
Tea rice. Application and benefits of rice mushroom

You probably tried or at least met on sale unusual dish corals in Korean. In fact, the basis of this dish is by no means corals, but a specific variety of translucent white mushrooms, similar to snowballs.

Most often, these mushrooms are called coral. But they still have a lot of alternative names: ice mushroom, snow mushroom, king mushroom, gelatinous mushroom. scientific name- Fucus tremella.

Most coral mushrooms growing in the wild are about the size of a golf ball. The mushroom has several wonderful lacy processes. With high humidity, it acquires a slippery, jelly-like texture.

Coral fungus grows mainly in the subtropics on various trees, from which it receives all the necessary nutrients. Although it was previously believed that these snowballs were fed directly from the forest soil.

The English mycologist Mili Joseph Berkeley discovered and first described coral mushrooms in 1856. Nevertheless, in the Asian world, ice mushrooms were eaten before that. Asian herbalists sold these mushrooms as a miracle cure for colds and dry coughs, as a rejuvenating and tonic remedy.

The name, which is obtained by transliterating Chinese characters, sounds like "silver ear", "snow ear" or "white tree ear" (Bai Mu Er, Yin Er), and Japanese version- "white tree jellyfish" ( Shirokikurage, Hakumokuji).

Snow mushrooms are very nutritious. They contain dietary fiber (70%), proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin D, 18 valuable amino acids, three quarters of which are essential for the human body, useful minerals and vegetable glycogens (trehalose, mannitol and pentosan).

For comparison: there is more multivitamin D in coral mushrooms than in cod liver, salmon, shrimp and sunflower combined.

They are rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur. At the same time, there is really a lot of calcium and iron: 643 mg of calcium and 30.4 mg of iron per 100 g of the product.

The benefits of ice mushrooms

For centuries, the Chinese have used coral mushrooms in traditional medicine to treat high blood pressure, tuberculosis, and the common cold.

Modern studies by Israeli and Ukrainian scientists have confirmed the benefits of ice mushrooms for immune system person. They:

  • protect from radiation;
  • strengthen the respiratory system;
  • improve the processes of hematopoiesis;
  • lower the level of "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) in the blood;
  • have anti-inflammatory action;
  • have antiallergic properties;
  • protect the liver from toxins;
  • prevent neurological damage;
  • positively affect the cognitive function of the brain and memory;
  • prevent tumor development.

The main reason for such a high nutritional and medicinal value coral fungi - the presence of special polysaccharides (glycogens), which doctors recommend using for immunodeficiency (including HIV), premature aging and during stressful situations. Glycogens also prevent vascular and capillary wear, thereby maintaining perfusion balance.

In terms of the effectiveness of the impact on the human immune system, tremella can compete with maitake mushrooms, which are also extremely popular in Japan and China.

Due to the combination of useful properties of the coral fungus, some doctors consider it ideal. food product for smokers.

As a natural source of vitamin D, coral fungus rejuvenates the skin by accelerating metabolism and blood flow in skin cells.

Attention: tremella fucus is contraindicated in patients taking anticoagulants.

against cancer

Scientific studies have proven that coral fungi plant mucus contains polysaccharides. They are involved in the production of interferon and interleukin-2 ( valuable substances the human immune system) and stimulate the reproduction of microbe-consuming macrophages.

Snow fungus also promotes the activity of so-called natural killers and increases the effectiveness of antibodies.

Coral fungi prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. In order to grow and spread, the neoplasm must form its own system of blood vessels. The chemical composition of ice mushrooms, or rather, the platelet activating factor (PAF), prevents blood clotting and the formation of a fibrin network of blood vessels to feed the tumor.

Laboratory Tests Prove Coral Mushroom Extract Kills cancer cells in the cervix and some other types of tumors.

Snow fungus makes the female genital organs more susceptible to radiation exposure, which makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of medical procedures.

Another useful property for cancer patients this product– prevention leukopenia(falling white blood cell count) in people who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the rapid recovery of bone marrow health.

Another representative of the mushroom kingdom has strong anti-cancer properties -.

Culinary Help

Coral mushroom has almost no independent taste, but is popular among Asians due to its delicate and at the same time elastic, crispy texture. Salads, soups and even desserts are prepared from it, in a powder state they are added to drinks and ice cream.

An interesting recipe for a sweet dish: mushrooms are boiled, then dried and left in a room soaked in a sweet syrup of canned peaches.

Dried coral mushrooms need pretreatment. Pour the product warm water, leave alone for a couple of hours or more, rinse, allow excess liquid to drain, remove harsh areas and divide into small inflorescences. Now you can cook them any way you like.

Application in cosmetology

Legend has it that tremella has long been used as a tonic for youthful skin and a healthy complexion. The ancient imperial mistress of Yang Guifei, considered one of the most beautiful women V Chinese history, used coral mushrooms for face and body care.

It is believed that ice mushrooms can make the skin moisturized, soft and supple. Thanks to its natural polysaccharides, this product easily penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and produces its anti-aging effects there.

At the same time, the human body turns on its own and very strong mechanism to combat free radicals: dismutase superoxide (SOD) is produced. SOD, in turn, causes an antioxidant cascade: it not only neutralizes the free radical, but turns it into a kind of active antioxidant.

Mushroom polysaccharides when applied topically to female skin for 4 weeks showed encouraging results: the water-retaining capacity of the skin and stratum corneum were significantly improved. They retain moisture many times stronger than glycerin or hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetic companies in France and Japan are right, they are quite energetically undertaking to explore coral mushrooms as a topical cosmetic product.

Purchase and storage

Once upon a time, coral mushrooms were so rare that only members of the royal family could afford them. Now Fucus tremella is grown in industrial scale. That is why it will not be difficult for you to find these mushrooms on the shelves of Asian food stores.

Store best in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, such as the bottom shelf of your refrigerator.

Many of us love kvass. This is a delicious, refreshing drink. But it is mainly made from yeast, and purchased is not always natural. At home, you can prepare another drink that will not yield to kvass in terms of palatability, but it will significantly surpass it in terms of benefits. We are talking about sea ​​rice, which is also called Indian sea rice.

Appearance and description

Sea rice is not really cereal crop as many might think. They are not even closely related to each other.

For the first time, this fungus appeared in our country after the visit of merchants from India. Outwardly, in its shape and granules, the fungus resembles highly digested rice. Apparently, it is due to this that the culture got its name.

He is officially considered the most useful representative drinking mushrooms. These translucent grains of ice were brought to Russia in the 19th century. Since he came from India, he got the appropriate name. Before us is one of the oldest cultures, which a person learned much earlier than dairy and kombucha. In addition, rice surpasses them in terms of benefits.

The grains at the initial stage of their development grow to about 5-6 millimeters in diameter, but as they grow and before dividing, they can grow up to 5 centimeters.


Before proceeding to a detailed study of this fungus and the drink obtained from it, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations, the nuances of handling Indian rice.

  • The drink has a diuretic effect, which you will begin to feel after the first use of rice kvass. But gradually the body adapts, the desire to run to the toilet so often disappears.
  • In the first two weeks, you may also experience such an unpleasant thing as diarrhea. But this is quite normal and expected, as the digestive system also gets used to the new drink. You should not be afraid of this and stop drinking the drink.
  • For a day, an adult will not be superfluous to drink 300 ml of a drink, about half an hour before a meal. Also drink it throughout the day as you wish. Children's dose is two times less.
  • There are no restrictions in terms of the duration of the use of rice infusion. Just listen to the body. He does not want to drink it, do not force it.
  • With proper care, rice can grow quickly and provide even better medicinal properties. We will talk about care separately today.
  • Be sure to follow all the recommendations for the preparation and care of rice, which we will tell you in detail.
  • Be sure to share the fungus with your friends and acquaintances. Its benefits are incredible, and the taste at the same time pleasantly pleases even capricious children.

Sea rice has its own characteristics among other fungi of the genus Zooglea


Many write that supposedly Indian sea rice is completely unsuitable for long-term storage that it will spoil in five days. Actually it is not. You just need to follow certain rules for care. And here they are.

Arm yourself with the following:

  • Filtered, unboiled water;
  • glass jar;
  • Gauze to close the neck of the jar.

As for additional products, it all depends on your individual preferences. As a rule, dried apricots, raisins, dried fruits and so on are added to rice.

And the care process is as follows:

  • Take clean, but not boiled water (you will need a good filter), as well as gauze from a pharmacy. With its help, you protect the fungus from midges and dust;
  • Rice will live in a glass jar. Plastic is not suitable here, because the culture grows poorly in such a container and multiplies very slowly;
  • Arm yourself also with a measuring cup, which will allow you to measure the amount of infusion needed for consumption;
  • After each preparation of kvass, be sure to remove the remnants of dried fruits, rinse the rice crystals properly. Without this, it will quickly disappear from you and become unsuitable for further use;
  • Rice must be stored in a glass and in the refrigerator. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

Nutritional value and calories

Indian rice really has unusual composition and related nutritional value. In culture, the following components can be distinguished:

  • Tannins;
  • Yeast-like fungi;
  • Enzymes;
  • Glucosides;
  • fatty substances;
  • organic acids and so on.

As for the calorie content, it has not yet been accurately determined. However, this dietary product, which means that there are approximately 40-100 kcal per 100 grams. There are practically no fats here.

Chemical composition

The amount of vitamins and minerals included in the composition Indian rice, largely determines such high rates of product benefits:

  • Vitamin A;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B12, B6);
  • Vitamin PP;

Beneficial features

Now we have gradually reached the beneficial properties that this product is so rich in. To be more precise, a drink made from sea rice is valued. And that's what.

  • Soothes, relieves inflammation, strengthens;
  • Fights bacteria, has anti-ulcer properties;
  • Tones up, strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes the work of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Reduces pressure;
  • Removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • Promotes recovery after a heart attack and stroke;
  • Helps to cope with ulcers, hemorrhoids, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • Recommended for the prevention of stroke, heart attack;
  • Useful for obesity;
  • Externally restores and heals the skin, sore joints, throat;
  • Normalizes the condition of the skin of the face and hair.

Harm and contraindications

Despite its harmlessness and an abundance of useful properties, a drink made from sea rice has certain contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to use it in diabetes (when a person depends on insulin);
  • Not recommended for gastritis, duodenal problems;
  • When used, an unpleasant sensation may occur in the respiratory organs (found mainly in asthmatics). Over time, the sensations disappear, the organs work normally;
  • Occasionally, a drink causes a process of reconfiguration of the digestive system and the whole organism. As a result, diarrhea, frustration. But you should not be afraid of this. The sensations are unpleasant, but this indicates the restoration of the normal functioning of the organs.

So drink wisely, don't drink too much if your body can't handle it, and don't be afraid to go to the toilet a couple of times. If the intestines go astray from their usual work after the start of drinking rice kvass, this only indicates that he is returning to healthy way functioning.


In medicine

IN medicinal purposes, as we have already noted, a drink made from sea rice is used. To feel the true benefits of this, let's say, kvass, you first need to do it right.

How to cook

You definitely will not have problems with the preparation of rice kvass. This requires a minimum of effort and ingredients.

  • Take a glass jar and put 4 tbsp. fungus.
  • Add a few grains of raisins, pour sweetened water at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. sugar per 1 liter of water.
  • Close the jar with gauze and put it in a place well lit by the sun. The best option is a window sill.
  • The drink actively develops at a temperature of 21-25 degrees. It takes two days to insist.
  • Drain the water through several layers of brand bottles.
  • Rice immediately be sure to rinse just under running water. cold water.
  • It is advisable to prepare a new portion of kvass immediately after this. Add other dried fruits of your choice.
  • It is recommended to drink the drink within 4-5 days until it loses its properties.

Medical use

Depending on what health problems you are facing, there are appropriate recommendations for drinking the drink.

  • For general strengthening of the body it is recommended to drink 250 ml of kvass per day, replacing them with tea. Take half an hour before a meal. Course - 90-120 days.
  • In order to prevent the heart and blood vessels when preparing a drink, replace raisins with dried apricots. Take 250 ml three times a day before meals. Course - 30-60 days.
  • Haemorrhoids. Faced with such a problem, make an enema from rice kvass. Mix 100-125 ml of water with 2 tbsp. drink. The procedure is carried out before going to bed. The first seven days - an enema every day, the second seven days - an enema every other day. After that, take a break for a week and a half. If necessary, repeat the course again.
  • Colds and viral diseases. Problems such as stomatitis, flu, colds, tonsillitis are treated with a warm drink, which is gargled 3 times a day. If you have a runny nose, drip kvass with a pipette.
  • Back problems, joint problems, sprains, bruises can be cured by internal application and rubbing the drink on the affected areas. Use compresses from rice drink and then wrap tightly in a woolen scarf.
  • Diabetes. Brings a drink great benefit and those who suffer from diabetes (non-insulin-dependent form). Only you need to cook kvass without dried fruits and sugar.
  • Obesity. Such a problem can leave you if you combine proper nutrition with the use of 100-250 ml of a drink from sea rice 3 times a day. There are no restrictions on the course of admission. The drink normalizes the work of digestion, stomach, fat will begin to break down more actively.

A drink made from sea rice is used to prevent and treat many ailments.

Rules of use

It should be understood that compliance with the norms for the use of a particular product is an opportunity to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm. Yes, many foods are incredibly healthy for adults and children, they give pleasure to our stomach. But if you eat or drink too much of them, it definitely won't do any good.

As for the drink from sea rice, it also has its own nuances for use.

  • You need to drink a drink 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day. But one serving should not exceed 150 ml. A person can feel changes inside the body in just 20 days. If you want, drink more, but between meals, not during.
  • If you are drinking it for medicinal purposes, then daily allowance- not less than 300 ml.
  • Adults are recommended to drink 100-150 ml three times a day. It all depends on the desire and well-being.
  • Children after 3 years - no more than 100 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Again, optional.
  • Children under 3 years - no more than 50 ml and no more than 3 times a day. Consider the desire and well-being of the child, do not force him to drink if he does not want to.
  • Be sure to listen to your body. He will make it clear whether he had enough drink for the day or not. Even if the recommended amount was not drunk during the day, and the body does not want to take it, do not drink it. Don't go against your will.
  • The duration of the course of taking a drink is an individual thing. A person himself can feel and understand when he gets tired of drinking rice kvass. But, as practice shows, the most capricious stop drinking it after 3 months, and connoisseurs of the taste and benefits of the drink do not stop drinking it for many decades.
  • The first drink from fresh rice, which you insisted for 2 days according to the recipe, has weak beneficial properties. It is more suitable for prevention. To truly grow healthy rice, be patient, make huge crystals from small rice grains. This will indicate that there are a lot of benefits from it.
  • The prepared drink is suitable for drinking the first 4-5 days. But it is recommended to drink it in the first 48 hours, when the concentration of benefits is maximum.
  • Do not leave washed rice long time jobless, so to speak. After 5 days of storage in the refrigerator, it may deteriorate, lose its properties. You can restore them, but for this you will have to make several servings of the drink again until its medicinal abilities return to it.

When losing weight

If you are looking for natural remedy, which can be used to get rid of excess weight then you found it. This is sea rice.

The presence of a special enzyme in the composition of the infusion allows you to effectively break down fats. The name of this enzyme is lipase. It is a natural ingredient for human body, which appeared from birth and is secreted by the glands throughout life.

However, the work of these glands is disrupted under the influence of various factors, ranging from heredity to poor diet. As a result, lipase is not produced, fats are not broken down, they are deposited under the skin. This is how a person puts on weight.

But if you start taking an infusion of rice, you will turn the situation inside the body in the opposite direction. Lipase will begin to flow into the body. Moreover, the amount of enzyme will be such that it can break down incoming fat, as well as fight accumulated deposits.

Due regular use rice kvass, the metabolism will return to normal, the body will begin to function more efficiently. Next comes weight loss, normalization of pressure, improved well-being, increased efficiency.

In cosmetology

In the role of a cosmetic product, rice infusion also proved to be excellent. This is a great way to take care of your skin.

It is no secret that under the influence of the environment, our skin deteriorates, is disturbed. water balance. With the help of infusion, you can tone up, refresh your face, gently cleanse pores, remove dead cells, and eliminate dangerous bacteria that accumulate on the skin.

This is the best lotion you can find today. It consists exclusively of natural components familiar to our body.

Now, on the basis of a rice drink, deodorants, rinses, and masks are being created. Also, be sure to try adding infusion while taking a bath, replacing salt with it. you will feel positive effect almost immediately.


There are absolutely no difficulties in growing sea rice. But first you need to find the source material, that is, these crystals, from which large crystals of the fungus filled with benefits will grow over time. It is sold, it can be found with friends, acquaintances, in phytopharmacies.


  • Place the fungus in a colander, rinse it under cold water;
  • It is better to use as a container three-liter jar glass, even if there is very little fungus. Be sure to sterilize the jar;
  • Now prepare the solution. For him, dilute 4 tbsp. sugar for every liter of water. Mix thoroughly to dissolve the sugar;
  • Place rice in a jar of sweetened water, add any dried fruits;
  • By covering the jar with gauze, you protect the fungus from insects and dust;
  • Insist on the windowsill, but to sunlight combined with the shadow. Do not place near heating radiators in order to speed up the fermentation process;
  • After a few days, the drink will be ready. Pour it into bottles;
  • Rinse the rice, add the ingredients again according to the infusion recipe. Experiment with different dried fruits;
  • The more of these stages of rice cooking it goes through, the larger the crystals will become. Over time, they begin to share. From a small handful of rice grains, you can grow an unlimited amount of material for preparing a drink. But only on condition proper care which we have already told you about.

It will not be long before your acquaintances and friends will ask for some Indian sea rice. In no case do not refuse them, be sure to share this useful product. With its help, you can cure many diseases, protect yourself from various diseases in the future, overcome the problem of excess weight, normalize the condition of your skin, and so on.

Sea rice is an incredible fungus that many people ignore for some reason. But it turns out an excellent drink, not inferior in taste to the world-famous kvass. Only now, in terms of the level of benefit, these two drinks do not even come close to each other.

Indian sea rice known by many names: Chinese mushroom, live rice, rice mushroom, japanese mushroom etc. This microorganism is becoming more and more popular every year: the most incredible rumors are circulating about its medicinal properties. Indeed, it has been repeatedly confirmed that Indian sea rice is able to cope even with those ailments that its famous "brothers" - tea and milk mushroom s.

Live rice owes its name to its appearance: it is a small transparent white particles, strongly reminiscent of grains of rice. To grow it at home, you only need a glass jar, a piece of gauze and filtered water.

Applications of Indian Sea Rice

A drink is prepared from it, which has the following medicinal properties:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of metabolic processes, rejuvenation and cleansing of the body;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increasing efficiency, relieving fatigue, eliminating insomnia, preventing depression;
  • strengthening of urinary processes;
  • normalization of the reproductive system of the body: improving potency in men, eliminating and preventing the formation of ovarian cysts, thrush and some other female diseases;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • prevention of the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

This is far from full list diseases in which Indian sea rice can help, because in total it cures more than a hundred diseases!

Treatment with Indian sea rice

Live rice drink is prepared as follows: in a liter cold water poured into a glass jar, completely dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar, then put 4 tablespoons of sea rice and a little dried apricots (4-5 pieces) or raisins (10-15 pieces) there. Then the container is covered with gauze and placed in a dark place. The drink will be ready in 1-2 days: draining it, you must immediately place the washed rice in sweetened water again. The resulting drink should be drunk daily, at least 300 milliliters, and then a positive result will not take long. Also good result gives external application infusion: daily wiping the skin and rinsing the hair can significantly improve their appearance and slow down the biological aging process.

Indian sea rice forms an infusion of complex chemical composition: organic acids, esters, aldehydes, alcohols, vitamins, fatty and resinous substances, glucosides, enzymes.

Due to its composition, the infusion of sea rice has the following properties:

hypotensive (reduces arterial pressure)
anti-sclerotic (prevents the development of atherosclerotic plaques)
metabolic (improves metabolism)

Various metabolic disorders (overweight, gout, atherosclerosis)
Autoimmune diseases (lupus, scleroderma)
Consequences of a stroke
Gastritis, gastroduodenitis
peptic ulcer

Sea rice infusion is recommended to drink at least 300 ml per day. The amount needed to prepare one liter of drink is 4 tablespoons. To care for Indian Sea Rice you will need: pure water, glass jar, gauze on the neck of the jar. From the products you can add sugar (optional), raisins, dried apricots, other dried fruits (optional) in small quantities.

Contraindications of Indian sea rice

But do not forget that the drink based on Indian rice has its own contraindications: it is not recommended to use it for insulin-dependent diabetics, children under three years old and pregnant women.

History of Sea Indian Rice

A drink made from this amazing “rice” was known in Russia for a long time and became widespread just when ties and trade links with Asia were strengthened. And the Russians tasted the taste of this drink much earlier than the Europeans.

An unusual view of a biologist on the history of the distribution of "marine Indian rice"

The French naturalist biologist Charles Llezon also became interested in the incomprehensible flakes-grains on which the delicious drink is insisted and tried to prove his birthright in the family of the so-called "mushrooms". He, like Shtilman, was sure that "Indian sea rice" is an older culture than kombucha and Tibetan milk mushroom. His research dates back to the beginning of the Christian era, that is, he claims that it was the culture of "sea rice" that was known then and the Romans knew it well. He proves this in a rather peculiar way, citing a well-known scene from the scripture, when a guard brings a sponge with an incomprehensible liquid to the lips of the crucified Christ, which, historians say, was soaked in vinegar ..

In my youth, reading Bulgakov's masterpiece "The Master and Margarita", I was also puzzled by the following scene: ... the hot sun, clouds of flies over the exhausted, half-dead Ha-Notsri (Jesus Christ), withered whips of hands and feet, nailed to a wooden cross, dried black blood on scabs. The sea, the abyss of torment. And yet life is a little warmer. The executioners can only kill the unfortunate out of mercy. Instead, a soulless legionnaire in a helmet sparkling in the sun, on a long spear, holds out a sponge soaked in vinegar to the parched lips of the martyr. For what? To increase the already incredible torment in order to amuse your cruel heart? Or bring the caustic fumes of vinegar to life for a moment, then to drive the cold tip into living, suffering, and not sluggishly hanging, almost lifeless flesh? It turns out not. And the Roman did not want to cause additional suffering to the dying. It was an act of mercy. He gave him the opportunity to quench his thirst with a drink that he himself drank every day. Roman legionnaires during military campaigns drank a mixture of vinegar and water, which was called "posca". This drink perfectly quenched thirst under the scorching sun of the conquered provinces and served as a means of prevention from infectious diseases. "Poska" eased the suffering of Christ, and did not multiply his torment, as Bulgakov believed, and with him many pundits. However, this is true. From time immemorial, the Romans have been making vinegar from grapes, figs, and some varieties of barley. The recipes for the preparation of these three types of vinegar are given in an extensive work dating back to 50 AD. and dedicated to the management of the economy and agriculture "De re rustica" ("About agriculture"), the author of which was Columella Lucius Julius Moderatus, a Roman writer and agronomist. By the end of his life, he expanded his work to 12 volumes, one of his manuscripts is in the public library in St. Petersburg.
So the French biologist claims that “posca” is the infusion of “sea Indian rice”, and not a mixture of vinegar and water, as historians say. And he found proof of it.

What Diseases Does Indian Sea Rice Treat?

The healing properties of this mushroom are amazing - there is a lot of evidence that it can cure a lot of diseases. The infusion can not only alleviate, but also cure polyarthritis. It lowers blood sugar, and even insulin-dependent patients may well count on alleviating the disease. Apply this "healing rice" and lupus, and multiple sclerosis. Treats the infusion of this fungus and a whole bunch of endocrine diseases.
How not to confuse Indian sea rice (rice mushroom) with Tibetan milk mushroom:

Rice fungus is grains that look very similar to sago groats - both in shape and color. Milk mushroom - more like white or creamy white pieces of coral.

How to grow rice mushroom

A jar of Indian sea rice is best placed in a wall cabinet where it is dry enough, moderately warm and there are no direct sun rays. A tablespoon of mushroom is usually poured into 0.5 liters of clean drinking water. Be sure to feed him - throw a handful of raisins, a few pieces of dried apricots. The mushroom will eat for two days. On the evening of the second day, the infusion should be carefully drained through a gauze so as not to miss the grains and in the same gauze, rinse large grains with cool water. Pour the washed grains again with water in a jar, add raisins or dried apricots.
This infusion can already be drunk, although it is still very weak. But in preventive purposes he plays his role very well.

Indian sea rice, rice mushroom, sea mushroom, indian mushroom, Chinese mushroom, Japanese mushroom, Chinese sea mushroom, Indian rice, live rice - this is an incomplete list of the names of the same microorganism, which has been actively used in folk medicine for many centuries to heal many diseases. Although among the people both sea rice and its well-known relatives - Tibetan milk mushroom and kombucha - are usually referred to as mushrooms, in fact they are zoogles - special mucous formations that occur when certain types of bacteria stick together, for example, a film formed during fermenting wine, vinegar or beer. Compared to Tibetan and kombucha, Indian sea rice is considered the most ancient and most healing, for which it is called "living medicine".

Video instruction on the care of a "live" drink

In their appearance, "flakes" of sea rice resemble boiled rice grains 2-5 mm in diameter, transparent ice or "something like frog caviar, only white in color." Apparently, the marine “mushroom” owes its name to the external resemblance to rice. True, unlike ordinary rice, sea rice is not eaten, but drunk as a drink that tastes like slightly carbonated kvass. Interestingly, depending on what the mushroom is fed with, kvass can acquire different flavors.

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Indian sea rice and its beneficial properties

Sea rice infusion with its palpable therapeutic effect owes content huge amount useful and indispensable substances for the body. As a result of fermentation, "rice" infusion acquires a complex chemical composition with a unique complex of useful compounds: glucuronic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids, several types of yeast-like microorganisms and fungi, vitamins C and D, tannins, enzymes accelerating and stimulating the course of biochemical reactions in the body (lipase, amylase, protease), coenzyme Q10 ( powerful antioxidant), polysaccharides, aldehydes, glucosides, alkaloids, several types of acetic acid bacteria, fat-like substances, organic acids. It is both a "live" product and a medicine, medicinal properties which have been confirmed by numerous scientific research.

  • Indian sea rice removes poisons and toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism and restores work internal organs.
  • Regular intake of Indian rice infusion helps to remove salts and toxins from the body, as well as sand and stones from the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Slows down development oncological diseases.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Strengthens and restores nervous system.
  • Due to the complex external and internal use, it has a beneficial effect on the body with arthritis, sciatica and rheumatism.
  • At inflammatory diseases respiratory tract can replace antibiotics.
  • It cleanses the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes the acidity of the stomach.
  • Relieves fatigue, improves well-being and mood, increases endurance and performance.
  • Is wonderful natural remedy for weight loss, because it contains enzymes that promote the active breakdown and removal of fats from the body.
  • Live rice not only increases the overall tone of the body, but also improves sexual function in men and women.
  • Sea rice infusion is an excellent natural remedy for skin and hair care. It perfectly tones and refreshes the skin, helps to smooth fine wrinkles, has a slight tightening effect, and at the same time has a cosmetic and healing effect. Infusion of Indian rice very delicately and gently cleanses the skin, restoring its natural acid-base balance. Rinsing the hair with infusion of sea rice strengthens them and restores their natural healthy shine.

This list is far from complete. Indian rice infusion is used for the prevention and treatment of a very wide range of diseases. It can be used both independently and in combination with other means. traditional medicine V therapeutic purposes or as a health tonic drink.

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Preparation and use of a healing drink

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How to cook "live" kvass

In a glass liter jar we place 4 tbsp. clean washed sea rice and 10-15 raisins. Seedless raisins can be replaced with dried apricots, apples, pears, prunes, figs and any other dried fruits. Separately, we prepare a sugar solution: 3 tbsp. sugar pour a liter of unboiled cold filtered drinking water. Sugar must be completely dissolved in water! If grains of sugar get on the "rice" grains, the fungus can get sick. Pour the sea rice placed in a jar with the finished sugar solution. From above we cover the jar with several layers of medical gauze, which will protect the drink from insects. In summer we insist for one day, in winter - for two.

One person received in liter jar the infusion is just enough for two days. To prepare an infusion of sea rice for the whole family, it is better to use a three-liter jar. The dosage of ingredients in this case will be as follows:

  • 8 tablespoons of Indian rice;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar;
  • dried fruits.

To give the drink a brown color, you can add one black and one white cracker fried until black.

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Rules for the use of a healing agent

Accept healing drink should be three times a day, 100-150 ml 10-20 minutes before meals (in the allotted time, it will not only be absorbed, but also significantly improve digestion), or between meals. In the first days, a strong diuretic effect of the infusion may appear, therefore it is recommended to start with small doses (50 ml), gradually increasing to 100-150 ml during the week. In some cases, in the first days of admission, symptoms of “restructuring” of the body may also appear, which you should not be afraid of, because they indicate that sea rice has begun to cleanse and restore the body. People, as a rule, notice the first positive changes in their well-being after about a month of regular intake: the headache goes away, blood pressure normalizes, radiculitis pain disappears, sand begins to leave the body, work improves gastrointestinal tract, performance increases. The minimum treatment course is three months.

Sea rice should be treated as a living organism - a healing pet. The first drink made from the brought rice will still be very weak. To get drunk healing power It will take time, your attention and care. By self-growing sea rice at home, you provide yourself and your family with affordable and cheap, but very effective tool to maintain and restore health, which, unlike synthetic drugs, is absolutely safe and harmless to humans. However, sea rice also has a number of contraindications: doctors do not recommend using the infusion for people with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, as well as those suffering from peptic ulcers 12 duodenal ulcer and stomach.

I mean kombucha and rice mushroom. The first is the most famous, although if you remember the 50-60s, it was much more popular and more in demand as original taste product. During these years, in our rather remote village, although in the Moscow region, kombucha stood, if not in every house, then in very many, and the choice was limited solely by a shortage of sugar.

Few people thought about the healing properties of this mushroom. People of the current generation are completely or almost completely unaware of kombucha, its cultivation technology and properties, especially healing ones, which they are unaware of. This is especially true for rice mushrooms. In fairness, it should be recalled that there is another type of mushroom that can be used in healing - this is Tibetan milk mushroom. But this species is still so little common in our practice that it is too early to talk about it in a broad sense, although this direction in fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms) is currently being developed. Today we will talk about the two mushrooms already mentioned - tea and rice.

Tea mushroom

Kombucha was widely cultivated back in Tsarist Russia, and its appearance is associated with proximity to the Chinese border and rather close relations between Russia and China. Hence and former name- Manchurian mushroom, but some believe that it appeared in Russia after the Russo-Japanese War, which is why they called it Japanese sponge or Japanese. However, this mushroom had a number of other names, in particular, sea mushroom, Volga mushroom and even tea kvass.

Interestingly, both kombucha and Indian sea rice spread to Europe at the same time, with the latter arousing the greatest interest.
It is also interesting that the biology of kombucha is associated not with one type of yeast (and yeast is also a fungus), but with a complex of acetic acid bacteria. That is why the spectrum is biologically active substances kombucha is unusually wide, which allows it to be used for medicinal purposes.
After Kombucha acquired a “registration” in Russia, it was noticed among the broad masses of the people that its infusion, when taken orally, cures furunculosis, alleviates the condition with, has a beneficial effect on neurasthenia, gastrointestinal diseases relieves swelling. Characteristically, the stomach pains were gone or significantly weakened just a few minutes after taking it. Then it turned out that the infusion of kombucha has a beneficial effect on, while significantly decreasing blood pressure improved general condition.
Patients took an infusion of the fungus 3 times a day, 100-150 ml.

I personally had to repeatedly observe how in people suffering, literally two days after irrigation or rinsing oral cavity 5-6 times a day the disease passed.

To enrich with vitamin C, you just need to add chilled to water to infuse the mushroom. room temperature rosehip decoction:
2 tbsp. crush the spoons of rose hips, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 2 hours, cool and pour into a 3-liter jar with mushroom infusion.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is available in the form of thiamine chloride or thiamine bromide (in ampoules or tablets), they need to enrich the infusion of the fungus at the rate of 5 mg of the vitamin per 1 liter of the infusion of the fungus. With daily intake - 0.5 l - the amount of thiamine will be 2.5 mg, this is the daily norm.

At the same time, an enriched weekly infusion of the fungus was used, taking it 100 ml 4-5 times a day before meals. You need to drink the infusion for 1 month, then take a 10-day break and repeat the monthly intake.

But kombucha produces the most unexpected effect on the body on. Men should keep this in mind. In any case, the systematic intake of the infusion of this fungus in half a glass 3 times a day before meals and at night significantly normalized urological parameters, the feeling of discomfort passed, the urge to urinate appeared much less often, and emptying was more complete. True, in this case it is preferable to take flower pollen(which is collected by bees) 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals, and you need to keep the pollen under at least 10 minutes until it resolves.

Kombucha cultivation technology

If you have relatives or friends who grow kombucha, take them "for divorce" thin pancake, and these are several layers of the mushroom, and ask them to take patronage on this issue. For the rest, I will briefly describe how to cultivate kombucha.

do it first preparatory work. To do this, pour half a three-liter jar with warm boiled water, place a thin film of kombucha and leave it there to adapt for 1 day. It is not necessary to feed the mushroom at this time.

After a day, place the mushroom in water solution(boiled water) of the following content: brew, cool it. Dilute to medium strength and add granulated sugar in a ratio of 1:20. This means that pour 150 g of sugar into a three-liter jar. Completely dissolve, place the prepared mushroom in the resulting solution.

A barely noticeable colorless film that forms after 3-4 days will tell you about the state of the fungus. If everything goes well, after about a week, gray colonies will appear on the surface of the fungus, and soon these colonies will merge and form a common leathery film. At good care The film will constantly grow and at the same time exfoliate. New, young layers of a lighter color are located on top, and the lower ones become dark in color, from which untidy flakes in the form of tatters hang down. In a month, the film will reach a thickness of 1.5 mm.

You need to feed the mushroom twice a week with sweet tea with a sugar concentration of 5-8 percent. The infusion is considered ripe after 7-10 days. Once a month, you need to spend a “sanitary” day for the mushroom. Why rinse it in warm boiled water and fill it with a new nutrient solution. Taste and healing properties appear only in mature infusion. If the infusion slightly tingles the tongue, it is ready for use, but if it stings strongly, then for use it must be diluted with warm boiled water 2-3 times.

Sea Indian Rice

Sea rice (sometimes called sea mushroom or rice mushroom) attracted the attention of not only lovers of this drink, healers, but also official medicine In any case, I know the data on the study of the healing properties of sea rice at the Medical Institute in Moscow. Studies have shown its high antibacterial activity. Was even singled out antibacterial drug jellyfish. Other healing properties of sea rice have also been officially established: primarily wound healing and anti-cholesterol. Thus, sea rice is not an invention, not a fantasy of exotic lovers, but a delicious, healing and healing drink available for home conditions.

There is evidence that the Russians ate the infusion of Indian sea rice ahead of the Europeans, and it entered Russia from the East. Sea Indian rice, however, is much less common in Russia, and its medicinal properties have also been studied insufficiently in comparison with kombucha. Nevertheless, folk healing has gained experience in its use for the treatment of certain diseases.

First, people who consumed Indian sea rice infusion noticed a significant improvement general condition at , and the level of sugar decreased markedly. There is information about the positive effect of this infusion in polyarthritis. Frankly, one hundred percent cure is hardly possible, but the relief of the patient's condition with this insidious disease is also not bad. Deserves attention positive action infusion of Indian sea rice in case of a serious illness - but somehow I don’t want to trust people in this. Obviously, the use of this infusion is necessary in combination with other drugs traditionally used in the treatment of this disease, for example, with Datiscan or itself. medicinal plant Danish.

Technology of cultivation of sea Indian rice

The cultivation of sea Indian rice should begin from the preparatory period.

For sourdough, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rice and pour 0.5 l boiled water room temperature. In sourdough, rice is alive and needs food, so add a handful of dried fruits to the water: raisins and dried apricots. Insist rice in this form for 2 days. And already on the third day in the morning, drain the infusion through gauze, rinse the grains of rice remaining on it with boiled cool water, then, just as in the first case, pour them with water and add raisins and dried apricots, put for infusion. Rice grows fast enough, the division of rice occurs in 3-10 days, it all depends on the care of it.

First of all, rice should be regularly changed water, at least 2 times a week, preferably every 3 days.

God forbid you leave the rice dry. That's it, he'll disappear right away. If rice is divided, then it is renewed. Therefore, he can live long enough, even more than one year. But rice is quite fastidious: suddenly, it would seem, for no reason at all, the infusion becomes cloudy and soon turns into a slimy mass. It’s more expensive to restore his health, so it’s better to get new rice, that is, take new starter. It is interesting that rice breeding innovators instead of an aquatic environment give it milk, in which it multiplies well, but, according to experts, in this case it becomes even more picky, it can quickly get sick, and, most importantly, rice loses its healing properties in a dairy environment. .

An important question: where to get the leaven? My acquaintances personally brought the starter from St. Petersburg, they say that there is a fungotherapy center in the city where you can buy it. But I know there are Indian lovers rice mushroom both in Moscow and other cities, for example, in Tver.

candidate of biological sciences.
