
How to prepare and consume a drink from Indian sea rice. Chinese rice mushroom - harm and benefit to the human body

Many of us love kvass. This is a delicious, refreshing drink. But it is mainly made from yeast, and purchased is not always natural. At home, you can prepare another drink that will not be inferior to kvass in taste, but will significantly surpass it in terms of benefits. We are talking about sea ​​rice, which is also called Indian sea rice.

Appearance and description

Sea rice is not really cereal crop as many might think. They are not even closely related to each other.

For the first time, this fungus appeared in our country after the visit of merchants from India. Outwardly, in its shape and granules, the fungus resembles highly digested rice. Apparently, it is due to this that the culture got its name.

He is officially considered the most useful representative drinking mushrooms. These translucent grains of ice were brought to Russia in the 19th century. Since he came from India, he got the appropriate name. Before us is one of the oldest cultures, about which a person learned much earlier than milk and kombucha. In addition, rice surpasses them in terms of benefits.

The grains at the initial stage of their development grow to about 5-6 millimeters in diameter, but as they grow and before dividing, they can grow up to 5 centimeters.


Before proceeding to a detailed study of this fungus and the drink obtained from it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations, the nuances of handling Indian rice.

  • The drink has a diuretic effect, which you will begin to feel after the first use of rice kvass. But gradually the body adapts, the desire to run to the toilet so often disappears.
  • In the first two weeks, you may also experience such an unpleasant thing as diarrhea. But this is quite normal and expected, as the digestive system also gets used to the new drink. You should not be afraid of this and stop drinking the drink.
  • For a day, an adult will not be superfluous to drink 300 ml of a drink, about half an hour before a meal. Also drink it throughout the day as you wish. Children's dose is two times less.
  • There are no restrictions in terms of the duration of the use of rice infusion. Just listen to the body. He does not want to drink it, do not force it.
  • With proper care, rice can grow quickly and provide even better medicinal properties. We will talk about care separately today.
  • Be sure to follow all the recommendations for the preparation and care of rice, which we will tell you in detail.
  • Be sure to share the fungus with your friends and acquaintances. Its benefits are incredible, and the taste at the same time pleasantly pleases even capricious children.

Sea rice has its own characteristics among other fungi of the genus Zooglea


Many people write that supposedly Indian sea rice is completely unsuitable for long-term storage, that it will deteriorate in five days. Actually it is not. You just need to follow certain rules for care. And here they are.

Arm yourself with the following:

  • Filtered, unboiled water;
  • glass jar;
  • Gauze to close the neck of the jar.

Concerning additional products, then it all depends on your individual preferences. As a rule, dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits and so on are added to rice.

And the care process is as follows:

  • Take clean, but not boiled water (you will need good filter), as well as gauze from a pharmacy. With its help, you protect the fungus from midges and dust;
  • Rice will live in a glass jar. Plastic is not suitable here, because the culture grows poorly in such a container and multiplies very slowly;
  • Arm yourself also with a measuring cup, which will allow you to measure the amount of infusion needed for consumption;
  • After each preparation of kvass, be sure to remove the remnants of dried fruits, rinse the rice crystals properly. Without this, it will quickly disappear from you and become unsuitable for further use;
  • Rice must be stored in a glass and in the refrigerator. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Nutritional value and calories

Indian rice really has unusual composition and related nutritional value. In culture, the following components can be distinguished:

  • Tannins;
  • Yeast-like fungi;
  • Enzymes;
  • Glucosides;
  • fatty substances;
  • organic acids and so on.

As for the calorie content, it has not yet been accurately determined. Nevertheless, this is a dietary product, which means that there are approximately 40-100 kcal per 100 grams. There are practically no fats here.

Chemical composition

The amount of vitamins and minerals that make up Indian rice largely determines such high benefits of the product:

  • Vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B12, B6);
  • Vitamin PP;

Beneficial features

Now we have gradually reached the beneficial properties that this product is so rich in. To be more precise, a drink made from sea rice is valued. And that's what.

  • Soothes, relieves inflammation, strengthens;
  • Fights bacteria, has anti-ulcer properties;
  • Tones up, strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Reduces pressure;
  • Removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • Promotes recovery after a heart attack and stroke;
  • Helps to cope with ulcers, hemorrhoids, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • Recommended for the prevention of stroke, heart attack;
  • Useful for obesity;
  • Externally restores and heals the skin, sore joints, throat;
  • Normalizes the condition of the skin of the face and hair.

Harm and contraindications

Despite its harmlessness and an abundance of useful properties, a drink made from sea rice has certain contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to use it in diabetes (when a person depends on insulin);
  • Not recommended for gastritis, duodenal problems;
  • When used, an unpleasant sensation may occur in the respiratory organs (found mainly in asthmatics). Over time, the sensations disappear, the organs work normally;
  • Occasionally, a drink causes a process of reconfiguration of the digestive system and the whole organism. As a result, diarrhea, frustration. But you should not be afraid of this. The sensations are unpleasant, but this indicates the restoration of the normal functioning of the organs.

So drink wisely, don't drink too much if your body can't handle it, and don't be afraid to go to the toilet a couple of times. If the intestines go astray from their usual work after the start of drinking rice kvass, this only indicates that he is returning to healthy way functioning.


In medicine

IN medicinal purposes, as we have already noted, a drink made from sea rice is used. To feel the true benefits of this, let's say, kvass, you first need to do it right.

How to cook

You definitely will not have problems with the preparation of rice kvass. This requires a minimum of effort and ingredients.

  • Take a glass jar and put 4 tbsp. fungus.
  • Add a few grains of raisins, pour sweetened water at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. sugar per 1 liter of water.
  • Close the jar with gauze and put it in a place well lit by the sun. The best option is a window sill.
  • The drink actively develops at a temperature of 21-25 degrees. It takes two days to insist.
  • Drain the water through several layers of brand bottles.
  • Rice immediately be sure to rinse just under running water. cold water.
  • It is advisable to prepare a new portion of kvass immediately after this. Add other dried fruits of your choice.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink within 4-5 days until it loses its properties.

Medical use

Depending on what health problems you are facing, there are appropriate recommendations for drinking the drink.

  • For general strengthening of the body it is recommended to drink 250 ml of kvass per day, replacing it with tea. Take half an hour before a meal. Course - 90-120 days.
  • In order to prevent the heart and blood vessels when preparing a drink, replace raisins with dried apricots. Take 250 ml three times a day before meals. Course - 30-60 days.
  • Haemorrhoids. Faced with such a problem, make an enema from rice kvass. Mix 100-125 ml of water with 2 tbsp. drink. The procedure is carried out before going to bed. The first seven days - an enema every day, the second seven days - an enema every other day. After that, take a break for a week and a half. If necessary, repeat the course again.
  • Colds and viral diseases. Problems such as stomatitis, flu, colds, tonsillitis are treated with a warm drink, which is gargled 3 times a day. If you have a runny nose, drip kvass with a pipette.
  • Back problems, joint problems, sprains, bruises can be cured by internal use and rubbing the drink on the affected areas. Use compresses from rice drink and then wrap tightly in a woolen scarf.
  • Diabetes. Brings a drink great benefit and those who suffer from diabetes (non-insulin-dependent form). Only you need to cook kvass without dried fruits and sugar.
  • Obesity. Such a problem can leave you if you combine proper nutrition with drinking 100-250 ml of a drink from sea rice 3 times a day. There are no restrictions on the course of admission. The drink normalizes the work of digestion, stomach, fat will begin to break down more actively.

A drink made from sea rice is used to prevent and treat many ailments.

Rules of use

It should be understood that compliance with the norms for the use of a particular product is an opportunity to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm. Yes, many foods are incredibly healthy for adults and children, they give pleasure to our stomach. But if you eat or drink too much of them, it definitely won't do any good.

As for the drink from sea rice, it also has its own nuances for use.

  • You need to drink a drink 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. But one serving should not exceed 150 ml. A person can feel changes inside the body in just 20 days. If you want, drink more, but between meals, not during.
  • If you drink it for medicinal purposes, then the daily norm is at least 300 ml.
  • Adults are recommended to drink 100-150 ml three times a day. It all depends on the desire and well-being.
  • Children after 3 years - no more than 100 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Again, optional.
  • Children under 3 years - no more than 50 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Consider the desire and well-being of the child, do not force him to drink if he does not want to.
  • Be sure to listen to your body. He will make it clear whether he had enough drink for the day or not. Even if the recommended amount was not drunk during the day, and the body does not want to take it, do not drink it. Don't go against your will.
  • The duration of the course of taking a drink is an individual thing. A person himself can feel and understand when he gets tired of drinking rice kvass. But, as practice shows, the most capricious stop drinking it after 3 months, and connoisseurs of the taste and benefits of the drink do not stop drinking it for many decades.
  • The first drink made from fresh rice, which you insisted for 2 days according to the recipe, has weak beneficial properties. It is more suitable for prevention. To grow truly healthy rice, be patient, make huge crystals from small rice. This will indicate that there are a lot of benefits from it.
  • The prepared drink is suitable for drinking the first 4-5 days. But it is recommended to drink it in the first 48 hours, when the concentration of benefits is maximum.
  • Do not leave washed rice long time jobless, so to speak. After 5 days of storage in the refrigerator, it may deteriorate, lose its properties. You can restore them, but for this you will have to make several servings of the drink again until its medicinal abilities return to it.

When losing weight

If you are looking for natural remedy, with which you can get rid of excess weight, then you have found it. This is sea rice.

The presence of a special enzyme in the composition of the infusion allows you to effectively break down fats. The name of this enzyme is lipase. This is a natural component for the human body, which has appeared since birth and is secreted by the glands throughout life.

However, the work of these glands is disrupted under the influence of various factors, ranging from heredity to poor nutrition. As a result, lipase is not produced, fats are not broken down, they are deposited under the skin. This is how a person puts on weight.

But if you start taking an infusion of rice, you will turn the situation inside the body in the opposite direction. Lipase will begin to flow into the body. Moreover, the amount of enzyme will be such that it can break down incoming fat, as well as fight accumulated deposits.

Due to the regular use of rice kvass, the metabolism will return to normal, the body will begin to function more efficiently. Next comes weight loss, normalization of pressure, improved well-being, increased efficiency.

In cosmetology

In the role of a cosmetic product, rice infusion also proved to be excellent. This is a great way to take care of your skin.

It is no secret that under the influence of the environment, our skin deteriorates, is disturbed. water balance. With the help of infusion, you can tone up, refresh your face, gently cleanse pores, remove dead cells, and eliminate dangerous bacteria that accumulate on the skin.

This is the best lotion you can find today. It consists exclusively of natural components familiar to our body.

Now, on the basis of a rice drink, deodorants, rinses, and masks are being created. Also, be sure to try adding infusion while taking a bath, replacing salt with it. you will feel positive effect almost immediately.


There are absolutely no difficulties in growing sea rice. But first you need to find the source material, that is, these crystals, from which large crystals of the fungus filled with benefits will grow over time. It is sold, it can be found with friends, acquaintances, in phytopharmacies.


  • Place the fungus in a colander, rinse it under cold water;
  • As a container, it is better to use three liter jar glass, even if there is very little fungus. Be sure to sterilize the jar;
  • Now prepare the solution. For him, dilute 4 tbsp. sugar for every liter of water. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar;
  • Place rice in a jar of sweetened water, add any dried fruits;
  • By covering the jar with gauze, you protect the fungus from insects and dust;
  • Insist on the windowsill, but to sunlight combined with the shadow. Do not place near heating radiators in order to speed up the fermentation process;
  • After a few days, the drink will be ready. Pour it into bottles;
  • Rinse the rice, add the ingredients again according to the infusion recipe. Experiment with different dried fruits;
  • The more of these stages of rice cooking it goes through, the larger the crystals will become. Over time, they begin to share. From a small handful of rice grains, you can grow an unlimited amount of material for preparing a drink. But only under the condition of proper care, which we have already told you about.

It will not be long before your acquaintances and friends will ask for some Indian sea rice. In no case do not refuse them, be sure to share this useful product. With its help, you can cure many diseases, protect yourself from various diseases in the future, overcome the problem of excess weight, normalize the condition of your skin, and so on.

Sea rice is an incredible fungus that many people ignore for some reason. But it turns out an excellent drink, not inferior in taste to the world-famous kvass. Only now, in terms of the level of benefit, these two drinks do not even come close to each other.

"Snow" or edible sea mushrooms contain some protein and fiber. They are a low-calorie product, as long as they are not filled with liters of oil. It is believed that snow mushrooms have bactericidal and immunomodulatory properties. They are supposedly able to support a person's immunity during colds, protect him from the harmful effects of the environment, and even make him less susceptible to various viruses.

Snow mushrooms are recommended for diabetic nutrition, according to numerous sources in the spirit of traditional medicine, they are excellent at lowering blood sugar levels and improving the health of type 2 diabetics.

"Washcloth" from mushrooms harvested in Haiti has the following properties:

  • perfectly exfoliates the skin, can be compared with expensive scrubs of well-known cosmetic companies;
  • is reusable. Fans of natural washcloths keep their sea mushrooms for 5 years and actively use them, thereby achieving not only a massage effect, but also significant savings;
  • actual massage with mushroom washcloth stimulates blood circulation and skin regeneration, and helps to improve it appearance. "Mushrooms" are rubbed for the sake of getting rid of cellulite as an auxiliary to healthy diet And active image life measures, and some of them are recommended as an alternative to various salon peels;
  • marine mushrooms from Haiti contain natural antiseptics, which allows them to eliminate inflammatory processes, serve as a good bactericidal agent, and help improve the appearance and condition of the skin with acne;
  • massage in the shower has a general strengthening property, due to the improvement of blood circulation;
  • can temporarily replace other detergents. They say that a washcloth and water are enough for daily care;
  • perfectly “opens pores”, prepares the skin for increased sweating, recommended for use before going to the sauna;
  • stimulates skin regeneration, is considered a rejuvenating agent.

All the effects of the “mushroom washcloth” appear only with regular use, but in “episodes” it is a good way to diversify your home beauty treatments.

And on the Internet they are often called "sea mushrooms" various salads with fucus and kelp, which, of course, is a simple association of products to taste, and not a sign that these are really mushrooms.

Harm of marine fungi

The main “harm” is that sea mushrooms mean anything, and people are often confused about their beneficial properties. In the "post-Soviet" culinary era of scarcity, there was a salad with Far Eastern kelp and fried onions called "sea mushrooms". This is what they mean when they write in reviews that you can find sources of iodine that are less vile in taste. Frankly, lettuce is really an amateur, but its properties - rich in iodine and vitamin C - are really quite useful. Losing weight, however, is recommended not to take seaweed from a jar, but to soak the pharmacy kelp themselves, there is less excess oil.

Haitian sea mushroom is not quite food, but rather a natural analogue of abrasive sponges and brushes. This product is used to remove ingrown hairs, not to eat. Hence the incidents, stories about disgusting taste and complete culinary unsuitability.

Korean or snow sea mushroom, although not quite marine, is very edible, especially with spicy oil-based sauces. But in practice, the mushroom does not manage to gain much popularity. After all, it is usually sold only as part of a fairly expensive meals. In addition, everything that is written about the benefits for weight loss ... does not quite apply to dishes with big amount spicy, oil and various spicy ingredients. Many people report uncontrollable appetite and significant fluid retention after heavy consumption of Korean snacks, so you should consider them rather as tasty, but not as everyday food.

Objectively, the entire Korean snack arsenal is not suitable for the nutrition of people with health problems. If you have heartburn, suffer from gastritis, colitis or an ulcer, it is better to refuse such delicacies immediately and sharply. Otherwise, their use will only aggravate the disease. Traditional diet does not recommend spicy dishes pregnant women recovering from serious illnesses, as well as children and the elderly. But non-traditional near-gloss dietology considers all food with spicy taste remedy for health and weight loss. In practice, areas of knowledge come into conflict, which does more harm than good. The conclusion suggests itself - if a diet is recommended by a doctor, it is better to follow it without any unauthorized inclusions such as marine mushrooms.

Marine Haitian mushroom can be turned into a breeding ground for bacteria, if after application it is not corny to dry. Do not keep the mushroom in closed containers, and do not leave it in a “tightly sealed” shower, dry it after each use, after rinsing it with running water.

Especially for - fitness trainer Elena Selivanova.


What is Indian Sea Rice

What is Indian Sea Rice, beneficial features, medicinal properties, how to take this healing product, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Milk fungus, or Indian sea rice, has become quite popular in the last three decades. Outwardly, it resembles rice grains, which is why it is named by analogy with this cereal. It is called Indian because it was brought to Europe from India, where it was already used for a long time. As it usually happens when we are talking about something new and unknown, the fungus interested European researchers who tried to identify all its useful properties.

The journey of Indian sea rice around the world began in the 19th century. thanks to the Polish doctor Shtilman from the city of Gdansk, who was the first to establish the specifics of his action. Having tried the influence of the fungus on himself and significantly improved his health with it, Shtilman devoted a lot of time to determining its biological originality. He found that it was wrong to call this organism a mushroom, since it is very similar to both kombucha and Tibetan milk fungus. As a result, all researchers, following Shtilman, began to attribute Indian marine rice to the group of zoogles.

Zooglea (from the Greek gloios - sticky substance) is a mucous formation that occurs when bacteria that can secrete mucus stick together. It is characteristic only for water bacteria, which is why water is necessary for their life. Of them get nutrients required for their life activity, while highlighting what is in this case important for a person.

Shtilman also pointed out the difference between the Indian sea ​​fungus from tea: the first has a thin mucous film, the second has a dense one. In an Indian mushroom, it is formed if the water in the container where it is located is not changed for 3 days. However, the presence of a mucous membrane in it made it possible to say that both zoogles are connected with each other. According to Shtilman, Indian sea rice is kombucha grains.

They began to write about the differences between these two biological formations already in the 20th century, but they still emphasized their historical correlation. So, the French biologist naturalist Charles Llezon believed that Indian sea rice is more ancient culture than tea or Tibetan milk mushroom. According to this scientist, such a formation was known not only in ancient India, but also in the Roman Empire.

Moreover, the judgments of scientists are known that Indian sea rice did not arise as a result of human activities, but was created naturally, so to speak, exclusively by the will of nature. Interestingly, this emphasizes the special role of acetic acid bacteria that exist in the air. As proof of the veracity of the assumption, they cite the fact that the fungus dies in an airless space. The "grains" of the Indian marine fungus in the initial period of development reach a diameter of 5-6 mm, they gradually increase and can grow up to 4-5 cm before division.

But why, after all, in Russia it is called sea? There are several assumptions about this. One of them is as follows: as if once this zooglea was called “overseas”, and then the first syllable was “forgotten”. However, this etymology is hardly accurate. Most likely, the mushroom got its name because it resembles sea crystals or inhabitants of the seabed, and its habitat suggests just such an explanation. Either the name of the drink is due to the fact that it is obtained as a result of the vital activity of zooglea and has a very unusual taste, because this fungus lives in sweetened water, where dried fruits are added.

Useful properties of Indian sea rice

It contains several types of yeast-like fungi and microorganisms, as well as different types acetic acid bacteria. Together they saturate the drink with various organic acids; in particular, pyruvic acid (a link in the conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids), uronic acid, glucuronic acid (some metabolic products, such as poisonous ones) are excreted in pairs, n-coumaric (has a bactericidal effect), acetic, oxalic, citric , lactic, folic and other acids. In addition, the drink contains alcohol, caffeine, vitamins C and D; tannins; glucosides, lipase, amylase, protease and enzymes that actively break down salts of uric and other harmful acids, as well as coenzyme Q (part of the cells of the body contributes to the synthesis of ATP, which provides energy in living cells) and other elements.

Thanks to all these beneficial substances contained in abundance in a drink prepared with Indian sea rice, its use brings not only pleasure, but also benefits, and primarily due to the tonic and immune-modulating effect. However, it is necessary to understand that this is by no means a panacea for all diseases, and to take into account some rules for its use.

Contraindications of Indian sea rice

In order to get the expected effect from this drink, it must be taken regularly. In addition, like all drinks that contain polysaccharides, it should not be consumed with insulin-dependent diabetes, with a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with high acidity. When used in cosmetic purposes it can cause allergic reactions, and therefore, with problems and diseases of this kind, you need to be extremely careful. For example, those who have dry skin or have wounds and cracks should not make lotions out of it.

With these warnings in mind, we can say that a drink made from Indian sea rice is useful for a number of diseases.

Medicinal properties of Indian sea rice

First of all, it helps to normalize weight and metabolism. It also actively eliminates headaches and fatigue. Improves well-being, increases efficiency. Useful for insomnia and neurasthenia, as well as for lowering blood pressure. In addition, drinking such mushroom tea is recommended for stroke and, if there are no allergic contraindications, for bronchial asthma.

The antioxidant effect of this drink is also known, due to which it is used for the prevention of cancer.

A drink made from Indian sea rice kills microbes and pathogens, therefore it serves as a rather powerful body support for flu, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis.

It alleviates the condition with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, salt deposition, cleanses the body with furunculosis and atherosclerosis.

A drink made from Indian sea rice is also used for disorders and diseases of the digestive system: duodenitis, constipation, heartburn, colitis, impaired intestinal motility. In addition, it may be useful for nephritis, although this is purely individual. The same should be said about the use of this drink for kidney stones and gallbladder. It is always important to consult with a smart and knowledgeable doctor to avoid unwanted consequences.

In general, research healing properties This zooglea has been studied not so long ago and not too hard, but the information collected allows us to say that the range of its application is quite wide. A drink made from Indian sea rice has the effect of:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • hypotensive (lowering blood pressure);
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • metabolic (improving metabolism);
  • diuretic.

It should also be noted that the infusion obtained with the help of sea rice is natural product. This is especially important if there are any contraindications for the use of synthetic drugs. Far from always, this drink can replace pharmacological therapy, however, as a stimulant of important life processes, it allows the body to begin to fight ailments.

No less effective is the infusion of this zooglea as a cosmetic for skin care. It is known that our outer coverings are exposed to the merciless influence of the environment. Added to this is the constant water imbalance, which primarily affects urban residents.

Sea rice infusion refreshes and tones the skin. This wonderful natural product allows you to clean it quite delicately, but at the same time it is quite noticeable. As a result, it is possible to get rid of dead skin cells and wash off harmful organisms from its surface, due to which a pronounced preventive effect is also achieved for the whole organism as a whole.

Indian Sea Rice Infusion restores the natural acidic reaction of the skin, being a natural lotion that does not contain foreign elements. On the basis of this infusion, even body deodorant, hair rinse, various face masks are now being made, and when added to water, it has an effect similar to bath salts.

As a result of clinical medical studies, it has been established that the infusion of sea rice is harmless to the human body (with the exception of cases of individual intolerance and those cases mentioned above).

How is Indian sea rice grown?

Growing this mushroom is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but some skill and diligence will still be required from you.

First you need to get a dozen grains. This is enough to increase later necessary stocks. The mushroom does not grow quickly, and in order to grow it, sometimes you have to wait more than one month. Sometimes the growth rate of Indian sea rice depends on the quality of the water.

First of all, put the grains in a jar with a volume of about 200-250 ml. It can be an old mayonnaise jar that you have kept from ancient times, or something similar. It is important that the dishes are glass. Of course, the jar is thoroughly washed. However, no detergents can be used - neither dishwashing detergents that have become familiar, nor household or any other soap, nor soda. If you do not heed this advice, you will have a lot of problems with the fungus - it really does not like an alkaline environment, even minimal saturation. So, you have to wash the jar with water, and for a long time and carefully. Then rinse it with boiling water and sterilize. The method of sterilization is known - hold the jar over the steam.

In a sense, this resembles the procedure for preparing pickles and compotes. Therefore, after a water session, the container must be thoroughly dried. Try not to let anything else get into it.

Prepare a clean cotton gauze. Dry it in the sun or on the balcony so that direct rays do not fall on it. The fabric should not have foreign odors.

The next step is to pour the contents with grains into the prepared dishes and add cool water. Here, too, there are nuances. Chlorinated water is not suitable, although it is sometimes used. In the presence of chlorine in the water, the formation of useful compounds is disrupted, which is sometimes unsafe. It is best to use spring, purified drinking water or water from artesian wells. However, and last option is not always successful, because you do not know the chemical composition of such water. Also do not use carbonated and mineral water.

Be that as it may, the water should be allowed to stand for a while, so open the bottles and bottles with it in advance. In case of plain water you need to take only the upper part of the container, then boil, cool and let it settle again.

Fill the jar of mushroom almost to the top. Add five pieces of raisins or a couple of pieces of dried apricots there. Cover with gauze folded in four layers. Now the mushroom should grow.

You need to store the product in a dark cabinet where direct sunlight does not enter, so as not to cause active fermentation reactions. An ordinary kitchen cabinet is ideal for this. It is also important that the place is not damp. The fungus, oddly enough, does not like this. You can not put it near the stove or heating appliances, grills and microwaves.

Sometimes a jar of sea rice is placed in a box and placed on a windowsill. But it is better to do this in autumn or spring and in a temperate climate. In general, it is quite difficult to find an ideal place - usually it all depends on the characteristics of a particular room, its energy flows.

Keep the mushroom in a jar for two days. At the end of the second day - in the evening - carefully drain the infusion through gauze to hold the grains. Without transferring them to another dish, rinse with cool water (the rules for choosing it were mentioned above). Transfer the washed gauze seeds back to the jar, pour water again, add raisins or dried apricots. You have already increased the fungus, now you can even drink a weak infusion. True, it does not have all the required properties, but it is still quite suitable for prevention.

To achieve the primary effect, you need to get a tablespoon of Indian sea rice or two. In order to avoid interruptions in the consumption of the drink, infuse two jars at once, alternating their contents. Drinking a drink requires at least 300 ml per day.

Here are the proportions. The grains of Indian sea rice, necessary for the preparation of 1 liter of infusion, require 4 tbsp. spoons. From products, in addition to raisins or dried apricots, you can add other dried fruits or sugar. On a liter jar you need 10-15 raisins. Separately, the so-called syrup is prepared (3 tablespoons of granulated sugar per 1 liter of cool water), with which the mushroom is poured, and then the jar is covered with gauze.

When the drink is infused, strain the liquid through four layers of gauze into another jar. Rinse the mushroom again with cool, clean water. Measure out 4 tbsp. spoons of grains of Indian sea rice on a new fill. Repeat procedure. The strained portion should be enough for a couple of days. extra mushroom can be stored in the refrigerator under a lid for up to 5 days.

If the concentration of the solution seems unpleasant to you and you cannot drink it, then use another - sparing - recipe. For 1 l clean water take 2 tbsp. spoons of sea rice and the same amount of granulated sugar. From the latter, a "syrup" is prepared, where 3-5 pieces of raisins or 2 dried apricots are added. In a couple of days your drink will be ready.

The infusion is drained, the mushroom is washed in gauze, as described above, again filled with new water. Neither raisins nor dried apricots should be eaten from the infusion.

A less sweet infusion is obtained if you add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. a spoonful of sugar (30 pieces of raisins are also added). If unable to use granulated sugar put up to 50 pieces of pitted raisins - this compensates for the amount of sucrose necessary for the growth of the fungus. Thus, you can vary the concentration of the drink. Just remember that without a "sweet" mushroom does not grow at all - it dies.

In case you want to use Indian Sea Rice mainly for preventive purposes and how delicious drink, complicate the procedure, bringing it closer to the preparation of Russian kvass. For 1 st. a spoonful of mushroom grains take 0.5 liters of cool water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, a small handful of raisins, a few pieces of dried apricots, 1 teaspoon kvass wort, a piece of dried black bread. Everything is put into glass jar which is covered with gauze. The jar is placed in a bright place, because in the end it will turn out to be a drink rather than a healing solution. insist such mushroom kvass within a couple of days. Then filter, put in the refrigerator and drink half a glass 10-15 minutes before meals.

In general, this drink is recommended to be taken exactly half a glass 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The general course is up to six months or even more. Sometimes up to a year. You should feel some improvement in well-being in about a month, but you don’t need to hope that a drink from Indian sea rice will become a panacea for you. Remember that it is your body, not the fungus, that fights illnesses and ailments.

You can also follow another scheme for using the infusion: drink it 3 times a day for one month, then take a break for a month, and so on for a year. If you are trying to use the solution in a complex, then during the period when you do not use it inside, use it in cosmetics or for external rubbing.

So remember:

  • Water for pouring Indian sea rice should be clean, cool, settled.
  • It should be cool, but not cold, preferably at room temperature.
  • It is impossible for the mushroom to come into direct contact with sugar, so that it does not get sick and does not darken.
  • Do not put a drink near warm places.
  • For filtering use gauze; so as not to drop the grains, put cheesecloth in a colander.
  • Rice insist no more than 2 days.

Since the drink made from Indian sea rice has a pronounced diuretic effect, it must first be taken with caution and in small doses. Try drinking it in about 50 ml 2 times a day. After a week, double the amount of drink consumed. After another week, you can drink it already 150 ml 3 times a day. Gradually, your body will get used to the new infusion for it, and then the diuretic effect will not be so pronounced.

Except in certain cases, when the dose is increased, the infusion is usually taken in the following volume: for adults - 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day; for children over 3 years old - 20 100 ml 2-3 times a day. However, be careful, get the necessary advice from a good specialist before you decide to start drinking this infusion. This is especially important when it comes to children!

Remember also that it is not at all necessary to force yourself to drink an infusion of Indian sea rice in such quantities as this or that recipe prescribes. Sometimes a smaller amount is sufficient. Perhaps your body requires only a prophylactic dose, which, as a rule, is half that.

Applications of Indian Sea Rice

Now, having become familiar with common properties of this fungus, let's talk about special cases of its use.

Especially relevant for many people is the problem of reducing or normalizing weight. In such cases, a drink made from Indian sea rice will come in handy.

This property of the drink is due to the presence in its composition of lipase, an enzyme produced by zoogley. It is found in the human body and is responsible for the breakdown of incoming fats. Over the years, or due to a number of diseases or individual characteristics of the body, as well as under the influence of negative factors (poor nutrition, useless ecology, disgusting daily routine, constant stressful situations, etc.), the glands that are responsible for the production of lipase begin to “lazy”: less is produced. As a result, some of the fats that end up in the human body are not broken down. This is how fat deposits appear, then - layers and “layers”. These very “terrible” kilograms are gaining, which are not so easy to get rid of.

Thanks to the intake of a drink from sea rice, the processes in the body change: the level of lipase begins to increase. The enzyme contained in the drink is enough to break down both incoming and stored fats. The body begins to fight with excesses that it no longer needs. As a result, normal metabolism is restored, and then the restoration of normal weight begins. The return to normal will happen the faster, the more actively you begin to help yourself both physically and emotionally. This problem can be solved only in a complex. And the impetus on the way to the desired goal will be the consumption of a drink made from Indian sea rice!

Recall that a balanced weight implies the normalization of blood pressure, reducing the load on the heart and blood vessels, healthy sleep. As a result, you will be able to demonstrate good performance, which means you will get more money.

In order to normalize weight, you can reduce the dose of the drink taken to 100 ml 2-3 times a day, unless, of course, for some reason you are not satisfied with the total recommended dose.

For headaches, you should drink an infusion of Indian sea rice in a glass 3 times a day after meals. You can also make a lotion: moisten a towel with infusion, put it on your head. Lie down like this, after opening the window.

Fatigue helps to remove a warm bath with infusion, which in this case requires 3 liters.

In stressful situations, irritability, nervous disorders, it is recommended to drink an infusion of 150 ml 3 times a day for at least 45 days.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a drink from Indian sea rice is drunk in a glass (children are given no more than 20 ml) 3 times a day an hour before meals.

For arthritis, radiculitis, a heated infusion mixed with egg white is used. Such a mixture, applied to the affected areas, produces an analgesic effect. At the same time, it is very important that it does not cool down, since cooling in this case is contraindicated. After about thirty minutes, wipe the body with a damp cotton swab.

You can also lubricate the spine, lower back, pelvis along the sciatic nerve with infusion.

For insomnia, they rub their ears and neck.

For cosmetic purposes, coenzyme Q10, which is found in the waste products of zooglea Indian sea rice, is primarily suitable. This is truly the ferment of youth. It is no coincidence that many cosmetic companies developing new creams and lotions based on it, advertising them, promise stunning results. It is this coenzyme that our skin lacks so much!

However, it is important to choose a way to use the infusion of the fungus in order to maximize the use of this particular enzyme. And here, of course, the first role is given to masks.

The recipe for a cleansing mask is simple: you should slightly heat 4 tbsp. spoons of infusion, better than three days already standing in the refrigerator. Add there 3 teaspoons of honey and the same amount of mashed wheat bran. Mix everything. Before applying the mask, thoroughly cleanse your face. Apply on face and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

If you have sensitive skin- mix a couple of teaspoons of infusion with the same amount of natural grape juice(better squeeze it yourself), a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of low-fat liquid cottage cheese. The mask is applied to the face and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Sea rice infusion creates a refreshing, smoothing and toning effect. At the same time, its effect on the skin is surprisingly soft.

A drink made from Indian sea rice is also used for hair care. If you have greasy hair, wipe them every other day along the growth lines with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of mushroom infusion 3 5 days old (take 2-3 tablespoons) with vodka (half a glass). If the hair is dry and brittle, make such a mask: egg yolk eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion, the same olive oil and a glass of warm water. Masks are applied before washing your hair, but allow time for the solutions to absorb.

According to the book by Olga Vladimirovna Romanova “Medicinal mushrooms: Indian sea rice, Tibetan milk mushroom, reishi mushrooms, meitake and shiitake mushrooms, chaga”.

Compared to Tibetan and kombucha, Indian sea rice (popularly called sea mushroom, rice mushroom, “live rice”) refers to medicinal drinking mushrooms with a minimum of contraindications. Mushroom tincture is used in traditional medicine for medicinal purposes, is a mushroom grown in a jar from Indian sea rice - zooglea. Rice mushroom drink is drunk for weight loss, treatment of joints, rice kvass infused with fungi by fermentation is used externally in cosmetology, taken orally as an elixir of health, from more than 100 diseases.

Rice mushroom (Indian sea rice) is considered one of the most popular healthy drinks, it is easy to prepare at home in the form of a drinking infusion based on Indian sea mushroom. Sea rice is infused with water, in comparison with, and Tibetan kefir, cooked on milk fungi, is the safest healing medicine compared to other species of zooglea.

Advice from the Miracle Chef. According to adherents proper nutrition, sea rice (Tibicos), especially in the treatment of certain diseases, is better than kombucha, Tibetan milk mushroom. To date, there is no scientific evidence of which of the three types of zooglea is the most useful. Healing power has rice, tea infusion and.

Zooglea - what is it: the history of the appearance of sea rice

Zoogleys are called mucous formations resulting from the vital activity of bacteria that secrete mucus or have mucous capsules. The chemical composition of zooglea is polysaccharides and nitrogenous compounds. As you know, the most common types of zooglea include Tea mushroom, Kefir mushroom, Indian sea rice.

Indian sea rice in each country is called differently. In Russia, it is known under the name of sea rice. The definition means that the product is overseas, brought to Russia from an overseas country. The second history of the appearance of the name for the Indian living medicine indicates the similarity of the fungus with grains of boiled rice. Due to the similarity with rice, the sea mushroom most likely got its name.

Sea mushroom, Indian sea rice, rice mushroom, indian mushroom, Chinese mushroom, japanese mushroom, Chinese sea mushroom, Indian rice, live rice - this is the name of the type of identical microorganisms - zooglea.

Unlike ordinary rice grains, they drink sea rice, the drink is insisted on a sea mushroom grown in a jar, the healing tincture tastes like kvass. The infusion of Indian rice is very healthy, pleasant to the taste and the most healing drink, according to connoisseurs of traditional medicine, the most healing of all zooglea mushrooms. A folk healer imported from India is usually referred to as mushrooms, but living microorganisms are not exactly mushrooms in the usual sense of the word - it is a mucus in the form of a film that appears after fermentation, or vinegar.

Living medicine has been successfully used in folk medicine for the treatment a large number ailments of a different nature, it helps with mild colds and serious chronic diseases. But in addition to bringing human body benefits, sea rice can be harmful if the recipient of the mushroom infusion has contraindications to the use of rice kvass.

The benefits of rice fungus for the human body have been scientifically proven, it is rice fungus that is one of the most healing types of zooglea. Although it has a number of useful properties, unique composition, but in practice it can be applied, like any other folk remedy, in case of serious diseases only in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. Before eating Indian rice inside, you need to consult your doctor. There may be contraindications for taking infusion from the mushroom.

Indian sea rice: contraindications

There are few contraindications for the use of sea rice infusion. But sea rice has a number of contraindications for use, it is contraindicated:

  1. Suffering from diabetes mellitus with insulin dependence.
  2. With a stomach ulcer.
  3. With diseases of the duodenum.
  4. Chronic kidney diseases.
  5. Kvass is contraindicated for children under 1 year old.

Despite the fact that sea rice in folk medicine is actively used to treat diabetes, tincture is contraindicated for insulin-dependent patients. In the insulin-dependent form, diabetics should always consult with their doctor.

Side effects

At first, taking the infusion inside can cause side effects:

  1. Disorder of the intestines, which disappears after a few days of taking sea rice. With discomfort from gastrointestinal tract it is recommended to reduce the dose of the consumed healing drink.
  2. At the beginning of taking rice kvass, it can have a strong diuretic effect. Recommendations for use - reducing the amount of tincture taken.
  3. In the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract- bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis, - there may be discomfort in individual organs. After a while these problems go away.

Side effects in the first days of taking - evidence that sea rice has a healing effect on the human body - restores and cleanses organs in problem areas, acts locally in the affected organs.

The benefits of Indian sea rice are incomparable with the harm, useful composition translucent rice grains, due to their unique chemical content, made rice infusion, a drink from grains, healing elixir health. The beneficial properties of this living medicine allow the use of rice as a natural remedy in the fight against numerous diseases.

Indian sea rice: useful properties and medicinal

Indian sea rice , kombucha, milk mushroom, it is difficult to compare in terms of usefulness, each individually and for specific cases benefits a person. The beneficial properties of sea rice, like other types of zooglea, appear precisely after fermentation. As a result of fermentation, rice kvass becomes healing infusion with complex chemical composition. Vitamins, minerals, organic acids, a complex of useful organic compounds, the high content of a number of yeast fungi and microorganisms in Indian rice, determines the high value of the product. The composition of rice infusion includes useful material:

  • Vitamin A, B vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B12.
  • Vitamins of the PP group, vitamin C, D.
  • Acids: glucuronic, chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric.
  • Tannins.
  • Enzymes: amylase, lipase, protease.
  • Acetic acid bacteria.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Glucosides.
  • Aldehydes.
  • Antioxidants, including the most powerful antioxidant, coenzyme Q

Indian sea rice, the beneficial properties of a live product are due to the chemical composition of sea rice infusion, prepared at home as a result of the fermentation of rice fungus. Rice kvass has unique beneficial properties, has a healing effect:

  1. Antimicrobial. Destroys microbes that cause tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  2. Immunomodulating. Strengthens immunity. Removes poisons and toxins from the body, normalizes work internal organs, cleanses the liver of toxins and poisons.
  3. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
  4. Anti-sclerotic. Prevents the development of anti-sclerotic plaques.
  5. Metabolic. Improves metabolism. Rice mushroom infusion is widely used for weight loss.
  6. Diuretic. An infusion based on a marine mushroom helps to remove salts from the kidneys and bladder.

Kvass based on rice mushroom will help to cope with insomnia, relieve migraines, allergic reactions. After taking rice mushroom, the work of the heart is activated. The live bacteria that make up the drink have healing action on all digestive organs, strengthen the whole body as a whole.

  1. Regular intake of Indian rice infusion normalizes the acidity of the stomach, the drink cleanses the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Indian sea rice is able to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, prevent the growth of malignant cells, and cure a runny nose during flu and cold epidemics.
  3. With complex external use and internal use, it improves the health of patients suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.
  4. It helps those suffering from mild to moderate diabetes mellitus, except for insulin-dependent diabetics, for whom there may be contraindications for drinking infusion.
  5. Effective in dentistry: with stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  6. Used for problems with genitourinary system: with adnexitis, kidney failure, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, ovarian cysts, to increase potency.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on the body of those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases: hemorrhoids, constipation, colitis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, flatulence, liver cirrhosis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis.
  8. Regularly, the infusion can be drunk with common diseases: overweight, metabolic disorders, constant fatigue, migraines, headaches, people with meteorological dependence.

The list of useful properties can be continued indefinitely, but something else is important. Unlike pharmacy synthetic drugs, a live medicine taken in certain doses for each specific ailment is harmless and absolutely safe for human health, all family members.

Where to Buy Indian Sea Rice

You can buy Indian sea rice or buy rice mushroom in online stores in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Search engines will tell you where to buy sea rice in Russia for making rice kvass, as well as where to buy rice mushroom in Ukraine.

You can order sea rice granules through the selected online store by courier delivery to your home or pick up the sent goods on your own at the point of issue at the address specified in the order.

How to Grow Rice Mushroom from Indian Sea Rice

We bought sea rice, brought the purchased sourdough product home, but how to grow drinking mushroom at home? Before you prepare an infusion based on Indian sea rice, you must first propagate and grow the rice fungus. When growing a sea mushroom at the initial stage of reproduction, it grows from small grains about 5 millimeters in size and turns into large large flakes-grains up to 5 centimeters, resembling translucent ice floes in appearance.

To prepare the first sourdough from Indian sea rice for growing a drinkable sea mushroom, the sourdough will require:

  • sea ​​rice - 4 tablespoons;
  • glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter;
  • dried pitted raisins - 15 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • boiled cold water - 1 liter;
  • medical gauze.

Sourdough recipe for rice kvass

  1. Put four tablespoons of washed sea rice and raisins into a clean glass jar. It is allowed to replace raisins with plums, pears, any dried fruits.
  2. We cook in a separate bowl. A solution consisting of three tablespoons of sugar dissolved in a liter of water must be made in advance so that the sugar has time to completely dissolve in water. Do not allow sugar to get on the rice grains, the fungus will start to hurt and may die.
  3. Pour the prepared sugar solution into a jar of sea rice. We cover the neck of the jar with medical gauze, folded in several layers, to protect against insects getting into the starter.
  4. We place a jar of Indian sea rice in a dry, warm place, protected from direct sunlight. We insist the drink for two days in winter at room temperature, in summer it will take one day to prepare the sourdough.
  5. We filter the drink through gauze into a clean bowl, and the infusion is ready. For one person, the resulting infusion is enough for two days.
  6. Rice that has grown during fermentation is washed with clean boiled water, separated from the leaven right amount rice, use to prepare the next portion of the drink.


How to prepare an infusion based on Indian sea rice

For the whole family, it is more convenient to prepare a healing drink, like in a three-liter jar. To prepare an infusion based on Indian sea rice, fungi are taken in proportion with water and sugar per 3 liter jar. The second and subsequent strained live kvass turns out to be healthier and stronger in terms of the beneficial properties of the first.

Ingredients for making rice kvass for a 3 liter jar

  • sea ​​rice - 10 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 7, 5 tablespoons;
  • glass jar with a capacity of 3 liters;
  • boiled cold water - 2.5 liters;
  • any dried fruit;
  • a crust of black bread.

Rice kvass recipe

  1. In boiled warm water dissolve sugar. Let the sugar and water solution cool.
  2. We put sea rice in a three-liter jar, pour it with sugar solution, add dried fruits, a crust of bread, to get beautiful color kvass from a fungus.
  3. We cover the jar with gauze and put it in the kitchen to the light for insisting. After 1-2 days kvass is ready.
  4. We express kvass in clean jar and drink regularly for medicinal purposes.

Indian mushroom tincture is not only curative, kvass is delicious, perfectly quenches thirst on a hot day. The taste of the infusion resembles. Cultivation of Indian rice, growing a mushroom from sea rice at home, caring for it does not require special knowledge and expensive products.

Sea mushroom: how to take, how much to drink

You should start taking the infusion with small doses, gradually increasing portions and bringing them to the daily norm. It is necessary to take a healing tincture for medicinal purposes three times a day, drink 100 ml 20 minutes before meals or in between meals.

Drinking an infusion based on a marine mushroom must be fresh. After using mushroom infusion for medicinal purposes, the improvement of well-being occurs, as a rule, after a month of regular intake of sea rice. The minimum course of treatment is three months.

After a month of the treatment course, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, blood pressure stabilizes, there is an increase in working capacity in men, a surge of strength in women, and a headache recedes.

Sea rice for weight loss

Indian sea rice, thanks to a unique enzyme that can break down fat, which is part of the infusion, is actively used for weight loss. Sea rice, a mushroom drinking infusion made from the Indian miracle fungus, has become popular among the people as an effective natural remedy for weight loss.

Such a problem with overweight like obesity, just solved if daily intake 100 ml of a drink from sea rice 3 times a day, combine with the use of low-calorie foods, use diet food, eat right for fast weight loss.

Thanks to regular use rice kvass, the metabolism will be restored, due to which weight loss will begin, overweight and the weight will return to normal. Rice mushroom for weight loss should be drunk in courses of 3 months, at least 300 ml per day, after each course a week break is necessary. After a break, the use of the drink should be resumed.

Application in cosmetology

Rice tincture has proven itself in cosmetology for skin care and for medical and cosmetic purposes for external use. A natural remedy refreshes the skin of the face, smoothes wrinkles, tones, delicately cares for problem skin.

On the basis of Indian rice infusion, facial skin care lotions, natural hair rinses are made, they are included in masks, body deodorants. Use live kvass with maximum benefit for cleansing the skin, improving the body externally, curing ailments in the internal organs.

Home storage rules

Leftover rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Shelf life ready drink on the refrigerator shelf is no more than 48 hours. The drink, infused according to the recipes proposed above, turns out to be moderately sweet, the mushroom grows quickly in a sweet environment. If you want to slow down growth and make less sweet rice kvass for weight loss, cut the amount of sugar in recipes by half.

You need to drink a healing drink from drinking mushroom - a rice fungus originally from India - throughout the year to get the maximum benefit and improve the body. Be patient, and the results will surely surprise and delight you.

In connection with the development of pharmacology, it is very difficult to find sea rice fungus in the house now. But in vain, because its medicinal properties replace a lot of expensive drugs. Correct name mushroom - Indian sea rice or zooglea. Let's explore its useful qualities.

Sea rice mushroom - medicinal properties

As soon as this product appears in your home, give it time to adapt and start producing a healthy drink. At first, the healing properties will be weakly expressed, but this is only the first time.

Rice mushroom activates well immune system, affects the production of interferon and protects the body from viruses. Traditional medicine advises using it both for prevention and directly for treatment. Useful infusion acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent and treats a disease such as tonsillitis. In this case, they gargle their throat.


Reviews say that sea rice really improves all health. The woman managed to get rid of the neglected thrush, her symptoms began to disappear on the 4th day. The infusion helps to eliminate the common cold in both children and adults. Ambiguous reviews about its cultivation. Some like the taste and smell, if done on raisins and dried apricots, others - on prunes. But all those who used it noted its benefits and ease of cultivation. The main thing is that the folk remedy should be of high quality: white in color with a mild smell.

Sea rice mushroom medicinal properties and reviews about the application are also with a negative character. It's more about taste here. For some, the taste caused nausea and vomiting.

Indian rice mushroom - useful properties and how to grow?

As the observations of doctors show, Indian rice perfectly restores the microflora and you do not need to use any other means. If you take an infusion of 500 ml three times a day, you can cure various ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal properties of Indian sea rice product improve blood formula and kill cholesterol cones. Thus, blood vessels are cleansed and heart diseases are treated.

It is not difficult to grow a useful rice mushroom at all, even when you got only 1 spoon. The main thing is to create the right conditions for it. three liter jar fill with unboiled water at room temperature, add 6 tbsp. l. sugar and wait for it to completely dissolve. Then settle the mushroom at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water and put dried fruits, cover with gauze. Grow in a dark place for about 3 days. After preparation, strain the drink through cheesecloth. Rinse the mushroom in gauze under running water and can be reused.

Reviews on the use of Indian rice mushroom

Not a single person noted that the drink removes toxins and toxins well, and also helps to lose weight. Many women use it for cosmetic purposes. The healing properties remove dead skin layers from the face and promote regeneration. If you rinse your hair with it, it will become silk. Tibetan mushroom has earned laudatory reviews from men. Thanks to him, it was possible to cure such a disease as impotence and stones in bladder.

Sea rice mushroom medicinal properties

Zooglea has several types. This is an Indian mushroom, dairy Chinese and. They are different in appearance and in the method of preparation, but have the same useful substances. Acetic acid bacterium has a good effect on the entire body. Zooglea is able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate dysbacteriosis and putrefactive processes. If applied externally, it can heal purulent wounds. Another drink is good for insomnia.

Reviews of doctors about the application

TO Indian rice doctors are good. Professors themselves recommend drinking an infusion for kidney stones, especially if they reappear. It is also recommended for frequent constipation. Many doctors in this case note its greater benefit than from laxatives. But doctors also point to contraindications.

Chinese rice mushroom - harm and benefit to the human body

The medicinal properties of zooglea treat more than a hundred ailments. They are indicated for arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and elevated acetone. Often, zooglea helps with cancer. Still, sea rice can do harm.

It categorically cannot be taken with insulin dependence and hypotension. In the first days, a person may feel discomfort in the body, most likely they will be associated with a large dose of administration.

Healthy Rice Mushroom Recipes

This tool is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in cooking and cosmetology. Usually in food they replace the liquid. You can also cook a dairy treat - cottage cheese.

Soup, porridge and noodle recipe

In soup, zooglea completely replaces the broth. Best used for cold soups heat treatment did not spoil the medicinal properties. It turns out very tasty okroshka based on such “kvass”. The burning soup is no exception.

Consider his recipe.

healing drink dilute in half with water, if you do not like sharp tastes, but you can use it in pure form. Bring to a boil, put coarsely chopped potatoes, carrots and broccoli. As the vegetables are cooked, add onions, herbs and a little butter. Before serving, it will be good to put a quarter of a boiled egg.
Cook porridge and noodles according to your favorite recipe, only on the basis of a healthy drink. This is the kind of food that should be given to children.

Rice mushroom: how to care and use?

Caring for a zooglea is quite simple. She loves warmth optimum temperature 25-27 degrees. But in no case is it unnecessary to put it on the window, the rice fungus does not tolerate sunlight. It is kept in the shade, and preferably in a closet. You also need to make sure that undissolved sugar does not get on the raw material itself. Otherwise, the zooglea will start to hurt and decrease.

After each infusion, the rice needs to be washed. You can immediately drink a glass of 3 rubles / day 20 minutes before a meal. In the sultry heat, some people completely replace water with this drink.

How to grow rice mushroom from scratch?

There is nothing difficult in the initial cultivation. For 4 st. l. rice you need to take a liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. If desired, add a few pieces of prunes, raisins and dried apricots. After 2-3 days, the medicinal infusion is ready. The miracle remedy multiplies quickly. In a month, you will start distributing it.
