka recipe:

  1. Chop the orange zest. The tincture is prepared only from its orange part. To prevent Becherovka from turning bitter, the white part of the orange should be removed;
  2. Crush the cardamom cinnamon with a rolling pin;
  3. Pour the spicy ingredients into a jar and pour vodka or alcohol on top. Stir and seal with a lid;
  4. Place the container in a room in the dark. Shake it once every 24 hours. Let Becherovka brew for a week;
  5. After a while, in a separate container, pour sugar with water. Heat over low heat until the bulk ingredient dissolves. Remove the white foam and cool;
  6. Add the resulting syrup to the herbal tincture. Seal the container tightly and let stand for another four days.

After a while, Becherovka is filtered and bottled in portioned bottles. Before drinking it, cool it for a couple of days in the refrigerator or cellar.

The recipe allows you to make a light brown drink with a pleasant aroma and taste. Notes of cinnamon, cardamom and anise will be well felt in the drink. Snacking a herbal drink is recommended with orange slices sprinkled with cinnamon.

The second option for preparing a tincture

Mix 0.5 l. water with 0.5 l. alcohol. Add spices to taste and let it brew for a week. Then boil the syrup: take a glass of water for 120 grams of sugar. Add the finished syrup to the filtered infusion. Let the drink stand for another seven days to even out the taste.

After a while, try the drink. If its taste is too harsh, add some water. If you do not use it in its pure form, you do not need to dilute it. Becherovka can be diluted with Schweppes, coffee and tea before use.

How to drink a drink?

Becherovka is poured into cognac glasses. It is served before dinner or late in the evening during a conversation. As an appetizer, orange slices with cinnamon are offered. Thanks to this combination, guests can enjoy the taste and aroma of the drink's herbs. Drinking tincture is recommended even to relieve fatigue at the end of a busy day.

Slovak people drink Becherovka with beer. 40 grams of tincture is poured into a glass and cooled. Then it is drunk in one gulp and washed down with light quality beer.

In order to treat any diseases, Becherovka is added to tea or coffee. You can drink it every day if you do not abuse the daily dosage. If you decide to improve the functioning of the digestive system, consult your doctor before drinking the tincture.

Since Becherovka is a digestive drink, it should only be drunk after meals. Liquor should be enjoyed in small sips in order to enjoy its unique taste and aroma for as long as possible. The drink has a sweet taste, it is well felt that it contains bitter ingredients.

If you drink the tincture warm, it will be much tougher.

Becherovka is often used in small doses to improve digestion, tone up and strengthen the immune system.

Cocktails with tincture

The sharp taste and aroma of a pure drink is not to everyone's liking, so cocktails are often made from it.

The recipe for the Concrete cocktail:

  1. Mix one part of the tincture with one part of the tonic;
  2. Add ice to the cocktail and garnish with a lime or lemon.

In addition, the tincture can be diluted with apple or currant juice. Get an unusually delicious cocktail.

The recipe for the Red Moon cocktail:

  1. Fill glasses with ice;
  2. Add 40 ml to them. tinctures and 10 ml. currant juice;
  3. Top up with soda water to the very top;
  4. Garnish with orange slices.

In addition to the described cocktails, Becherovka is often mixed with other alcoholic beverages. But, with other alcohol, the drink should be used very carefully, since after drinking it, a severe hangover occurs and the liver suffers greatly.

Blue Ocean Cocktail Recipe:

  1. Dilute 40 ml. tinctures with 100 milliliters of carbonated mineral water;
  2. Add grape juice (50 ml) and Curacao liqueur (20 ml) to the drink;
  3. Garnish the cocktail with ice, orange slices and mint sprigs.

You can make a cocktail with cherries. To do this, mix 40 ml. tincture with grapefruit juice. Add ice and cherries. You will get a delicious aromatic cherry liqueur.

To create a punch, mix 40 ml. tinctures with lemon juice (10 ml.), orange juice (10 ml.), sugar syrup (20 ml.) and water (90 ml.). After mixing the drink well, warm it up and pour into glasses. Garnish with lemon and lime wedges.

Cocktail "Oasis". Place a sliced ​​lime in the bottom of the glass. Sprinkle sugar on top and press down to release the juice. Then pour ice on top and add 50 ml. Becherovka. Mix the cocktail well and enjoy its taste and aroma.

Cocktail "Tear of Raquel". Pour the first layer into a glass of 50 ml. Becherovka. The second layer is 50 ml. Triple Sec liqueur. Ignite the top layer before serving. The spectacle will be beautiful, and the cocktail is extraordinarily tasty.

Cocktail «Magic Sunset». First, pour 40 ml into glasses. Becherovka, then 15 ml. orange juice and 10 ml. grenadine. You don't need to mix. Be sure to garnish cocktails with orange slices or strawberry slices.

A cocktail using Becherovka will cool you down in summer and warm you up in winter.

How do people respond to the tincture?

Everyone likes Becherovka tincture. Reviews about the drink are positive if you drink it wisely. Liquor is considered healing, so it is added in a teaspoon to coffee or tea. Cocktails are also made from it, adding other drinks, ice and spices.

This article talks about an alcoholic drink called Becherovka, its types, history of creation and medicinal properties. Also from the article it will become clear how to use this drink and what cocktails you can make with it. Probably not many people know what it is. Becherovka is a herbal rum tincture.

The history of the creation of Becherovka

The history of the creation of this drink began in 1805, in Karlovy Vary, when the Englishman Dr. Frobrig, together with the count, who came to improve his health in those places, stopped to stay at the guest house "At the Three Larks". Josev Becher's pharmacy was located in the same house. Soon Frobrig and Becher became friends and began to jointly create herbal tinctures.

After some time, the count and Frobrig left, and after their departure, Josev Becher discovered a note with a recipe on which his new friend left the inscription "I'm interested in this." Then Becher began to carefully study it and make adjustments. It took him 2 years to get the final result and in 1807, the liquor was published. Becher began selling it in his pharmacy as a digestive aid.

After the tincture began to be popular, Becher told his son the recipe for creating a drink, and he, in turn, improved the appearance of the bottle, which has not changed to this day. At the end of the 19th century, the Becherovka trademark was registered, and a little later, the herbal liqueur was introduced to the European market. Later, the family business passed into the hands of the grandson of Josev Bercher and his brother.

However, during the Second World War, the production of this drink was sharply reduced, and after the fall of fascism, it became the property of the state. And only in the 50s of the XX century, thanks to Vaclav Lupinek, the liquor survived the revolution and is on store shelves to this day.

Types of becherovka

Today in stores you can find several types of this drink. However, they are all based on the first recipe from 1807.

  1. Becherovka original - the classic taste of the drink, unchanged from the year of release. Fortress - 38˚.
  2. Becherovka Cordial - herbal tincture with linden flowers, honey flavor and healing effect. Fortress - 35˚.
  3. Becherovka lemon - the weakest tincture, with a strength of only 20˚, this tincture is especially suitable for women.
  4. Becherovka KV 14 - this liqueur contains red wine. Fortress - 40˚.
  5. Becherovka Ice and Fire is a liqueur that combines the flavors of menthol and chili. Fortress - 30˚.

Composition and medicinal properties

The exact composition of the first bottle is not known even now. However, no one doubts the benefits of this product, most likely, this is due to the fact that initially this liquor was still a medicine. It is believed that at least 20 different herbs are included in this liqueur, but only a few of them are known so far, only those whose taste can be felt.

  • Carnation
  • Cinnamon
  • Cardamom
  • Allspice
  • Orange and lemon peel
  • Sagebrush

It is important to remember that this drink has a fairly high calorie content and its use in large doses is prohibited.

The creator himself claimed that taking just 20 ml of the drink before meals will improve the functioning of the stomach, improve the absorption of food and increase the secretion of gastric juice. By adding a couple of spoons to tea, you can quickly overcome the signs of disease and insomnia. The use of liquor will also help in the fight against heartburn, bloating, and even increase immunity. Also, the drink is an excellent antispasmodic and sedative.

Modern medicine fully proves this statement. But for a positive effect on the body, you need to use the drink exclusively as a medicine, that is, regularly 20 ml each. It is also important to remember that with excessive use, all positive qualities turn into negative ones and cause great harm to the body.

How to drink becherovka

The correctness of the use of Becherovka is subject to controversy, to this day. The thing is that initially Becherovka was used as a medicine to improve digestion, and today it is an ordinary liquor with a slightly specific taste, which is consumed chilled in large quantities. To date, there are several ways to use this drink.

  1. This is the method recommended by the manufacturer. A drink is served in a small glass after dinner or before bedtime. You can have a bite of liquor only with a slice of orange. Drink the drink preferably chilled.
  2. Not exactly the usual way to drink alcoholic beverages. Heat Becherovka to 19-21˚ and drink in small sips.
  3. This method is used for medicinal purposes. In a cup with very sweet tea (tea is sweetened not with sugar, but with honey), 2 tablespoons of the drink are added and drunk before bedtime. This will increase the body's resistance to viruses and increase local immunity.
  4. This variant of use was invented in Slovakia. A glass of Becherovka drunk in one gulp is washed down with a mug of beer. Of course, this will allow you to experience a unique taste, but the combination of strong alcohol with weaker alcohol will lead to rapid intoxication.
  5. This is the most modern way to use liquor. Traditional liqueur goes well with other drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. From soft drinks, it is better to choose natural juices, such as apple or cherry juice. I even pour ice cream with this liqueur.

However, there are also drinks with which it is strictly forbidden to mix Becherovka, this applies to vodka, wine and cognac.

Hello friendly company!

Today's post will start with a digression into history. Studying the biographies of great writers and artists while still at school, few people noticed that they all repeatedly traveled to Karlovy Vary (at times this resort was called Karlsbad).

Even Russian emperors, starting with Peter I, very often visited this albeit pretty, but nothing special, town - there are resorts in Europe that are both cooler and healthier.

But I guessed what it was! They all went to enjoy Becherovka, the most famous Czech alcoholic drink. What kind of a miracle is this and what they drink Becherovka with - now I will tell you some interesting information.

Becherovka belongs to fernets (biters) - bitter alcoholic tinctures on herbs. This is not herbal vodka, and not a liquor, as the Czech drink is mistakenly called - even on Wikipedia. Fernets are made using a completely different technology and, in fact, they are more related to medicinal tinctures than a drink for intoxication.

History of creation

The rights to the drink were patented in 1807 by a certain Josef Becher, a German by birth, who opened a pharmacy in Karlovy Vary to serve wealthy compatriots.

Together with Dr. Frobrig from England, who treated the German Count Plettenberg Metingen, he studied local traditions, learned how the inhabitants are treated, and came up with a tincture based on the principle of making the famous Alpine balms.

This remedy was called “Gastric Medicine”, then Carlsbad English Bitter”, and it became Becherovka only in 1841, when everyone appreciated the unique taste and aroma of fernet and its industrial production began.

The trademark "Johann Becher" was registered in 1890 by the son of a pharmacist, Gustav Becher.

When Czechoslovakia became a socialist country, after the end of World War II, Becher's factories were nationalized, and the trademark was renamed Becherovka.

It is not clear who owns the rights to TM Becherovka now. For several years now, lawsuits have been going on between the Czech company Jan Becher Karlovarska Becherovka, the Russian company PR Rus and the Czech businessman Zdeněk Hoffman. Everyone has documents confirming their rights to this promoted brand.

We really don't care. The main thing is that Becherovka regularly arrives on the shelves of the store, and its recipe has not changed in 200 years, but only Becherovka Original. And what Turgenev and Chekhov drank it - we can drink it with you. And how it will be best - I will sit down.

The composition of Becherovka is a mystery shrouded in darkness

Like the components of other famous balms and liqueurs, what exactly and in what quantities is included in the Czech fernet - a big secret. Only the director and technologist of the plant know it, and all operations are divided in such a way that workers do not have the opportunity to control the infusion process.

It is known that alcohol is infused with 20 herbs and spices, and then it is diluted to a strength of 38 degrees with Karlovy Vary water from one source. Of the 20 components - 4 local herbs, 16 - spices from around the world.

According to expert tasters, you can definitely name wormwood, cloves, chamomile, cardamom, anise, coriander, allspice, honey, orange peel, lemon.

Today on sale you can find the following types of becherovka:

  • Becherovka Original - a classic recipe, 38% alcohol.
  • Becherovka Cordial is a tincture with the addition of lime blossom extract, which is added to the classic version until 35% strength is obtained.
  • Becherovka Lemond - ladies' version with the addition of citrus fruits (lemon, red orange, grapefruit, kinkan, etc.). Alcohol only 20%.
  • Becherovka KV 14 is a red aperitif. Alcohol 39%. Used for cocktails.
  • Becherovka KV 15 is no longer in production. It was the strongest option - 40 degrees.
  • Becherovka ICE & FIRE is a new product released in March 2014. Fortress - 30%.

How Becherovka is made at the factory

Large metal containers with the purest alcohol 99% are brought to the plant. Previously, in conditions of strict secrecy, the technologist fills canvas bags with herbs strictly according to the recipe stored in a safe in the director's office.

These bags are placed in alcohol for 7 days. It turns out an extract rich in aromas and taste. Next, the alcohol is poured into oak barrels of an unusual oval shape (only new ones - then they are used to make wines), water, sugar and honey are added.

Infusion is made for 3 months, then the finished drink is bottled, the design of which has changed 6 times for all the time.

By the way, if you want to make a good gift for a connoisseur of quality alcohol, buy a gift set of 6 bottles of 50 ml. Each has a design of different years of release.

How and with what to drink and what goes for a snack

The “correct” Becherovka is sold in branded boxes (cardboard and metal), often complete with 2 special 50 ml shots. It is in such portions that it is supposed to be drunk - as an aperitif after dinner.

First you need to cool the drink to 5 degrees, in general, it is better to keep the bottle in the refrigerator all the time. For a snack, it is customary to serve only a slice of orange sprinkled with ground cinnamon. Warm becherovka is more fragrant, but its taste is very sharp and bitter.

To use the drink for healing, in the evening you need to add 2 tablespoons of the original Becherovka to a cup of hot tea. It helps with stomach pains, is used as a prevention of colds, to increase immunity.

In Slovakia, bars can offer you an original way of drinking: strongly chilled Becherovka is immediately washed down with cold light draft beer. This is a kind of Czech "ruff".

It turns out very tasty, but very intoxicating. They don’t pour more than three times, otherwise even strong men turn off.


  1. With juices in a ratio of 1:1. Currant, apple and cherry juice are used for this purpose.
  2. Concrete is a popular European cocktail of becherovka (1 part) and tonic (2 parts).
  3. Cocktail with the addition of ale with ginger root, drinks are used in a ratio of 1:2.
  4. Cocktail Bejito: 40 ml of becherovka, 50 ml of tonic (soda), plus 150 ml of blackcurrant juice.
  5. Layered cocktail "Rachel's Tear": 50 ml of Becherovka at the bottom, Triple Sec liqueur, also 50 ml, is carefully poured along the wall. Before serving, set on fire.
  6. Cherry cocktail: mix 40 ml of becherovka, grapefruit and cherry juices. Serve with cocktail cherries.
  7. Punch: you need to mix 50 ml of fernet, 10 ml of freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice, add 90 ml of pure water, 1 tablespoon of sugar syrup. Then heat everything up to 70 degrees and serve with slices of citrus fruits - lemon, orange and lime on one skewer.
  8. B-Cola cocktail: 50 ml of chilled Becherovka and 150 ml of Coca-Cola.
  9. The Bianca cocktail is made as follows: 30 ml of Becherovka, champagne and dessert white vermouth are mixed. Ice, fresh raspberries and lime are added.
  10. Cocktail Oasis: cut a whole lime into circles, sprinkle with sugar, wait for the juice to appear, then add 50 ml of fernet.
  11. In 2017, the 200th anniversary of the creation of the drink will be celebrated. By this date, a special B-Celebration cocktail has already been created: 100 ml of XXX apple liqueur (or whatever is) is poured into a glass, then 30 ml of Becherovka and 5 drops of ginger ale. Garnished with mint and lime slice.

Well? I am impressed and interested. I will buy a bottle of Becherovka - purely for health. And I recommend you. But, remember that excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages harms your liver, wallet and family idyll.

Next time I will tell you how metaxa differs from cognac and why it is so tasty. So I'm waiting for you to visit - subscribe to notifications and new articles.

Goodbye everybody! Dorofeev Pavel.

All connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages have heard about the existence of Becherovka more than once. Also, many people know that this herbal tincture is produced in the Czech spa town of Karlovy Vary. This place in Eastern Europe has long been known for its 12 healing springs.

However, when Becherovka began to be sold there in 1807, it was either jokingly or seriously called the 13th source. Indeed, it is no longer known what exactly attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world to Karlovy Vary every day.

Becherovka (Becherovka) is a world-famous tincture or liquor made from a unique composition of herbs and spices, the secret of which is known only to the director and chief technologist of the factory. It has a sweetish taste, in which piquant bitterness coexists with a velvety spicy aftertaste. The strength of the classic variety of the drink is 38 degrees.

By the way, in the word Becherovka, it is correct to put the stress on the first syllable.

The composition of the drink

As we have already said, the composition of Becherovka is one of the biggest secrets of the Czech Republic. However, it is known that it is made from 20 herbaceous plants. It is also believed that 4 types of herbs grow in the vicinity of the Doupe Mountains, in which Karlovy Vary is located. The remaining 16 are brought to the plant from other places.

Don't forget about the sommelier. These professionals from alcohol are able to taste accurately enough to determine which components are part of the drink. Of course, they did not deprive Becherovka of their attention.

However, how many people have so many opinions. Each specialist, having tasted this wonderful tincture, makes his own verdict. With a high degree of probability, it was possible to establish that Becherovka contains: coriander, chamomile, cloves, wormwood, lemon and honey.

In addition, let's not forget about the unique Karlovy Vary water. Without her, who knows what the taste of the most famous liquor of the Czech Republic would be like.

Interestingly, when only Becherovka was born, she was presented to everyone as a medicine. That is how Josef Becher treated her - the man to whom we owe the very fact of her existence.

Many may be interested, which anyone can easily implement at home.

How to drink?

This tincture can be drunk in three conventional ways and one healing. Let's take a look at all of them in detail.

1. First of all, there is a classic version, which the manufacturer and all true connoisseurs of Becherovka insist on. They believe that it must be drunk undiluted.

Liquor should be cooled to a temperature of 6-7 degrees Celsius and poured into small piles or glasses. Served in this way, Becherovka is considered an excellent aperitif or digestif. In such a situation, no snacks are supposed to be served with it. The only thing you can afford is a slice of orange flavored with a pinch of cinnamon.

It should be drunk in small sips. Enjoying the soft enchanting taste.

2. Becherovka with beer. Of course, the Czechs simply could not help but mix their two main national drinks. Let this mixing occur only in the stomach.

Everything is simple here. Drink a glass of tincture and then immediately take a good sip of lager beer. I guarantee you will love it. However, care should be taken because this method of its use is fraught with rapid intoxication.

3. You can also drink Becherovka in combination with freshly squeezed or packaged juices. For these purposes, apple, blackcurrant and cherry juice are well suited. Everyone chooses the proportions to their own taste. The classic version is 1:3 or 1:4.

Healing properties of Becherovka

We wrote above that initially this liquor was invented as a medicine. Of course, he is not them in the full sense of the word. But at the same time, it certainly has useful properties.

First of all, drunk before meals, Becherovka awakens a strong appetite. In addition, consumed daily in small doses, it contributes to the normalization of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Such a “treatment” normalizes the production of gastric juice and bile, and also maintains the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines and stomach.

There are two options for the therapeutic use of this liquor. Firstly, you can drink 20 ml in pure form 1 time per day 10 minutes before meals. Secondly, you can add 3-4 teaspoons to a cup of coffee or tea after a meal.

In both cases, the classic Becherovka (Becherovka Original) should be used.

Existing types of drink

In our time, four varieties of Becherovka are produced:

  • Original is the traditional bitter that this article is about;
  • Aperitiv KV 14 - this option is distinguished by less sugar, the addition of red wine and an alcohol content of 40%;
  • Cordial - white wine and lime blossom are added to the composition of this liquor, the alcohol content is 35%;
  • Lemond is a lemon Becherovka with 20% alcohol.

By the way, the manufacturer claims that under the recommended storage conditions, the shelf life of this herbal liquor is unlimited. In practice, this means that in unopened form it can be stored for as long as you like.

There is another interesting fact that will help you avoid fakes. Only the original Becherovka and Lemond are exported. Other varieties can only be bought in Karlovy Vary.

Eternal dispute and dangerous delusion

Fans of the original herbal bitters have long argued which drink is better than Jägermeister or Becherovka. It must be understood that this dispute is purely speculative. Here, as they say, a matter of taste. Each person must decide this for themselves. And there is only one way - tasting. Who has already found the answer for themselves - write your review in the comments to the article.

As for misconceptions, I have heard such an amusing opinion several times that Becherovka is vodka from the Czech Republic. I think that after reading this article, such a maxim can only amuse you.
